ROLEPLAY What is YOUR grumble things that bug you when they're done wrong or not realistic in a roleplay?

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That youtube short made me laugh so much I decided to make a topic for it. 😂 I FOR SURE have never actually thought about realistic saddle riding when it comes to stories and rps. So this was a fun new fact to tack up in my brainmeats that I'm now going to apply in the future. XD

What are some facts and realistic things that make YOU cringe a little bit when you see them wrong in a story or roleplay? Does it matter to you at all or can you graze past it when the story is good?

I def ignore factually wrong things when I am loving the story, cause sometimes you're vibing and it just whips past you. I'm having a hard time thinking about ones that make me UGH besides sex scene biology related stuff, though. 🤔 Like the stuff you cant do to a vagina or you'd kill the girl, damn. XD

What are some facts and realistic things that make YOU cringe a little bit when you see them wrong in a story or roleplay? Does it matter to you at all or can you graze past it when the story is good?
I largely RP and write to get ideas out and escape reality, so I don't really mind unrealistic things so long as it makes sense for the story in question. Aliens having straight up magic in hard sci-fi? Irksome. Aliens having magic in a setting with vampires who made a magitech empire thousands of years ago and use the spin of galaxies to power their ships infinitely (Vampire Hunter D)? Perfectly acceptable.
People who genuinely think that the whole Mudcore Fantasy vibe/aesthetic is somehow "more realistic" than other styles are the sort of people who've never read a history book in their adult life, and deserve to be bludgeoned with books on life in Medieval Europe.

People who try to write "realistic" fight scenes who very clearly have never been in a fight or trained any form of combat sport/martial arts.

I think that's the sticking point. There's nothing wrong with going hogwild and suspending your disbelief to do cool things in fiction, but if you're making a big deal about how "realistic" what you're doing is? Have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
My biggest pet peeve is just children in general, and not just RPing, children in media too. Just... Too often they're written in a way that's horribly incompatible with their stated age (I work with children).
I can only think of two things, and they're both related to vaginas.

The concept of a 'loose' vagina during sex is weird, especially when it's treated as a bad thing. Maybe what I know is outdated, but... 'loose' generally happens with arousal, which is a good thing. Sorry my dudes, but your dick will never permanently mangle a vagina. They're made to stretch while giving birth, and no penis can hold a candle to the girth of a baby's head. So a 'loose' vagina does not mean 'a lot of sexual partners'. In any regard, someone's natural body changes should never be shamed.

And shower sex is a fucking awful idea. Water is not a lubricant. It washes away the body's natural lube and makes the vagina dry. I actually had a bit of an argument with a friend over this, who insisted water is fine because a lot of lubes are "water based". I wanted to shake him. I'm sure there's people out there who still enjoy it, but I wince every time the shower is mentioned for anything more than foreplay.

All generally speaking, of course. Everyone's body is different, but I feel these two things are huge misconceptions for the sake of sexy writing.

Another smaller irk of mine are people who will do and say anything to avoid typing the words vagina, vulva, penis, etc... A little variety never hurt anyone, but good god if you're too embarrassed to call them what they are please reevaluate if you're ready to write about sex. Special mention goes to "vajayjay", "kitty", and "hoo-ha".

(I'm sure I have some non-sex related grumbles, but apparently this is my theme of the day.)
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My biggest pet peeve is just children in general, and not just RPing, children in media too. Just... Too often they're written in a way that's horribly incompatible with their stated age (I work with children).

AAAAHHHH you unlocked one for me that I forgot about! 😂 I've spent my whole life babysitting kids at every age level, so it bugs me when they have these super intelligent independent 3 year olds or 8/9 year olds that sound like toddlers. Cause you can get super smart or advanced kids but they're not they way peeps seem to think they are O_O especially when it comes to vocabulary and the way they're thinking/problem solving.
When a character gets seriously injured and they just...walk it off. Or they're fine within a day. It immediately breaks the immersion for me 😂
My biggest pet peeve is just children in general, and not just RPing, children in media too. Just... Too often they're written in a way that's horribly incompatible with their stated age (I work with children).

AAAAHHHH you unlocked one for me that I forgot about! 😂 I've spent my whole life babysitting kids at every age level, so it bugs me when they have these super intelligent independent 3 year olds or 8/9 year olds that sound like toddlers. Cause you can get super smart or advanced kids but they're not they way peeps seem to think they are O_O especially when it comes to vocabulary and the way they're thinking/problem solving.
Exactly! People have this vague idea of what children are like, but they put them all in the same bag, from 2 yr olds to 12 and it's frustrating!!!
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Height differences. I've seen it a lot that some smol character can suddenly reach the very tippy top of a very tall person's head. Usually when they are standing too. Like does the short person have Stretch Armstrong arms or what?

*The horse video annoys me XD! Being a person who grew up around horses and a father that broke them, I know a lot about how horses work and American Saddles work, English ones ehh a little*
I had to think really hard about this and whether or not there's anything that actually seriously bugs me that people do xD
And either I cannot think of anything or I am just a very agreeable person LOL

I'm probably guilty of many of the things mentioned here in this thread. Though I definitely do try to do my research on any subject, whatever subject it is that I'm writing about! (The amount of random ass science I have learned to write scientists and the random musical knowledge I have because I write musicians, I sweeaaaaar)... but it's all fiction and fantasy and if there are mistakes, eh... whatever 🤣 I'll roll with it
As long as we're having fun!
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Not having a defined role is a common one. I find most go too broad. You're a warrior, K. But what sort of warrior? You know 10 forms of martial arts and have mastered or are competent in 14 weapons all at the age of 18? Great, you are a jack of all and master. So you don't play any role in roleplaying, good to know.
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I had to think really hard about this and whether or not there's anything that actually seriously bugs me that people do xD
And either I cannot think of anything or I am just a very agreeable person LOL

I'm probably guilty of many of the things mentioned here in this thread. Though I definitely do try to do my research on any subject, whatever subject it is that I'm writing about! (The amount of random ass science I have learned to write scientists and the random musical knowledge I have because I write musicians, I sweeaaaaar)... but it's all fiction and fantasy and if there are mistakes, eh... whatever 🤣 I'll roll with it
As long as we're having fun!
As someone who plays two giants, this one is common. I now send height comparison images to help people comprehend.
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I think for me, it's similar to Lyrikai, either I can't think of any, or I just don't have pet peeves. From my perspective, these stories are all coming from our minds, so nothing, technically, has to be realistic (at least, if you're writing with me, I don't care too much on realism) I do occasionally do my research on things, for example, marine species or sex and smut related things. I guess I'm very lenient when it comes to realism… or none at all
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So, mine involved combat, specifically the flail. Its a lot of battles, people "wrap" the chain of the flail around a sword, and somehow the sword wielder wrenches the flail away from their opponent.

Flail were historically used as shock weapons, most from horseback though not always. There effectiveness in close range combat is minimiual as they pose as much damage to a fighter's allies and the flighter as the opponent. Generally, they were used on the "charge" to break down a few opponents and dropped for a more reliable weapon, such as an axe, yes, Arming Sword were not the popular close combat weapon people thing. Anywho, a flail user wouldn't ever "wrap" their weapon around another person's and if they did, they generally have two hands on their weapon, and not 1 like thier opponent. I have some training with medieval weapons, and I use a flail often enough. Trust me, very few people are wrenching it from my grip... Okay, rant over - this has happened to me at least a dozen times in roleplays or stories I've edited for people, so, it is a pet peeve.

*Steps off Soap Box*
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the depiction of mental health in roleplays because they often depict it in an almost comical way that trivializes the actual symptoms and invalidates the people who have these illnesses into mere caricatures.
  • tsundere ≠ bipolar
  • perfectionist/clean-freak ≠ ocd
  • introvert ≠ antisocial
  • doing something slightly different ≠ psychotic
i hope people make some research first before using these terms in their writing, it doesn't hurt to be educated and kind ^^
This is hyper specific, but there is one thing that will make me stop what I'm doing and rant at anyone unfortunate enough to be in range.

Specifically in Sci-fi, sans fantasy elements, the use of the 'we don't know what this is, the material isn't on the periodic table of elements' trope without a ridiculously good reason.

Get bent, lazy turd writers. Is it stable? Does the thing exist for more than fractions of a fraction of a second? Then it's made of stuff on the stinking table, because that's how atoms work! The sheer amount of 'go to heck fartsniffer, you can't make me exist' that would come with something off the current table basically requires a thing to be fantasy.
Same assassin pet peeve as others. When they're talented at multiple fight styles, know magic, have special blood, are leaders of 5 guilds with wildly different philosophies and lifestyles, and complain about saving the world while being wooed by a grumpy jarl.
Like...Just pick one thing that's their thing. It's too much! It's boring and OP and confusing.

Also agree with the whole mortally wounded but cured after a day of bedrest. Make them SUFFER! Then they can walk...
It's not the biggest deal but since I love worldbuilding, a pretty big fantasy (and fantasy RP) trope that always bugs me is how currency or the economy works. A lot of people and franchises have coins or something similar just be... straight up gold. The sort of coin that the common man never sees and is like a month's worth of salary historically.

A pint at the inn? One gold. A nice shirt? 100 gold. A nice sword? 1000 gold, and you better have a bag of holding, because gold is heavy! That gold necklace? 500 gold, and that necklace only weighs the same amount as five gold. That poor, destitute peasant compensating you for finding his farming tool? Your reward is ten gold pieces!

It's especially bad when people still make out gold to be valuable, but if gold is as abundant as water than that's an annoying paradox and your medieval fantasy economy is going to implode under the weight of inflation. >:[

Fixing it is pretty easy, too. The answer is replacing gold with silver or even copper!

/rant over
Ok I like to think I'm pretty chill and I'm here for the nerdy story ride, right?

One thing that does usually break my focus is when very different characters, each presumably with a very different "voice," all use the same very specific catch phrases/lingo that the actual writer uses irl. Worse yet if it's lingo that's out of place as hell for a character.

Think of it like a "Kowabunga dude!" Across characters, settings, eras, worlds, threads, etc. from characters who might have nothing to do with anything connected to the lingo, in culture, experience, or personality, etc.

I know I must generate other people's peeves, too, so in calling this one out, I'm fully accepting of that (and receptive to thoughtful mention of any).

It's not the biggest deal but since I love worldbuilding, a pretty big fantasy (and fantasy RP) trope that always bugs me is how currency or the economy works. A lot of people and franchises have coins or something similar just be... straight up gold. The sort of coin that the common man never sees and is like a month's worth of salary historically.

A pint at the inn? One gold. A nice shirt? 100 gold. A nice sword? 1000 gold, and you better have a bag of holding, because gold is heavy! That gold necklace? 500 gold, and that necklace only weighs the same amount as five gold. That poor, destitute peasant compensating you for finding his farming tool? Your reward is ten gold pieces!

It's especially bad when people still make out gold to be valuable, but if gold is as abundant as water than that's an annoying paradox and your medieval fantasy economy is going to implode under the weight of inflation. >:[

Fixing it is pretty easy, too. The answer is replacing gold with silver or even copper!

/rant over
Your rant is SUPER amazing!