POLL what season were you born in?

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what season were you born in?

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pink-haired megane
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hey there, im back with another poll! what season were you born in? i live in a tropical country, so we dont really experience the dramatic seasonal changes, but i'm still super curious to hear about your experiences as a spring baby, summer baby, autumn baby, or winter baby!
  • spring babies (born between march and may) - what was it like emerging into the world as nature was waking up? did you get to frolic in fields of blooming flowers and feel that sense of renewal and rebirth? or was it more like a wet, muddy mess that had you longing for summer?
  • summer babies (born between june and august) - i can only imagine the joy of long, sunny days, splashing in pools or oceans, and having the ultimate birthday party weather. but did the heat ever get a bit too intense? let me know if you loved or loathed those sweltering summer months!
  • autumn babies (born between september and november) - im picturing you kicking through piles of fallen leaves and bundling up in cozy sweaters. was the crisp air and explosion of colors everything it's cracked up to be? or did you dread the impending cold fronts?
  • winter babies (december through february) - you really drew the short straw, didnt you? freezing temps, icy roads, the worst weather for an outdoor birthday bash. but i bet playing in the snow and getting cozy by the fire had its charms too!
so, let's hear it: what was the best and worst part about being born in your season? any funny stories or seasonal traditions you want to share?
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Depending on which half of the world I am I am either a summer or a winter baby (July).

I don't enjoy summer, they're too hot and humid from where I am and the sun stays up too long, if it goes down at all (which is awful when you have work the next day). I do enjoy all the fun activities and festivals that get planned during summer!

Weatherwise I prefer winter, even if I am sensitive to the cold. It gives me an excuse to layer up. I don't enjoy how short the days tend to be, in which you feel that you don't see the sun at all (especially when working). The few festival and activities that are organised during winter are also some of the cosiest in my opinion, which I enjoy a lot more.
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I am a summer child and sadly, I hate the sun with a thousand angry hates. 😂 My body has never been able to regulate heat, even when I was a kid. So in the summer time I get over heated and just feel overall sluggish and miserable. I get the Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer season, AND because of some body afflictions and medications, my skin doesn't react well to the sun. I'm basically allergic.


BUT BUT BUT, I love swimming SO MUCH. I could be outside in a pool all day every day! Summer is really the only time you can do that! Give me a body of water and some shade and I am content.
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I am an autumn baby!

I remember I used to be sooooo jealous of my sister (who was born in July) because she got to have a lot of outdoor pool parties for her birthday! Cuz... it was summer. It was warm out. It was the season for swimming.
Meanwhile I was born in October when it starts getting cold out and, when I was a kid, I'd cry sometimes because it was too cold to have pool parties or go outside for my birthday 😂 I just didn't understand seasons and weather back then LOL
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