You Weren't Supposed To See That (Superhero Original Plot)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Fantasy (High, Low, Modern, Any), Romance, Supernatural Creatures, Fairytale Retellings, Mythological, Heroes' Journeys, Fandom (Bioware Games). Open to Trying Different Genres.
Hello, friends! Tinder's back on the prowl with a pair of fantasy plots because fantasy is life. I've been craving some plots with mythical beasties lately and these ideas in particular have been on my brain so I'm hoping to find some homes for them.

But before we get to that though, let's take care of the other business.

Friendly Guidelines:

  • Length - I would like you be able to post three paragraphs at minimum (in terms of the writing scale on here Adept or higher). As a rule, I prefer quality over quantity, but I like a decent amount of detail in posts such as what's going on around our characters, what your character is thinking or feeling, etc. It makes reading and responding more fun. I can post anything from three paragraphs to a small book depending on the point in roleplay because I'm longwinded I like writing detailed posts.
  • Grammar – Grammar is the bane of many people's existence including my own. That being said, I would prefer you have a solid understanding of the beast. Mistakes will happen, I'm not looking for perfection, but I would like to see some effort here. In turn I will give you the same. Also use the third person please.
  • Activity – I'm a slow writer and my life can go from relaxed to crazy in the span of a day. My personal speed is a post a week or every other week, sometimes longer depending on so very many factors. I can work with all kinds of posting speeds, but just know going in I'll need to take my time. You're always free to send me a reminder if it's been awhile, just don't make it every day.
  • Dropping – Yep, we're going there. It is perfectly okay to drop a roleplay with me whether it be because life got in the way, your dog ate your post, or you just lost interest in the roleplay. I only ask that you be willing to tell me you're dropping out. You don't need to tell me why if that makes you uncomfortable, just don't leave me hanging. I won't be angry or bitter. Maybe a little sad depending on my investment in the plot, but that's okay. I promise to do the same for you.
  • Plotting – I am a planner. I love to world build and brainstorm scenes in advanced. I'll also comment on my characters, your characters, the npcs, and their cats because that's how I get myself invested in a plot. I know that some people prefer to just start the roleplay and go (it's not impossible for me to do so), but it's just in my nature to try and plan out the next step and keep building the background material as we go. So I would love it if you would be willing to chat about our ideas ahead of time. We wouldn't be making a comprehensive outline or anything, just bouncing ideas back and forth while we go. Note: those ideas will continue to evolve as we go so don't think that we're bound by a plan made earlier in the roleplay. Rewriting and refining characters is something I love to do.

Extra Note: I may ask for a writing sample if there isn't one on your roleplay. Please note that I don't mean to judge your writing or anything, I only mean to be sure our styles match as I have found that that can make or break a partnership.

On to me, because I love to drag out these things for as long as I can.

Warning Label:

  • Chatting – Getting to know my partners is half the fun of starting a new roleplay, so feel free to chat about anything with me. Got a new obsession, a ridiculous story or two, dreams, plots to dominate the world? Go ahead and share away. I'd be glad to listen and share some of my own.
  • Characters – I enjoy playing both men and women equally, though which one I play usually depends on the plot and my mood. Regardless, I will always add in a colorful cast of side characters to flesh out the story and would ask that you be able to do to the same. It only takes two to tango, but we're writing a story not dancing. I have no idea why you'd confuse the two.
  • Romance – I don't do smut. Kissing and actions with clothing still on (more or less) are fine, but nothing explicit. I'm willing to do fade-to-black if you're a red star maybe even fudge the lines a little bit, but that's as far as I'm willing to go as of now. What would make me especially happy is someone who is willing to get the romance going a little faster. This isn't to say I want our characters proclaiming their undying love for each other after a day, but I'd rather not have to wait for several months' worth of conflict to pass before there's even a hint of a relationship. I have nothing against slow burns, I've just had rotten luck with most of them failing before they get off the ground. If we could meet somewhere in the middle, that would make me very happy.
  • Violence - I'm not bothered by violence or gore, so bring on the bloody stumps and what not. If you've got any issues with it, please let me know. I can get a little carried away at times…
  • Language – Swearing is totally fine, so long as it's not every other word out of your character's mouth. There is a difference between punctuation and cussing.

Any additional questions you have are probably answered on my profile or you can just ask me! Anyway you survived the boring stuff so we can move on to the fun bits.

You Weren't Supposed to See That

  • Civilian x Supervillain (MxM)
Set in a world of superheroes and their villains, there is one villain who has cemented his place as the arch nemesis of the local hero. In order to maintain his cover, he rents out a rundown apartment where he poses as a blue collar worker (or whatever other mundane cover you can think of). His neighbors leave him alone and he does the same for them. Across the hall there's a man about the same age working his way through college, living the ordinary life the villain pretends to have. The two have seen each other in passing, but never spoken.

That is until one night when the villain runs into his neighbor late at night. The villain was returning from a fight with the hero which had gone south and left him wounded. Still in costume but lacking his mask, he believes his neighbor recognizes his face. He quickly pulls the neighbor aside to threaten him, only to discover his neighbor hadn't seen a thing until then but was willing to keep his secret. From there, it's a journey of hijinks and awkward feelings arising as the pair find themselves seeing far more of each other than they originally intended.

I'm looking for a supervillain for this one and as usual the character is entirely in your hands. However. I'd like to keep the romance on the sweeter side, so my only requests is that your villain be of your own creation and more or less sane. I'm not really interested in a Joker/Harley Quinn situation here, so I'd rather your character's reasons for villainy not have to do with complete insanity that might lead to an abusive or toxic relationship. Other than that, we'll create the world and rules together. The emphasis will be on the relationship, but I love me some action so don't think that we'll be ignoring that. We'll have more than a few twists and turns on the ride to spice things up.

If this plot sounds like a fun time for you, then feel free to PM me. ^^
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  • Love
Reactions: Gossip
Back with one other plot. Please be sure to read through everything and contact me if this sounds like something you'd like. ^^