CHARACTERS EXERCISE Your character does an interview...

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern


Get to know your character better with these questions. Answer in any POV you see fit, and feel free to skip questions that you feel are irrelevant. You can also go back and answer previous questions you missed. Post your answers below!

Will be updated semiweekly (depending on interest).

INTERVIEW #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Last edited:
how would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
Umm well i wear a vest and a shirt and sometimes shorts... Thats kinda it

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
My Halo the thing allows me to travel universes but I like to halo hop around Enya its a ton of fun
3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
Purple and I'm not to obsessed
4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
I do have a single pet its a slime cat named Kate she talks and is kinda goofy but she is cool
5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
Commite domestic terrorism duh... Nah I'm joking...This time but I would probably insult them back
6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
I have dove deodorant
7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
I would probably help them
8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
Every side...Back,side,stomach its all fair game!
10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
Me drinking a shirly temple with my best friend

This is obvious but I'm doing the questions from the perspective of my OC mint))
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Character interview: Adam O'Neil
p2f6c3.jpg (placeholder image)
Age: 37
Occupation: School counselor
Heigh: 6'1
Weight: 98kg


"I know this is a dream. You don't exist."

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?

Good way to break the ice, you've done this before, haven't you? You don't have to answer that.
I don't follow trends. Trends by nature come and go, which is good for people who like change. I work with people who need comfort, and familiarity is comforting. I tend to dress in business causal. Reading glasses, jeans on cold days or regular pants on warm days. Button up shirt with one tone colors, usually something neutral like white or grey. I tend to avoid black shirts, they have a negative connotation for some. During winter I sport some stereotypical cardigan sweaters accompanied by long brown or black leather jackets. My shoes are formal with no visible brand during work hours, I take care to spent good money to ensure longevity and water resistance. No, they aren't comfortable in the slightest. They are mostly to keep up with appearances. In my free time I wear regular sneakers with memory foam.

2. What is your preferred method of transportation?

Bus. They are fairly consistent. Better then my hometown that's for sure. I own a bike too, green mountain trail bike to be exact! Bought it straight from the shop. She's a beauty. Mint condition despite buying it years ago, but my general burnout and overtime prevent me from riding it on the regular.............. or at all........

3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?

Is grey a color? I know black isn't.... I guess I like grey..... To be more exact: yes, I like grey. I find it easy to look at, but I wouldn't call myself obsessed with it. I control my obsessions fairly well.

4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?

I've had a pet, not anymore. Brown female lab, well trained and fed. I looked for her in my apartment when the riots happened and the front door was wide opened, place was ransacked.... she wasn't there.

Thats not what you asked though...
No. I don't have any pets anymore. I can't look for her, It's not safe outside.... next question?

5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?

I do not associate with people who insult me on purpose. But if hypothetically I've been insulted by a client, friend or coworker I would reassert my boundaries and make my case on why I find it insulting. But not everyone is willing to change their minds, and I understand that. Sometimes the best course of action is to not engage and carry on. If a friend insulted me, then it's my problem more than theirs that I found it insulting. So communication is key in that department so resentment doesn't fester and ruin a friendship.
The inflection on the word "friend" suggests to me this person you are mentioning is not so friendly. My true friends value communication so this type of situation rarely happens, if at all.

6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?

Yes I do. Gentlemans: givenchy bottom shelf perfume. Masks the scent of cigarette smoke. I am bad at describing smells, but gun to my head... hmm... I'd say it smells like a mixure of cola flavored bubblegum and dandelion... does that make sense?

7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?

I like that question. Let me think about it....
If I caught him and he passed, I'd ask him for tips on how to cheat on a particular subject.
If he failed, I'd probably give him pointers how to cheat better next time.

8. What's the quickest way to your heart?

If you cook me a meal of any quality, I'll automatically be fond of you for your effort and consideration. The quickest way to a mans heart is trough his stomach, and that's very true in my case.

9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?

I sleep on my side, sometimes curled up in a fetal position on chilly nights. It's comforting, and easy on my diaphragm.

10. What is your fondest childhood memory?

My childhood is a touchy subject, so I won't delve into it too much if you don't mind. Although... hmm....
In the apartment complex I lived in, on the third floor, there were plethora of smells coming from apartment 308. The smells ranged from cooked pork with a hint of rosemary, to baked bread fresh out of the oven. There lived a woman in her 50s. Later I learned her name was Anna, and she worked in a elementary school as a teacher. She had a dog, a brown pinch name Buster. She didn't like my father nor his girlfriend, had countless arguments with them. But she liked me. We first talked in the park close to our building when she was walking Buster. She only later learned whose child I was, but that didn't change her behavior towards me. We talked about alot, and she was a good listener. She taught me the importance of listening trough her own example, as having somebody see and hear you is a great comfort. Not many people today listen, you know? We hear, but we don't listen.
I didn't understand at the time why she was so interested in me, but I felt a sense of security and companionship in her presence. She didn't treat me as an adult, but also didn't treat me as a snively kid either. She called me an old soul. My house was turbulent and chaotic, so she'd let me study in her apartment. I had a stable allowance because she'd pay me to walk Buster every day. I'd do it for free, but she insisted. And truly the money made my life easier, I could avoid the emotional blackmail I'd get for asking my father for money. She was a godsend now that I think about it.

I moved out a decade or so later. We had one final coffee meetup to say a proper goodbye to eachother. I was moving cities for my studies and she was so proud of me. I'll never forget the look in her eyes. Like a proud parent seeing their child flourish. We shared a hug for the first time during years of knowing eachother. I'll never forget her. She was the parent I needed, and she's largely the reason I turned out the way I did.

Looks like my time is up. I can hear the alarm calling me... I hope to see you tonight, mistery man. Thank you for having me.
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Arriving to the destination she was sent to, Akako looked around for any signs of the demon she was meant to face. The house seemed oddly overgrown for a freshly finished building, but she did not pay much mind to it; after all, her own garden became rather messy, ever since her mother passed and she became preoccupied with work. She knew that plants needed less time to take over than one would expect.
Everything seemed normal, until the vines began to move, wrapping themselves around the hunter and immobilizing her limbs completely.

"Let us see what we have here..." Demon's voice announced joyously, as its eyes observed the captive, "Oh, you are the tiniest one they sent so far and you are not even the youngest. Are you ready for an interview?"
"A what?" Akako blinked slowly.
"Interview! I always wanted to be a reporter as a human, so I interview each prey before feeding!"
"Ah... what a coincidence, I always wished to be famous... now I feel like I have achieved that goal!" The hunter lied, nodding her head with a fake enthusiasm. At least interview would buy her time to think of something or perhaps free her hands without being noticed.
"That is the spirit! All others do is struggling and screaming for some reason. Now, shall we start?"
With the hunter's nod as an answer, the interview began.

How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
Dark and floral, I guess? Gotta stay fancy while keeping stains covered. I do not do trends, what if something ugly becomes popular? What then?
What is your preferred method of transportation?
Trains. Do not question it...
What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
Maroon... and I am not sure.
Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
Well, I have got my messenger crow if that counts.
What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
Fake friends are no news for me, at this point I am living a life of a hermit, in a way, avoiding everybody.
Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
Sometimes. Hmm. What can I say? Usually I smell like grass, wet soil and the blood of my latest victims.
What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
I would pretend that I have not noticed anything and nobody who knows me would doubt that... I can get lost in my head at times.
What's the quickest way to your heart?
Assuming that I have such a thing.
Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
I like to curl up to my side like a cat.
What is your fondest childhood memory?
You guys have good memories?
Can you cook?
Sure. But only simplest things. I do not like spending more time on preparing than I spend to eat.
What's your favorite food?
What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I tried to propose a demon...
What's your ideal date?
I like picnic dates. They can be prettiest under blossoming cherry trees or behind the abandoned temples, by the koi ponds. Very relaxing.
What's the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
I would probably try building an unique house. Foreign architecture looks way prettier if you ask me.
Can you hold your liquor?
Not really; I get drunk after the very first drop... but you think that would stop me? It is tasty!
If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be?
Hearing. It gets so noisy most of the time, I cannot focus at all! I hate it!
What do you think happens to someone's soul when they die?
I do not really believe in souls and that sort of stuff... then again, I did not believe in demons either, so who knows?
What are three things you can't live without?
Food, shelter and sleep, I guess?
If you can get reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?
A crow. I always envied mine, because he can fly. Or perhaps a venomous snake, I want to stay deadly.
What are you skilled at?
I would say hunting, but it would not sound very convincing in this situation... so... well... I am drawing sometimes. Used to write too. I cannot find time for it, anymore.
What's your favorite beverage?
Cannot I like all? Fine then... coffee.
How would you hide a body?
I would feed it do a demon.
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Librarian. Can you believe it? I happen to be incredibly lazy, so I wanted to spend most of my time sitting in silence and reading by myself.
What's something you regret doing?
I have no regrets. Not that regretting can change anything but prolong suffering, caused by your mistakes.
What's your favorite song?
Hard to pick one. I prefer silence either way... but I guess I like lullabies.
Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
I can be both, as long as my teammates are not incredibly stupid... but generally I rather not depend on others. Why, are you trying to find out, if I came alone?
If you were the only one who could, would you save the life of someone you hated?
Hahahaha. Absolutely not!
What are your pet peeves?
Would be easier to answer what are not...
Have you ever been in an accident?
Not really, nothing serious at least. Depends how we define an accident.
What are your parents like?
I have not seen my father ever since he remarried another woman when I was little and my mother was a total psycho. You know how children always use their parents as an example, right? I use them as an example, what kind of person I do not want to be, but it is an example, nevertheless.
What is your favorite time of the year?
Autumn. Popular answer, probably.
Do you have any bad habits?
All of my habits are bad, honey.
What is your biggest fear?
My master... falling for somebody else.
Who is closest to you and why?
My master... because he can see right through my mind and because he is the most important person in my life!
Would you consider yourself to be spiritual? Do you believe in a higher power?
Absolutely not. Religion... magic... zodiac... I am not really into any of it.
Have you done much traveling? Is there any particular place you'd like to revisit?
My father was a travelling merchant but... as I said I have not taken after my parents. I stay home unless I must get going.
What's the best gift you've ever received? The worst?
Worst gift? A boring book. The best... locks of hair from my master's pretty head.

Hunter's eyes widened as she remembered the secret that could save her life, if nothing else came to her mind... but she decided to continue the interview, because she found it kind of fun.

Who do you look up to?
What's the most valuable thing you own?
I guess the house I inherited.
What is the greatest extravagance you would allow yourself?
No idea... somebody of my rank does not have very high income.
What does perfect happiness look like to you?
I wish to stay by master's side, infinitely.
How empathetic are you?
I do not understand people at all.
Do you blow up at the smallest transgressions, or can you keep your calm even when someone blatantly disrespects you?
I am not afraid to punch a nose or two.
Do you have any notable markings and scars? What is the story behind them?
As you see, I have two stitched wounds on my face, left by a demon I considered to be paralyzed, until she gathered her last strength to swing her claws at my throat when I walked closer to claim her head. Long story short, I almost dodged... at least I kept my right eye, even though my vision has been slightly blurry after that.
Are you a clean freak or do you make a mess wherever you go?
I am on the messier side, but it is not that bad...
What does a person have to do for you to instantly respect them?
Refuse to fight two against one in their favor.
What's your biggest turn-off?
Bad smell.
Describe yourself in one word.
Have you ever been in a romantic relationship?
Kind of.
Describe a memory that haunts you to this day.
Ought to be that time when that stupid kid stuffed living grasshopper down my collar.
What would you say is your fatal flaw?
Lethargy? Anger issues? I have a lot of fatal flaws.
What is something you currently feel passionate about?
On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
Eh... around 7? During my best days.
If you could choose, how would you like to die?
By my master's hands.
What is the most recent thing you have purchased?
Food I guess?
List three things you have attempted to do but absolutely have no talent for.
Socializing, singing, dancing.
Your closest friend–someone you greatly admire–just killed an innocent person. What do you do?
Is there really such a thing as an innocent person?
What is your worst personality trait?
Jealousy, maybe...
What is your "tell" when you're lying?
If I knew it, I would work on it and there would be none.
How much of a crier are you? When was the last time you cried, and why?
That is kind of nosy thing to ask, you know?!
How would you react if someone you don't know very well broke down crying?
I do not see how that is my problem.
Would you speed up or slow down at a yellow light?
I like speed, okay?!
Do you have any quirks that are second nature to you, but to others may seem a little strange?
I am collecting blades since I was a child, does that count?
What would you say is your catchphrase?
Overconfidence is a shortcut to death.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Ones that were not unrequested.
How do you wind down after a long day?
A good sleep always helps
How would you like to be remembered after you die?
Will it really matter once I am gone? People's opinions are not that important.
What, in your opinion, is the worst way to die?
I do not know... sinking in dirt? Slow and painful one? Or perhaps...

She paused, glancing at the vines that connected her left arm with the door, before forcefully throwing her restrained body forward, causing door to open and illuminate room with sunlight that had gotten brighter and brighter during their prolonged interview.
"Or perhaps this." She mumbled, rubbing her nose as she got up slowly, stepping over enemy's crumbling body and walking outside. "Time flies, does not it? Looks like I did not need to reveal that secret for saving myself, after all."
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ty  (1).png
Ty Wendell

1. How would you describe your style? Do you keep up with the latest trends?
  • "i really love dressing up in cottage core but sometimes im lazy and just put on a hoodie and a cutie skirt, people think its wired since im a guy, but who cares! not me!"​
2. What is your preferred method of transportation?
  • "walking!! i love to be able to see the wild life and not be constructed in a car"
3. What's your favorite color? How obsessed are you with it?
  • Magenta haze! im so obsessed i have the rgb Memorized!! (157,68,110)
4. Would you consider yourself an animal person? Do you have any pets?
  • "i am an animal!!" *giggles* "bunnies!!
5. What would you do if your 'friend' insulted you?
  • "im a pretty sensitive individual so i would probably cry"
6. Do you wear perfume? If not, how would you describe your scent?
  • "i do wear perfume!! i normally smell like lavender!"
7. What would you do if you caught your friend cheating on a test?
  • "well if its a friend i would hope they don't get caught!"
8. What's the quickest way to your heart?
  • "hm.. just simply be yourself! but I'm not a easy person to get... I may catch feelings very quickly but dosen't mean you get to date me!"
9. Do you sleep on your back, on your side, like a log, etc.?
  • "normally on my side... but i don't sleep due to my PTSD"
10. What is your fondest childhood memory?
  • "hm.. i had a really bad childhood but i think it would be hanging out with my parents... well untill i killed them... on accident!"
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