Your first memorable original character?

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Arting Starvist
Original poster
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  1. No Preferences
I know I've been around various RP sites and servers for as long as I could write, basically. Might be the same for a lot of you all here too. Which means many years and many, many different characters have probably come and gone in all that time. Even if you've only just started roleplaying as a hobby, I'm sure there's characters that you've grown attached to in that way as well.

So! Who was your first truly memorable RPC?

The earliest one I remember was way back when I was a wee-babe Lyndis trolling around RP chatrooms. A spunky half-demon thief character named Ryo, with long braided hair being her only consistent physical characteristic. Possibly inspired by too many YuYu Hakusho reruns. Ryo didn't have a story of her own, but was adventurous enough to plug into almost any fantasy group RP. Sometimes a friend, sometimes a foe, equally as prone to leaving her companion's pockets empty as she was in stealing from the enemy.
Oh, man. I love this. I've been thinking about my earliest characters a lot recently, so this thread being created is really odd [good!] timing LOL
Don't mind me reminiscing and blabbing, omg. The nostalgia bomb this is. 💗

Speaking of anime-influenced charries-! The first character that I created that was super fleshed out and that I used for stuff was a warrior princess from an alien planet named Zeonia Crescent Sittikanna. I MAY be spelling her last name wrong. It has been YEARS. Heavily inspired by Sailor Moon, when it was running on Toonami way the crap back when. :'3
She was VERY tall, buff, wore a skimpy, black, armored, outfit, the whole thing. She, too, had a long braid! Long braid supremacy! 🙌 It went down to her feet!

Gosh! I loved reading your blurb and can't wait to read everyone else's. What a great subject. :'3
While not the very first RP character I ever made, I'd have to say the first memorable one was named Benjamin Tiketh.

He initially actually started off as a fan character to Sonic the Hedgehog of all things! I wrote all these aaaabsolutely wretched, horrible fanfic and had him at the forefront alongside another original character I made named Jane Haunt. I don't even remember their exact role in those stories anymore, who knows. But the fanfics basically followed along the path of those two Sonic games that went into fairytales? Sonic and the Secret Ring and Sonic and the Black Knight..

Eventually, I kind of shifted them away from Sonic, made them their own characters, and gave them their own story!
They became detectives that traveled around and investigated fairytales that were coming to life and running rampant through the world!
well, aside from the obvious... the one that comes to mind is Blaze, my main SAR sona, who's an super orange tabby cat. (see below) 1711151018574.png