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The Archive of Fables

Sealed by order of the Council of Fables. Let no one open this book without their sanction and the use of the Amulet of Illumination, lest they suffer wasting death by the curse of this holy sigil!

Fable Dossier

Full Name: Zell Asenath Tremaine
Fable Name: Drizella Asenath Tremaine
Nicknames: None
Age: (Three years older than Cinderella)
Gender: Cisfemale I She/Her
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Tattoo artist at the Crimson Dragon

Physical Description:
Height--5' 5"​
Body Type--ectomorph
Age/Age Range Appears As--38
Other Notes--N/A​

Personality: Amorous | Seductive | Cautious | Jealous | Artistic | Calculating | Loves Elegant Fashion with a Gothic Touch

Fable History:

Once upon a time, there were two girls who would never be pretty enough to be loved. Their names were Drizella and Anastasia. Their mother Edith was a petty noblewoman with a cruel heart who dreamed of a life of power and splendor in the Royal Court. Born a commoner, she had schemed her way into a Royal Ball, but could only catch a minor duke rather than the young unmarried king.

And so it came to pass that she bore two daughters. The king married the belle of the Ball and had a son. From birth, it was Edith's unremitting demand that her daughters become irresistible beauties so that they could attend the Prince's Ball one day, and one of them would win his love. No matter how much cruelty they received for any act of clumsiness or failure to charm, the girls only became plain and unremarkable as they grew.

Drizella did her best to be the darling girlie-girl her mother wanted her to be, but nothing she could ever do could measure up. Her life took a turn for the worse when her father died of a slow, wasting illness.

Soon after, Edith married a wealthier nobleman who had a beautiful daughter named Ella. Here at last was the daughter she had always wanted. Yet for Drizella, their new life was a misery of having to live with the living incarnation of everything she was supposed to be, her mother's impossible standards made real. Her new stepfather was a kind-hearted man, but he could never love Drizella as much as his own Ella.

But then one day he also died. Since Ella was not of Edith's blood, she could no longer serve as Lady Tremaine's path to prominence in the Royal Court. If she won the Prince's heart, Edith would be left with nothing. And so, she turned the full force of her cruelty against the girl, stripping her of her fine clothes, making her into a servant and giving her the moniker "Cinderella."

Whenever Cinderella was present, Lady Tremaine showered her daughters with saccharine affection to hurt her by favoring them over her. But when she was out of earshot, she became a weapon against them, living proof that they would never be worthy of love. "Look at her! Covered in ashes, she is still more beautiful than either of you will ever be! Even the animals adore her! If the Prince sees her, do you really think he will even notice you are alive?"

So it was to be expected that her daughters would turn on their stepsister. Hurting her was one of the few things they could do to win their mother's tacit approval. Drizella was the more vicious of the two, since Ella's very existence was a constant reminder of her own inferiority. Anastasia would have been happy to forget all about princes, and spend her time climbing trees; Drizella took her mother's dream to heart. But of course everyone knows how that story ended.

When Drizella and Anastasia failed to win the Prince's heart, losing out to some mystery girl who left a glass slipper behind at the Ball, Edith was furious. The King ordered a search of the kingdom for any girl who could wear the glass slipper.

Edith got one look at it, knew it would not fit either of her daughters, and snapped. She grabbed a knife and came at them, planning to trim their feet to fit. Ana was the tough-girl of the two, so she stepped in front of her sister and fought with all her strength, unleashing a lifetime of rage at her mother. Even so, Edith overpowered her and put the knife to her throat. That's when Drizella's piercing shrieks distracted her long enough for Anastasia to break free. The pair fled into the night.

They lived as fugitive urchins, finding food and work where they could as they tried to make their way to the borders of Cinderella's kingdom and escape. One day they found themselves in a new world, The Woods. Yet even there, Cinderella reigned...

Ability: Banshee shriek (shattering sonic attack).

Weaknesses: No combat skills.


When the Fables made the decision to leave The Woods and live among humans, Zell and Ana volunteered to be among the explorers. They found human society to be not so different from their own: a handful of wealthy aristocrats and tycoons lived in glittering splendor, while the rest toiled on the edge of starvation. But when they reached America, they found something that didn't exist anywhere else: a frontier.

Once they'd done their duty, and the Council chose the locations for the main Fable institutions, Ana and Zell found hope for a change in their circumstances. For Zell, it turned out that the human world did not hold her to fairy tale standards of beauty; her smoldering looks might not draw princes, but they worked just fine on cowboys and gold miners. She began a new life as a saloon girl, and eventually, a madam.

Since she too could be desirable and find a place in society, her jealousy toward Cinderella gradually faded, and she started trying to make amends. Though they had once been inseparable, Zell and Ana began to grow apart.

By the time of the closing of the frontier, Zell had accumulated enough wealth to create a small savings and investment portfolio and set herself up as a private art and music tutor. She lived quietly and modestly, letting the magic of compound interest grow her a fortune while she lived well below her means and stayed out of the Council's crosshairs.

As necessary, she switched from job to job, identity to identity; sometimes teaching, sometimes running an art gallery, sometimes selling the occasional painting or fast-drawing pictures for tourists. Recently, she took a job as a tattoo artist at The Crimson Dragon, yet another position where she can express herself artistically without garnering fame and notice.

Family: Anastasia Tremaine, sister; Lady Edith Tremaine, mother (NPC)
Known Affiliations: None.
Suspected Affiliations: None.
Rivalries: Cinderella

Code by Jenamos, modified by Zarko Straadi
Last edited:
The Archive of Fables

Sealed by order of the Council of Fables. Let no one open this book without their sanction and the use of the Amulet of Illumination, lest they suffer wasting death by the curse of this holy sigil!

Fable Dossier

Full Name: Jiae Mihari Zoya
Fable Name: Ursula
Nicknames: None
Age: 25/120
Gender: Cisfemale I She/Her
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Occupation: Marine Biologist

Physical Description:
Hair--platinum blonde
Height--5' 5"​
Body Type--ectomorph
Inhuman attributes--Cecaelian (octopus-mermaid)
Age/Age Range Appears As--25
Other Notes--N/A​


Fable History:

When Ursula tries to think of her past, all she can find is an endless Void. Flickers of imagery: ancient Sumerian carvings of fish-men who emerged from the sea to teach their ancestors the arts of civilization, Greek stories of sea-witches and water nymphs, old sailors' tales. Fragments of ancient memory? Or just strands of archetype woven together by a nineteenth-century writer to create a plot device for his story about a little mermaid?

Whatever these little specks of light might be, they are distant stars far too feeble to illuminate the cosmic abyss within her. All Ursula knows is that she was once a powerful Sea Witch who lived in a lost cavern in the Deep, guarded by perilous whirlpools and mysterious polypous beings, with only the echoes of her hissed incantations to keep her company...

...until a Little Mermaid came to her with a wish. And once the girl had gone on her way?

Another gulf of darkness, until...


…Ursula found herself thrashing in an undergrowth of fallen pine needles and ferns, gasping for breath, her siphons unable to find purchase on the thin, dry...air. She was vaguely aware of what this place was: the "land" that Ariel had wanted to go to so desperately. But she had never made any such wish!

With a desperate act of will, she used her magic to temporarily take human form. There were others here, beings conjured from story, including Ariel herself. But Ursula could not remain with them, for she had to reach the sea before her spell expired.

It was a difficult and harrowing journey for her, for in the human world her magic was not nearly strong enough to renew the spell, and as with Ariel, walking on her human legs was a torment of agony. She reached the sea just in time, and took up a new life there.

In the human world, Ursula could not create a true human form as before, but she could use Glamours and her natural cephalopod mimic abilities to take on human appearance, venture onto land and have occasional contact with other Fables. Even so, her true home would always be the sea.

With her ability to live underwater, Ursula could avoid financial expenses for long stretches of time while creating wealth from the bounty of the sea. Early on, she was able to get money when she needed it by selling unusual seashells, jewelry-quality coral, and valuables from shipwrecks.

As human society became more bureaucratic, she had to pay the Forgery to create an identity for her once in awhile. But this development also gave her the ability to create financial instruments and shell companies she could pass from identity to identity. Since her human appearance was a product of Glamour, she could "age" and establish successor identities as necessary.

From time to time, the web of fate and synchronicity would cross her path with a "poor, unfortunate soul" who was so utterly desperate that her magic was their only hope. One of these was an extremely racist and xenophobic young man named Howard Phillips Lovecraft, who dreamed of becoming a successful writer.

She was running a small seaside occult shop in Massachusetts at the time. Though he recoiled from the arcane items and her own strangeness, his desperation propelled him to seek her help. "I can unlock the doors you cannot open," she said, "but in order to do this, you must confront, and embrace, your greatest fear. If you cannot, your fears will forever pursue you. Your writings will find greatness in time, but prosperity and happiness will always remain beyond your reach. Choose carefully, for once you embark upon this course, it cannot be reversed!"

Lovecraft agreed, and Ursula took him into a back room to cast the spell. At the climax of the ritual, Ursula shifted her appearance to that of a black woman in traditional Ashanti garb. "Let go of your hate, come, and embrace me," she said, extending her arms. Lovecraft recoiled, hurling racist epithets at her and threatening to report her to the police.

"You can try," Ursula replied, "but will they believe you?" she said, dropping her Glamour to reveal her true form. Lovecraft shrieked in terror and fled the shop, never to return. He willed himself to believe that it had only been a dream or some kind of temporary fever and spoke of it to no one, yet the encounter proved to be a deep well of inspiration.

Though his stories were not about her directly, she was able to draw a degree of power from their slow-growing success, second only to the burst of strength she would receive from Disney's release of The Little Mermaid.

The Council frowned on this sort of thing, but such interactions with humans were rare enough that they could be overlooked. Not only was Ursula's power and wealth considerable, she always had the option of fleeing into the sea, where few could hope to pursue her. That she was careful enough to avoid risk of exposing the Fables' existence also helped, as did her skill in Glamour crafting for the Fable community.

However, the continuous growth of human society carried a major downside for Ursula: ever-increasing damage to the oceans. First there was whaling, which threatened to extinguish the large cetaceans, then over-fishing, offshore oil drilling, and pollution. Within the last few decades, it has become a possibility that there could be more plastic in the oceans than fish.

Ursula could quietly donate to human organizations opposing these developments, but there was little she could do directly without drawing too much attention to herself. Some of the humans started developing eco-technologies and regenerative agriculture techniques like permaculture in earnest during the 1960's and 1970's.

This was a good time for Ursula. She even found the closest thing she'd ever had to kindred spirits, individuals who embraced the strange and sought to explore the frontiers of consciousness, like Terrence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, and Timothy Leary. Then there were the ecologically oriented inventors, John and Nancy Jack Todd, Buckminster Fuller, and David Holmgren.

For a time, she took up residence in Haight-Ashbury, where the sea was never too far away. She learned much, and sometimes even the occasional slip-up of chromatophores or a glimpse of tentacle could be dismissed as an effect of a little too much LSD.

When Nixon launched the War on Drugs, being part of a weird subculture was too dangerous for a Fable, so she shifted identity and gender to became a treasure-hunter. After a successful career at finding shipwrecks, "he" retired to the Portland area, and began building a marine permaculture research center.

In "his" later years, Ursula began laying the groundwork for her current identity, a young marine biologist who runs the center as "his" successor.

She has a home with an alchemical laboratory where she can craft magically-enhanced essential oils, tinctures, spagyrics, soaps, and small-batch herbal medicinal gruit beers for the Fable community, as well as high-quality Glamours.

This home has a saltwater pool and a secret tunnel leading to an undersea cave

Offshore, she has grown a home of coral, protected by swift currents and wardings that repel divers and fishermen. For anyone who sees it from the outside, it looks like an especially vibrant coral reef.



Family: Anastasia Tremaine, sister; Lady Edith Tremaine, mother (NPC)
Known Affiliations: None.
Suspected Affiliations: None.
Rivalries: Cinderella

Code by Jenamos, modified by Zarko Straadi
Last edited:
The Archive of Fables

Sealed by order of the Council of Fables. Let no one open this book without their sanction and the use of the Amulet of Illumination, lest they suffer wasting death by the curse of this holy sigil!

Fable Dossier

Full Name: Jiae Mihari Ośmiornica
Fable Name: Ursula
Nicknames: None
Age: 24/180
Gender: Cisfemale I She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
Occupation: Marine Biologist

Physical Description:
Hair--platinum blonde
Height--5' 3"​
Body Type--ectomorph
Inhuman attributes--Octopus-mermaid
Age/Age Range Appears As--25
Other Notes--N/A​

Ursula has a peculiar, fluid personality. She can shift from starry distance to flirty coziness to thoughtful curiosity to shyness to dramatic flair in a seamless flow. She has an inescapable tendency to move in sinuous sways, and expressive undulating gestures of her arms as if she is immersed in unseen currents. Her slow-motion nervous energy tends to make her nibble on anything dangling within reach: her hair, jewelry, ribbons, or her fingers. In her natural form, she will also express herself with changes of skin color and texture.

She is deeply mystical and philosophical, and tends to speak in esoteric, idiosyncratic vocabulary. Ursula loves magic, the occult, and the spiritual, and is so immersed in these realms that she gives the impression of being a mystical being from somewhere else (or a hippie wacko, depending on the percipient's point of view) even when she's wearing a flawless Glamour.

Ursula loves the ocean and all that lives there; it is her Nation, the repository of her patriotism. On land, she prefers quiet spaces with natural surroundings. Crowded, urban settings with lots of right angles, traffic noise, and advertising signs of every sort competing for attention are disquieting for her, and avoided when possible.

She has a fierce streak that comes out when she feels she has been wronged, or when confronted with bigoted attitudes or harm to the oceans.

Fable History:
When Ursula tries to think of her past, all she can find is an endless Void. Flickers of imagery: ancient Sumerian carvings of fish-men who emerged from the sea to teach their ancestors the arts of civilization, Greek stories of sea-witches and water nymphs, old sailors' tales. Fragments of ancient memory? Or just strands of archetype woven together by a nineteenth-century writer to create a plot device for his story about a little mermaid?

Whatever these little specks of light might be, they are distant stars far too feeble to illuminate the cosmic abyss within her. All Ursula knows is that she was once a powerful Sea Witch who lived in a lost cavern in the Deep, guarded by perilous whirlpools and mysterious polypous beings, with only the echoes of her hissed incantations to keep her company...

...until a Little Mermaid came to her with a wish, and her sisters followed with a wish of their own. And once the mermaids had gone on their way?

Another gulf of darkness, until...

…Ursula found herself thrashing in an undergrowth of fallen pine needles and ferns, gasping for breath, her siphons unable to find purchase on the thin, dry...air. She was vaguely aware of what this place was: the "land" that Ariel had wanted to go to so desperately. But she had never made any such wish!

With a desperate act of will, she used her magic to temporarily take human form. There were others here, beings conjured from story, including Ariel herself. But Ursula could not remain with them, for she had to reach the sea before her spell expired.

It was a difficult and harrowing journey for her, for in the human world her magic was not nearly strong enough to renew the spell. She reached the sea just in time, and took up a new life there.

In the human world, Ursula could not create a true human form as before, but she could use Glamours and her natural cephalopod mimic abilities to take on human appearance, venture briefly onto land and have occasional contact with other Fables. Even so, her true home would always be the sea.

With her ability to live underwater, Ursula could avoid financial expenses for long stretches of time while creating wealth from the bounty of the sea. Early on, she was able to get money when she needed it by selling unusual seashells, jewelry-quality coral, and valuables from shipwrecks.

As human society became more bureaucratic, she had to pay the Forgery to create an identity for her once in awhile. But this development also gave her the ability to create financial instruments and shell companies she could pass from identity to identity. Since her human appearance was a product of Glamour, she could "age" and establish successor identities as necessary.

From time to time, the web of fate and synchronicity would cross her path with a "poor, unfortunate soul" who was so utterly desperate that her magic was their only hope. One of these was an extremely racist and xenophobic young man named Howard Phillips Lovecraft, who dreamed of becoming a successful writer.

She was running a small seaside occult shop in Massachusetts at the time. Though he recoiled from the arcane items and her own strangeness, his desperation propelled him to seek her help. "I can unlock the doors you cannot open," she said, "but in order to do this, you must confront, and embrace, your greatest fear. If you cannot, your fears will forever pursue you. Your writings will find greatness in time, but prosperity and happiness will always remain beyond your reach. Choose carefully, for once you embark upon this course, it cannot be reversed!"

Lovecraft agreed, and Ursula took him into a back room to draw up the Contract and cast the spell. At the climax of the ritual, Ursula shifted her appearance to that of a black woman in traditional Ashanti garb. "Let go of your hate, come, and embrace me," she said, extending her arms. Lovecraft recoiled, hurling racist epithets at her and threatening to report her to the police.

"You can try," Ursula replied, "but will they believe you?" she said, dropping her Glamour to reveal her true form. Lovecraft shrieked in terror and fled the shop, never to return. He willed himself to believe that it had only been a dream or some kind of temporary fever and spoke of it to no one, yet the encounter proved to be a deep well of inspiration.

Though his stories were not about her directly, she was able to draw a degree of power from their slow-growing success, second only to the burst of strength she would receive from Disney's release of The Little Mermaid.

The Council frowned on this sort of thing, but such interactions with humans were rare enough that they could be overlooked. Not only was Ursula's power and wealth considerable, she always had the option of fleeing into the sea, where few could hope to pursue her. That she was careful enough to avoid risk of exposing the Fables' existence also helped, as did her skill in Glamour crafting for the Fable community.

However, the continuous growth of human society carried a major downside for Ursula: ever-increasing damage to the oceans. First there was whaling, which threatened to extinguish the large cetaceans, then over-fishing, offshore oil drilling, and pollution. If current trends continue, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish by 2050.

Ursula could quietly donate to human organizations opposing these developments, but there was little she could do directly without drawing too much attention to herself. Some of the humans started developing eco-technologies and regenerative agriculture techniques like permaculture in earnest during the 1960's and 1970's.

These were good years for Ursula. She even found the closest thing she'd ever had to kindred spirits she could correspond with and in some cases meet in person, individuals who embraced the strange and sought to explore the frontiers of consciousness, like Terrence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, and Timothy Leary. Then there were the ecologically oriented inventors, John and Nancy Jack Todd, Buckminster Fuller, and David Holmgren.

For a time, she took up residence in Haight-Ashbury, where the sea was never too far away. She learned much, and sometimes even the occasional slip-up of chromatophores or a glimpse of tentacle could be dismissed as an effect of a little too much LSD.

When Nixon launched the War on Drugs, being part of a weird subculture was too dangerous for a Fable, so she shifted identity and gender to became a treasure-hunter. After a successful career at finding shipwrecks, "he" retired to the Portland area, and began building a marine permaculture research center.

In "his" later years, Ursula began laying the groundwork for her current identity, a young marine biologist who runs the center as "his" successor.

She has a home with an alchemical laboratory where she can craft magically-enhanced essential oils, tinctures, spagyrics, soaps, and small-batch herbal medicinal gruit beers for the Fable community, as well as high-quality Glamours.

This home has a saltwater pool and a secret waterslide tunnel leading to an underwater entrance open to the ocean.


Magic Ursula is an accomplished alchemist and potion maker. Though her powers are much weaker in the human world, she can still create extracts, tinctures, essential oils, salts, incenses, and spagyrics with a degree of magical enhancement to boost their material properties. She can also brew herbal and medicinal gruits, beers, and mead. These magical boosts are only shared with Fables, and can include things like a bit of good luck, temporary increases in charisma and attractiveness, and healing for minor injuries and illnesses.

However, this magic comes filtered through Ursula's alien logic, so a potion for increased attractiveness may well miss the user's preferred crush, and draw them to someone they never noticed, who is interested in them and may be better for them in some way. A potion for luck could cause them to lose their shirt at the casino, but get a job offer for a kind of work they've never heard of but will find surprisingly enjoyable, or stumble across a book on a topic that becomes their newest passion. Dark motives on the part of the recipient can also cause the magic to backfire in unexpected ways.

These potions take time to create; increased power requires more time. A given potion may also require the would-be recipient to go on a quest to fetch special components or perform other actions, in which case their own intentions and actions factor into the efficacy and effects.

Wish Contracts This is Ursula's most powerful form of magic. Ursula can grant a wish for a recipient who is sufficiently desperate to be drawn to her for this purpose. Ursula does not and cannot advertise this ability; it can only work for someone who is "called" to her by the currents of fate, need, and synchronicity. The would-be recipient must write down their wish on a special sheet of parchment that takes Ursula a year to create (she has several of these sheets) using a quill pen. They cannot cross out a word and write another, so Ursula will encourage them to write it down on normal paper first, and be careful and clear with their word choices.

Once the wish has been written down on the parchment, Ursula performs a ritual and goes into a trance, in which she produces the rest of the contract by automatic writing. She does not know in advance what the conditions will be. These conditions will usually require the recipient to temporarily or permanently give up something that is very valuable to them, and accomplish something difficult within an allotted time. The conditions relate to the recipient, their character, and the specifics of their wish.

Though Ursula and the magic forces she channels are not out to trick or cheat the recipient, "be careful what you wish for" applies in spades. If the recipient is unclear in their intention or the wording of their wish, if they attempt to edit or go back on the contract, refuse to give up a required sacrifice, or fail to accomplish the tasks set out for them, there will be Consequences. These can range from the bizarre to the horrifying, depending on the nature of the recipient, the wish made, and the particulars of their failure.

If the recipient succeeds and gets their wish, it is possible that "...because you might get it" will also apply in spades. The person who wishes for fame and success may find it to be empty of joy--and only find happiness by leaving it all behind for something else they didn't know they truly wanted. The person who wants to make someone fall in love with them could discover their heartthrob is not all they were cut out to be.

A malevolent wish is likely to come with malignant side-effects for the recipient, not so much as a matter of cosmic justice, but for roughly the same reason it's difficult to eat a sandwich with lots of strawberry jam without getting any on you.

There is a significant degree of unpredictability in all of this; Ursula is only a conduit for this current of magic, and cannot tell a recipient exactly how their wish will be granted. This is the only spell she will perform for normal humans, on the rare occasion that one of them finds their way to her.

Physical Abilities:

Natural Camouflage Ursula can change the color and texture of her skin to mimic nearly any surface, as well as generate color and texture patterns for self-expression. The physical properties of her skin do not change; i.e., if she changes her skin color and texture to mimic granite, it does not become solid, heavy, or extra resistant to damage.

Breathe Underwater Ursula can survive indefinitely in salt water, and for about half an hour in fresh water. After prolonged exposure to freshwater, she needs to immerse herself in salt water or brine.

Tentacles Her tentacles can stretch up to about 10 feet with enough length left over to wrap around a pole or human torso. They are strong enough to lift and throw about 10 lbs, and are considerably stronger in tension. If she has solid attachment points to hang from above, she can lift, swing, and throw about 300 pounds using all ten tentacles. Her tentacles can adhere to nearly any surface, allowing her to climb walls and attach herself to the ceiling in her natural form. She can control all of her tentacles simultaneously, and use them effectively against multiple opponents.

Swimming In octopoid form, Ursula can match the speed and maneuverability of a dolphin in water. Glamoured in human form, she can swim with the speed and grace of an athlete.


Need for Moisture Ursula needs to moisten herself every couple of hours or so depending on humidity. When on land, she carries an atomizer of sea water on her person at all times for this purpose. She greatly prefers to do this in private, especially when she is masquerading as a normal human. She can also refresh herself by immersion in the sea.

Vulnerable to Fire Ursula takes extra damage from fire and heat-related attacks (molten metal, plasma, etc.).

Dryness, Heat, and Direct Sunlight Hot, dry air and/or direct sunlight (like a heating system on full blast, or a summer's day in Phoenix, Arizona) forces her to moisturize herself more often, and can impair her dexterity if she dries out too much. Prolonged exposure will interfere with her Mimic abilities, and ultimately become life-threatening.

Must Sleep in Salt Water Ursula needs to sleep in salt water, either open ocean or a pool or tub large enough to accommodate her body with room to spare and deep enough to submerge in. She can squeeze herself into a 50-gallon barrel of seawater in a pinch, but this leaves her clumsy and a bit punchy the next day, like a normal human who has slept in some uncomfortable situation like an upright car seat or a lumpy old couch.

Physically Weak in Human Form While in human form, Ursula is not able to take advantage of the natural strength of her tentacles, so she has below-average strength for a young woman of her size.

Blue blood Ursula's blood is blue rather than red. If she is injured while on land, she must hide her bleeding or cast a supplementary Glamour to make it appear red.

Alienation Due to her unearthly psychology, she is not very good at relating to humans. She instinctively seeks the edges of any crowd. In a team, she is almost certainly the worst choice for the role of Inspiring Leader. She tends to radiate a strange vibe that gives people a feeling that Something Isn't Right about her. Relevant superhuman forms of perception (such as an ability to detect magic or otherworldliness) are especially acute in this regard, and may be able to offer warning that she's in the area (i.e. in the same house, set of rooms, or grove of trees) even if she cannot be seen directly, depending on how sensitive and/or trained the ability is.

Peculiar Conversational Style Related to the above, Ursula's speech tends toward the overly multisyllabic, or to odd koans or eerily poetic metaphors. She's not a hit at parties, or most anyone's first choice to have a beer with. This is somewhat less of a problem for her in the present, since there is greater social tolerance for neurodivergent individuals. However, she always stands out as a capital-W Weirdo.

Cannot Drive Driving a motor vehicle, especially on urban streets, is such an unnatural act for Ursula that she cannot do it. She can ride in a vehicle, as long as she does not have to operate it.

Call of the Sea Ursula cannot get more than an hour from the sea (by whatever means traveled) before she begins to experience a phobic reaction that gets worse the further she travels inland.

Family: None.
Known Affiliations: None.
Suspected Affiliations: None.
Rivalries: None

Code by Jenamos, modified by Zarko Straadi
Last edited:
  • SLIDE 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 2
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 3
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 4
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos

Mihari Jirae
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.
Code by Jenamos

  • CODENAME: Blackbird
    NAME: Carnelian Douglass
    AGE: 24
    D.O.B.: 08/27/1929
    HEIGHT: 5' 8"
    HAIR COLOR: Black
    EYE COLOR: Brown
    SKIN DETAILS: No tattoos or scars
    BUILD: Slender
    PROFESSION: NACA Mathematician
    ROLE: Espionage, Subversion

  • Carnelian Douglass looks like a nice young lady at first glance. She even sounds like one if your conversation remains in the area of small talk, or the latest innovations in aircraft and rocketry. Charming, well-spoken, and a snappy dresser within the limits of her fashion budget. She loves science and technology, and believes they can and should be harnessed to break the chains of poverty and drudgery.

    In fact, one of her goals in life is to literally invent a way to peacefully liberate humankind from poverty and injustice. After all, new technologies like television and the airplane are coming into acceptance, and no one has to overthrow the newspapers and automobile manufacturers.

    She hopes that perhaps something like an integration of the concentrated solar power devices of Augustin Mouchot, the products of George Washington Carver's agricultural practice and applied chemistry, architecture designed to minimize the need for heating and cooling, and liberal employment of labor-saving devices, it will be possible to create a human community that works like a forest: a rich diversity of interrelated nature and function, all working together with no rulers, no bosses and no slave-masters, no coal mines and no systemic poverty, all thriving on sunlight and soil.

    Except...that kind of gentle patience is not really Carnelian's strong suit. Spend more time with her, especially if there should happen to be a protest or strike going on, and you'll find that she is a Revolution in sensible shoes. She tries to be the calm, calculating mastermind planning ten steps ahead because the oppressors hold all the cards and have to be outsmarted before they can be outfought.

    Until she sees one too many hungry children, endures one too many insults to her race and gender, until she can't stand the thought of wealthy men extracting their splendor from the misery of countless thousands. Then, her mouth, her fists, or both will get her into trouble. She just can't help it.

    Her rage never comes out in angry shouts, but in action. It can emerge in a rousing speech or essay, or expressed gracefully with martial arts. If you see Carnelian behaving like an emotionless robot, that's when you know she's absolutely furious, and the targets of her hate are about to feel it.

    Carnelian does not have an ordinary social life. The only way she has of keeping herself from doing things she'll regret is to isolate herself from mainstream society. Her race and her political views alienate her from Whites, while her learning and interests alienate her from most Blacks, who have not had her educational opportunities. She is open-minded when it comes to the differing currents of thought within the Leftist and Progressive movements, advocating solidarity over ideological purity.

    She avoids romantic entanglements with men, because she has resolved to never bring children into a world where they will be victims of oppression and brutality. She has experienced romantic attraction to women, but still feels a need to keep her distance in order to protect her secrets.

  • Carnelian was born into extreme poverty. So poor in fact, that she didn't even have a last name at birth. Her parents were sharecroppers, children of former slaves who lived and worked on a plantation in Tallapoosa County, Alabama. She was their seventh and youngest child.

    During her early childhood, her parents struggled to provide their children with the means to escape the sharecropper's life. Their pride and joy was Carnelian's eldest brother Abraham, who was accepted into Oberlin College when Carnelian was four years old.

    She was a bright and inquisitive girl who took to school like she was born for it. It was a poorly-funded rural school for Black children, and she tore through the contents of its small collection of books and textbooks by the time she was seven. Among them were Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, My Bondage and My Freedom, and Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. The great man's eloquence and fire, and the story of his life inspired Carnelian with a burning passion to be like him even though she still had to struggle with the bigger words in his writings.

    1936 was a big year for Carnelian. During a rare trip to the theater, she saw newsreel footage of Jesse Owens' gold medal wins against Hitler's Olympic team. Not only did she get a new hero and source of inspiration, she learned about Nazi Germany and what it stood for.

    For her seventh birthday later that year, her father gave her an unusual, yet precious gift: a tattered newspaper front page dated on the day of her birth, which he had salvaged from the garbage and saved until she would be old enough to appreciate it. It featured a photograph of the Graf Zeppelin arriving in Lakehurst after its flight around the world. Eyes alight with joy, Carnelian read the story to him, and for the first time he found out what the newspaper actually said. This was also the moment when Carnelian fell in love with the concept of flight.

    From then on, Carnelian took every opportunity she could find to get access to books, any books, old magazines and newspapers, especially anything to do with science or new inventions. Her mother volunteered to be a cleaning lady at a local Carnegie library, and brought books and periodicals home for her children whenever she got the chance. Sometimes Carnelian was able to write letters to Abraham, and get letters back.

    Her letters were filled with questions about science and nature. Sometimes, when Abraham could afford it, he'd buy a book or periodical and send it home. Carnelian was the most passionate of his younger siblings about books and learning, so most of them tended to be about subjects that interested her. The work of George Washington Carver, the lectures of Nikola Tesla, the solar energy collectors of Augustin Mouchot, ongoing efforts by inventors working to build practical airships and flying machines...

    When the opportunity presented itself, Carnelian's father and older brothers would go fishing as a way to supplement the family's meager diet. Sometimes Carnelian would accompany her father or a brother to help out, and clean the fish. Carnelian was a keen observer of nature. She was struck by the way trout were able to hold position in fast-moving currents while exerting almost no visible effort.

    When a letter to Abraham failed to yield an answer to the mystery from men of learning, she resolved to figure it out herself. Dripping berry juice into the water in an attempt to observe its flow only spooked the fish, so she whittled a trout-shaped form out of wood and used it for her "experiments."

    Careful dissections of trout heads resulted in anatomical drawings of their mouths and gill systems that became more accurate as Carnelian grew. She came to believe that trout generated thrust by forcing water through their gills, and that the Coanda Effect helped generate a counter-force to currents as water flowed across the tapered shape of their bodies.

    She began to envision an airship built with similar streamlining, utilizing a "turbo-propulseur" similar to the one Coanda used for his Coanda-1910 aircraft, except that her design called for air to be driven by pistons and forced through the shroud under pushing pressure rather than using an impeller, as she believed that would produce a smooth, non-turbulent airflow and more accurately mimic the effect of water squeezed through a trout's gills.

    Her plan called for hot air lift, utilizing the waste heat of the craft's engines to heat the air. Of course, building a model to test her hypothesis was far, far beyond her capabilities. She also lacked the mathematical knowledge and equations necessary to accurately model such a vessel's performance, or even find out for sure if it could "perform" at all.

    In response to her queries, Abraham sent her another gift for her eleventh birthday, which she still treasures: a slide rule, and instructions for its use. Carnelian had always loved mathematics. In the realm of numbers, things were simply true. Maths did not care about one's race or sex or class. It simply worked, for anyone who sought out its secrets, and best of all, it could be wielded to predict how things would happen in the real world. With her elder siblings' math texts and any other books on mathematics she could get her hands on as her grimoires and the slide rule as her magic wand, she set out to master its arcana.

    When Carnelian was 12 years old, tragedy struck. Her brother Abraham came home, diploma in hand and full of dreams of a bright future. The sight of a confident, educated young Black man was too much for the local Whites, especially when Abraham went to confront his family's landlord for cheating them out of their pay. He didn't come home. Pa went to go find him, and returned with his broken and bloodied body.

    While her family burst into anguished sobs, Carnelian silently turned, went into the kitchen, and returned with a carving knife. Standing stiff as a statue, she said one word: "Who?" Horrified, Carnelian's mother slapped her, then hugged her fiercely. "Don't you think it, girl! Don' even think it!"

    Later that night, her father came for her, handed her a fishing stick, and took her to the river. Her family didn't go night-fishing very often, but then, nothing was normal about her father's behavior. How could it be? They fished in silence for awhile. Carnelian had not said a word since her query for the names of her brother's murderers. Finally, there was a tug on her line, and she pulled out a big catfish. Any other night, she might have smiled with pride, grateful to God for the food the fish would provide; not on this night.

    "That's a mighty good catch girl," her father said, finally speaking. Carnelian nodded solemnly. "Here now, let me see it." Carnelian handed him the line and watched as her father unhooked the fish and threw it onto the ground.

    "C'mere and look at this," her father instructed. "I'm gonna show you somethin'...your grandpa showed me. Somethin'...I shoulda paid mind to. If'n I had...my boy'd still be livin'. So you look, an' you larn it good! Carnelian did as told, peering down at the fish. It flopped about, its mouth and gills opening and closing, trying to catch the night air. "In them waters," Pa said, "this catfish be right at home. He can swim all he likes. He can eat as he pleases. He can raise a family. The waters is his home. And that there's freedom. You understand?"

    Carnelian's face stayed taciturn, with only a hint of a question in her brows. "But look at him now," her father went on. "He out of his home. He done wandered where he shouldn't be. He can't swim. Can't eat here. Can't raise no family. Can't even breathe." Carnelian listened. The fish's glassy eyes caught the pale moonlight, seeming to stare back up at her. The opening and closing of its mouth looked as if it were trying to utter a plea for help. A wave of pity swept over her, and she started to reach for it to pick it up and throw it into the water, but Pa shoved her back.

    Suddenly, her father grabbed a heavy rock and brutally bashed the fish's head, again and again and again, until there was only gobbets of flesh and smashed bone. A single eye, like a glass marble, still hung loosely in the remains of a socket torn from its ruined head, accusing her as it started to slowly glaze over. Carnelian was shaking now, eyes riveted on the spread of gore. Her father bent down and grabbed the fish by the tail, then held its ruined body up. He remained at eye level with Carnelian, his face serious and grim.

    "Girl, dis fish just like you an' me. And this is what happens when we try to leave our home, looking for things that don't concern us. Dat's why they killed our Abe. 'Cause...'cause I di'in't have the sense to...to keep him on de farm...to keep him in 'is place. If I'd kept him here on the farm he woulda been all right. We has got to larn dat we ain't like White folks, and never will be, and no amount o' eddycation can make us be, and dat when we gits outten our place dere is gonna be trouble.

    "When we go home, we gon' throw out your books an' all. An' you gon' grow up an' find a good man to love, an' raise you some li'l boys an' girls. Whenever you think 'bout readin' or learnin' 'bout stuff that ain't fo' us, or think 'bout fightin' the White folk...you think of yourself as this fish. And what we just did to it, is what White folks do to Negroes. You remember that in life, and it'll serve you best."

    Carnelian stared in horror for a moment at the pained resignation in her father's face, tears streaming down her cheeks. Then her expression hardened, and she shook her head.

    "Papa...fish don' leave they place. That ain't why he's dead. Folk come for 'em 'cause they hungry. An' take 'em out o' they place, an' eat 'em, whenever they decide to. That's what White folk do to us. Ol' man Boatwright keeps th' knuckles of a man he helped lynch right there in th' front window o' his shop, an' ever'body jus walks on by, or goes in t' buy a cut o' meat. If'n I 'stay in my place,' he gon' jus' keep 'em there, an' his son an' his son an' his. An' it ain't never gon' stop. They ain't never gon' stop the killin' long as nobody makes 'em. 'Cause they hungry.

    "It weren't Jethro put Emma in a fam'ly way. He jus'...took the blame so's they could marry an' she don't gotta live in shame. It was th' McCallister boys, an' they friends." Pa's eyes widened in horror. "She told me...when I aks her why...why some o' the White men look at me the way they do. Like they's hungry." She looked back down at the fish. "I'll die 'fore I'm their meat. I ain't gon' make no baby--no baby--'till I can make a world where ain't nobody gon' tell him, tell her where they place is!" she said, shaking with rage.

    After some discussion and argument at home, it was decided that the family would save whatever money they could, going without food as necessary, until they could send their children North one by one, to look for work in the factories. And any money the kids could save, would to toward helping pay the next one's way.

    Carnelian would go first, even though she was the youngest: none of the others' first thought upon seeing Abraham's body had been to go get a weapon. Pa washed Abraham's bloodied head, dressed him in his best suit, then buried him. Carnelian struggled to hold her hate in, keep her head down, and mind her 'place' until her family could scrape together enough money for a train ticket.

    After what seemed like an eternity, 14 year-old Carnelian boarded a train for New York. She brought only a spare dress, a small handful of books and her precious slide rule, one more drop in the tide of the Second Great Migration of African Americans headed North. Her resolve to fight injustice had not ebbed in the least, but at this point in her life she resolved to adopt a strategy that reconciled her parents' pleas and orders to stay out of trouble with the revolutionary zeal that burned hot within: she would keep her head down as her parents wanted--until she could develop a thoroughly thought-out, careful plan.

    In New York, Carnelian found to her dismay that the "free" North had its own system of oppression, industrial style. She found work in a garment factory: long hours of relentless drudgery in exchange for a pittance. Yet, she also found something she hadn't expected: a mass movement of allies, the radical Labor movement and the Communist Left. Newsreels presented glowing portrayals of the Soviet Union's resistance to Nazi invasion under "Uncle Joe" Stalin.

    The more she learned about the Soviet Union, the more it captivated her. The Soviets had overthrown their feudal oppressors and, coming through the horrors of World War I, brutal civil war and foreign invasion, they had, within the space of her short lifetime, become a power able to go toe to toe with the hitherto invincible Nazi war machine. Furthermore, their nation was founded on the ideal of working class solidarity against the wealthy and the powerful. For the first time in her life, Carnelian had an example that showed her that the oppressed could win.

    With the vast resources of the New York City Public Library available to her, she had greater opportunities than ever before to advance her skills in science and mathematics, and learn more about the Soviet Union and Communist ideology. At war's end, the U.S. switched from ally of the Soviets to enemy, and the newsreels went from lionizing the Red Army's victories against the Nazis to offering dire warnings of the Red Menace.

    In 1946, at the age of 17, Carnelian received an envelope in the mail, sent from Alabama. Expecting a letter from her family, she tore it open and drew out the contents. Inside was a newspaper print of a photograph...of her mother, father, and siblings, all hanging from trees amidst a gathering of well-dressed townspeople in their Sunday best. There was no letter or note, only the picture. She would never know if it had been sent to inflict pain, or warn her against visiting her home.

    Carnelian would not allow herself to cry. It was time to learn how to fight. From among the workers she rubbed shoulders with in the Labor movement, she sought out anyone who could teach her fighting skills. From a workers in a Chinese laundry, she learned Wing Chun, and from stevedores at the docks she learned down-and-dirty street brawling, and Bartitsu cane technique.

    The same year, she also sought out ways to make contact with the Soviets, and was eventually brought to the attention of Anatoli Yatskov, the Soviet Consul in New York. She showed him the various drawings of designs for flying machines that she'd made over the years, in the hopes that they might be of some use to the Soviet Union.

    Though Yatskov did not think Carnelian's designs would be useful in the dawning age of jet aircraft and rocketry, he was impressed that such a young girl had been able to produce them. He arranged for her to receive covert funding for a college education in the hopes that she could infiltrate the American aerospace industry.

    Carnelian kept her head down through college and feigned a shift toward more conservative an pro-American viewpoints, even as she learned spycraft in secret. During these years, she could only watch in horror as Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists were driven out of the Labor movement, while Cold War politics, the post-War boom and the creation of a consumer society turned the American working class into a conservative force.

    These developments only drove her further into the arms of the Soviets. Increasingly alienated from her home country, she immersed herself in her studies, finding refuge from what she perceived as an increasingly hostile world.

    After graduation, she applied for a position as a mathematician at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). On a cross-country bus trip to California, her bus stopped for the night in Rifle, Colorado, and she went to a little diner called Waffleville for dinner...

  • SKILLS: Aerospace design, mathematics, Wing Chun, street fighting, bartitsu, spycraft.

    STRENGTHS: Self-control, determination, intelligence, inventiveness.

    WEAKNESSES: Has a temper fueled by a lifetime of repressed anger, a sense of personal isolation that keeps her from seeking help when she needs it. No firearms experience. Does not know how to drive an automobile.

    IMPORTANT CHARACTER RELATIONS: Anatoli Yatskov (her recruiter, and the man who will receive the intel she hopes to provide).

(Click on the titles to switch pages. Code by Jenamos)​
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.
Code by Jenamos
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INTERACTIONS: Cole @Leucothea
Carnelian sucked in a gasp of horror. First there was the visceral shock of suddenly being confronted by death. For a moment, she had to close her eyes and shake her head to drive off the image of Abraham's bloodied body, on that accursed night when Father brought him home for the last time.

But as the police officer--if he was a police officer--spoke, a deeper chill seemed to turn her blood to frozen mercury.

If I miss my bus tomorrow because I'm being detained for a criminal investigation, my mission could be over before it begins! Alright...think...think....

She rose and started to head over to join the line, then stopped and partially raised a hand. "Excuse me, Officer...respectfully sir, you are acting on the premise that the...killer...used such a fast-acting poison that they would not have had time to leave before it took effect.

"A poisoner would be taking a great risk attempting to poison a man's meal in public. Even a member of the kitchen staff would have to worry that one of the others would catch them in the act, unless all of them were in on it, but that has to be unlikely, doesn't it?

"A more parsimonious hypothesis would be that the poisoner used a slow-acting poison; find some opportunity to deliver it when there would be no one to see, then leave town and verify their kill at a safe remove by checking the news.

"Since we cannot know at this point that the poisoner is here, or that this diner is even the true scene of the crime, perhaps you could verify our identities, then take down our contact information and have police contact whoever you might need to at some later point?

"I'm sorry sir, but I am on my way to California to take a job that is very important to me, and I cannot stay here for however long it would take to perform a murder investigation, especially since it is entirely possible that the killer could be miles away by now, having poisoned the poor man on some other occasion days ago."

As much as Carnelian hated the fact that she was turning the spotlight on herself by speaking up, she simply couldn't remain trapped in this little one-horse town while the local flatfeet fumbled about trying to catch the killer, especially since they were just assuming that one of the people in the diner had to be guilty, without any evidence whatsoever thus far!

Code by Jenamos
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Ceridwyn Crow
The Curse

location | interactions | mentions

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Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos and Zarko Straadi
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. Curabitur eget tortor nunc. Curabitur maximus convallis dui, vel venenatis dui fermentum at. Mauris sagittis ornare est, id ultrices nisl elementum at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean facilisis sapien ac sapien rutrum ultricies molestie et metus. Ut bibendum luctus arcu, ac euismod ipsum faucibus a. Pellentesque facilisis orci vitae neque pulvinar mollis. Maecenas hendrerit quis tellus sed tristique. Pellentesque sed dui libero.

Donec fringilla, magna molestie fringilla consequat, nunc metus dapibus elit, sit amet aliquet sem tortor bibendum risus. Nullam lacus magna, fringilla sed suscipit eget, congue non turpis. Aliquam vestibulum quis velit a interdum. Mauris metus urna, suscipit et egestas sed, auctor a magna. Duis vitae gravida odio. Fusce viverra quam id velit imperdiet commodo. Ut et leo imperdiet, maximus velit vitae, bibendum lectus. Ut a dignissim eros, eget bibendum ipsum.

Aenean lobortis magna ut est ullamcorper mollis. Sed lobortis sapien sed metus gravida scelerisque. Cras rhoncus nibh dui, sed hendrerit odio sodales venenatis. Duis tincidunt sapien nec est fringilla, vitae mattis erat sagittis. Duis mollis sem nec euismod efficitur. Duis ut erat vehicula, lobortis mauris in, egestas nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi id luctus magna. Nullam in imperdiet lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Curabitur non orci sit amet neque mollis commodo vel venenatis turpis. Praesent posuere metus et nibh hendrerit laoreet. Duis non nisi iaculis ipsum ultricies ultrices. Fusce elementum aliquet varius. Proin et magna molestie, dignissim odio sit amet, viverra elit. Maecenas non libero convallis, consequat magna sit amet, eleifend quam. In id sapien ac dui sagittis posuere. Etiam consequat felis lectus, et posuere arcu elementum quis. Mauris sed dui sed neque aliquam consequat ut in elit. Ut et arcu in nulla dapibus rutrum. Etiam vestibulum semper feugiat. Vivamus sit amet neque at arcu dapibus viverra. Curabitur vehicula velit eu ipsum ornare vestibulum non id lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas eget purus nec ligula eleifend malesuada.

Sed ultricies egestas mauris eu aliquam. Mauris eu elit ante. Proin in quam eu tortor hendrerit aliquet eget in quam. Mauris commodo nunc aliquam magna consequat sollicitudin. Integer auctor posuere sapien et aliquam. Quisque fringilla eros metus, eget posuere est bibendum nec. Donec ipsum nisi, dictum viverra neque ut, convallis vehicula ligula. Duis sem diam, rhoncus at diam eget, finibus pretium lectus. Fusce vehicula aliquet tortor, at consectetur diam rhoncus vel. Mauris ultrices sit amet nunc viverra ullamcorper. Ut sagittis velit ut dui dignissim, in egestas nisl interdum. In convallis tincidunt libero sit amet condimentum. Aenean quis metus ultrices, porttitor arcu eget, euismod purus. Maecenas luctus porttitor facilisis.
「 」
Code by Jenamos
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. Curabitur eget tortor nunc. Curabitur maximus convallis dui, vel venenatis dui fermentum at. Mauris sagittis ornare est, id ultrices nisl elementum at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean facilisis sapien ac sapien rutrum ultricies molestie et metus. Ut bibendum luctus arcu, ac euismod ipsum faucibus a. Pellentesque facilisis orci vitae neque pulvinar mollis. Maecenas hendrerit quis tellus sed tristique. Pellentesque sed dui libero.

Donec fringilla, magna molestie fringilla consequat, nunc metus dapibus elit, sit amet aliquet sem tortor bibendum risus. Nullam lacus magna, fringilla sed suscipit eget, congue non turpis. Aliquam vestibulum quis velit a interdum. Mauris metus urna, suscipit et egestas sed, auctor a magna. Duis vitae gravida odio. Fusce viverra quam id velit imperdiet commodo. Ut et leo imperdiet, maximus velit vitae, bibendum lectus. Ut a dignissim eros, eget bibendum ipsum.

Aenean lobortis magna ut est ullamcorper mollis. Sed lobortis sapien sed metus gravida scelerisque. Cras rhoncus nibh dui, sed hendrerit odio sodales venenatis. Duis tincidunt sapien nec est fringilla, vitae mattis erat sagittis. Duis mollis sem nec euismod efficitur. Duis ut erat vehicula, lobortis mauris in, egestas nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi id luctus magna. Nullam in imperdiet lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Curabitur non orci sit amet neque mollis commodo vel venenatis turpis. Praesent posuere metus et nibh hendrerit laoreet. Duis non nisi iaculis ipsum ultricies ultrices. Fusce elementum aliquet varius. Proin et magna molestie, dignissim odio sit amet, viverra elit. Maecenas non libero convallis, consequat magna sit amet, eleifend quam. In id sapien ac dui sagittis posuere. Etiam consequat felis lectus, et posuere arcu elementum quis. Mauris sed dui sed neque aliquam consequat ut in elit. Ut et arcu in nulla dapibus rutrum. Etiam vestibulum semper feugiat. Vivamus sit amet neque at arcu dapibus viverra. Curabitur vehicula velit eu ipsum ornare vestibulum non id lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas eget purus nec ligula eleifend malesuada.

Sed ultricies egestas mauris eu aliquam. Mauris eu elit ante. Proin in quam eu tortor hendrerit aliquet eget in quam. Mauris commodo nunc aliquam magna consequat sollicitudin. Integer auctor posuere sapien et aliquam. Quisque fringilla eros metus, eget posuere est bibendum nec. Donec ipsum nisi, dictum viverra neque ut, convallis vehicula ligula. Duis sem diam, rhoncus at diam eget, finibus pretium lectus. Fusce vehicula aliquet tortor, at consectetur diam rhoncus vel. Mauris ultrices sit amet nunc viverra ullamcorper. Ut sagittis velit ut dui dignissim, in egestas nisl interdum. In convallis tincidunt libero sit amet condimentum. Aenean quis metus ultrices, porttitor arcu eget, euismod purus. Maecenas luctus porttitor facilisis.
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Code by Jenamos
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Imojen Chastain

location | interactions | mentions

Walking out into the cool night air, Imojen looked up into the starry sky. A few wispy clouds sailed across the firmament, ghostly galleons in the moonlight.

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Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos and Zarko Straadi

Imojen Chastain

location | interactions | mentions

Walking out into the cool night air, Imojen looked up into the starry sky. A few wispy clouds sailed across the firmament, ghostly galleons in the moonlight.

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Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos and Zarko Straadi


location | interactions | mentions

"Zombies? No way, bruh, that's totally fake!" Imojen risked a glance in the direction of the voice. A group of frat boys where huddled at a table together, phones out.

"Dude! There's tons of these videos, it's not just one person! I'm tellin' ya man, the Zombie Apocalypse is here!"

"Then why isn't it on the news?"

"Like they're gonna put it on TV and panic the shit out of everybody. You seriously trust the mainstream media?"

Imojen turned away and headed, tray in hand, to an empty table on the other side of the cafeteria, feeling a moment's relief that she'd managed to stay below their radar. Once she settled in, she got out her own phone and started searching for 'zombie' videos.

The search results were still topped by commentary videos about The Walking Dead and the like, but there were also viral videos with titles like 'Zombie Attack--REAL!' and 'Flesh-Eating Psycho!'

As she ate, Imojen switched to Agenda-Free TV. She felt a chill when she saw that Steve Lookner's livestream news coverage was...of the 'Zombie Pandemic.' She started the feed. Lookner went from clip to clip, showing the locations where they were recorded on an interactive map. Imojen's throat when dry when she saw that one of the outbreak clusters was at the Denver Airport.

There was still a lot of argument in the chat over whether the whole thing was fake, a conspiracy to create a distraction (from what, exactly was never specified), or maybe some kind of protest movement or flash-mob where people dressed up as zombies and victims, acting out attacks. Then Lookner went to vids from an incident in a high school in Korea and another in Japan.

Suddenly at attack appeared right in front of her eyes, a pack of ghouls tearing the entrails out of a hapless victim with their teeth. Imojen yelped and pulled back: a phone in the hand of one of the frat boys, showing video from some site without YouTube's content restrictions. "Hey Imojen! The Zombie Apocalypse is here! You should come with me--could be your last chance to lose your virginity before it's all over!"

She could only manage to look up enough to see their bodies standing around her. "Leave me alone," she said, barely audible.

"God, you marching misogynist morons!" a girl in aggressive punk clothes at the next table said. "Fuck off!"

"Triggered, snowflake?" the frat boy said.

A text notification sounded. Imojen turned her full attention to her phone. Maybe if she got into a texting convo and ignored them, the frat boys would go away? Professor Bhandari:

Imojen, could you come to the Microbiology Building right away?

Even better! "I have to go," she said, a little louder as she scooted her chair back, shouldered her bag, and picked up her tray. Using it to distance herself from the guys, she squeezed through and hurried for the waste bin.

"Hey, what's your hurry?"

"Duuuuude! You just got shot down by Imojen!"

"Shut up, man!"

Feeling a little guilty about throwing her uneaten food away, she willfully ignored them as she made her escape.

Imojen hopped on her bike and rode to the Modernist red-brick and concrete facade of the Biology Building. Traffic was crazy, but she stuck to the sidewalks when she could. Even so, she earned a couple loud horn-honks because her brain kept trying to push the outside world away and focus her full attention on whether the 'zombie pandemic' was real or not, what she ought to do if it was, or the question of why she was being summoned to the Microbiology Building. Some of her studies crossed into microbiology, but she spent most of her time at the Natural and Environmental Sciences Building.

"Imojen! Thank you for coming!" Professor Bhandari said, looking a little surprised that she had. Imojen bit her lip, realizing that she'd forgotten to text her back. She opened her mouth to stammer out an apology, but the Professor came over, put an arm around her and pulled in to talk confidentially. "I'm sorry to interrupt your lunch, but...have you heard anything about the new pandemic?"

"The...uh...people biting people...?" she replied, not quite able to bring herself to say the word 'zombie' in a realm where scientific skepticism reigned.

"We...we're calling them 'Zeds,'" the Professor replied. "It's spreading incredibly fast. The CDC has asked for our help, to get as many eyes on the problem as possible. I called you in because an ecological perspective might help us find answers, and your work on mycology and soil biomes might intersect with the work we're doing. Can you stay?" Imojen nodded; she had nowhere else to go.

Scrubbed up and decked out in biohazard gear, Imojen plunged into the work. The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, just west of the CSU campus, apparently had at least one live 'specimen,' and perhaps others not so live (if 'live' was even accurate in this situation) as they were providing MRI and CAT-scan data, as well as tissue samples.

Imojen threw herself into the work. Hours melted away until her eyelids started getting heavy. She sighed, resigning herself to the pain-in-the-ass process of going through decontamination so she could get out of her hazmat gear and have another cup of coffee. A hand on her shoulder made her jump out of her skin.

"Imojen, it's after midnight. You should go get some rest. Come back in the morning, OK?"

"Yes, Professor."

"It has to be the prion! So far as we can tell, those other things are just globs of tissue in the bloodstream, probably a side effect of the tissue necrosis."

"We don't even know it is a prion, and we won't until the folding simulations are compete."

"The DNA of the tissue globules matches the body they're found in, so they can't be the infection vector! Besides, they're inert an all the blood and tissue samples."

"But they're the only thing with enough structural diversity to explain the different infection tracks."

Imojen listened to the debate on Zoom as she studied some of the globules under a microscope. Muscle cells..and...skin cells? Combined? Something about that seemed familiar...

"Xenobots!" she shouted.

"What?" one of the other researchers on the Zoom call said. "...Imojen Brecja, is it?"

"Uh...xenobots...they're synthetic lifeforms, made from skin and heart muscle cells of frogs. They're designed using evolutionary algorithms to perform specific tasks, and they can operate in swarms. But in this case, they're made from the tissues of the infected person..."

"You think they're the disease vector then?"

"...Maybe they have prion disease...sort of...like...maybe the prion infects first, then triggers the creation of the xenobots...like a kind of symbiosis."

"But the globules are inert!"

"In tissue samples. But...we haven't been able to observe them in the blood of a live Zed or infected person...have we?"

"No, but it's not like they could know the difference between being in a live body and being in a live tissue sample!"

"...Maybe...maybe they can..."

"Come on, how?!"

Imojen gathered her courage. "...Myxogastria...slime molds...normally they live as single-celled organisms, but food scarcity triggers them to spontaneously congregate into larger structures and move as a single body. They can also organize to form fruiting bodies and distribute spores in hopes of finding areas with more food. They can detect airborne chemicals and seek out food sources. And they have a kind of emergent intelligence...they can solve mazes, or figure out an optimum set of paths between multiple locations.

"So maybe this pathogen is like that? That might explain the infection tracks. Like, if the infected person is in a crowd of uninfected, they pick up scents or hormones or something, and use the bite-and-fast-turn approach. But if they're surrounded by infected or alone, then it uses the slow-burn approach so its host can carry it to a location where it can find new hosts before the victim turns. And the xenobots are inert in tissue samples because they communicate with each other well enough to determine that they're not in a body, so they shut down to conserve energy."

"Oh my god...an intelligent infection...but something that complex couldn't--"

"Oh fuck! It's broken out of Denver!" one of the other researchers in the lab said, phone in hand. "The National Guard is trying to block I-25, but..."

"Focus, people! We've got to find a way to stop this thing! We don't have a lot of time!" Professor Bhandari said.

"I--I can't," one of the other students said. "The Zeds could be here any time! I have to go...get my family out of here!" Once the dam broke, most of the other students and professors also fled.

"Imojen..." the Professor said, wondering if she too was about to leave.

Imojen shrugged. "My father couldn't care less about me. I'm just a girl. And I haven't seen my mother since I was five. I'll...stay as long as I can."

Imojen worked through the night. As time passed, the Zoom conference got more and more laggy until it failed altogether.

"Thank you for staying Imojen, but it's time to go," Professor Bhadari said. They've reached Ft. Collins. The National Guard is setting up fortifications around NCEZID, and bringing in supplies. They say they'll be able to keep us supplied by river, and in a worst-case scenario, they'll be able to evacuate us the same way. Take this," she said, handing over a back-up drive. "This has copies of all our data. I've given everyone else one. Hopefully we'll all make it, but if at least one of us does...thank you for all your hard work. Don't give up, Imojen. The world needs you. Please, make it to NCEZID."

Imojen was exhausted by the time she got back to her dormitory at Newsom Hall. Riding her bike in her hazmat suit was awkward, but the campus was a ghost town in the early morning dusk. As she reached the hallway around the corner from her room, she stopped with a jolt of fear: there was a body laying in the hallway, a girl. No blood or bite marks...not a Zed, she thought, and besides, they don't sleep. Maybe...she's just drunk and passed out? That wasn't a terribly uncommon occurrence in normal times.

Cautiously, she approached the prone form. No movement, no sign of violent trauma that she could see. I'll scare the bejabbers out of her in this suit, Imojen thought, giving the girl's foot a little push with one of hers. Nothing. She kicked a little harder. Still nothing. She picked her way around the body so she could stand above the head, then crouched to sweep her hair aside. Choking back her gorge, she scrambled away from the corpse, its eyes glazed over in death.

Doesn't she...live here somewhere? Imojen thought. She'd seen the girl and her roommate a few times, passing on the way to different classes, but she'd never mustered the willpower to talk to them, or really, any of the other people around. What to even say? She hurried back to her dorm room, feeling chills at the thought of a killer on the loose, in addition to the looming threat of Zeds. I need supplies...weapons.

Once inside, with the door locked behind her, Imojen took off her helmet and gloves. She searched her room for anything that she might be able to use. Cleaning supplies...but would caustic chemicals work on Zeds? They seemed impervious to pain. But maybe they could wreck their senses of sight and smell. That would have to help, right?

「 」

Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos
Last edited:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus tincidunt neque, eget venenatis nisi consectetur at. Aliquam in velit ut erat placerat volutpat a sed augue. Curabitur et ante consectetur, lacinia odio at, ullamcorper ipsum. Duis a ligula diam. Aliquam tempus erat sollicitudin, consequat arcu rutrum, facilisis nisi. Nulla ut auctor ligula, ut congue sapien. Quisque eleifend rutrum tempus. Aenean sed leo ac eros porttitor hendrerit nec ut nunc.

    Proin pharetra mi id massa mattis, vitae sagittis neque hendrerit. Nam blandit finibus lectus. Sed luctus quam justo, et ultricies mi pretium ut. Cras ut odio pulvinar, auctor nunc et, efficitur diam. Aenean a lacus arcu. Ut tincidunt ante ut massa feugiat scelerisque. Nunc ultrices nisl at rutrum elementum. Maecenas iaculis laoreet elit a efficitur. Praesent posuere vehicula varius. Donec id enim id lacus pellentesque tempus. Mauris vitae orci suscipit ex blandit suscipit. Sed metus nisi, sagittis quis congue at, volutpat nec ipsum. Fusce ac eleifend lectus.

    Praesent mollis eleifend velit id elementum. Suspendisse quam metus, finibus tincidunt euismod at, dapibus at libero. In laoreet urna at risus pulvinar scelerisque. Ut sollicitudin nec velit in facilisis. Mauris efficitur ex in tristique ultrices. Pellentesque placerat justo ut odio gravida, non iaculis est congue. Sed tellus dui, sagittis eget semper sit amet, dictum a ligula. Sed vitae nisi ornare, accumsan nisl eu, lobortis nisi. Suspendisse eu nisl et lectus pharetra convallis ut sed urna. Donec id accumsan ex. Nulla aliquam nulla quis nibh faucibus porta sed a magna. Vestibulum fermentum venenatis tincidunt. Nulla facilisi.

    Phasellus bibendum ipsum metus, sit amet sagittis tellus ultricies a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis vel aliquam turpis, nec tristique diam. Praesent a tincidunt libero. Morbi et pellentesque nulla. Donec suscipit quam tincidunt elit congue malesuada non a nulla. Nullam eu varius erat. Morbi arcu neque, laoreet pulvinar hendrerit ac, dignissim ac ante. Curabitur bibendum pellentesque turpis, a blandit sapien sagittis vel. Nullam et aliquet odio. Sed auctor, ligula in elementum efficitur, mi dui euismod tellus, in ullamcorper leo sem et diam. Nullam felis tellus, blandit eget hendrerit at, gravida quis massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at tempus neque. Etiam varius urna non lorem rutrum fermentum.

    Nunc est nunc, mattis a volutpat id, volutpat eget purus. Aliquam vitae leo ornare, ullamcorper sem a, dapibus lacus. Proin at ex non ipsum blandit suscipit. Mauris ligula magna, varius maximus tortor ac, posuere volutpat mi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam rhoncus eros et quam elementum, quis mattis metus bibendum. Aenean consectetur porttitor nisi ac iaculis. Pellentesque consectetur lobortis consectetur. Suspendisse venenatis ligula non libero tempor, id pharetra tortor lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ultricies, elit vel dignissim tristique, nisl arcu aliquet ex, in dapibus quam libero id odio.
Code by Jenamos
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque dui mauris, sagittis at rutrum et, pellentesque eget quam. Vestibulum ac dolor ante. Praesent vitae pulvinar massa, a venenatis orci. Nam ut lectus enim. In mi urna, dignissim vel mauris vel, posuere gravida dolor. Duis dignissim volutpat quam, eu fringilla nisi lobortis vel. Nullam nec tempus neque, a pellentesque turpis.

Nunc fermentum tortor ante, at cursus tellus euismod eu. Aenean ut dui quis ligula aliquet porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque sagittis egestas nibh, eu euismod nunc efficitur in. Sed volutpat blandit dictum. Suspendisse ut sapien quis erat convallis tempus ultrices id sapien. Etiam hendrerit eros nec sem suscipit dapibus. Cras neque mauris, gravida ut risus id, accumsan hendrerit ipsum. Morbi vehicula libero et justo faucibus, at scelerisque arcu efficitur. Nunc metus mi, suscipit ac bibendum sit amet, malesuada eget nisl. Morbi luctus in orci ut sodales.

Cras porta vel lectus vitae gravida. Integer in volutpat quam, vel efficitur arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc consequat erat et velit maximus feugiat. Vivamus et aliquet felis, sit amet auctor metus. In tempus enim erat, vitae dictum dolor tristique ut. Nam velit neque, eleifend eget mattis eget, viverra quis ante. Cras ut laoreet nulla. Suspendisse rhoncus velit libero, ac fermentum nisl semper sed.

Duis in mauris eget turpis auctor volutpat. Sed bibendum orci lacus. Phasellus pulvinar ante quis congue mollis. Ut tincidunt bibendum congue. Quisque non purus vel ligula efficitur rhoncus. Nulla a diam id lacus molestie feugiat non ac eros. Sed finibus, tellus id venenatis ornare, massa ante efficitur nisi, vel scelerisque nisi lacus eget erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer cursus purus dui, et placerat augue elementum consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et lacus et nisi vehicula vulputate.

Proin in venenatis odio, eu convallis urna. Nulla porttitor elementum leo, sed dapibus mi egestas et. Ut tincidunt metus erat, ac luctus neque sollicitudin vel. Suspendisse pharetra convallis orci, eu tincidunt mauris vulputate sed. Aliquam sed porttitor mi, vel volutpat erat. Duis consectetur ullamcorper finibus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vitae molestie dolor, eu laoreet odio. Proin pellentesque nunc elit, non vestibulum risus tristique nec. Ut ipsum eros, malesuada at ante at, porttitor sodales elit. Nullam vel nunc lacinia justo bibendum dictum. Phasellus lacinia purus at egestas sollicitudin. Sed sit amet pulvinar diam.
『 』
Code by Jenamos
Naiades Xenakiis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque dui mauris, sagittis at rutrum et, pellentesque eget quam. Vestibulum ac dolor ante. Praesent vitae pulvinar massa, a venenatis orci. Nam ut lectus enim. In mi urna, dignissim vel mauris vel, posuere gravida dolor. Duis dignissim volutpat quam, eu fringilla nisi lobortis vel. Nullam nec tempus neque, a pellentesque turpis.

Nunc fermentum tortor ante, at cursus tellus euismod eu. Aenean ut dui quis ligula aliquet porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque sagittis egestas nibh, eu euismod nunc efficitur in. Sed volutpat blandit dictum. Suspendisse ut sapien quis erat convallis tempus ultrices id sapien. Etiam hendrerit eros nec sem suscipit dapibus. Cras neque mauris, gravida ut risus id, accumsan hendrerit ipsum. Morbi vehicula libero et justo faucibus, at scelerisque arcu efficitur. Nunc metus mi, suscipit ac bibendum sit amet, malesuada eget nisl. Morbi luctus in orci ut sodales.

Cras porta vel lectus vitae gravida. Integer in volutpat quam, vel efficitur arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc consequat erat et velit maximus feugiat. Vivamus et aliquet felis, sit amet auctor metus. In tempus enim erat, vitae dictum dolor tristique ut. Nam velit neque, eleifend eget mattis eget, viverra quis ante. Cras ut laoreet nulla. Suspendisse rhoncus velit libero, ac fermentum nisl semper sed.

Duis in mauris eget turpis auctor volutpat. Sed bibendum orci lacus. Phasellus pulvinar ante quis congue mollis. Ut tincidunt bibendum congue. Quisque non purus vel ligula efficitur rhoncus. Nulla a diam id lacus molestie feugiat non ac eros. Sed finibus, tellus id venenatis ornare, massa ante efficitur nisi, vel scelerisque nisi lacus eget erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer cursus purus dui, et placerat augue elementum consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et lacus et nisi vehicula vulputate.

Proin in venenatis odio, eu convallis urna. Nulla porttitor elementum leo, sed dapibus mi egestas et. Ut tincidunt metus erat, ac luctus neque sollicitudin vel. Suspendisse pharetra convallis orci, eu tincidunt mauris vulputate sed. Aliquam sed porttitor mi, vel volutpat erat. Duis consectetur ullamcorper finibus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vitae molestie dolor, eu laoreet odio. Proin pellentesque nunc elit, non vestibulum risus tristique nec. Ut ipsum eros, malesuada at ante at, porttitor sodales elit. Nullam vel nunc lacinia justo bibendum dictum. Phasellus lacinia purus at egestas sollicitudin. Sed sit amet pulvinar diam.
『 』
Code by Jenamos
Last edited: