Aachen Rizen Compile - Kenno Matsuri [ In Character ]

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Literal No One
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This is the In Character Thread for Kenno Matsuri.
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[fieldbox= Tsubaki Hanejima, lightgreen, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Tsubaki merely looked at the ongoing commotion among themselves with disinterest, as Runara reminded that they are in a graveyard. The noble looked at her employer with disgust while shaking her head, as if she was signalling her not to remind her where they are right now. As for the drama itself, it was not a surprise that a squabble would happened sooner or later considering most of them are criminals. The white haired girl considered passing her blade to Tsubaha, but that was made redundant with the Kousen Priestess decides to take on the Pirate King.

Pirate King... Is he truly a pirate king? Judging from his random choice of action that he has taken just now?

Then, Runara whispered at Tsubaki, telling that they should stop the fight immediately. Perhaps stopping the Priestess will be... a more reasonable job than stopping that rash pirate? With a sigh, Tsubaki acknowledged her employer's order, and went the other way. By the time Tsubaki reached at Rumiko's location, Saburo was already pinned by her employer, albeit in a... questionable way, at least in the noble's eyes.

"Miko-san, I guess the battle is... done?"

She said with a uncertain tone to Rumiko, as she was unsure what the Kousen Priestess will do next. Then comes Rizen screaming about...


For a moment, Tsubaki's eyes went wide before shaking her head profusely. Then comes Saburo blaming the supernatural for his random decision. The noble glared at him, as if she was not believing his words. Noriko then returned Tsubaha's blade before asking Rumiko's blessing. As soon as that was said however...

A strong gust of wind blew past the graveyard, causing Tsubaki to shield her eyes and cover her green-white dress from revealing her modesty. Once the wind has passed however, the scenery has changed, and no one was at the crypt aside from herself.

("It was night... already?")

She thought to herself, before the chills and goosebumps struck her.

"Oh no..."

The noble repeatedly mumbled 'oh no' as she frantically searching for the talismans that she has brought for this occasion. Unfortunately, none of them were at her side for perusal.

"No! It can't be! Where are they?!"

This also means that Tsubaki is in bigger trouble. No, the biggest trouble.

"Oh." She said, before giving up on her search. "I think I got..."

"Yes..." A whisper responded to her. "... Consider this as a punishment to atone for the grave sin you have committed in the past..."

"No... No, no!" Tsubaki began to plead at the nothingness that surrounds her. "It was an accident! I did not intend to kill her! I did not plan to do so! Please! I'm trying the best as I can! You don't have to---"

A splitting headache struck her like a kendo strike to the head, forcing her to kneel down while clutching her head. Fortunately, the actions that she did before was visible to everyone that was... unaffected.

[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

"GET BACK HERE!" Angrily chasing the Pirate who had made use of his speed and ranged weapon in an attempt to keep the furious Priestess at bay, clipping, snapping and even shattering a few smaller trees and stones in her way by fist, the Miko was growing tired of this game as her body weathered the storm upon it. Grabbing his whip on the last strike, her face remained focus as she readied for the final attack- Only to be stopped by others with the Tsubaki and Tsubaha herself interjecting.

Rumiko was still not convinced the Pirate Lord may have in fact been an idiot, she was sure that if she pulled his face off, a Shang noble would be under it with a whisker mustache and leather cap. Pausing to think on this, perhaps her paranoia had went too far and he was simply a coward with a lot of luck.. Either way the one being attacked had requested it. But she would keep an eye on him and for a mustache.. (@Rithas)

Of course Tsubaki had also showed up, getting a glare from the Miko whos rage is suddenly gone, almost eerily radiating a calm. "Very well.. I shall respect your wishes.. Though I am not so sure on him being stupid..". (@Ehb) (@Miya)

"Indeed I do notice Rizen... The Charlatans claims aside, this is a very dangerous place." Of course now Saburo was claiming it was the Evil Spirits that had made him act that way. While it was true that things could change one's temperament she decided to just leave it be. There was no point in holding a grudge over this, least not now. Pondering what to do next Rumiko began a chant, as things just seemed to worsen, addressing them in order of occurrence. "Things worse than that may be here in fact." (@Love)

Next to speak up was Noriko, who had unexpectedly kept out of everything. Pausing her chant to reflect on his request, the woman shakes her head.

"Here lies generation, upon generation of Dead, defiled and forgotten.. At this point to bury the Area and Eritic Prayer Totems, or to burn the whole place would be best.. setting it back right will take a many rituals and hands.. It is not something I can do alone. As to Blessing your weapons, well I can make you feel better with them, but a sword is refined, it must be expertly made or a low quality blade that keeps the purity of the Kami, mass production is an affront to the Spirits. As to water, it is possible for me to purify the region around us, given time and focus, but Spirits are the leas-"


Before the Miko could carry on about on how infeasible it was to purify a giant graveyard that had been ruined, Tsubaki had a sudden fit... While the Pirate Lord was likely bullshitting her, an offense she could forgive, Tsubaki was in very bad trouble. While it could be put down to Mental distress, Rumiko knew better. It was the work of a malicious force, Shang[ a demonic being. This location was far too gone and far too forgotten, just like the Shrine which may have in fact kept the area in check.

With a quick movement of her hands into her large sleeves the Miko had much more pressing matters than apologizing or trying to kill Saburo. "In the Name of the Elements and the Ancestors, I cast you aside! Show yourself creature of Malice! Release your Grasp on the Living!" Throwing two paper seals, one landed on the currently breaking down swordswoman and another on a hollowed tree, or rather inside of it..

Prompting a large scaled head with fanged teeth to peer it's way out, snarling and biting. Rather than explaining or shouting a warning the Miko balls her fist with another seal in hand, rushing forward and punching the creature right in the face as blue flame erupts and a shrill cry rings out, much matching her aura.


All around them the air seemed to become more restless as Rumiko turned her attention to Tsubaki and continuing her Chant, being sure the girl was fine. As the Miko had warned before far worse things had taken up residency in this graveyard. While some of her less civilized companions would have been used to seeing the crazy things that dwelt within the world, the more civilized, likely not so much.

"Live your life in Honor so that the Ancestors will smile upon you, hear not the words of the Foul ones! Give no questions or conversation! We must leave this place now..or prepare for a fight..."

Gritting her teeth this was not good, not good at all as a sudden thought of what was missing entered her mind. "...where are those twins?" The Miko would very much like to leave, it was possible beasts, monsters, demons, goblins or even Orcs were here, attracted by the despair of the damned, ultimately what would happen was in the hands of fate and the leader's choice.

"How many more fell here..might there be bells.." Thinking aloud and shaking her head, the Miko did not expect to see the two twins ever again, if the died she hoped it was at least a mercy.

"Short stuff! Decide something! I'll buy us some time and try to cleanse the area around us!" Deploying more seals and kneeling in the water, the Miko seemed to be attempting to purify the local water and to keep whatever else was out there from stirring, though she had not exactly explained what it was she just punched in the face.

"Noriko, hand these out and keep them with you! Or hell just grab one from him! I can't promise it will protect you but it will help!"

Throwing out several paper seals to the Swordsman, she hoped he caught them and that the more civilized didn't question it, for now her prayer would continue, baring they all decided to run or a fight was on hand. If nothing took place, the Miko would be able to purify the local source.

@various or @the above x2)

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[fieldbox= Yuan Liwei, #4dff4d, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

"Appreciate it," Yuan smiled back up at Nanami in thanks as she bound his wound. He would've said something more, but then an entire cavalcade of arguments and fuckups began going about the group. Saburo doing some eccentric crap...Rumiko getting pissed...Black still being kind of dumb...Yu Ri really not helping the situation while asking him what was going on like he knew...

Yuan sighed, giving the assassin girl a lopsided grin.

"Beats me. I just want fights and bells. Wouldn't that be easier for all of us if we just quit bitching?" He said out loud towards the entire group, standing up.

He unclipped his scabbard from his belt and thumped it against the ground, trying to get everyone's attention.

"Oi! Sit down and shaddup!" He grinned cheerfully, a bandit's menace in his tone despite his smile. "I don't give a shit what problems you people got with each other, we ain't got enough bells worth fighting over anyways! We're here, we're with each other, get over it. We got bigger problems, like not getting killed. So nut up, put your balls back in your lady purses, and quit crying over shitty arguments." Yuan shook his head, sliding his scabbard back onto his sword belt...

...And then he noticed what Rizen was saying.

"Oops. Maybe should've yelled so loud..." Yuan grinned sheepishly, drawing his blade. "Still better than listening to you people fuckin' argue all morning, though. Come on, let's geddem! Rumiko, how do we kill this shit?"

@all of you

[fieldbox=Tsubaha Mori, Red, Solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

The Handle wrappings were soiled. She took such great care to try to keep these blades clean through as much of the tournament as possible, but it looked like it was for naught. She at least had her weapons back. She timidly received them from Noriko.

"Noriko....Thank you."

Was about the best she could muster - she'd mentally been blaming Noriko for the fallout for having started the entire setup in the first place. But, him having found them without even asking made her feel a bit ashamed of herself.

But, that sentiment was soon put on the back-burner, as the talk of spirits and ghosts began to circulate. Beginning with Rizen's seemingly outlandishly fearful reactions. Saburo attributed his episode of hostility to these forces as well. In the realm of the spiritual, it was natural to look the muscle bound Miko. Noriko asked what she could possibly do.

Tsubaha thought all of this was complete nonsense.

The shortie could only think of everyone's growing hysteria as being just rather odd. There were more pressing things to worry about in their situation aside from spirits. Rumiko agreed to help as she could, implicitly - as she began to chant and perform actions that seemed to appear ritualistic in nature. Tsubaha had no idea however, as she didn't know anything about the sect or cult she was supposed be a part of.

"Here lies generation, upon generation of Dead, defiled and forgotten.. At this point to bury the Area and Eritic Prayer Totems, or to burn the whole place would be best.. setting it back right will take a many rituals and hands.. It is not something I can do alone. As to Blessing your weapons, well I can make you feel better with them, but a sword is refined, it must be expertly made or a low quality blade that keeps the purity of the Kami, mass production is an affront to the Spirits. As to water, it is possible for me to purify the region around us, given time and focus, but Spirits are the leas-"

But, it was at about that moment that Tsubaki, one of the calmer looking ones in the group, began to act in a peculiar manner. She was kneeling on the ground, nursing some sort of pain in her head. The Miko - quick to respond. Casting out paper talismans to Tsubaki and a nearby tree.

"In the Name of the Elements and the Ancestors, I cast you aside! Show yourself creature of Malice! Release your Grasp on the Living!"

What was she doing?
A whole lot was happening, but Tsubaha had a hard time processing what exactly the Miko and everyone else was doing.
She was still completely baffled as to what they were all freaking out about. Anyone else looking at this scene would be seeing people freaking out in a creepy cemetery over their own imaginations.

"Short stuff! Decide something! I'll buy us some time and try to cleanse the area around us!"
"Noriko, hand these out and keep them with you! Or hell just grab one from him! I can't promise it will protect you but it will help!"

These people sure were getting excited over a whole lot of nothing.

Tsubaha last thought to herself.

"Oi! Sit down and shaddup!"
"I don't give a shit what problems you people got with each other, we ain't got enough bells worth fighting over anyways! We're here, we're with each other, get over it. We got bigger problems, like not getting killed. So nut up, put your balls back in your lady purses, and quit crying over shitty arguments."

Yuan called out to everyone. As he spoke, Tsubaha whisk some droplets off her blade and sheathed it, equipping it to her side.
She let the other sword lay haplessly on the ground, discarded beside it's sheath.

"Oops. Maybe should've yelled so loud..
"Still better than listening to you people fuckin' argue all morning, though. Come on, let's geddem! Rumiko, how do we kill this shit?"

Something - maybe the supposed serpent in the tree, hissed. Or was that the tree swaying in the wind?
The sound echoed across the cemetery in an eerie way. Like it was the only sound.

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

But that drew everyone into a dark realization.
Everything, save for their own voices, had gone quiet. The sounds of nature had been silenced. The river that flowed nearby, the sounds of life that reverberated from the forest so softly, had been extinguished. The 'cemetery' that they were now in, was like it's own void. Something that had took the form of their surroundings.

And they were now trapped. In this void. It was in this same place that Tsubaki was. Together, they were now trapped.

A hush fell over the group.

"...You are all really getting so rambunctious over your own imaginations, here."

suddenly spoke up.

"There is nothing here besides us. Therefore, there shan't be a reason to be weary of anything, save your own imaginations."


"I know."
"I presume that all here are quite fatigued. So, maybe it would be for the best if we take a nap here, for a time in order to recuperate one's strength?"

She suggested to them casually.

[fieldbox=Black Nightingale, #D3D3D3, solid]
[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

"What the hell..."
Black said as Saburo stepped forth to challenge Tsubaha. "Did I get myself into?" He finished as The Miko stepped up to intercept his unfair challenge. Black expected an all-out fight, which had happened, for a time, but was abruptly stopped by the intervention of the dancer, Runara, and assassin, Yu Ri. He yawned. From a mix of boredom, as he couldn't really seem to track the chain of events, and fatigue from his earlier rush of pain (and his own personality), he laid back and closed his eyes, falling fast asleep.

Like most of his dreams, he fell into this one, literally falling until his mind could paint the scene it wanted him to be in. This time around he was in the graveyard. He fell hard onto a tombstone, nearly splitting him in half, but got up as if it were nothing. He looked at his leg to see it was fine and looked around to see he was alone.

"Hey, guys!" He called, giving the place another look before accepting he had been left alone. "Go figure."

Black continued his journey, trying to travel outside of the graveyard, but as he walked up with his hands at his side and his typical bored expression, he bounced back onto his bottom. He stood up and tapped the wall? His hand stopped. Something was there, but he couldn't see it and it wasn't letting him leave. "Great." He muttered to himself. He walked back over to the Tsubaha's "grave" and sat down.

Time passed and more time passed. Black's body just laying lifelessly across Tsubaha's tomb as his group ran around acting nuts. In his mind he wasn't doing anything much different, just sitting there, letting time pass. It was incredible how resilient he could actually be in his head, he seemed pretty much unaffected by anything there, but then again this is the guy who sleeps for fun. He's learned to make his dreams follow him, but sometimes, like now, the mind is overcome with emotion, basically trapping itself and punishing itself.

Then, Tsubaki, materialized before him. She was most likely beside him talking or she'd never crossed his mind. He could've cared less, he thought, but yet his mind picked up on her. Was he really alone? Is this why he could see no one? No. Why would Tsubaki come to Black, he had no bells. He had done nothing to her. Then the others appeared around him.

"This, isn't me..." Black finally realized as he stood up. "What's going on?"

"I presume that all here are quite fatigued. So, maybe it would be for the best if we take a nap here, for a time in order to recuperate one's strength?"

It was like a ghost was talking. It sounded like Tsubaha, but the Tsubaha in his dreams was as still as all the other mannequins around him. He crossed his arms, he didn't feel like waking up, normally an animal would appear if he was getting hurt so he was fine for the time being.

"If they could just let me sleep, I'd be happy to take on ghostly Tsubaha's offer." Black said as he slid down her tombstone and rested his head.

[fieldbox=Kei Daidouji, #00ffff, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Black rambled, but Kei was more than ready to lay down on the ground and wait for them all to come to decision. Preferably before they all had to sleep in a graveyard. There was something particularly eerie about this one, to boot. He half expected fog to cover the ground more than expected. Plus, the river was also nearby. Water magic or no, he was boiling all his water thoroughly. Even he got called a prissy kid again. He'd laugh when they were all down with waterbourne illnesses again.

At least the Miko was right on cue with mentioning how unholy and thoroughly unsettling this all was. She shut down Black's tirade as well, so Kei was more than willing to let the discussion continue without him. Only contributing so much as a shrug and an innocent look at the Miko. Kei had no interest in stirring up more trouble than he wanted. He'd keep an eye on Tsubaha.

"Tempted to take all three and run? If you did that. I'd cut you down myself.. You can try now."

"Hey. Hey... I'm honorable enough to admit to my faults, madame. Why would I announce it if I was going to do so? Gods, you're as dense as Tsubaha. If I say I'm tempted to do something, then I'll rarely follow through. Surprise is a critical element if I want to be sure to escape you all and tell the tale."

Noriko was then polite enough to address the group further. Kei wished he had an apple to peel to pass the time. Tsubaha had a proposal to leave the shrine and Kei was already standing. Kei would kill to leave this spooky place behind as soon as possible. And... if Black's wound hurt him while they moved... well that wouldn't be such a shame, now would it?

Saburo started a fight. Kei plopped himself back on the ground. He wondered if he should get out more of his makeshift bandages. The fight was more or less resolved by people taking one side -Tsubaha's- and stopping the fighters. He really should have found a way to pack snacks. This was entertaining to watch.

The kid was yelling now, something about bad vibes. No duh, kid. Kei thought. It's a freaking graveyard.

Spirits? That was the excuse? Well... the Pirate King seemed to play along. Kei was happy for excuse to leave.

"Cool. Then can we leave now? I don't want to-"

Tsubaki suddenly started clutching her head and crying out.

Some entity really had it out for him. As if being in prison wasn't bad enough, situational irony was going to do them all in now.

Mister Big and Tough. Can you hold out forever? You will only last minutes in there.

Well. The Miko was panicking which meant it was time to follow her instructions exactly. Without asking, Kei took a paper from where she'd thrown them. It was nonsense.... but Tsubaki over there wasn't having a splitting headache for nothing. And the Priestess probably just punched a ghost. Kei wasn't about to argue with someone who punched a ghost.

"There is nothing here besides us. Therefore, there shan't be a reason to be weary of anything, save your own imaginations."

"I presume that all here are quite fatigued. So, maybe it would be for the best if we take a nap here, for a time in order to recuperate one's strength?"

"No. Noooope. Haha... I just remembered... ah... no. Also think you're looking for the word 'wary' there? So uh..."
Kei walked over to Black and kicked him. As hard as it took to wake him. "Let's all not sleep where half the party is getting supernaturally bad vibes, eh Black? Plus, the only people who sleep in cemeteries tend to be the people who never wake back up. If you get my drift? So, let's let the sleeping dead lie? That sounds really great right now? Hah... ha..."

Kei casually moved to stand behind the Priestess. Who at least seemed to know what to do when everything went absolutely silent and spooky. Kei had signed up for fighting against people. Not dead people.

@Ehb @ShiroKiyoshi @GhostBusters
[fieldbox=, white, Solid]
[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

'Tsubaha' nodded to Kei's correction.

"Yes - for the travelers here indeed, there is no need to be wary, nor must you be weary. You can rest here, in peace."
"Indeed does the tailed abomination have the correct mindset."

There was something wrong with Tsubaha.
They all hadn't necessarily known her for very long, but there was definitely something wrong with this situation, and with the way she was acting. A moment ago, she was trying to get everyone together to leave the graveyard as soon as possible. But now, after what had happened - she was biding them to stay - sleep here.

This 'here' however, wasn't the same graveyard they had been to before.
It was something else entirely.

The distortion of this space made it hard to focus, or even follow anything for some of them. But, their senses were quickly tempered as they saw her make the next move. The girl with Tsubaha's form then carefully drew her blade, and readied it against the party.

@Karyra @ShiroKiyoshi
"You can bide your time here to what length you desire. You can even reside unto all eternity if you wish. Whatever the case might be - stay here, for a time."
"May I even suggest you to just stay here forever?"

A sudden burst of malice was felt from the girl with Tsubaha's form.
Behind the Tsubaha with her blade drawn... it was faint.
But there was another Tsubaha - the real one - struggling to take a hold of her blade. The same blade that this apparition was wielding against the others.

Yes, it wasn't Tsubaha that had gotten possessed now, it was one of her own weapons, it seemed.

The specter of the outside realm where Tsubaha was, faded away. Leaving only them and the spectre.
It smiled coyishly at them.

"Right now in this world, your spirits have been torn from your bodies."
"The only one who managed to resist is standing among empty shells without even realizing it."

"Welcome to your new home."
"The realm of darkness, Neithare."

Anyone could've guessed that the graveyard that they took refuge in was bad news.
But, with their spirits removed from their bodies now... did that mean they were dead?
This apparition that took Tsubaha's form had much to answer for.

Neithare was a concept that many people knew about.
It was a common superstition that believes that when someone dies, their being would return to nothingness.
Or, in other words, all that awaited people after death was nothing.

Beyond that, many different peoples and cultures treated the Neithare concept differently.
If what they were experiencing now was something truly supernatural, then this Apparition had something - many things to answer for. But beyond that, they had to escape the graveyard, and whatever this unsettling place was. The option to just attack the specter was there. If the apparition possessed one of Tsubaha's blades, then possessing their own weapons didn't seem to be so farfetch'd - that option seemed the most straightforward, but if this was an actual dead entity they were speaking to... then maybe a conversation could uncover more clues to a different outcome.

[ Deal With the Apparition! ]

[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Listening to Yuan in mid chant, she didn't finish it in time, though the source of the problem...it wasn't where she had expected it.. Shouting out her instructions she only got part of the way through.. "Just put it around your weapon or on your per-"

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

"-son" Finishing her words the whole world seemed shut off, because it was.. This was simply put not a good thing, the problem was how to solve it, Tsubaha had fallen prey given her doubt and refusal, while Tsubaki had acted as the gateway. Or so she had theorized, Rumiko wasn't a scholar and time was pressing. The question was how to fix it without harming the two. To converse with the wrathful dead was never a good idea.

First Rumiko had to figure out if their bodies were actually here, or still out there, that mattered a lot. Given the cutoff to the outside world, which some seemingly had not noticed, the Miko had assumed it was a barrier of some sort.. They also had another issue to deal with, the hunters would not likely gain on them in no time, the plus however was, they would also likely be trapped here.

One thing was for sure however and likely didn't need to be said; "Don't sleep here."

"And..as to you Tsubaha, don't you need to fight your sister? She is coming you know.."

Eying Yuan and Kei the Miko shifts her vision towards Tsubaha, for now she couldn't do anything for Tsubaki, though Kei had made his usefulness short by hiding behind her. With a shake of her head at least he knew enough to know something was up and just maybe her short aid to Tsubaki would have been enough. The clear problem was this wasn't and was Tsubaha, testing the waters for a reaction the Priestess wasn't sure how many others would fall for this façade, either way the Swordswoman was the major issue here.

"Power is meant to be expanded is it not? What is Strength without worth and flesh? What is the center of all things and the power of the lesser among the greater?" Pondering the situation again, perhaps talking to this... thing wasn't the correct option and their bodies were still outside, with their minds as a prison. If this being was attempting to test her it would be sorely disappointed, her hands were coated in blood that she had accepted and even now marched forward knowingly adding more to it.

While waiting on her response from Tsubaha, it would be worth noting the reactions, regardless of her faith being real or false, it was a source of hope in this dark times.

Of course then the creature had all but confirmed what it was and what she was, or did it? Either way her purification rites had been too slow, though she at least had a way out of this, the problem was the rest. On the one hand leaving them to their fate would have been what more sensible people would have done, but the Miko had made a pact and she wasn't about to leave souls to some foul Demon, nor was she about to speak with it.

Strength without Will was feeble, Will without Strength was useless. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Letting out a tremendous battle scream, summoning up her own spirit and magical essence her whole disembodied form seemed to roar with the blue flame of the Ki energy that some Monks were known for. For all her talk on purging spirits it wasn't too much of a surprise that she seemingly knew how to conduct battle here. "Focus your Wills! Fight for your Life! Listen not to the Mutant, the Abomination to Ancestors and Spirits! Listen not to the Easter of Souls and bring him nothing but his well deserved Rest!"

"If we can drive him back we can leave! I will buy us time!" If only one attack would have worked... if only it would be so easy.. The first step was to create holy ground within this realm. While it was indeed the land of the Dead that faith and belief of those the beast trapped did in fact shape it.

"Your Bodies yet live! but this foe will take them! You will turn into beasts you cannot imagine! So Fight! Do not Speak to it! Any Promises it makes will haunt your ancestors a thousand fold!" The Miko seemed rather insistent on this point as her feet firlm plant into the surfaces of this room.

"Neithare! Ha! Tha land of nothingness! Yet you lead fools astray and turn them into monsters! Look upon your anscestors, look upon Shang! You being of malice! I shall drive you out and back once more!"

Attacking him with her very soul and spirit the Miko had the drive to carry on and a reason that went far past glory, perhaps a fanatical edge, but for now, a spoiling attack would do, something to show them that the voids differed and could in fact be crossed.

"The only thing we could offer him, are our trackers, then we could likely take all the bells, but she'll became some sort of creature...hell bent on fighting us.. Shadow Walkers, never trust them.."

Continuing her rant and stomp, the area right beneath her feet seem to became influence by outside elementals, the twinge ling between life and death. bits of water, wind, earth and fire seemed to have found root in the miko's attempts, inducting more of familiarity to drive the best back, or at least amp up her comrades to fight. Her real attack would be coming after this... ground work had to be set. If anyone here wanted to make a deal with demons, that was also fine, she would not aid them in escape.

What happened next would depend on them but the Miko had already slammed down the gauntlet, this being but the first of many blows provided none of the rest didn't suddenly want to make a deal.

Either way not many deals could be made and fiewer were those of a Demon, one should put trust in. Nor could this being be trusted with a simple agreement, if at all.

@Ehb @others
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[fieldbox= Yuan Liwei, #4dff4d, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

Well, this was new. And exciting, Yuan mused to himself as he beheld what apparently wasn't Tsubaha. Spirits and the like were something he'd never dealt with before, but hell, according to their resident priestess, they could be fought and slain. And really, that was more than enough for him.

"So what you're saying is, as long as we kill it, we end up back where we were, fine and dandy?" Yuan asked casually as he stepped forward, resting a hand on the hilt of his sword. "Not that your second option isn't attractive. Gathering up the bells without a hassle, and then getting a better fight at the end? If it weren't for the fact that you'd probably lose your shit, I might've gone for it." The bandit swordsman laughed in the face of death as he braced himself for a charge. "Oh, and it'd probably kill Tsubaha, right? That'd be bad, too."

Grinning, Yuan charged forward, his blade flashing out in an iaijutsu strike. "Killing Flash!"


[fieldbox= Tsubaki Hanejima, lightgreen, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

The splitting headache continued on, causing Tsubaki to remain debilitated. But the voices however, are gone. After what it feels like an eternity, the headache stopped. With a dread, she slowly opened her eyes, only to realize that the others are with her. She also noticed a Tsubaha-lookalike figure, saying that they should take a break. The noble merely looked at the events unfolding in front of her.

("So basically, we're in an afterlife of sorts...")

With the apparition in front of them discarded its disguise and went into an attacking stance, with Tsubaha behind it, trying to regain control of her weapons. Rumiko and Yuan already started attacking the apparition after the Kousen Priestess advised not to believe a single word from the apparition. After getting up to her feet, Tsubaki pinched her forehead, trying to shake out the slight dizziness that she was experiencing after that nasty headache.

"The Priestess is right! I think we should try freeing Tsubaha's weapons, Goshujin-sama!" She said when she turned to Runara.

The noble felt something was off. Regardless, she turned to the apparition. Once she was in a combat stance, Tsubaki disappeared after a quick dash, presumably making her way towards the ghost.

[fieldbox= Saburo, #FF00FF, solid]


[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]


"Neithare?" Saburo felt his hairs tingle. Did that mean he was dead? Just like that? No, that couldn't be right. But somehow this spirit had trapped them. And possessed Tsubaha. Now she was annoying and scary!

He felt it was probably the wrong time to say how his actions would have helped them all out considerably in this situation. Announcing that now...well...wouldn't contribuate much at the moment.

But still, his ability to ignore all past reasons made him able to grab a sizeable amount of self validation from this.

At some point, Saburo had managed to get out from under Runara. Now he stood there. Maybe it was possible to bargain with this apparition. Something with humanity? Or maybe it just really wanted to taste chicken one more time.


On second thought. Maybe it was best to leave it to the priestess.

Yes. This was the most optimal canidate.

The very....scary priestess who two minutes ago was trying to murder him. Yes, he had merely been stoking the fire in preperation for this...

As others in the group began to join in what would hopefully be some spirtual bullying. Saburo took a few steps back till he was behind a nearby grave.

"You guys seem to have a handle on the situation..."

[fieldbox=Kei Daidouji, #00ffff, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

"You can bide your time here to what length you desire. You can even reside unto all eternity if you wish. Whatever the case might be - stay here, for a time."
"May I even suggest you to just stay here forever?"

"Yeah, sorry I got place to be and things to do. Knives to use and what not. Plus, I'm not good at the..."
Kei gestured vaguely at the spirit. In fact, this was probably the most spiritual stuff that Kei had ever done. He didn't even think it was more than just tales, either. Clearly... he was very, very wrong about that.

"Right now in this world, your spirits have been torn from your bodies."
"The only one who managed to resist is standing among empty shells without even realizing it."

"Welcome to your new home."
"The realm of darkness, Neithare."

"Oh. That's..."
To his credit, Kei only let the color from his face fade. He seemed to keep up his bravado in tone, but in reality he was scared. He was in the world of the dead. "Well, sorry. Can't stay here today got things to do, like I said. So... thanks for the offer but..."

The priestess started to talk and ramble about wills and strength and not giving in to the spirit. Kei moved just a little bit further away from the spirit in an attempt to avoid getting hit by... well whatever that blue fire was that the miko was giving off. Kei was sure that nobody, either spirit or human wanted to touch that at all.

Kei's response was throwing a knife at their er... lively host. Didn't matter if it hit or not, it was a definitive response to the monster. Yuan was also already charging forth, Tsubaki was ready to fight, and Saburo...

Wait, where was the pirate king? After a quick look around... he was hiding behind a grave. Kei locked eyes with Saburo and gave him the dirtiest look imaginable. The kind that said 'you run away and it won't be the spirit that kills you'.

@Ehb @Rithas @WelcomeToHel(NorseVer)
[fieldbox= Noriko Amagawa, #99ccff, solid]

[ Month of Renewal 16th, Morning / Jiaojing Province, Maolan Forest, Crypts of the Sacred Blood ]

Having been informed that there was no feasible way of purifying their weapons if the craftsmanship was no good, Noriko had no way of attempting to ward of their astral attackers. It became evident that the best form of purification would be to burn the entire place down but not only would that take a lot of time and effort but it would also be a way of telling Tsukaha and her forces "We're over here! Come and kills us already".

He could only watch helplessly as Rumiko tries to perform an exorcism on Tsubaki who seems to have been under the influence of a malevolent spirit. However, she did mention that there might be a way to cleanse the water around them. As she was doing so, it seems that she was also successful in rooting out the spirit that had possessed Tsubaki as evidenced by the very much angry apparition that they all hopefully saw.

Finally it seemed that Rumiko thought up of a way to hold off the supernatural forces that they were dealing with. She hurriedly handed him a bunch of seals and was giving instructions on how to use them until she was cut off when everything around them was surrounded in darkness and Tsubaha suddenly started spouting eerie lines.

Noriko thought that Tsubaha had been possessed herself, like Tsubaki until he saw her, the real her, struggling to keep one of her swords at bay. The Spectral Tsubaha revealed that they have been spirited away to a realm known as Neithare, what many believed to be a realm of nothingness and the final destination of all souls. It was beckoning them to stay in this dark and twisted world forever but Rumiko was having none of it and began her assault after a speech about strength and will.

"Well... that's something you don't see everyday. If this truly is the final resting place of souls, then it just makes me want to live a little longer. Besides, I'm not going anywhere until I find that woman and give her a piece of my mind."

After checking to make sure he was alright, Noriko noticed something that put a wide grin on his face. Not only was his sword still with him, but the seals Rumiko gave him were still firmly clutched in his hands. He quickly approached everyone and began distributing the seals. He vaguely had an idea on how to use them based on the miko's instructions and told the group to wrap the seals on their weapons or themselves so that they may be able to harm the apparition. Afterwards, Noriko drew his sword, wrapped a seal around the hilt and charged towards the apparition, blade in hand.

@RedArmyShogun @Ehb @Everyone

[fieldbox=, white, Solid]
[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

The conversation didn't last long.
At the possibility of being stuck in this realm forever, several of those souls, after hearing this situation, were eager to leave. By force if need be. Yes, force was the simplest way of going about it.

The priestess attacked, as did the bandit, and even the other swordsman equipped with enchanted paper.
Yes, enchanted paper talismans. Those made things rather troublesome.

The spectre dodged the first blows... just barely.
Regaining their stand and spacing, they stood armed with blade.

"Resorting right to force to begin with. Curses, If it weren't for those accursed talismans I needn't worry of any blow coming from you lot."

"If you shalt resist sleeping of your own accord, then allow me to persuade you!"


Engaging Foes

When the party encounters an enemy, the narrative turns towards defeating that enemy. Utilize your Techs in order to extinguish the threats.

Using Tech

Tech is the primary way to defeat foes in battle. Techs utilize Iwaku's Dice Function and can only target a single foe at a time. Since all that can get complicated, take a look over 2 examples of how tech attacks are posted so things can be kept simple!

General Guideline

1) [ Write Your IC Post up to the Point that Your Character uses their Tech ]
2) [ Write: " [ Character_Name Used Tech_Name (LV #) ! ] " ]
3) [ Roll A Dice, Correlating to the Level of Your Used Tech: ]

Level 1 - Roll a Three Sided Die, The Tech Is Successful if it lands on 1 .
Level 2 - Roll a Two Sided Die, The Tech Is Successful if it lands on 1.
Level 3 - The Tech Will Always Land When Used. A dice roll is not necessary in this case.

4) [ Write the rest of the post based upon the success or non-success of that roll. I personally like to blatantly put [ It Failed! ] or [ Roll Sucessful! ] to make the outcome super clear.]

Here's a good example of someone posting a tech IC-ly:


Note that: They didn't write the [ Character_Name Used Tech_Name (LV #) ! ]
But that's okay, since that information is clearly shown in the Dice Roll Box.

Also Note: Posting quality expectations will remain the same. If your post fails to meet the quality standards, you may end up getting countered, regardless of what you rolled!

Tech Rotation

Your character can only execute a single Tech Tree per post - this includes your base techs and attempts at performing their associated extentions. A character cannot use the same Tech Tree again UNTIL after all other tech trees have been used in their arsenal. This is done to encourage upgrading techs as they accumulate upgrade points.

If the GM notices techs not being used in rotation, your attack may experience a Critical Failure. In which your attack gets countered!

Tougher Foes With Endurance

'Mob' Foes can be defeated with a single hit. However, tougher foes will take several successful attacks in order to be defeated. Their Endurance Points (EP) is kept recorded in the Discord under a special thread.

Attacking Order - Once Per Turn!

Characters can attack a foe in any order.
However, characters can only execute a single tech tree once per turn.

Each time the Foe(s) conduct their attacks, a new turn begins. Allowing all other characters to attack once more.
Attempting to attack twice in a turn can lead to critical failures, such as having your attack countered, even if your roll was successful!

In other words, each time the GM posts, a new turn begins! Do not that the GM won't necessarily wait on everyone to make their turn. Some foes may be more tenacious and attack more often!

Battle Lens(Initial):

x1 Tsubaha(?) (Tough)

Information: Defeat the Spectre!

Tsubaha(?) (Tough)
EP: 12/12

Special Skill:


Sonic Thrust (Base: Force - Lv 3)

User thrusts forward with their blade.

Tiger Blade (Base: Force - LV 3)

User slashes upwards sending the foe up, before slashing them back down.

Impulse (Base: Force - LV 3)

Sends a shock-wave along the ground into a foe.
Double Impulse (Arkane: Force - LV 2)
Sends two shock-waves along the ground, hitting the foe one after the other.

The battle commences...

"You lot shall not leave here."
"We well escape this realm of void. And you WILL help us in this endeavor!"

The Foe began their attack, swiping their blade along the ground, once, and then three times.
They used one of their strongest attacks right from the get go. Those familiar with Shang's Wushu school immediately recognized these basic techniques.

The first shock-wave went straight for the biggest, and most dangerous target on the field. Rumiko.

[ Roll Failed! ]

[fieldbox=, white, Solid]

The first wave struck into the miko, however follow up waves were dodged, it seemed.

"What?! You dodged it!"

If that was the best that this spectre had to offer, then this battle was going to be over in a flash.
Just like Tsubaha had convinced them of previously, having so many of them on the same team meant that they could easily gang up on any foe.

Victory was no doubt assured!

@_Everyone @RedArmyShogun
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[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

Troublesome Swordsmanship, of course it would copy that damnable school.. At least Yuan and Noriko were quick and keen to follow her instructions and the Blessed Seals were keeping up their ability to damage this corrupted creature. It was a shame fighting demons and ghosts were a poor way of advertising one's faith.. Either way the false Tsubaha was a pressing concern as her combination attack headed right for herself, the creature marking her as the primary threat to it's survival. If not for the fact her soul and life were on the line she would have felt honored.

Taking the first hit, the Miko endures the first brunt of the assault, before seemingly shimmering, vanishing from view and avoiding the next impacts.

"You will find I fall not so easily Specter! The Spirits give me strength!"

Unleashing her battle cry and her taunt, Rumiko suddenly appears before the apparition in a burst of speed, she would return the Specters attack in kind, a combo for a combo. Raising her rest fist level with her chest, the Pugilist Priestess takes in a deep breath as her eyes widen and she steps in closer to beginher physical barrage.

[Rumiko Used Houten Ryu Volley Fist (LV 3) ]

[ AUTOMATIC Roll Sucessful! ]

"HA!!!!!!" Unleashing a flurry of punches in rapid succession from both arms, right and left aimed for the false Tsubaha's chest and face, leaving behind what seemed to be a solid blur of movement that broke into after images as six solid blows connect. Jumping back quickly to clear room for her allies, she was unsure most of them had the presence of mind to attack... If not then they were likely lost to this realm of the damned... But they had enough to kill this being, she was sure of that, enough to be free..

Readying herself for the next opening, Rumiko had no intention of falling here, and while that thing had hurt, she could still go another round or two if forced.

@Ehb @others
[fieldbox= Tsubaki Hanejima, lightgreen, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

Noticing that the party chose to attack, the spectre performed a skill that resembled a Jiao wushu move, aiming at Rumiko. However, the attack missed as the priestess deftly evaded the projectiles. Once she was in range, Rumiko gave a smackdown at the ghastly being. When Rumiko successfully attacked the spectre, Tsubaki appeared side by side with the Kousen Priestess after she jumped back. Without wasting time on speeches or looking around, the noble immediately seized the opening.

With a kiai, Tsubaki rushed in, her hands on her weapon.

[ Tsubaki Used Slash Lv3! ]

[ Automatic - Roll Sucessful! ]

The noble performed a basic, but blazingly fast slash at the spectre. The others could merely see a curved, pink colored streak going through the apparition. If they blinked, it is most likely they would miss that attack. Once her attack is connected, Tsubaki jumped back to safety and sheathed her weapon, all in a single, graceful motion.


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Engaging Foes

Break! Damage

A type of status effect that multiplies damage inflicted by a foe by 2.

When a player on the party is inactive for more than 2 turns. They become susceptible to taking Break! Damage. Break can be waived by having a character in question perform an attack or action.

The general gist is that the fight is moving so slow for a character that they are unable to keep up, leading them to being blindsided.

[fieldbox=, white, Solid]
[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

"-Kuuugh~! You damned hulking she-beast! What kind of woman strikes with such force...! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Indeed, the spirit was aghast and frustrated at Rumiko. Everything about this person seemed to defy everything that was considered normal. Furthermore, it was this wench whom had brought on the seals that allowed them to strike back in the first place. But no matter, the rest of them-

The specter was struck by the girl with white hair, performing a focused slash.

The strike tore into the spectral Tsubaha's side. But, it did not bleed like a normal body would. Instead, it wafted in the wind. It was as if Tsubaki had cut into some sort of paper doll.

Just a scratch.
The spectre remained confident that it still had the upper hand.

Beyond these two, the rest of the fools seemed to not be able to keep up.
If the muscled one and the girl could be handled, then the rest would be easy prey.
For now, one simply needed to slug on!

"You think jumping back..."

The spectre drew their blade back, aiming they called out to Tsubaki.

"..Is going to keep you safe!?"
"Sonic Thrust!"

[ The Spectre used Sonic Thrust (LV 3) ! ]

[ Automatic Success! ]

Their blade careened forward, and slashed by Tsubaki's side.
The blow was intense. It felt like a whole third of their vitality was taken by that strike.


@Miya @_Everyone
[fieldbox=Runara Blazeheart, #ffa64d, solid]


[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]


How did Runara get here...? Was it all due to the eerie crypt thing? And why is Tsubaha...?

During all her questioning what happened and why is she here... Saburo managed to slip out of her hold. And then there it was, the explanation of why they're here from the being that took form of Tsubaha. While Runara had difficulty to comprehend it at first, others swiftly went to strike the spectral being. Only for the being to barely dodge all of it. The spirit also spoiled the fact that the talisman that were wrapped around their weapon made her worry about dodging.

Runara is still not sure to believe that talisman that were given to her would help with eradicating this evil being. Until she saw her allies striking down the spectre with their weapons. Runara then took the paper talismans and then ties it to the grip of her blades. She also placed the talisman inside her outfit, delaying her participation in the combat.

"So we just have to beat you so we can return huh?" She said, standing up after finishing tying the talisman into her blades' grip. She turned her gaze to the spectre. Her body starts to be engulfed in flames. "Flame Dance, first step!" She dashes towards the spectre. Slamming her body into the evil being.

[Runara used Alluring Flame - Lv 3 !]

[Auto Success!]

She immediately kicks herself back away from the spectre. Her body has ceased to be ablaze. "Second step." She put her right hand on her lips, blowing a kiss towards the spectre. A spark of fire could be seen approaching the spectre as she blows her kiss.

[Runara used Ignition - Lv 1 !]

[Roll Result : 3 - FAIL!]

Only for the spark to miss by the slightest. Runara soon landed to the ground. "I really need to work on my kiss." She commented. Taking this whole situation lightly compared to everyone else.


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[fieldbox= Saburo, #FF00FF, solid]


[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

Meeting Kei's eye for only a moment, Saburo quickly found a interesting clump of weeds to gaze at. What did that creepy blue hair jerk want with him!? Oh, sorry that he didn't want battle with the ghost while they were in the realm of the dead.

As chaos began to explode behind him. Saburo closed his eyes.

Happy place. You're in your happy place. And not getting your soul stolen by ghosts. Your little cottage. Painting the hills. He just wanted to go back to that. Yes, he wanted to go back.

Shakily standing up. Saburo took a small step so he was only half covered by the grave. He'll just give a little assisstance. Not enoughy to attract the attention of the demon, but enough so that nobody could say he wasn't contributing.


The wooshing of the air grew as Saburo reeled his whip back.

[Saburo used Water Whip - LV3]


The boom crackled through the still air as his whip slashed at Tsubaha. Landing solidly, a forceful blast of water exploded from the end of the whip. Curiously, one would notice that Saburo didn't seem to have any Talisman on him or his weapon. Why, he had been hiding behind the grave so he couldn't have gotten any. So how was he hitting the spirit?

Spinning on the heel of his foot, His silk cloak waving gracefully behind him. Ice particles began to glow brightly around him as he brought his whip around for a second attack.

[Saburo uses Frozen Snake - LV1]


Unfortunately, as Saburo finished his twist. His foot slipped. Which led to hima (Somewhat impressive) double twist in the air before inevitably face planting. His whip not even reaching the spirit but instead blasting apart a tombstone behind Saburo.

"Neehhiled ith"

Picking himself off the ground, Saburo twirled his whip. "Ah, er, this land messes with the spirits that flow through me! We must reclaim this foul thing. I-I want it back in me! Oh that sounded wrong."

Yes, he had done his bit now. Now when people attacked again he would just go back to his safety rock and wait for the whole thing to blow over.
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[Fieldbox= Rumiko Mitsurugi, #b30000, solid]

[ Month of ???, ??? / ??? ]

Watching the others who went, two seemed intent on attempting some sort of rapid combo attacks on the apparition. Not surprised by the actions of the Pirate, Rumiko took note of the Swordswoman and her so called employer...the later was..some sort of flaming kiss? The former had a sword technique that seemed to have fit her rather well. Taking note of the damage dealt to the Specter, it was time to give her own try at spiritually damaging the beast, as Tsubaki took a slash to her side.

The little bastard packed a punch, regardless of it's looks and tricks.... Taking up a prayer stance, which may have seemed out of place, the priestess closes her eyes, touching her palms together as the blue flame concentrates around her hands. Transferring to the right with a sudden palm thrust followed up with a blast of the blue energy in a concentrated form.

[ Rumiko used Arkane Tech Houten Ryu Spirit Impact - lv1 ]

[ Roll Successful! ]

"HAAAA!" Letting out her battle cry, the palm thrust hits the being dead center. Watching with satisfaction as her Houten Ryu arts caused the damage she had wished.

"That's for questioning if I'm a woman! Your body stealing habits aside!" Seemingly having taken offense to the being, the Miko seemingly was at least a little self conscious about the fact she was in fact a woman...even if a massively tall and well built one...

Immediately backing off, whoever was next to attack would have a clear line, bracing for the counterattack, maybe one of her comrades would piss the specter off more and take the attack. Yuan had also attacked at much the same time, with speed and multiple slashes, he had kicked the beast back in his getaway.

Though his attack provided an interesting intersection for a follow up, even as he readied his own attack. Waiting for the moment when his combo finally ended, the Miko launches her own ultimate art, drawing her right fist back, the blue flaming energy seems to absorb into her body, as her scared right fist seems to take on a faint glow. Seemingly vanishing from view with a shimmering movement, the Miko throws her fist dead center...


[ Rumiko used Mythic Tech Houten Ryu final Impact - lv1 ]

[ Roll Failed?]

Throwing her fist full force, a shockwave of air shunts past the specter, missing it's head by a scant few inches, while it wasn't likely to kill this enemy in one hit, a normal being would have died upon impact, to this display of force and missing of blows, Rumiko spits out of the side of her mouth followed with simple, if not bold words.

"Tch, I should have aimed for the chest!"

@Ehb @others technically
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