HAPPY RAVE Your Buns Off #287620

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Mmm, pho...
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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My employer just gave me the weekend off after I had my work schedule weekend last Tuesday and Wednesday...

Oh my god, this is so amazing!! \(*w*)/
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I got approved for my new apartment! finally!
I found a coffee (hint: it's Starbucks Veranda blonde roast) that I actually enjoy; I could drink it straight, if I wanted.
I've successfully rearranged my room to suit my life better. My bed is now further away from the wall (windows scare me at night ;_;), and all of my possessions are now separate from everyone else's. There's also a bit more free space, so overall it feels way cleaner and more organized.
Additionally, I was able to install custom software onto my smartphone without ruining everything, twice in a row. Small victory perhaps, but it means a lot to me. c:
These things help me feel that I'm in more control of my life than a month or two ago. This definitely ought to help me cope with school and my living situation a bit more in the upcoming weeks.
We got the apartment.

That means the endless viewings can stop and packing can start

That's good. I'm good at packing
My mom's great. I showed her two main breeds of cats I wanted to look for (Maine Coon and Ragdoll) and she found a ragdoll that she fell in love with just seeing it. She wants to go halvies with me so I can get the cat. I really wanna see it now. I'm just glad that she's seeing that not all purebred cats are evil like the one cat we had was.
Without a laptop I was SUPER productive today.
Cleaned the hell out of my room / did tons of laundry for the most part, and have a bit more to do.
Thankfully it isn't much in comparison to what I completed today.

Also finally cleared out my closet. Sorted all the newer and/or good condition clothes that I could tell I didn't need/would wear. Put them into 3 massive bags, and brought them to the Salvation Army. I have been meaning to do this since....January.
Better late than never.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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With Junkrat's buffs I was able to stay on fire for 75% of the match. 8D Double the mines means double the fun.
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Last day without a laptop, and dayum.
So much cleaning has gotten done this weekend. It's insane.
Even almost died of a sneeze attack and coughing fit from dusting my bookcases/books, but now that it's finally done I feel accomplished. Having a super clean room should make the transition back to a 5 day work week schedule, starting Tuesday, that much easier. Farewell Summer.
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I have been having a hard time finding an internship. So much even that I was about to lose hope on finding anything this month.

Today I was approached for one fulltime job and I'm about to make an appointment for a potential internship place. The fulltime job is not in the field I was looking for, but hotdamn it sounded interesting, because Criminal law. dayum.


Edit: Also, I had cheesecake for the first time in my life and now I'm wondering where it was my whole life and what I have been doing without knowing the greatness of cheesecake.
Today is Tuesday! Tuesday is the day the parts are scheduled to arrive. And all the parts arriving means he'll be back soon. And him being back soon is exciting--more exciting than I anticipated. I'll just be happy to be able to communicate on a whim again, without all the difficulties.

Getting up early for an opening shift as a computer lab assistant is more fun when you start anthropomorphizing all the computers and printers.

Because then I can walk around the room and turn all the devices on like "!!! Wakey wakey, everybody!! Time to start the day!"

And then I reload all the printers with paper like a pet owner filling up everyone's food bowls.

I don't know why this entertains me so much, but it does.
Sometimes I get all wrapped up in my thoughts about how I feel weird even being here or doing anything because I worry about how my actions will be perceived by others, especially in light of past mistakes and blemishes on my reputation...

But like...

It helps to remember, things are so much better than they used to be.

At least I'm surrounded by people who support me. I haven't had to deal with anyone actually being antagonistic towards me in... quite a long while. Which means any time I feel like everyone around me hates me or whatever, that's just my own brain talking. And the fact that I still have such thoughts means I still have a few hurdles to get over. But, the point remains - no one here is going out of their way to knock me down a few pegs. And that's... a huge improvement over how things used to be.

It's easy to fall into some spiraling negative thoughts because of the fact that I feel weird posting in certain places or whatever, and the reasons why I feel weird about such things. But like... damn, at least I don't feel like I'm walking on eggshells anymore. At least I have the courage to do/say certain things even when I feel kind of weird about it. At least I have enough emotional stability to calmly remove myself from a conversation that goes someplace uncomfortable, instead of curling up in a ball and crying about it.

And I may still be a bit too easily swayed by the opinions of others, and I might still care just a bit too much about what other people think - but at least I no longer feel like The Worst Person Ever™ just because I made a shitposty thread that one person didn't think was funny. At least I'm no longer in a state where someone can say to me "here's a list of all the reasons why your way of doing things is Wrong" and I'll accept the whole thing like Gospel without the slightest hint of critical thought, and then beat myself up for not being able to live up to that person's standards.

It feels good to think about how far things have come. How much better things are now.

It's so easy to feel nostalgic for the past and assume that life was so much simpler then, that life now is so much harder - but it feels so much better to put the present in perspective.
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I got so sidetracked by Iwaku things tonight that I almost missed my opportunity to get corn dogs. Even though the earlier promise of corn dogs caused me to spend many hours today looking forward to such a thing.

BUT I DIDN'T MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY, and that's all that really matters. *nom*
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