Kat's First Test Thread (No posting please)

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philadelphia, pennsylvania

general data

Full Name: Ksenia Lipinski

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Date of Birth: July 21, 1996

Height: 5'10" | Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color|Style|Length: Brunette, Straight, Medium

Written Appearance:
Ksenia's most prominent feature is her height. She stands at 5'10" and people often remark how tall she is for a female. She's got a slim figure and some muscle packed on from exercising every other day and eating tons of fruit, meat, and other healthy food. Her skin is smooth from constant moisturizing and her hair is a bit oily, but she takes it pretty well with a certain kind of leave-in conditioner and other hair products if needed. Her hair is usually down and somewhat wavy, though not overly so. It's thick, but she knows how to keep it light and bouncy.

Some of Ksenia's facial features also stand out. She has high cheekbones and stunning blue-green eyes. Ksenia takes great pride in looking good for interviews and broadcast, so she's always wearing chapstick and enhancing her features with makeup. She takes a shower every night and enjoys wearing sophisticated, muted color clothing. She's not a huge fan of anything that's overly flashy or vibrant, so sticks to basic jeans, blouse, and a light brown coat on a typical day. Ksenia enjoys wearing heels on occasion and doesn't dress up too much, as she feels her friendly aura is enough to draw people in.

When one sees Ksenia for the first time, they see a young woman who smiles a lot and establishes eye contact with you when she's talking. She's a calm and attentive person, able to look at most things in a positive light and weave her way through tough situations under high stress. Ksenia has been considered a person of clarity and reason by her father; she's great at solving problems and wise, just like her mother.

Ksenia enjoys helping others and is often generous, more so than she realizes. She's a self-sufficient and independent person but always looks to her two best friends in times of need and discomfort. Ksenia is a well-read person, hence the reason for two full bookshelves in the small apartment she shares with her friends. She could chat endlessly about psychology and writing- two of her favorite interests- though it can be a little tiring.

Ambiversion is her greatest strength. She understands why some people need alone time and is great at communicating her needs and wants. If something goes wrong, she's forgiving to the person at fault as well as herself, regardless of what happened. There are few things that get her truly angry. She may get irritated and frustrated, but it takes a lot for her to lose her temper. She believes in hope and tries to express that in her everyday life..
Ksenia was born into a family of five. Four girls and one boy— you can imagine how crazy it was. She was raised in Poland in a small village in the western area; her family was relatively poor with her mother being unemployed and father having to pay for her hospital bills for her cancer, as well as living expenses for the children. Unfortunately, her mother passed away later on in September and as the eldest, the responsibility fell on Ksenia's shoulders.

She fought to be a role model for her sisters and brother in the absence of their mother. The family moved to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to escape poverty and make a better life for themselves. Her father got a job as a Math teacher at the local high school and Ksenia did her best to get good grades and set an example for her siblings, as well as her peers. Reputation was important for her; she was rather social and had some people she referred to as friends.

The best part she felt about living in the United States was the freedom she had. It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulder and everything changed for the better. While her father searched for a better job, Ksenia had fun doing community service and different activities at her school. They were only a few blocks away from the nearest middle school and high school, so Ksenia walked her siblings to school each morning and picked them up after school.

Ksenia was like the mother of the house. After she finished participating after school, she often went home, did her homework, and got started on dinner. Her father would come home late and everyone would help out with setting up the table and pouring drinks. After dinner time, they'd all spend time together watching a movie or playing board games. They were generally a tight-knit family, though her father was a distant individual.

She went on to graduate from high school and get an associate of arts in journalism. Ksenia helped out around the house when she could, but she mainly lived with a couple of best friends who split rent and living expenses with her. Ksenia is currently in her fourth year with a bachelor of arts in journalism and mass communication. She is aware that there's an organization that abducts superhumans, but doesn't know their name and has no idea what they do or why they kidnap innocent people.
Ksenia has the ability to copy any action once seen, such as acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. With time and effort, she can become a master at what she does. She's also able to copy a person's aim, which can give her incredible marksmanship, but she must see a demonstration of a person using the weapon first. Otherwise, she can't perform to her best standard.

Ksenia is limited to what the human body can do. She's unable to copy superpowers and her mimicking is not instantaneous. She can only mimic something if she visually sees it somewhere, such as on the tv or at a karate class. She cannot access any skills she hasn't seen, so may miss skills that are important for performing another skill, such as high diving without the skill to swim.

Since Ksenia doesn't have regeneration or any kind of healing powers, she's very much vulnerable to any and attacks, no matter how skilled she is with her ability. Fire can burn her to a crisp, water can damage her bones if strong enough, there's really no limit to what can potentially destroy and kill her. Ksenia can make up for this if she strategizes her movements, however.

With Ksenia's weaknesses in mind, this doesn't mean there aren't situations where she has the upper hand. It's difficult to control her ability as of now, but Ksenia tends to do better in situations where she's fighting among similar combat style that utilize the human body. An example of this would be her and another martial artist in a duel, or her engaging in hand-to-hand combat with a gang member.

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Partner Request

☆ First things first, 18+ partners only, please. I prefer to write with those who are my age and while it's not a core requirement, it'd be great if my partner was female in real life.

☆ Adept to advanced writing level, please. I'd very much love a writing sample or a link to a few threads of rps you're already in.

☆ I'd like my partners to post at least once a week. My work schedule is sporadic (it changes every week), so there's no telling when I can and can't post, but I will keep you up to date.

☆ I'd like to learn a little about you as a person before we go crazy with plotting and I hope that we can continue to learn more about each other as time wears on. So, engage me. Don't just pm me, "I'm interested in your rp."

☆ I enjoy average size to medium size posts that are detailed, but straight to the point. No fluff or arbitrary details, please. I don't want to know about every single article of clothing they're wearing in that one sentence.

☆ An average size post from me is around two to three paragraphs and some of my bigger posts have been made in group rps here and here when my muse has skyrocketed and I left cliffhangers because I'm a sneaky sneak.

☆ Heads up, I don't really want to read anything above ten, five-sentence paragraphs, at the most, and I'd prefer any back and forth dialogue, any dialogue really, to be in color. No neon colors, as they hurt my eyes, and I'd prefer you don't change the font. Note: I have midnight theme.

☆ Tl;dr Read everything I just listed, please. Also, check out my roleplay resume to see if we're compatible, and please understand that I'd prefer my partner didn't have any triggers since my roleplays tend to deal with sensitive subjects.

☆ NOTE: I will always check out my partner's writing style and roleplay resume, so if I have "Neko girls" on my no-no list, don't come to me asking for RP with Neko girls. I will say no. Same thing when it comes to kinks.

Now, that that's out of the way, I know my search for a partner will be limited because there's only one idea or blurb I'm really craving at this time, but I'm going to hope for the best!


♭ Biting
♭ Light Kisses
♭ French Kisses
♭ Exhibitionism
♭ Hair Pulling
♭ Forced Nudity
♭ Voyeurism
♭ Handjobs/Fingerjobs
♭ Blowjobs
♭ Strip Tease
♭ Licking
♭ Light/Medium Bondage
♭ Masturbation
♭ Oral Sex (Giving/Receiving)
♭ Consensual
♭ Nonconsensual
♭ Dubious Consent
♭ Fellatio (Performing)

And many others...

NOTE: I absolutely, under any circumstances, do not do vore, scat, watersports, creampies, electric toys, unrealistic anatomical portrayal, sexual torture, tentacles, mutilation, and tons of other kinks. If your kink isn't listed above and it's not listed here, please ask first before assuming anything.

Plot Bunny

Ok, so I'm pulling a little something from an old RP I did a few years back and I'm basically taking the very basics, then creating it to be a "new" rp, so to speak. There's not a whole lot of the plot from back then in members hands, so I like to think this is more or less, inspired or influenced by the rp, rather than based on. I'm very much looking for just one partner right now to do this mumbo jumbo with me.

This is set in modern-day New York City where Evelyn Taylor (my character) is just your normal, average run-of-the-mill college student. She's got a whole life ahead of her, despite less than favorable circumstances in her home. My partner's character is a supernatural creature from another world (this is really open, though I'd prefer to stray from typical supernatural creatures, please), a parallel dimension.

I think it'd be cool if my partner created the basis for his character's world. I don't want to limit the creativity here, though a few suggestions for influence could be Victorian era, Italian Renaissance era, Norse mythology (pertaining to type of creatures), Finnish mythology (pertaining to type of creatures), or if you just want to create your own lore entirely, I'll help you out either way!

So, anyways, we got Evelyn and she's a human, but yours is whatever kind of creature you decide to make him (Yes, your main character will be male). So, these two cross paths in the modern world somehow and Evelyn gets sucked into a whole new world, a world she shouldn't have really gotten access to in the first place because humans and the supernatural society don't exactly go hand in hand.

Your character's mother, however, wants the family to spend a healthy amount of time around humans and try to co-exist peacefully with them. Maybe the barrier to the other world is slowly breaking for some reason and supernaturals are forced from their homes and have to try and adapt to these weird ways of living. I would prefer your character is from a wealthy family, but not royalty.

Heck, your character's family could already be living in the modern area for a while now and the Dad and Mom are rich business owners, whatever you'd like, so long as there is a stark contrast to my character, Evelyn Taylor, listed here, who isn't exactly rich or bankrupt, but they're not really in a good financial situation right now. Basically, the Taylor Family is on their way to being dirt poor.

Final Statement

So, yeah. That's about all I had and I'd really love to expand on why exactly these supernaturals are having to blend in with the crowd, what is going on in their homeland, who's causing chaos, where is the big baddie located, so on and so forth. I will love you forever if you help me flesh this plot out and take an active role in communicating with me OOC and throughout IC.

I would prefer this be done over Discord (My User: Katori#6131) since that's where most of my talking takes place, but if you don't have one and prefer not to make one, we can talk through PMs on Iwaku). I would prefer a partner with an aggressive writing style that doesn't mind their partners pitching in to help out because lord knows I hate sitting back and doing nothing.

Alright, I think I'm done! Once more, please make sure you've read everything thoroughly because I will weep if you don't. This is something I really want, so make it big for me! If you have any concerns and/or questions, let me know down below. If you decide to do Discord, tell me your discord tag through a PM to avoid any unnecessary clutter and to keep confidentiality. ^^

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It's 2017 and the technology is expanding and growing faster than ever. Chicago, Illinois continues to grow in thousands as time wears on. The woman takes her dog for a walk, the man drops off mail down Falken Creek Road. We've all grown accustomed to the mundane and learned to fight back, but are we able to stand up to the unexpected?

A couple weeks ago, a water user appearing around 17 years old destroyed half of an apartment building and claimed it was a mistake. Almost thirty were left homeless. A few days ago, electricity user unidentified cut off the electricity from her neighborhood and raised the costs of the electricity bills. Who are they?

What are they?

The answer is simple.


Government official Alan Russell urges everyone to remain calm and that he's looking into the situation. Riots have started in the streets in front of the white house. People travel across the states just to join in. "Supers are a disgrace!" Justice Joyner, Journalist at Bayhawk 9, yells. "They're wrecking our homes!" Not everyone is content with these supers.

Some go to extreme lengths to stop these people.

Others sit back and watch.

Whoever they are, they're treading in a field of war now.

No one is safe.

Superhumans and humans used to live in harmony.

Where is that now?


Superhumans and humans must find a way to stop this chaos, to live in peace once more, and government official Alan Russell has an idea. "I have a plan that will save us all. We'll stop this together, you and me. I believe that if we work hard enough, we can become a more stable and functioning society as we once were. I will save all of you, citizens of the United States. You can count on me."

Against threats from every direction, superhumans have begun going under the radar to try and stay undetected. Any superhuman caught by police will be taken in for questioning and receive a "danger" level. An assessment is performed and they are put under government watch and taken to facility where they will be given a more complete assessment.

Now, the question is, where are they?

What will you do to survive?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum velit ac lorem lobortis, vel venenatis sem placerat. Vestibulum scelerisque, arcu vitae lacinia luctus, urna neque elementum dui, nec pellentesque massa elit quis nunc. Aenean vel accumsan est. Morbi velit ipsum, egestas eget sapien eu, sollicitudin pharetra est. Nullam bibendum magna non nibh bibendum bibendum. Sed non posuere dolor. Donec vulputate a nibh a facilisis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum lectus augue, nec maximus urna tempus sed. Nulla vitae nibh porttitor, vehicula dui sed, hendrerit ipsum. Integer nec mauris nec elit sodales bibendum nec mattis neque. Nulla volutpat diam sed diam mollis pharetra. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque malesuada mattis sapien. Nulla eget tincidunt neque, sit amet auctor erat.

Nulla ac nulla ac quam laoreet aliquet in et mi. Phasellus fringilla odio purus, congue imperdiet leo imperdiet in. Maecenas pulvinar lectus diam, a maximus arcu aliquet nec. Aenean quis neque quis diam tempor sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Nulla semper metus id tellus vehicula maximus. Sed pretium condimentum augue, tristique rutrum ex interdum eu. In molestie dui sit amet nisi cursus, a faucibus est maximus. Ut sodales justo nec lacus porta ornare. Mauris a dui pretium, aliquet nisl nec, cursus mi. Phasellus ut justo non ante lacinia fermentum non in mi. Donec facilisis mauris in varius blandit. Duis sollicitudin, felis eu bibendum sollicitudin, lacus lorem dignissim magna, eu cursus erat nibh et dui. Sed elit lacus, commodo eget varius sit amet, convallis et dui. Nullam suscipit suscipit lacus, ut condimentum libero blandit id. Etiam vitae sapien sed sapien efficitur semper.

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Small Rose on Inside of Left Wrist
Various parts of her ears
177 cm
62 kg

Katrina Gray
August 14



Likes || Azalea, Massages, Chocolate

Dislikes ||Thunderstorms, Cheese, The Color Orange

Hobbies || Sewing, Horse Racing, Traveling

Talents || Blade Dancing, Archery, Manipulation

Fears || Losing her necklace, Change, Emotional Attachment

Strengths || Swordsmanship (15+ years), Healing, Fearlessness

Weaknesses || Cooking, Procrastination, Humidity

Overview ||

Katrina is an adventurous and free-spirited woman. Her parents have often commented on her lack of calm, 'A young lady you cannot tame.' She's sensible and believes in the structure of law and order. Her stubbornness can make her difficult to deal with; she's prone to letting her emotions rule over logic when it's best for the former to be in charge of the situation. Katrina is not exactly what you'd expect for a female of this time period. Women have been disgusted by how aggressive she seems to be, men have joked and taunted her, questioning whether or not she actually is the daughter of Ashera. Overall, Katrina is an iron fist, inside and out. There are more pressing matters to worry about than showing love and compassion to others.


History ||

Katrina was the youngest child to come into the world in the de Razia family, only five minutes younger than her sister, Natalia. Katrina was raised in a fairly stable and loving household. Unlike a typical lady though, she enjoyed horseback riding, archery, and playing kickball with the boys. Katrina was extremely close with her sister in this regard, as well as the fact that they were twins and were extremely intuitive and sensitive to each other's wants and needs.

When Katrina was seven years old, she was engaged to a man three years older than her, courtesy of father's extended invitation to a male from eastern Velemore to accept her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, months after, mother and father had to go into war against an invasion led by Gregor to kill their lifeblood: The Crimson Guard. Katrina was devastated by their fall and as much as she thought about breaking off the engagement later on when she could, she didn't when she was given the chance.

Despite her sister always supporting her and being there for her, ever since her parent's death, Katrina has always felt hollow inside. She disliked their new caretaker and willed they go away so she could stop being bossed around, but that wasn't possible. Katrina didn't feel like she got the freedom her twin sister did. She felt trapped, being forced to learn sewing and ways of the fan, demonstrations she wasn't interested in learning.

Time wore on and eventually, at twenty five years of age, Katrina was married to the Duke of Béringer. It was a larg feat in itself, but a small one in Katrina's mind. They said their vows, kissed, and Katrina prepared for the discomfort of being under a man. She has never seemed to enjoy her situation and has been tempted many times to forget about her husband and pursue her own happiness with another woman.

They tried for child once, but Katrina is secretly glad that it didn't work out for her own personal reasons unknown to her husband. She's not interested in bearing children for the simple purpose of letting the de Razia bloodline go on. There have always been far pressing concerns in her mind, but the Duke is desperate for an heir, despite their lack of intimacy and communication. That is where Katrina doesn't understand him.

Throughout the years, Katrina has done her best to become the daughter her parents wanted. She's trained with various weapons for fifteen years and counting. Her favorite weapon fighting style has come to dual wielding where she uses a rapier and a parrying dagger to attack her adversary. She's also learned how to blade dance in her free time from a friend. Now, things have changed for Katrina. The Crimson Guard is her family and Velemore is her home.

Anyone who seeks to ruin the balance Katrina found is beyond her mercy.


Relationships || Natalia de Razia (Biological Sister)
Aiden Loubelle (Personal Guard)
Danielle Strider (Childhood Friend)
Weston Marques (Dueling Partner)
Anastasia Kestner (Future Love Interest)
Edward Gray (Estranged Husband)

Other || Both ears have two lobe piercings. The right one is the only one with a tragus and cartilage piercing.

Katrina's maiden name is de Razia.

Rank || Dual Wield Specialist
Cloak Ability || Water
Weapons || Rapier, Twin Daggers


Name: Katrina Gray
Nickname: None, Kat (If you want your throat to be ripped out)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Birthday: August 14

Small Rose on Inside of Left Wrist
Piercings: Various parts of her ears
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Build: Slim

Likes || Azalea, Massages, Chocolate

Dislikes ||Thunderstorms, Cheese, The Color Orange

Hobbies || Sewing, Horse Racing, Traveling

Talents || Blade Dancing, Archery, Manipulation

Fears || Losing her necklace, Change, Emotional Attachment

Strengths || Swordsmanship (15+ years), Healing, Fearlessness

Weaknesses || Cooking, Procrastination, Humidity

Overview ||

Katrina is an adventurous and free-spirited woman. Her parents have often commented on her lack of calm, 'A young lady you cannot tame.' She's sensible and believes in the structure of law and order. Her stubbornness can make her difficult to deal with; she's prone to letting her emotions rule over logic when it's best for the former to be in charge of the situation. Katrina is not exactly what you'd expect for a female of this time period. Women have been disgusted by how aggressive she seems to be, men have joked and taunted her, questioning whether or not she actually is the daughter of Ashera. Overall, Katrina is an iron fist, inside and out. There are more pressing matters to worry about than showing love and compassion to others.

History ||

Katrina was the youngest child to come into the world in the de Razia family, only five minutes younger than her sister, Natalia. Katrina was raised in a fairly stable and loving household. Unlike a typical lady though, she enjoyed horseback riding, archery, and playing kickball with the boys. Katrina was extremely close with her sister in this regard, as well as the fact that they were twins and were extremely intuitive and sensitive to each other's wants and needs.

When Katrina was seven years old, she was engaged to a man three years older than her, courtesy of father's extended invitation to a male from eastern Velemore to accept her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, months after, mother and father had to go into war against an invasion led by Gregor to kill their lifeblood: The Crimson Guard. Katrina was devastated by their fall and as much as she thought about breaking off the engagement later on when she could, she didn't when she was given the chance.

Despite her sister always supporting her and being there for her, ever since her parent's death, Katrina has always felt hollow inside. She disliked their new caretaker and willed they go away so she could stop being bossed around, but that wasn't possible. Katrina didn't feel like she got the freedom her twin sister did. She felt trapped, being forced to learn sewing and ways of the fan, demonstrations she wasn't interested in learning.

Time wore on and eventually, at twenty five years of age, Katrina was married to the Duke of Béringer. It was a larg feat in itself, but a small one in Katrina's mind. They said their vows, kissed, and Katrina prepared for the discomfort of being under a man. She has never seemed to enjoy her situation and has been tempted many times to forget about her husband and pursue her own happiness with another woman.

They tried for child once, but Katrina is secretly glad that it didn't work out for her own personal reasons unknown to her husband. She's not interested in bearing children for the simple purpose of letting the de Razia bloodline go on. There have always been far pressing concerns in her mind, but the Duke is desperate for an heir, despite their lack of intimacy and communication. That is where Katrina doesn't understand him.

Throughout the years, Katrina has done her best to become the daughter her parents wanted. She's trained with various weapons for fifteen years and counting. Her favorite weapon fighting style has come to dual wielding where she uses a rapier and a parrying dagger to attack her adversary. She's also learned how to blade dance in her free time from a friend. Now, things have changed for Katrina. The Crimson Guard is her family and Velemore is her home.

Anyone who seeks to ruin the balance Katrina found is beyond her mercy.


Relationships || Natalia de Razia (Biological Sister)
Aiden Loubelle (Personal Guard)
Danielle Strider (Childhood Friend)
Weston Marques (Dueling Partner)
Anastasia Kestner (Future Love Interest)
Edward Gray (Estranged Husband)

Other|| Both ears have two lobe piercings. The right one is the only one with a tragus and cartilage piercing.

Katrina's maiden name is de Razia.

Rank|| Dual Wield Specialist
Cloak Ability|| Water
Weapons|| Rapier, Twin Daggers

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose

Lueur d'espoir

Tout est Possible
Indie Flower

Èperdument Amoureux
Dancing Script

À couper le souffle
Shadows Into Light

Paix, Amour, Bonheur

Fais de beaux rêves
Gloria Hallelujah


Blessed and born I N D I G O

Spiritual I N D I G O
Josefin Sans

Child with meaning

Intuitive and clairvoyant

Sensitive to the world around me


Name: Anya Marie Finnegan
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Female
Personality & History Combined:
Tough, yet loving parents molded Anya into a sensible, self-righteous girl. She had an older brother, Eric, whom she absolutely adored and looked up to, but found it difficult to express how she felt. Therefore, the sibling's relationship wasn't always the best, but it was at least something to hold onto. When her brother left the house for college, she took it upon herself to try and do better in school. She managed to make it to college and obtain an A.S. degree. Anya quit pursuing college after that due to personal reasons and opted to work instead, in order to try and find a place. She became best friends with a coworker and found a roommate in them. Fairly recently, after an intense quarrel, they broke their friendship off and Anya decided to move back to Mom and Dad's house until she found her own place.
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NOT MY CODE, LILLIAN GRAY'S CODE; received permission to edit minor things

Character Name
Age | Sex | Affiliation (Egypt/Greek)


Name: Name
Age: (16-90) Age
Species: Specify
Gender: Specify
Orientation: Orientation

(Anything else you want to add if necessary)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vestibulum tincidunt placerat. Duis tempus ex eros, eu ultrices erat condimentum a. Fusce luctus dignissim lorem, a vehicula libero tristique sed. Phasellus mattis tortor ut tincidunt porta. Duis tellus leo, iaculis nec purus vel, finibus viverra neque. Aenean iaculis quam ut mi sagittis posuere. Aliquam auctor nisi ut tellus ultrices, eu finibus justo volutpat. Morbi cursus lacus sit amet dui vehicula sagittis. Sed auctor mollis turpis, et tincidunt felis auctor sit amet. Etiam euismod ipsum in aliquam facilisis. Nulla laoreet nibh ex, nec pretium sapien tempus eget. Mauris malesuada rutrum euismod. Donec commodo mi nisl, eget elementum neque lacinia et. Proin lacus ex, ultricies a fermentum sit amet, vestibulum ut lacus. Pellentesque congue justo nec tincidunt malesuada.

Height: Metric or US is fine
Weight: Weight
Defining Characteristics: Things
Mark: Where and what

Additional Information

Gift: ability/object/none
Patron: God/dess
Position: Position
Crew: Glaukos Apargia/Ib Akhet

Personal Information

Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vestibulum tincidunt placerat. Duis tempus ex eros, eu ultrices erat condimentum a. Fusce luctus dignissim lorem, a vehicula libero tristique sed. Phasellus mattis tortor ut tincidunt porta. Duis tellus leo, iaculis nec purus vel, finibus viverra neque. Aenean iaculis quam ut mi sagittis posuere. Aliquam auctor nisi ut tellus ultrices, eu finibus justo volutpat. Morbi cursus lacus sit amet dui vehicula sagittis. Sed auctor mollis turpis, et tincidunt felis auctor sit amet. Etiam euismod ipsum in aliquam facilisis. Nulla laoreet nibh ex, nec pretium sapien tempus eget. Mauris malesuada rutrum euismod. Donec commodo mi nisl, eget elementum neque lacinia et. Proin lacus ex, ultricies a fermentum sit amet, vestibulum ut lacus. Pellentesque congue justo nec tincidunt malesuada.

Aenean ultricies sapien nulla, at laoreet tellus tincidunt a. Fusce imperdiet quam vitae mauris ornare efficitur. Nam tristique blandit ligula, ut eleifend diam placerat at. Suspendisse faucibus efficitur erat, ac condimentum dolor euismod sagittis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In consectetur odio quam. Curabitur facilisis euismod nibh. Nulla fringilla cursus pulvinar. Fusce quis finibus nisi. Aenean in ipsum ex. Ut sed maximus neque.

Biography: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vestibulum tincidunt placerat. Duis tempus ex eros, eu ultrices erat condimentum a. Fusce luctus dignissim lorem, a vehicula libero tristique sed. Phasellus mattis tortor ut tincidunt porta. Duis tellus leo, iaculis nec purus vel, finibus viverra neque. Aenean iaculis quam ut mi sagittis posuere. Aliquam auctor nisi ut tellus ultrices, eu finibus justo volutpat. Morbi cursus lacus sit amet dui vehicula sagittis. Sed auctor mollis turpis, et tincidunt felis auctor sit amet. Etiam euismod ipsum in aliquam facilisis. Nulla laoreet nibh ex, nec pretium sapien tempus eget. Mauris malesuada rutrum euismod. Donec commodo mi nisl, eget elementum neque lacinia et. Proin lacus ex, ultricies a fermentum sit amet, vestibulum ut lacus. Pellentesque congue justo nec tincidunt malesuada.

Aenean ultricies sapien nulla, at laoreet tellus tincidunt a. Fusce imperdiet quam vitae mauris ornare efficitur. Nam tristique blandit ligula, ut eleifend diam placerat at. Suspendisse faucibus efficitur erat, ac condimentum dolor euismod sagittis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In consectetur odio quam. Curabitur facilisis euismod nibh. Nulla fringilla cursus pulvinar. Fusce quis finibus nisi. Aenean in ipsum ex. Ut sed maximus neque.

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  • Love
Reactions: Lillian Gray
I N D I G O C H I L D ▽ ▲ ▽ ▲

Whether we like it or not, we have all been born on this earth as part of one great human family. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, belonging to one nation or another, to one religion or another, adhering to this ideology or that, ultimately each of us is just a human being like everyone else: we all desire happiness and do not want suffering. Furthermore, each of us has an equal right to pursue these goals.

There is only one important point you must keep in your mind and let it be your guide. No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?

I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.

Everyone can understand from natural experience and common sense that affection is crucial from the day of birth; it is the basis of life. The very survival of our body requires the affection of others, to whom we also respond with affection. Though mixed with attachment, this affection is not based on physical or sexual attraction, so it can be extended to all living beings without bias.

Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give life true meaning. This is the religion I preach. It is simple. Its temple is the heart. Its teaching is love and compassion. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is a lay person or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world.

If we think only of ourselves, forget about other people, then our minds occupy very small area. Inside that small area, even tiny problem appears very big. But the moment you develop a sense of concern for others, you realize that, just like ourselves, they also want happiness; they also want satisfaction. When you have this sense of concern, your mind automatically widens. At this point, your own problems, even big problems, will not be so significant. The result? Big increase in peace of mind. So, if you think only of yourself, only your own happiness, the result is actually less happiness. You get more anxiety, more fear.

It is time to develop a big 'US', rather than the old 'us and them' that lets us to exploit and bully others on a personal level, and on an international level to wage war. The East must see the West as part of 'US' and the North must come to feel that the South is part of 'US'. We should include the entire world in our concern, wishing all humanity well. If we can do that there will be no room for hatred, thinking of others as enemies. And we will achieve this through education, not through prayer.

We have bigger houses but smaller families. More conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense. More knowledge, but less judgment. More experts, but more problems. More medicines, but less healthiness. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but have less communication. We have become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are times of fast foods but slow digestion; Tall man but short character; Steep profits but shallow relationships. It's a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or underlying nature of human beings is gentleness.

In daily practice, reflect on the benefits of love, compassion and kindness, then reflect on the disadvantages of anger. Such continuous contemplation, the growing appreciation of love, has the effect of reducing our inclination towards hatred and increasing our respect for love. By this means even anger can be diminished.

Whether we like it or not, we have all been born on this earth as part of one great human family. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, belonging to one nation or another, to one religion or another, adhering to this ideology or that, ultimately each of us is just a human being like everyone else: we all desire happiness and do not want suffering. Furthermore, each of us has an equal right to pursue these goals.

There is only one important point you must keep in your mind and let it be your guide. No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?

I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.

Everyone can understand from natural experience and common sense that affection is crucial from the day of birth; it is the basis of life. The very survival of our body requires the affection of others, to whom we also respond with affection. Though mixed with attachment, this affection is not based on physical or sexual attraction, so it can be extended to all living beings without bias.

Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give life true meaning. This is the religion I preach. It is simple. Its temple is the heart. Its teaching is love and compassion. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is a lay person or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world.

If we think only of ourselves, forget about other people, then our minds occupy very small area. Inside that small area, even tiny problem appears very big. But the moment you develop a sense of concern for others, you realize that, just like ourselves, they also want happiness; they also want satisfaction. When you have this sense of concern, your mind automatically widens. At this point, your own problems, even big problems, will not be so significant. The result? Big increase in peace of mind. So, if you think only of yourself, only your own happiness, the result is actually less happiness. You get more anxiety, more fear.

It is time to develop a big 'US', rather than the old 'us and them' that lets us to exploit and bully others on a personal level, and on an international level to wage war. The East must see the West as part of 'US' and the North must come to feel that the South is part of 'US'. We should include the entire world in our concern, wishing all humanity well. If we can do that there will be no room for hatred, thinking of others as enemies. And we will achieve this through education, not through prayer.

We have bigger houses but smaller families. More conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense. More knowledge, but less judgment. More experts, but more problems. More medicines, but less healthiness. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but have less communication. We have become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are times of fast foods but slow digestion; Tall man but short character; Steep profits but shallow relationships. It's a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or underlying nature of human beings is gentleness.

In daily practice, reflect on the benefits of love, compassion and kindness, then reflect on the disadvantages of anger. Such continuous contemplation, the growing appreciation of love, has the effect of reducing our inclination towards hatred and increasing our respect for love. By this means even anger can be diminished.

Whether we like it or not, we have all been born on this earth as part of one great human family. Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, belonging to one nation or another, to one religion or another, adhering to this ideology or that, ultimately each of us is just a human being like everyone else: we all desire happiness and do not want suffering. Furthermore, each of us has an equal right to pursue these goals.

There is only one important point you must keep in your mind and let it be your guide. No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?

I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.

Everyone can understand from natural experience and common sense that affection is crucial from the day of birth; it is the basis of life. The very survival of our body requires the affection of others, to whom we also respond with affection. Though mixed with attachment, this affection is not based on physical or sexual attraction, so it can be extended to all living beings without bias.

Let us cultivate love and compassion, both of which give life true meaning. This is the religion I preach. It is simple. Its temple is the heart. Its teaching is love and compassion. Its moral values are loving and respecting others, whoever they may be. Whether one is a lay person or a monastic, we have no other option if we wish to survive in this world.

If we think only of ourselves, forget about other people, then our minds occupy very small area. Inside that small area, even tiny problem appears very big. But the moment you develop a sense of concern for others, you realize that, just like ourselves, they also want happiness; they also want satisfaction. When you have this sense of concern, your mind automatically widens. At this point, your own problems, even big problems, will not be so significant. The result? Big increase in peace of mind. So, if you think only of yourself, only your own happiness, the result is actually less happiness. You get more anxiety, more fear.

It is time to develop a big 'US', rather than the old 'us and them' that lets us to exploit and bully others on a personal level, and on an international level to wage war. The East must see the West as part of 'US' and the North must come to feel that the South is part of 'US'. We should include the entire world in our concern, wishing all humanity well. If we can do that there will be no room for hatred, thinking of others as enemies. And we will achieve this through education, not through prayer.

We have bigger houses but smaller families. More conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense. More knowledge, but less judgment. More experts, but more problems. More medicines, but less healthiness. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but have less communication. We have become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are times of fast foods but slow digestion; Tall man but short character; Steep profits but shallow relationships. It's a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or underlying nature of human beings is gentleness.

In daily practice, reflect on the benefits of love, compassion and kindness, then reflect on the disadvantages of anger. Such continuous contemplation, the growing appreciation of love, has the effect of reducing our inclination towards hatred and increasing our respect for love. By this means even anger can be diminished.

For centuries, Mother Earth has lived in chaos, deception, and turmoil. In 2025, the poverty rates soar, mortality rates rise, and a number of adults are unemployed. There's no hope for mankind unless we awaken our souls and consider change. Spirituality and destiny walk hand in hand among a very low percentage of the Earth's population. Intuitiveness and senses beyond normal means may be the key to ending war and destruction of Mother Nature.

Which begs the question: Are you an Indigo child?

During the 1970s, an organization known as INDIGO came into this world by Alexandra Harper and Quentin Lyles, twin flames and extraordinary psychospiritualists. The INDIGO organization had a mission- create change, spiritually awaken those around them, and restore peace to Mother Earth. The organization gathered children thought to possess abilities beyond scientific explanation. They identified potential Indigo children by three signs:

1. The mark of Indigo

2. Sharp intuitiveness and empathy

3. An "Indigo" aura

These were genuine signs that an Indigo child had been born and needed guidance into the spiritual realm where profound understanding and destiny became one. Over time, more and more Indigo children began to surface and the concept of spirituality and a deeper meaning to life began to spread and dominate Christianity and other religions. War, crime, and hatred from an unknown source stirred just beneath the surface, however.

June 10th, 1996, over a hundred nuclear reactors exploded across the continents, leaving Mother Earth in shambles and her children to search and survive endlessly on what was left. Millions of children with the mark of Indigo passed away not long after. Alexandra and Quentin were unfortunately among the many that died that day. Their haven near London was burned to the ground, nothing left to salvage or harness the energy from.

That was twenty nine years ago, this is now.

Indigo children are living in few numbers; they're near extinct on the radar.

Everyone is fighting to survive.

Humans and secret Indigo children are living in ransacked buildings, others on the streets. Crime rates have gone up and despite the security some people may have in their lives, nowhere is truly safe for anyone. A bigger threat looms over their lives, waiting for the opportune moment to wipe Indigo children from the face of the Earth. No one knows who they are, if it's one person or a group. Some sit and wait, others take action.

How far can they go before they hit breaking point?

What is truly worth fighting for?
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