Last one To Post Wins Volume 22: Fall Edition

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I'm taking a picture so my sister can print it for my grandma.
how thoughtful :)
Yes, we are the best grandchildren
I'm sick af boiiii
I'm exhausted 😭
I'm going to bed
  • Haha
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I would but I'm working 😭
treat yourself to a tea at least :)
My body is throwing a massive tantrum v.v

my chest/back hurts so bad
Oh noooo wolfs :c I feel
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T-T definitely feel that. Brain and body have been shrieking at me that it's hibernation time and this whole attempting to focus thing is forbidden.
Winter solstice really kicking our asses!!
Also, yeah, it really do be.
I mean to be fair, my sil has been very sick and my mom came home sick
oh noes !! i hope they feel better soon
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Reactions: Cat - Wolfspear
I'm watching next gen and I have to laugh at this cardassian that fired on the enterprise. Cardassian got a treaty because it was annoying and the federation had better things to do and now they have a ship attacking the flagship of the federation. Like, really?
I understand those are words but I have no idea what they mean

i didn't sleep a wink last night v.v
I was watching Star trek
Ahhh, I never got into star trek
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