Mun's Test Zone

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
kai singer
location: Peterson Mansion
mentions: Andrea, Archer, Damon, Eleanor, Micheal & others
power: feline physiology

outfit: CLICK

Kai was a mixture of feelings at the moment and most of those feelings were negative. First of all, he was kind of annoyed that the first person he saw upon being welcomed into the mansion was Andrea Garcia, the prissy journalist who thought she was better than him. Of all people--Why did she have to be apart of the invitees? And it seemed like Jenny the Teenage Robot was partial to her already, gre-eaat.

...Why was his main food source here?! He had been just about to revert to his human form when the guy had entered, and in his panic Kai had just stayed as a cat. He probably looked like he was someone's pet...

And lastly
, he was super pissed because that little robotic shit had lied about the whole 'investing' thing. Kai made sure to pin his ears to his head to show his annoyance at the revelation. He had half a mind to bite a chunk of her pretty red hair off but he held off as she explained the reason behind her deception. He had to admit that her cause was noble but he wasn't really sure if he wanted to help. Stopping petty crimes was one thing but going after what looked like alien lizard terrorists with superpowers? That was a bit high brow for him. But still this...Eleanor must have selected him for a reason--as well as the other people in the room.

Kai took a moment to observe the others in the room--well the ones that had stuck around. As most cats often did--Kai refrained from looking directly at the individual who interested him the most and also filled him with a sense of immense anxiety-- He would have to figure out how to deal with that situation later. For now he watched the people who had stuck around. Most of them seemed more than a little annoyed that they had been invited under false pretenses but since they were still present, Kai figured that like him, they were intrigued. There was one person however...And Kai wasn't sure why, but his feline senses were telling him to steer clear of him. Kai didn't have a sure handle on all of his abilities, so he assumed that the guy who had introduced himself as Damon had some type of illness. Hadn't he watched something on Netflix about animals smelling cancer or something..? Concluding that that was the reason why the guy's scent was so off putting, Kai tuned back into the group. A ginger haired man had just stepped forward as the first to voice his agreement to join Eleanor's ranks, and following him was Kai's main food source--err, he should probably stop calling him that, especially since they were going to be working together. Yup. Kai had made up his mind. What better way to improve his life than to help save the world?

In one fluid movement, Kai shifted back into human form and casually adjusted his leather jacket. "I'm in too."
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Vigilante wip post

If Z had to suffer through another session with Dr. Moss, she didn't know what she would do. She hated having a psychiatrist when she wasn't even crazy. There were people in the world who had done worse things that she had who actually needed someone asking them how they felt every five minutes! Z hated the doctor for other reasons too. One of the main ones being that he chuckled at everything she said. Every. Damn. Thing.

"I'm fine doc, how're you?"

"Hehe. I'm just fine, Aziza."

"Mine's blue, what's your favorite color?"

"Hehe. I adore blue as well, Aziza."

It was infuriating. When Z had called home last week, she had begged her dad to get her a new doctor. She'd planned on playing the 'daddy's girl' card and acting as though she was no longer upset wit him, but her father had surprised her by cutting her off with a firm 'not a chance in hell'. Apparently Dr. Moss was the best of the best and the Tuckers' had pulled a lot of strings for him take Z as a patient. "He almost never works with non elemental powered teens." Her dad had lectured and even though she knew she'd regret it in the long run, Z had hung up on him. If he wasn't going to help her, then he was useless and she was reverting back to being pissed at him.

So, Z had begn boycotting her 'meetings' with Dr. Moss. Not by playing hooky--she knew better than to do that, again--but by remaining silent for the entire hour. The kicker? The 'good' doctor couldn't do jack about it. Technically, her new silent behavior fell under 'psychological issues', and if she was going to be written off as emotionally unstable anyway, why shouldn't she be able to have some fun? She loved to see what her talking strike did to Moss. He tried to look unaffected but lately the corner of his upper lip had started to this twitching thing. Z's mom got the same twitch when somebody (usually Z) was testing her patience.

Despite her original end goal of being removed from Dr. Moss's patient list, lately, her sessions with the doc had been the only highlight of her 'stay' in this hellhole. There was nothing fun to do at the center that wouldn't get her into deep shit with Kristy Kreme. Sure, there was a game room--actually, did one pool table, a tv with only two channels (Channel 15 News and video), and 3 card sets even count as a game room? And on Friday nights, all the schmucks with good behavior got to watch a lame kids movie, but Z hated all of those things. She could not wrap her head around the rules for pool, the kids who played cards took every meaningless defeat or win frighteningly seriously, and Z hated Disney movies with a passion. Maybe her 'stay' would be bearable if she had at least one friend but she'd sabotaged any chance of that on the day of her arrival. And though the memory of that one orderly screaming was hilarious, being a social pariah in juvie, was not.

"Come say hello."
Z, who had been lying on her bed with her back facing the door, rolled over just in time to see the orderlies leave brown haired girl in her room. Z couldn't help the way her mouth parted in shock. After her first day fiasco, her roommate had demanded to speak to her parents on the phone and the next thing Z knew, she was alone. Z supposed that enough time had passed for her to get another chance at a roommate--and this time, she would not scare them off.

"Hey, roomie! Welcome to hell! As Thing 1 said, my name is Z. What's yours?"
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Hm. Mexican wouldn't have been her first choice but it kinda sounded good. Scratch that, it sounded really good. Usually, Emily steered clear of high carb diets and beans because carbs made you super fat and beans made you fart. But usually when she got takeout she was with her friends and none of them were here to judge her, so who gave a shit? But there was still time before the food actually arrived and Emily was tired of doing nothing.

"I'm bored, Gabriel. I don't have my phone so I can't call my friends, and no way am I going outside, cause there are literally like a million mosquitoes and I don't want like...Ebola." She complained as she trailed behind her uncle. When he stopped, she did as well but crossed her arms and pouted. Her grandpa always said she couldn't be resisted when she pouted and since Gabriel had at least half her grandpa's genes, she figured he wasn't immune to her charms.

As she stood there, a light bulb went off in her head and she released a loud squeal. "Don't you have like a computer or something? Or, oh my gawd. Why didn't I think of this before?! Can I used your phone?" She all but shouted, holding out her hand expectantly. She hoped he had at least an iphone 8 but he was like 50, so he probably had a galaxy s6 or something lame. At this point however, any phone would do.

Location: Jack's Pharmacy Interactions: mood: excited & a little worried

"Oh it's no problem! Thank you for going out of your way to come here!" Micah chirped, beaming at the older man. What a nice guy. He thought.

Micah frowned at Elrich as he noticed the other man's general oddness. Now that the rabbit was closer, Micah noticed that he looked out of sorts but as he wasn't a doctor he couldn't diagnose the symptoms. A lot of people who came into the pharmacy looked worse for wear but he always chalked it up to them needing their daily dosage of meds. Elrich, however didn't get medicine for himself and the medicine he always picked up was either for his mother or his brother--or both.

He was off schedule though. Elrich usually got the medicine on the same days and today was not one of those days. Micah wanted to believe that an accident had occurred and maybe someone had accidentally spilled the pills or...Something. Regardless, serious medicines like the ones that Elrich's family got often lined up with the days the customers came to pick them up. Scratching one of his ears awkwardly, Micah offered his friend an apologetic smile. "Uh...I--The medicine for your mom and brother comes in on Wednesdays and Sundays...Remember?" Maybe the rabbit had simply forgotten, Micah thought to himself, pushing back the niggling voice in his head that reminded him that Elrich never forgot. There was a first time for everything.

With that matter settled, Micah turned his attention to the short girl peering over the counter. He'd probably have to find a step stool, if he hired her. "Yes!" He exclaimed then realized that he didn't know what to do. He hadn't expected someone to come in on the first day! He didn't even have an application for her to fill out! Then again--It's not like he was a CVS manager, so he didn't exactly need to use applications. He could initiate the hiring process on his own terms with his own rules.

"I'm looking for someone who can ring up customers, keep the store tidy and open and close on some days. I would train you, of course. " He paused, his ears swiveling left and right as he thought about what else to say. He'd never been hired before, so he wasn't sure--Oh, of course! "This is a small business so I can't pay much, just $6.75 an hour and you'd be working for up to 8 hours with two 15 minute paid breaks and one 30 minute unpaid break. You'd get a 10% discount on prescriptions and products too."

He paused again, tongue poking in his cheek. "Uh, do you have any...Experience in any of the jobs I mentioned? Or questions?" He really hoped the pay didn't ward her off. He had a feeling that she would be the only hiring opportunity he had for a while.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.[/imga]
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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Clothing Style:
Tattoos: (would be harder to have, if your character does it would be small)
(scars or birthmarks)

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Postive Traits:
Negative Traits:

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Recent years:

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Crush/significant other:

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Which parent had magic?


Zion De Luca





Midnight Terrain


Hippie Sabotage

Way Down We Go

Imagine Dragons

Credit: @darkflames13
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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

"To skip or not skip, that is the question." Zion mused to himself as he got ready in front of the mirror. His older brother's voice echoed from somewhere down the hall. "Zion, if you skip the first day of school, I'll put you through a f u c k i n g WALL!" Zion sucked his teeth and mimicked his brother's threat in high falsetto. He really wasn't feeling school today but he knew that if Malik found out that he had skipped, he would make good on his promise. Plus Zion was sure that his friends would be extremely pissed if he didn't show. Apparently the Garcia twins were back and the book made it blatantly obvious that the two sisters were important--or at least their family was. It was imperative that they made nice--or whatever. Zion was highly doubtful of the two group's potential cohesiveness. Did the twins even remember their old Hamilton friends? And even if they did, it had been ten years--would they even want to become friends again? Powers or not, ten years was a lot of time for people to change.

"But I guess, the only thing I can do is wait and see." He murmured to himself, fixing his hair in the mirror. After he was done dressing, and applying a smidge of make up, Zion sauntered downstairs where--"Um, what happened to 'awesome first day of school pancakes that you definitely promised to make today'?" He demanded, glowering at his brother Josiah who was pouring a questionable looking sludge into six glasses. Anais, Zion's eldest sister was eyeing the liquid from her spot at the head of the table, with disdain.

"Yeah, I was gonna do that, but I read that super food smoothies are way healthier." His brother said nonchalantly as he began placing the cups on the table.

"Okay, but what you're dishing out right now is literally mud. And I'm not drinking mud." Zion snapped, rummaging through the cabinets for cereal.

"Uh, yes you are. I spent like three hours on this smoothie and I used fifteen different fruits and vegetables. You're drinking it."

"God, Zion just drink it. What's the worst that could happen?" Anais drawled, grabbing the concoction and downing it in one gulp. Upon swallowing, she seemed to twitch and give an involuntary shiver. "Don't quit your day job, bro." Anais gave Josiah a pat and power walked out the door.

"This just in, beloved Animal Control and Shelter Director succumbs to death after drinking liquid cement..." Zion said, mimicking a news reporter.

"Shut up and drink it, you little shit." Josiah snapped, grabbing the cup and thrusting it into his brother's hands. Even with the rapid movement, the sludge didn't even ripple. The teenager took a deep breath and poked his tongue into the 'drink' and immediately gagged as a cascade of conflicting fruit and vegetable flavors--jesus, was that kale strong--assaulted his taste buds. "That taste like a burst appendix feels like." He said and raced out the door before Josiah could make him drink more.

Even though he stopped at CoffeeCash for a latte, Zion got to school pretty much on time--which was a first for him and hopefully a last. He joined up with the rest of his friends in waiting for the Garcia twins to arrive and when they did, Meredith took the opportunity to teach one of them how to open the 'hurt' locker. Nice one, Merry. He thought.

When Meredith waved them over, Zion took one last deep drink of his latte before carefully making sure to put it in the 'biodegradable bin'.

"I'm Zion Hunter, nice to see you guys again."







Midnight Terrain


Hippie Sabotage

Way Down We Go

Imagine Dragons
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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Hair colour:
Eye colour:
Body modifications (e.g. tattoos, piercings and such):

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇


▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Character biography:

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Likes (4 minimum):
Dislikes (4 minimum):
Talents (2 minimum):
Fears (2 minimum):

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Favourite song:
Extras (as in kinks, position and everything else you'd like to add):


Zion De Luca



Sexual Orientation:





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darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

River had never gone to sleep. But to even things out, he had slept all day yesterday so that he could single-handedly save his sponsor, Spider Games from themselves. The company had stupidly released a game that didn't have a save option and it had been getting bashed by different gamers all over the world. Buzzfeed had even published one of those satirical lists about it called, 31 Ways to Rage After You Realize Dragon Hording Doesn't Have a Save Button, or something. The game itself wasn't that bad, and it didn't take long to beat it, but the whole 'no save' button thing was a big deal. The new game's bad rating was even affection Spider Games' previously released games that had save points and were great. Fearing for his livelihood and source of income, River had taken it upon himself to buy a shit load of energy drinks, chips and of course, some body oil and pull an all-nighter to finish the game. His goal was to show people that the game--despite lacking a save option--was still awesome and he had achieved his goal and more. Since he had begun playing the game, the hashtag #DragonHordingIt! started circulating and YouTube videos of people trying their hand at playing the game in one go were getting crazy popular. It was suffice to say that River felt super accomplished and important. Spider Games had yet to contact him about it (probably because their people had been crying themselves to sleep while he was playing his way to victory) but he had no doubt that they would call him up soon and tearfully thank him for the swift and noble rescue.

"And now...For sweet, sweet, heavenly slumber." River moaned and all but crawled to his bed, then stopped. "Fuck me, I'm oily." He grumbled, staring down at his slick skin, glistening with rose scented body oil. Glazing himself pre-game was his signature move but man was it a pain to deal with later! "To the showers we go..." He mumbled, stumbling into the bathroom and shedding his pants. Not even bothering to test the water temperature, River stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down his body. He stayed like this for a minute, just enjoying the heat, before spreading sugar scrub over every inch of his skin--save for down there (way too sensitive!). The sugar scrub was the best product for removing body oil and he'd been using the same brand for three years. After that process, he lathered himself up with lavender body wash. Stepping out of the shower, River dried off and practically floated over to his bed, not bothering to put on any pajamas. He turned the dial down to dim the lights (he liked to sleep with a soft glow--and no he wasn't afraid of the fucking dark.)...

Then Eun-Ae rapped on his door and River let out an ungodly shriek when he remembered what was happening today. A new tenant was arriving to the mansion that River and six other men called home. River remembered when he had first arrived and spent nearly the entire day getting to know everyone else--especially Simon, the great perv lord. God...Did that mean, that he'd have to do the same with this guy?

"FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUCCCKK!!" He roared, launching himself off the bed, a crazed look in his eyes. He almost ran out the door when he remembered that he was completely naked and though he was sure Simon might enjoy the sight, the other tenants would not. Now fully awake, River took a deep shaky breath and counted to ten. "Today is my off day. I have all the time in the world to sleep. Today is my off day..." He repeated to himself.

Five minutes later, River entered the foyer in a shirt he didn't bother to button up, some jeans and Adidas sandals. The new guy was already there, and looked like a pissed, wet rat.

"HA! Dude, use an umbrella much? You look like a half drowned rat."


River Lopez



Sexual Orientation:
Aggressively Gay





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O, Muse! Sing to me of him,
the man of loathing and chaos

A titan whose greatest pride was order
Overthrown by wife and child
Reborn again to enact revenge upon all

Gods, Deities, Heroes and Beasts
Pit in a war of the ages
Time and time again
Their anger and viciousness rages

Whom among these fellows
Will rise against the youngest and leader of all
Cronos, master of the curved blade
Lover of order, hater of chaos

For those who don't enjoy poems, here's the deal. Maximus Griffin has been the president of Mount Olympus University for some time now and he has pit all of the ranks against each other. He constantly perpetuates systematic classicism and punishes those who seek to interrupt the hierarchy. The Rank 1's and 2's abuse their power and lord over the Rank 3's and 4's. They use their powers to win competitions and even assault those who annoy them.

In this age of revolutions and movements, will the hierarchy be allowed to remain? Will President Griffin be overthrown? Will the Ranks be abolished? Will the tables turn? Or will the cycle of abuse continue?


Mount Olympus University, home of the Olympians, most prestigious institution of higher education in the tri-state area. Mt. Olympus is nationally ranked in sports and academics, with most of it's graduates going on to become famous athletes or scholars. The school is located in New Athens, a brightly lit city that never seems to get old. Mt. Olympus was founded by the blind, but genius playwright, Homer. The president of the university is former military general, Maximus Griffin, a man who prioritizes order and ranks above anything. The state of the university's social situation can be attributed to Griffin' sense of order.

From the beginning since Homer founded it, Mt. Olympus has placed all of it's students in ranks. The ranks were mostly to make registration easier and to add a bit of friendly competition with the students. But when Maximus Griffin became president, he changed the game drastically. He started giving perks to Rank 1's and consequences just for being a Rank 4. He encouraged propaganda glorifying Rank 1's and 2's, and shaming 3's and 4's. He arranged several 'games' to pit the Ranks against each other and he rarely honored a claim of abuse of powers.

Yes, the students of Mount Olympus have powers. These abilities are attributed to the mythological Greek that they embody. The powers were originally meant to aid them in their studies, but now more often than not, they are used to abuse others. The only karma for this abuse of power is the fact that these powers are lost when the students graduate or withdraw from the college, therefore relinquishing their embodiment for others to claim.

When it comes to embodying gods, heroes, deities or beasts, a test is given to applicants of the college. The tests is based on personality, physical prowess, mental capability and artistic grasp. The test score determines what mythological character you will embody, and it is up to the student if they want to fully embrace the character of who they were assigned.

Powers and abilities are based off of the mythological character as well. Powers can range from elemental manipulation to flight. Abilities vary from enhanced strength to heightened vision. Some students can have powers and abilities, others have one of the other, sometimes students have no powers or abilities and are instead prodigies in certain skills.


Rank 1: Olympians

Zeus - king of gods and god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order and justice

Hera - queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage, women, childbirth and family

Poseidon - god of the seas, water, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and horses

Demeter - goddess of the harvest, fertility, agriculture, nature and the seasons

Athena - goddess of wisdom, knowledge, reason, intelligent activity, literature, handicrafts, science, defense and strategic warfare

Apollo -god of light, the sun, prophecy, philosophy, truth, inspiration, poetry, music, arts, medicine, healing, and plague

Artemis - goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, virginity, the moon, archery, childbirth, protection and plaque

Ares - god of war, violence, bloodshed and manly virtues

Aphrodite - goddess of love, pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, beauty and desire

Hephaestus -master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of the forge, craftsmanship, invention, fire and volcanoes (cripple)

Hermes - messenger of the gods; god of travel, commerce, communication, borders, eloquence, diplomacy, thieves and games

Hades - god of the dead, of the underworld, the subterranean regions, death, darkness, the earth, fertility, riches, mortality, afterlife and metals.

Hestia - goddess of the hearth, fire and of the right ordering of domesticity and the family

Dionysus - god of wine, the grape vine, fertility, festivity, ecstasy, madness and resurrection. Patron god of the art of theatre

Rank 2: Deities
(Any gods not listed above)
Himeros - Taken by DarkiusHeavenstein
Rank 3: Heroes
(Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, Thesus etc)
Rank 4: Bestiary
(The Minotaur, Medusa, Cerberus, etc)

  • Iwaku Rules Apply
  • 2 characters per person
  • 1 paragraph minimum per post. Third person POV.
  • Powers are fantastical, something you'd imagine a superhero would have.
  • Abilities are supernaturally heightened skills, like what Captain American has.
  • Skills are an expertise or mastery of something. Ex: Drawing, boxing, knitting, swimming etc.)
  • Mortals (meaning those who are human but are no demi gods) do not have powers or abilities. They have skills.


Age: 18 - 29
Sexual Orientation
Major & Minor: (Minor are optional)

Power(s): (Ranks 1 - 3. Max. 3)
Ability/ies: ( Ranks 1 - 3. Max. 3)
Skill(s): (All Ranks. Max. 5)
Power Weaknesses: (at least 2)

Personality +
Personality -
Likes: (3 min.)
Dislikes: (3 min.)

Optional Stuff
Theme Song:
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lusterine
⌊Aalya Mathurin⌉
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Embodiment: Zeus
Rank: 1
▪ Appearance

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Other Body Modifications:

▪ Powers

Weather Manipulation
Limited Animal Shapeshifting (eagle, cow, bull, oak tree & swan)
Enhanced Strength
Skill(s): (Max. 5)
Power/Ability Weaknesses: (at least 2)
Weather manipulation can only be used in a small radius. She can't change the entire campus' weather, but she can make storm clouds over people's heads or zap them. The effects of her weather manipulation cannot be removed by her, they must run their own natural course.

Strong emotions can trigger her weather manipulation.

She can only shapeshift into an eagle, cow, bull, oak tree and a swan. The shifts last less than ten minutes. In her forms, she cannot make those animal noises and can speak normally. The sizes of some of the animals are watered down, so she is the size of German shepherd when she is a cow or a bull. She can only shift into the oak tree when she is on terrain that the roots of the tree can thrive in.

▪ Personality

Personality +
Personality -
Likes: (3 min.)
Dislikes: (3 min.)

She is a nymphomaniac.
She has a gambling addiction.

▪ More Info

Godly Domain: the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods
Major & Minor: Criminal Justice w/ Women's Studies minor
FC: Sira Kante

⊸ ⊸
Higher- Lemaitre

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Judge, Jury & Torturer.
Cassius Giordano
Cas, Cassie (for those who want to die)
28 years old
Extracting Information

  • height: 5'5"
  • weight
  • body type: Athletic
  • eye color: ash brown
  • hair color:
  • other descriptions
Hunter Info

what they want out of hunting.

Weapon of Choice:
this could be the weapon they favor or the weapon their best with handling

What do they usually keep on them? Backpack, utility belt, first aid kit, etc.



Pros & Cons






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some trashy diner
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Queen Bitch Club

A. Introduction
  1. Motive - Why
  2. Plan - How - They all kill each other's target, but the one who's target it is, sits it out so that they leave no trace of motive
  3. Arrangement - With Who
B. Setting
  1. Where
  2. When
C. Rules
  1. Basic Iwaku Rules
  2. Posting Requirements Length
  3. Posting-Frequency Expectation
D. Character Sheet
  1. Age Range: 21 - 35
  2. Women Only (Transgender Women Accepted)
Name & Alias: Juno Tyler / Arcana
Age & Birthday: 28 & December 20th
Sex & Gender: Female
Occupation: Librarian
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
▪ Backstory

Coming soon to a theatre near you...
Highlights - Studied at Kamar-Taj after horrific accident rendered her mute and an insomniac due to trauma
Her father used all of his resources to get Juno to Kathmandu after hearing about the 'miracle healers'
Due to guilt for technically causing her accident, he left her there
Juno studied from age 16-24, she returned home to take care of her then-ailing father. She planned to return when he died but he lived longer than she thought he would.
Karl Mordo finds her at her during her commute from work and plans to take her powers. She fights him and is assisted by the Madcaps.
wip wip wip
▪ Powers

Tarot Mimicry
The power to possess and/or mimic the traits and powers of a special deck of tarot cards. The cards were created in Kamar-Taj by Juno, under the guidance of the Ancient One. They were meant to be an easier outlet for Juno to utilize sorcery since she had trouble controlling her powers without a vessel. Though the cards are many and they have frightening and awe-inducing powers, they have rules that are attached to them. At no given time can more than one card be used*

*an exception is provided for the Sun and Moon cards, as they are offensive and can be used with another card to provide supplementary strength.

Each card imbues Juno with a different ability with individual weaknesses.

The Fool - Power Reflection
The power to reflect any power launched against them without being harmed. The reflected attack is only as strong as the initial user meant it to be.
- Limited to powered attacks such as elemental blasts or energy blasts.
- The power cannot reflect physical attacks such as punching, kicking etc. even if the attacker has enhanced combat.

The Magician - Teleportation
The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another.
- The user must have the targeted location in mind, to avoid accidents.
- Teleporting over large distances drains stamina.
- Can't teleport with another person.

The Priestess - Divination
The power to tell the future.
- Can only be used once a month.
- Tellings of the future are not guaranteed.
- In order to tell the future, the user must be in a peaceful area devoid of distractions for 72 hours.

The Empress - Healing Kiss
The power to heal organic beings with a kiss.
- Cannot resurrect.
- A big enough injury can suck the energy out of the kisser.
- The healing is limited to physical injuries only.

The Lovers - Love Manipulation
The power to temporarily manipulate love between others.
- This power only lasts for six hours.
- Those who lack the capacity for love (sociopaths, psychopaths, etc) are immune
- Most psychic users are immune.

The Chariot - Enhanced Combat
The ability to possess enhanced levels of hand to hand fighting skills and excel in various forms of combat.
- This ability only works when the user has seen a combat style via video or live.

Justice - Strength Manipulation [CARD PARTIALLY DESTROYED]
The power to control the strength of oneself and others. The user can increase or decrease the strength of themselves or others.
- Due to partial destruction, the user can only enhance the strength of others and the target is not always acknowledged.
- Bottom line: Juno might want to give super strength to Bob, but might give it to Jane instead.

The Hermit - Silence Manipulation
The user can silence the sound of others or her immediate environment.
- The user must touch the thing or person that they silenced.
- This ability is tied to emotion. If the user experiences high levels of stress, the card may activate unconsciously.

Strength - Force Field Generation
The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.
- Force fields have an attack limit. If hit enough, the force field will break.
- Volatile emotions affect the effectiveness of the force fields.
- Airtight barriers may cause the user or contained organism to suffocate.

Death - Bone Manipulation [CARD PARTIALLY DESTROYED]
The ability to manipulate the bones of oneself and/or others.
- Due to partial destruction, the user can only manipulate their own bones.
- Usage of this power is accompanied by excruciating pain.
- Like all cards, this one is temporary, however, if a bone is broken outside of the body, it will remain broken until after the card has become inactive.

Temperance - Angel Physiology
The power to appear as an angel and utilize some angel related abilities. The user gains large white feathered wings, a halo, and the ability to use light energy attacks.
- Vulnerable to demonic/evil attacks.
- This form is incapable of lying and must live an altruistic life.

The Devil - Demon Physiology
The power to appear as a demon and utilize some demonic abilities. The user gains large leathery bat wings, goat horns, cloven feet, and the ability to use dark energy attacks.
- Vulnerable to angelic/good attacks.
- This form is inherently deviant and will ultimately do bad things.

The Moon - Lunar Empowerment
The power to gain strength from the moon. The user becomes stronger, faster and more durable.
- Purely offensive
- Only active at night

The Sun - Solar Empowerment
The power to gain strength from the sun. The user becomes stronger, faster and more durable.
- Purely offensive
- Only active during the day

Judgment - Purification [CARD DESTROYED]
The World - Planetary Empowerment [CARD DESTROYED]
The Tower - Destruction [CARD DESTROYED]

The Star - Stellar Manipulation [CARD DESTROYED]
The Hanged Man - Enchantment [CARD DESTROYED]
Fortune - Probability Manipulation [CARD DESTROYED]
The Emperor - Mind Control [CARD DESTROYED]

The Hierophant - Enhanced Charisma [CARD DESTROYED]

Unfortunately, during her battle with Mordo, several of her most powerful cards were destroyed and two were partially destroyed, causing them to malfunction when activated.

She can only use one card at a time and for only eight hours. After eight hours (or when she's finished), she will have to choose a new card or none at all if her energy is used up.

Using magic burns up a lot of mental and physical energy, so Juno must maintain an 12,000 calorie diet every day.

Without her cards, she's basically useless. She never learned to use magic without them and they're like a safety blanket to her.

Removal of her powers even temporarily will reduce her to a mute shell of a person. She will begin to relive her past traumas repeatedly. In addition to that, she will be forced to remember her many divinizations about the state of the world, her friends and her family. If she regains her powers, there's no guarantee she will be able to return to her former self and even if she does, it will take her a long time.
▪ Personality

Personality: An easy going and mischievous individual, Juno embodies the 'witch' label with ease. At first impression, she holds an air of mystery and elegance but once you get to know her, you'll realize she's the world's biggest dork and she's damn fine with that. Juno loves to laugh and it's rare for a day to pass where she doesn't laugh at at least one thing. She loves to prank people and will often feign deviousness to freak people out, then dissolve into laughter when they fall for her antics. The young woman is a loyal friend and prides herself in being there for her friends and supporting them at every turn. She makes friends easily and that can impact her negatively as she has the tendency to only see the good in her friends even if they're taking advantage of her. If the actions of these toxic friends are revealed, Juno will try and fail to hold a grudge and try to maintain a friendship with them even if they're pulling away.
▪ More Info

FC: Teyonah Parris
⊸ ⊸
Upside Down - Paloma Faith

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  • Love

Broken Bones


The Man
Aloe Blacc

Rag'n'Bone Man


Name: Samson Doe

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160 lbs

Habits: Clears throat when uncomfortable, adjusts other's clothing (usually his family's), scratches back of neck when thinking

Skills: Multilingual (French, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, ASL), Communications, Proposal Writing, Cooking

Personality: Patient, Diplomatic, Charismatic, Sensitive, Stubborn

History: wip

Extra: FC: Victor Ross
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NAME: Flash Parker
NICKNAMES: What's shorter than Flash?
AGE: [ 21-25 ]
CURRENT OCCUPATION: [ Other Than Spoiled Brat ]
SECRETS: [ The one you're being blackmailed for and any other ones. Serious or funny ones and even ones you pray The Bad Boy won't find out about. ]
HIDDEN DESIRES: [ Something you want to do that might seem wrong to others if they knew. ]
TABOOS: [ Anything that you see as horrible and should never have existed in the first place, something you've banned on a personal level. ]
RELATIONSHIPS: [ Feelings on the circle of friends you're a part of, or want soo badly to be a part of. ] [ Obviously take out the role you're playing... unless you wanna talk about how you feel about yourself... vain bastard. ]
The New Girl:
The Pretty Boy Prince:
The Teen Idol:
The "Perfect" Princess:
The Major Wannabe:
The Sweetheart:
The Nutcase:
The "Dumb Blonde":
The Rich Bitch:
The Secret Homosexual:
The Loving Lesbian:
The Pretender:
The Varsity Jock:
EXTRA: [ Anything else you want or need to add ]



NAME: Leah Jacobs
AGE: 21
ETHNICITY: 40% French 20% German 20% Polish
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Los Angeles, California
SECRETS: [ The one you're being blackmailed for and any other ones. Serious or funny ones and even ones you pray The Bad Boy won't find out about. ]
THOUGHTS: [ What are you feelings on being blackmailed by a high school "friend?" Do you think he'll actually rat you out if you don't do what he says? Do you think if you all worked together, you could stop him and his girlfriend? Do you have any idea who the new girl could be? ]
HIDDEN DESIRES: [ Something you want to do that might seem wrong to others if they knew. ]
TABOOS: [ Anything that you see as horrible and should never have existed in the first place, something you've banned on a personal level. ]
RELATIONSHIPS: [ Feelings on the circle of friends you're a part of, or want soo badly to be a part of. ] [ Obviously take out the role you're playing... unless you wanna talk about how you feel about yourself... vain bastard. ]
The New Girl:
The Bad Boy:
The Pretty Boy Prince:
The Teen Idol:
The "Perfect" Princess:
The Major Wannabe:
The Sweetheart:
The Nutcase:
The "Dumb Blonde":
The Rich Bitch:
The Secret Homosexual:
The Loving Lesbian:
The Pretender:
The Varsity Jock:
EXTRA: [ Anything else you want or need to add ]
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  • At some point during the gala, a hush fell over the crowd as a delicate hand tapped an ornately designed piece of cutlery against a glass. Dressed in a beautiful and undoubtedly expensive lilac evening gown, Adeline Monte Claire headmistress of Versailles stood on a private balcony above everyone. Her head was held high with a half smile painted on her delicate yet imposing features, her red lipstick standing out on her powder pale skin. Her perfectly coiffed golden brown hair didn't move an inch as she traversed the balcony and her bangs curled delightfully across her forehead.

    "Bonsoir, à tous." She began, then turned slightly to regard members of various royal families, and gave a deep sweeping curtsy "Your Highnesses." She then turned back to the rest of her captive audience. "Esteemed guests, thank you for attending our annual gala. You have come from all over," She extended a hand to some non-European guests, "and nearby as well. You have supported this prestigious university time and time again, and we appreciate you very much for it. On behalf of all of Versailles, I thank you for trusting us to educate and mold your precious heirs, apprentices, wards, and charges into distinguished young men and women. And to our students, I thank you for gracing this university with your glowing presences."

    She paused for applause, "Now that the evening is coming to a close, I humbly request that students bid adieu to their parents and guardians, so that they may prepare for next day." And with that, the gala was finished--for the students of course. Maybe in the future when the students have their own kids, they'll know what goes on after they've left.

    While some students waltzed to their rooms to be good little girls and boys, some groups smirked at each other as they crusaded off-campus or rendezvoused at the dorms for some after gala "fun".

  • kS8IxBz.png

    Fashion - Interactions: - Mood: Very Emotional

    After being given Mr. Stone's blessing to have fun, Tommy had made a beeline straight for the bar but was dismayed to find that Amy wasn't there. The redhead swallowed thickly, biting her lips and rubbing her arm as she thought of how she probably blew her chance with the gorgeous brunette when she'd ran off to network. Looking around the room, Tommy hoped to spot Amy but failed. "Fuck me." She muttered, just as the headmistress called everyone to attention. After the woman's speech, most of the students who weren't kissing their parents' goodbye, filed out of the ballroom and Tommy went to follow them before stopping. She kind of wished her parents were here...She could do with a hug or something. After she left this room, she probably wouldn't see anyone she knew for four years--A tap on her shoulder halted her train of thought and she turned to see Mr. Stone standing behind her.

    "Make me proud, Thomasina." He said, extended a hand for a shake. Tommy gripped his hand, thinking that the man was being oddly formal when she noticed that his eyes were glistening a little. "Holy fuck Mr. Stone, are you crying?" She gasped.

    "No, but I'm about to. Don't look at me," He grumbled, turning away to fan his eyes with his handkerchief. "Look, I'm just succumbing to the feelings that everyone here is giving off." He snapped, clearly embarrassed as he gestured to parents hugging their children goodbye. "I don't have any kids, but at the moment you're pretty close. So give me a hug and get out of here, my pale ginger spawn." Tommy bursts into laughter at that but gave Mr. Stone one of her best hugs.

    As she walked down the hall, Tommy found that she was by herself. "Shit, did I take a wrong turn? I could have sworn tha--what the fuck?" She yelped as she came face to face with a soft-core porn set in the hallway starring some pink haired girl and the brunette of her desires. She didn't know what to say, so she just stood their gaping. On one hand, it's not like Amy was her girlfriend or anything, but on the other hand, that was pretty fucking quick! Temporarily regaining some sense but not enough to clear the area, Tommy hid behind a column, wondering just how she would get back to the main hall without revealing her presence. Suddenly the numerous drinks that she had had back at the party hit her all at once, she'd always been a delayed drunk but she was also a really emotional drunk and this was a really bad fucking time.

    She whimpered, clasping her hands over her mouth as her eyes watered. Some part of her brain was telling her to shut the fuck up before Amy and the girl from Lazytown heard her, but the other part of her brain was just trying to get one message across. "I had to network!" She whisper yelled, her voice echoing in the empty hallway. "Oh no." She mumbled, sliding down the column she was hidden behind. Drunk brain was now shouting at her to just crawl away but other drunk brain was freaking the fuck out because when she was drunk she could rarely monitor her volume, so that whisper yell may not have been a whisper at all!

  • oliver kochiyama
    location: Tae Hyun's Room
    mood: swiggity swuck they gon' ____

    He'd expected a rebuke honestly, a slap, a hoarse yell to get the fuck out--but not this. Not acceptance. Bells and whistles were going off in his brain as Tae kissed him. It was like fireworks and seeing a puppy parade and drinking his first milkshake all at the same time. It felt like his heart was going to explode! He'd daydreamed (and wet dreamed) about this moment a thousand times over, and now it was finally happening.

    The Korean's lips were soft and slightly wet from the water, and his hands on his cheeks were warm and firm. Oliver blushed even harder than he was before and then Tae pulled back and nope, uh-uhn this is not okay. More kissing requested, pronto. Oliver thought but thankfully did not say out loud, because Tae seemed to like his weirdness now but he didn't wanna push his luck.

    Surging forward, Oliver set his hands on either side of Tae-Hyun and rose on his tippy toes to press his lips against the older man's own. The warmth radiating from the contact was making Oliver woozy...And he just remembered that he had had more than a few drinks at the gala. "I need to sit down--no, we--let's sit down. You're so tall, like a majestic super sexy giraffe. Let's sit down but keep making out." He implored.

We weren't exactly popular, but we weren't outcasts either. We weren't targeted per say, at least not anymore. Kali put a stop to that... Kali was a beast. She was the girl that no one wanted to mess with. She went head to head with the biggest bitches in school and came out unscathed. But now Kali's dead. Hit by a car while crossing the street. Everyone says it was an accident but the details are shady. Why would Kali have been in that part of town? Why was she walking when she has a car? And how come the police won't let anyone see the car that hit her? It all doesn't add up and as Kali's friends it's our job to get justice for her.

Our town, San Coral is close-knit with only 4750 people.


4749 people.

It shouldn't be that hard to find out what happened to Kali, right? Wrong. Everyone's clammed up, even her parents. And at school...It seems like all anyone wants us to do is forget about her. The principal's brought in grief counselors from the big city to help us 'move on'. And recently? It feels like some of us are being watched.

What the hell is going on?

Kali Ghantasala was seventeen years old and about to graduate as the valedictorian. When she wasn't hanging out with us, she was studying hard and working as the editor in chief of our school newspaper, The Coralcle. In a small town like ours, the school newspaper was pretty popular and had received numerous awards from City Hall for its riveting stories. With accolades like that, Kali was one step further to get into the journalism school of her choice. She'd wanted to be a journalist because she loved enlightening people's lives with the truth. But she'll never get to do that now.

Kali's home life was a little tough. Her mother was one of the town's only two doctors, so she was rarely home and her father was a strict, no-nonsense accountant who wouldn't accept anything less than a 95 test score from his daughter. They didn't know about Kali's dream to become a journalist, they wanted her to become a doctor like her mother. Kali had a younger brother, but he didn't shoulder any of the stress laid on his sister. Being the youngest sibling and the only boy, of old-fashioned parents, Nilay was babied and allowed to get away with murder. He's a year younger than us and a notorious party boy, entangled in the inner workings of our school's popular crowd.

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