Mun's Test Zone

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3



Name: Micah Cross

Nickname: Mikey

Age: 21

Occupation: Owner of Jack's Pharmacy

Sexuality: Gay

Type: Non Shifter

Patron: Donkey

Human Form: Like all non shifters, Micah's ears and tail are ever present. His fuzzy tan ears stick out from his soft ash brown locks and are always remain sticking straight up. His medium length, dark furred tail sticks out of his pants most of the time, unless he's wearing loose pants or a long jacket. Micah stands at 5'10 feet and has a lightly muscular frame. He has a bit of stubble that he keeps casually groomed and his skin is dotted with freckles. He likes to wear tank tops and relatively loose pants with sneakers. When needed, he will wear his favorite olive green parka. Being lower class, Micah does not have much variety in outerwear and gravitates between a really heavy jacket (the parka) and hoodies.

Personality: Micah is a relatively easy going albeit shy young man. His mantra is 'keep your head down and keep moving' but that doesn't mean he's desensitized to the oppression his class faces. He won't protest or openly rebel but he will stew about it and complain to his confidants. When it comes to his business, Micah likes to think that he is firm with his employees and how business transactions go, but the truth is, he doesn't know much about how to run a business. Unless you were a partner to the pharmacy prior to his father leaving, he has a tendency to stick to 'the way things were'. You could say he's as stubborn as an ass, sometimes.

Micah is an easily amused fellow and will laugh at just about anything from nerdy jokes to slapstick actions. It may be a tad embarrassing, but as a shifter with a donkey patron, he, well...He brays. When he laughs a raucous sound explodes from his mouth, his eyes squeeze shut and tears threaten to spill from the corners. Often times, he doubles over from laughter and it takes his a while to stop wheezing and braying. Sometimes if you make him laugh hard enough, he'll pound on the table with clenched fists.

Wicked Bite (There's a reason why biting is not in his kinks. He will fuck you up.)
Quite Strong
Sturdy / Great for Heavy Lifting
Great Sense of Humor
Sweet Math Skills

His tail (It is very sensitive. Please don't pull it.)
Stubborn / Doesn't like asking for help
Poor Business Skills

★ Secrets/Kinks ☾
☾ Kissing
★ He loves carrots
☾ Rough Sex
★ He's only been with 3 guys and 1 girl
☾ Cuddling
★ He's a die hard fan of a particular kids cartoon
☾ Oral
★ One of his ex boyfriends had a cross dressing kink, and after they broke up, Micah kept the dresses and sometimes wears them for fun (in private.)
☾ Bottoming
★ He once booted a lover in the head after they pulled his tail. If the guy hadn't had an ox patron, he would have ended up with a split skull instead of just a concussion.
☾ Roleplay
★ His dad is not a fan of gay people and thinks his son just hasn't found the right girl to settle down with.
☾ Blindfolds
★ He never wanted to inherit the business, instead he wanted to escape the city and work on a farm.
☾ Ropes
★ He likes having his ears stroked.
☾ Gags
☾ Orgasm Denial

Jack Cross - Father - Horse non shifter - Retired due to back injury (56)
Elsa Dietrich - Donkey non shifter - Mother - Missing (50)

Micah was born to two entrepreneurs. Elsa and Jack had been business rivals who ended up merging their businesses...As well as themselves. They fell in love after Jack's pharmacy was held up by one of the many hoodlums infesting the street. Jack had been more than willing to give the thug his money and keep his life but Elsa burst through the doors, taking the criminal down with a well placed kick to the back of the head. "Don't you ever give up that easily! You worked hard for that shit!" She had shrieked into Jack's face, as she stood over the then concussed thug. Jack had fallen in love with her right at that moment but Elsa hadn't felt the same. She'd interfered because of her moral obligation to help him and nothing more. Or that's what she had said to explain her actions. Over the next few weeks, a smitten Jack had showered Elsa with presents, and compliments and after only five months, Elsa began to like him...A little. Okay a lot. She liked him a lot and thought he was an adorable dork. The two of them never got married but they merged their businesses and had an informal 'ceremony' to publicly declare their love.

Two years later they had little Micah, who took after his mother in terms of patron but his father in terms of personality. The next few years were pleasant if a bit rough. No matter what diversity they faced, they always had each other. Until one day they didn't. Elsa had left the house in the evening to visit her mom across the city but the next morning Micah's grandmother called to ask why Elsa never came over. The little family immediately went on high alert and put out the word that Elsa was missing but they never found her. To make matters worse, Jack stopped looking out for himself and overworked himself to the point where he threw out his back and had to retire. They couldn't afford a good doctor, but thankfully they could use the medicine from their pharmacy to help ease the pain. He was still out of commission though, so young Micah had to take his place.




Name: Tessa Greenley

Nickname: Tess, Greenie

Age: 23

Occupation: Singer

Sexuality: Pansexual

Type: Half Shifter

Patron: Mockingbird

Human/Shifted Form: Tess is a petite young woman, with a lightly toned physique and a perpetually mischievous glint in her eyes. She has glossy curly black hair and deep dark brown eyes. Her skin is light brown with a bronze undertone and she prefers to wear athletic and/or oversized clothing. When on stage, she prefers to wear dresses that provide her an ethereal quality. She loves her makeup and it's rare to see her without at least eyeliner, eyebrows, mascara and a bit of lip gloss. In her shifted form, she resembles a female northern mockingbird.

Tess is a charmer, a player, and an all-around troublemaker. She is witty and fluid with her words and movements. A loud woman, Tess doesn't like sitting still or pretending. Upon first meeting someone, she lets them know who she is and what kind of person she is, right off the bat. She hates pretenders and doesn't want them in her life (something she will also tell them right off the bat.) She fully embraces her patron gifts and uses them whenever possible. She can be pretty irritating because she likes to mess with people, but she will apologize if you tell her she's gone too far. When she's interested in someone or something, she pursues them and is upfront with her feelings. She has been known to pine for the object of her affections for months. When in a relationship, she can get pretty aggressive and clingy. In the past, she has been known to stalk and manipulate her lovers but tries not to do this now.

Voice mimicry
Musically Gifted
Thick Skin (physically)

Physically weak
Allergic to gluten

★ Secrets/Kinks ☾

Tess used her voice talent to get her ex-boyfriend nearly beat to death. She used his voice to insult a group of guys nearby and they so happened to be full shifters, who pounced on the poor guy and nearly tore him to shreds. Tess immediately called the police (pretending to be an old lady) and ran. To this day, she isn't sure if her ex is alive.

One of her ex-girlfriends has a restraining order against her because Tess abused her talent and impersonated her girlfriend's best friend to trick the girl into staying with Tess. Her own cockiness revealed what she had done. She has since stopped doing this, but fears that if anyone ever found out, they would hate her.

Domination (Doing & Being)
Whipping (Doing)
Loud Sex
Dry Humping/Grinding
Body Worship

Winifred Greenely - Mother - Mockingbird Half Shifter - Music Teacher (47)
Thomas Greenely- Father - Mockingbird Half Shifter - Handyman (48)
Nikki Greenely - Sister - Mockingbird Half Shifter - Hair Stylist (26)
Tamika Greenely - Sister - Mockingbird Half Shifter - Make Up Artist (26)
Lauri Greenely - Brother - Mockingbird Half Shifter - Con - Artist

It wasn't easy living in a house of mockingbirds. Tessa and her siblings were always ready to trick and one-up each other. Their parents were often at their wit's end with them but they loved their chicks all the same. In the Greenley house, it was hard to stay angry at each other for long but it was always easy to do some pretty tasteless stuff. Tessa's older sisters would frequently harass each other's boyfriends and drive them away by toying with them. And Tessa's brother loved to freak people out in general. It was safe to say that the public, didn't really like the Greenley children, even though the parents were quite kind and normal. Because of this, the Greenley's were close-knit but their familial situation failed to prepare them for the real world.

When Tessa left the proverbial nest, she quickly found that no one liked tricks. To non mockingbirds, tricks were synonymous with lies and no one normal appreciated them. This led to Tessa falling in with a crowd that would appreciate her natural gifts. The niche she found was mostly despots, swindlers, drug addicts and con-men. Deep inside, Tessa knew she wasn't like these people and she didn't really like them but they liked her--or rather, they liked her talent. At first, Tessa used her vocal gifts to do as her 'friends' pleased but after a while things got old. She didn't like tricking people who she thought didn't deserve it, and she didn't like going home only to be wracked by guilt over having cheated some poor sap by pretending to be someone they trusted.

In the end, Tessa decided to leave the group of unsavory individuals and strike out on her own. She found a job at Red Velvet as a singer and found friends in the employees that worked there.




Name: Maddox Cohen

Nickname: Mad

Age: 41

Occupation: FBI Agent/Drug Unit Specialist

Sexuality: Bisexual

Type: Full Shifter
Patron: Bloodhound

Human Form: Maddox is a tall and broad man standing at 6'1" and weighing in at 187 lbs. He has a healthy body with clearly defined muscles, usually tense with irritation. His hair is dark brown and frames his face perfectly in meticulously groomed facial hair, peppered with gray. His eyes are a grayish brown and his facial features are sharp and angular. Maddox's voice is very deep and when shouting his voice carries.

Shifted Form: When shifted, Maddox resembles a toned and stocky bloodhound, with numerous golden brown flaps ending in black fur. From far away his eyes appear black due to the hood of his brow, but they are actually a yellow-brown color. In this form, Maddox is mostly silent save for a few growls, and an eerier, spine-chilling bay. Hound

Personality: Serious, Determined, Skeptical,
Doting, Protective, Courageous,
Logical, Reserved, Stubborn, Crude
Loud, Outspoken, Judgemental

Superior Sense of Smell
Logically minded

Predatory Instinct
Needs Contacts
Narrow Minded

★ Secrets/Kinks ☾
★ He's the reason his husband died. He encouraged him to demand a promotion from Intel to the drug unit and his first mission got him killed.
★ Adopting Jesse had been an accident that turned into a blessing. He and Joseph had been planning on adopting from an orphanage but had come across Jesse scrounging in the slums and had adopted her instead. She is the only cat who Maddox actually likes.

☾ Spanking
☾ Edging
☾ Blindfolds
☾ Cuddling
☾ Voyeurism
☾ Light BDSM
☾ Dirty Talk

Joseph Cohen - Deceased Husband/Former FBI Agent - English Springer Spaniel

Jesse Cohen - Adopted Daughter (9) - Savannah Kitten

Maddox was born to a cop family. His mom and dad were both sheriff and deputy (respectively) of the small town that they lived in. Maddox's brothers all went to police academy straight out of high school and entered low-level ranks and worked their way up. Going against the grain, Maddox went to community college and graduated with an associates degree in criminal justice before enrolling in the police academy. Upon graduating from the academy, he took a higher position in the local police force. It didn't take long for him to make waves with his altruistic nature and superior arrest record. He was offered a promotion in the big city and he jumped at the opportunity. He worked in the city as a lieutenant for four years, when suddenly the precinct was temporarily taken over by the FBI for a huge drug bust case. All units were ordered to help the FBI in anyway and that was when Maddox really started to shine. And it wasn't just because he wanted to impress the cute intelligence agent who came along with the agency. ;)

As a new FBI agent, Maddox fought to prove himself. Due to his full shifter abilities, he was placed in the field where he fucking thrived. His superior sense of smell, deduction skills, and tenacious tracking abilities, made him renown in the agency. He got a lot of attention from the higher-ups and more importantly from Joseph in intel. Joseph was an English springer spaniel full shifter who although wonderful at tracking, was too small to go after the big dogs (so to speak). But he had always wanted to go out into the field. It was Maddox who encouraged Joseph to speak to the bosses about cross training and in their fifth year of being together and six months after adopting their daughter Jesse, Joseph was transferred to the field division. Things were fine at first. He got a couple arrests. Then he witnessed a little boy, nearly the same age of Jesse overdose from Vice. Witnessing the tragedy hit Joseph hard and for the next 11 months, he threw himself into locating Vice kingpins. He got close sometimes, only for the perps to slip through his fingers. He would get beyond stressed and barely sleep, Maddox tried to get him to hold back but the spaniel couldn't. Until one day...someone else stopped him. Forever.

It was a car bomb. There was nothing left of Joseph except for the broken-hearted family members he left behind. Since that day, Maddox had dedicated himself to finishing his dead husband's work.

darkflames13 is the genius behind this CS template
▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Hair colour: Black with light brown tips
Eye colour: Light brown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 186 lbs
Body modifications: Small gold hoop earings, two small gold earings on left ear feather earring on right
Chest tattoo
Right forearm tattoo
True Form

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇


▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Character biography:

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Likes (4 minimum):
Dislikes (4 minimum):
Talents (2 minimum):
Fears (2 minimum):

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ✧ ▇

Favourite song:
No Glory
Skan & Krale

Extras (as in kinks, position and everything else you'd like to add):


Sahir Bishara


"Pretty fucking old"




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This is where you live and are pampered by privilege and adoration. Everyone wants to be you, or with you or rub elbows with you. You're a red-eyed alpha and this city is your stomping ground. An alpha always gets what or who they want. All who resist are crushed by your influence, or your power or your alpha voice. Your alpha voice is one of your greatest gifts. A voice that can force betas and omegas to cower and do as you say. You try not to use it on omegas though, it wouldn't due to force them into subspace. Or...Maybe you prefer that. This world is what you make of it.

As a blue-eyed beta, you know that you're just another cog in the gears of life. Another filler between alphas and omegas. You're the most common type of city dweller and yet you're considered a trifle. The only thing you have control over is your life until an alpha or a rich omega decides to ruin it. As a beta, achieving glory is often a fantasy unless you are chosen as a mate to an alpha and they make that fantasy tangible. This life is what you make of it.

Oh, violet-eyed omega. Do you dread your existence under the watchful eye of your guardian? Or do you relish in the privilege that your identity provides you? Like the alphas, you hold a power in your voice that can bring alphas and betas to their knees and other omegas to your side. But unlike alphas, you are hunted for your ability further bloodlines by being bred. Your life is what they make of it.

In Newscape city, the cream of the crop are alphas--who are unfortunately few in number. They make up the city by only twenty percent, and so they are cherished. Alphas are usually very wealthy and if they aren't and are born into poor families, they are removed from such families and placed with more suitable adoptive families.
  • All alphas have a distinct, often overpowering scent that signals others of their status. This scent can overwhelm omegas and force them into the lustful stage one of their heat. Due to this, alphas are given the option of wearing 'alpha musk cologne' a spray that significantly dampens their scent.

Omegas are more common than alphas but aren't as loved. Those who are born with wealth are swaddled in gold cloth and kept from harm's reach. But those born into poverty are left there and often abused horribly if they aren't taken in by alphas. And even if they are, there are alphas who enjoy hearing the pained squeals of their omegas.
  • Omegas experience a time every month where they are more fertile. There are three stages to this time of the month, most commonly known as 'heat'. (1) Body temperatures rise, and the skin is warm to the touch. Omegas adopt a glazed over look but are still relatively coherent and aware of their surroundings. (2) Omegas begin to lust after any suitable person in the area and may implore said person to bed them. During this time, omegas comport themselves as if they are intoxicated. (3) This is the final stage and the most dangerous for an omega to be in if they are in public. During this stage, an omega is delirious and sex-crazed. They may undress and attempt to fulfill their sexual needs in any way possible.
  • A typical heat for an omega lasts a full week, however, there are some who experience it in fewer days. The duration of the stages varies between individuals. At the beginning of a heat, an omega gives off a sweet smell that is noticeable by both alphas and betas. An omega's heat scent can lower the inhibitions of an alpha, so it is recommended that unmated omegas be quarantined during their heat.
  • An omega's heat can be surpressed by use of heat suppressants which come in pill or shot form. The pills are available over the counter but are significantly weaker than the shots that are provided by doctors.

Betas fill in the gaps and usually aren't targeted by alphas. Some betas flock alphas and scrabble to fall in their good graces in hopes of their privilege rubbing off on them. It is commonplace for betas to mate other betas, but every once in a blue moon, an alpha takes a beta as a mate. Betas and omegas, however, are not allowed to mate even if both parties have feelings for each other.

In order to mate, one party must 'mark' the other. In the past, primal populations would bond via biting/scratching their submissive mates. However, in the modern world, it is rare to do so. Now people buy custom accessories with their name or family symbol to show who they are mated to or have mated.

On the topic of dominants and submissives, a dominant is almost always an alpha. A submissive is always an omega. Although there have been some cases where an alpha has been submissive and an omega has been dominant. Betas are considered neutral unless paired with an alpha in which case they adopt the role of whatever is needed in the relationship.

This is a male-centric roleplay, meaning that female spots are limited and the ability to pair up with other players may not present itself.

I require at least one post a week. Each post should be 1-2 paragraphs, but if you're really struggling, please tell me and we can see about posting less than that.

I require detailed character sheets. Bare-bones, bottom of the barrel attempts will be rejected once with a chance of correction. If the second time, the CS isn't good enough, it will be rejected permanently.

Appearances should be real, but detailed written descriptions are cool too.

Please join the discord chat! This is where most announcements will go and where the majority of OOC talk will take place!

Although this is in the red star area, I'll caution you guys anyway: This roleplay may feature depictions of sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, mentions of rape, abuse (physical, emotional & mental), drugs, abortions and mentions of miscarriage. You have been warned.
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This is where you live and are pampered by privilege and adoration. Everyone wants to be you, or with you or rub elbows with you. You're a red-eyed alpha and this city is your stomping ground. An alpha always gets what or who they want. All who resist are crushed by your influence, or your power or your alpha voice. Your alpha voice is one of your greatest gifts. A voice that can force betas and omegas to cower and do as you say. You try not to use it on omegas though, it wouldn't due to force them into subspace. Or...Maybe you prefer that. This world is what you make of it.

As a blue-eyed beta, you know that you're just another cog in the gears of life. Another filler between alphas and omegas. You're the most common type of city dweller and yet you're considered a trifle. The only thing you have control over is your life until an alpha or a rich omega decides to ruin it. As a beta, achieving glory is often a fantasy unless you are chosen as a mate to an alpha and they make that fantasy tangible. This life is what you make of it.

Oh, violet-eyed omega. Do you dread your existence under the watchful eye of your guardian? Or do you relish in the privilege that your identity provides you? Like the alphas, you hold a power in your voice that can bring alphas and betas to their knees and other omegas to your side. But unlike alphas, you are hunted for your ability further bloodlines by being bred. Your life is what they make of it.

  • In Spectrum city, the cream of the crop are alphas--who are unfortunately few in number. They make up the city by only twenty percent, and so they are cherished. Alphas are usually very wealthy and if they aren't and are born into poor families, they are removed from such families and placed with more suitable adoptive families.
    • All alphas have a distinct, often overpowering scent that signals others of their status. This scent can overwhelm omegas and force them into the lustful stage one of their heat. Due to this, alphas are given the option of wearing 'alpha musk cologne' a spray that significantly dampens their scent.

    Omegas are more common than alphas but aren't as loved. Those who are born with wealth are swaddled in gold cloth and kept from harm's reach. Rich omegas are provided the opportunity to attend higher education, but poor omegas often do not. But those born into poverty are left there and often abused horribly if they aren't taken in by alphas. And even if they are, there are alphas who enjoy hearing the pained squeals of their omegas.

    • Omegas experience a time every month where they are more fertile. There are three stages to this time of the month, most commonly known as 'heat'. (1) Body temperatures rise, and the skin is warm to the touch. Omegas adopt a glazed over look but are still relatively coherent and aware of their surroundings. (2) Omegas begin to lust after any suitable person in the area and may implore said person to bed them. During this time, omegas comport themselves as if they are intoxicated. (3) This is the final stage and the most dangerous for an omega to be in if they are in public. During this stage, an omega is delirious and sex-crazed. They may undress and attempt to fulfill their sexual needs in any way possible.
    • A typical heat for an omega lasts a full week, however, there are some who experience it in fewer days. The duration of the stages varies between individuals. At the beginning of a heat, an omega gives off a sweet smell that is noticeable by both alphas and betas. An omega's heat scent can lower the inhibitions of an alpha, so it is recommended that unmated omegas be quarantined during their heat.
    • An omega's heat can be suppressed by use of heat suppressants which come in pill or shot form. The pills are available over the counter but are significantly weaker than the shots that are provided by doctors.

    Betas fill in the gaps and usually aren't targeted by alphas. Some betas flock alphas and scrabble to fall in their good graces in hopes of their privilege rubbing off on them. It is commonplace for betas to mate other betas, but every once in a blue moon, an alpha takes a beta as a mate. Betas and omegas, however, are not allowed to mate even if both parties have feelings for each other.

  • In order to mate, one party must 'mark' the other. In the past, primal populations would bond via biting/scratching their submissive mates. However, in the modern world, it is rare to do so. Now people buy custom accessories with their name or family symbol to show who they are mated to or have mated.

    On the topic of dominants and submissives, a dominant is almost always an alpha. A submissive is always an omega. Although there have been some cases where an alpha has been submissive and an omega has been dominant. Betas are considered neutral unless paired with an alpha in which case they adopt the role of whatever is needed in the relationship.
    [tab=Going's On][/tab]
  • The Omega Rights Movement - Omegas Rights activists are demanding equality for omegas who have been used and abused for centuries. Most of their protests are peaceful but there are some that turn violent when led by the more renegade activists. Being associated with the movement is frowned upon and members are discriminated against, harshly.

    An Absence of Alphas - The Alpha population is at a record low with less than 1,200 eligible alphas populating the city. Due to this unfortunate circumstance, omegas are being acquired using less than legal means and 'persuaded' to birth children in rapid succession.

    Beta Prospects - Newborn beta children are being killed or abandoned due to alpha and omega children being preferred. This practice is illegal but since alphas run the city, it's overlooked.

    Xenophobia - The once grand country, Audaira (Ah-k-ah-ooh-die-rah) is experiencing a bloody civil war that has resulted in thousands of refugees fleeing to Spectrum. These refugees are now clashing with the hierarchies in the city due to their practice of polygamous mating bonds and other cultural differences. Often times, these Audairians are met with hostility and are frequent victims of hate crimes.

This is a male-centric roleplay, meaning that female spots are limited and the ability to pair up with other players may not present itself.

I require at least one post a week. Each post should be 1-2 paragraphs, but if you're really struggling, please tell me and we can see about posting less than that.

I require detailed character sheets. Bare boned sheets will be rejected once with a chance of correction. If the second time, the CS isn't good enough, it will be rejected permanently.

Three characters max. NPCs should be kept at a minimum. Recurring NPCs should have basic character sheets.

Please join the discord chat! This is where most announcements and info will go and where the majority of OOC talk will take place!


Available spots
Alphas (0/6)
Betas - Unlimited
Omegas (0/8)
Females (0/3)

Character Form
Full Name:
Age & Birthday: (17+)
Gender: (Male or Female & A/B/O Ex: Male Omega)
Appearance: (Real picture or written description)
Fashion Style:

Personality: (Description)
(Short answer questions. 2-3 sentences min, answer in character.)
Are you mated?
What was your childhood like?
Tell me about your parents and siblings:
What's a significant event in your life?
What's your most embarrassing moment?
What the scariest thing you've ever experienced?
What was/is your school life like?
What languages do you know?
What is your most prized object?
Do you have any pets?

Turn-Offs/Fuck No's

Optional Bio:
Theme Song: (optional)

Although this is in the red star area, I'll caution you guys anyway: This roleplay may feature depictions of sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, mentions of rape, abuse (physical, emotional & mental), drugs, abortions and mentions of miscarriage. You have been warned.
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Tuesday, 9:30 AM on April 24th, 2018
Forecast: 71 degrees, partly cloudy

  • Location: Westwood Shopping Centre Parking Lot
    Mood: Scared

    Laurie was in a lovely mood. Nay, he was in a spectacular mood. He was on his way back from an errand that his brothers had let him go on, by himself. No tailing him. No calling him every five minutes. It was pure bliss. Sure, he had had to badger and beg and whine for them to let him go to the beauty supply store alone, but in the end, they agreed to let him go, so that's all that mattered! Though they probably thought he'd been talking about going to the beauty store one block away from their hair salon, not the one you needed to take a bus to get to.

    "They'll get over it," He said to himself as he swung the bag loaded with X-treme deluxe hair wax. Hair sculpting was suddenly in style again, so the salon had run low of the integral product after just a few appointments. The omega didn't get the appeal but hey, as long as they were making money.

    Checking his phone and seeing that it was only 9:30, Laurie figured he should make the most of his outing. It wasn't every day that he got to go out unescorted. And he was in a shopping center so it would be a shame to not just peruse the stores! A damn shame indeed. With a skip in his step, Laurie began moving from store window to store window, peeking in and imagining himself in some of the clothing he saw. Most of the stuff was way out of his price range, but it was fun to pretend like he could afford them. One particular shirt caught his eye and he found himself staring at it way longer than necessary, a noise to his left jolted him out of his fixation and he turned to see a leering beta, much closer than necessary.

    "Want me t'a buy that for you?" He purred, shuffling close. Laurie wrinkled his nose and took two steps back. He was used to betas acting like that, but whenever that happened his brothers were always around to chase the offender away.

    "No thanks." The omega muttered and moved to go past the man but his path was blocked. He wanted to tell the guy to fuck off into traffic but he was afraid of the man getting pissed.

    "Come on, sweetheart. I'll buy you anything you want. You know, if you give me," He paused to wet his lips "some company."

    "N-no, I have to go." He implored, doubling back to try and get past on the other side of the man, who just sidestepped into his path again.

    "Where you going? I just want to hang out, darling. Don't you want to hang out with me?"

    Laurie frantically looked around hoping that someone--anyone would intervene, but aside from a few people pretending not to see them, they were the only ones out there. "I-I have a bus to catch." He whimpered, gripping the shopping bag tighter in his hands. He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket--his brothers probably wanted to know where the hell he was. He wanted to answer but he was frozen, he wanted to leave but the beta was blocking his path. He could see the bus chugging up the road. He was going to miss it, then he would have to wait a whole half hour with this creep.

  • Location: Platinum Transport Industry HQ
    Mood: Neutral

    Getting a croissant and a nitro brew at Brewhilda's Cafe was one of the highlights of Titus's morning routine. The small cafe was right across from PTI's headquarters so he could stand to dally there for a few minutes. Not too long though, he didn't want to get used to the lethargic coffee scented atmosphere. He needed to be sharp every day all day as the regional manager of Platinum Transport industries. He had back to back meetings with idiot bureaucrats who thought they could negotiate prices with him. If it was socially appropriate to just shout no at people before they even started speaking, he would do it all the time. But no, he had to humor these morons and sit through a meeting that everyone knew the outcome of. PTI was going to charge whatever the fuck they wanted and people would just have to deal with it. They were the leading transporter in the world, so what the fuck were they going to do? Find a different company?

    Titus tossed his empty cup in the trash as he strode into the tall, glistening skyscraper. The omega at the front desk was fixing his make up in a compact mirror and ignoring his duties. When I get to my office, I'll tell Trish to fire that bimbo immediately. I don't need liabilities like that at my company. He thought, though technically the company wasn't his yet. He would have to show Callum that he could deal with his current position as regional manager before his adoptive father handed him the reigns.

    Stepping into his private elevator, Titus noticed that the flat screen affixed to the wall was on and giving information on an upcoming football game. The Spectrum Serpents were going up against the Sanctum Seahawks. A grin slowly crept onto his face and he whipped out his phone.

    2k on the Serpents. Whoever loses the bet, pays up and has to kiss a beta. He sent the message in a group text to Mercy and Monty, hoping they'd reply with their own bets. He could just imagine how Mercy would balk at the loser's consequence. Monty was a gentleman out of a rom-com, so he probably wouldn't give a shit.

  • Location: On Route to Greenridge Dog Park
    Mood: Kinda annoyed

    Qadir lounged around in the cruddy apartment, tossing a worn and wet tennis ball every once in a while when Bitch retrieved it. He was happy the little mutt was easily satisfied because he didn't feel like going out at all. Well, until he had to go to work that is. He knew it wasn't healthy to stay cooped in such squalor but he couldn't stand Spectrum. He'd only been in the country for two weeks and he would rather suffer through war-torn Audaira. At least back home, he could understand everyone. Here, he couldn't go a minute without getting confused and have people look down on him for not knowing.

    Just as he was praising Bitch for being anti-social, the damn thing practically flung itself at the door and began whining and pawing at it. "No outside today." He said in English, begrudgingly. As much as he hated the nonsensical language, he had to get used to speaking it. Bitch paused in her ministrations to look back at him longingly. Qadir stared back at her and the two stared at each other for about a minute before the beta yielded. "You only win because you cute, Bitch." He muttered, as he pulled her leash off the hook and clipped it onto her collar.

    It would just be a short walk to the nearest park and he didn't have to talk to anybody. He'd just watch his Bitch.
The walk to the dog park was longer than Qadir thought it would be, due to Bitch wanting to smell every single thing she laid eyes on. Every lamp, every passing person, every tree..."You are so nose!" The Audairan grumbled under his breath. He briefly wondered if he had used that phrase in the correct fashion. Most English slang was confusing and didn't transfer well to Arabic. How could somenone be like a nose? Or eve more perplexingly--more nose? "Damn, nonsense language." He growled under his breath but just as he was about to start ranting in Arabic, his phone pinged.

He glanced around for Bitch before he pulled his phone out. He wanted to make sure she wasn't trying to fight dogs twice her size, as she tended to do. He never understood why small dogs acted so French. Or rather....Like that French general. The er...Napo...Neopolitan! "Or whatever.." He muttered as he checked the incoming message. He couldn't stop his lip from curling when he saw who it was from.

Sky...His...working peer. They both were employed at a restaurant though Qadir just cleaned and fetched food for the customers and Sky worked the bar. For some reason, no matter how much Qadir showed that he didn't like him, the bartender insisted on trying to be friends. The Audairan blamed himself for this predicament as it was his actions that started the train. On his first day of work, Qadir met Sky and immediately didn't like him because the long haired male reminded him of every rude Spectrumite that he had met so far. He'd sneered an insult at the male in Arabic and was surprised to find that Sky knew the language. He had then cursed at him similarily but instead of marking him as the enemy, Sky had tried to be friendly with him!! It was infuriating.

"How did he get zis number?" He groaned, rubbing a hand down his face. He looked around for Bitch again--she was licking a tree. Seeing that she was occupied, Qadir reluctantly began typing a reply.

How u get this # ? i do not want to hang with u. Bitch does not like u. And y u sendig so many message? Send all everything in 1. But not 2 me. i don't want Spectrum friends.

To be honest, Sky reminded Qadir of himself when he was happy living in Audaira. He used to pepper his best friend, Zayan with messages. He would badger his friends to hang out with him...But now...He was just so bitter. He hated this country and everyone in it was hard to get rid of that feeling.
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Real Name: Cassandra 'Cassie' Leighton
Birthdate: March 26, 2003
Age at time of Academy opening: 17
Codename: Wallflower
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 139 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
  • Plant manipulation - the ability to create, shape and manipulate plant life in her environment. Cassie can use these plants for defense, offense and she can even animate them for a short time. She is also able to communicate with plant life.
  • Plant Mimicry - the ability to transform a part or her entire body into plant material.
  • Pollen Control - Cassie can create, shape and manipulate pollen, they can cause pollen grow in size and amount, move/attack, or mutate pollen and thus also the plants they grow into by rearranging DNA structure.
  • Naturally, fire can severely injure or kill her.
  • In her plant form, she needs water and sunlight in order to photosynthesize.
  • Like her alias, Cassie is a wallflower and does not like excessive socialization or crowds. She suffers in social situations and cowers in public.
Skills: Speed reading, gardening, hair styling/braiding
Likes: LoFi Hip Hop, Reading, Bath Bombs, Flower Arranging, Dragonflies, Anime, Choose Your Own Adventure stories, Rainstorms, Blizzards, Coffee Ice Cream
Dislikes: Extroverts, Forced Social Interaction, Parties, Loud Noises, Limes, Asparagus

Brief Bio: Cassie has spent the majority of her life hiding, not because of some traumatic event or anything but because of her inherent soft-spoken and timid nature. Her father often joked that her birth had taken so long because she was too frightened to come out. Cassie's father is her world, as her mother died from an aggressive brain tumor. The death of his wife hit Cassie's father hard and because of that moment, his resolve as a caretaker became a bit weak. He often blames himself for Cassie's unwillingness to let the world into her life because he kept her close as a child and allowed her to stay home whenever anxiety over school came up. It got to the point where he pulled her out entirely and used a combination of home tutors and computer programs to teach her.

When Cassie's powers manifested she tried to keep them under control and to herself. Usually, she told her father everything but she knew if he found out she had powers he would push her to attend the academy. However, her attempts to hide her powers backfired, as her anxious emotions caused vines to nearly encase her house. Her intention was to keep herself under wraps--not her entire house. Needless to say, her father didn't need to push her to do anything because she was whisked away to the academy.


Full Name: Colt Tucker
Age & Birthday: 19 & September 17th
Gender: Male Beta
Orientation: Gay
Fashion Style: Being from a small town with the biggest attraction being a ranch, Colt wears jeans almost religiously. His shirts which used to span from western shirts to worn out t's, now include athletic wear. He's a boot wearing guy, though he'll sport converse evert now and then. Aside from that, Colt is pretty plain when it comes to fashion and he doesn't like garments that are too flashy or colorful. He owns quite a few bolo ties, suspenders, and cowboy hats, that he wears occasionally.
Reference 1 - Reference 2 - Reference 3
Occupation: Stripper
Nationality: Middlesbrough (A small town with 253 people, all beta.)

Personality: First things first, Colt has poor impulse control. Or rather--He has an alcohol addiction that leads to poor impulse control. He'd never admit it, but he's basically an alcoholic. When he's drunk he's loud, crude and destructive. Though he is quick to anger when inebriated, he isn't always angry when he destroys things. It's when he's interrupted, that he gets pissed. He's a fighter and does not discriminate with who can get their ass beat. Sober Colt is a completely different person. He's a charming young man with impeccable manners and a tendency to help others. He is a country bumpkin through and through so the city often either leaves him in awe or unnerves him. He can be gullible when it comes to things he doesn't know much about and easily hurt when people take advantage of his naivete. Colt is dyslexic and his disability is just about the only thing he's self-conscious about. He will hunch his shoulders and avoid eye contact when in a situation where he needs to put his reading skills to work.

Likes: Jack Daniel's*, horseback riding, animals, action movies, steak & eggs, a good fight*, helping others, an early morning run, dancing
Dislikes: Reading, frigid weather, status 'rules', losing a fight*, therapy, his town*, fancy and impractical clothing

*Drunk Colt preference

Are you mated? "Aw naw, I ain't never thought much about that. I s'ppose I'd like someone for me. But right now, I gotta focus on therapy an' all'."

What was your childhood like? "It was quite possibly one of the best. Being from a small town, everybody knew ya' and everywhere was safe! My brothers and sisters an' I got to stay out at dark and camp out and everything. My maw and paw were always crazy in love with each other (which was why I had so many siblings), so there was never any problem with them."

Tell me about your parents and siblings: "Just like everybody else in Middlesbrough, my whole family is betas. Proud and Blue! That's our motto! My paw's name is Henry (54), and my maw's name is Amelia (55). Both my parents are just about the strongest and kindest people I know! Now, here's the doozy. Remember how I said my parents really loved each other? Hell! Well, they showed their love in eleven ways, not including me! Alright lemme list em' by age; There's Curtis (36), Jolene (35), Preston (33), Beau (28), Daisy (26), Dixie (26), Lawson (25), Marshall (23), Maybelle (23), Walker (21), and Luther (20). Things may have gotten crazy at times but I love 'em all something fierce."

What's a significant event in your life? "When I got kicked out my home. I wasn't just kicked out of the house, the whole town put me out. Sent me packing to the city after what I'd done. I deserved it too. I was already getting wild with my drinking and things--I finally took it too far. I accidentally--well nah, I don't think it was accidental cause when I get drunk I get mean. I set the town's biggest and oldest barn on fire when there were animals inside. I didn't--I don't hate animals! I just wasn't thinking! And--My sister Maybelle ran inside to help 'em escape and a beam fell. In the end, the fire was put out but Maybelle will never get to walk or ride a horse again, cause of me."

What's your most embarrassing moment? "I

What the scariest thing you've ever experienced? "

What was/is your school life like? "Aw, hell. I hated school like nobody's business. It seemed like all the teachers wanted to do was make fun of me for not seeing the letters right. I didn't get good grades but it didn't really matter at the time! Half the kids in town just go to work on their parents' ranch!"

What languages do you know? "Look, I ain't nothing fancy. I only know English and I can barely read it right. I can't be trying speak none of that fancy Euro-pee-un gibber gabber,"

What is your most prized object? "

Do you have any pets? "I had a couple o' horses and some dogs but I had to leave 'em behind. I don't know if I'll get a dog right now--I'm afraid of getting drunk and hurting it."

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Name: Noah Oliver Labastida

Nickname: No, Nol, Olly

Age: 17

Sexuality: Gay

Gender: Male

Power: Earth Magic

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 158 lbs

Skin Tone: Pale tawny

Scars: Appendectomy Scar

Birthmarks: Small brown spot neck

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None but he really wants one that will reflect his magic

Personality: Noah is a soft-spoken young man who prefers to observe rather than insert himself into situations. When with his friends and family, he tends to be goofy and more talkative but without them, he is more reserved. When it comes to his mother, Noah is loyal and obedient to a fault and does not like to disobey her. He can be a little jumpy and a bit of a scaredy-cat, but if he's with his friends or family, he won't run away. Noah also tends to be a bit oblivious, naive and gullible.

Likes: Crossword puzzles, rugs with fur, grilled chicken, pineapples, funnel cake, study hall, DIY projects, flower arrangement, gardening, most mammals, Star Wars

Dislikes: Tofu, horror movies, most reptiles, steak cut fries, excessively loud noises, public speaking, his grandmother, his mother

Secrets: His father died three years ago but his family never reported it so they can keep receiving his SS benefits. His body is in a freezer in the basement. Everyone outside the family believes him to be on a trip.

He is preparing to run away from home and report what his mother and grandmother are doing.

He fantasizes about killing his grandmother.

Fears: Fire
His grandmother

History: Noah's childhood was sheltered and filled with love at every twist and turn. Well...Somewhat. Before his grandmother moved in, Noah had an outstanding relationship with his mom and dad. His mom was a free-spirited woman who believed in chakra stones and horoscopes affecting lifelines. She could be a little cooky, but she was his mom and he loved her. She was a laid-back parent too and pretty much let Noah do what he wanted, provided it wasn't bad. And Noah spent the majority of his time playing with his friends or using the powers he had to create beautiful rock sculptures in the forest behind his house.

Noah's dad was equally cooky but in a different way. The man was a straight up 100% nerd who hosted Star Wars marathons and argued with people wearing Star Trek paraphernalia about why his fandom was better. He encouraged his son to get acquainted with science and sci-fi and often took him on trips to museums and the like. He had a pretty important job as an engineer at Ravenwood Factory so he was busy often, but spent all his free time with either his son or his wife--or both. However after receiving a permanent injury to his leg on the job, he was forced to retire but since he'd worked at the company for so long, he received great unemployment and retirement benefits.

When Noah's grandmother moved in, he was eleven and her intrusion shattered his perfect world. Unlike her daughter, she wasn't flexible or open-minded, she was rigid and surly. She grumbled snide things to her daughter about Noah's father and often insulted him passive aggressively to his face. The only being in the world that woman was nice to was her dog, Annabelle. When it came to Noah, she often criticized him for being too 'feminine' or she used him as her personal servant.

When Noah was 14, his father died in his workshop under mysterious circumstances. It was a huge shock to Noah because his dad was the safest guy in the world. He wore--used to wear a seatbelt when the car was parked! Noah couldn't believe that he had died the way he did. His mother freaked out when her husband died but less because of affection towards the deceased and more because of income. Her husband had been the breadwinner in the family, they'd lose their house without his income. That was when the devil in the form of Noah's grandmother, whispered in her ear. She suggested that they not report him dead, and instead tell everyone that he went on a trip. Noah was appalled but his mom and grandmother guilted him into silence. Despite tearfully agreeing to keep their family's new secret, Noah got the idea that his mother didn't truly believe him because she morphed from free-spirited, hippie mom, to helicopter mom in an instant. Soon the only reprieved Noah got from her was when he was exploring the forest or at his friend's houses.

Harper Labastida - Mother - Owner of Ravenwood Arts & Crafts - 39
Pablo Labastida - Father - Former Engineer at Ravenwood Factory (Actually Deceased)
Muriel Lancaster - Grandmother - The Devil Retired - 61
Annabelle - The Devil's Dog Muriel's beloved pet - 8
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Name: Heather Andrea Leighton

Age: 16

House & School Year: Gryffindor & 5th Year

Species: Half-Blood

Summary: (1-3 paragraphs, include character motivations and conflicts)
Initially, Heather did not wish to attend Hogwarts and threw a huge fit when she got her letter. She'd been spoiled silly by her mother whose sole duty was to dote on her daughter and occasionally, her warlock husband. Heather and her mother were like two peas in a pod who made every occasion a 'mother-daughter' affair. It was Heather's father, Monty who was stern with her. He was a distinguished warlock who worked at the Ministry, and he would not stand for his daughter to not hone her magical abilities. Though Heather resented him for forcing her to attend the school, she would grow to appreciate his choice later.

Ever the social butterfly, it didn't take Heather long to make friends in and outside of her sorted house and fall into a pattern of going to classes, socializing and polishing her magical talent. She found that she had an affinity with magical beasts and soon realized her dream of studying and caring for them. Though her choice was greatly applauded by her friends, Heather's parents were far from pleased. Her mother, a muggle would have preferred that she worked with normal animals like tigers and bears, *not* giant spiders and flammable fowls. Her father was disappointed in his daughter for choosing a career which he deemed 'trivial'. And so these sentiments drove a rift between the parents and the child.

It was in her 4th year that Heather stopped coming home for the holidays, opting instead to further her knowledge of magical creatures.

Relationships: TBD

Magical Creatures member

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Age: 13

House & School Year: Gryffindor & 2nd Year

Species: Pureblood


Relationships: TBD




Name: Zelda Sokolov
Nickname: Zel
Age: 19
Sexuality: Questioning
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Artisan

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lb
Build: Athletic
Identifiable Marks:
Birthmark - Dark brown splotch behind right knee
Tattoo - Sokolov Family Crest
Piercings - ears, navel

Likes: food, DIY projects, BuzzFeed quizzes, thunderstorms, blizzards, ice skating, tracking, puzzles, riddles
Dislikes: large bodies of water, oatmeal, kids, being unable to go to college, her parents sometimes
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Knife Combat, Tracking/Stalking* & Marksmanship
*this is her specialty
Fears: Disappointing her family, facing her sister in combat, the ocean
Quirks: She ties her hair up when she's pissed or focusing, she 'eeps' when startled, she names everything (pets, cars, knives etc.)


  • Character Name
  • Details
    Full name:
    A written description of your character's appearance. Don't forget to mention any sorts of body modifications or magical transformations. Feel free to link additional images here.
  • Personality
    Your character's general personality. I'd suggest three to five broad traits so that you don't accidentally write yourself into a hole and then wonder ten pages later why the profile doesn't match the character at all.
    Your character's history. It's fine if they don't have much of one - some characters come with a lot of baggage and some don't.
    A secret or two or ten that your character is keeping (besides the whole masquerade bit). It could be a goal they're embarrassed about, something they regret, or maybe a sinister plot... or maybe it's something really silly they feel irrationally guilty over.
  • Mundane skills
    Use bullet points if you want. Talk about some non-magical skills your character has, like lockpicking, carpentry, or knocking back a dozen shots before puking.
    Magical abilities
    Same as above, but this section is all about magical abilities and skills. List out a couple of spells your wizard knows, or the finer points of your lycan transformation.
    Failures and flaws
    List the shit your character sucks at, because flaws are important and in the absence of a stat system we need an alternative method to humiliate each other. This is also a good section for covering important weaknesses like, I don't know, turning to stone at sunrise or your legs turning into a fish tail when you take a bath.
A magnificient world filled with brilliant magic folk and extraordinary magical creatures!

Welcome to the bustling city of Stonehaven, home to over 200 thousand magicians, just under 60 thousand witches and even a few warlocks. This city is one of the few locations were magicians and witches, and warlocks live in relative harmony. Of course, there are a few squabbles--you can't forget the past that easily--but overall, Stonehaven is a wondrous place to live and make a living. The economy has been flourishing since the 1800s and most anyone can find a job--provided they aren't a trivie. Yes, like most great places Stonehaven has its faults, one of them being the unusually large amount of trivies who have made this city their home. But enough about them!

Did you know that for two whole months, the Royal Magician Commission will be staying at the Stonybrook Hotel? Maybe you could sneak a peek at the wisest, most magical and brilliant magicians of the age! Or if you're looking for love, maybe you could try and enchant the bachelor members of the commision. You sly dog!

Or! Or maybe you're looking to fill the empty positions in the Stonehaven Magical Detective's Agency! You look like a patriotic type! The kind of citizen who wants to keep our city safe!

Even if you aren't interested in either of those things, I'm sure you'll find your place in Stonehaven.

A brief history of magic to date: (excerpt from History of Magic: For grades 3-12 by Pearl Paisley)
Long, long, long, long, long ago, there were two great nations; Magicians and the Ancients. As their name implies, the Ancients came first. They believed in natural magic and were as in tune with nature as they were with each other. The Ancients were almost exclusively female and their entire religious ideologies revolved around female deities. The few Ancients who were born male were usually given to the magic-less population to raise. The Ancients' disregard for their male relatives soon came back to haunt them in about a hundred or so years.

Males descended from the Ancients were often thought to possess no magic, which was why they were adopted by the magic-less population. However, the potential to harness magic was dormant in these males and had to be triggered by trauma, be it psychological or physical. When these dormant traits were revealed, the Ancients did not wish to accept these males back into their community because their existence conflicted with their matriarchal religion. So these males established their own sector of the Ancient community. Unlike the original Ancients, however, the male Ancients who procreated with the magic-less population kept their children regardless of gender.

Meanwhile, in the western hemisphere, Magicians reigned freely and without bounds. Magicians were a historically patriarchal regime who imposed rules and regulations to keep their society civil. The Magicians and the Ancients were aware of each other but as their belief systems clashed, they did not mix. That is until the Magicians had conquered the entire western hemisphere and sought to expand their control. They invaded the eastern hemisphere that housed both sects of the Ancients and used underhanded and technological means, to overtake both groups. The means in which they overtook the groups was nothing short of partial genocide. The Magicians greatly diminished the population of both Ancients and did their best to establish their belief system as law. In an effort to keep power away from the Ancients, they were stripped of that name and the females were renamed witches and the males, warlocks.

As for the magic-less population, during the genocide of the Ancients, their population was devastated by losses, making them the minority as opposed to the majority they once were.

Today, all three groups live in harmony with pockets of tension. Some of the Ancients retained their knowledge of their original religion and culture, but most have adopted the Magician lifestyle. The magic-less population (nicknames trivies for their trivial existence) are marginalized and discriminated against frequently. There are activists groups who advocate for their rights but they have yet to gain much ground.


The difference between Magicians and Witches/Warlocks is their source of power. Witches/Warlocks draw their power from nature and it's inhabitants (animals, and magical creatures). Magicians draw their power from knowledge and the development of their innate affinity for magic.

Witches and Warlocks are better at nature-based magic and form faster and stronger relationships with their familiars.

Magicians are better at enchantments and are generally more powerful than their counterparts.

All magic folk have a spellbook, this can be a literal book or the Spells app, downloadable for iPhones and Android devices. The purpose of this collection of spells is for easy magic access! There are two types of spells! Vocal Spells and Ingredient Spells. Vocal spells require written 'directions' to be read aloud. These can rhyme but they don't have to, they just need to state intent. Ingredient Spells, require certain ingredients for the spell to work. Using inaccurate ingredients could result in a fizzle or worse.

The purpose of the Spellbook or Spells app, is to hold signature spells. What spell is unique to you?

In order to use magic, wands or staffs are not necessary unless you have some sort of deficiency that makes the production of magic difficult or you have control issues. Children aged 5 - 12 are often given wands/staffs to hone their skill. Expect ridicule if you're a 21-year-old with a wand.


There are two types of creatures that exist in the world; Animals and Magical Creatures. Each can be turned into a familiar, in which case if they weren't able to speak, they will be able to. Familiars who are magical creatures are generally stronger than regular animals, as they possess the same innate magical ability as their masters. Upon creating a pact with their masters, familiars are able to take human form if they wish, or if their master commands them to.

To make a pact with an animal, a magic folk must perform a ritual where they charm the beast. A charm can be a marking somewhere on the animal or an object can be charmed and given to the animal. This is not the case for magical creatures who simply need a word of mouth pact.

Existing magical creatures;

Black Cats - The most common familiar and often thought to be animals, due to their mundane appearance. Black cats have the ability to speak and unlike some familiars, they often find their masters instead of the other way around. It is considered rude to reject a black cat's choosing of you as a master, but it's not illegal. If you reject one, you may be cursed for a period of 7 (a period can be: seconds, minutes, days etc.) The curse is usually a minor inconvenience (hair loss, bad odor etc.) and can be removed via magic form appropriate persons. Black cats are stubborn and combative with other creatures and their masters if they don't get along.

Wil' O Wisps - These are common in the UK and were previously thought to be orbs of magic before someone made a pact with one. Wisps are flighty, shy and tend to only show themselves to curious or lost people. They are one of the most obedient familiars but do not respond well to commands and prefer to be spoken to nicely.

Unicorns - These are not very common but aren't rare either. They are difficult to obtain because like black cats, they tend to choose their mistresses. Yes, unicorns do not like males and prefer females or those who identify as female. Unicorns are usually protective, disparaging of those they don't like.

Golems - These are rare because they are manufactured by magic folk. Golems are made from clay and are gifted with magical souls. So their masters basically give them a piece of themselves. It takes a powerful person to create a golem, and often times, someone could lose their life if they don't have enough magic to give. Golems take on the personality traits of their masters and often do not possess free thought or will like other familiars.

Phoenixes - Another rare familiar, phoenixes are sought out by people with wild hearts and the desire for power. Even if not, an average magical person who makes a pact with a phoenix might find themselves unusually angry from time to time. There is a legend that warns that masters of phoenixes should be wary of their temperament lest they perish early in a ball of flame.

Dragons - The rarest of familiars due to poaching. Dragons can make great familiars but their body parts make great magical ingredients. They were poached by the Ancients, and it's rare to find one with an Ancient as a master as they tend to reject that group. Dragons are crafty, usually dishonest and seek out those who are likeminded and logical.

  1. Be courteous to your fellow roleplayers. Do not godmod, or create snowflakes.
  2. Real face claims, please but art for familiars (if needed.)
  3. Don't be 'that' person.
  4. Four characters max. NPCs are unlimited, however, if you want to turn them into full characters, that is permanent.
  5. Posts should be at least once a week, third person, 5-8 sentence minimum. Be respectful of others and try to match what has been given to you. However, please do not give novel length posts.
  6. Missing a post after being responded to in the last 7 days, will result in a warning. If that happens 3 times, you will be asked to leave.
  7. Collabs are encouraged! Instead of going back and forth for ages, do a collab! If it seems like you're doing a back and forth thing, you will be asked to collab or take a break.
  8. Spellbooks cannot contain the following spells; time spells, omniscient spells, immortality spells, instakill spells, 'dark' magic. (This list is subject to change.)
  9. Join the discord, please!
  10. If you read everything, please tell me what hemisphere the Magicians came from and which hemisphere the Ancients came from.
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  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
A magnificient world filled with brilliant magic folk and extraordinary magical creatures!


  • screen.png
    A brief history of magic to date: (excerpt from History of Magic: For grades 3-12 by Pearl Paisley)

    Long, long, long, long, long ago, there were two great nations; Magicians and the Ancients. As their name implies, the Ancients came first. They lived in the eastern hemisphere with a sizeable amount of magic-less people. They believed in natural magic and were as in tune with nature as they were with each other. They are responsible for the creation of ingredient magic that is used today. The Ancients were almost exclusively female and their entire religious ideologies revolved around female deities. The few Ancients who were born male were usually given to the magic-less population to raise. The Ancients' disregard for their male relatives soon came back to haunt them in about a hundred or so years.

    Males descended from the Ancients were often thought to possess no magic, which was why they were adopted by the magic-less population. However, the potential to harness magic was dormant in these males and had to be triggered by trauma, be it psychological or physical. When these dormant traits were revealed, the Ancients did not wish to accept these males back into their community because their existence conflicted with their matriarchal religion. So these males established their own sector of the Ancient community. Unlike the original Ancients, however, the male Ancients who procreated with the magic-less population kept their children regardless of gender.

    Meanwhile, in the western hemisphere, Magicians reigned freely and without bounds. Magicians were a historically patriarchal regime who imposed rules and restrictions to keep their society civil. While the Magicians had no affinity to any particular type of magic, they had the innate ability to harness magic and were frighteningly powerful. It was the Magicians who invented the vocal and written magic we have today. Furthermore, Magicians are efficient in the usage of enchantments, charms and the usage of technology to enhance spells. Unlike the Ancients, they did not rely on nature to make them strong.

    The Magicians and the Ancients were aware of each other but as their belief systems clashed, they did not mix. That is until the Magicians had conquered the entire western hemisphere and sought to expand their control. They invaded the eastern hemisphere that housed both sects of the Ancients and used underhanded and technological means, to overtake both groups. The means in which they overtook the groups was nothing short of partial genocide. The Magicians greatly diminished the population of both Ancients and did their best to establish their belief system as law. In an effort to keep power away from the Ancients, they were stripped of that name and the females were renamed witches and the males, warlocks.

    As for the magic-less population, during the genocide of the Ancients, their population was devastated by losses, making them the minority as opposed to the majority they once were.

    Today, all three groups live in harmony with pockets of tension. Some of the Ancients retained their knowledge of their original religion and culture, but most have adopted the Magician lifestyle. The magic-less population (nicknames trivies for their trivial existence) are marginalized and discriminated against frequently. There are activists groups who advocate for their rights but they have yet to gain much ground.

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    The difference between Magicians and Witches/Warlocks is their source of power. Witches/Warlocks draw their power from nature and it's inhabitants (animals, and magical creatures). Magicians draw their power from knowledge and the development of their innate affinity for magic.

    • Witches and Warlocks are better at nature-based magic and form faster and stronger relationships with their familiars.
    • Magicians are better at enchantments and are generally more powerful than their counterparts.

    All magic folk owns a spellbook, this can be a literal book or the Spells app, downloadable for iPhones and Android devices. The purpose of this collection of spells is for easy magic access! There are two types of spells! Vocal Spells and Ingredient Spells. Vocal spells require written 'directions' to be read aloud. These can rhyme but they don't have to, they just need to state intent. Ingredient Spells, require certain ingredients for the spell to work. Using inaccurate ingredients could result in a fizzle or worse.

    The purpose of the Spellbook or Spells app is to hold signature spells. What spell is unique to you? This does not include basic spells that come naturally with the usage of magic. So autonomous spells such as using telekinesis on objects are not unique, as all magic folk can do it. For witches and warlocks, most nature spells are autonomous and do not require spellbooks to use. Most basic elemental spells such as creating flames, moving water, or causing minor winds do not require spells either. [Please ask me if you are unsure of what is an autonomous spell.]

    Using copious amounts of magic can result in symptoms of overexertion, coma or death.

    In order to use magic, wands or staffs are not necessary unless you have some sort of deficiency that makes the production of magic difficult or you have control issues. Children aged 5 - 12 are often given wands/staffs to hone their skill. Expect ridicule if you're an 18-year-old with a wand.

    There are certain types of magic that are forbidden. Usage of forbidden magic can result in gross fines or imprisonment. Users of forbidden magic are often summoned by the Royal Magic Commission to face judgment. 9 times out of 10, these users are charged with crimes against magic kind and sentenced to life imprisonment.

    The following types of magic are forbidden;
    Blood Magic - Magic that requires usage of blood (yours or another's)
    Dark Magic - Magic that manipulates dark elements such as shadows, the dead or the undead
    Animalibus Malum - Magic that requires animal sacrifice (sacrifice of magical creatures warrants the death penalty)

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    There are two types of creatures that exist in the world; Animals and Magical Creatures. Each can be turned into a familiar, in which case if they weren't able to speak, they will be able to. Familiars who are magical creatures are generally stronger than regular animals, as they possess the same innate magical ability as their masters. Upon creating a pact with their masters, familiars are able to take human form if they wish, or if their master commands them to.

    To make a pact with an animal, a magic folk must perform a ritual where they charm the beast. A charm can be a marking somewhere on the animal or an object can be charmed and given to the animal. This is not the case for magical creatures who simply need a word of mouth pact. It is not required to have a familiar but it's seen as odd if you don't have one.

    Existing magical creatures;

    Black Cats - The most common familiar and often thought to be animals, due to their mundane appearance. Black cats have the ability to speak and unlike some familiars, they often find their masters instead of the other way around. It is considered rude to reject a black cat's choosing of you as a master, but it's not illegal. If you reject one, you may be cursed for a period of 7 (a period can be: seconds, minutes, days etc.) The curse is usually a minor inconvenience (hair loss, bad odor etc.) and can be removed via magic form appropriate persons. Black cats are stubborn and combative with other creatures and their masters if they don't get along.

    Wil' O Wisps - These are common in the UK and were previously thought to be orbs of magic before someone made a pact with one. Wisps are flighty, shy and tend to only show themselves to curious or lost people. They are one of the most obedient familiars but do not respond well to commands and prefer to be spoken to nicely.

    Unicorns - These are not very common but aren't rare either. They are difficult to obtain because like black cats, they tend to choose their mistresses. Yes, unicorns do not like males and prefer females or those who identify as female. Unicorns are usually protective, disparaging of those they don't like.

    Golems - These are rare because they are manufactured by magic folk. Golems are made from clay and are gifted with magical souls. So their masters basically give them a piece of themselves. It takes a powerful person to create a golem, and often times, someone could lose their life if they don't have enough magic to give. Golems take on the personality traits of their masters and often do not possess free thought or will like other familiars.

    Phoenixes - Another rare familiar, phoenixes are sought out by people with wild hearts and the desire for power. Even if not, an average magical person who makes a pact with a phoenix might find themselves unusually angry from time to time. There is a legend that warns that masters of phoenixes should be wary of their temperament lest they perish early in a ball of flame.

    Dragons - The rarest of familiars due to poaching. Dragons can make great familiars but their body parts make great magical ingredients. They were poached by the Ancients, and it's rare to find one with an Ancient as a master as they tend to reject that group. Dragons are crafty, usually dishonest and seek out those who are likeminded and logical.

  • Transportation is nearly identical to what we have today for trivies, however magical transportation is a whole different ball game. Traditional broomsticks are as common as bicycles and are usually used by witches and warlocks or those who don't have much money. There are high tech version of broomsticks with cool lights, engine noises, exhaust pipes (that emit colored smoke) etc.

    Small trivie transportation methods such as bicycles and foot scooters can be enchanted to fly.

    Most magicians use these high tech brooms. Magic skateboards are also common and are basically hoverboards. Unless rigged, magic skateboards do not exceed five feet, and if they are rigged it is dangerous to do so, as your balance would be off. Being witnessed on a rigged skateboard can get you a ticket for public disturbance.

    Traditional Broomsticks have a height limit of 75 feet, while high tech brooms have a limit of 100 feet. Like skateboards, high tech brooms can be rigged, but this practice is illegal due to the presence of aircraft.

    Here is a list of the most popular brands for magical transportation;
    Traditional Broomsticks - Oakley, ($$$), Broom Depot ($), Sweepermaid ($$)
    High Tech Broomsticks - iSticks ($$$$$), Magizaki Brooms ($$$), MagiBroom ($$)
    Magic Skateboards - iBoards ($$$), Wish Boards ($$), XYZ Skate ($)

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    1. Be courteous to your fellow roleplayers. Do not godmod, or create snowflakes.
    2. This isn't meant to be a sexy roleplay, so please fade to black or move to pms, if things get hot and heavy.
    3. Real face claims, please but art for familiars (if needed.)
    4. Four characters max. NPCs are unlimited, however, if you want to turn them into full characters, that is permanent.
    5. Posts should be at least once a week, third person, 5-8 sentence minimum. Be respectful of others and try to match what has been given to you. However, please do not give novel length posts.
    6. Missing a post after being responded to in the last 7 days, will result in a warning. If that happens 3 times, you will be asked to leave.
    7. Collabs are encouraged! Instead of going back and forth for ages with one person, do a collab! If it seems like you're doing a back and forth thing, you will be asked to collab or take a break. (A collab is short for collaboration. This is used when a character will be interacting with another character for some time.)
    8. Spellbooks cannot contain the following spells; time spells, omniscient spells, immortality spells, instakill spells etc. (This list is subject to change.)
    9. Familiars are playable characters, but they don't have to be.
    10. Join the discord, please!
    11. If you read everything, please tell me what hemisphere the Magicians came from and which hemisphere the Ancients came from.

  • (Design this however you please :> Just don't remove anything)
    ID: (Magician/Witch/Warlock/Trivie)
    Sexual Orientation:
    Personality: (Description or List)
    Familiar Species:
    Familiar Info: (Name, personality etc.)
    INTERVIEW (You can substitute this with a bio if you want)
    What is your family like? What are their names? How many siblings do you have?

    How did you meet your familiar? Are they an animal or a magical creature?

    How do you feel about trivies?

    Where do you live and what do you live in?

    What do you do for a living?

    What is the greatest hardship you've ever faced?

    What has been your happiest moment?

    What are your pet peeves?

    What do you fear?

    What is your theme song?

    [Human appearance & Natural form]
    Personality: (Description or List)
    INTERVIEW (You can substitute this with a bio if you want)
    Do you like your master? How do they treat you?

    How did you meet your master?

    How do you feel about trivies?

    What is the greatest hardship you've ever faced?

    What has been your happiest moment?

    What are your pet peeves?

    What do you fear?

    What is your theme song?

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  • Love
Reactions: Lusterine
A magnificient world filled with brilliant magic folk and extraordinary magical creatures!

Welcome to the bustling city of Stonehaven, home to over 200 thousand magicians, just under 60 thousand witches and a handful of warlocks. This city is one of the few locations were magicians and witches, and warlocks live in relative harmony. Of course, there are a few squabbles--you can't forget the past that easily--but overall, Stonehaven is a wondrous place to live and make a living. The economy has been flourishing since the 1800s and most anyone can find a job--provided they aren't a trivie. Yes, like most great places Stonehaven has its faults, one of them being the unusually large amount of trivies who have made this city their home. But enough about them!

March 1, 2018, at 2:00 PM║ 69° F (21° C) ║ Chilly, with a bit of breeze


The Royal Magician Commission will be staying at the Stonehaven Hotel & Spa for two whole months! Maybe you could sneak a peek at the wisest, most magical and brilliant magical people of the era!

Did you know that if you're of suitable stature and a powerful, single magic user you could be featured in the Magizine, the number one magazine for the lowdown on magic going ons, such as who is topping the magical bachelors and bachelorettes chart! How long will Morelle witch Jiyoo Kim and heiress Veronica Fields stay single?

Ezra Chen works his love magic to find you your perfect match on the hit tv show; Magically In Love ~ !

Are you a familiar looking for love? Download Love Bites and find a romantic partner to make your life complete! All you have to do is create a profile, upload some pictures then get ready to swipe left or right on the profiles that pop up!

The Magic Police are hiring patriotic magic users to join their forces! Apply today!

Are you powerful? Do you relish the feeling adrenaline pumping through your veins? Did you answer 'yes' to any of those questions? If so, you might want to consider a career in Mixed Magic Combat!

Are you a non-magical person wondering why you didn't receive the magic gene? Or are you simply curious about the link between non-magic folk and their magical counterparts? Apply to participate in the Human Study Center and have all your questions answered!

Terrorist Activity Sighted in Area. Keep on the lookout for magical terrorists or other disturbances of the peace! If you think you know a terrorist, please call 1-800-713-HELP. Or click the [report] button in the Spells app. Or use the 'In Peril' spell so that appropriate law enforcement can locate you. Your due diligence will be rewarded.
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  • Welcome to Hell
  • In this world,

    there is no devil. Just one hellish king who sits on a golden throne in a golden castle. He is the ruler of the seven circles of hell; Superbia, Cupiditas, Libidine, Invidia, Desidia, Gula, and Ira. Thousands wish to sit upon that throne, yet only seven can get close. These seven demons are the spawn of the king, each assigned to a circle to govern, however as the years have gone by these seven have developed a lust for more power. Thankfully, the king has grown weary of his position. His rule has spanned since the first sinful creature perished and needed a cage to live in which to reside. But he won't simply step down and appoint a successor. No, the king's never been one to make things easy and he's always appreciated a good competition, friendly or not.
  • You enter this demonic world as a virtuous soul,

    a creature of pure light and the opposite of those who inhabit the crude world around you. For millennia your life has been simple, nothing exciting yet it's been a peaceful one. In the land of the living, you were a powerful and altruistic, ethereal being. However, now you wake up chained in a cage like an animal. You can hear bidding, bidding on you. The price gets higher and higher until finally, someone calls out an impossibly large sum. The gavel slams down. You've been sold. But to whom? And what could they possibly want with you? Your new owner is a man of high fashion. He bought you and six others, all souls belonging to different creatures. The man brought all seven of you to his golden castle crawling with demons. The grounds are inescapable. There are doors you cannot open. It is there that you are told of your purpose.

    You are to be pawns in the king's game. The players? His spawn, the seven generals of hell, proxy rulers of the seven circles of hell. In his advanced age, the king has decided to step down but in order for one of the seven demons to claim his throne, they must compete against their brethren. This is where you, the virtue comes in. The king forces you to bond with one of his sinful spawn. The bond makes a demon strong, but it also strengthens the convictions of the virtuous soul. These demons think they have a hold over you, but you have a choice. You can help your demon achieve their true power and the throne. You can sabotage them, sentencing them to eternal damnation and freeing yourself, but risk your damnation as well. Or you can attempt to reform your demon partner, and try to reach Heaven together. But be wary, this competition is deadly. The other bonds have their own plans and their demons can and will kill you, and if you're killed in Hell, you perish forever.
  • You are a demon

    cursed to roam hell for eternity. Unlike other demons, however, you are chosen. Chosen to be the spawn of the demon king. Chosen to be molded, cultivated, and manipulated into his perfect minion. You were chosen along with seven others and from adolescence, your 'father' has pitted you against each other. Everything was a prize to be won, down to the domains he gave you. You craved his good favor, or maybe you didn't--but what choice did you have but to play along with his twisted games?

    But now, the king of demons is stepping down and you have the opportunity to be free of him, or so you thought. The king is pitting you and your brethren against one another, one more time. He calls it the End Game. A deadly competition where the prize is his throne, the opportunity to lord over hell for as long as you so choose. The only catch is that you must form a bond with the soul of a benevolent creature. A creature that could be your demise, or lead to your victory. But this creature has more to it than meets the eye. To some of you, something about this virtuous soul stirs something inside you. Something repressed. Hidden. Loathed. The opposite of all you stand for; Love.

    To others, the creature is simply a stepping stone to your glory.

    What will you do?
  • Hell is pandemonium.

    Literal translation? Full of Demons. Succubi, incubi, cambions, whatever tickles your undercarriage. The world would be unbearably hot to a human, but to a demon or a soul bonded to one, it's just toasty. There are lakes of fire, rivers of fire, ponds of...I'll let you guess. There is only one entrance out of hell, and that is located behind a door in the golden castle, and until someone wins the End Game, it will remain locked. Only the ruler of hell can open it. But why would you? The entrance only leads to the Void--where beings too bad for hell go. Or heaven, where the pansies live. And the souls of course.

    Now, that brings us to Inferno. Inferno is a sort of kingdom with the golden castle being at the very middle. Around the castle are the seven sinful cities, split into seven equal parts. Well sort of, that asshole Gluttony encroaches on his neighboring brethren's lands every millennia or so.

    Moving on, let's talk about the seven sinful cities. There's Superbia; That's Pride's domain, Cupiditas is Greed's city, Libidine belongs to Lust, Invidia is Envy's, Desidia is Sloths, Gula is Gluttony's (the bastard), and Ira is mine.

    If you're a visual learner, here's a graphic.
    I'm a good artist, aren't I? SAY IT! Anyway, as you can see, that absolute fuck Gluttony is spreading his excess into my domain, and Desidia. Oh...Just wait until I take the throne, you goddamn pig. I'm gonna fucking skewer you and
    roast you on a goddamn spit like it's a fucking luau...
  • Hello friend!

    This roleplay was based on an inspired by Leucothea's Sins & Virtue roleplay!
    I am your GM, Cosmic Penguin and Leucothea is also your GM!

    1. Okay, a few house rules! No godmodding, it spoils the experience for everyone involved!
    2. For now, one character per person! We want to give everyone a chance to claim a virtue or a sin!
    3. Demonic/Virtuous powers should reflect the traits of the character. Ex: Wrath has fire powers cause of his anger! But he wouldn't have light magic because he's a demon! :>
    4. At this point in time, there are no angels in the RP, but there are other cool benevolent creatures for your virtue to be!
    5. When we start the IC, each post should be a minimum of ten sentences, please!
    6. Anyone who asks me about the lore that I posted in this thread already, will be killed.
    7. Odds are that there will be a hella amount of gay male character in this RP, so consider that before making a female character!
    8. Lastly, have fun and proceed to the next tab, where you will find a character sheet!

    Bios are optional! Coding is encouraged but not required! Feel free to add extra shit!

    Appearance: Do you walk around in your natural form? Do you take a human form?
    Sexual Orientation:
    Species: (Brief description, please use an existing creature not a made up one. Pictures are encouraged)
    Virtuous Power
    Relationships (Do you know any of the other virtues?)

    Appearance: Do you walk around in demon form? Do you take a human form?
    Sexual Orientation:
    Domain Description: Which of the 7 cities is yours. What does it look like? Who lives there, etc.
    Demon Type: (Brief description, please use an existing creature not a made up one. Pictures are encouraged)
    Sinful Power
    Relationships: How do you feel about your brethren? (Here is the place to air dirty laundry and talk shit about each other.
    How do you feel about the king?

Code credited to: I honestly do not know, it was in my test thread and I know I sure as hell didn't make it, but I couldn't find the credit I usually put.

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Name: Drestdeimos
Drest - Riot / Deimos - Dread

Sin: Wrath

Appearance: Do you walk around in demon form? Do you take a human form?

Sexual Orientation:

Domain Description: Which of the 7 cities is yours. What does it look like? Who lives there, etc.
I haven't treated Ira in the best way. It's almost always in a state of disrepair. Right now, only 60% of the city is fully functioning. The other 40% got...destroyed. Alright, I'm mature enough to admit that I wrecked my own domain. When people piss me off, I go on a bit of a rampage. I knock down buildings, flatten houses...citizens, you know, the usual. Everyone has anger issues. Some are just stronger than others. Aside from that though, Ira is pretty nice. Due to my city always being in a state of fuckery, my citizens are adept at maneuvering past obstacles. In the land of the living, they call this skill, 'parkour'. Aside from that, my city is the hottest of all--in terms of temperature of course. There are lava geysers that erupt at any time, without warning. It's wonderful. The technology in my city is subpar. Ira started out high tech, but perpetual rampages fuck things up so badly that people have to jerry-rig tech. Post-apocalyptic tech is probably the best fitting description.

Demon Type: Fire Demon - Beings made of fire and or charcoal burnt flesh. They possess massive horns, sometimes more than two, and have the ability to manipulate fire and it's sub-properties. These demons have foul tempers and are quick to anger; The smallest things can set them off.

Sinful Power
Fire Manipulation
  • Heat Manipulation
  • Lava Production
Relationships: How do you feel about your brethren? (Here is the place to air dirty laundry and talk shit about each other.

How do you feel about the king?

FC Mariano Di Vaio
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Full Name: Nicci Freely
Pronunciation: nee-chee / free-lee
Nickname: Nee, Chi
Birthday & Age: January 10th ⊕ 16
Origin: New San Fransisco, 2027
Occupation/Role: Cadet ⊕ Aspiring Sniper
Appearance: Nicci is a petite young lady, with tawny beige skin, and straight, black, obsidian-colored hair. When she's not wearing her uniform, she prefers big jackets that dwarf her lithe frame.
Skills: Marksmanship ⊕ Tracking ⊕ Gymnastics
Weaknesses: Dyslexia
Nicci gained the right to become a cadet through a lottery. Her school was selected for a Time Capsule type event, where each kid was allowed to enter their name into a pool--provided their parents paid for this. The school was given minimal information about what the lottery was actually for, but they were more interested in gaining publicity for their participation. Nicci, who came from a family of deadbeats and overall losers, jumped for the chance to be part of something huge, so she stole money from her mother's purse, in order to enter her name in the lotto.

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