Never ending fight

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
He opened his eyes wide, then goes into kissing her back with equal passion.
She stopped to take a breathe "That all you got" she said teasingly and giggled
He picked her up and wrapped her legs around him and kissed her deeply, putting her against a book shelf.
She blushed a deeper red and kissed him as passionately as possible. "your doing better" she whispered to him
He smiled and slowly trailed to her neck kissing her there gentley. Then trailing back up to her lips and kissed her passionately
She played with end of his hair while kissing him. She was really enjoying this.
He smiled then broke the kiss. "Having fun, love?
"I am thoroughly enjoying myself." he said placing a soft kiss under her chin.
"Then enjoy yourself as much as you want" she was still blushing
She remembered they were in a library "right. would you like to go somewhere?"
She thought for a moment "How about an empty motel there should be one somehere"
She nodded and got down. She took her hand and held his. She led him out the back. They walked behind buildings looking for an empty building.
He followed, his face was red but he was trying to hide it. He couldn't believe this was happening. What was going to happen next?
She stopped at one. It was old home that people had abandoned. She was feeling this strange excitement. she opened the door and locked it behind them. Then automatically she ran back up to him and began kissing him again.
He barely had a moment to blink when she was upon him. He had caught her with both arms. Returning the kisses passionately. He was holding her with a need. He had her legs wrapped around him. He was gasping softly. Holding her in his arms. He was rather enjoying himself. Thoroughly enjoying himself.
She broke away but still close to his face. She whispered "So what were you going to do in the library?"