NEXT - The System By Which Convicted Juvenile Felons Are Reducated in High School or Die Trying

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Literal No One
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
It's Easier to just Look at Below

You are a felon.

Sometime in your life you were proven to have committed a serious crime. Whatever the reason may have been, you have been found guilty, and must serve due punishment for the crime that the state has found you guilty of.

Because you are a minor, however instead of getting sent to a prison, you are being sent to a special 'prison school'. This School, located on an island far out in treacherous waters is where you will spend the duration of your sentence (as a minor) participating in the NEXT Program.

The aim of this program is meant to subject you to a real world environment where you will have to manage your school life as well as forge out a living. Your job, is to remain in good behavior and to support yourself for the duration of your sentence at Hisakawa, and to grow into an active and positive student in your 'class'. In essence, you are a working student.

You are given a room, as well as a phone that gives you electric access to your electric wallet, used to purchase amenities such as food, or use of recreational areas, or even places of study like a library. It also gives you access to a 'superpower'! If you figure out how it works, you'll find yourself having a huge advantage!

Live! Learn! Mingle with your fellow students and interact! Together you'll face challenges and run into disagreements! But through perseverance and understanding will you be able to grow and graduate! If you do particularly well, you sentence may even be shortened, allowing the day after your graduation to be the day that you're once again free and ready for the outside world! The key is to have a fulfilling school life!

But, if you fail to show progress, or even worse, Regress...
Then to avoid having you become a stain upon the prison system, or even worse, society itself.
Your life will be forfeit to save resources.


HiSaKaWa of FIVe


Hello Everyone, Ehb here!

It seems to be that time of the year where Hisakawa needs to go through another iteration! This fall we're starting things off fresh. With the close of the second Hisakawaverse it's time to move onto the third! New Systems, new Focuses, and an application of Dice Rolls that give your character the possibility of doing many things in the world... within the proper bounds of probability of course!

This thread is meant to announce this RP, as well as to be a showcase of various features and details of NEXT's playstyle. Allowing for you to get a look at what some of the RP's core systems are, and allowing me to get some feedback too (hopefully)! Allowing for refinement (hopefully)!

Whether you're just passing through, or wish to learn more, thank you for taking a look here! Please feel free to ask questions or generally show interest, and please look forward to further updates leading up till the launch of the Signup Thread!

Here's a free Theme Music Too:

RP Intentions!

The Hisakawa RP Meta-series is meant to allow for a varied and meaningful character interactions. It also believes in the idea that the facets of our lives can sometimes be up to chance and random. But at the same time, our sentiments to that randomness is what gives everything a sincere and important meaning.

For this reason things such as how your character feels towards other characters, as well as facets of their life (in this case, the felony they committed) are decided entirely at random when you sign up. This gives you a bit of a skeleton of a character to build details around at your discretion, and lots of material to potentially act out in the IC.

Actions in the RP can also be decided on chance too. Dice rolls can be called upon when your character performs important actions! Bringing tension with the possibility that something can go one way or another!

Hisakawa has always been about challenging you to act out your character in many different and varied situations. I'd like to invite you to be a part of this long running but ever interesting 'experiment'!

In a Nutshell:

  • Format: Group RP
  • RP Type: Modern, Japanese Style Prison School, Drama, Slice of Life, Intrigue, Character Progression, Dice and Basic Stats, Unique Character Query Powers
  • Expected Post Rate: 1-2 Per Week or More
  • Character Limit: 1
  • Mandatory Secondary Communication: Discord Server
  • Signups Opening Date: TBD October 2017

The First Preview! Your Character's Given Information

Below is information about your character that is randomly decided and rolled by the GM/The Player through the power of magic, Iwaku Dice Function and With this, a character to fill out an detail is born!

This is the Crime Your Character is Canonically Convicted of. Just randomly decided based off of WIkipedia's listing of felonies. But note that this may very well implicitly decide a lot about your character!
Iris Filter: Accessed from your phone, your character's iris filter's exact purpose not immediately clear. But it tends to have some sort of correlation with the crime you committed. It reveals a 'truth' of the world when you look at things through the phone's camera.

Prosperity Level: This is how well your character is doing in terms of funding. Increase your prosperity levels to increase your character's chances of surviving and giving them access to things they want or need!
Titles: These are given out by a GM to reflect when your character does something notable. Mostly just done for fun.

Physical Grade:
Your character's proficiency in vital physical feats, used for physical rolls such as fighting.
Intuition Grade: Your character's proficiency in vital nonphysical feats, this is used for non-physical rolls such as persuasion.
Luck: Your character's measure of general fortune. You can use this value to perform a physical or nonphysical feat. However, you cannot use luck for this purpose twice in a row. Also effects other things related to them...

First Impressions: A given list of other characters in the RP. These are a set of impressions your character has in regards to that person after a month or so of being around them. Use this as a starting point in your relations with them! Note: You must keep this updated as more characters are removed and added. Failiure to do so will lead to reduction of your prosperity, which can lead to grave consequences for your character beyond your control!

The First Next Preview! The Long Awaited Wildcard

One of the GM Characters Under Ehb's Control. They are used to help move the story along and give a bit of handicap for the other players in the class when things start to no go their way! Note that the GM characters are an extension of the part of the world that wants you to succeed. So be sure to keep that in mind when interacting with them!

This first character is quite special, as she was specially voted in, being a wildcard choice that is only now being revealed!


. . .


"I Truly Want All of Us to Graduate Together."

A straight forward and honest young woman. Forta's transparent personality makes her a very straightforward person. With a strong desire to protect everyone in the class, she'd willingly put herself into harms way for another classmate's sake without hesitation. Her physical ability is impressive, and she's known to be quite resourceful using unlikely objects as weapons.

It would be hard to think of her that way just from first impression, though. At first glance she seems to be a clear headed student who keeps herself busy and productive. But at the first spot of trouble she can be merciless towards people who target her fellow classmates. Capable of defeating opponents that a girl her size has no business fighting against. Her one-sided heroism towards her classmates isn't without consequences, however. As her actions has drawn the ire of other entities in the school. Her strong sentiments towards her classmates can sometimes work against her as well.

Forta's special GM Assist Ability allows her to negate an action/roll that would bring harm to a fellow student once per day. Provided she's with that person at the time of the roll. With a Maximum Physical Grade Ranking of 'S'. Forta is one of the strongest characters in the setting.

MOAR Announcements and Reveals

This thing gets updates when new stuff comes out for easy acess, Y'know?
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This is one of the most unique ideas I think I have ever seen on Iwaku. Color me interested!
I mentioned earlier already that it feels really cheap to take the easy way out and have some sort of excuse of something like being sentenced guilty despite being innocent or similar. So, unless you happen to have a specific roll for being actually innocent, I want to make sure that this won't be allowed?

Also looking at the actual list of felonies I can get enough ideas to work my character into this. So color me interested.
I'm in. This is gonna be fun!
Oh boy, stealing potatoes for a trip to a prison school? Count me in!
I have interest as well.
I might be in for this one too. Depends on how I feel when the OOC goes up I suppose.
*Throws a card*

Consider me on-board....
Sounds interesting. Finally, I can vicariously live my life as a hardened criminal.
I'm leaning towards that your character being actually responsible for their felony as being more character enriching as opposed to them being framed and innocent.

Thank you all so much for showing interest! So here comes the part of the RP's systems that's probably the hardest to digest. If you can stomach through reading and understanding all of it - and still manage to be interested, you've pretty much gotten over the hardest part of joining. Anyways...! Here goes!

The Second Major Preview! Things to do!

In NEXT, there are a few things to consider in terms of what your character can do in the setting. Aside from general conversation and interaction, there are a couple of other things worth considering: Feat Rolls and Iris Checks

Feat Rolls
Feat Rolls are player attempts at performing an action whose outcome is uncertain. Remember how characters have Grades in regards to their Physical, Intuition, and Luck characteristics? These are utilized in Feat Rolls! The simplest way to explain it is that major actions such as getting into a fight with someone, or trying to persuade someone, or even something like playing an in character game of chess, can all be associated with a Grade Characteristic of a character! That grade characteristic is used to determine the chances of success in a following dice roll.

The Grade Characteristics, and their Associated Probabilities are listed below:

A - 50% success rate (1/2)
B - 33% success rate (1/3)
C - 25% success rate (1/4)
D - 13% success rate (1/8)
S - Practically Guaranteed success rate. This is applied to NPC and GM Characters.

Note that Success Means Hitting the Number 1 when you roll.

Most of the time, these actions will fall into either the Physical or Nonphysical category. Which directly correspond to the Physical and Intuition Grades respectively. Additionally, the Luck grade is a wildcard of sorts. It's value can be used in place of Physical or Intuition roll. So a lucky character who is otherwise unlikely to do well in a situation can try to use Luck to improve their chances. So Luck can replace a grade stat. But not twice in a row. (you must do a roll normally the next time).

When do I Perform a Roll?

Lets give you an IC situation:
The school menace has your best friend by the neck and is holding them in the air. Oh no! That person is now walking to the window! Threatening to lob them out the window! Something has to be done or else your friend will get seriously hurt, or even worse!

The Critical Requirement

How would you go about resolving this situation? Suppose you decide that you're going to try to stop this person by taking hold of them and stopping them - or maybe you're going to land a clean strike to their head to knock them out cold. Notice something? Aside from the fact that it's obvious this falls under the Physical category of Feat Roll there is also something more important. There is an obvious action performed and intended outcome of that action. This is a critical requirement for a Feat Roll as it allows the GM or Player Character to know what kind of outcome to write. Of course, once you have made all that clear in your post, you post your post, then 'roll a dice' on that new post and let the statistics do their work! Remember to make that dice roll based on the character's respective Grade Category!

Think of the Possibilities!

But you know... just knocking that person out is sort of boring. Suppose you actually listened to what was going on. The bully is mad because they believe your best friend hurt the kitty cat that lives out by the library and he's out for blood! Honestly, you have no idea who hurt it but you know it's not your friend! It's obvious that someone is trying to set your friend up, and beating up that bully will only make things worse! What if you tried to persuade them that it wasn't your friend? What if you convinced the bully that the cat must've just gotten itself hurt, or better yet, if that narcissistic pretty boy the next class over did it? If you were successful in that kind of roll, what kind of interesting things would happen then? Be sure to consider the potential results or backlash of whatever action you take. As the world will no doubt be affected by it.

Be Reasonable!

What if you used your persuasion power to convince the bully to jump out of the window themselves instead? No that's not going to happen. Make sure your action makes sense in context. The GM reserves the right to negate an attempt deemed illegal or inappropriate.

Be Responsible!

Fudge it, I'm just going to persuade them but not roll! And then the GM messages you to make a roll for persuasion. Again, the GM reserves the right to request the player to make a Feat roll if the action they're attempting is deemed to need one. Failure to comply can lead to the GM having your IC posts ignored.

You could theoretically get out of rolling a Feat Roll by having your character but that'd be your character pretty much doing nothing, it's all about that initiative!

What is Initiative?

Initiative in the name of a rule saying "you cannot try to "counter a successful roll with a new roll of your own." Meaning if someone fights you, and they are successful, then the fight is already decided. You can roll an attempt to escape, but the fact that you lost is set in stone at that point. For that reason, it can be said that the rp rewards pro-activeness as opposed to passiveness!

In Summary the Important Things to Note of Feat Rolls

  • A Feat Roll Should Be Done When Appropriate.
  • Luck can replace a Grade Stat, but not twice in a row.
  • The Attempted Feat should make sense In context.

Iris Filter

Though the Adults call it a Superpower, the Camera App on Students' assigned phones is informally known as the Iris Filter among everyone else. By looking at the world through their phone's camera, a 'Truth' is revealed. The only problem is that the meanings of what they see isn't immediately clear. But if you figure it out, you'll have a very powerful query tool!

Using Your Iris Filter

The Iris Filter is handled by the GM. When using it, one needs to be aware of where they are and the characters present in a scene. To initiate the Iris filter, your most recent post must clearly mention that you had your phone out. Then, in the Discord, you ask the GM in a 'Private Message' to request an Iris Check, along with giving the location your character was at, at the time. It would look like:

Iris Check Request - My Character's Name
[Hisakawa Institute, Second Year Building, Third Floor Dressing Room]

Please use this format, as it helps make the GM's life a little easier!

After the request has been made, the GM will confirm the request. The players of characters that were in that scene will receive a message much like this.

Iris Check Inquiry
[Hisakawa Institute, Second Year Building, Third Floor Dressing Room]
(Who is the Person You Love?)​

The Iris Filter feature is a reason why joining the discord server is a bit of a requirement. Please remember to answer the inquiries! The first couple of times you fail to return an inquiry within a day, it will presume the character making the query couldn't make out what they saw of your character causing an error. But if the GM finds that you are purposefully avoiding queries or too inactive, then the GM will message you back with what your character's answer was. This could be really bad if the GM randomly decided who your character was in love with! Worse of all, it would be treated as canon thereafter.

Finally, once all inquiries are returned, the GM sends the compiled results to the person who made the request. It is given as an explanation of what their character saw through their phone and will be up to them to decipher.

What if I want to be sneaky?

You can't. At the start your character is assumed to have no idea how their Iris Filter works, so it's presumed that taking sneak shots with other people is wholly useless to them. But, once they figure out how their Iris works, and if you can correctly explain back to me (the gm) how their iris works, then certain possibilities open up...

As is stands, the Iris Filter from my standpoint is a bit of a gimmick for the RP. But, if everyone makes use of it, and don't make it a headache for me to manage, then we may see it getting expanded upon.

How much can I use it?

You might also notice that Handling Iris Filter queries is a bit of work. So, I do reserve the right to deny Iris Filters by returning an Error 404 to a query request. What is basically means is I can't handle the amount of requests being made please try later. At most I can expect to only be able to handle 1 or 2 Iris queries at a time until I find a better system to do it, or just get better at it.

In Summary, the important things to note about Iris Filters:
  • Your character will have to decipher what their Iris Filter shows on their own.
  • Be sure to use proper format when requesting an Iris Query answer Iris Queries in a timely manner. Or face potentially uncomfortable canon decisions.
  • Ehb can't handle too many Iris Queries at once and no one wants to see too many queries coming in. So please be mindful of that!

The Second Next! Fortunes and Fortune!

The most voted (known) character from the Guest Character Poll, Kuuyari seems to have a hand in seeing the whims of the world, and a measure of extending it's wrath. All thanks to having a level of Luck that seems to have been blessed by the Gods.


. . .


"Would You Risk The Chance of Knowing Inevitability?"

Kuuyari, typically just shortened to 'Kuu,' possesses a curious speech pattern and haughty personality. Considering herself a very classy young woman, she is quick to chide people for their ignorance and failings. She is most well known for her infamous fortune telling and curse setting. Her seemingly supernatural qualities can be frightening to some people, to the point that some actively try to avoid her.

While her fortunes are not always particularly clear or concise, they do seem to come true in one way or another. Some people think it might have to do with her Iris Filter, but others are a bit unsure of that fact. She is also known for putting curses on people who annoy or inconvenience her by apparently taking away their very luck. But can someone really do that? Superstition aside, her general goal in life is to make money and live comfortably. Her 'S' Grade Luck is a force to be reckoned with in every aspect. The one thing that her luck was never able to help with however was her short height. Which she is quite sensitive about.

Kuuyari's GM Assist allows for player characters to request a fortune from her that reveals something that is supposed to happen to them within the day as well as it's 'Inevitability' rating. But the request must be done in character and sounds more like stock wisdom when people opt for the 'free' version of a fortune. She also possesses the 'Curse' mechanic, which forces a certain 'bad thing' to happen to an afflicted character every day until she is compelled to lift it.

Next Time: Character Progression!
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Reactions: Dekonic
I didn't think it possible, but I am more interested. The systems seem so complex and unique! I love it!

This looks quite complex. I'd like to express interest, though I'm not entirely sure yet if I have the time to commit...
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Reactions: Illin
The Third Preview: Character Progression!

What your character does and achieves in the RP Is kept in track and used as a measure. If there was only one thing to take away from what's detailed below it's that keeping up or even exceed the GM's posting rate (which is admittedly already kind of slow sometimes) then your character will naturally progress. Namely, their prosperity goes up and options to even improve their grade stat appears.

If any of that seems worth looking into detail, please do continue!

This is all about how well off your character is within the setting. First let's talk about how Prosperity works from the in Canon perspective.

Your character starts the story out with a Phone with it's Superpower and the Electric Wallet with a basic starting amount of money. They also have a basic room with a bed, landline phone, water, and electricity. In order to go beyond these basics, and to also have money to buy food rather than forage for it, they'll canonically have to get a job within the institute. Along with this they'll also have to keep up with their schooling as well.

However, posting about your character working their job or studying is counter intuitive to what the RP wants to do. So the measure of how well your character is doing - known as their Prosperity - is measured in one simple way. How much you post.

It's so simple that it can be explained in this paragraph:

If you manage to Match near the same Amount of Posts the GM Made in a Month, then your prosperity level will go up.
If you are noticeable lower than that amount, then your prosperity will drop. If your prosperity falls to Zero, then canonically your character was unable to sustain themselves, and are removed from the RP.

So I can post moar then?
Yes! You can post more than the Gm and potentially have your Prosperity go up by two levels as opposed to one. But no more than that. Beware though, I still expect those posts to be of good quality. If you're making one off - two sentence replies then you will get a message from me that you will not want to get.

Can I make up Posts?

You can gain up to 2 prosperity increases per month. There is no such thing as 'making up lost points'.

Can we also do Collaboration (Collab) posts?

Yes. In fact, when it a situation where you're having a heated discussion or involved scene with one or two others it's encouraged to do a collab post. While I won't disclose the amount, Collab posts do contribute a good amount to helping your prosperity go up. It can also be used to help players who are lagging in post count too. Note that I do frown upon people trying to do a collab with GM characters unless it's story related/reasonable to do so.

Finally, remember that keeping track of your post counts for the month is your own responsibility. Please do not ask me to go and count them for you.

Ultimately Prosperity Serves as the Measure of Progression in the RP. Moving up each prosperity level in the early stages unlocks certain features as well as mark upcoming story events. For example, 'Prosperity' at a certain level can be used to improve your characters Stat Grade in order to increase your chances of success in Feat Rolls. Within canon, it can also have an effect on what sort of things can potentially happen to your character, and serve as a basis for potential plot. Your post count kind of represents how hard your character is working behind those story scenes.

More details on how to 'Spend' Prosperity will be made available later on when it becomes available.

Character Titles
As the RP progresses and as your character grows and does various things, they may earn Titles that help mark their achievements. Titles are awarded by the GM and kept track of by the GM as well, so there isn't any real need to worry about having to edit your character sheet with them.

As a reward for people who stick with RP's I've ran, characters can also earn (Costume) titles which gives them a 'different outfit' that they have access too. Most notably, people who follow me through RP's I run gain access to Costume Titles that let their character's cosplay as their old characters. Again, it's mostly just for fun and blingy points!

Preparing for Second Cour!
I'll be straightforward and say this: The Philosophy of this RP's story planning is to assume everyone else is just passively an NPC in the background. Meaning, I expect people to drop, but that won't hurt the Rp's ability to continue since the main players (GM Characters) are still active. The aim of this thought process is to make the RP more resilient.

If you want to get the most out of the RP. Just participate. Post and get involved, and I'll start investing in increasing your character's importance in the plot. It's not just your character's relation to GM characters but also to the other players as well. Go out an interact! If you want to stick to being passive and commenting in the background that is totally okay too as long as you still post as regularly. But don't be surprised if it seems like I treat you as a background character due to acting like a background character.

But most importantly, the one takeaway is that the tone of this part of NEXT's story is of Introducing everyone as well as exploring the facets of this strange and peculiar setting. Don't be afraid! If you're uncomfortable just post and see what happens next! The True Story that Next wishes to tell can wait. For now, try to piece together a fun and fulfilling school life!

But, just to keep you excited, in VN style, Second Cour pulls back time into the RP to a certain point. At that point, a special detail that's omitted from the first run of the story is brought to light, changing things dramatically. The hope is that the things learned from the first run will help the cast find a true happy end.

But, always remember this very, very, well:

happy endings are never guaranteed.


. . .


"Anything Can Become Right If You Can Be Convinced It Is."

Don't let their modest stature and soft expression fool you. Kagami is fast attracting the attention of every other power in the school. In the month this student has been here, they have managed to loosely unite their particular class in the general understanding that they're going to have to work together in order to make it to graduation. This is very surprising, as it usually takes a few students dropping out and roughly half a year before an individual group of newcomers starts to realize the situation they're in. Kagami is the de-facto leader of the class, and a hot topic among those in power in the school. Though within the class they're most affectionately known as the 'Fun Police'

While the class has a good start understanding their situation, how to handle things moving forward together remains something they'll have to see. Kagami is determined to move the class up the School's Food Chain, even it it means working with each classmate one at a time. It's apparent that this silver haired student has some big ambitions - something that genuinely worries some of the people in charge. Kagami's leadership qualities comes to no surprise. Their Intuition Rank is among the highest at the school at a whopping Grade 'S'. They have fast picked up on the workings of the school and can learn things quickly, which they don't hesitate to relay to other classmates. Kagami is like a manager at a job - preferring to see fellow classmates do things on their own power rather than having to step in on their behalf. They also have a philosophy that if someone fails, then it is only right that they feel the backlash of their own actions. Which makes them seem heartless at times.

Kagami's specialty is in regards to their Persuasion Ability. Their GM assist allows a forced 'success' outcome of a persuasion attempt. Of course, there's never any guarantee they'll step into help unless it serves their purposes. No one knows definitively if Kagami is a boy or a girl. But considering their position in the class, people naturally just refer to Kagami as a male. Which seems to be the correct answer, as they hate being considered a girl.

Special Announcement! Sign Up Test and Trial!

Alright everyone, something you probably were actually looking forward to seeing:

Right now the next major thing being worked on is the character sheet format and how to go about the signup process since it will need some player gm communication. If you're interested in helping out with that please make a post in this thread volunteering. We'll be making use of that post to roll some dice.

The main purpose is to do some character sheet ok-ing to get some of it out of the way while finalizing how to go about sign ups. You'll be able to get your sheet done early! Also there's a chance that I'll run a quick IC test run to give Iris Filter runs a whirl.

I'll take a couple or so people for the test sign up, and only those couple who get their sheets ok'd first will have a chance at the IC test run. If you're chosen, you'll get a PM from me. Do note that signing up will mean initializing contact over Hisakawa's Discord server. Which, if you don't know discord, it's basically a free skype that runs in a browser that doesn't make you download anything.

Next Time: Character Sheet and Signups!
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Do I get a nice sticker when I volunteer?
Unfortunately No. As I don't want to pay shipping.
I'm up to volunteer for help
I see your streak of cruelty isn't changing then...

Volunteering, but no trying to steal my soul in the TOS
'TOS' You Say...