Rads & Lady_Of_The_Storm

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  1. Multiple posts per day
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  3. One post per day
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  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
fandom romance sci fi fantasy modern and anime and more
Name: Ziago Vixtana
Age: 36 in human years
Pic: 1693102485730.png

Bio: ziago rules and a small and growing kingdom call Malto, the death if his parents forced him into the role of king. He was hoping to travel the world but that's being being put on the back burner. Since is now sat in a palce made of marble and such. The town of yimrift near by is in the middle of being repaired.

Ziago is exploring the town to see for himself how the people are doing, he has the solders handing out food and clerics healing as many as they can. He gently sighs and openly says" what a mess things are and I'll need a new blade and shield after that battle, I'll talk to the blacksmiths". He pauses for a minute then goes over to the line of refugees.
Kira was tired. She was tired, and hungry, and the dirt over her being left her grimacing with every movement. The journey to Yimrift from Obsidian was difficult on her own, add a three year old to the mix and it was a miracle she made it at all. Her mothers armor and fathers sword where the only things that kept them alive more often then not. Even now Liayla was resting against her back and shoulders as she helped those around her. Snuggled partially hidden between the body warmed leather and the thick black woolen cloak that was tired in a soft of hammock, chair thing. As those around her bowed lowly she looked up to see what had to be the king of this new land she had found herself in. She fallowed there lead, unable to bow nearly as low as the others with a toddler strapped to her back, but she bowed all the same.
Kira was tired. She was tired, and hungry, and the dirt over her being left her grimacing with every movement. The journey to Yimrift from Obsidian was difficult on her own, add a three year old to the mix and it was a miracle she made it at all. Her mothers armor and fathers sword where the only things that kept them alive more often then not. Even now Liayla was resting against her back and shoulders as she helped those around her. Snuggled partially hidden between the body warmed leather and the thick black woolen cloak that was tired in a soft of hammock, chair thing. As those around her bowed lowly she looked up to see what had to be the king of this new land she had found herself in. She fallowed there lead, unable to bow nearly as low as the others with a toddler strapped to her back, but she bowed all the same.
Ziago watches her for several moments trying woke out her but wasn't sure what to make of her. He gently smiles then says" I can tell your not from here there's hasn't been anyone like you for sometime". He pauses for a few moments then says" as you can see I'm the king here ziago, but a more relevant right now what should I call you". " He gives a simple hand gesture and the others start to straighten up again. Just then some idiots near them by start a fight he scowls and his eyes flash silver then says into their heads, sit you worthless idiots'. They try to resist but with a snap of his fingers they are on their kneens and can't resist any more. He clicks his fingers once more and renders them out like a light. The guards swiftly come and take them away.
Kira straightens but before she can answer the kings eyes flash and a fight she barely noticed beginning was put to a stop by a snap of the mans fingers. As subtle as she could she shifted backward and into a more guarded stance. "Kira." She said softly "my name is Kira Lin'fang, refugee of the village of Obsidian two weeks walk south of here." She explained respectfully as she could while keeping a distance. "This is my daughter Liayla, we where just seeking refuge from the war."
Ziago gently sighs then says" it seems war has no boarders, we just finish finishing a massive war with the west". " Well since you helped with healing and such of the people you can stay in the staff area". He pauses for a few moments then says" as for those two sorry about, but I can't have fights break out in the middle of repairs, they can go back after I make sure they have calmed down". " I realises them with in a day after that, if they do it again I'll make them stay the wood, but I won't kill them unless they force my hand"
She bowed again. "Thank you your highness. I'll do my best to honor your trust." As she lifted up Liayla woke up and rubbed at her eyes. The little one, still half asleep and not old enough to understand the world around her waved to Ziago sluggishly. "Hi hi mister. Your shiny." She giggled out.
She bowed again. "Thank you your highness. I'll do my best to honor your trust." As she lifted up Liayla woke up and rubbed at her eyes. The little one, still half asleep and not old enough to understand the world around her waved to Ziago sluggishly. "Hi hi mister. Your shiny." She giggled out.
He gently laughs and gently pats her head then says" your right I'm little one, but that side you two need sleep". He leads them into the staff section near by and opens their new room. " this will be your room for the next six weeks while you recover and I see how go about things from there". " Also there's a bath and a change of clothes in the left draw".
The little one giggled before ideally playing with with the short red hair in front of her. She fallowed after him and smiled at the small room. "This is perfect your highness, I can't tell you how grateful I am." She said as she untied her cloak and lowered Liayla to the ground softly. The little one toddled over to the king and held out a small doll. "Can Lala sleep here too?" She asked as Kira shed some of the bulkier armor.
The little one giggled before ideally playing with with the short red hair in front of her. She fallowed after him and smiled at the small room. "This is perfect your highness, I can't tell you how grateful I am." She said as she untied her cloak and lowered Liayla to the ground softly. The little one toddled over to the king and held out a small doll. "Can Lala sleep here too?" She asked as Kira shed some of the bulkier armor.
He gently smiles" it's a standard room for servants, if one has never had a room to themselves it's a blessing, as for lala it goes with out saying she'll stay with you, there's no nursery right now anyways". " He gently takes the doll and then says" I'll frame this for the new nursery Lala, so thank you". " Oh before I forget supper is between six and eight so please try not to forget". He places a map of the staffs dinning area and such on the table for kira".
She thanked him and Liayla giggled before going off to play behind Kira's legs. "I'll be sure to arrive on time." She lay a hand on Liayla's head and smiled softly. "After dinner who should I see for my chores?" She asked
She thanked him and Liayla giggled before going off to play behind Kira's legs. "I'll be sure to arrive on time." She lay a hand on Liayla's head and smiled softly. "After dinner who should I see for my chores?" She asked
He thinks for a moment then says" there's two moutain sheep goat women call cake and anyi, they take care of all the servants chores". You can't miss them because they have white and black silky fur, not to mention they are about my height". " Oh before I forget unless they bring it up don't talk about the scares on their necks".
She nodded and smiled sadly. "Scars hold stories but some stories are not things we want to share. They will tell who they trust and I will respect that boundary." She herself had a large scar over her stomach from the fire that took her family though it was covered by her clothes. "We should get presentable. Its already a shame you met us looking as we do."
She nodded and smiled sadly. "Scars hold stories but some stories are not things we want to share. They will tell who they trust and I will respect that boundary." She herself had a large scar over her stomach from the fire that took her family though it was covered by her clothes. "We should get presentable. Its already a shame you met us looking as we do."w
He gently smiles happy she understands then says" it's fine, to be honest I'm surprised you still have a weapon and armour the bone valley south west is full of all nasty monsters". He then says" I'll leave you to get ready take your time"
She bid him well and when he left they both made quick use of the bath. A hour of scrubbing and hunting up clothes later saw them refreshed. Liayla had taken to a simple green dress with flowing sleeves and a big white bow around her middle that fell behind her like dropping wings. Her hair don't in simple braids and twists to keep it from getting to knotted. Kira her self was different. Without the thick layer of oil her red hair popped, fluttering in the wind with every movement. The simple black tunic she wore over green leggings and her black riding boots, boots that where now deprived of the armor that once decorated them, made her look softer. Her sword belt hugged her waist even as they left their room. Where once was a street rat now stood a lovely young lady
Meanwhile the ziago is helping with the cafeteria, he's wearing a simple dark blue tunic, you can see his body is very balanced. He says" we have ten minutes till supper time please make sure to be ready". He is almost done setting up the tables in the middle. The sound of cooking and other staff doing their respective jobs, there's also normal staff lining up for lunch.
Liayla saw him first, running forward and waving up at him. "Hi hi shiny man!" She laughed before Kira was able to scoop her up and tickle her stomach. "You must be respectful dearest." She said with a huffed laugh. "Good evening your highness." She bowed holding the still squirming little girl
Liayla saw him first, running forward and waving up at him. "Hi hi shiny man!" She laughed before Kira was able to scoop her up and tickle her stomach. "You must be respectful dearest." She said with a huffed laugh. "Good evening your highness." She bowed holding the still squirming little girl
He gently laughs then says" your a spunky one, I don't mind a bit of playfulness and such". " But you know girls that are too naughty have to clean all the dishes at the kids table at the very back". He gives a devilish grin then playfully flicks her forehead with his finger. " Also please don't cause your mum too much trouble, I wish I still had some to look after me like you do it's hard being a new king". He gives a half smile.
She faltered a bit and flinched. The toddler in her arms paying no mind as she gasped, horrified by the idea of cleaning. "I promise. Momma's said we could play together after she got done with her chores and she even said I could have a Teddy bear!" Kira set her back down and chuckled. "In time." She said as the young girl rambled on, devolving into happy mutters as she played with the edge of her mommas pant leg. "Please forgive us, the highest born we have met before yourself was a lord whom I played to officiate some important paperwork. He was rather...disenchanting." She explained. "But never mind that, what can I do to help?"
She faltered a bit and flinched. The toddler in her arms paying no mind as she gasped, horrified by the idea of cleaning. "I promise. Momma's said we could play together after she got done with her chores and she even said I could have a Teddy bear!" Kira set her back down and chuckled. "In time." She said as the young girl rambled on, devolving into happy mutters as she played with the edge of her mommas pant leg. "Please forgive us, the highest born we have met before yourself was a lord whom I played to officiate some important paperwork. He was rather...disenchanting." She explained. "But never mind that, what can I do to help?"
He gently smiles, then says"It's fine above all else; I can tell she's a good girl but it was a little amusing seeing her reaction". " As for work I already told you that you need to recover; trust me, you'll grow sick of the hospital if you fall ill and such". "Besides, you should enjoy your down time while you can, in the next couple of weeks things are going to pick up around the town and the castle". " Oh and before i forget you two better get something to eat before the kitchen closes".
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She chuckled softly and nodded before gathering two portions. She moved to a nearby table and fed Liayla first before eating herself. She little girl humming and talk a mile a minute as they ate. Every once in a while her eyes would drift as she listened to her daughter talk. Taking in the room. A small smile blooming when her gaze would land on the king himself.