Rampage of the Forces (Sci-fantasy RP)

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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
So first I will say that I am thinking of making this RP into a clan if I get interest. And at the same time, I would really not like this RP to die, so if you show interest please don't just disappear. Let me know if you're losing interest, so I can potentially fix something or if not, just say goodbye.


The core workings of the world of Enderi are controlled by the Forces - gargantuan beings that each embody one of the primal elements or concepts that keep the world moving. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Power, Life, Change. Those are only a few of the forces which walk the lands. They used to be dormant, however the Worldstone has been removed, and now they walk among the world - fighting one another for dominance over a region. Once one is victorious, the loser joins the ranks of the dormant and the winner changes the climate to better suit them - making the region eternally snowy is one example. The life on Enderi has always been adaptable and hardy, with large walled cities enduring all the punishment given, with the humans able to adapt and endure as well - it's hard, but livable for the life on this planet.

Passively spawned by these forces are beings known as elementals, smaller versions of the Force which wander the regions, attacking humans hapless enough to cross them. Inside them are their cores, which contain the crystals that power human technology. Heaters, coolers, lights, and a few other more 'modern' amenities are powered by these crystals. At the same time, they are implanted into weapons and armor and other items to grant an assortment of effects, such as a burning blade. Indeed, a recent advancement has built single-shot ranged weapons that drain a crystal of power to fire out a blast of that energy. However, they then need time to recharge before another shot.

Magic is also connected to the forces and crystals by way of a ethereal substance known as essence. Various bloodlines have been 'granted' the ability to use an essence to mold and form into spells. Each force-borne is born with a predisposition for a single essence, and uses that as a majority for their spells. For example, a power force-borne will be able to create projectiles of pure blue energy (such as the iconic magic missile) where a fire force-borne creates spells such as fireball and flame pillar.

The most advanced item of this time is the Traverseers, a type of air-hovering bike which hovers above the ground and low obstacles. The cost and process needed to make them (at least two air-type crystals from the largest elementals) make them unavailable to all but the richest. Generally they are kept by the governments of each region's city-state to loan to crystal hunters in order to facilitate the gathering and mercantile process. Most people stick to using horses and carriages, though every once in a while someone grows rich enough and has his own Traverseer built.

In this world, the players would be a band of travelling Crystal Hunters, chasing elementals and gathering core crystals to gain money and enhance your gear. The greater story arc would probably include finding and replacing the Worldstone in a world that grows more volatile.​
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I'm interested.
Here for Mythy!

Ooooohhh... sounds like Rey of Jakku meets Cloverfield or somethings ♥♥♥ yayuh!! :333

But k sooooo like here's Boo's Regular rundown:

What is required:
~writing level?
~post frequency?
~face claim art style?
~max. number of RPers?

~Can we play multi charries?
~Is there dice/stats use?
~Can we know each other prior to IC?

Thanks ya~^^!!
I very much like this concept.
@Boo Girlie BoomBoom

I have to admit I've no clue about either of those things. But to answer your questions:

Writing Level - I won't be nazi about spelling or grammar, but at least make an effort. Same with length, please no one liners. One paragraph minimum though more is always better - I know my own limits, so I don't require walls of text though I love reading them.

Post Frequency - At least once per GM update. During combat only once. You're allowed to have conversations with one another and NPCs, and other things which may not require a response from everyone. But for every major GM update or update for you, one post. I would like at least weekly posts, but the faster we go the more fun it might be.

Art style - I always prefer Artsy or Anime over IRL claims. If you must use a IRL face claim I won't stop you.

Max RPers - At the moment I may stop myself from accepting at 7 members.

Multi Charri - It will depend on interest and amount of players we get.

Dice and Stats - at the moment there is no plans to use those. Combat and all else is planned to be narrative.

Prior IC - Yes, it is possible for Characters to know one another from their history if you can come to an agreement with the other player(s)

Hope you will join!


Welcome! What is your opinion on this RP being in a clan?
Honestly, not sure what you mean by that, making it a clan.
Put the RP in an Iwaku clan, which is basically a (private in this case) group where we can have multiple threads separated but in the same area. So an OOC, IC, Character Thread, and world info thread.

Or would it be better to make this in a Discord or a normal thread chain.. hm.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
We can make it into a clan, I think it would be good to do that if you intend on developing the world.
Put the RP in an Iwaku clan, which is basically a (private in this case) group where we can have multiple threads separated but in the same area. So an OOC, IC, Character Thread, and world info thread.

Or would it be better to make this in a Discord or a normal thread chain.. hm.
Clan defo. Not huge fan of discord.