[Samuel x Roman]

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j a c o b

Upon seeing that Harper was just washing his hands Jacob stepped back into the bathroom, subconsciously closing the door behind them. It wasn't like he had expected him to deny he was wearing make up. Harper was the type of person to do that unapologetically, he wouldn't even blame it on one of his female friends like a sane person would do. Jacob kind of hated the fact that he had realized that that was one of the things he liked about Harper. He had confidence he didn't.

When Harper implied that he needed to cover his face up he felt his cheeks grew a little warm and he reached up to feel one of them despite knowing that his skin was pretty much spot free. He worked out and he ate right and he had decent genes so his face was fine, but it stung a little to have Harper tell him he was ugly. He knew Harper wasn't looking at him in the locker rooms and he knew he wasn't trying to get him interested. And Jacob didn't want that either, he just wanted to ignore the way Harper made him feel completely.

"I don't," he defended himself and took a step forward, "I'm not the one with freckles all over" as if to prove what he had said he stepped forward and put a hand on Harper's cheek and turned his face towards him. Had he not been drunk he would have never done something like that but he wasn't really thinking now, "See you're clearly not wearing any of the stuff you need. Cus like of course you gotta show everyone that you can pull off the weird stuff. You're so fucking annoying Harper."
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Harper wasn't smashed or anything, and he wasn't even as drunk as he had been in the past, but he was still intoxicated enough to not even notice Jacob closing the door. If he had been sober that would have been a cause for alarm, because this individual had clearly demonstrated himself as a homophobe and could potentially represent a threat to him.

He did notice, however, when Jacob put his hand on his cheek. But he didn't feel threatened or intimidated. No, instead, he felt a flutter of something he didn't want to name arise in his stomach when he felt that contact against his skin, because it was so soft and so lovely and Harper knew he wanted more of it. And if he had been drunker he may have tried to elicit such behaviour.

But he was still sober enough to remember he was meant to hate the guy who hated him. He turned off the tap, shook off his hands, and turned to face Jacob. But he did nothing to remove the hand on his face.

"Fuck off," he said, reaching up to half-ass a shove to the shoulders. But he put absolutely no force behind it, and actually ended up stumbling forward a little because of his drunkenness. He ended up standing with barely a few centimetres between his face and Jacob's, and his hands were still on the other boy's shoulders. "Do you have fun being so mean to other people? Or is it just some kind of fucked-up urge that wakes you up in the morning?"
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Harper's hands on his shoulders as he tried to shove him felt so much better than they should have. They always did. Shoving was always an excuse to touch him, but he doubted it was the same for Harper. Yet this time it wasn't hard and suddenly Harper was just very close. So close he could really see every freckle he had just insulted, dusted over Harper's nose and cheeks, his eyes that were grey and somewhat not cold despite the anger, the emotion just giving them an intensity that made Jacob's heart beat.

"I'm not mean to other people. Just you, because you're an annoying piece of shit!" Jacob insisted loudly even if Harper was close enough to hear him clearly, "You fucking-- you -- The way you're always fucking showing off on the field is annoying and the way you just get everyone on your side no matter what is fucking annoying, and how you always gotta be best at fucking everything, and the way you just-- You--!"

He let out a small noise of frustration, placed his other hand on Harper's cheek and held him in place as he angrily let their lips clash together, his drunken impulsiveness turning what had meant to be a shove or a punch into what he actually wanted. The kiss wasn't really pleasant, it still had all the anger a shove would have had and Jacob wasn't even thinking about what he was doing, just giving in to his emotions for a couple of seconds.
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That kiss was perhaps the most unexpected thing Harper had ever experienced. It was enough to momentarily jolt him out of his drunken stupor and it allowed him to think clearly enough to reflect on the fact that this kiss, despite being quite aggressive and almost violent, was exactly what he had desired. For weeks all he had wanted to do was kiss Jacob. And now he was doing just that.

The kiss only lasted for a few moments, because they both had to come up for air, and during those moments his mind faded out into idiocy again. He looked at Jacob intently -- well, as intently as he could in his tipsy state -- and licked his lips. He could taste the alcohol Jacob had been drinking on his lips. He could taste Jacob. And Jacob tasted amazing.

Harper wasn't thinking rationally, and therefore in that moment he could let his guard down enough to just act on his own impulses rather than actually consider his actions before performing them. Therefore, Harper stepped closer to Jacob, pushed him up against the wall that stood behind him, and brought his lips down on the other boy's again in yet another aggressive and messy kiss. He tasted lovely again. Harper let out the softest of moans, though it was also kind of a grunt, and gently slid his hands up Jacob's shoulders to wrap his arms around his neck in what could only be described as an embrace.
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If Jacob had expected anything at all it wouldn't have been for Harper to kiss him back, not after how he had treated him. But he did. He did and it felt amazing to have Harper put pressure back into the kiss, to feel his lips move against his and his body closer than ever. Part of him still wanted to stop. It didn't matter if he was the one who initiated it, he wanted to shove Harper off him and throw out a bunch of insults and blame this all on him. But there was another part of him that just felt so good about giving in, that loved Harper's lips on his own, his body pressed against him, and that part of him seemed to be winning over the other without issue.

The moaning grunt Harper let out did things to Jacob he didn't even know how to describe, at least not beyond the point that it left him wanting more. The same could be said about having his back pushed against the wall. His hands traveled from Harper's face and down, feeling the muscles he had only felt when pushing him away before until he had sneaked them around to his back and held him, if possibly, closer than he already had been.

Why was he kissing him back? Why were they kissing at all? This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to ignore it. He was supposed to not love the feeling of being sandwiched between the wall and Harper. Not supposed to give in and not supposed to kiss him. But he was. His gaze wavered from Harper's face and instead of going in for another kiss he pressed his face into the crook of Harper's neck, hiding it in his shoulder.

"Fuck," he mumbled, still sounding angry, "You're the fucking worst, fuck you Harper," his brain was too much of a mess to get out anything varied or profound, he just didn't know how not to insult him when he was frustrated at himself, because he wouldn't even be frustrated at himself if it wasn't for Harper in the first place.
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Harper hadn't actually been with a guy before. He had kissed and made out with several, but it had never gone further than that. Still, kissing Jacob, he just felt right, even though the other guy had been terrible to him and didn't really deserve any sort of forgiveness or retribution for what he had done. But Harper wasn't thinking along the righteous lines at the moment, he was just thinking about how fucking amazing it felt to make out with Jacob at that moment.

Jacob pulled out of the kiss but Harper didn't stop. He reached up with one hand to cup the back of Jacob's head, and turned his own head to the side so he could begin the application of a hickey on his neck. It was a stupid move but Harper didn't care, all he cared about was continuing the intimacy with this boy that he'd been craving for what felt like the longest time. Harper loved this. It was like the forbidden proof.

He pulled away after a few moments with a little 'pop' noise, before planting a sultry kiss right on the spot he had just assailed. "Fuck me?" he repeated in a tone that was a mix of suggestive and still irritable. He slipped his hands up the back of Jacob's shirt, tracing the muscles there, marvelling at how nice they felt. "It's awfully fast, don't you think, considering you were hating on me not five seconds ago. At least take me to dinner first."
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No matter how embarrassed he felt by it Jacob couldn't help but let a small gasping moan slip as Harper's lips made contact with his neck. He didn't even think about the fact that it could leave a mark not just because he was distracted but because he didn't really know how much it took to leave one. He wasn't really making out with guys in the bathroom at parties every other day.

The way Harper took the things he had said completely out of context on purpose was frustrating. And embarrassing. And also somehow exciting because the way Harper said 'fuck me' was hotter than Jacob ever would have been able to admit, "shut the fuck up, you know what I meant," he said angrily, face probably visibly red at this point and to distract from his embarrassment and to not accidentally embarrass himself further by saying something more dumb he just kissed Harper again, on the lips because he wasn't sure about kissing him anywhere else yet, even if Harper's kiss to his neck had felt so good, and he wondered if Harper would let out any more of those sounds he had before if he did. He wanted to heart them and he wanted more.

For now he just kept kissing him as if kissing him was the same as yelling at him, and he pushed his hands under Harper's shirt, he had done it so he was allowed to do so as well. He he felt Harper's warm skin against his hands, just like he wanted when he imagined wrestling him down to the ground just to get him to shut up. He only pulled away when he heard some people laugh outside and he was suddenly pulled out of the moment a little, "The door isn't locked," he said, not feeling inclined to push Harper away to go lock it because he was afraid of letting go of the moment, and somehow at the same time he was afraid locking the door meant he couldn't get away from the moment either.
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Harper couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Jacob's response to his own comments. It was funny and Jacob seemed embarrassed, which made him happy in a really petty sort of way. But it also made his cheeks turn a sweet pink shade, and he looked quite cute. But Harper was distracted by that as Jacob instigated yet another aggressive kiss.

When Jacob slid his hands up Harper's shirt, he let out a very similar moan-slash-gasp as the other boy had before. When Jacob had done so it had been one of the hottest things Harper had ever heard in his life. Things were getting sort of steamy between the two of them, that was undeniable, and if Harper had been sober he may have thought that he didn't want his first time -- with a guy, he had slept with a girl before -- to be born out of aggression in a bathroom at a party. But he wasn't sober, he had little control over himself, and he wanted nothing more than to just continue what was happening.

So when Jacob said that the door was unlocked, Harper didn't hesitate before reaching around and locking it. Then he grabbed Jacob's hands and pulled him over to the end of the bathtub, closest to the wall. There was a sort of platform there, which was large enough to act as a seat or a shelf for products. It was being used as the latter at the moment, so Harper haphazardly shoved everything into the actual bathtub, before sitting on the platform and pulling Jacob so he stood between his legs.

Harper had one arm around the other's waist and the other around his shoulders, and was holding him close with that grip as they kissed, but Jacob had control in that moment. He was the one who could move away if he wanted, and Harper did that consciously, because even if he was drunk, he didn't want to make the other person do anything he didn't actually want to do.
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Harper seemed to have no hesitations about locking the door and it made Jacob wonder if he had done this before, it wouldn't surprise him, he was pretty and nice and hot and Jacob knew most girls at school seemed to think that he at least was cute if they hadn't outright crushed on him at some point. And he was Harper so of course he would have gone further than he had, one way or another, he was just always one step ahead. He couldn't get too annoyed about that now though, not when Harper was tugging him with him and got seated, giving him control for a second.

He kissed Harper, feeling like he'd never get enough of it, and tangled his fingers into his hair for a moment. It was just as soft as it looked and he had imagined. Then he moved his hands further down and placed them under Harper's shirt again, wanting to feel and wanting to get a response from Harper. But curiosity suddenly got a hold of him and he grabbed Harper's shirt and helped him tug it off. Which then lead to him straightening up a little and just finally allowing himself to look at him in the way he had wanted for a while now, but never done. He had the muscles to show for all the years of soccer, his pale skin smooth, and even on his torso he saw some of those freckles, his shoulders and arms sporting the little speckles in a way that Jacob had no other word for that gorgeous.

"Do you have freckles fucking everywhere?" Jacob said, his voice matched his teasing intentions, as it was only after he had said it he realized it was actually kind of suggestive. It didn't help his blush die down especially not since it made him actually wonder if he'd find freckles if he removed his pants as well. He took a deep breath because the thought was a little much and he wondered if he was letting go to much. Well he knew he was letting go to much. He had intended to never ever even let it get to the point they were at now, but he was drunk and they had already gone this far and suddenly all he wanted to know was if the skin on Harper's thighs were as soft as everywhere else.

"Don't answer that," he said firmly before Harper got a chance to tease him about it and kissed him again for good measure. His hands traveled over the bare skin of Harper's torso until it found the button of Harper's pants, he hesitated there, toying a little with the hemline of the garment, then leaned away to look Harper in the eyes. He hated how his own insecurity showed through a he asked, "Have you done this before?"
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Harper hadn't expected Jacob to remove his shirt. It was ludicrous when you considered the fact that they were literally locked in a bathroom and making out, but for some reason Harper still somewhat viewed Jacob as the homophobe he had been portrayed as for months on end. Everything he was doing was a surprise. But Harper loved it, and he was getting really into their fun little activities.

He snickered at Jacob's comment but he was kissed again before he could interject, which he didn't mind. Then Jacob was playing with the button on his jeans. If they proceeded things would go pretty far pretty quickly, and that was sort of intimidating for Harper in that moment, because this was his first time with a guy and he didn't know what to expect. But he knew the basics. And he felt like it was something that they could figure out even if they were quite intoxicated.

"Kind of," Harper said, which was really the correct answer, because while he had never gone all the way with a guy he had done so with a girl, so he wasn't a total novice but he didn't know everything either. Harper paused for a moment to stand up, take off Jacob's shirt for him, and then go in with a much more gentle and, quite frankly, affectionate kiss. It was nice, considering everything they had done beforehand had been sort of violent.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do," Harper said, wrapping his arms around Jacob's waist. That was something he had been taught since he was a child -- that no one should be forced to do anything they didn't want to do, and when he had started to date more seriously, Roman had reiterated it in the context of intimacy. It was important, and he needed Jacob to know it.
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"No I..." he trailed off but took a deep breath, eyes closed for a moment but he opened them as he tried again, "I want to. I wanna do this." and with that he pressed his lips onto Harper's again, in that way that was a lot softer and nicer, he just needed to feel how good it felt to kiss him again so he didn't change his mind. And he wouldn't. Had he not been drunk he probably wouldn't have given in to his feelings so easily but now it jut flt nice and Harper was pretty and weirdly no matter how annoying Harper was sometimes, he felt really comfortable in his arms.

It didn't take much longer for them to continue after that and for Jacob's worries to be temporarily forgotten as they somehow how switched places and more clothing was removed.. Parts of it was awkward, parts of it felt downright embarrassing. It wasn't some perfect moment that made him realize he was completely okay with it. But it was good in Jacobs mind, and he liked seeing the expressions on Harper's face, hearing his voice and feeling his hands on his body.

When they were done there was first a moment of silence and just collecting themselves. Jacob was letting his breathing return to normal and was slowly coming down from the high the activity had put him in. He felt a whole mix of emotions. He felt good, and happy and still almost an excited flutter at having actually done what they just did. But also still this twinge of annoyance at Harper. Or maybe it was more annoyance at himself for letting Harper get him to give in to all these feelings. It was just that the fact that it was Harper was annoying. It felt like he was winning. Had it been some other guy then it had just been the fact that it was a guy -- he hadn't really even processed that part properly yet-- but it was Harper and all his retorts about it maybe being Jacob who was interested was true and it was probably really evident why he had been so on him about everything now and it was embarrassing. And Harper hadn't really deserved all of it. Some of it he had. But not all of it.

He let out a sigh, looking up at Harper for a moment he was still stupidly pretty even now and he wanted to look at him, but at the same time it felt embarrassing that Harper could see him like this now that there was nothing to distract them. In his still drunken mind the most reasonable solution to the problem was to sit up mor proper and hide his face in Harper's chest, "I'm sorry for taking things out on you," he mumbled, he didn't like apologizing, especially not to Harper and as if to compensate he quickly added, "You're still annoying though,"
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Harper's first time with a guy just felt ... normal, in a way. Maybe not the fact that they were locked up in a bathroom and about an hour ago they had hated each other. But the actual act, the actual tumbling, just felt right in a way. It was probably due to the fact that he had already done it with a girl, and that he had been sure about his sexuality for years. But whatever the reason, there was nothing about this encounter other than who it was with and where that felt out of place.

When they were finished, Harper pulled away, wiped some of the sweat off his brow, then pulled up his underwear and pants. He was about to say something when the still very drunk Jacob pulled him in for what was a mix between a hug and a shameful hiding of the face and Harper chuckled, because it was kind of cute, even if it was clear that Jacob was embarrassed. Really, he was just more so chuckling at the comment Jacob had made.

"You're so cute," Harper said drunkenly. He pulled back to crouch down in front of Jacob, cup the sides of his face, and pull him in for a soft kiss to the lips. It didn't last very long and wasn't much more than a peck. It was just nice.

"Look ... even if we never do this again, we should stop fighting so much, okay?"
Harper murmured in a soft request. "I mean, I'd definitely like to do this again, because I think you're so fucking hot, but, you know ... we don't have to. We can just get along, right?"
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Jacob hated and loved the way Harper calling him cute made him feel. It filled him up with butterflies and warmth and comfort, but also kind of added to the embarrassment and irritation. He probably liked it more than he didn't, especially when it was followed by him cupping his face and kissing him softly.

The proposal of doing this again sent mixed emotions through him too. Harper wanted to do it more and that made him feel great and it had felt ice and he wanted to do it. It was hard to deny that. But the more time that passed since they had gotten done the more unsure he felt. reality was slowly crashing down, he couldn't allow himself to feel entirely conflicted about it, it wasn't like he hadn't known he had these feelings for Harper, it was just that he hadn't planned on acting on them, and maybe that plan had to change now if Harper wanted to at least do this again.

"No I uh, I wanna- I think I wanna do this again so I'll just stop picking fights-- I'm sorry,"
He looked away again at the apology and sighed a little again before standing up and starting to get dressed in silence. He didn't speak again until he was dressed again, "Unless you're being annoying, you're not getting a pass just cus we did this," he tried to be snarky and a little standoffish as usual but it came out a little softer than he had intended, his gaze was turned down to the floor and his hands in his pockets, "Anyways uh-- I think I'm gonna go home, or something... so yeah...?" he wasn't sure what to do really. He knew he couldn't stay at the party after this, he was too out of it and too tired. but he wasn't sure how to end this whole encounter. He wanted to kiss Harper again, but now that he wasn't fueled by anger he felt kind of unsure. It was probably too affectionate, Harper had said nothing about liking him that way. Just that he was hot, which was nice too, so it wasn't like he was about to complain.
r o m a n
DInners at the Hemlock-Ortega abode were always something Roman appreciated a lot. There was something in the simplicity of it that just resonated with him, something about the domesticity of the gesture that reiterated the fact that they were just as much of a family as any with heterosexual parents. There was nothing wrong with their arrangement. How could there be when they were so loving, affectionate, and warm?

For this particular meal, Roman had prepared a delicious dish of pasta, which was one of the family's favourite delicacies. It was linguini with a creamy sun-dried tomato sauce, and he'd also fried up some bacon and prawns for anyone who wanted it on their meal. And of course, there was a hot loaf of homemade garlic bread there to go with their meal.

Roman took a lot of pride in his food and in feeding his beloved family. He always felt proud of himself when he set a homemade meal on his table and his husband and kids were well-fed. Just now, the impossibly tall man sat down at his regular seat at the table with his beautiful family before him. God, he loved them so much.

"I hope it's good, guys," Roman said as he shook some salt and pepper onto his pasta. "Did everyone have a nice day at school?"
s t e l l a​

At the moment Stella was the only person in the rom that really knew that dinner that day would potentially turn out to be kind of a big moment. It was nothing special about today's dinner really. Their dad had made food everyone liked, papa had set the table, they were chatting idly, and everything was normal. But Stella had decided it was probably time she told them something.

"yeah, sure," Eden said in response to their dad has he helped himself to the pasta, "Marisol ad I got to hang out in the music room during lunch, I showed her the piece I've been working on,"

She really didn't think it had to be a big moment, and she didn't think it was a big deal or that it really mattered. She knew no one react negatively to what she had to say because that'd be stupid, so she wasn't even nervous. But she was sure her parents and sibling wouldn't let it just slip past as normal conversation either.

"That sounds nice, you should ask her to come over some time again soon, maybe she could sleep over sometime," Samuel said, Stella knew he was trying to encourage Eden to be more social but Eden just shrugged in response in typical Eden fashion when he didn't really want to del with something at the moment. Samuel caught the hint and invited anyone else at the table to join in, "what did everyone else do today?"

Stella saw no reason to wait and as she took over the utensils to scoop up some food on her plate she decided to just tell her family, "Well me and Lexi were arguing about which of these two actors from a show we like is better looking and the one she likes is a guy so obviously I was like 'of course I'm not gonna like him as much I'm gay as fuck' and she kept insisting that he was 'objectively prettier', which he isn't. And June agreed with me but Lexi thinks he's biased cus he's into girls too so now we're like walking around asking everyone who is the hottest, and we asked Mr Price even and he got really flustered and it was really fucking hilarious,"
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Stella was clearly trying to play off her big announcement as just a flippant comment, and she had actually done it pretty well, so well that Roman almost didn't notice. But he did, and he looked up at her with surprise and curiosity on his features. He hadn't been expecting her to make such an announcement at all.

But he wasn't surprised at the actual content of the announcement. Stella had never really shown an interest in guys, and Roman had often noticed her check out girls when they were out and about. He just wasn't one to make assumptions, and he would never bring up the topic himself because he would always want his children to be the ones instigating such a conversation. In fact, in that moment he didn't actually do anything but smile softly at her, and then at Samuel. He loved that his daughter felt comfortable enough to make such a big announcement so casually.

The kids, though, were a bit less tactful. "Wait, you're gay?" Harper asked her in confusion. He obviously wasn't being judgemental, because he was bisexual himself, but instead he was just a little bit shocked. "Since when?"

"Since ever, stupid,"
Letha scolded him, kicking him under the table.

"I mean -- yeah, I know, but, like, I don't know, it was just surprising."
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Stella's statement of course didn't go unnoticed, or un-commented on. Her dads didn't say anything for now, both just seemed to smile and be happen she felt like she could tell her family or something cheesy like that. Which was a little silly in her opinion because she rally had no idea why she wouldn't feel comfortable telling them. With parents in a same sex relationship and an older brother who was bisexual it wasn't like she was about to be disowned or anything.

She was a little surprised that Harper was surprised though, and frowned a little at him, not in an 'i feel sad' kind a way, and more in an 'are you actually dumb' kind of way, "In what world is it surprising? Literally like everyone I meet assumes it within like five seconds of knowing me. Like I told June and he was all 'yeah no shit' because yeah, no fucking shit,"

"Stella, you don't need to swear every second word," Samuel said, though there was a bit of a laugh behind his voice that signified that he didn't care that much about it at the moment, "could you maybe tell us why you felt like telling us now instead of traumatizing your younger siblings?"

Stella rolled her eyes but an amused smile played on her lips seeing as her younger siblings really were old enough to handle swears, especially considering one of them was literally born right after her, "I dunno, I don''t really think you should have to come out- come out? Cus you shouldn't just assume people are straight because they haven't come out anyways? So I was just gonna say it if anyone asked or if it came up in conversation but it hasn't really, and this thing happened and I thought it was pretty funny, so I saw no reason in not telling you," Clearly things had turned into more of a coming out moment than she had intended, it was probably hard to get around that, at least when it came to your family who loved and cared about you and wanted to know how you felt. It wasn't so bad though, at least she got to share her point of view about coming out while doing it.
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Roman listened attentively to Stella's explanation, and he found that her reasoning was both interesting and insightful. While he could understand why people just assumed that others were straight, he thought she was right in the sense that coming out shouldn't be necessary. He and Samuel had always tried to let the kids know that if they were anything other than heterosexual, they had nothing to worry in telling them.

And he knew that this moment was about Stella and not him, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit accomplished, that Stella had felt comfortable enough with them to come out in such a carefree and casual manner.

"That's very insightful of you, Stella,"
Roman said proudly. "Thank you for sharing with us." Another thing he had fretted about a little bit as the kids were growing up was the possibility that their daughters didn't feel comfortable sharing things with them. But clearly, they didn't have anything to worry about with Stella.

"But, really, your father's right, you need to stop swearing so much,"
he added with a chuckle.
Jacob was gay. He couldn't get around it, and as much as he had wanted to ignore it, actually just accepting it had turned out to be a bit of a relief. It wasn't like it didn't come with a whole set of worries, like what would his parents and classmates and friends think, but it also explained a lot. It explained why he was never interested in girls like his peers and it explained why he was so much more obsessed with specific soccer players than his friends and it explained why he had treated Harper like an asshole. He liked him. He wasn't going to tell Harper that though, because he liked what they had going on.

That day at the party hadn't been the last they... did stuff. Jacob still felt a little embarrassed thinking too much about it but when they were in the actual moments he didn't care. Harper would drag him off during lunch and they'd lock themselves into a bathroom, Jacob would ask Harper to hang back after practice and until the locker rooms were empty, he even tagged along with Harper to his place once, but only at a time he knew no one else would be there.

Of course, constantly making out with the guy you liked didn't make you stop like him and the longer things went on the more his insults turned into compliments and Harper's stupid overachieving made him feel kind of excited. Except if they were on different teams on the field. Then he wouldn't let anything get in the way of winning, not even the fact that Harper was stupidly hot when playing. But still, the more time that went on the more he found himself just looking at him in class, smiling, the more excited he got when Harper dragged him off because it felt like he liked him too.

So as Harper and him were hurrying off to a more secluded part of the school he had to remind himself that Harper didn't like him, he had been too mean so there was no chance Harper would ever really like him. As they got into the bathroom in the empty part of school Jacob was quick to catch Harper's face with his hands and his lips with his own, "I've missed this," he said, because t was Monday and there hadn't been practice or a game this weekend. He definitely meant Harper though, no just the making out.
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Whatever this was that he had going on with Jacob was incredibly confusing to Harper, but amazing at the same time. He didn't like the whole sneaking around thing, or the fact that they apparently had to keep their relationship secret or Jacob might actually die, but he loved the actual activities they partook in, and he liked Jacob. That was just an undeniable fact. He really fucking liked Jacob.

He was gorgeous, and precisely Harper's type, but that wasn't just it. He liked how sweet Jacob could be when he wasn't pretending to be an asshole, and he loved how good at soccer he was. Sometimes, after their amateur tumblings in Harper's room or an empty bathroom like this one, they'd just talk, and Harper found that he actually just really liked the person Jacob was behind that solid layer of douchebag-ness. Jacob was great. But there was not one ounce of Harper that thought Jacob wanted to be anything more than just friends with benefits.

It hurt, but Harper wasn't about to give this up. So when they made eye contact and wordlessly agreed to sneak off to their favourite spot, Harper practically skipped to the bathroom to meet up with the lovely boy. Without hesitation, he sneaked his hands up the back of Jacob's shirt and caressed the solid muscles there as they kissed. God, he was so fucking gorgeous.

"I've missed this too,"
he said, absolutely meaning Jacob and not just their activities. He stopped for a second so he could whip Jacob's shirt off over his head, but then went straight back in for another kiss. "I think I heard my parents talking about going out this Saturday night, if you want to come over."