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The rather intimate hug came as another surprise, but one that was genuinely appreciated, and the boy found himself pressing in close to get as much from the hug as he could. The enjoyment from the contact, however, ended the moment he was informed about the other's previous closeness to Brennan. He assumed Rene had been with other people, and had specifically been told by the other that he had had sex before, but with Brennan?! The human found that hard to take in. Brennan was such an asshole that he couldn't imagine him ever being Rene's type, personality wise. Hearing that, he decided that appearances really did go a long way.

"...Sylvan doesn't know that?" He questioned slowly, frowning to himself. "I... don't think he should know. Won't that hurt him? I'm a little taken back by it, so I'm not sure Sylvan would take it well-- what exactly did you have with Brennan? Was it... a sexual thing? I don't... really care, it was before we met, right? I'm just... interested. I can't imagine you'd like him, he's the complete opposite to me, I... what did you see in him? He's... an asshole."
"He was different," he explained quietly with a frown. "He wasn't this tough, macho guy. Hell, Sylvan didn't even acknowledge him last semester when everything happened. Then, suddenly, he just... changed, I guess? He became more fit, taller... I suppose a person can change a lot in three months but still..." he murmured.

"... it wasn't, like, lovey-dovey but it was mutual care for one another, you know? He wasn't popular but I found him cute so I hung out with him more and it just... yeah. It's not like what we have whatsoever. I don't know what happened, like... he isn't the same vampire from last semester. He's changed for the worst."
He had to take the other's word for it, but he struggled to believe that in a matter of months, Brennan had gone from tolerable and 'cute' to being a complete monster. But, he hadn't been around so he understood that he had to believe in what Rene said, however unbelievable it seemed. For the rest of the night, he was happy to agree even if he didn't think that way, just to give Rene the relaxing night he deserved after the hell he had put up with. A nice night of comfort food and cuddling was clearly what he needed, and what Percy was prepared to give him, at least until he had to leave to go back to his dorm at around 3am.

It was at this ridiculously early time that Brennan made an appearance. He hadn't been a stranger to Rene's room when they had their little friendship, often spending hours with him just talking or cuddling. In recent months, he hadn't visited once, with the breakdown of their friendship being a major obstacle. The reason behind his sudden appearance was clear; he was drunk, to the point of being completely shitfaced. Alcohol was obviously prohibited, but he had his ways of sneaking it in, as evident in his stumbles and slurring as he made his way across to sit on Rene's bed, pouting like a forlorn puppy.

"...Did I hurt you real bad?" The boy frowned, his Eastern European accent more prominent in his drunkenness. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I was... jealous. You really l-like that fucking merman more than me? He's weird and strange and... ugh, I miss you," he whined again, flopping down onto the bed with his head in his hands. "Kiss me, I wanna kiss you and you wanna kiss me because we... we're, like, totally meant to be, yeah?"
With a soft groan, Rene stirred awake with first noticing a lack of Percival. It wasn't until his tired eyes landed on Brennan that his upset slowly showed, his face quickly pulling a frown. What also hit him was the pain in his nose, hissing softly as he moved to sit up.

"Get out of here, Brennan." He flatly demanded. "What you did wasn't right, do you understand? You hurt me, then have the nerve to come to my dorm at... 3:30 in the morning?! Fucking - why aren't you with Sylvan and how the hell did you get alcohol here?"

Physically moving to the completely other side of the bed, he held his nose in fear of it beginning to bleed again. Not only was it embarrassing but to do it in front of a drunken vampire? It wasn't ideal, especially when he was too tired to possibly defend himself.

"Go back to your dorm and sober up. You had your chance and now you're with Sylvan. I may... I may be furious at him but I'm not going to break his heart by kissing you."
"I got alcohol because I'm smart," he slurred, tapping the side of his head with a loud snort in amusement, shaking his head at the memory of sneaking some wine from a teacher's desk. Even though Rene was understandably pissed off and unamused by the nightly visit, the vampire grunted the annoyance off and simply kicked his shoes off, refusing to leave. Even if he wanted to get up, he probably couldn't - he was far too dizzy to even contemplate sitting up at the moment.

"Sylvan's a baby, he isn't you-- and I didn't even know my chance with you was up. You were supposed to be jealous and come running to me, not get a boyfriend of your own," the other continued to pout, turning to his side to stare intently at the other. "...I really fucked your nose up. I didn't mean it, I... I'm sorry. Can't we just, like, kiss and make up? Not literally-- unless you wanna do that, I'm down for it if you are."
"Why did you do it to begin with?" He questioned flatly as he stared back sternly. Holding his nose carefully, he decided to roll his eyes and rest his head in his hand wearily. His growing irritation was evident, especially when the vampire just casually kicked off his shoes and claimed his bed as his own.

"I'm not just going to forgive you. Not only do you punch me, you're also willing to cheat on your boyfriend to be with me? Even though you punched me? You're sending mixed messages, Brennan. Just... I can call my parents and have you kicked out of the academy, do you understand?"
"Because I'm a basket case? I dunno. I confuse myself," the teenager admitted, his eyes pressing closed to at least ease the aching behind them. He needed sleep, but he also didn't want to rest when he had a lot of things to discuss, though it mostly revolved around trying to get the other to kiss him.

"You could call your parents," he agreed, his eyes flickering back open to stare smugly over at him. "But you aren't going to do that because I'd get expelled, and you'd miss seeing my pretty face, wouldn't you? I confuse myself, but I've always liked you, I'm just not great at expressing it? I dunno, Rene."
"What the hell happened to you over the summer?" He questioned after a pause as he glanced outside to the suddenly hard snow. There were plenty of benefits to Rene's species, one of them being the ability to see in the dark. He had no need to turn on lights if he didn't want to nor did he have problems wandering to the bathroom at night. Said catlike eyes were focused intently on Brennan in the room, that of which was only lit by the white snow outside.

"What made you into this jerk? You were so nice and... kind, and now you're punching me in the face and letting Sylvan agree with it. Don't think that he's off the hook either, yeah? He... didn't even yell at you when you punched me. What the fuck have you been telling him?"
"Sylvan didn't know I was gonna punch you, he freaked out about it afterwards. I haven't said anything to him, not really," the vampire shrugged, grabbing a pillow to hold against his chest, just for something to cling onto. Rene's clear disappointment in him was something he usually could ignore. When he was this drunk, however, he was finding the judgement particularly hard to take, leaving him pouting hard.

"...My parents are just assholes, Rene. Is it that surprising that I toughened up a bit over the months? They want me to marry some... complete bitch when I'm 20. I don't wanna do that. I was trying to make you jealous so you'd come running to me and we could be together-- my parents wouldn't mind me dating you. They're not going to refuse me dating someone as important as you are, so sure, I got a little... crazy trying to win you over. Didn't do it in the right way, but I... I don't fucking know. I don't wanna hurt anyone, really. Sylvan's cute and nice and using him as a pawn ain't nice, but... hey, I make dumb decisions. It's sort of what I do."
"This is your problem, you need to fix it," he replied simply before letting out a weary yawn. "Percival - he likes me, a-and not just for sex or reputation. Yeah, he's a little... strange, but who isn't? Besides, I'm not going to break his heart because you came into my room begging for forgiveness at 3 in the morning."

Was he being a tad harsh? Probably. He was raised by a family of no-nonsense ghouls, though, so being 'harsh' was just how he was taught to react to things. While he hadn't physically toughened up, he definitely had emotionally over the years... with most things.

"I'll forgive you if you let me punch you in the face."
"You can totally punch me in the face. You'll break your hand and whine like a little bitch about it, Rene, but I'm not stopping you doing that if you want. I've warned you, it's not my fault if you go ahead and do it," he shrugged, seemingly casual about the whole thing. Even if Rene managed to land a hard punch, it was the least he deserved after a few weeks of being horrible to him. Really, he deserved more than just one.

"...I think Percival is a fucking loser who's silence is telling. That's all I'm saying. Sylvan says he doesn't go in water-- isn't that weird to you? We're looking out for you. Sylvan is, and I am too, in a... weird, fucked up kinda way."
"So what? People have trauma, Brennan. I mean, there are plenty of vegetarian vampires and no one bats an eye. Maybe something really bad happened to him in water? Don't you think it's insensitive to get mad at him for that?" He critiqued, though a frown did slowly grow. After all, he had his own hesitance around the boy on the matter.

"Look, if you really want to help me out, you would look deeper into his story. I'm sure everything is fine, just... I want to know, I guess," he eventually murmured as he looked away, his lips pursed. Rubbing his knuckles warily, he was definitely contemplating the punch.
"I could totally root about and get some information on him. His folks have to pretty loaded, right? Let's be honest, the school's fees are fucking extortionate. I can afford them, obviously. I just mean that his folks have to be rich and pretty important in our community if he can afford being here," the vampire smiled, his ego coming out a little. He had always loved being in the company of other elites, knowing that everyone at the school were products of important people in the community. He especially loved that his parents were among the more famous, it was always a point of great pride for him.

"It shouldn't be too hard to figure him out," he continued, pressing in a little closer. "...Just punch me. I don't want you to break your hand, doll, but you clearly want to hurt me and I can't say no to a pretty face. Just don't bruise me too much, I'm too cute for that."
"Oh, and I'm not?" He scoffed. If there was one thing he hated, it was arrogance. Sylvan was an exception because while he was full of himself, he was at least willing to hear Rene out and treat him with respect. Eyeing the other cautiously, he did dog for a pretty hearty punch to her face.

Unsurprisingly, he hissed and recoiled his hand in pain. It wasn't broken but it sure as hell would hurt for awhile and possibly swell. It was worth it, though, especially when the vampire moved back in discomfort. "It was worth it..." he murmured as he rubbed his bruised knuckles.
Despite his acceptance and the fact he even urged the monster to do it, he hadn't really seen the punch coming, and he would blame the element of surprise on the fact he recoiled away and rolled onto his back in pain. Being punched wasn't a new thing for him; he had been quite used to the odd punch when he was younger. The school might be elite and full of privileged students, but bullying still took place, and while it wasn't serious, Brennan had his own brief experience of it until he learned to fight back.

That said, he hadn't expected to be punched by Rene of all people. He was mostly annoyed, but another part of him couldn't help but to smirk in amusement, even despite the bloody nose and searing pain.

"...You really went in for it, huh?" He snorted, pressing his hand to his nose to try and stem the flow as much as he could. "Are we even now, 'cos I can't have my Dad hearing about... any of this. He'll just marry me off sooner and I don't want that-- I'm not the marrying kind."
"We aren't even until you apologize to Sylvan for coming here," he replied quietly, taking in the bloody nose with his own mix of amusement and pride. He was never one to throw a punch and often won fights through defense or his sharp claws. To land a proper punch to the point of giving Brennan a nose bleed was an impressive feat, in his eyes.

"If you do that, then I'll fully apologize," he declared before moving to wipe a bit of blood from the vampire's lip with his finger. "If you stop acting like a cunt, too, that would be a bonus."
"You want me to dig into this merman of yours, apologise to Sylvan and stop acting like a cunt? You can't have everything, I'm a busy guy, babe. I'll try my best on the whole acting like a cunt thing, but I'm not promising anything. Can't help who I am, hm?" He retorted as he held his forearm to his nose, having to hold back from a wince at how painful the simple motion was. He wasn't going to admit that he found Rene's anger attractive; the flirtation was hardly going to help their fractured friendship.

"I like him, you know. Sylvan, I mean. I think he's sweet and stuff. I just don't have a connection, it's all just... bland? I don't know, man. We have a connection, you get me, right? I think Sylvan's just with me because I'm cute and... not in with the crowd? I think he likes that, and that's cool, but it's not a real relationship if he's with me for that," he slurred as he turned back onto his side. If he really wasn't going to get anywhere with Rene, the least he could do was try and sort out issues he had with Sylvan, and there was nobody better to ask than his best friend. "...Does he like me a lot? Like, what does he say about me? Is it all about how I look or is it deeper than that?"
"I don't know," he admitted as he watched the other, only to sigh wearily and lay back into his bed. "I don't know about him. He always falls for people so easily and... I dunno, I don't think he knows what he wants, you know? I think he loves really hard but never takes into consideration the consequences of that. Like... I want him to find someone who will treat him right and stuff, he deserves it... even if he's a fucking jerk for hurting me. Like, what triggered the response to go out of your way, find me, and punch me? Sorry that I keep bringing it up but, like... I'm curious."

Stretching out his arms and legs with a soft, very brief purr, his tail absently swayed once he laid on his stomach. He knew he was cute and sure as hell didn't need anyone else to tell him that... but it felt nice anyway."
"I can't explain all the actions I make, Rene. People do dumb shit. Look at me, I'm drunk-- that's a dumb move 'cos I'll have a hangover and then the teachers are going to get on my case. I'm being stupid right now, wandering into your room and thinking you'll fall into my arms. Newsflash, I'm not that smart-- I shouldn't have hit you. I apologise. That merman, though? I wouldn't apologise for hitting him, he's a weirdo," he grumbled, resting his hands underneath his head to at least stop himself making his nose feel worse than it was. Now the blood flow had stopped, it was best to leave his nose heal, rather than touch it to check the damage. He had the advantage of healing rather quickly, which was always a bonus.

"You saying I don't treat Sylvan right? I haven't said anything to make him act differently. I've always liked hanging out with him-- and you know I can be a great guy. Don't say I'm not treating him right-- I'm a lot of things, but I don't hurt people I'm dating. I take that seriously."
"Yeah, but what about the long run?" He countered. "Sylvan - he's important, I don't want you to just get tired of him and drop him like an egg, Brennan. It doesn't matter how I feel, it's about how he feels. He can get some asshole to punch me in the face all he wants but he isn't getting rid of me that fast," he teased as he watched the vampire. He thanked the dark of the room for hiding his blush just a tad in the dark.

"Did you take the whole bottle? Of wine, that is?" He eventually questioned while twirling a lock of hair around his finger. "I'm not opposed to a drink, though I won't make a fool of myself like you. Unlike you, I know how to handle my alcohol. My father can drink three whole bottles of bourbon without even a sign of being drunk. I've adopted that."