THE OCCULT: Welcome to Haven (Supernatural/Noir)

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To many, death is the end. But for a few it can be the gateway to a new beginning. Moments after a heart stops beating, a person can still be resuscitated. Those who manage to turn away while standing at death's door come back drastically changed.

These individuals wake up able to see beyond The Grey: the previously hidden boundary between the normal world and the supernatural society hiding in its shadows.

These 'Watchers' can see the vampires, witches, werewolves and more for what they truly are; men and women who they once thought were normal turn out to be monsters and nightmares, living out their lives in secret. Three days after these Watchers awaken, they are approached by The Occult.

The early 20th century of the United States was rife with fantastic change: from the rise of industry giants, to the great experiment of Prohibition, to the tragedy of the Great Depression, onto the dawn of the Atomic Age.

The RP is set in the early 1940s and so will have heavy noir themes alongside its supernatural elements. I'm not the most picky in terms of historical accuracy but I would advise doing some research into the time period if you are unfamiliar with noir settings!

At the roleplay's core there's going be bad men who have hearts of gold, buyable men, women who are even more dangerous than the men they associate themselves with, etc. Sex, betrayal, money, drugs, smuggling, theft, affairs, are all important elements and expect a lot of moral compromise!
Physically, it'll be characterized by smokey bars, shadowy corners and contrasting bright neon lights. Rain never seems to stop pouring in this highly-stylized version of New York City and crime is rampant. The underground crime scene of the city is as profitable as ever and where a lot of the RP will be taking place. Think: trenchcoats, red-light districts, cigarettes, neon strip clubs, relentless rain, dim bars, femme fatales, alcohol.

Haven is the name of large apartment building in NYC that houses The Occult. as well as the Watchers they protect. Supernatural beings are not required to live in Haven but many end up there anyways. To many supernatural beings, Haven is the base of their society's government. Plenty wish to see it and the Occult thrive, while just as many wish it burned to the ground.

♡ THE WATCHERS - The human men and women who have been kissed by death and miraculously survived the ordeal. Normal people, who shortly after their experience, begin to see abnormalities in the world around them. The hooded person in the subway's eyes glow, the gorgeous dancer at the bar's canines are inhumanly sharp. The first three days of an awakened Watcher are mentally taxing, stressful and many think they are going insane until they approached by agents of the Occult.

♡ THE SUPERNATURAL - Entails all the races and monsters that Watchers begin to see. These including things like vampires, werewolves, witches and warlocks, etc. Every race has their own set of culture, tradition, and of course - prejudices . Human like Supernaturals also tend to be more successful and well-off, the more prominent beings working as figures in businesses and crime/mob bosses. The more beastly races, while appearing as gruffer and larger humans to the Unawakened, usually function as laborers and criminals.

With that said not all Supernatural beings live within those archetypes, as most are free to do whatever they want with their lives. They can be strippers, butchers, whatever job that humans can do in NYC, so can the Supernaturals. Very few are involved with human politics and/or law enforcement however.

♡ THE OCCULT - The Occult is the title given to the groups of Supernaturals who serve as the closest thing their secret society has to a government. Headed by the richest and oldest witches, warlocks and vampires, they aim to keep the Grey intact and do what's best for supernatural beings as a whole.

That is not to say they are without corruption however, many members of the Occult's leadership live frivolously and use their money and power to bypass the very laws they look to enforce. The Occult's sense of being a well-meaning group in truth, comes from its Sheriff and his deputies, who are perhaps the only individuals aiming to do some good in a world that's entirely bad. They are the ones who investigate heinous crimes committed by their non-human kin and they are the ones who approach the 'Watchers' and educate them on the morally bankrupt world they now live in.

  • "Welcome to Haven" is the official title of the RP.
  • "The Occult" is the name of what I hope will become a series of roleplays set in this gritty supernatural/noir universe.
  • WtH will primarily be focused on the supernatural society reacting to a new generation of Watchers after having close to none for the past three decades. These Watchers will be objects of interest of both the government and the criminals of the Supernatural society for varying reasons.
  • This RP is a noir-fantasy story so there will be mature content. Violence, cussing, and all that will be included so be prepared to see it if you are interested in joining.
    • With that said, things will be moderated as this will be a mixed-age roleplay.
  • This will likely be an "advanced" roleplay with requirements/expectations on posts.
  • To be honest, there's still a lot of information to be laid out for this universe. I've drafted a decent bit out but I wanted to make sure there's enough interest to warrant the amount of effort!
  • If your like holy shit this is my shit levels of hype and are willing, I am also looking for co-gms! :p

Ooohhhhh this looks good. I'll read this in a bit some more.
You know I'm interested.

*touches RP inappropriately*
Supernatural Noir. How I love thee.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Ooohh! I am certainly interested :D
wowza looks sexy, im interested.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Bears
Very interesting, I look forward to see how this plays out.
Last edited:
I'm definitely up for this.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Bears
Ok I gave it another read so I could fully get into to this. And yup... I'm hooked XD.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Bears
I'm down! Would love to Co-GM if you'll have me <3 Will definitely offer assistance in fleshing this beauty out. @BearEnthusiast
  • Love
Reactions: Justin

I'm a bit intrigued. . . I may end up joining this, would like a bit more info, but I know this is just a draft kind of, so. . . I'll definitely say I'm interested ^^

Oh, and good job Lover <-< You didn't forget me this time <3
Well yeah... I want dinner tonight so had to tag you XD
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
  • Love
Reactions: CrystalTears
Thanks for the tag!

I'm in :)
  • Love
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  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold
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