The Tales of Agganoth

[fieldbox="Westhollow Store Room, green, solid"]
Sindri had brought up a good point, though Darin was almost too blind to Wymond's revelation to notice. It took him a moment longer to register that Wymond had done good for them, but that did not mean that this confession would not change things between least for the time being. He would have to work through it on his own, and speak with Rion about her concerning Wymond.

Despite his warning, many though it best that they take a moment to rest. Instead of risking such a rematch with the creature that had tried to grab him in his dream, Darin agreed with Rion, "You're right. Maybe it's best that we scout out the changes at the Brothel since our last visit," he looked over his shoulder briefly before sucking his teeth, "though, I think we ought to find more arrows. I used the last of mine to cover your flight, and I lost my dagger."

Turning to Cassey and Henry, Darin weakly smiled, "Keep the cloak. When things have died down, you should leave before we turn this town upside down again."

"Thank you, sir," Cassey spoke as she pulled the corners of the cloak around her before snaking an arm around Henry who clung to her leg like the scared child he was.

His smile faded and he locked eyes with her a moment, "Do not let him sleep long enough to dream. What is awaiting him there is far worse than anything that Westhollow has thrown your way."

Turning to the door, he nodded to Rion, "You ready?" [/fieldbox]

Alana Mcale
The chime of the shop bell echoed throughout the little shop as Alana finished stacking some new merchandise in the back room. "Just one second!" she called out. "I'll be right with you!" She moved the crate with the merchandise to the side, dusted her hands on her dress and hurried to the front of the shop. "How can I---" Alana's eyes scanned the room but there was no one there. Odd. Must've been the wind, she thought to herself and proceeded back to stacking the merchandise in the backroom. The chime echoed again causing Alana to raise a brow. She reentered the shop but once again there was no one. "These kids must be playing tricks again," she said as she moved towards the windows and looked out. There wasn't a soul in sight. Even more odd.

She turned to head to the back room when she saw him standing at the threshold. Alana froze as the man that had defiled her leaned against the door frame and watched her. He held a blade in his hand, twirling it back and forth. "There you are," he said, voice low and dark. "Did you miss me?"

Her bottom lip began to quiver but she did not flinch. As the man began to move closer, Alana's hand was moving to the nearest object she could grab. "Get out of my shop," she said calmly as her fingers wrapped around the handle of a large vase she had recently acquired. The man continued towards her, blade dragging against the table tops. "Now why would I ever want to do something like that?" He gave her a half smile once he was directly in front of her.

"I said...GET OUT!" Alana slammed the vase as hard as she could against the man's head, shards scattering everywhere and knocking the man to the ground. She hiked up her dress and headed straight to the door but before she could get out, three more men entered her shop. They were dressed just like the first man and dunned the same tattoo on their forearms. "Where do you think you're going?" One of them said.

Now she was even more terrified. The untamed had entered her shop and she had no way of getting out. She took steps back but felt as soon as her back had reached the man she had originally knocked down. He forced her to face him but Alana couldn't believe what she was seeing. His face had transformed. His was disfigured, flesh barely hanging on, bones protruding where they should not have been. "You're mine, Alana!" he yelled into her face causing Alana to scream and push hard against him but she couldn't break free.

The men behind her closed in around her. She didn't know how she did it but she managed to wrangle herself from his grasps and attempted to take off running. She didn't get far however. One of the men grabbed her and threw her through her shop window and onto the ground outside. The pain was instant. Shards of glass had imbedded themselves into various parts of her skin and the blood was already beginning to stain the area surrounding her. Still she managed to get herself back to her feet.

"Help!" she screamed as loud as she could. "Help me!" But there was no one around. It seemed she was the only person in the square with four disfigured untamed closing in on her. She looked behind her and saw as soon as the first untamed threw the blade he had been taunting her with. She didn't have time to outrun it. She yelled out and fell to the ground as the metal dug into the back of her shoulder.

"Everyone, wake up!"

"Atum?" Alana asked herself as she heard his voice echo from nowhere. It was then, on the ground, that she realized it. She was asleep and having a nightmare but the untamed were still coming for her. She had to wake up. She had to wake up immediately.

"Atum!" she yelled out as loud as she could. "Shireen!" She dragged herself back to her feet but another untamed had grabbed her and was about to…

Alana's eyes opened wide with a sudden gasp. Her eyes darted from one side to the other but she was safe and back with her group. Her eyes landed on Atum and Shireen who were yelling for everyone to wake up. She immediately winced in pain and was shocked to find her dress soaked in her own blood. She looked at her shoulder and noticed a large gash where the blade from the dream had entered her shoulder. She also had cuts over her legs and arms from where shards of glass had embedded themselves after being thrown through a window.

She looked down and noticed Rayela struggling in her sleep as well. She shook her as violently as she could. "Dammit, Rayela! We weren't supposed to fall asleep! Wake up!!"

@Kat @SkittlesAndSpike @Greenie

Rayela Alandir

Her eyes shot open, fear stark in her body language and facial expression. Her fingers moved slightly and her eyes teared up as the demon shook her violently. She opened her mouth to scream, but only a brief, choked sound came out. Rayela was immobilized, blinded by shock. A few minutes passed and she immediately let out a heart wrenching scream and scrambled away from Alana. Her heart pounded in her chest and her head felt light. She searched for any blood on her dress, frantic and in distress. He was coming for her, he was going to kill her.

Even now, Rayela could still feel his hands wrapping around her throat as she burned herself out.

"Where is he? No, no, no!"

She could hear her breathing shorten as she leaned forward, an awful constricting sensation suddenly bursting inside her abdomen. Rayela weeped as the cramps came to pass and blood dripped down from her face; something she had not noticed until she'd leaned forward and felt something slither down her cheek. She trembled and forced herself to silence her cry, rocking back and forth as if the discomfort was still there. She felt numb inside. Nothing else mattered, except for the loss of her son, except for the fact that she could've done everything to prevent it.

Rayela's distress simmered down significantly after a while. She felt dead to the world, dead to everyone else around her.

"I tried, I tried Khalil... I tried..."
  • Sympathy & Compassion
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Reina and Greenie
[fieldbox="Westhollow, green, solid"]
Darin shut the door behind him after he and Rion had exited the storehouse. Sadness and frustration weighed down on both of them as he offered an equally sad smile, "We can only try, Rion. Sometimes people have to learn on their own. Hopefully they'll awaken before something too terrible would happen."

Rion nodded to Darin, as her eyes shifted around the streets, and slowly she shook her head. Rest was important, and they were all exhausted… but something told her from the way there were all settling in, it wasn't going to go well. There was nothing they could do, though. They needed to make use of themselves, if they were going to have even the slightest chance of rescuing the princess, and putting right all that had happened.

"...I'm sorry… about all of this. Maybe we should have stayed in the caves. Maybe it would have been better. And… and Wymond. I can't believe it. I know it's not his fault… I know he only hid it out of fear, but… if we had known." She rubbed her shoulder, where earlier that night the knife had done itself damage, a frown crossing her lips, "...I'm not sure who to trust, anymore."

Shaking his head, Darin stopped, "I don't know why he thought that would be the best time to reveal that information. He should have held on to it. I thought, because of his willingness to help, he could be someone we relied on, but you're right. It's difficult to identify who is trustworthy or not," he sighed, "Makes me all the more glad to have found you."

Looking over at him, she smiled faintly, dryly, "...I'll only be glad I found you, if I don't manage to get you killed in all of this. I don't like it, Darin. I don't like the thought of you going back into that place. If I lost you…" Breathing in, she shook her head, "When this is all over, please promise me we won't get mixed up in anything like this again?"

Offering a quick nod, Darin took her hand, "I'll be careful. Anyone that could identify me was in the alley…" he took another look toward the storehouse and then to the mostly empty streets, "I wish we didn't have to be involved in any of this now, but I wouldn't forgive myself if we abandoned the princess. The poor girl must be so scared."

"I can't imagine what she's going through…" Catriona agreed with a small shake of her head, "In that horrible place, and knowing what will happen… what's already happened, with her awake. Do you think… do you suppose we'll be able to set it right, if…" Pausing, she swallowed, forcing the words to come out, in spite of her doubts, "When she's rescued?"

"I hope so, Catriona. Eventually exhaustion will force us to sleep," looking down at her hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze, "and I want to wake up to see you again."

His words were like a blade, driving through her both a sense of fear and of determination. They needed to succeed today, or there would be no hope for any of them. Nodding, she returned the ginger squeeze to his hand, "Then let's go. We don't have much time…"

Scouting took as long as Darin thought it would. The pair kept to the shadows counting guards and Darin noted their pathing. It would be harder for them to get in this time, for sure. Security had stepped up. He supposed it was a mixture of their guest and the fact that three of their men had been killed just outside the Brothel. It looked hopeless until they overheard a conversation between two guards. They were talking about escorting two women out of the city in less than an hour. So loose lipped were these men, that they even revealed what gate: the South gate.

Armed with this new information, Darin and Catriona made their way back to the storehouse. Darin stopped her just outside the door. He swallowed hard before he spoke, "I-I'm not sure what will be waiting for us inside. If they slept…" he wrapped his hand around the handle, "Let me go in first."

"...Be careful, Darin." There was a sense of foreboding to it all… The knowledge they had gained from scouting, and the very idea of what they might find in the Storehouse. Her mind revolved back to her own nightmare and she shivered, reaching a hand to cup over Darin's, where it rested on the handle, "...Be careful."

He nodded to her before he pushed open the door. While it was not as horrible as Darin imagined it, the scene was still pretty bad. There wasn't a soul in the room that did not suffer from some injury it seemed. The scent of blood was heavy in the air, "Rion," he breathed before he moved to Cassie. She waved him off with weary eyes, seemingly the only person who listened to him. In fact, the woman mentioned that she had yet to sleep, waking up Henry every so often to ensure he did not dream.

"I-I'll see what I can do," he told Rion as he started toward Ardryan.

The stale air hit her like fumes… and stepping back, Rion put her hands over her mouth and nose, shaking her head. They had slept. They had all slept, and chaos had ensued, just as she and Darin had tried to warn. But then… why would they listen? They were determined, it seemed, to stand by their own notions. So many injured… and lucky, really, they weren't dead.

Beside the storehouse was a small pump for water and a bucket. Moving swiftly, Rion gathered a bucket full and slid in after Darin, "...You can't heal them all." She reminded Darin, softly, "We don't know your limits… I can help with the smaller injuries." Her eyes skimmed the room, and she frowned. None of them seemed very small, at all…

Darin stopped before he got to Ardryan. Catriona was right, he wasn't sure he'd be able to heal them all. He was still discovering this ability himself. Then he recalled the man that had tried to heal Cassie when Darin had arrived. Atum. He'd have Rion start there and then Atum could help him care for the others.

"Do what you can for him," he pointed to Atum, "He can help me with the others." Returning to the task before him, he lowered himself beside Ardryan and rubbed his fingers against the palms of his hands with a deep breath, he nodded to the man, "Let me see if I can fix this."

Moving to Atum with the bucket, Catriona looked to the folds of her tattered cloak and yanked off a good, long strip, dipping it into the frigid water, "May I?" She asked, gesturing to his brow.

Collab with @Elle Joyner
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Atum shook his head. "It's fine, thank you. The others are in need of help far more than I am." His wound hurt, but it was superficial compared to the injuries the others had suffered. Shireen had woken him before it became something worse and had even helped patch the wound up. "Help whoever else you can, and I'll see to the more injured."

The turnout had been bad and now Alana was in terrible shape and Rayela was injured as well. He wasn't even sure about Sindri. For a moment he wondered if attempting to sleep was a bad idea, but staying awake could have been much worse. His group had been exhausted from the trip to Westhollow, and then they had to deal with the fires and witch burnings as soon as they arrived. There was no way they'd be able to operate with what little energy and sleep they were running on at the time, especially if they were going to go through with the plan made the previous night. They would have fallen asleep one way or another, at least with the way they did it either Shireen or Atum were keeping watch.

First things first, he would see to Alana, the woman was practically swimming in her own blood and he was afraid of what would happen if she lost anymore. "Alana, let me see your wounds. I'll take care of them." He spoke quickly as he approached the woman, light already gathering in his hands. Healing her wounds would still be tiring, but it shouldn't be anywhere as difficult or tiring as healing Cassie's burns were. "Just stay still." He told her, fearing moving too much would make her bleed far more. He could heal her wounds, but he couldn't restore her blood.​


All the blood... all the pain... and all because someone had decided to steal away the Oracle who protected them from torture and obviously dead. Seeing so much terror, pain, blood... Shireen couldn't fathom why in the name of anything holy a person would wish to bring down such a calamity upon so many innocents. What were they wishing? World domination or some such? She didn't see how everyone been killed in their sleep would amount to much of a world being left behind.

And what of the evildoers? Weren't they suffering as well? Or did they have some sort of magic that protected them from the creatures that dwelled in ones deepest nightmares?

Thoughts muddling her mind like muddy water, Shireen could only watch as the others woke from her and Atum's calls. Thankfully the other healer, Darin, and the woman Catriona seemed to have returned. They didn't seem hurt, thankfully, and were heading to the others' aid. Ignoring the pain emitting from her chest and throat, she looked to those still on the floor- Rayela, Alana, Sindri, and the two men who were with Darin, Wymond and... she couldn't recall the last one's name in the current chaos. Each of them stained with blood, some more than others...

Seeing Atum had headed over to Alana, Shireen hurried over to one of the other two of the Norcrest group, crouching next to Sindri as he was closer to her than Rayela, the latter who seemed to be going through some intense trauma. "You alrigh- no, 'course you ain't." She frowned, catching sight of the blood on his sleeve. There were no visible injuries on him, at least that which she could see, then where did- "Sindri, you're hurt. Where?"


Alana Mcale
The gash on her shoulder was dripping blood quickly as it continued to stain her dress and drip down her arm. With the other hand she held tightly to it, hoping to some how stop the blood from flowing. It was painful. It was the first time she had ever been injured in such a way. It was the first time she had been injured in her sleep! Her nightmare had come true and now she had a wound from a blade that was only a part of her dream.

Her eyes scanned over everyone. It seemed that every single person that fell asleep had awoken with serious injuries. Alana winced once again as the pain in her shoulder began to increase. Atum approached her then and although he was part of her group, she couldn't help but attempt to move away from him. Her back pressed against the wall and her eyes opened wide as Atum's hands began to glow. "You can heal too?" she asked. She shouldn't be shocked that Atum had magic. Magic was everywhere now. It was only a matter of time, it seemed, until every single one of them began to demonstrate some supernatural ability.

Still, though she needed Atum's help, she was apprehensive. She wouldn't have let him get near her if the wound wasn't as deep as it was. She would have been willing to just tend to it herself but she needed medical attention or risk the wound festering. "Just...just don't touch me more than you have to."

Alana stood as still as possible though her body began to shake as Atum came closer. She wished she had better control over it but it wasn't something she had control over. As Atum's hands hovered over her shoulder with a bright light, Alana turned her head to look away. She didn't want to see the moment he touched her. "Please...please hurry." But the touch never came. Just a bright light that shined over her shoulder. Curiosity made her head turn back and she watched as the light in Atum's hands healed her shoulder and even the cuts across her legs and arms. Even the black veins on her face were gone.

Her eyes brightened as she looked towards Atum. "Thank you." Perhaps not all men were terrible beasts after all.

Alana's eyes moved to her side in search of Rayela but she wasn't near her. She searched for her until she found her a few feet away. "Atum, we have to help Rayela next."

Alana rose to her feet and began to slowly move into Rayela's direction. She seemed to be in some sort of panic. "Rayela," she called to her. "Rayela. It's Alana. It was a dream. It was just a dream." It was more than just a dream but Rayela needed to come back into the moment. "Atum needs to heal you."

Tags: @SkittlesAndSpike @Kat
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Rayela Alandir

Shaky and disturbed, her hands enveloped her small stomach, holding a human being inside her that was no longer there and would never return. The God of Death had punished her greatly and fooled her well. She'd been blind to her own happiness. Her own happiness among the tribe and Khalil had turned on her.

"Right," Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Only a dream."

Her hand went to her cheeks and wiped away at the dripping blood. Her son's blood was all over her hands and she could not clean up the mess she'd made. Khalil had made a decision to hunt her down and execute her. She'd made the decision to run away, and these nightmares were the consequences of her actions.

Rayela's hand rested back on her stomach as Alana came forward with Atum. She swallowed, mouth dry, hardly aware of what was going on around. She knew the people had to be healed, but it was not in her capacity to empathize with anyone at this time. All she could think about was her son's death.


Sindri instinctively flinched away as Shireen came over to him. In his head, he heard the words repeating themselves over and over. "They don't want you. We don't want you. Nobody wants you." As he flinched, another sharp pain lanced through his side and he began to cough. With each one, fresh pain blossomed across his ribs, culminating in a fresh spatter of blood across the floor in front of him. He looked up to Shireen, his frightened eyes searching hers for the scorn and disdain he knew were there. To her, to all of them, he was unneeded.

And so the genuine concern he saw reflected there threw his thoughts completely off the track they had been stuck on since he had awoken. He had been convinced that he would have to try and hide his wounds - after all, the extra burden of treating them may have been the last straw necessary for them to leave him behind - but what he saw in Shireen's eyes prompted him to carefully and gingerly pull up the side of his tunic, gasping with the pain that the movement caused. The right side of his chest was a sickening blend of purple and black, with unnatural indents where the blows had snapped the ribs inwards. Since he had awoken, it seemed as though the colour had become darker still.

"I dunno about you but I had a really rough night's sleep." The faint chuckle that coursed through his body brought on fresh spasms of pain, and a little more blood. He slumped back against the ground once the blood seemed to stop flowing. "I dunno how much use I'm gonna be with this."
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Greenie and Reina

The smell of blood and confusion permeated the air like smoke. The silent creaking of wooden floorboard and hushed murmurs sounded like thunder compared to the void of his dream.

Ardryan rested his back against a wall, somehow managed to pull himself up into a sitting position with his worryingly numb arms. He could barely feel the crimson soaking his clothes heavy. His face and hair were caked with dried blood, and he couldn't open his eyes. He heard Darin's approach rather than seeing it.

"Don't worry about me." Ardryan said, false bravado dripping like venom. "Looks worse than it is." Any moment now, he knew, he would go into shock. The fire in his veins bled through his skin with each breath.

"Shut up," Darin told him, "I warned the lot of you, and no one listened," that was the end of it. He knew there'd be no point in scolding them. They had experienced what he and Rion had, but some of them had in a larger way, "Don't move," he ordered as he placed his hands on Ardryan. Closing his eyes, he concentrated and reached into the well of power. With each use, it was getting easier. The familiar warmth of life flowed through him and into Ardryan. Only when it ceased did he open his eyes.

"What attacked you?" Darin inquired, "Whatever it did a number on you."

"There was no monster." Murmured Ardryan absentmindedly, marveling down at his wound miraculously stitching themselves back together like time being rewinded. The heat coursed through his body, an alien comforting river completely unlike the raging inferno he was familiar with. The pain flared up for an unbearable moment as feelings rushed back into his limbs, and was gone.

"There was nothing." Ardryan raised his head to meet Darin's gaze, puzzlement plain in his expression. "Nothing at all. Just me. I did this." The echoing guilt was distant, the enchantment of a dream shattered and swept away.

"There was a monster after all."

Catching the younger man's wrist in concern he asked: "Are you alright? There is a price to this...thing we can do. Are you alright?"

Nodding, Darin placed a hand on Ardryan's shoulder, "I'm fine. I'm not even sure mine has a price," he tried to recall a moment where he had to 'pay' something in order use this gift he'd been given, but he could not recall one, "If you feel up to it, I'm sure Catriona could use a hand. I need to see if I can tend to some of the others."

Ardryan rose with Darin's help, and the two parted toward other companions.

Collab with @DarinValore


"Well sh*t," Shireen muttered, seeing the bruises on the poor man's torso. "Well, I can say I didn' get a good night's sleep, but I sure as hell didn' end up as battered as you did." She frowned, wondering if either Atum or Darin would be able to help the two. Eyes shifting away from Sindri for a moment, she looked at the others once again.There were so many hurt people, so many rattled nerves and more, that her own bruises and emotions were hidden. She would make sure of it.

"We'll just havta get you fixed up then," she continued, returning her gaze to Sindri. She reached out and took a hold of his arm, steady but decisive. "We're gonna have t'do what we can. Ain' no livin' without sleepin, y'know? And there's no sleepin' if we're gonna end up murdered in dreams. So we havta find the oracle, an' for that we are going to need everyone's help, including yours."

She paused a moment, looking at him directly in his eyes. "Together, we can do it. I believe it." Whether her words were to convince him or really for her, she wasn't sure.

Letting go of Sindri's arm, Shireen stood up and looked around. "Atum, when you can, Sindri needs a little healin' as well."

@RJS @SkittlesAndSpike
"You're welcome," Atum replied to Alana. He wasted no time in turning to Rayela next, the lights in his hand persisting still. "Rayela," He spoke, unsure of what to say. Whatever came to her in her dreams left her nearly in nearly as bad of a condition as Alana. "It'll be was a're awake now." He didn't want to say it was just a dream. If it was anything like his before, it was personal.

Just like with Alana, once he was close enough the light began to flow towards Alana, enveloping her in a comforting warmth as it healed her wounds and soothe her soul. "The nightmare is over now." He spoke softly. He stayed until her wounds were but scars and she seemed calm enough, a sigh of relief leaving him as the light left her, receding back into his hands.

He'd leave her with Alana for now. Shireen had just called for help with Sindri and, truth be told, he wasn't sure he could care for her any more than he already did. He'd healed her and seemingly calmed her, the rest would take time. "Peace will come to you." He gingerly patted Rayela on the shoulder before turning to Shireen.

"Here I come," Atum called to her as he approached Sindri. Just like with the others, the light flowed into Sindri, offering comfort as it worked to heal his wounds and repair his body. Already he was feeling tired from healing so many people in a row, but it was nothing compared to yesterday. Cassey's wounds were much worse and took a lot out of him.

He just hoped they solved this problem soon. He wasn't sure they could survive another night of sleep.

Rayela Alandir

The warehouse was cold and deadly. Rayela's mind could not sit still even as Atum approached her. She flinched as he came down to a closer level, only for a mere moment when she felt the warmth from his hands begin to spread across her flesh like a feather. Her tears receded and she looked down when he patted her on the shoulder. All she wanted was peace, all she wanted was to be the wife Khalil could count on to be there for him and to bear his children.

"I'm sorry," she told Alana. "I thought you were the demon, but you were only trying to help."

She stood up, a little surprised at how well her foot felt. It didn't hurt any longer. Rayela glanced down at her foot and took off the bandage. Her foot was good as new. She smiled a little, the thought somewhat comforting. Magic was here; everyone had it. At least she didn't. Rayela wouldn't quite know what to do with herself if she realized she was more than a simple run away. Alana had healed though, that was all that mattered right now to Rayela.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Magic. You saved us all."

TAGS @Reina @SkittlesAndSpike
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Sindri coughed faintly, wincing as heat seeped into his chest. Painfully so at first, but as it continued the pain faded and his breathing began to ease. After a few minutes, the dark black bruising had faded and a ginger prod at his ribs yielded no pain. He looked up at Atum with gratitude, before climbing to his feet and pulling his shirt back down. As he cast his eye over the group, it seemed all of them had suffered to a certain extent. Most, if not all, bore a haunted look in their eyes that attested to the harrowing experience they had just survived. Sleep would never be something to be welcomed any more - not until they dealt with this problem. Nobody could stay awake for ever.

He looked over to the two newcomers that seemed to know the most about what had happened within the town of Westhollow. "So, you two seem to know the lay of the land around here. We need to find the princess. What's the plan?"
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Reina and Greenie
Darin sighed as he healed the last of the wounded. He and Atum had undertaken quite the task for men that had just discovered their gifts. Small beads of sweat had formed on his brow as he rose to his feet and rested his hands on his hips. But there still would be no rest for the weary.

Sindri was right. Now that everyone had been patched up, they needed to return to the task at hand. If he was correct, the princess was in Westhollow, but she would not be for long. Soon, the young girl and her captor would be swept away to another location and their trail would run cold. To find her again would be nigh impossible. It was tonight…or possibly never.

After giving Sindri a nod and wiping at the sweat on his brow, Darin spoke, "My first suggestion was to sneak into the brothel and rescue the Princess, but it might be more difficult with blood on clothes, and I'm not sure we have the time for that anymore. In less than an hour, a few of the Untamed will be escorting the Princess and her captor through the city and out the South Gate. If they clear the south gate, we could easily lose then in the forest between us and Agrenna, which is where I assume they're going," he paused and look around and the ragtag team of people.

"I think our best bet might be to target the group in transit. I know that Ardryan and Wymond can handle themselves in a fight," he eyed the older man. If it were not necessary, Darin would not have included him, "I saw a fletcher's shop not far from here where I can get some arrows for Catriona and me. We can take to the roofs. If Sindri and Atum can help Ardryan and Wymond, the four of you, with our cover, could punch through the Untamed, rescue the Princess. I don't expect them to have a large amount of men considering the necessity for secrecy, but I'm sure the men they choose will be good men. Once you have the princess, deliver her to Rayela and Alana. The two of them could sneak her off out and out of the city while the rest of us keep the Untamed focused on us. There's a cave to the south of town against a small ridge that they can hide in. Exit the city through the West gate and make your way there. When the sun comes up, whether we've rejoined you or not, return the Princess to her family."

Darin glanced toward Rion before turning his attention back to the room, "This is just what I'm thinking. Some of you might have a better idea. I'm just a hunter. All I know is we are running out of time, and if we fail, things will only get worse."
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Sindri's eyes strayed to his hammer as Darin spoke. Sure, he'd fended off a few bandits in his time, but these Untamed seemed significantly more confident and organised than anything he'd run into thus far. Running into the midst of them sounded like suicide. He'd have voiced as such were it not for the still painful memories of the previous night. Even if it was suicide, so was doing nothing. Even if the attacks in their sleep wouldn't kill them, the persistent fear and pressure of never being safe would. And if the old tales remained as true as they had been so far, the previous night would soon seem like a pleasant dream in comparison. A deep sigh escaped his lips. There was no other option. Once again, he found himself on a path where he had no choice but to follow it.

Actually....wait a minute. He cleared his throat "It's probably worth remembering that whatever happened to us will most likely have happened to them too. The old stories never mentioned any way of avoiding the terrors the Shadowmancer wrought. If they don't have anyone who possesses healing magic like you and Atum, then we may be dealing with people who are either wounded or tired. We can't bank on that, but it's a possibility.

As for getting the princess out...I'm not quite sure what I did yesterday but I managed to walk into a fire and out again without being burned. If you need someone to buy time to get her away...I'm probably the best bet."
After all, he could hardly turn to anyone else and say 'Sacrifice yourself so I can live.'


Shireen listened to both Darin and Sindri, frown creasing her forehead as she thought on the matter. She didn't have a bow and arrows to pick off the Untamed. It would make sense if she joined the four who would be distracting the Untamed whilst Rayela and Alana escaped with he princess. However, those two would then be in danger, just in case one or two of the Untamed slipped away. Her sword was got at cutting down enemies, but it would probably be put to better use keeping the other three safe. Rayela didn't know how to use a weapon, and if anything should happen, Alana would need help.​
Nodding at the two who spoke, she finally decided to say her piece as well. "Sounds fine. Me, I'mma head with the Princess, Alana an' Rayela. I'd feel better knowin' someone had their back just in case things go to sh*t an' the Untamed send out some scum their way."​
Putting her hand on the pommel of her sword, she looked straight at Darin, the seeming leader of the group, for any signs of disagreement. "Sounds about right, aye?"​


Ardryan struggled to his feet. He was light-headed from the blood loss, his face pale as a sick man, and even though the magick had miraculously healed him of his wounds he still felt drained, weak as a child and nearly dead on his feet. Contemplatively he eyed his short sword. The spear had been loss during the skirmish the night before, and he wasn't sure how much he could do with a sword in his condition.

The fire in his veins smouldered darkly, yearning, shimmering. The was a price to it, he knew. But duty was worth his life twice over, and Ardryan had risked his it for much less before. He figured that with the fire to wield against no more than a dozen men, he could make it last for a while. Enough to finish his duty.

"I can also stay behind to buy time, if need be. That gives us a much larger window of time to do what is needed." There was little chance he or the other man, Sindri would come out alive afterwards. An acceptable price.
As she stood by, holding still to the unused rag and bucket, watching the scene unfold Catriona's mind could form only one thought. She was of no use to these people. They seemed somehow resigned to their group, and she couldn't rightly blame them, she suppose... But for what was meant to be a rescue mission of sorts, for the safety and sanctity of all of mankind, she'd have hoped not to feel so intensely cut off from her companions.

The truth of the matter was, their mission was fated to fail if they couldn't work together, and prejudices and assumptions had already driven them to disregard and indecision. Darin, for all he tried, couldn't bind frayed cord... Their mission was of utter importance, but division put them at a disadvantage when already, they were severely out-manned and out-matched. The fleeting hope she'd felt back in the cave flickered and blew away like ash on the wind, and tears stung at her eyes as she blinked them away, rapidly.

The princess was their only hope and they were going to let her down because they couldn't get along. It was stupid. Absolutely stupid.

As Darin laid out the plan, she listened best she could, concentrating on the task at hand to keep her focus firm. It was, more or less, not much of a strategy, but it had the bones of success, provided they could keep things together amongst themselves. Her eyes flickered briefly to Wymond, and a frown creased her brow, before she turned to the crowd.

"...We need to lay aside our differences. Here and now. If we're going to do this... if we're going to succeed, it needs to be completely about the princess and nothing else. Not what happened to us in the past, not what we think about each other. That girl gave up everything to protect her people. It is the least we can do to lay aside ego and fear and doubt... to try and save her. And if we can't do that? Well... You've seen what happens first hand... and it will only get worse from here." Looking to Darin, she nodded, "We should go... We'll need to be quick, getting supplies if we're to be in position in time."

TAGS || @...everyone?, @DarinValore
The chaos of the night had finally died down leaving only a few stragglers left to sift through the ruin of their homes and businesses. The pyres outside the city were no more than smoldering piles of ash and bone and the people had returned to their homes to whisper about the last cup of wrath poured out upon the city by the witches they had burned at the stake. Children would hear of these tales from this generation on in attempts to scare them into submission. But not all of Westhollow was winding down.

Outside of the Untamed brothel stood two horses bound by thick leather straps to a wooden cart. Six menacing men stood around to escort it: two before the horses, two on either side of the cart, and two to trail behind. Their leader had been true to his word and provided an escort to see their guest safely, and quietly, through Westhollow before the first light of day.

"Come along, girl," Lady Vivianna tugged gently on the rope that linked her to the young princess. She usually preferred someone who fought against her, but for the sake of ensuring quick movement through Westhollow, she was glad the princess had surrendered to her fate.

Vivianna had just slid onto the bench and was tying Ayalaiah's rope to the wood before her when one of the Untamed approached, "Excuse me, Lady Vivianna," she turned and offered him an annoyed look. These men were beneath her, "we should get going."

"Thank you," she replied, that annoyance now transferring to her voice, "I can't leave this ruined little town fast enough, and your dismal excuse for hospitality has only reinforced why Agressans do not tolerate the presence of the Untamed within their borders," she turned her attention toward the streets as she picked up the reins, "Gods, I cannot wait to be home."

A small smirk turned up the corner of her lips as she watched the Untamed suppress his own annoyance. It was a great thing to be feared, and Vivianna had earned the type of reputation that demanded it. The list of people who could hold their own in combat against her grew smaller with each passing day. When the man turned and left to take his position, there was a tiny twinge of disappointment that struck her. She hadn't killed anyone since the guard in Norcrest and the itch had begun to rise.

The time finally came for the cart to begin its stealthy trek through the streets of Westhollow. The wheels creaked through the muddy pathways and those who were not indoors scattered like rats upon seeing the Untamed escorting the cart. No one, not even the guards, dared stop them.

Vivianna was enjoying the silence, humming a soft tune as the horses trotted on. When she noticed the Ayalaiah studying her secretly, she decided to strike up a conversation, "Do you like music, girl?" Despite her present company, it was still best not to call her by her title or name.

There was silence for a bit before an answer finally came, "Y-Yes."

"She speaks," Vivianna returned sarcastically, "Do you dream of music?" Ayalaiah pulled her arms as close to her body as she could within the confines of the rope before she shook her head. A sigh escaped Vivianna's lips as she shook her head, "That's a shame. Music is beautiful, gentle, intricate," she paused, "A sharp contrast to what you are used to, I'm sure."

"You know nothing of it," Ayalaiah snapped back showing life she had not had since her first attempts of resistance after her capture, "Because if you knew," she glared at Vivianna, "you would have left me to sleep. You have no idea what you've unleashed upon the world."

"Of course, I do. I just don't care," Vivianna said coldy, "I was tasked with your capture and I would have burnt the world to the ground or condemned it to whatever hellish fate I needed to in order to succeed," she paused to take notice of the shock on the princess's face, "You might think me a monster-"

"You have no idea what a monster really is, Lady Vivianna," her tone was cold, her eyes distant, "I have battled them, held them at bay, and prayed that some would never find me in the dark abyss that I have lived in. I have seen the most innocent of things turned vile, and I have seen the most hideous of creatures tear apart the innocent. You, Lady Vivianna, are no monster. You are nothing more than a scared, lonely woman looking for her place in a world that has no need of her. You have no loyalty. No family. No lover," she shook her head, "Not a monster. Just a sad creature."

"If you only knew half the things I've done, you'd change your mind about me," the assassin replied coolly, "I have murdered men while they slept, stole away children from under their parents' noses, ripped children from their mother's wombs. I am as monstrous as they come."

"And still," the princess raised her chin, "You are nothing."

Vivianna's jaw tightened, "I liked you better when you didn't speak," when she caught sight of the smirk that Ayalaiah wore, she slapped the young woman tearing a cry from her lips.

"Shh!" called one of the guards as the escort came to a stop in an alley way.

Despite the desire to snap at the man, Vivianna bit it back as she watched them search the shadows with their eyes. It was then, not distracted by the conversation she was having, that she felt the unease that often accompanied watching eyes. Turning to the princess, she pressed a finger against her lips, "Not a sound, girl," Ayalaiah squinted defiantly, but when the glint of one of Vivianna's daggers caught the torchlight, she squeezed her lips shut, "Good girl," Vivianna finished as she hopped off the cart.

The princess watched as her captor slid into the shadows as though it were a cloak to be donned. With the assassin gone, Ayalaiah's eyes searched the darkness for any clue as to what was happening. Suddenly a whoosh filled the air moments before an arrow slammed against the wooden cart between Ayalaiah's feet. She let out a cry of surprise despite the warning Vivianna had given her. The young woman's eyes stared at the shaft. Had it been a few inches either way it would have pinned her to the cart through her foot!

Scurrying back out of the bench and into the back of the cart, Ayalaiah did her best to hide. It wasn't until she brushed loose strands of golden hair from her face did she notice that the rope had been severed. The arrow had cut right through it! With her teeth, she frantically pulled the rope through the knot until it fell loose, and she was finally able to free herself from her bonds. Without a second thought, Ayalaiah lighted from the cart and vanished into the darkness leaving the sound of combat behind her.