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Here is the Sign Up, if you want to get the gist of what's going on then here is the interest check.


"Hello, I'm Mazzamette, the Host of lord Fantomas' BattleGAME!"

"Are you ready for the fight of your very world!"

"But first, you must enter your personal invitation"

"Hand it over and enter the first gate, but be ready, The BattleGAME Is not for the easily defeated"

Here's the character Sheet, if it looks similar I got it from Necropolis, his is so simplistic, its great. * means required
Name* (Real, nick, or both):
"What do you fight for?"*: (A general reason for character to fight)
Alignment (Your character's self interests define your alignment. Click on the link here for an alignment chart: Alignment ):
Characteristics (Another word for it is Personality, but put into single words):
History (A little about your character's past):
Abilities/ Magic (This would be a good idea):
Items (Any special items on your character):
Image/Description*: (If you can't seem to find the picture that fits your character then a small description will do)

EDIT: Here is the official RP: Welcome to the BattleGAME
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Every time I think this bitty is dead someone wants to raise it from the dead, so with that yes, multiple characters are allowed and it would be a team format if others wanted to get in on this but at this point I don't really know.
Well I'm going to bring in Kirin, Kei, Lexon, Nathan, and Cress, I think, if you don't mind, with possible cameos from Aliah and Hawk and maybe everyone else too. XD

So, just to clarify, we're starting out trapped in a destroyed city and whoever survives what the current antagonist is throwing at us gets to challenge said antagonist, right?
._. So I may have gotten stuck on another CS and forgot about my character for this...
I'll finish him up soon, I swear. >-< Just need to finish styling his weapons after mythology things and think of some kind of history for him.
Let me just put Kirin up here first... I'll add Kei and Nathan in a minute.

Name: Kirin Taka
Age: Probably about 22 or 23, he's not really sure.
Race: Human. Probably. At least mostly.

"What do you fight for?": Kirin fights for fun, for the challenge of it, to defy those who want to control him, to kill those who killed those he was protecting, and to protect the remnants from their deaths as well.

Alignment: Y'know, I never really figured this one out. He's probably chaotic neutral, but he also swings between neutral good and true neutral, depending on his mood--and whichever one is the most likely to get him what he wants. For the purposes of this fic... let's just go with chaotic neutral, i.e., He values his freedom over all else and will fight anyone who tries to restrict it. This will, naturally, extend to those under his care/command.

Characteristics: Independent, Occasionally Sadistic, Passionate, Competitive, Loves a Challenge, Arrogant, Commanding, Driven, Perfectionist, Obsessive, Protective of His People, Mysterious, Quiet, Wrathful.

History: He was born and raised here. He doesn't know his parentage, and he doesn't know his age. He chose his own name, and he's gathered other street rats, raised them up, taught them to fight, and together they've become something wonderful. Or at least, they were, before this jackass showed up.

Abilities/ Magic: Yeahhh, Kirin doesn't know much magic at all. What few cantrips he does know, he picked up from Nathan. Mostly, any abilities he has stem from his driven nature--if he's not the best at something, then what's the point of doing it at all? His obsessive nature has led him to specialize in weaponry--he can wield most weapons, but like any true street rat, his heart will always belong to his knives. And boy, is he good with them. His abilities, if transferred to any normal RP, would be in fact considered almost OP, although not beyond the limits of human ability. (I know people who are fast enough to hit me in the face before I can see it. Freaking high-degree martial artists.) His speed is his greatest asset, and he uses it to get in and out of range of his opponents before they can tell he was attacking in the first place. His preferred fighting style involves clean, "instant" kills to the throat, eye, heart, or back of skull, but he's also adept at inflicting many small injuries that cripple and slow an opponent until they bleed themselves out trying to fight him.

His magical abilities, although less developed than his fighting skills as they were more recently discovered, are almost exclusively used to enhance his physical attributes--speed, strength, agility, and perception, and he's trained as obsessively with these as he has with his knives, over the past few years.

Items: Knives. A lot of them. Most of them are concealed but there are a few in the open, as well. He's got one strapped to each calf, a brace of throwing knives on his thighs, several openly on his waist, one hidden in the small of his back, and more...elsewhere. He's also got a cloak, because he thinks it looks cool, it conceals his weapons, and it hides his smaller movements and confuses his opponents when he flutters it in their face. He's also got some light armor, nothing that would slow him down, but sewn inside his clothing so as to deflect or brace most blows that could cause damage.

Description: Kirin has dark, messy hair that just brushes his shoulders, combed to the side so as not to impede his vision. He's got startlingly silver eyes that hint at possibilities of fae blood in his lineage, and deep scars ringing both wrists, although he wears leather cuffs around each wrist precisely to hide these scars. He's tall, about 6'1", and has the lean, muscular build of a swimmer or a dancer.
*secretly edits abilities a tiny bit to better match the competition*
Rly? I was worried I'd be making him too weak to go up against, y'know, Elder Gods and their playthings.

He probably really is, honestly. I pretty much just have him at the peak of regular human ability...plus, I guess, the few little magical enhancers he uses. His greatest strengths are his mind and his ambitions--he's so driven to be good that he's got more experience than weapon masters twice his age.
Mine basically uses guns, with one particular ability that I'll be keeping to myself until I get the sheet up. So basically, in his normal state, mine would be no match whatsoever for Kirin unless he managed to get a point-blank shot.
actually, statistics says that even for point-blank shots, chances of actually getting hit (by a normal person, not an expert) are something like one in ten. And that's including everything nonfatal.
Well, he's been training for longer than a human lifespan, but he's not quite an expert. One of his guns ignores aim quite often (as long as it's in the ballpark), though you can "outsmart" it. That might be a pain for both sides actually.

But yeah, those odds are another reason for his extra ability. And no, I'm not adding all of this just to kill Kirin.
Just to clarify a few things, Disivira is a large city made up of nine rings, one of Fantomas' Vampir protect the entrance to the next ring, the first ring is decrepit due to it being the first stage and fighting has turned Contumacia into a wasteland. The further in the nicer and different each ring will be.
@Ody, sounds wonderful, let's do this.

@Takashi--I don't see why our characters don't just team up, assuming Kirin doesn't just ignore you and walk away--he only wants the big fish; everyone else should be fine, as long as they don't get in his way.
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All right! Let's get Kei and Nathan up in this bitch!!

Name: Kei Blackthorne
Age: Early hundreds.
Race: Wood Elf
"What do you fight for?":
"These people are evil of a kind I have not encountered before. They must be destroyed."
Additionally, he stands with Kirin. After all, someone has to act as moral compass to that maniac, and it's not like the rest of them are any better.

Alignment: Lawful Good--Neutral Good

Characteristics: Noble, Self-Sacrificing, Caring, Intuitive, Calculating, Intelligent, Insightful, Watchful, Perceptive, Solemn, Quiet.

History: Grew up with his family in the forest, child of a minor noble, left to wander the world and ended up joining up with Kirin and co. in this city after several wild adventures that have no particular relevance to the story but have left him vaguely wary of, well, most people.

Abilities/ Magic: He's an elf, even if that elf is barely a century old--and that means magic. Additionally, he's skilled with a longsword in one hand and a dagger in the other, as well as a long, katana-like blade he carries strapped to his back. He's fairly familiar with elemental magic, and can use this to great effect when in battle--although usually as a support character, since this takes plenty of focus, and he can't do much while distracted. He favors earth and water magic, as the two work better with his personality, and he struggles to tame air and fire both (because he hasn't learned, as yet, not to tame them but to work with them).As an elf, he also is preternaturally charming and silvertongued, although he's not likely to use this to talk people into doing things, and because of his forest heritage he's exceptionally lightfooted, silent, and fast even among the rubble of the ruined city.

Items: Aforementioned weapons. Longbow. Light armor. Several small daggers (not as many as Kirin).

Description: Long, straight, dark brown hair that falls to the middle of his back; he keeps this tied back with a strip of leather. Slanted green eyes typical of wood elves. A long scar that slants across his chest from just under his left collarbone to right above his right hipbone, and a myriad of tiny white scars that crisscross his back and wrap around his sides and shoulders.
Name: Nathan Hiltoka
Age: Probably 21
Race: Human. Again, mostly. Probably.

"What do you fight for?": Kirin. And his survival.

Alignment: Lawful neutral--True Neutral.

Characteristics: Detached, fragile, distracted, intense, emotionally intelligent, incredibly good at reading people, insightful, wandering mind.

History: One of Kirin's strays--the second, actually, and he's been with Kirin ever since. He's one of the only people who can come even close to matching Kirin's speed or finesse with a blade, and they train together frequently.

Abilities/ Magic: Knifework, mental magic. Really powerful mental magic. Passive and active telepathy, mental manipulation. When he's fully there, anyway, which he finds...difficult.

Items: Knives. Some light armor, maybe. A bag with which to carry stuff. Really, he usually stays out of direct combat, so he travels light.

Description: Dark, messy hair, longer than Kirin's but shorter than Kei's; strange, naturally golden eyes; semi-pale skin; small, lithe build that seems fragile somehow. More feminine features than most.
@LadyAdain Looks like you got a bit of a posse going, this will be fun. Great Job so far I really can't wait to get this story going.
I have an entire guild of characters I can bring into this--seriously, I can bring up at least six more and we can roll with that. The reasoning here, of course, being that they act together with Kirin as head, making them closer to a single character.

Yes? No? Maybe? Let me know--based on the number of others who reply, I can add or detract as necessary.
Okay, I'm just going to add one more for now, so you can meet our four main fighters, and now that I've accidentally made an intro post into the Game with Lexon in it...

Guys, meet Lexon.

Name: Lexon Skynner
Age: 25
Race: Tiefling

"What do you fight for?": "Uh, my survival? And because it's fun."

Alignment: Chaotic good.

Characteristics: Easily entertained, always looking for a laugh, amused by everything, morbid, funny, talkative, chaotic, liable to do just about anything if it promises more entertainment or could be funny, protective of his people, pyromaniac, explosions expert.

History: He was one of the few volunteers from his realm because no one else wanted to do it, because it seemed interesting, and because, although he'll never admit to it, he wanted to protect his home. He doesn't have a family or anything, so he thought that he'd rather be one of the ones to fight and die than someone with someone to miss them back home. He survived long enough in the first circle of the city to catch Kirin's attention, and then ended up getting himself recruited instead of slaughtered.

Abilities/ Magic: Bombs. Fire. Everywhere. Additionally he's good with his knives and crossbow, and is the group's trap specialist. He's got so many of these alleyways rigged that these traps alone should take out a solid third of the competition. Oh, and as a tiefling, his natural element is fire, so he's usually only singed by anything he may or may not get caught in. Maniacal laughter included.

Items (Any special items on your character): Knives, explosives, more explosives, several lengths of wire, matches, flint--essentially anything you can think of that might catch on fire or explode.

Description: Lexon is unusually normal-looking for a tiefling--the only real signs of his heritage are the twin horns curving out of his ash-blonde hair, and his steel-blue eyes that flicker oddly in the light sometimes. Like most of the survivors here, he's made out of whipcord and steel, without an extra ounce on him, although this looks pretty natural on his short frame--he's only 5' 9".
Name* Augusta Boulos

Age*: 24

Race*: Human

"What do you fight for?"*: Augusta wishes to protect her world from a premature demise. She is risking her entire being and soul to protect her world. If she's victorious in this grand tournament, will it all have been worth it? She wishes to protect friends and serve her Goddess, and she can't do that dead. She also has dreams she wants to live out herself.

Alignment: Lawful Good. (possessed Chaotic Evil)

Characteristics: Kind, Trusting, Forgiving, Hopeful, Sincere, Ethical, Slightly Naive, Emotional (Normally under stress).

History (A little about your character's past):
Augusta was born into the life of a priestess, to serve the Goddess of life, Arsura who cherishes charity, healing, peace, and compassion for all things. As a Priestess of Arsura, she was taught these virtues and lives to protect and help others. She lived her early life entirely on temple grounds. It wasn't till she was 12 and skilled enough in healing she was able to do charity work. This involved healing the sick, injured, caring for the elderly, feeding the poor and more. She was well liked inside her home city and is known for her kindness all around.

Augusta carries the burden of the Curse know as, The Heretic seal of Bel. This seal is soul reason she is able to enter this Tournament. This seal is one that destroys life and brings ruin to one's own. The seal became her burden 5 years ago when she saw an old man suffering in the street one night. She ran over to him and asked him what was ailing him. He told her how for years he traveled with The seal of Bel and how he regrets dealing with Demons. He was greedy for physical power and met an Imp one day traveling a forest. It leads him to a cave far off the road. Deep inside the cave that was guarded by the dead, Was a sword larger than anyone thought was practical. The man gripped the sword after coaxing from The Imp and his life was changed. He gained great power, but risk losing his humanity. He had suffered because of it and now old age and stress of the curse were finally weighing its toll. If he was to die Bel would take his body and rampage as long as possible until severe decay.

Augusta wishing to help the old man, offers herself to him. She would bear his burden and relieve him off suffering. He hesitated upon giving Augusta the curse but knew the consequences. She radiated purity unlike he did when he took the curse, she may be bear it and suppress the beast which is Bel. She took the curse and was branded with a red seal on each hand. She took the man to the temple and showed the high Priestess the Seal. She knew of seals like it and how they devoured the bear in the end and brings only misery. The High Priestess regretfully exiled Augusta and she's travel with it ever since. She has used its power for good but has lost control a few times before. She killed people she wanted to help, to save and she has all their blood on her hands. She has made friends, all people unfortunate like her.

Abilities/ Magic:
Heretic Seal of Bel - This cursed seal drain one's body and mind, in return it's granted the bearer, increase physical abilities such as strength and endurance. This is, however, only when she wields Bel. Bel also shields the user in a layer of magic that allows one to fight with much armor.

Possession Mode: This is when Bel is at the wheel of Augusta and it destroys all in its path. When this happens her body becomes red and white horns appear on the side of her head, resembling buffalo horns. Her nails sharpen and her veins pop. She's faster and stronger in this state but loses her sense self-making her more of like a beast.

Healing: She is able to heal but unlike she was before she gains the Seal of Bel. It interferes with her healing magic and dampens it. Healing a person is a long process for her now and nowhere as quick as it used to be.


Bel - A demon sword that is alive and whispers tales of destruction and mayhem into the wielders ear. It loves combat and yearns for blood. If it is able to to be summoned when the bearer hands are as they are holding its hilt and its name is spoken. it is formed from chaotic red energy that takes form as a massive 5'10 sword. Its hilt is green with gold chains and its body a dark gray. It looks rough, frightful, and powerful. This weapon is more like a giant clever than a sword. Its body is covered is red glowing seals.



(Augusta is beautiful, has long black hair down to her back, olive skin and red eyes(from Bel) and is 5'8 inches tall. She wears decorated deep red clock, a white long skirt that covered her lower body (unlike the picture), a necklace with a red crystal attached, and white fabric like her skirt wrapped around her chest keeping it covered. She wears sandals made from tanned leather.
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I am ever so sorry for my long absence from Iwaku. I will have a reply up as soon as I can. Hopefully before work, but no promises.
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[And here's the resident half-demon gunner. Finally.]


Age*: 149

Race*: Half-Demon
"What do you fight for?"*: To prove himself.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Characteristics: determined

Luciel came from a quite… unconventional home, being raised by a human mother, with the occasional visit from a demon. A demon that was apparently his father. Luciel never really believed this until about his third year of school. That was when he accidentally let loose something… something he was later told was called Nightmare. All he can remember is waking up, sitting in the middle of his classroom in a pool of his classmates' blood.

His best friend, who had hidden himself under the teacher's desk, survived. He told the principal, and when the man saw the classroom, Luciel was immediately bound in chains and sent away to a small facility where they researched beings of "extraordinary" capabilities. He wasn't there very long though, because his father actually went there himself. And, after quite a few bodies hit the floor, he took Luciel with him. Back down to Hell.

There, young Luciel was taught to control his power, as well as educated in the ways of magic as well as normal human education. Luciel never quite took to magic, save for a couple spells. So his father, being the heartless generous demon that he is, gifted three weapons to his son. Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Bolverk. And so, Luciel has been training with them for some 130+ years. Recently though, he has been sent back to the human realm by his father, in order to prove himself. And now he has found his way to the city of Disivira, and the battle being held there.

Abilities / Magic (This would be a good idea):


This ability doubles the power of one's eyesight.

Basics: increased accuracy


What happens when you shoot both guns in the same direction at the same time? A long ranged chaotic homing shot. This ability allows the two shots to combine into one, showcasing the potency of each.

Basics: combo

[Jormungandr] Serpent's Fang

Infuses the shot with a highly potent poison called Eitr. Just how potent is it you ask? Well, after being shot, one might take around nine paces before their death.

Basics: deadly poison

[Fenrir] Unbound Chaos

When the chains binding Fenrir are broken, all Hel (hehe dumb Norse mythology pun) breaks loose. This shot is enough to cause the victim's brain to immediately fry itself upon contact with the skull. Or if it happens to hit the chest or other important places on one's body, it will likely cause the organ to burst, collapse, or bleed heavily. But you can be sure that this is not something to mess around with.


This is an ability that hands over control of the body to his inner demon. Since he is half demon already, this can be even more serious than possession. Depending on the demon in question, of course. When using this ability, a thick black haze will cover the area, nearly blinding foes. Once there is a sufficient cover of haze, Luciel will begin to change into his Nightmare Form, which can be found below his normal appearance. His guns are replaced by two darkness blades, manifested from deep within his soul. He also gains uncanny speed and strength, completely changing specialization. He is also granted limited control over the haze that has been released. However, he loses his humanity while in this state and will attack anyone and anything he senses, including allies. Luciel despises even the thought of using this ability, but sometimes he just has to. This form can be likened to a starving beast, insatiable and bloodthirsty without restraint.

Basics: demonic power, blinding, mindless


[glow=#54ff00]Twin Children of Loki[/glow]


[glow=#51c8ff]Jormungandr: World Serpent[/glow]

Jormungandr is a very long range weapon that fires a homing shot. The energy shot from this gun, if fired anywhere within a 3ft radius around the target, will aim itself towards the target. Though it cannot do nearly as much damage as Fenrir, this feature still makes it a highly useful weapon.

Basics: long ranged homing shot

[glow=#d0e4ed]Fenrir: Wolf of Chaos[/glow]

The icy silver embrace of Fenrir is sometimes enough to drive one insane. This particular gun fires an unstable energy shot that doesn't go very far, only about 25ft, but delivers some serious damage to anyone who happens to be shot by it. Essentially what Fenrir does is confuse the victim's brain into destroying the body from the inside out. Most common results are heart failure, lungs collapsing, and other undesirable ailments. It is not always immediately fatal, but will likely set in motion the victim's undoing. The gun also has a set of magical chains binding it that are invisible to most beings, unless they have magic vision, until they are broken.

Basics: short range, causes organ failure, "natural" causes of death


[glow=#99ffdd]Bolverk: Indiscriminate Destroyer[/glow]

Bolverk, meaning evildoer, is the name that Odin once used to infiltrate Jötunheim in order to steal back the mead of poetry. When he found nine slaves working wearily in a field, he offered to sharpen their scythes with his whetstone. The slaves were so impressed with the sharpness of their blades after Bolverk had honed them that they asked for the whetstone. Odin-Bolverk threw it up in the air. As they scrambled to catch it, the nine workers managed to kill each other with their scythes. Thus Odin-Bolverk was able to ingratiate himself with their master, Baugi, who now had no workers and was glad to employ the stranger. He offered to do nine men's work. As a reward for his work, Baugi eventually led Odin to the cave where the mead of poetry was hidden.

Thus, this gun is nine times as powerful, and when it's done its job, it reaps its reward. The reward it demands is nine men's strength. Basically, it will take nine days for Luciel to be back at full strength, after him fainting immediately after using it. This makes Bolverk a crippling disadvantage in battle, a last resort weapon.

Basics: extremely powerful, high recoil, nine days cooldown

Blades of Darkness

These are crude swords made out of crystallized darkness. They have no real special abilities other than being quite deadly to anything holy in nature. They are very sharp, and don't dull though. These blades can also be produced from the black haze covering the area at will, in case Luciel has been disarmed.




Nightmare Form

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@LadyAdain First and foremost, don't worry about the numbers as long as you can have fun, Digging Lexon.

@Cush Almighty Pretty cool so far, and thanks for taking interest.

@Kelsi Kitsune Well post whenever you're ready, I'm sure it will be great.

@Takashi A long wait to be sure but worth it, I can't wait to see what he'll do in the BattleGAME.
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