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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Here is the Sign Up, if you want to get the gist of what's going on then here is the interest check.


"Hello, I'm Mazzamette, the Host of lord Fantomas' BattleGAME!"

"Are you ready for the fight of your very world!"

"But first, you must enter your personal invitation"

"Hand it over and enter the first gate, but be ready, The BattleGAME Is not for the easily defeated"

Here's the character Sheet, if it looks similar I got it from Necropolis, his is so simplistic, its great. * means required
Name* (Real, nick, or both):
"What do you fight for?"*: (A general reason for character to fight)
Alignment (Your character's self interests define your alignment. Click on the link here for an alignment chart: Alignment ):
Characteristics (Another word for it is Personality, but put into single words):
History (A little about your character's past):
Abilities/ Magic (This would be a good idea):
Items (Any special items on your character):
Image/Description*: (If you can't seem to find the picture that fits your character then a small description will do)

EDIT: Here is the official RP: Welcome to the BattleGAME
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@Takashi It's no ones fault but my own it is an interesting premise but sadly I dropped the ball on execution, I would love to continue this but I understand that if nobody wants to be apart of this anymore.

So with that to you and anyone else reading this, if you want to continue I'd be more then happy to keep going with you, but don't force yourself if you feel like it isn't working out for you. It saddens me that this didn't go anywhere but at the same time I understand that there are better role-plays by better GMs out there and you guys should be having fun and if I ain't the guy for that then I completely get it.
I still want to continue, I dont mind if the RP moves slow, I have been very busy lately so its no big deal for me.
Well personally, I'd love to continue as well. The lack of posting for two weeks on my end wasn't helpful I'll admit, but I'll definitely refrain from doing that in the future. Or at least, I'll tell you all if I need to go on hiatus or something.