A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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Yuri cleaned the table off and the counters. He nodded, putting a gentle hand on Kiari's arm. "Shigure's right." He said softly.

Ziekonry stood with slight difficulty. "I tried to say that." He mumbled, turning and going upstairs to his own room.
She pouted,"fine, but leave the dishes and everything for me to do in the morning before school" she said with a soft commanding voice.

Shigure led her upstairs to her room and left her, heading back downstairs.
Yuri sighed, cleaning off the table as everyone left the room. He wiped the counters off, then washed a few of the dishes. He was sure to leave some for her, as not to make her upset.

Ziekonry lay on his stomach, half-asleep on his bed.
After Kiari took about a half an hour to get ready she climbed into bed, waking up in the morning before everyone else. She began to clean the dishes and the table before getting ready for school and knocking on each of the boys doors to wake them up. Breakfast was set up down stairs and she didnt want it to get cold.
Yuri climbed sleepily out of bed. He got dressed, brushing his hair. As he entered the kitchen, he smiled softly. "Oh Miss Kiari, you didn't need to do this for us.." he said in a quiet voice.

Ziekonry stayed asleep, not wanting to go to school.
She smiled,"I really dont mind at all" she said happily. She giggled happily with a bug smile.

After a while of not seeing ziekonry she went upstairs and knocked again.
Yuri smiled, starting to eat quietly. He watched Kiari leave and sighed, knowing Zie would probably not want to be at school again for a bit.

Ziekonry shifted, but stayed in bed, muttering softly.
After knocking on the door for quite some time she sighed and opened it up,"Ziekonry!" She said
Ziekonry rolled onto his shoulder, rubbing his eye sleepily. "Whaa..." he muttered groggily, yawning. He was still wearing his clothes from the day before, though they were wrinkled now.
She groaned and walked over to him,"com'mon Zie we need to get going" she said.
Sitting up, he winced a little. "Go where...?" He muttered sleepily, ruffling his hair with his hand.
"School" she said, going into his closet and grabbing his uniform before hanging it on the door frame,"comeon Ziekonry"
Zie groaned softly. "Do I have to?" He looked up at her weakly with sad eyes.

Yuri finished eating and grabbed his backpack, checking what was in it.
She frowned,"how's your back feeling?" She asked.

Shigure got up and rubbed his eyes as he went down stairs to the brekfast table.
"Sore..." he said quietly, yawning as he rubbed an eye. His white hair was a mess, about the same as his clothes.

Yuri looked up. "Good morning Shigure." He said, looking back at his backpack.
"Ok well I'll give you some pain killers but only if you get up and ready" she told him, trying to bribe him with pain relief.

Shigure smiled,"hello yuri, what is that heavenly smell?" He asked, raising his nose to the sky.
Ziekonry still seemed hesitant. "Fine..." he muttered quietly, managing to weakly stand. He walked over to the closet, grabbing the uniform shirt. He looked at it a moment, then pulled his t-shirt over his head, sliding the other over his shoulders and starting to button it. "School..." he muttered under his breath with a sigh.
She walked out to allow him to get dressed and grabbed the pills. She slipped the bottle in her pack just in case he needed any more throughout the day. She had bandaged him all up last night so she hoped no body slapped him on the back or anything,"Zie come down your breakfast will get cold!" She called before walking in to see shigure and Yuri by the table. She smiled and sat behind her food to eat,"how'd you all sleep?" She asked.
Yuri finished checking his backpack and just sat back down as Kiari walked in. "I slept well, did you?" He asked with a soft smile.

Ziekonry managed to finish getting dressed before he smoothed his hair a little. Stumbling, but not falling, down the stairs, he got a glass of milk before sitting by his breakfast. He relaxed a little. Kiari was still cooking...she had good cooking. He silently took a bite, letting the delicious flavor dance around his mouth.
She nodded,"well, I was awoken by some stumbling around but I was able to quickly fall asleep again" she said with a smile.

Shigure watched as Ziekonry sat down and he could see the smile tugging on his lips at the sight but when Zie sat down he saw him relish in the amazement of how good the food was, after all the three were very much used to ramen and take out.
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