A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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"That's good." Yuri said, looking over at Zie, who was already almost through eating.

Ziekonry took the last bite of his breakfast before sighing softly, sipping on some milk. "That was delicious...thanks Kiari.." Ziekonry said in an almost shy voice.
She nodded and smiled at Ziekonrys compliment before snapping her fingers and looking at the ceiling,"would you two mind going to the market with me after school, the kitchen is almost bare and I want to know what you guys like to eat" she said with a bright smile.

Shigure smiled and chuckled at Ziekonrys shy disposition around her,"I think thats a wonderful idea. Kiari but dont you have work?" He asked.

She nodded and pursed her lips,"but I think I'll have enough time to run the groceries back here and get there on time.
"We can go with you." Ziekonry nodded.

"And we'll bring the groceries back, and you can go to work without fear of being late." Yuri added with a smile.

Ziekonry nodded in agreement, actually agreeing for once, looking up at Kiari.
She blushed and smiled,"really? Thank you boys, but before any of that we have to get through school, I'll wash the dishes then we can go ok?" She offered with a smile. She began picking up all of the empty dishes, taking them to the kitchen and scrubbing them clean before leaving them inbthe rack to dry, grabbing her case before meeting them outside.
Ziekonry had his bag on one shoulder and was sitting on the steps, eyes closed, head tilted back slightly in the sun.

Yuri had been reading from his English book, but looked up as Kiari came outside. "Ready to go Ms. Kiari?" He asked with a small smile.

Zie blinked lazily, sitting up and looking up at her.
She nodded and smiled at them,"thank you for waitin for me, I hope I didn't troubke you" she said as she held out her hand to help him up.
Ziekonry gently took her hand, standing. "Not at all." He said with a slight smile.

Yuri's smile faded slightly, but it was still there, faintly. "Right. We should get going though." He added.
After helping Ziekonry stand she extended it out to Yuri who was just getting readyvto stand up. She smiled brightly,"yes, we should" she said softly, hoping he would take her assistance.
Yuri hesitated, then took her hand, standing. "C'mon." He said, smiling a little more and starting down the path to school.

Ziekonry looked up at the sun, running a hand loosely through his hair before following after.
She could feel the tense air, and her being a complete air head couldn't tell if it was because of her. She pursed her lips and bit on the inside of bher cheek as she pondered why they could be fighting. But when she couldn't come up with squat she sighed and asked a question to break the silence,"so will I ever get to meet other Sohmas?"
Yuri looked over at her. "Umm... I don't know. You should probably ask Shigure about that."

Ziekonry looked away. "As long as I don't have to go." He cross his arms. He stared at the ground as they walked.
She nodded to Yuri then chuckled at Ziekonry's comment,"why wouldn't you want to go?" She asked, chuckling. Kiari walked between them, trying to make their walk enjoyable.
"I'm a cat." He muttered quietly, staring at the ground.

Yuri gently nudged her arm, shaking his head slightly as to discourage her. "Not right now." He whispered, though he looked more sympathetic than anything.
She gazed at Zie until she felt Yuris nudge, causing her to slip her gaze to him. She nodded in understanding before looking ahead, the air was so tense and she had no way to ease it.
Ziekonry sighed softly, pausing to tie his shoe.

Yuri didn't even glance back, continuing to walk as if he didn't even see Ziekonry stop.

Once he finished tying his shoe, he rest his forehead on his knee, willing himself to just make it through the school day.
She stopped though, she gazed back at him sadly and when he rested his forehead on his knee she rushed back,"hey if you are hurting too much you can go back home, I don't want you straining yourself" she said, concern lacing her tone.
Ziekonry shook his head, pausing before looking up at her. "I'm...I'm fine." He said quietly. "I just don't like school." He stood, smiling weakly at her, though his eyes were duller than his weak smile.
She held her sad and worried expression,"me and Yuri are there, you can stay near one of us or we can all just stay together if you'd like?" She offered, forcing a small smile but genuinely meaning that she would love to have Zie and Yuri by her side.
Yuri stopped a little ahead, waiting for them silently.

Ziekonry stared at her a moment, and his eyes softened a little. "O..okay..." he gave in quietly, still smiling weakly. "Sticking by you, maybe school won't be as killer." He said softly, jokingly.
She smiled and held out her hand to help him back up,"I'm here for you, you dont have to go through anything alone" she said with a sincere smile.
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