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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
View attachment 238798I love memes like this lmaooo.

I gotta draw more of Ezzie, their profile image is the only ref I have of them rn u__u

Is everyone here cool with their ocs being sketched? :0 wanted to ask before any possible doodles

Sketch away! Says the guy whose characters are arguably the most complex to draw, lol
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It's important to know that when I set an official date to do something, the universe likes to do everything in it's power to stop me from doing it on time. D:< in this case, I spent sunday evening/monday morn in the ER so I am a little CATAWAMPUS and behind. (No worries! just turned out to be a really bad ulcer flare up! i have to remember to take my meds every day >_>)

THAT SAID IMMA TRY AND CATCH UP ON READS THIS EVENING and hopefully have some brain power left over for posting myself! O:

also, i am too lazy to dig up pictures right now, but here is where Cat and Nitau'li fall on the diagram. >:D Take it as you will.

It's important to know that when I set an official date to do something, the universe likes to do everything in it's power to stop me from doing it on time. D:< in this case, I spent sunday evening/monday morn in the ER so I am a little CATAWAMPUS and behind. (No worries! just turned out to be a really bad ulcer flare up! i have to remember to take my meds every day >_>)

THAT SAID IMMA TRY AND CATCH UP ON READS THIS EVENING and hopefully have some brain power left over for posting myself! O:

also, i am too lazy to dig up pictures right now, but here is where Cat and Nitau'li fall on the diagram. >:D Take it as you will.

View attachment 238947
You were in the ER?! TOT Oh geez I'm glad you're ok! Have you ever had ulcers before? This thing new?
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You were in the ER?! TOT Oh geez I'm glad you're ok! Have you ever had ulcers before? This thing new?

I've been having the owies since 2021, and I've been on some meds the past few months that were working well. But I forgot to take them consistently and the owies came back nasty bad, so we basically confirmed O_O As long as I remember to take the meds I'm good.
Take your time to get better, owl mom! Don't push yourself <3 And don't forget your meds!

Also I figured I needed to get in on this! There isn't an option for "Ew! Greasy food that might touch me!" so it's gotta be somewhere near just getting a coffee and ignoring everyone else so as to not have to touch fast food
Zarko your rp response had be absolutely thriving! I loved the detail and I'm always a sucker for natural sciences!
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Random things that Clem's parents did that affected Clem a lot (Just felt like sharing things about Clem's childhood):

1. When Clem started her period, Clem's dads freaked the heck out and then promptly put her on a birth control that stopped said periods. They then never told Clem WHY she was bleeding and how it's actually a normal thing that happens to human females. Clem kind of just thought that she had some kind of illness that caused such a thing to occur, and the pills were the only thing keeping her alive...anyways Clem forgot to bring said pills with her to The Iris so she's gonna have a surprise in a month-

2. Clem's dads never taught her how to swim. This is because her dad's didn't know how to swim themselves. I just feel like Bereens don't really have a cowabunga beach party swimming culture like humans do, or at least Bereens in Merth CM don't. They invented submarines and boats for a reason...also they told Clem that humans have a very high chance of drowning so it was too dangerous for her to try. Clem honest to god thinks that human's generally can't swim.

3. Clem was told that humans couldn't drink milk after a certain age. This is because when Clem's dads tried to feed her milk when she was 3, they gave her too much and she threw up, so Clem's dads interpreted that as, "oh no! The milk must be toxic for her now!" Clem now thinks that all humans past 3 years old are lactose intolerant. (This is probably the funniest one).
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Hey, how is everyone?
Hey, how is everyone?
I'm doing good! I'm waiting for the RP to continue in Route B. who are we waiting on right now in both RPs, I wonder?
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Not sure yet, honestly
I know I owe a post for Team A, I've just had a busy week 😩
I'll be posting today though (probably, hopefully lol)!
Totally get it lyrik, I've had the busiest week too!
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It's me, I am the one we're waiting for 😂 my human meat suit has not been cooperating and I've been fighting fatigue! Ò◇Ó Luckily no one actually HAS to wait for me, everyone is free to post willy nilly, it's easy for me to catch up! I am also always available for plotting if anyone needs tips or help on what to do next in their posts.

In Route B, I believe we're also waiting for @Reliance , correct? They haven't posted in there in a while. @metal box nomad in route A hasn't posted at all as well, I think?

Anyways, I'll wait to add to the RP when @Karo adds her piece. (I really hope these individuals don't get upset with me tagging them. sometimes one simply needs a reminder though.)
I'm just trying to figure out what to do with Renai next
Group A is our slower group of posters, so it def wont develop at the same pace as group B >:3 but that's okay, cause they're both following along different plotlines. related, but different >:D
In Route B, I believe we're also waiting for @Reliance , correct? They haven't posted in there in a while. @metal box nomad in route A hasn't posted at all as well, I think?

Anyways, I'll wait to add to the RP when @Karo adds her piece. (I really hope these individuals don't get upset with me tagging them. sometimes one simply needs a reminder though.)
I haven't posted in a bit but don't believe anyone is waiting on me

I do plan on posting soon

Edit: it's been a few weeks since the last IC post so am going to stop checking but hope everyone is doing okay and that we get to write together again
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I think so, but she's still kind of hidden
Goodness, it's been a while. How are all of you doing? OwO