• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sure, I'm down!
Yay! Kuno's willing! ^o^

Hopefully Karo will get back to us as well. If Karo says they're still down then we should only be about two members short. That's still plenty of us to continue on with things! (I say this because I believe that Reliance and Metal Box Nomad are possibly gone for good, as they haven't been back on Iwaku in a while…like, a long while)

But until then, I shall be patiently waiting for those in Team B to write their pieces (Specifically Diana. 👀), as I've already written and posted something myself.
I'll also be watching Team A on the sidelines! Looking forward to how things develop on their end!

Aight, I got one post down in Team A. I've got a feeling Teck's player is gone gone, so I've used Teck as an NPC. Since they never posted in the rp itself, I'll be able to just draw inspiration from their original concept and write my own version of him. O:

Everyone else has been recently active on site, so Imma give a bit more time to pop back up before I make any final choices on their charries!

Aight, I got one post down in Team A. I've got a feeling Teck's player is gone gone, so I've used Teck as an NPC. Since they never posted in the rp itself, I'll be able to just draw inspiration from their original concept and write my own version of him. O:

Everyone else has been recently active on site, so Imma give a bit more time to pop back up before I make any final choices on their charries!
Ooo! Yay, nice! I DO have some ideas in mind for you on the chance that the last two don't return, by the way. May I message you these ideas and give ya some plot bunnies?
Ooo! Yay, nice! I DO have some ideas in mind for you on the chance that the last two don't return, by the way. May I message you these ideas and give ya some plot bunnies?

oh yeah you can send them my way 😂 I have some ideas myself already, but I always like some extra
She's precious!

You are welcome to do Zosimos and K.A.R.A. if you like! I don't have any references for them other than the ones I used in their bios though. I will answer any questions you might have with descriptive info.
Any descriptive info would be great, especially potential differences between imagined design vs the found art used.

Zosimos will especially be a treat to design! The reference you use for him has a lot of interesting elements I'd love to play around with. K.A.R.A would also be fun to play with; I haven't drawn especially robotic characters before!
For Zosimos, I based the character on the picture instead of the other way around, so I don't have any differences between his imagined design vs. the art.

Sakhmetneferu looks similar to this,

1699006656406.png 1699007655135.png

but without the translucent blue elements. She has a regular panther tail and paws. She is ivory white with softly-glowing pupil-less blue eyes. If you like, you can add gold line accents with an Art Deco style to her body, using the line art on Zosimos' headdress and pauldron as a basis. I haven't mentioned such accents in her descriptions in the RP yet, but if you decide to add them and they come out looking cool, they'll become canon. 😸 You are free not to add them if you think a sleek, unadorned form works better artistically.

The dragonfly cybertulpas are the same color as Sakhmetneferu and would have the same sort of gold accents as Sakhmetneferu (if you use them in her picture), with translucent veined wings. They would look much like normal dragonflies, but with the same kind of sleek, minimalist aesthetic Sakhmetneferu has. They are the size of normal dragonflies. You don't need to include them in your artwork if you don't want to, since they do not have sophisticated personality algorithms.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

K.A.R.A. looks like her picture. If you have any questions about her, I'll put them to ChatGPT and see what it says. 😃


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