Knight on Time

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Mariland smiled a bit. "That's quite impressive. This world is amazing and has many improvements." She said warmly.
Joel left it at that, not particularly feeling like being a Debby Downer at the moment. He took one of the faster ways to Walmart. The parking lot was huge, and it looked like the building was even bigger.
Mariland was mildly amazed at the size of the building. She hadn't seen a building so large in some time. "This is....a store?" she asked as they pulled into the parking lot.
He nodded, smiling a little at her amazement. "Sure is. It has everything from food to electronics to clothes to athletic stuff and then some. It basically has everything anyone could want. Except too fancy things," he added. "It doesn't have too many of those." He tried to find a parking spot that was fairly close to the building. It was difficult.
She was just amazed at it as she looked at the store. "So is quite amazing," She said, "This looks like a capital market rather than one single store...that is so much. They must work quite hard to keep it all going."
Joel nodded as he continued to cruise up and down the parking lanes. "Yeah, I'm sure it takes an incredible amount of work to keep it up and running. They have multiple stores all over the country and some stores in other countries. I'm sure it employs quite a few people."
She listened and blinked. "Truly amazing. To be able to run large stores far away from one another. Something almost unheard of from my time." She said as she sat there. She looked around at it all in minor awe.
He eventually found an open parking spot, but they would have to do a little walking. "Yeah. You know," he said, getting out and moving around to open her door for her, "it's nice to be around someone who sees my world for the first time. Before you showed up, I kind of just...took most of it for granted."
"It is easy to take little things for granted." Mariland nodded as she got out, "I can recall many times that it took going far out of my way to remember how good life can be....the warmth of the sun, the smell of the is easy to overlook."
Joel laughed a little, shaking his head. "I don't think I've ever stopped to just smell a flower." He closed the door behind her, offering Mariland his arm. He paused for a moment, seeming to think. "Have I ever asked you what your favorite flower was?"
Mariland smiled and took his arm, laughing a bit. "You have not. I think if I had to pick it would be a sunflower. Their seeds can be eaten and they are tall, proud, strong. Always looking towards the sun." She answered with a nod.
He started the walk to Walmart's front doors. "I've heard they can be prickly sometimes, too. Is this true?"
Joel couldn't help but think that the way that she described sunflowers kind of described her, too. She stood tall, proud, and strong most of the time.
"hmmm I don't recall that. I do recall hearing they could be really frail if not given enough sunshine. And their flowers can grow quite heavy for the stalk." Mariland seemed to think about it as she followed him. "But they are bright and cheery. I find them nice to look at."
Joel nodded. "Do you have a lot of experience with sunflowers? Did they grow where, and when, you're from?" He asked, genuinely curious.
"There was a farm that grew some near where we lived," Mariland nodded. "I never had much experience outside of buying some roasted seeds occasionally. There was one time I got one put in my hair. It was a harvest festival and a little girl insisted I wear one in my hair."
He smiled at this. "I'm sure it looked great. Kids are usually the most honest people you'll meet. Did you have fun at the harvest festival?"
"It was a little fun yes. But quite awkward. My master had forced me to go on my own, wanting me to explore and bring back things from the market." She laughed a little.
Joel's eyebrows furrowed. "Did your master not want to be seen, or...?" He trailed off. "The harvest festival seems like you could have fun if you wanted to, you know?"
"Oh no. I believe he wanted me to go to the festival." She laughed. "I have a hard time doing things on my own these days. It doesn't help that the magic that binds me to someone gives me a compulsion to follow orders to the letter."
Joel grinned. "Yeah, no, that's totally fair. A little social anxiety isn't a bad thing most of the time. Besides, I'm not entirely sure that I've helped with that by keeping you either by my side or cooped up in my house."