Lord of the Rings

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Nadia looks to see Ka'rok pushing his way into the tent, he walks up to her and lays down next to her, keeping his head up he looks to her. "Something's troubling you." He growls. "No, I'm fine." She replies in a low voice. "I can sense it on you." Ka'rok tilts his head downward a bit so his eyes were looking straight towards Nadia. "Is it the elf?" He asks, referring to Zaos. Nadia scoffs. "What makes you think he has anything to do with it?" Ka'rok stays silent for a moment before he answers "Well, ever since you've met him and he has been around, you have been... Different." He growls. Nadia looks over at Ka'rok in the dark "Different? How??" She asks. Ka'rok doesn't answer right away so Nadia sighs "Forget it. Nothing is wrong, Ka'rok... I'm still the same Nadia you've known for the last few years." She rolls on her side to face her wolf as she extends her hand to give him a pet. He groans as he lays his head at the edge of her bedding. Nadia closes her eyes and continues to pet Ka'rok until she falls asleep.
Mean while Zaos and Eomer had bin talking near the camp fire . " im sorry to hear that" Eomer says as he hands the wine back to Zaos . Zaos shakes his while taking the wine " ill manage " he says taking a sip and handing the wine back. " well may are paths cross once again before the time comes" Eomer says raising the wine. Zaos nods " yes , can i ask something of you" Eomer looks at Zaos and listens before holding out his hand " you have my word, but i pray you are wrong" he says smirking . Zaos begins to chuckle " yes that would be a blessing" He says taking Eomers hand. Eomer stands and holds up his wine towards the other man " LET US DRINK!" he yells causing the others to cheer. Zaos stands and makes his way to Shadow and removes the rabbit from her bag before walking into the forest.​
After a while, Nadia began to shake slightly in her sleep. She was having a nightmare. Ka'rok raises his head and gives her a lick, waking her up. "You were having another bad dream." He speaks. Nadia takes a deep breath and breaths slowly out. "What was it?" He asks. "Just nasty memories..." She turns the opposite way, hissing from the slight pain. "You don't have to stay in here Ka'rok... I don't want to disturb you all night." She shuts her eyes again. "You don't bother me." He says. Then Nadia could hear men cheering and going on outside, some were close to her tent. She raises her head and glances to the exit. "Don't worry. I'll go set outside. Try to get some more rest." Ka'rok pushes himself up and exists the tent, plopping himself down right outside of the exit. However he could sense another presence not too far off, though he wasn't sure what it was.
Zaos Makes his way through the forest , when he comes to spot were it looked untouched from pedators he releses the rabbit, " there you go little guy" He smirks as he watches it vanishes. He makes his way back to the camp to find Ka'rok sitting out side the tent. He takes a seat next to him​
Ka'rok doesn't move his head up as he looks up with his eyes at Zaos. When he takes a seat he growls out "Shouldn't you get some rest, elf?"
Zaos looks down at Ka'rok when he growls . he moves over on to the grassy area and lays on his side. " you know, i was planning on making you a coat when i first followed your tracks" He says before chuckling. " its a good thing i met Nadia first" Zaos was not being rude , he was being honest .​
"Hah hah ha." Ka'rok's laugh was a deep growl. "Make me into a coat, ehh? I am a decendent of
Carcharoth, mightiest of all wolves. I cannot be killed so easily." He turns his head to stare at Zaos. "Even if you were to cut my head off I could still bite." He turns to look at the men who were still going on and then back to Zaos. "You're going to sleep on the ground? Why not sleep inside the tent? Or you could at least use me as a pillow. I wouldn't care."
Zaos turns back at Ka'rok and smirks when he hears Him making growls " i have no idea what your saying, but i take it your talking about the whole coat thing" He says before laughing. He removes his bow and arrows so he could lay on his back with his arms behind his head and looking at the night sky​
Ka'rok had forgotten that only Nadia could understand what he said. He gave a small groan as he laid his head back down on his paws before closing his eyes again.
zaos takes a deep breath before closing his eyes an relaxes making it easier for him to fall asleep.​
Nadia woke sometime later, it was at the break of dawn because she could see some light coming from outside. It was still dim out but she pushed herself up. The pain in her side was now gone but she was still covered in blood. "Ugh.." She groaned as she rose up and quietly slumped out from the tent, immediately turning to face Ka'rok who was lying next to the entrance. "What're you doing up so early?" He asks. "I'm covered in blood and dirt, I need to clean up." She whispers back, and then glances over to see Zaos asleep on the ground. "The elf said he was going to make me into A coat last night." Ka'rok growls. Nadia smiled at his tone, it obviously offended him. She walked over to her horse and climbed onto it's back as she began to head to a small waterfall that they had passed just a couple of minutes away to clean off.
Zaos begins to get up when shadow walks over to him and nips on his robe. He looks up to see Ka'rok was gone. He yawns before standing up and begins reattaching his bow and arrows.​
Nadia had washed off herself, and had put on a new outfit. Once she had finished she walked back to her horse and climbed on his back as she began back to the campsite. When she arrived she seen Zaos was now up. She came to a stop and climbed off of her horses back as she glanced around. "Where's Ka'rok?" she asks.
Zaos looks around " i thought he was with you" He says as he looks in the tent. He walks back out " i wonder if i hurt his feelings "

( my bad , i mis read , and thought the wolf followed)​
"No. I wonder where he ran off to?" She glanced around as she began whistling for him. After a few minutes she looked to see Ka'rok running towards them in the distance. He ran up to her. "Where did you run off to?" she asked. "Hunted for food." he growled. "I came across an elf, dwarf and a man." Nadia gave him a confused look as she repeated it out loud. "An elf, dwarf and a man? That's an odd combination."

( It's okay, I went with it lol )
Zaos looks at Nadia with a confused look. " what?" He looks back at Ka'rok and then Nadia " were?" He says walking to shadow and pulling out his water pouch.​
Ka'rok looks to Nadia, "Sometimes I forget you are the only one who can understand me." Ka'rok looks to her. Nadia chuckles before turning to Zaos. "Here." she says as she walks up to him, she places her hands on both sides of his head as she begins to chant. Her hands glowling slightly for a few moments before she pulls away. "There." she smiles as she turns to walk away she looks to Ka'rok and gives him a nod, signaling for him to speak. "They were traveling a few miles away from here, South of Fangorn forest." he growls as he looks at Zaos. Nadia turns to Zaos. "Did you catch that?" she asks.
Zaos was a little in shock when he herd ka'rok , He just nods " y.. ya i got that" He looks back at Nadia " the horse master , that may be the three he spoke of last night" He looks at Ka'rok " the elf,... what can you tell me about him?"​
"He's young. Long blond hair. His scent was that of Sindar. Mirkwood." Ka'rok states. "The man he was with was a ranger."
Zaos nods " i see" He thinks to his self before smirking " then it is true" He turns around and climbs on to Shadow , " then shall we continue with are journey " He said holding a smirk.
Eomer walks up to the group " parting ways?"
Zaos nods " yes, we still have a way to go"​
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