Lord of the Rings

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Nadia nods as she mounts her horse. She looks to Eomer as she gives him a small nod, her way of saying goodbye.
" fare well " Zaos says before turning his horse. And rides away.
Eomer holds up one hand and nods before turning back for the camp.​
It had been a while since they had left the camp. Ka'rok was running in-between Zaos and Nadia, his ears suddenly twitched as he sensed others nearby "The ones from before, they are just up ahead." he alerts them. Nadia says nothing as they continue forward. A few minutes later, Nadia can see 3 figures up ahead. The 3 stop as they see Nadia and Zaos approaching. The dwarf in the group raises his ax as he glares at them and Ka'rok. Nadia immediately recognizes the elf and the man of the 3. She pulls her horses reigns, bringing it to a stop as she stares at them. The man was a ranger, Aragorn, decedent of Isildur. She didn't know him personally but knew of him, she had crossed his path a few times before. She looks to the elf, she knew him but couldn't place who he was. "Nadia? Nadia Gentleleaf of the Haundo?" he asks. "Lower your ax, Gimli. They are not our enemies." The dwarf scrunches his nose in resentment. "Great, just what I need, more elves!" he scoffs.
Zaos immediately leaps from his Shadow and walks up to Legolas only to take a knee while he bows his head " my price" He says in elvish language. He stands to his feet looks at the two others before back at Legolas " you travel with a dwarf ?" He asks in a surprised tone​
"Mae govannen." (Well met) Legolas greets Zaos "Zaos Riverthorn, correct?" he glances to Nadia "Nae saian luume', tarien." (It has been too long Princess) he bows his head to Nadia, who returns the gesture with a small smile. He looks back to Zaos to answer him "We are in a fellowship." Legolas states. "We are searching for our comrades." Gimli turns to Zaos, "Something wrong with me?" he asked in an offended tone.
" i see" Zaos pulls his mask from his face and looks down at Gimli with a smirk " besides your height........ no" He says in a taunting tone.​
Gimli glares at Zaos, about to say something back, but he mumbles slightly as he goes red in the face. "Calm yourself, Gimli." Aragorn speaks. Legolas glances at Nadia and back to Zaos with a confused look. "The two of you are traveling together?" he asks, continuing to glance back and forth at them. "Yes." Nadia answers. "You said you were in a fellowship with these 2?" she asks. "Yes, we're searching for a band or Uruk-hai. They took our comrades. 2 halflings. Have you came across any?" he asks. Nadia shakes her head no. Legolas nods, and turns his head to Zaos. "May I ask what you two are doing in this area?"
Zaos looks at Leglas " we are heading south " He says trying to keep there misson a secret. " we herd a rumor of an elven camp near the white mountain " He looks back at Nadia and gives her a look to urge her not to speak the truth of there goal.​
Nadia seen the way Zaos looked to her, she got his message. "I've not heard of this camp." Legolas speaks as he turns his head to Nadia. "Since when do you travel with others', lady Nadia? The last time I seen you, we were both still younglings. I had believed you were a loner." he looks over to Zaos. "I suppose things can change." she states as she looks to Zaos, "Well, I suppose we should keep moving, while daylight is still upon us." she gives a small smile at Legolas and the others. "Tenna' lye omenta au'." (Until we meet again) she looks to Legolas as she turns to remount her horse. Ka'rok keeps his gaze on Legolas and gives a slight chuckle hidden behind a growl to the others' who couldn't hear it as he followed Nadia's lead.
Zaos does another bow " my prince " He walks up to shadow climbs on. He looks at the three " i pray you find the halflings " he says forgetting that the three never told him or nadia who they were looking for.​
The 3 give a nod to Nadia and Zaos as they continue forward on their horses. After a while Ka'rok speaks as they all continue to run "I can smell the Uruk-hai close by.... And something else. It must be the halflings that they spoke of. They aren't in our paths, fortunately, so we could continue forward without a distraction."
" ok" Zaos looks at Nadia " im sorry you had to lie, but i feared the prince would not support our goal" He says as he pulls his mask up . " lead the way" He says to Ka'rok​
"It's fine." Nadia assures him, "Knowing Legolas he would have tried to interfere and talk me down from this." she stated. Ka'rok pushed himself forward, leading the way for the two of them, heading South, passing by Helms Deep.
Zaos stops Shadow when he hears Nadia. He looks at Nadia " uh...Nadia do you wish to continue ?" He looks down at Ka'rok " you two could follow the prince" All this time he had bin focusing on killing the half face, He had never really given any thought to Nadia and Ka'rok.​
Nadia gave Zaos a confused look. "No, Zaos." she answers when he tells her she could follow Legolas. "I want to continue forward with you. To the end." Ka'rok looked to the both of them, examining them. Nadia turns to Ka'rok "Ka'rok... do you wish to continue? If not, you are free to go as you please. You do not have to follow me." she states. Ka'rok walks up to her as she sits on her horse and nuzzles her hand with his muzzle. "Wherever you go, I will follow, Nadia." he growls as she pets his head gently.
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" then it is settled" He quickly kicks shadow to move because there was a slight blush on his face when he herd Nadia . He makes his way to the front​
Nadia watches Zaos for a moment before nudging away from Ka'rok as she followed behind Zaos. Ka'rok followed after her. Nadia was a little behind Zaos as they continued, Ka'rok was directly next to her. "Why do you follow him?" he asks in a low tone, forgetting that Nadia had gave Zaos the ability to understand him. Nadia glances at him for a moment, not knowing what to say. She looks him in the eye, but gives no answer as she looks forward, continuing to follow Zaos's lead. "Hm." Ka'rok growls.
Zaos stays silent for awhile before turning his head " were going to be passing Isengard soon" He had herd the rumors of the white wizard.​
"We need to keep our distance... Isengard has sided with Mordor... Saruman serves Sauron now." Nadia answers.
" then the rumors are true" Zaos says as he pulls shadows reins to slow her down. He shakes his head and laughs when he thinks how he use to think of the white wizard as a saint. He looks back at Nadia " what will you do, when the half face is killed, If you marry my prince you could rally the woodland elves to fight for you, reclaim your lands"​
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