IC New Tokyo City

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elegance is more important than suffering
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy

the city of stars

Just as the name suggests, the city is heavily influenced by Japan. This is due to the Japanese Akai family being put in charge of the place a little after the Great War. It is the third-largest city in Cervia. Populated mainly by Vampir and Magi, it is considered the City of Stars.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 5:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 78.4°F (25.8°C). Hot with a pleasant breeze.


As usual, the city is bustling, but it's even more so now that many people are getting out of work, and many are getting ready to head to their late-night shifts. Many late-night entertainment centers are opening up and performers are getting ready to put on their shows in the hopes of making it big.

With Hallow's Eve and Magi Moore around the corner, the city is specially decorated, and its large Magi population is thrumming with energy.


Nothing for now.


Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Storyspinners Publishing

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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In full honesty, it probably wasn't Cem's smartest decision to put him in charge of closing a publishing office. A blind guy should not be trusted to sweep and mop, lest he sustain many bruises from knocking into things along his journey. He's knocked at least six things over, and nearly slipped reaching down to pick up some strewn books before his snakes' vision took over and he was able to catch himself, but he's finally finished. You'd think that so many years of working here would have him more acquainted with the place, though most of his job consists of him sitting at a desk typing away on a computer.

"Don't ever do that again," his snakes hiss at him, "Look at you now, bruised like a fruit."

"I am a bruised fruit," he mutters, pulling out his phone. With his earbuds still in (since he hardly ever takes them out), the automated voice reads off his alerts, and a smile rises to his lips unbidden when he hears Silas's name.

Music Man:
Hey, what's up? Are you coming to town soon?

He taps out a reply message quickly. Nearly ate shit trying to mop the office, you? And I don't know, I've successfully avoided having to visit my parents for three months. Why don't you come visit me?

Does he sound rude? Like he doesn't actually want to see him? Is he demanding too much? Silas is no doubt busier than he is given all of the big names he composes for, not to mention working on the music he releases under his own name. It's selfish of him, but he wishes Silas lived in New Tokyo. While he'd like to spend more time with his friend, all the traveling is tiring. Plus, he'd like to avoid Black City as much as he can.

"Cem!" he calls. Hopefully it reaches his boss, wherever she is. "I'm all done cleaning! Need anything else before I go?"
code by wren.
~ K O F I ~

Another day came and gone quicker than Kofi Neelam expected it to. Having spent the last few nights at the place where he trains and works, Byrdie Hall, meant that the young Libinite had nearly lost track of time all together. It was the same thing over and over, get up at around 4am, clean the place, train all morning until he was crawling around from how tired he was, help the older wrestlers with anything they need, and then by 7-8pm, he was off for the night. A lot of the time meant staying in the dormitories to work on his college classes without the loudness of his roommates back at the apartment. Kofi still wasn't sure why he kept paying rent there, he was barely ever at the damn place! Tonight though, he wanted to get out, stretch his legs, see some friends he hadn't gotten to see, and that usually meant going to see Cemraelle.

Having taken a quick shower and throwing on an easy, fresh outfit, Kofi was out the door of Byrdie Hall and onto the very busy city streets of New Toyko. People were quickly passing by, all off to their various bits of after work fun. Sounded pretty good to Kofi, who was quick to hop into his car, some older volkswagen beetle he got for cheap and pulled out his phone. Hey Cem! Just got out of the Hall, sliding your way, u at Storytellers? Also, Beef bowls and some drinks... or like, burgers? Leaving the choice up to his mermaid friend, he would get his car started, turning on some tunes, and getting the hell away from this place, speeding off the parking lot with a shout of excitment. Kofi didn't even want to think about wrestling for another two days, when he was next suppose to be there, and all day because they hall was producing a wrestling show, and he was going to be performing. Not as any character, but nameless fodder for someone who actually graduated from the place. Who it was is a mystery to the Libinite, who was more worried about filling his belly with something cheap and unhealthy than what he would be doing two days from now.

The drive itself was a miserable one, traffic always being the worst right as he got off of his own work. Eventually Kofi would find himself pulling into one of the few parking spots at Storytellers Publishing, taking a deep sigh of relief. "Damn... that drive blows. Oh well, atleast I'm here." The place was pretty nice on the interior, and folks there were fairly nice to Kofi, most likely because he was usually around Cem when he interacted with them. Hopping out of the car and making sure to lock it, he would begin the walk up to the door. Peeking into the window, he could see a worker cleaning up, some handsome guy who looked so done with life. Not wanting to interrupt, Kofi would instead pull out his phone again. Aye, I'm outside, don't wanna walk in case your people are doing some shit. Shooting another message her way, Kofi would reside near the door, leaning against the window and watching the people pass by. Already he was feeling better, the dull soreness of work melting the further he gets away from it. Hiss mindset as well was switching focus, wanting to do nothing more than have some fun right now.

@PavellumPendulum @wren.
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His fingers cupped the curve of her jaw, both a gentle threat and a promise to wander further and grip harder in the coming moments. He was looking at with such sweet hunger, a gaze so sharp it made her grip the fabric of his shirt harder, a gaze so soft that it was turning her brain into...

Hm. Mush? Goo? Juice? Pulp? Cem made a face at her laptop screen, chewing on her lower lip. The third instalment of Fire and Silk was on its way to becoming perfect, if she could just stop having brainfarts all damn day. She hated the way her vocabulary suddenly made itself sparse when she actually needed it, taunting her with the knowledge of a word she so desperately wanted to use, but could not get it off the tip of her tongue. She pressed her laptop shut now, her holographic nails shining atop it with the various stickers she'd acquired, some from her own merchandise, some for Storyspinners and others from friend's works.

She could hear Gideon muttering to himself outside of her office, the clatter of his body against the furniture sometimes. Though in the past she'd felt bad for thinking they ought to take turns closing, she had eventually decided that it was necessary to share the burden sometimes. Even though Gideon couldn't see, he was still competent and it wasn't like missing a few spots with the broom one day would kill them all. She appreciated his help nonetheless.

When her phone buzzed, she peered over at it, sipping loudly at her nearly emptied smoothie, still sitting on her desk since lunch. It was no longer cold, but she could still taste the lemon, ginger and mango in it, slurping up whatever was left.

KOFI: Hey Cem! Just got out of the Hall, sliding your way, u at Storytellers? Also, Beef bowls and some drinks... or like, burgers?

She didn't hesitate to reply, eyes flicking over to check the time. She'd barely eaten anything since breakfast.

CEM: damn, missed me or sumn? 👀 see u soon, neelam

Putting away her stuff and getting her office in order, she heard Gideon call out to her right as she was finishing. "Nope, all good, just lock up for me, please. I've got myself a hot date with a beef bowl and or a burger." she let him know when he was in sight, still looking all dreary with the broom in his hands. She liked the gorgon, even when he was all mumbly.

Another text from Kofi. She could see him leaned up against the window, a step away from the door. "Have a good weekend, Gideon. See ya!"

With her laptop bag over her shoulder, she exited, giving Kofi a poke to the shoulder when he was within arm's reach. "Alright, whisk me away, Mr. Pro Wrestler. I forgot to have anything except a smoothie for lunch and I'm fucking staaarving." Cem greeted him with a grin, eyes flicking over to the parking lot to see if she could pick out his car immediately.
@wren. @LashL
Code by Jenamos
  • Creative
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
~ K O F I ~

As Kofi sat there waiting, he finally felt his phone buzz for some kind of response. Seems his smartphone was struggling to keep up to day, as he hadn't even been able to really call anyone either without some sort of interference or delay. "Damn hunk of-" Just as he was about to cuss out the inanimate object for not doing it's job quick enough, Kofi would see the door to the publishers swing wide open, and a lithe merefolk come walking out. Deciding to deal with the phone issue later, he would stuff it into his pocket and give a grin towards his friend. "Hey Cemmy, took you long enough." He was only kidding, usually Kofi would be waiting another 10 or so minutes for her if she was the one closing up the shop, or if she was in the smut writing headspace and just had to finish the chapter she was on.

"Whisk you away, huh? Fine by me." Before she could argue back, he hoisted her into his arms and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, laughing as he began to walk away from the publisher and back towards his old junker of a car. Kofi wouldn't walk for too long with her up in his arms like that though, just a few steps before setting her down since frankly, he didn't park far at all. "How'd work go? Whipped up any more saucy scenes for that third book you got going?" Kofi had heard all about her stories, all the gritty details, hell the guy probably helped her come up with a few of them from bouncing ideas back and forth. Cem was a very talented writer though, even if the stories were more than a little dirty, Kofi had a couple of them back at the apartment.

Getting into the driver's seat of the junker, Kofi would click back on the radio, turning it down just a little so the two could talk while he drive. "Gave you long enough to decide and you sire didn't text me what you wanted, so we getting drinks and some rice bowls at that one spot. You know uhm... that one that has them taiyaki we both like." Said place was a bit of a hole in the wall, but it was cheap- both food wise and alcohol wise, as well as being a vibey place for the younger crowds to chill out and enjoy a warm meal. Kofi's fingers would tap on the wheel with the music as they drove down the road, occasionally stopping for some asshole who decided to merge too late into the lanes, but otherwise, it was an easy drive for the libinite, who was starting to feel a little peckish himself... though not for regular food.

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  • OMG
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Kofi's grin was a welcome sight, all toothy and boyish. The air between them was always relaxed, which was something Cem appreciated after a long day of putting her thoughts into words. Being goofy took the load off and today was no different, with Kofi taking her mention of getting whisked away seriously, his hands easily scooping her up and over his muscular shoulder. She burst into a stupidly loud fit of giggles, her laptop bag flailing uselessly against her side as her friend walked her over to his car. "One of these days you're gonna work out so much that you invent a whole damn new muscle." she snickered from above, still amused when he put her down, "I swear your arms get bigger every time I'm up there."

It was more of a compliment that a complaint as she opened up the passenger seat door so they could continue the conversation while on the way to their destination. Her laptop bag was planted safely between her legs on the floor as he asked about how work had gone. "Went alright. Wrote up another fourty-ish pages for my draft, but it's still in the shit stage, you know? I'll probably spend a whole day next week editing it to hell n' back." she waved him off, bringing down the window a bit so she could feel the wind in her hair, a habit she had, "This one's got a lotta choking. Guess that's the kink of the month."

Kofi's tone was jokingly accusatory when he brought up that she hadn't told him what she wanted to eat and she stopped staring out the window while he drove for a moment to give him a dramatic roll of her eyes. "You're a big boy, Kofi, you can decide what to eat. I was busy writing." she chided him with a snicker, even though it was a well known fact that she was a picky eater. Still, Kofi knew her well enough to at least know in general what she'd be willing to eat.

"That place's good. Haven't been in a while." Cem mused, thinking on the last time the two of them had gotten taiyaki together. Maybe a few weeks ago? "What'd you get up to today anyway? Besides get all flushed and sweaty at the gym."
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~

"Damn straight, gonna be a hot hunk as soon as I can lose all this chub." Kofi would give a flew of his arms before peeling down the busy city streets, knowing that if they were going to get anywhere for dinner they had to be a little early. "Going to start bench pressing you to keep building up my arms." Traffic usually meant you were anywhere from five minutes to up to an hour if it was really bad. Not that Kofi mind being with Cem, infact he preferred it to battling this traffic alone. She brought an energy that made him feel very comfortable, even when talking about the horniest of stories that she was writting up. Not to mention that she was witty, the two of them could go back and forth with no problem. It was simply... nice to have her around, and Kofi couldn't explain it in any other way.

Kofi would turn the music down just a notch to listen to her speak about work, keeping his eyes on the road, but liked to let people know he was actually listening. "Choking? I mean, I guess that is a kink, though... think just about everyone gets turned on by that. Still sounds like you got some work in though, good shit man. How long until you think you got the book together? I mean, I know you spend half of the time nitpicking through it, but gimme your ballpark guess." He would give his best shit eating grin, knowing she always had things to say about her books. It was good to have interests, and if hers was writing about horny ass relationships, Kofi wasn't one to judge. He especially wasn't given what he wanted to do with his own life, grappling other sweaty and/or oily men in front of a live stage. If anything, he probably had the kinkier job, just it didn't feel all that horny.

"I know I can pick, but I was asking you incase you had some fresh new place to check out, like I got a list of weird ass places we can pull up to, figured that the rice bowl place is a cheap and easy option though." Speaking of which, their drive was short lived as he turned into a parking garage. There was no way he was actually going to get a spot near the bar they were going to, so he didn't even try. This was an easy enough walk, just a block or so away, neither of them much to complain about a little walking. "I don't sweat, I glisten like... uhm.. guess something that glistens? But nah, we worked on impact drills, so I had a ball bounced on my chest and stomach a bunch.... learning to take a hit and not double over in pain. Good stuff to learn since I am going to be like jumping from ten feet in the air onto my back or someone else, sometimes higher. Probably going to be taking chair shots to the back too." It was all in the day for "Mr. Pro Wrestler", but he loved every ounce of it. Nothing felt as electrifying than a whole crowd of people cheering or booing loudly for you, getting that reaction was what Kofi felt like he lived for, at least what got him through the grueling training.

"Come on, if we are too late they are going to fill up the karaoke list and take that soft couch we both like."

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  • Haha
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
They rolled their eyes at him. Though Cem would support any goals Kofi had with his body, she'd never been one to enthusiastically encourage people to lose weight. She certainly was obsessed with her own health and yeah, she had her fair share of opinions, but when it came to other people's bodies... Well, she just didn't think her input was all that needed. She stared out the window, watching the scenery of New Tokyo and the other bustling cars whip past them, but a little laugh escaped her lips at his talk about choking. "Everyone? You've got a small sample size, Kofi. Unless you know thousands of people that are all into choking." she snorted, shaking her head, "Probably another two or three months until I finish this rough draft, then it's polishin' time 'til it's done."

Listening to him talk about his training for work was always amusing. It wasn't as though she hadn't seen it before, having visited him a few times while he was prepping and also being there for most of his matches nowadays, but thinking about Kofi heading in to work so someone could smack him with a chair was hilarious. "Yeah, yeah, okay. I bet you look really glisten-y when you're getting pummeled. Professionally."

When they pulled into the parking garage, Cem suppressed a yawn. Maybe the car ride had just made her realize how hard her brain had been going into overdrive during work hours, with barely anything in her stomach. The walk would be quick, but she was eager to get some food in her. She left her laptop bag in the car, sliding it under the seat so it wasn't visible, taking only her wallet and phone with her, then scampering out of the vehicle and towards the sidewalk with Kofi in tow. It didn't take long for them to lay their eyes on the neon lights of one of their favourite little bars, the hum of music already vibrating in the air, dancing with the sound of chatter and laughter.

They got themselves in soon enough, with their IDs checked and Cem made a beeline to their normal spot, but groaned dramatically when she found that it was already full. Their beloved soft couch, ah... What a shame. "Damn. Alright, guess we're sitting somewhere else."

Still, she recovered quick enough, finding a tall, empty table, accompanied by barstools. She gestured for her friend to take the spot across from her, a grin on her face.
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~

Kofi was one to want to lose weight, but Kofi also refused to try and speed the process up. Yes he was working out fairly regularly, and was making a bit of an effort to eat better, but he wasn't about to do anything stupid just to get some six pack abs. His day would come, and the process was kind of fun watching it over time come off, especially compared to his high school years where he sat at his heaviest. As they walked towards the restaurant, though, his mind was on something else. "Pfff, I mean... I don't mean like choking choking out a person, I mean just like, bit of pressure on the side of the neck. Feel like most people like that shit, you know? But you'll have to lemme read it when you get that rough draft all done, I like checking it out last time you gave me the book to go through." There was pride in his chest knowing that Cem trusted enough with the occasional look through of a rough draft. He was also proud to be "pummeled professionally" too, but he let that little comment slip by, since neither of them ever had any vitriol in them when they talked about their careers. Both were odd ones to be in, Cem's less so but more her topic of choice to write about, but still... it was nice to know that neither would be disrespected, at least for that.

Getting checked into the restaurant, he would watch Cem speed off towards the couch, only to see that it was full to the brim with the "it" crowd, all in their luxurious get ups as they watched people sing karaoke and laughed. "Eh, we win some, we lose some, plenty of good seats left." Kofi wasn't going to let it bother him, this night was going to be a blast solely on the fact he wasn't cleaning that gym floor for the third time today, and was out with a person he truly enjoyed to be around. Plopping up onto the stool, he would wave over a waiter for a quick order. "Hey let me get a mug of uh... hmm... maybe some of that 13th Hour Ale? That should be fine, and I want a rice bowl with steak with all the fixings, and uhm... they are probably going to want like... hmm.. oh! Right, she'll want the pineapple seltzer drink... thing and whatever else they want to eat, too." He would give a little head nod towards Cem for whatever she wanted to get, even if his guess of a fruity alcoholic drink was just that, a random guess. It seemed to be right up her alley, but if she changed it that was fine. Tonight was going to be his treat after all, whether she knew it or not. He just got paid and felt like splashing a little cash around. Once orders were placed, Kofi would lean forward onto the table, that soft smile never having left his face since they been together. "Soooo... we gonna sing tonight? Maybe I should be asking that after a mug or two." He would let out a loud snort of a laugh as he relaxed into his seat. "Also, what else did I miss in my days at the Hall? Besides your writing, I mean.."

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The waiter sauntered over to take their orders, though they had to lean in a little closer to catch what Kofi was saying, because the volume in the karaoke bar was near impenetrable by casually spoken words alone. Cem watched with a half-amused, half-polite look on her face, catching her friend's nod at the end there, turning her attention to the waiter. She would've been impressed that Kofi remembered her tastes enough to order a drink for her, but since this was such a common ritual for them to be eating together, it felt like it was almost overdue, to be that close to each other. "Yep. Pineapple seltzer and a spicy tofu rice bowl, no pickled veggies, extra ginger and avocado, please." She had a very specific order, always been ever so picky with her food. And so the waiter weaved back through the crowd to bring their orders to the kitchens.

Music blared from the speakers, a very poorly screamed cover of some Taylor Swift song echoing throughout the entire venue and rattling some people's glassware. Cem tutted at Kofi's question, snickering. "Of course? You're telling me there's a universe where you walk outta here without even belting out a single duet with me?" she raised a brow at him with mock offense, tapping her finely manicured fingers on their table, "Nuh uh. After we eat and drink we gotta do at least one."

When asked about what else he'd missed, she shrugged. "Mmm, nothing really with me. I've got a Meet The Author thing in a week-ish for the Fire and Silk series, and uh... Last week I hung out with Ziggy so we got drunk and did each other's makeup. I haven't been going out much recently, actually. Guess I've been busy writing."
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~

Kofi would give a bit of a laugh as Cem gave her order, a quiet one as not to interrupt her as she spoke. "I could never remember that, man.. at least I got the drink down." Drinks were easy, she usually just drank anything that was a little sugary, and a little fruity. Food orders were just out of his mindset, as she usually had a few things to edit, regardless of the dish. He didn't care though, Kofi wasn't eating it, and she seemed to like anything she got. That was good enough for him. Once the waiter was out of view, Kofi would relax into the stool the best he can, listening to Cem as she talked about her goings on since he had been working.

"You bet your ass we are at least doing one. Be like going to the grocery store and only buying half a box of crackers or some shit. What do you want to sing?" Kofi would look to see that their drinks were quickly being brought out, the food going to take much longer than pouring a beer or mixing up an easy cocktail. "Dang, look at you, Miss Big Time Author! Gonna have all sorts of people wanting to talk to you. Wouldn't be surprised if a few folks tossed you their numbers, given your uhm.. content." He didn't want to out right say "smut" in public, in case the folks around them gave a shit about that kind of thing. Kofi didn't, but he was trying to be conscious to other people's feelings. Taking a big swig from his mug of amber beer, he would laugh a little at her other exploits. "Yeah, Ziggy seems the type to want to do that shit. Remembered she tried doing mine once when I was over reviewing... I think it was book 2? maybe book 3? I'm not sure, just remember that we bought a bottle of wine and we were all feeling it."

As the rather ear-grating performance of 'You Belong to Me' ended, and the next person came up to start a mumbling version of 'Juicy', Kofi let out a breath of relief. "Thought those girls would never get off the stage..." It was the Libinite's belief that some folks just weren't meant for singing, just as much as some folks weren't meant for pretending to fight or writing sappy love stories. It is what kept folks unique, and one of the many reasons he enjoyed being around Cem so much. She was a breath of fresh air, a near total opposite to the usual men and women that made up the students at Byrdie Hall. They were cool, and Kofi was close friends with a lot of them, but Cem was just... something else entirely, man. "I got you tickets for the show coming up, by the way. Forget them in my car, but we got a couple more well known guys coming from out of town for it. You know I am needing my main cheerleader there, even if I am going to get my ass whooped all over the place." It was another little ritual of theirs, Kofi always making sure she got a ticket for every show, sometimes a couple more incase Ziggy or anyone else wanted to see the show. "Also also also, they are letting the young boys wear a uhm... well wear something small besides our regular black trunks and tiny ass shoes. Would you by chance have like an arm band or something I could borrow?"


Skritch! Scratch! Skritch! 'No, no that doesn't sound right…' Zig thought to herself as she attempted to write out the thoughts and words she would and/or could say to her half brother when she met him for the first time. She nervously tapped her foot while she sat at the hotel table and scribbled note after note, completely scratching out sentences every now and again.

"Damn maybe I shouldn't have smoked that second joint at the last stop…" Ziggy chuckled a bit as she chewed on the cap of her pen. She had clearly let her anxiety get the best of her; and who wouldn't when it came to meeting the half sibling you never had before.

Zig hoped with everything in her that this meeting wouldn't be awkward… but she also knew better than anyone that life was filled with empty promises and disappointment. Her parents made sure to teach her that lesson in life quite early on and fairly often. At least she and Gideon would have that in common. All she knew was about him was he was a writer in New Tokyo City, he was blind and he also didn't speak much to his parents. They could bond in that aspect. Woo whoo for shitty parents!

Ziggy looked at the clock that sat on the bedside table with slightly red eyes. 4:52 flashed across the screen and she almost audibly screamed. "Goddamn it!" Ziggy threw her notebook across the room and onto the bed before she scrambled to her feet. "You dumb bitch, you were supposed to leave like 15 minutes ago! They might be closed by the time you get there!" Zig grumbled to herself, tossing her fanny pack around her torso as she ran outside to meet the Uber driver she should've called twenty minutes ago.

✿ ✿ ✿​

"Thank you so much Allison! And I sent an extra nice tip since I hella trauma dumped on you hard!" Ziggy couldn't help but apologize to her driver, but shit it was like she was a nice girl in the bar bathroom helping with her anxiety! "Oh you're all good, girl! Good luck meeting your brother!" She honked, leaving Ziggy there to collect her thoughts on her own.

She looked up at the building then at her phone to check the time. 5:30. And they closed at 5. What were the chances that anyone was still there, let alone Gideon. 'Ooh maybe I shouldn't have come.' Zig groaned which got her a few awkward stares from people walking on the street. But who cared about them when she was riddled with anxiety about her meeting situation?!

"Ahhh!! You got this! You can do it!" Ziggy shook the nervous jitters out of herself before she took a small puff of her oil pen — for nerves and good luck! "Just go in and get it over with already!" The snakes in her hair hissed and groaned at her cowardice. "You hush!" She grumbled and pushed the door open, looking around at the atmosphere of the place. It was… booky.

Her eyes landed on a gorgon half bumbling around that looked as if he could use a hand. She assumed it was Gideon, but you know what they say about that. As soon as she stepped into the building it was like everything she'd written down to say just up and walked out of her head. "Oh, shit— uhm…" Zig let out an awkward chuckle. "Hi, I'm Ziggy! You don't know me, or maybe you do a little, but I doubt it, because…" She caught herself beginning to ramble. Anxiety. "Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself and offer to buy you a drink or something to catch up? I guess it wouldn't be that since we don't know each other…"
code by wren.
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  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.
With a tentative slurp of her pineapple seltzer (as if she hadn't had it before and also as if she wasn't certain that she was going to like it even though it was right up her alley), Cem gave the other an approving look across the table, pleased with the selection. Though she wouldn't necessarily kick up a fuss just because she didn't like something, her pickiness often led her to wasting food. Her tastebuds were just too sensitive and life was too short for her to be spending all her time forcing food that she hated down her gullet. When asked what she felt like singing, she snorted, amused. "Mmm, maybe some old school boyband type shit. We'll put those T.Swift singers to shame."

In truth, she didn't really care what they sang, as long as it was fun. And it was hard not to have fun when Kofi was around.

Shrugging at the mention that she was probably popular, she rolled her eyes dramatically. "No one I'm interested in. Not worth the time." she complained, "Not to say that the people who read my stuff have bad taste or are stupid, because obviously not, but mmm... I don't like being put on a pedestal or anything, not like that, anyway. If all they want to do is compliment me then I have better places to be. Like with you."

The last part was said with a wink, her flirtations always unending, even when said with a chortle or a smirk. As the topic switched over to Kofi's next match and Cem nodded with zero hesitation. "I'm there. You know. Just say the time and place." They never missed Kofi's fights if they could help it. Sometimes, emergencies and life got in the way, but as much as possible, they were each other's hype men, always one hundred percent invested. "Arm band? Mmmm. I've probably got something back home. I can check when we get home."

She grinned. Presumptuous as always, assuming that Kofi would stay at her place a little after eating... But you couldn't deny that it happened pretty often.
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~
"I can defiently work with boy band shit, may have another idea or two." He spoke with a bit of a mischievous glint in his eye, made all the more apparent with the shifting lights of the karaoke bar. No way was Kofi going to spill the beans early, she would just have to wait until they were up on stage, because Kofi knew she would know it, having belted out older music with him in his car on more than one occasion. "And damn straight we will show them up, I think a pair of dogs could sing better then them though." With a laugh, Kofi would realize he hadn't really stopped smiling since he had picked up Cem. It was just easy feeling good around her, the merfolk seemed to just bring it out of him no matter what they were doing.

That flirting was no exception, her wink a killer one to most mortal men. Kofi however had been around Cem long enough that it felt normal enough, while still making him feel great. "Not a one, huh? I mean that is fair, pedestals often come with dumb expectations. Folks just got to learn to be chill, even if they want to uhm... still shower you in compliments and all that shit. I personally think I'd rather spend time with the person writing the smut than the one reading it. Get all the hot scenes and important details when they are fresh, all close and personal." A wink was returned, knowing damn well what the two of them had done before, with the writer needing help "getting this bedroom scene just right". Not that Kofi minded at all, it was honestly one of the more fun parts to their relationship, but he just liked being around Cem in general, didn't matter where. "Thank you.. I just don't know what else I would wear, maybe like a bandana or something, I dunno..."

Just as she brought up, in their own matter of fact way, of him coming back to her apartment, their food arrived. Two big bowls of rice and their various meats and fixings were placed in front of them, Kofi's stomach gurgling with unger in response. "Damn.. this shit looks good, haven't gotten to eat anything like this in weeks." Byrdie Hall was pretty strict on their diets, wanting to ensure that their student had the physique ready for the pro wrestling scene, so it was most likely that the last time Kofi took Cem out to this bar last time was the last time he got such good food. Kofi's brain was so focused on the delicious smells and sights that he almost forgot that Cem brought up where the "afterparty" was going, but eventually the libinite stopped himself from drooling and responsed. "Oh, for sure, I can even help you look if you like, two people looking around your place might make it easier than one... might even grab a little uhm.. herbal assistance, may help us search a little better." Kofi was already feeling it a bit, the back and forth being very pleasing, plus the mug of beer he had been drinking between words about halfway gone. He wouldn't drink much more until they were at the place they were staying all night, but a good beer had him feeling warm and pleasant. Kofi's darkling powers seemed to agree, pheromones slipping from him without the young man even noticing, filling their space to make their feelings amplify just a slight bit more. It wasn't that he meant to, hell he was too focused on crushing the beef and rice bowl to mean to do much else, it was just what happened from time to time when he wasn't focusing on keeping everything contained.

"So, where did you stop in your story? Like uhm.. if I remember right, it was like the big macho gang leader was burning and robbing awful people and found some pretty girl who was the daughter of like.. a corrupt government person? Did he finally get her to escape from big Daddy? Or was that a different smut book I picked up... shit, I can't even remember."

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Cem snorted at Kofi's enthusiasm to eat when the food came out. It was hilarious that the two of them had nearly equally regimented diets, but his was out of necessity for works while hers was just because her tastebuds chose to throw a fit over any texture or taste that she didn't quite like. "Go on, enjoy it. You deserve a cheat day." they encouraged their friend, waving off the expectations as if they couldn't follow him into their hangouts, a smirk on her face, "And herbal assistance might be necessary... Searching might take a while. But you're always patient for me, so I don't think that'll be an issue."

The flirting went on easily between bites, their rice bowls filling any silence between them. The sudden sweetness in the air, hot and sharp hit her, making her eyes snap up from her food for a moment, to settle her eyes on Kofi. It wasn't like she was a stranger to Kofi's pheromones, as they normally seemed to amp up into more noticeable territory when he was feeling pleased (and Cem was pretty good at eliciting that in him, heh...), but whenever it spiked in public, she always checked to make sure no one got any funny ideas. A few people in close vicinity to them seemed to pick up the scent, peering around curiously, but no one approached them.

Cem decided to focus on his questions, since the situation seemed under control.

"Nope, you're right, that's Fire and Silk." they nodded and concurred, before giving him a joking stink eye, "Are you cheating on me with other authors though? That's coooold." With a toothy, satisfied grin, she continued, "So he hasn't convinced her yet, but he's been showing up on her balcony and spending some sweet time with her. Lots of conversations under moonlight, quiet pining, some hot and heavy flashes of moments... That sort of thing. I think it's coming together pretty well. The balcony sex is bound to awaken some new kinks in my readers, I swear, heh."

She swallowed down the last few bites of her food quickly enough, near ravenous from her lack of food during the day. Thankfully, the hole that had been burning in her stomach was now filled. Cem leaned back in their chair, sighing contentedly. In near perfect timing, the karaoke machine seemed to free up. The merfolk gave her friend a thoughtful look, gesturing with a tilt of their head, "Ready?"
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~

Kofi knew he had done something wrong when Cem gave him a look. It wasn't an angry or annoyed look, just one to let him know something had happened. At first the Libinite wasn't sure what was up, even mouthing a little 'what' her way. He was nearly immune to his own pheromones that seemed to seep from him anytime they were in a moment of high emotion, but he quickly got the picture as a few others looked around with similar looks on their faces. "Oh shit, my bad." Kofi would focus on it, and soon that sweet smell that sharply filled the air slowly dissipated, replaced with the smells of the karaoke bar... which was to say sweat, beer, and bud. "You know me... prolific reading cheater, prowling the steets for my next book hookup. But nah nah... wait did you say balcony sex?" Kofi would give a snort, knowing that folks would probably get arrested if anyone was fucking on their balcony. "I mean, you've defiently got the skill to give these people a few new kinks. I know you maybe... just maaaybe have influenced me a touch."

Between the bites of food and the sweet talking the two were going back and forth with, Kofi was feeling pretty good about going back with Cem to their place tonight. It was to the point he almost forgot about going up onto the stage to sign before Cem had said something. He was polishing off his mug of beer when they brought it up, Kofi giving a little nod as the last few gulps of amber liquid disappeared from the glass. "You bet your ass I am!!" Setting down the mug, he would get up and follow her up. A boy band hit they both knew would be easy. "Go make sure the mic isn't like... beer sticky, and I will pick out the music." Kofi would make sure she wasn't looking before he put in the songs. The first one was what was requested, something goofy and stupid they could both sing their little hearts out two, but the second song was an oldie... something a little sappy. Kofi knew it would be fine, it was one they both sang before in the car, but he almost worried if it was too much. They had a good thing going, and he didn't want to fuck it up by insinuating anything too quickly.... but the song was a banger...

"Eh... fuck it. What's the worst that can happen?" Paying the 10 bucks for two songs, he was quickly on the stage next to her just as the first nots to the song began to play, the crowd already cheering for them before even a note was sang between the two.

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With Kofi's pheromones safely tucked back away and their food settling into their stomachs, drenched in only the tastiest of alcohols, Cem gave her buddy a bright grin and a friendly smack on the shoulder when she popped out of her seat to grab the mics for them. They indeed, were not sticky, just a bit worn out from use, with their previously shiny logos now fading and scuffed. "All clear here, chief. Get those songs up n' rolling and we'll blow this whole place away." they winked, handing one over to Kofi and stretching in place before their songs were input into the machine.

The first song was a blast. Kofi and Cem bounced back and forth, with hip shaking and playful pointing alike. They worked the crowd good, like they always did, because even if they weren't the best singers on the block, the two of them combined had a certain charisma that half-drunk people couldn't resist for the life of them. They'd belted this song once or twice together, so as the song said, it was most certainly classic, with the two of them performing like their little karaoke stint was on tv.

The second song made them raise an eyebrow at Kofi, though the smirk on their lips maybe suggested that they weren't really opposed to the choice. That bass run was especially fun, having the two of them swaying and half-dancing as partners. Cem even grabbed his hand and twirled him around a couple times. She'd meant to try and dip him, but remembering that he most definitely weighed more than she could carry with all that bulk and muscle on him, she decided against it.

When they finally finished, they were both faintly sweaty, between all the movement, the lights and the liquor. Giving the chattering crowd an award-winning grin and a playfully dramatic bow, Cem dragged Kofi out of the spotlight with them, off to the side of the bar, giggling loudly. As if she was actually stronger than him, she half-pressed him up against the wall flirtatiously, still laughing.

"Good pipes and moves, loverboy. Let's get that bill paid so you can get me home and help me look through my closet, hm?" Her voice shifted down slightly, expression more than just insinuating, before she pulled away and meandered over to the cash register, still smiling.
Code by Jenamos
  • Love
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~ K O F I ~

The karaoke session was everything that Kofi could have hoped for. The crowd was eating them up as they sang the upbeat songs, Cem and Kofi's voices mingling just well enough to be pleasant to the whole crowd of inebriated listeners. Kofi was struggling to contain his libinite powers with all the attention on him, as he certainly did not want his pheromones going off right now and someone get some ideas... well someone besides Cem that was. When the first song ended, the younger man had a look of worry on his face as the second one started, but Cem just seemed to look at him with one of their killer smiles, one that made his heart skip a bit, and just went with it. That worry melted even further as he felt himself suddenly twirled a few times during the break from lyrics. Kofi would respond in kind, actually dipping Cem as they danced through the classic hit. The crowd of course, whooped and hollered for the whole thing, eating out of their palm, even a few murmurs of complaints as the pair hoped off the stage and to a quieter corner.

Kofi felt absolutely electric, his whole body near vibrating from great he felt! That was what he lived for, what he worked for in the gym everyday and what he gave his body up for... just less so. Singing was great, a blast, but it didn't compare to being in the ring and having people cheer you on. He even got a little distracted in his thoughts, allowing Cem to easily move the libinite against the wall. That quickly got his attention. "Oh? I did that good, huh?" Kofi's hands would wrap around Cem's waist, pulling them in a little closer. "Well, let's get paid and get out of here then, I want to see what I am wearing to get my ass kicked." Kofi was all ready to go, watching her wander to the cash register to simply enjoy the view before catching up, not hesitating to pay for their meal and drinks. There was no way Cem was going to seeing as he was the one who invited her out.

Soon they were back in his junker car, and booking it down the city streets the best they could, loudly playing tunes the whole time. Obviously, there was a lot of stopping and going since there was always traffic, regardless of where they were in New Toyko, but open stretches of road meant Kofi was putting rubber on the road. There was one stop at a gas station, Kofi grabbing a couple of drinks for the both of them, and some wraps for their "herbal assistance". He was all grins as they pulled into the parking garage to Cem and Desmond's apartment. Locking up the door, he would pocket the keys and quickly jog around, opening up the door for his merefolk friend. "Come on there, let's go figure out what you are going to make me rock in the ring while I roll up these blunts." Reaching in, he would grab a small locked bag from his glovebox, which hid all of his flower, plus a small kit for rolling wherever he was. With bag secured, Kofi would lock the door before the two made their way inside "You know, you were looking pretty amazing up there singing, it is no wonder they were all cheering for you." Of course Kofi was going to try and lay it on thick as they walked. There was no reason to be shy, or to beat around the bush when it came to Cem. They both knew they found each other attractive, it was just a matter of them both being in the mood... and right now?

It was feeling pretty good.

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Pheromones or not in the air, Cem certainly had more than a few ideas for how the rest of the day would go for the two of them... And when it came to showing her genuine appreciation and interest, she never skimped when it concerned Kofi. The arms securing themselves briefly around their waist made them press up against each other a little firmer in that moment, but the touching soon ended. As eager as they both were, they'd already given this adoring crowd a show and the next set was most definitely one that wasn't allowed in public... Or one that either of them would let anyone see, much less for free.

Cem kept close to Kofi when he paid, even hooking her arm around his for a moment just to be extra affectionate when they were heading back out to the car. The stop at the gas station had her raising a brow at the offering of a smoothie for the ride back. "Buttering me up a lil extra, hm? Very slick." she teased. With wraps secured and drinks sweating in the evening sun, the two of them were quick to get to Cem and Des' shared apartment. She'd texted the other earlier, to make sure that they knew that she was about to use the apartment for some potentially salacious activities.

Ever the gentleman, Kofi insisted on opening their door, letting Cem waltz right on through, sucking on air through the straw in her now empty cup. The apartment smelled of citrus, since Cem was so fond, the walls painted a creamy, pastel green and dotted with white flowers. The DIY project had lasted nearly an entire week, since they'd been so insistent on making sure everything was perfect in their own eyes. The door closed behind them.

"Don't sell yourself short. I saw the eyes on you. Some of them were probably thinking about getting scooped into those big, strong arms." Cem bopped him with her hip briefly, leading him to the comfy yellow couch in the living room, "Let's smoke first. We can go rummage through my closet afterwards." She plopped herself down, her eyes flicking towards the door to her room quiet explicitly, as if letting Kofi know what would go on in there after they'd done their searching.
Code by Jenamos
~ K O F I ~

Kofi knew Cem well, and knew the best way to seal the deal was nothing more than a sweet smoothie after a night of hanging out. Like most people, the way to their heart was through their stomach. Kofi was no different, having picked up a small lemon pie and a water to enjoy as they were smoking and shooting the breeze. All the extra attention he was getting was only getting the young Libinite excited for what was to come, debating whether pulling over somewhere to get a little taste before they even got to the apartment would be worth it.

Deciding against it, he would instead follow along into the painted apartment. It was such an interesting place, the walls decorated like nothing Kofi had seen at anyone's else how. Just one of the many reasons to love being around Cem, that creativity seemed to be quite infectious. He always seemed to come up with better ideas for his promos, or could just finally get an idea for a character he would portray when around the merefolk, they just seemed to bring it out of them. "Oh these big strong arms, huh?" He would give a little flex while was still standing, showing them off. There wasn't a ton of definition yet, but Cem knew firsthand what those arms could lift or do. Those bedroom eyes flickers were all the Libinite needed to quickly scoop her back up into his arms. "What do you think? Think you enjoy being scooped up?" Kofi would chuckle before heading for Cem's bedroom. "We can smoke first but I wanna sit on that bean bag chair you got in your room, shit is so comfy." Plus it was nice having them in his arms Kofi though, but kept silent. That might of been a step too far into the "lovey dovey" territory, and that just wasn't what they were, at least not now.

Walking with Cem bridal style into the bedroom, he would gently lay her across the bed as he flopped down into said bean bag chair, opening up his little rolling kit and getting to work breaking down the wrap. "I think folks had the hots for both of us, you see that guy in the first row? Looked like he was about ready to act up, was looking real hot and bothered, so I think we are both right. Folks think were hot, who would have thought it." With a snort and a laugh, Kofi would spill the guts of the cigarillo into the trash can, continuing to break down the flower until he had a small pile of greenery to wrap up with. "You wanting like a big one? I can make us both feel pretty damn good if you want, Ozzy... you know him I think, real tall skinny guy at the Hall, I've wrestled him a few times, he said this stuff is like the best he ever had. Real upper that makes you giggly and like, touchy-feely. Not that we need any help with that." Another laugh, as he lifted the blunt to lick it, taking his time to do so. For a bit of cheeky fun, Kofi also made sure to never lose eye contact with Cem as he licked it, just to show he was just as ready as she was.
