IC New Tokyo City

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~ Silas ~


The train ride had been rather boring. Beyond watching the scenery change from city to country and back again, Silas found the trip rather dull. Then again what did he expect from traveling alone. He would glance at his phone a second, reading the text from Gideon that was sent a while ago. Having decided to not answer and just be the surprise the man hates, Silas closed his phone before slipping it into his jeans pocket.

However, worry began to seep in. What if Gideon gets mad? The man doesn't like surprises, but here Silas was planning a surprise. Fuck, what if Gideon doesn't even want to see him anymore?! That though alone had Silas spirling into a hole of what if's.


Snapping away from those thoughts Silas realized his journey was coming to an end. The train began slowing down until finally Silas felt the jolt of it stopping. Too late to turn back now. Standing he gathered his bag and followed the crowd off the train onto the bustling platform. People brushed past all in a hurry for a reason that most likely did not need that kind of rush.

Following an unknown path Silas left the train station, checking the time as he reached the front doors. Hailing down a cab he climbed in, gave the man GIdeon's address, and sat back to watch the scenery again wondering if this was still a good idea. It was his turn to finally visit. Having been so busy working on a new piece Silas had forgotten how long it's actually been since he saw Gideon.

It would be several minutes later that Silas was walking up to Gideon's house, nerves wrecking his body. A shaky hand would reach up to knock on the door only to pause. Voices were coming closer, and as Silas turned to look he spotted Gideon and a…woman? Staring at them for a second, he waited until they were closer. "Hey Gideon! I thought you went home right after work," He called out in a joking tone, a smirk playing on his lips.

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The bus ride to his house is, thankfully, uneventful. People generally avoid the silent blind guy, anyway, but there isn't even an obnoxious wannabe rapper forcing everyone to listen to his newest song. He's not used to having someone to talk to on his ride home, but Ziggy has proven to be pleasant company, so he can't complain.

They're only a few meters away from his doorstep, judging by his calculations, when Silas's familiar voice has him stopping dead in his tracks, conversation forgotten. What were they even talking about, again? Books?

"Silas!" he greets, realizing belatedly that he's started grinning. He schools his expression immediately. "I normally do, but I was delayed by another sudden visitor here." Look at him, a lonely surprise-hating bachelor with two surprise visitors. Not to mention the nature of having his supposed estranged sister meet his... what exactly is Silas to him? A friend? They flirt like they're more, but they haven't put a label on anything. Is Silas even interested in him beyond platonically? So, two surprise visitors with complex relationships to him. Which god did he piss off?

"Ziggy, this is my friend Silas," he introduces, gesturing (where he hopes is) between them. "Silas, this is Ziggy, my supposed sister I never knew about." Great, now Silas is probably equally thrown off kilter.

He moves past them both and to the door, grabbing his keys out of his pocket and feeling around for the cold brass doorknob and unlocking it. "Would either of you like any tea?" he asks, stepping inside. It takes him a few moments of trial and error to find the light switch by the door for his guests' sakes, as he normally traverses his place with lights out.

The house is pretty tiny, made tinier by the dark brown and green paint colors, as is expected living in such a big city on his humble salary. It's rather sparse in decor, consisting more of basic furniture and otherwise open space. Several bookshelves line the walls, however, filled with vinyls and audio tapes. A record player sits beside the small sectional in the living room, his laptop already opened up on the coffee table.
code by wren.

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Time is up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 65°F (25.8°C). Warm with a pleasant breeze.


The holidays have set in and the partying and beach parties have begun. And the magi are taking the forefront of the celebrations.