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more michaels D:

Recently everybody around me that is a guy is called michael -_-"
My names not michael my name is much more complicated
I might not respond today or tomorrow btw.

I am quite upset and as somebody who is highly sensitive it would be difficult to not have this emotion influence Karrens or Kaidas action.
Please accept my apologies for this.
Thanks, Mirrei. That makes me feel less pressure. I had a busy weekend; something to do with aging. Isabel will probably join in the fight tomorrow morning.
I wasn't very inspired to write tonight, but I pumped out a post anyways. Being as wolf was fighting with Kaida, ima wait another round before exchanging any blows with Gehenians.

See guys and gals, I can still flow with the plot and have my fun with Mirrei :D :D :D
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Soo Like I'm not gonna be doing anything this fighting round because... well I'm no where near the group or the Gehennian troops.
So what do we do with Squee's character? Should he be killed off dramatically?
Lol. Everyone is getting ready for battle and Willie is trying to start a conversation with his crush C:
Well, you can't expect the old guy in charge of the supplies to do any actual fighting.
I will have my fantasy create a few pictures later.

Need to think Kaidas reaction properly through.

@Eternalfire61 i will respond on the 1v1 Thread sometime later this week.

Yep I am fairly slow on non this RPs :o
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"And while all the fighting ensued Priv came up from the shroud of shadows, stabbing Perseus in the back. His glove came over his mouth in order to muffle the scream."

Good night, sweet prince.

And btw, since when is complimenting somebody suddenely the equivalent to hitting on her? Willie is an old fashioned guy if you didn't already notice.
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And btw, since when is complimenting somebody suddenely the equivalent to hitting on her? Willie is an old fashioned guy if you didn't already notice.

You just answered it yourself haha :P
I was thinking more along the lines of gentlemanely etiquette, think charlie chaplin
I was thinking more along the lines of gentlemanely etiquette, think charlie chaplin

I am aware. Just thought it could make some fun to tease it out.
Alright quick question for either GM:

Would you like us to write our actions (for lets say like 6 seconds of time or less) then wait for you to tell us the results.... or can we write out the results and continue the plot? Are we going to make this a play by play combat situation or something more fluid so that we can advance the plot? Hope I am phrasing my question correctly :P
Alright quick question for either GM:

Would you like us to write our actions (for lets say like 6 seconds of time or less) then wait for you to tell us the results.... or can we write out the results and continue the plot? Are we going to make this a play by play combat situation or something more fluid so that we can advance the plot? Hope I am phrasing my question correctly :P

If its 6 seconds....
Kaida and the old man are going to share their entire lifes multiplied by 200 before it is finished xD
For most of the NPCs you can do some actions with them, but don't do anything so drastic.

Wolf danced his blade around his foe as he tried to strike him.

Not good example:

In short, just give some sort of attack and we will respond.
If we are keeping it realistic a 7 on 7 skrimish shouldn't take more than a minute MAX imo...

Alrighty sounds good
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