Overture - Open to New Players!

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Actions takes time, in D&D a full 7 on 7 could take 4 rounds. Might I add that each round is 60 seconds.
If we are keeping it realistic a 7 on 7 skrimish shouldn't take more than a minute MAX imo...

Alrighty sounds good

A minute in which @Tanstin and I will speak of stories of war. of glory, of age :D We are about to share the entire history of the Overture world <3
I am not sure what DND your playing but ever since 3.5 its been 6 seconds per round @_@ feel free to quote me on this one... and free actions weren't intended to be abused with a ridicules conversation... thats just lame rping imo... let it develop naturally

Have you ever fought hand to hand, 1v1, for more than 60 seconds IRL? you need a lull in fight or else you wont be able to continue..... I dont imagine a skirmish with such a small number of people last more than a minute especially when people are using deadly weapons... the gehenians are not shy at all and blindly charged. I imagine spending 80x more time chasing down fleeing opponents / recovering from blows/wounds that actually exchanging blows. ...lol
Well lets not boil this down into a science, it's RP, so the battle lasts however long we make it. In my personal opinion this battle will at least take another round of posts, then the real action begins.
I am not sure what DND your playing but ever since 3.5 its been 6 seconds per round @_@ feel free to quote me on this one... and free actions weren't intended to be abused with a ridicules conversation... thats just lame rping imo... let it develop naturally

Have you ever fought hand to hand, 1v1, for more than 60 seconds IRL? you need a lull in fight or else you wont be able to continue..... I dont imagine a skirmish with such a small number of people last more than a minute especially when people are using deadly weapons... the gehenians are not shy at all and blindly charged. I imagine spending 80x more time chasing down fleeing opponents / recovering from blows/wounds that actually exchanging blows. ...lol

No reason to not abuse it!
Unfortunately for yall, I get a kick out of making combat a science in rp. I can RP out a whole battle with like 100 posts with two and be satisfied with the rp.... hahahahaha but I shall conform like a good team-mate

Edit: weeee I found out a way to outlet my need for comprehensive battle descriptions and formulations!!!!
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Damn, Willie seems so out of character at the moment. I wanted him to be a rising storm of enthusiasm was how I pictured him. A crazy, old, but wise and learned man. I think I got the wise and learned part down, but a little too much of it.
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Sorry for taking so long to reply, I could have squeezed in that short post pretty easily last night :P im relatively free today though, if we can get a round somehow
I will be posting later. Today is graduation and tomorrow is Boot Camp. Get in line maggots!

EDIT: (I managed to sneak my phone in, but don't expect replies to the roleplay to be very long. We're looking at about ten lines of writing maybe a little more.)
You're at boot camp, Musician?
Someone's been taking up a lot of my time lately, but I'll try to get a post in soon.
Alright I finally figured out my skype boys, add me "airwolfalpha"
No idea what the hell your talking about bro but ok
Just to get a quick idea, who did not reply for the current "round"? I havnt been around friday/sat and sunday I was occupied on Smite with my friend + other RPs.

I remember QuietMusician had something up and couldnt reply due to it I believe.
okay, because the last message written by others was on saturday I will be latest tomorrow so bold to look at whom didnt post and who has and ask them when they will be able to post. I do not wish it to die and I am not the only one who noticed it slowed down since I had the incident on friday.
I think everyone is accounted for. Willie and Kaida are talking. Isabel, Wolf, and Alexander are fighting. Umbra and Karren had fights separate from the group. Rorian and Naomi are off on their own. Teran is in the fight. Perseus is dead. Did I get that right?
I think everyone is accounted for. Willie and Kaida are talking. Isabel, Wolf, and Alexander are fighting. Umbra and Karren had fights separate from the group. Rorian and Naomi are off on their own. Teran is in the fight. Perseus is dead. Did I get that right?

sweet so we should spank @Eternalfire61 to progress :D I say you hold him down while I get the whip.... for the pain :3
*Cracks knuckles*

I'll take the pain.
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