Serenity Down- IC Thread

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"Heh, that so? Well, it's a change of pace from most of you guys wanting to shoot it out the nearest airlock. Hey, big guy. Someone needs ya." Spike called over to the xenomorph who hissed at Spike's derogatory nickname for it before focusing on the blood put in front of it's face. If the situations were different, it would have had no reluctance to rip off the guard's arm and who knows how many other limbs along with it. But knowing that Spike possessed some kind of object that caused it great pain and given how hostile other humans had been to it up to this point, it'd have to play it lowkey.

Stretching it's grotesque gums however, the xenomorph's face lit up into a ravenous sneer as drool dripped down it's teeth and onto the floor. It could feel the scent from the blood wafting towards it.


He showed as much fear from the nightmarish amalgamation as though confronted by a corgi. His own expression behind the mask seeing nothing but advantages, reading nothing but body language.

He dropped his arm and began to walk a ways into the ship, trusting to the others to move the wounded man.
"Wash, he's.. he's not well." She whispered, her tone soft yet strong. "He's dying, isn't he?" If he wasn't already dead, that was.
He paused...Slowly, his head turned as the red visor flashed and stared at River and her features before he spoke.

"Yes. Unless measures are taken to prevent it. He must be moved. I have done what I could to allow it."

Uncaring once more, he stalked off into the deeper portions of the ship.
@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @T.O.M. @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gibbons @Verite @CookieMonster
The survivor was injured, but not dead. That was a relief.

"There's no need for that," Battler announced to Cameron, who seemed to be about to head off to the medical bay. "My magic should be enough for a wound like this."

A deep breath in, a deep breath out.

"Everyone, please look away," he requested. Assuming he was allowed room to try to do something, he'd stick out his right hand towards the injured man.

"Now, remember your form. Your body, your stomach, remember the you before anything happened. Think of somewhere peaceful and safe," he chanted lowly. Magic was a powerful thing, but a blessing bestowed upon someone would only work if the receiver accepted it. This was all Battler could do for the man. If he didn't want to believe in his magic, then he really would have to go to the med bay.

"Now then," he said, swiping one arm out in a flashy motion, his cape floating for a second with the movement. He'd already memorized what was on the victim.

A stab to the lower abdomen.

The weapon was glass from elsewhere in the ship. A nonpersonal weapon.

If this was a mystery story, all of the clues were in this general area, or at least on the ship. And the suspect was one of the people among them. Yet Battler had been with these people the whole time. There was no way they had performed the murder.

Therefore, it was not a mystery. This was fantasy. To anyone else on the ship, this probably seemed stupid and futile. But for Battler, it was a major difference.

"So this is how it is, huh?" he said aloud. For the first time since arriving in this strange place, the Endless Sorcerer wore a confident expression. Any fantasy creature or method could and would be struck down by him. He certainly guaranteed it. Thus, he was relatively at ease, for a killer being on the loose.

"Blue Truth! The killer is hiding inside the medical bay! The killer is inside the crates! The killer is among us!" he yelled and pointed at nowhere in particular. At his words, blue stakes appeared and flew towards the specified people and areas, aiming to strike down the killer or killers, were they hiding there. If his blue truths were not true, then the stakes would simply remain immobile and disappear.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @T.O.M. @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ringmaster @Verite @CookieMonster


From both wrists, the savage blades of which he had devoted himself to mastery emerged, called to battle at the promise of worthy prey. This one had decided to engage him, in hand-to-hand combat. What else could he do, but answer it?

His first move was to wait, then like a matador with a bull, sidestep and bring both wristblades down- The intent being to catch her blade in between both of his own, before he twisted hard to get a grip and pulled. If successful, the result being in either the sword ripped out of her hands and into the swamp....Or tossing her, into the swamp.

At which point, he'd play back the following. A looming, primal figure like some dark god from the neolithic days of man as he played her own words back.

"Lets play!"

@Cromartie Sarkissian
A powerful gust of wind suddenly swept through the area. Or rather, someone had appeared in the area so swiftly they'd created a tailwind just shy of a tornado. Sure the other group had some cute girls and larger numbers, but this was a fight. And to Momoyo Kawakami, nothing was more enticing than a fight with strong opponents.

Unfortunately despite her swift movement to the place, she was still a bit late to the fight. It seemed it had already started, but just barely. She could still get in on this action.


"Yo. I'm not too late, am I? Let me play too, won't you?"

The strongest woman in Kawakami had arrived, and she didn't plan to leave here without a fight.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster
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A powerful gust of wind suddenly swept through the area. Or rather, someone had appeared in the area so swiftly they'd created a tailwind just shy of a tornado. Sure the other group had some cute girls and larger numbers, but this was a fight. And to Momoyo Kawakami, nothing was more enticing than a fight with strong opponents.

Unfortunately despite her swift movement to the place, she was still a bit late to the fight. It seemed it had already started, but just barely. She could still get in on this action.


"Yo. I'm not too late, am I? Let me play too, won't you?"

The strongest woman in Kawakami had arrived, and she didn't plan to leave here without a fight.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster

Outside the Ship- Ravage, @Ringmaster @Kaykay
Isabelle watched as her sword flew from her grasp clenched between the predator's mighty claws; there was no point holding on against such vast strength, it was suicide. Instead, the woman used her free hand to reach down towards her utility belt, removing a shorter knife in the process. How foolish the creature had been; throwing her sword aside had left it off guard, revealing the weaker skin of its under arm. That would be her target

"Of course you can play" She cried, ignoring the blood splatter in her face "The more the merrier"

Wesker turned to the shaken ex-crew member, returning to his facade

"Dont worry; he should be long as the med crew decide to get a move on"

Mobile post- I'll make a reply for thuro & ol' sith in the morning, I'm just super tired RN
The survivor was injured, but not dead. That was a relief.

"There's no need for that," Battler announced to Cameron, who seemed to be about to head off to the medical bay. "My magic should be enough for a wound like this."

A deep breath in, a deep breath out.

"Everyone, please look away," he requested. Assuming he was allowed room to try to do something, he'd stick out his right hand towards the injured man.

"Now, remember your form. Your body, your stomach, remember the you before anything happened. Think of somewhere peaceful and safe," he chanted lowly. Magic was a powerful thing, but a blessing bestowed upon someone would only work if the receiver accepted it. This was all Battler could do for the man. If he didn't want to believe in his magic, then he really would have to go to the med bay.

"Well, I'll be damned.."

Spike wasn't necessarily one to believe in all that hocus pocus crap. He preferred good ol practicality and seeing things though just by thinking it out and then doing what needed to be done. Now, that isn't to say he still didn't go and get some aid from his Native American associate at times but most of what that guy did flew over Spike's head. The same went here for Battler's little display. From the way he made it sound, he was going to heal this guy and help him avoid a trip in the ER. Which was a pretty handy little power. Probably could have some into use after all the bumps and knocks Spike had taken over the course of his line of work.

Still, at least if the guy was healed here then maybe he'd calm down a bit. Then they could ask who the killer was straight from one of his would be victims. But somehow Spike doubted things would be so simple. They usually never were.
"So this is how it is, huh?" he said aloud. For the first time since arriving in this strange place, the Endless Sorcerer wore a confident expression. Any fantasy creature or method could and would be struck down by him. He certainly guaranteed it. Thus, he was relatively at ease, for a killer being on the loose.

"Blue Truth! The killer is hiding inside the medical bay! The killer is inside the crates! The killer is among us!" he yelled and pointed at nowhere in particular. At his words, blue stakes appeared and flew towards the specified people and areas, aiming to strike down the killer or killers, were they hiding there. If his blue truths were not true, then the stakes would simply remain immobile and disappear.
"..You're just full of surprises, huh?"

Spike didn't know what kind of magic involved summoning blue stakes but if they helped point out the killer? Then all the more time saved on needing to search around aimlessly and risk getting ambushed. Glancing behind him at the xenomorph, Spike grinned. If these spikes didn't find the killer or didn't finish them off then Spike knew who could without a second thought.

"Get ready, big guy. If Battler's onto somethin then I think we might be looking for a showdown."



@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ringmaster @Verite @CookieMonster
Cameron looked around and wasn't sure what to make of all that had happened. If his rational brain had processed and understood everything right, he had just witness someone use magic to both heal a man and also to show where their killer was. Whatever was he for if there were people like him . . . who could heal the damage. He seem very useless and it worried him. What did he have to offer to this group?

The Starlord looked at the path. " So, what's the game plan to catch our want to be killer? We can't exactly just take magic on its word, but we also can't not do anything," he said, pondering what they would decide and how he needed to react.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Thuro 116 Pendragon @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Verite @CookieMonster

Last Order was much, much more observant than she normally let on, though sometimes she couldn't help but let that slip when her speech patterns, shared by all of the Sister's, forced her to give out her innermost thoughts. But those moments aside, her keen intelligence and ability to see through the eyes of the older Misakas told her all she needed to know about Onee-Sama, even despite the fact that they had only technically met once when she and Misaka 10032 had been playing a rather violent game of tag involving an assault rifle and a stolen pair of goggles (interestingly enough the same goggles she had clasped on her forehead now).

Onee-Sama was not an inherently violent person, unless you were a that had person happened to hurt one of her friends, or had incredible misfortune of being one Kamijou Touma, the spiky haired teen that had forced his way into the heart of the original Misaka and the 10032 clone (and about a half dozen other women throughout Academy City). Last Order's suggestion of using the railgun on Wesker hadn't been serious, but just the same she hadn't been able to resist teasing him like would have Accelerator when he got in one of his moods.

Beaming at her older sister, Last Order replied with a simple "'Okay Onee-Sama. Not this time.' MISAKA says as MISAKA tries to agree with her older sister while making Wesker nervous.'"

While Misaki (small world for name's, huh?) thought she was probably being cute and was totally going to be loved by the child, she was totally going the wrong route by insulting Misaka. While she didn't have the same close relationship she did with Accelerator or the same level of hero worship she had for Touma, she did have very strong protective feelings for her older sister, and not to mention that as a perfect copy she was essentially going to be a Misaka II when she got older, it just didn't pan out well for Dark Matter.

"'MISAKA thinks Misaka-Sama is cuter than you.' MISAKA says as MISAKA tries standing up for Misaka."

All of which was dropped as things got serious.

When they came across the pale man in the odd clothes, Last Order climbed down from her sister's back and knelt in front of him, a solemn look on her face.


Silently, for even the normally too noisy child was subdued in the face of such a sad picture, slid her specialized goggles over his eyes and began to scan his EM field, trying to figure out what was wrong with the man.

Reaching out a tiny child's hand, she put her hand in his and smiled at him with the sweet smile of a child, even one that is mature enough to know that her words might not be entirely true in the end.


"'MISAKA is going to make this better.' MISAKA promises as MISAKA tries to make the man feel better."

@Verite @Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster @Cookie Muncher @I am a leaf on the wind crew ;-;
Hoban- @Gibbons @Thuro 116 Pendragon
An EM scan would reveal the the man had suffered great damage to his kidneys, alongside a blow to the back of his head, most likely a result of his collapse. He was also suffering from dehydration, not being able to drink since acquiring his wound. The time it had taken for the group to discuss the situation had been enough for the mad to regain his senses, honing in on the welcoming sound of human voices...
"A kid, this a hallucination?"
Damn, Jayne had always told him this would happen; one minute your shipping around fugitives, the next your bleeding out alone on the floor of your ship. Maybe the dumbass had been right about a thing or too...

"You want me to go to my happy place? That shouldn't be too hard" The pilot muttered, through gritted teeth. He shut his eye, clenching them closed as hard as he could.

C'mon, Hoban, think of Zoe..Yeah...Zoe...

They were sitting around in his quarters talking, just the other day. There was no real topic of conversation, just...talking. They were trying to keep their minds off...well everything....he would make her laugh, and she woudl call him an idiot and......

His mind was welcoming the magic, and his wounds were healing
"Our 'Game Plan'?" Wesker growled, looming over the smuggler "This is no game, Quill. Our lives are at sake." All these multiverse travelers were the same- all pulled from whimsical worlds free of suffering, all janked out of dimensions were death was empty, and lives could be restored at the drop of a hat....they knew nothing. They knew nothing about the horrors he had seen. They hadn't had to trek through Racoon city, fighting off beasts that defy imagination. They hadn't been forced to watch everything around them burn and crumble, to have their destinies stripped from under their noses...No, they were far too ignorant "This is no time for jokes, or sarcasm, or smiles- this is a time for action. If you wish to play games, you're better off playing patty-cake with some of the children"

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Peter Quill stared at him and mentally cursed. Of course, this man knew about as many Earth expression as Drax did and that was going to be so fun to explain things to him too. He looked at him for a a moment and wondered what he thought about. He excepted them to be free of pain and suffering because they weren't where he was from too. He blinked twice and decided it was time to reprhase a questions " Sorry, what's our fucking plan because god forbid we use some expressions now and again. I bet you some money that you aren't the first person here who has been in some kind of life and death situation here. If anyone here who is not be in some sort of situation that could have been killed in, please correct me if I am wrong," he said, looking at the rest of the group too for a correction from there.

Cameron remained silent as he had nearly died a few weeks ago.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @Gibbons @Thuro 116 Pendragon @T.O.M. @Ringmaster @Verite @CookieMonster
Outside the Ship- Ravage, @Ringmaster @Kaykay
Isabelle watched as her sword flew from her grasp clenched between the predator's mighty claws; there was no point holding on against such vast strength, it was suicide. Instead, the woman used her free hand to reach down towards her utility belt, removing a shorter knife in the process. How foolish the creature had been; throwing her sword aside had left it off guard, revealing the weaker skin of its under arm. That would be her target

"Of course you can play" She cried, ignoring the blood splatter in her face "The more the merrier"
Go ahead.

The moment she stabbed upward and forward, blood splattered....But mostly from the slash cut the Predator gained, moving his arm in the way, taking advantage of the proximity to turn the impromptu block into a backhand aimed for Ravagers face.

Wristblades first.

Ignoring the cut, it did the last thing anyone would have expected after getting their arm cut up.

The Predator laughed.

"Lets Play- Lets Play! Of Course- More the merrier! -Lets Play!"

The recording of Isabelle's voice echoed in grim parody, the Predator laughing as its plasmacaster hummed to life and swiveled in her direction, with this close range?

Better start running and with a roar, the Predator unleashed its plasma bolt blasts in rapid succession, the distinctive weapons noise adding to the din that included the explosions impacts and the laughter of a creature who came out here to attack, and was having such a good time.

He ignored the newcomer as a matter of course for now. He had a trophy to gain.

@Cromartie Sarkissian


The Shadow Guard ignored everyone as they argued. The pilot was out of danger, they had called back to camp. Really, all that remained for him personally was two objectives. The first was to kill whoever had done this. It was always the easiest step.

The second was to head directly for where he estimated the cockpit to be, leaving the arguing and confused folks behind him.

Unless any wished to follow.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @T.O.M. @Thuro 116 Pendragon @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gibbons @Verite @CookieMonster

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"A kid, this a hallucination?"

"'MISAKA is not a hallucination.' MISAKA promises as MISAKA reassures the man." The man had been beaten up as badly as MISAKA-1031 prior to that unit's termination at the hands of Accelerator at that fateful meeting between the aspiring level six and the actual Misaka Mikoto. But unlike then, Misaka-Sama had been able to save the person they were after, or rather the man in the flamboyant costume was. He appeared to be healing by force of will which either meant he was a high level Esper with some kind of healing ability or…

"'Are you a magician? MISAKA asks the man as MISAKA recalls the strange events that took Accelerator-Kun away from Academy City." While Last Order hadn't been at the fateful mission, a number of Sister's had, each of them relaying what they saw to each other and more importantly Last Order. Among the assembled level five Espers, Imagine Breakers, Sisters, and Pact leaders and members, there had also been someone a lot more revealing. A particularly grumpy magician named Stiyl Magnus. Just like the rest of them, barring that one especially resourceful Pact leader, he'd been sucked up into the dimensional shift caused by the mysterious sixth ranked level five Esper, far beyond the broadcasting capabilities of the MISAKA Network, though interestingly Accelerator's collar had come had come on a few months later, giving the little girl that he was still alive. Though that had been crushed when it in turn had shut down about three weeks ago for some reason.

"'MISAKA scanned his injuries. He has major damage to his kidney's and the back of his head.' MISAKA says helpfully as MISAKA provides the information she gleaned from his EM field."

"You want me to go to my happy place? That shouldn't be too hard"

"'MISAKA has a happy place.' MISAKA says as MISAKA tries to connect to the MISAKA Network again." The child cocked her head, almost like she was tuning an old television, her face a picture of almost comic effort, then sighed dramatically. "'MISAKA can't go to her happy place.' MISAKA says sadly as MISAKA hopes you can find yours."

@Gibbons @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite @wooshitpostyay
Outside the Ship- Ravage, @Ringmaster @Kaykay
Isabelle watched as her sword flew from her grasp clenched between the predator's mighty claws; there was no point holding on against such vast strength, it was suicide. Instead, the woman used her free hand to reach down towards her utility belt, removing a shorter knife in the process. How foolish the creature had been; throwing her sword aside had left it off guard, revealing the weaker skin of its under arm. That would be her target

"Of course you can play" She cried, ignoring the blood splatter in her face "The more the merrier"
Go ahead.

The moment she stabbed upward and forward, blood splattered....But mostly from the slash cut the Predator gained, moving his arm in the way, taking advantage of the proximity to turn the impromptu block into a backhand aimed for Ravagers face.

Wristblades first.

Ignoring the cut, it did the last thing anyone would have expected after getting their arm cut up.

The Predator laughed.

"Lets Play- Lets Play! Of Course- More the merrier! -Lets Play!"

The recording of Isabelle's voice echoed in grim parody, the Predator laughing as its plasmacaster hummed to life and swiveled in her direction, with this close range?

Better start running and with a roar, the Predator unleashed its plasma bolt blasts in rapid succession, the distinctive weapons noise adding to the din that included the explosions impacts and the laughter of a creature who came out here to attack, and was having such a good time.

He ignored the newcomer as a matter of course for now. He had a trophy to gain.

@Cromartie Sarkissian

"Perfect. Just don't go down too quickly, okay?"

Completely ignoring the plasma bolts and edged weapons being thrown around, Momoyo darted into the fray like a lightning bolt with just her fists. Honestly, she didn't really like either side. The girl had the voice of a remorseless killer, and the other had the appearance of a remorseless killer. Fighting both of them at the same time would've been her preference, but as they seemed to be in combat already that probably wasn't happening. So instead, she quickly darted behind Isabelle and planned to kick her, if the plasma bolts weren't enough to get her.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster

"'MISAKA is not a hallucination.' MISAKA promises as MISAKA reassures the man."
"Good to know" The injured man whispered, trying not to break his peace. He had to remain calm is Battler's magic was to take effect...if it was to take effect. Why was he just believing a strange sorcerer who claimed to have magic enough to heal his wounds? Because he had no other choice, that's why ...


That's just what a hallucination would say!

"'MISAKA scanned his injuries. He has major damage to his kidney's and the back of his head.' MISAKA says helpfully as MISAKA provides the information she gleaned from his EM field."

"Thanks for the update" A grin called across the pilot's face. This kid was some sort of fusion between the innocence of River combined with the skill of Jason- a unique combo to say the least. The idea of an 'EM field' was just as alien to him as all of the 'magic', the kind of mubojumbo Outer Rim fairy tales are built of, but at least it was better than screaming in agony....

@Outside the Ship
Go ahead.

The moment she stabbed upward and forward, blood splattered....But mostly from the slash cut the Predator gained, moving his arm in the way, taking advantage of the proximity to turn the impromptu block into a backhand aimed for Ravagers face.

Wristblades first.

Ignoring the cut, it did the last thing anyone would have expected after getting their arm cut up.

The Predator laughed.

"Lets Play- Lets Play! Of Course- More the merrier! -Lets Play!"

The recording of Isabelle's voice echoed in grim parody, the Predator laughing as its plasmacaster hummed to life and swiveled in her direction, with this close range?

Better start running and with a roar, the Predator unleashed its plasma bolt blasts in rapid succession, the distinctive weapons noise adding to the din that included the explosions impacts and the laughter of a creature who came out here to attack, and was having such a good time.

He ignored the newcomer as a matter of course for now. He had a trophy to gain.

@Cromartie Sarkissian

"Perfect. Just don't go down too quickly, okay?"

Completely ignoring the plasma bolts and edged weapons being thrown around, Momoyo darted into the fray like a lightning bolt with just her fists. Honestly, she didn't really like either side. The girl had the voice of a remorseless killer, and the other had the appearance of a remorseless killer. Fighting both of them at the same time would've been her preference, but as they seemed to be in combat already that probably wasn't happening. So instead, she quickly darted behind Isabelle and planned to kick her, if the plasma bolts weren't enough to get her.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Ringmaster

The Ravager wiped the blood away from the gaping wounds on her face, feeling not pain but instead...was that...fear? No, she had not felt afraid in years, not since she was a little girl. It was a such a foolish emotion, a worthless collection of hormones and chemicals designed to weaken ones resolve. It was a feeling made for her victims, not her!

But this monster, this Predator, was far greater than any threat she had faced before in her life. Its instinctual skill placed it in a class high enough to rival The Al Ghul family themselves, ferocious, unyielding. No matter which way the fight went, it would be one of their last.

"Okay then...Two against one" The warrior muttered, watching the new player enter the battle field "Looks like there are no rules in this game no longer had any rules" He hand reached down towards her utility belt, removing one of the small grenades that hung from it "That's fine by me..."

Slipping out of the wake of the energy bolts would only resulted in Isabelle's fall at the hand, or at least the foot of Momoyo. Upon coming into a hard contact with the swamp floor, Rochev span her self around, transferring the momentum of her injury into a force aimed at the duo's legs.

While her foes were of guard, she threw the pinless bomb into the air, rolling away from its wake

@Ringmaster-The Cockpit

The cockpit was in by far the worst condition, when compared to the rest of the ship. All of the glass had been melted or shattered, leaving the seating area to lie almost completely exposed to the corrupted elements of the swamp. The leather of the seats had been burned to a crisp during the crash, flooding the room with a stench so bad, it made the swamp seem like the depths of an aerosol can.

Every detail seemed normal, the sort of chaos one would expect to find at the front of a crashed vessel...except for one key difference...

Among the shattered computer screens and broken wires, one singular monitor stayed active. It belonged to the navigator, and brought the only light into the shadowed area. It bared a familiar logo, one that could be recognized by all members of the crew

The roman numeral 3. What did it mean? What did it stand for? The buttons all remained active, so maybe some tinkering would be in order....

"Watch your tone, kid" Wesker growled, staring down the perfidious man "I could have you off this team at the drop of a hat, or make all hopes of you getting back home go up in flames, so I recommend that you keep your mouth shut for as long as you intend to keep yourselves alive" An uncalled for response? Sure. Was any of it true? Not much, but maybe, just maybe, it would give Albert some time to think....

It would appear as if one of the Nova's experiments was blocking the Sorcerer's ability to use the Blue Truth's within close proximity of the ship. This would awaken much suspicion among all who noticed such a change- Why were the Nova's experimenting with such Magic on a search-and-rescue mission?


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Hoban- @Gibbons @Thuro 116 Pendragon
An EM scan would reveal the the man had suffered great damage to his kidneys, alongside a blow to the back of his head, most likely a result of his collapse. He was also suffering from dehydration, not being able to drink since acquiring his wound. The time it had taken for the group to discuss the situation had been enough for the mad to regain his senses, honing in on the welcoming sound of human voices...
"A kid, this a hallucination?"
Damn, Jayne had always told him this would happen; one minute your shipping around fugitives, the next your bleeding out alone on the floor of your ship. Maybe the dumbass had been right about a thing or too...

"You want me to go to my happy place? That shouldn't be too hard" The pilot muttered, through gritted teeth. He shut his eye, clenching them closed as hard as he could.

C'mon, Hoban, think of Zoe..Yeah...Zoe...

They were sitting around in his quarters talking, just the other day. There was no real topic of conversation, just...talking. They were trying to keep their minds off...well everything....he would make her laugh, and she woudl call him an idiot and......

His mind was welcoming the magic, and his wounds were healing
"Yeah, just like that," Battler whispered with a content smile on his face. Things were much simpler when people were receptive and welcoming, rather than pessimistic and questioning. This man at least would be pretty much scratch-free given a bit of time. It actually hadn't really mattered what the man had chosen to think of too much. The key part was that he wasn't denying the magic cast on him. Thus it'd work, and he'd have thoughts of wherever his happy place was while it healed him. This was probably a best case result.

"'Are you a magician? MISAKA asks the man as MISAKA recalls the strange events that took Accelerator-Kun away from Academy City."

"Yup! I'm the Endless Sorcerer, Battler Ushiromiya! Nice to meet you...Misaka, right? Though, Academy City, huh? Ihihi, hat's a strange name for a place! Haven't heard of it," Battler mused as she spilled out all that information. "But you've heard of magic, huh? That's good. But, what kind of events are you talking about?"

While meeting so many minds open to magic was great and all, it struck him as a little odd. Normally people weren't so ready to accept it. Though then again, the kid was a kid and the injured man was badly wounded, so he probably just listened to anything he heard. Regardless, it seemed the existence of magic wouldn't be a key point here. Well, that left him free as the Endless Sorcerer, then.
"'MISAKA has a happy place.' MISAKA says as MISAKA tries to connect to the MISAKA Network again." The child cocked her head, almost like she was tuning an old television, her face a picture of almost comic effort, then sighed dramatically. "'MISAKA can't go to her happy place.' MISAKA says sadly as MISAKA hopes you can find yours."
While the happy place wasn't exactly the important part, he still found it weird that the girl couldn't find hers. Particularly for a child, it should have been a simple task. A matter of just thinking about, say, chocolate and flowers. Though with this talk about a Misaka Network, it seemed her happy place was something far more tangible than that. Battler couldn't tell if the child was legitimately upset or just a little sad, but either way if he could help her he'd try his best with his magic.

"What kind of happy place is it? If you tell me, I can at least try to get you there. Can't guarantee anything though, sorry," Battler offered, attempting to pat her on the head.
"Good to know" The injured man whispered, trying not to break his peace. He had to remain calm is Battler's magic was to take effect...if it was to take effect. Why was he just believing a strange sorcerer who claimed to have magic enough to heal his wounds? Because he had no other choice, that's why ...


That's just what a hallucination would say!
As long as the man continued to believe it'd work, it'd work. Such was the way of the magic Battler chose to cast on the man.

And around then, Battler noticed his blue stakes hadn't moved an inch, and promptly disappeared. That was...strange. Something was blocking off his magic. The healing was going fine, but it seemed the Blue Truth wasn't effective here. What a pain.

"Seems we'll have to find the culprit the old fashioned way. Anyone got any ideas?" he asked everyone at large.

@Gibbons @Cromartie Sarkissian @LuckycoolHawk9 @CookieMonster
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The frightened River regained some of her strength as she watched the Pilot start to heal. She let out a breath, and took in another, breathing to slow her heartbeat like she had been taught in the frightful days of the Academy. She had remembered slowly over time most of what they had taught her, even though three quarters of the experience was laced with pain, blood and fear. River opened her eyes and looked around the main room, eyes taking in a new scene, pushing her abilities forward so that she could grasp key elements of the scene. And there it was.

Several flashes of white light blinded river as she let out a scream, images rushing to her mind that only she could see, and those images accompanying feelings, emotions, thoughts. Snippets of conversations faded in and out of recognition, words mixing like a broken record and tones overlying each other. Then it became clear. But by now, river had fell to the ground, her brown eyes closed and body shaking on its' own, limbs moving with frequency she couldn't control. River was having a seizure.

"B-B-B-lbs. Bu.. B.. Bls." The words repeated in her head, letters split up and mixed while River tried to figure them out. Then an image of Mal and Zoe became clear in her mind. "We've got to -- out of here, Cap-.. Quic-ly" She watched as the tall, brown haired captain reached up, a fabric of some kind wrapped around his hand as he removed a few bulbs, some broken by bullets, but the bullets still inside. The bulbs had been melted, super-heated to the point that the bullet was trapped inside, the glass melted around it. What could do something like that? River didn't know. The image cut off to one of a piece of glass being picked up-- or rather, picking itself up, and floating upwards, moving through the door of the med bay and being brought down the corridor without any help from anything surrounding it. Or if there was help, the help was invisible. The vision cut itself off and another blinding light flashed through her head before the seizing river stopped seizing and gasped, struggling for air like she had been underwater for some time.
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The Ravager wiped the blood away from the gaping wounds on her face, feeling not pain but instead...was that...fear? No, she had not felt afraid in years, not since she was a little girl. It was a such a foolish emotion, a worthless collection of hormones and chemicals designed to weaken ones resolve. It was a feeling made for her victims, not her!

But this monster, this Predator, was far greater than any threat she had faced before in her life. Its instinctual skill placed it in a class high enough to rival The Al Ghul family themselves, ferocious, unyielding. No matter which way the fight went, it would be one of their last.

"Okay then...Two against one" The warrior muttered, watching the new player enter the battle field "Looks like there are no rules in this game no longer had any rules" He hand reached down towards her utility belt, removing one of the small grenades that hung from it "That's fine by me..."

Slipping out of the wake of the energy bolts would only resulted in Isabelle's fall at the hand, or at least the foot of Momoyo. Upon coming into a hard contact with the swamp floor, Rochev span her self around, transferring the momentum of her injury into a force aimed at the duo's legs.

While her foes were of guard, she threw the pinless bomb into the air, rolling away from its wake
The explosion rocked the swamp.

And when it cleared?


Huge hands clenched into fists, the Predator snarling beneath the mask as it crouched and leaped into the air, coming down in the direction of Ravager to follow up with a solid landing, its entire bulk to smash down upon its intended target.

Followed by a savage clawing, the wrist blades working out whether or not he landed on her to follow up with much cleaving and slicing without mercy.


@Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay

The cockpit was in by far the worst condition, when compared to the rest of the ship. All of the glass had been melted or shattered, leaving the seating area to lie almost completely exposed to the corrupted elements of the swamp. The leather of the seats had been burned to a crisp during the crash, flooding the room with a stench so bad, it made the swamp seem like the depths of an aerosol can.

Every detail seemed normal, the sort of chaos one would expect to find at the front of a crashed vessel...except for one key difference...

Among the shattered computer screens and broken wires, one singular monitor stayed active. It belonged to the navigator, and brought the only light into the shadowed area. It bared a familiar logo, one that could be recognized by all members of the crew

The roman numeral 3. What did it mean? What did it stand for? The buttons all remained active, so maybe some tinkering would be in order....​
Strange how this was one of the few to remain untouched.

Shaitan discarded it from his mind, seeking out different information. If the navigator was still functional, that would mean they had logs...Logs in which to see where the ship originally flew from before the crash. Perhaps a clue to all this could be found here?
And around then, Battler noticed his blue stakes hadn't moved an inch, and promptly disappeared. That was...strange. Something was blocking off his magic. The healing was going fine, but it seemed the Blue Truth wasn't effective here. What a pain.

"Seems we'll have to find the culprit the old fashioned way. Anyone got any ideas?" he asked everyone at large.
It wouldn't be found standing around, thats for sure. : |

@Cromartie Sarkissian
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Once again, Peter Quill didn't care about the danger he had put himself in and he saw that no one besides Wesker had spoken a word, so he had assumed correctly and they had all been in situations that could kill them. If he wasn't being told that he may never be getting home, he might have thought about flipping off Wesker for being such an ass when it came to his choice of wording and critizing him for that on anything.


Cameron looked around and decided he should see what was going on outside since no one else was going.

@Cromartie Sarkissian
The explosion rocked the swamp.

And when it cleared?


Huge hands clenched into fists, the Predator snarling beneath the mask as it crouched and leaped into the air, coming down in the direction of Ravager to follow up with a solid landing, its entire bulk to smash down upon its intended target.

Followed by a savage clawing, the wrist blades working out whether or not he landed on her to follow up with much cleaving and slicing without mercy.


@Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay

Inside the Ship-The Cockpit
The computer would wizz into action, abandoning the numerical design and replacing it with several lines of complex code. The machine had been hacked, and poorly at that, leaving the majority of the Data, both the stolen and the remaining, scrambled beyond recognition. One item of interest still remained however...

Upon activating the navigator, a small, square disc drive opened up, releasing a small black box into the Sith Lord's hands
Anyone with any knowledge of Ye Olde cargo ships would know that this Data cube the ships black box, a collection of files carrying incredible amounts of information about the nature of the ship, its final missions, any transmissions it made close to its crash, and a recording of the event. It was an information goldmine! Now all they needed was a clean computer to insert it into...

Outside the Ship

The sound of the explosion echoed out across the swamp, only to be magnified by the titanium walls of the ship. A terrifying screech rattled through the mechanical skeleton of the Serenity, alerting all to its presence
"An explosion! On the east side of the ship!" Wesker bellowed, tearing his glasses from his face. If the explosive had hit the base of the ship, it risked destabalising the frail structure, causing total collapse. All evidence would be lost, all clues to the crews whereabouts, up in flames- He had no plans on being the field leader who sent an entire fleet on a mission that would evolve into a wild goose chase. "Everybody out!"

The sound of footsteps erupted instantly as the handler made his was across the deck, leading over any obstacle in his path until day light could be seen, and with in, the battle. He shoved Cameron aside and entered the clearing, only to find the fight drawing to a close.

So there they stood, the Predator and its prey, the beast standing over the beauty. They were engulfed in a crater the size of a bath tub, most likely formed by the explosion heard prior. The putrid oils of the swamp had seeped deep into its grooves, the location of the Ravager's feet. There she laid, completely overcome by the onslaught of the Predator and the ambush of Momoyo, almost lifeless. Was she truly dead? He couldn't sense any exhaling, and the expansion of her torso was concealed completely by her body was so hard to tell. Yet the beast continued to slash and strike at her body, ripping through her skin like wet tissue. She had no energy left to scream

No. This was wrong. Such a monster mutilating the corpse of an assailant....without first interrogating her? How uncouth. Well, he had not believed them when they had told him not to work with animals.

The wounded figure let out a small sharp cough, projecting blood upwards into the creature's face. It did not deter the beast, of course, but it did arouse question. Was it a mere compressed lung? One burst beneath the weight of the monster's blade? Or perhaps a final whimper of hope, a final cry for help before finally giving into death? Either way, it was worth the risk

With Uroboros flooding through his veins, Wesker was more than strong enough to enter a brutish charge, covering the distance from the short distance between the ship and the crater in a blink of an eye. Like a rampaging bull, the leather clad man barged the predator with everything he had, throwing an elbow-uppercut strong enough to bend steel, let along throw the armored alien.

Albert could only muster a short chuckle as the Predator went flying through the trees; he'd be back shortly, with an urge to finish off Isabelle and most likely Wesker, but that didn't matter-he had brought them time

"We need her alive, beast. We need her to interrogate!" Shouting back to Battler, Albert continued "Ushiromiya! You were able to heal the pilot back from the brink of death! Could you do the same for----"

His words were cut short by his own, bitter screams...

Isabelle screamed, writhing in pain after every cruel blow the monster dealt. Every slice ripped more and more apart of her being- flesh, bone, armor, all came away with same ease, with the same pain. All her training had been for nothing, all a big, worthless waste. "Pain is inevitable" they had taught her "Suffering is optional". Clearly none of them had been unfortunate to have such incredible pain place upon them- in cases like this, suffering all she could feel, with the sweet escape of death sitting just out of reach.

There was too much pain, too much suffering, for her to even breath, let alone fight back. Every attempt to scream was simply choked by another flood of blood pushing its way through the words. All she could do was lay, lay and take all the destruction in full force. Her mask, her face, both reduce to manged messes, left like broken dolls- once so beautiful, one bringing joy, only to be reduced to twisted messes. It was horrific...even more horrific to sit through

Then came the man. Leading over her body, surveying her life an exam paper, squinting at her like a specimen. He acted like he owned the planet, waltzing around the crater as if he were a king. Was he on her side? Was he trying to save her? To pity her? No, noone ever did. It was about time someone cut him down to size, literally...

Within seconds of her rescue, the Mirakuru in her system kicked. Her wounds closed themselves, her skin grew again. Piecing dark eyes repaired a broken face, shadows of hair crawled from her scalp once more. Rochev's strength redoubled, her new muscle mass allowing her to reset her jaw with nothing more than the push of a finger.

It was a miracle, in every sense of the word

The hunter climbed to her feet with the silence and tact one would expect from someone of her skill. Her fully healed hand reach down towards the previously discarded blade, gripping it between pale fingers. All the ooze from the swamp, all the filth from the soil; any strike from this blade was going to deal fatal poisoning.

Every cloud does have a silver lining

Her prey was distracted, too busy with his radio to take notice of her preparation...

"Supreme Nova, send reinforcements- we have a situation on our hands. A med crew two; I dont know if our present healers are up to the task. Ushiromiya! You were able to heal the pilot back from the brink of death! Could you do the same for----"

There it was! The perfect time to strike! The invisible enemy striking down the master with a blade infused with nature itself; what chance would he have?

In the blink of an eye, they blade was flung around the neck of the handler, slitting his throat with one swift motion. Oh, how his screaming was music to her ears. A symphony of terror and pain and anguish. The great composers of old would be proud of this, an artwork within itself. A man of authority and pride, fallen to such a simple means, was such a tale to tell

"End of game, Agent" The girl muttered, watching the blooded corpse fall. "It was nice playing with you"

The Maker/ Reed Richards- @Mighty Roman
Index- @Thuro 116 Pendragon
River Tam @CookieMonster
Peter Quill/ Starlord and Cameron Goodkin @LuckycoolHawk9
Kiande Thei-de and Shaitan @Ringmaster
Spike Spiegel and a Xenomorph @T.O.M.
Mikoto Misaka and Misaki Shokuhou @Verite
Battler Ushiromiya @Gibbons
Momoyo Kawakami @Kaykay
Mobile Post, cut me some slack XD
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"End of game, Agent" The girl muttered, watching the blooded corpse fall. "It was nice playing with you"
Shaitan watched the corpse of Wesker fall, briefly considering as he stepped forward and looked down at the body. For a moment, he debated silently whether or not to continue the fight, the box still in hand from the flight recorder.

Right before he activated his lightsaber and finished the job, moving to remove and cauterize the head of Wesker while he was down. In full view, uncaring of the party he looked slowly up and fixed Ravager with an impassive stare.

"You were obviously hired by outside forces, concerned with silencing our handler as well as finding what we know. I can guarantee your survival, in exchange for answers. It will be the best deal you get from me."


The Predator was back.

And he looked pissed as hell. In passing, the plasmacaster in a fit of pique fired down at Wesker's skull, the Predator ignoring all else as it moved in back to kill Ravager.

Only to pause as Shaitan calmly took a step forward, to get in his way.

Yautja and Dark Jedi stared each other down, Shaitan taking the opportunity to say simply.


@Mighty Roman
@Thuro 116 Pendragon
@Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian
Cameron watch in equal shock and horror as Wesker pushed him out of the way and saved his life. By going to inspect the body before him, he had been slit in the throat and died on the spot and was further beheaded by the sith and he knew what that meant. . . . they could still stitch into him and had a feeling that was coming soon. He watched as the sith lord and the murderer talked and he tried to convince her to surrender . . . but he doubted that.

The Star Lord blinked as their handler was killed in a gory way. He hadn't seen anything like that before and he wasn't sure what to feel as the two faced off and he looked back. It seemed that something was about to go and someone else might die . .. but who?

@Mighty Roman
@Thuro 116 Pendragon
@Kaykay @Cromartie Sarkissian
Chapter 2- A Man on the Inside

Isabelle gave the two killers hard stares "You're giving me a choice?" A snarl escaped her now gritted teeth "You'd make it far in the League"
The creaking of leather could be heard as frail fingers wrapped themselves around an iron hilt. The bitter-sweep slap of freshly licked lips came next, followed by one final breath.
She had to be calm
To fight calm
To find Serenity

Within the blink of an eye, a flash of silver coated the arm of the assassin, the Katana blade flying from its hilt into her hand

"Let the real fun be-" Her words were cut short by her screaming. How...familiar. Her cries of pain sounded so similar those unleashed by Wesker not moments before. Even she could sense the irony within her suffering...

Perhaps there is such thing as karma

The Ravager fell to the floor, twitching in a state of spasm. There her body fell, sinking into the marsh alongside her final victim, each coated in the handler's blood. But that was the least of the survivor's worries; whatever cause her system failure was a far greater threat

"Alert! All Sentient within arena are hereby under the custody of the Nova Corps!"
A disembodied voice echoed across the swamp, followed by a blinding flashlight- The Novas were coming

"All subjects will be held indefinitely for the murder of Nova Agent Albert Wesker!"
Within moments the sky was alive with ships, more and more joining the iron ceiling by the second. All hopes of escape were being throttled with every passing second, just like few slithers of sunlight that bleed through between the shuttles. With Wesker gone, there was noone to convince the space-police otherwise; the a man had been murdered in cold blood, surrounded by a dozen individuals with superhuman abilities, shady histories and intent. What chance did they have of proving their innocents. The new crew were blinded by yet another wave of light, thunder surging through their bodies, crushing out all sense of consciousness...

Somewhere across the galaxy....

"We're very close to a breakthrough, Mr.Smith" Dr.Smith muttered, turning to face Mr.Smith. "This new specimen has provided me with almost everything I need" Yes! This was the moment, his moment, the time all his work would come to a head. Thousands upon thousands of cycles of wild goose chases and loose ends were finally making sense to him- all he needed was a push in the right direction.

"I trust that your...expertise were just as important to the project" The other Mr.Smith replied, approaching the first Smith's experiment. Whatever...whoever that corpse had belonged to was a poor sod; dying of bloodloss was one thing, having your carcass dismantled by the Doctor was something else. The stench was even worse than the usual human stink; if he had the reflexes to do so, Mr.Smith would have already gagged. "You know me, Mr.Smith- I'm never one to blow my own horn..." A lie, in every sense of the word "No mater how marvelous that horn may be. If you wish to discuss ego, look no further than..." His words were quickly cut off by the rough grunt of one of the other men in the men in the room "Your little science project? The Clean Slate is all about producing results, not satisfying your lust for dissection" Despite his tone, the third man was well spoken, as one would expect from an upperclass German.
"I beg to differ, Mr.Schmidt." Yet another interjection from the Doctor "Clean Slate is worth far more than results. Unless I am mistaken in my mission..."

"I wo'ld hope you are not, Doctor."
"You wish for us to make a miracle. To do the impossible"
"Correct" Commander Schmidt spoke with bitterness; He cared for the Doctor's pretension as much as he cared for the Doctor himself; Very, very little. As far as he was concerned, the First Smith could go hang
"Let us agree that they chose the right people...Smith, Smith and Schmidt...Doctor, Agent and Commander"A soulless laugh escaped his lips "Such a pity dear Albert could not be with us"
Dr.Smith's eyes fell down towards the tag on his subject's mangled 'Toe', more specifically the brown paper tag hanging off it. 'Häftling 12187' It read, written in blood red inc 'Betitelt- Wesker Albert'

"You should not burden your conscience, Doctor" Agent Smith mumbled, rejoining the debate "Wesker will continue to help us from beyond the grave...or...atleast...his blood will..."
Slow laughter played once more, formed once more by the black humor of Doctor Smith

"Fear not for my conscience, Mr.Smith; I transcended such a weakness in my previous incarnation, and I have not mourned it since. However, you are correct in one regard- Albert Wesker's blood is vital for our research. If it could be combined with Mr.Wilson's gift...then the only remaining pieces of the puzzle..."

"Would belong to Mr. Morra...and zhat girl...Ms.Tam..."

Across the Galaxy

The survivors would awaken to the sound of cheap 70's music rattling through an even cheaper speaker system. Gone was the earth, and its foul smells with it; the only treats for the senses now were the stenches of sweat, the scratchy prison suits that had replaced their clothes, and the burning sensation rising through the floor. Wesker and Isabelle were nowhere to be seen, both missing-presumed-dead; a fate deserved by both

"I hope you're happy with yourselves" A voice breaks your un-dreaming state. "Killing an Agent is some serious shit" Who was this man? Dressed like a drunken Nova, his proud blue armor inches too short, too tight and too dirty. His words stuck your ears like hammers, no matter how softly he spoke "S'pose I should welcome you to your new home! This is the Kyln! Home to the worst of the worst; you should fit in here nicely!" He sniggers, making a sound so horrid it could be mistaken for a belching pig "Think of it as a quirky summer camp, only you dont get to leave at the end of the month"
Soon, your eyes would acclimatize to the new setting, and all the horrors it withheld. Screaming prisoners coated every wall, every bench, booing and screaming at any new sod to come there way. The walls were lined with titanium, the floors with iron, balconies with plain steel. Cells seemed to make up the majority of the second level, many of which were filled with the more passive inmates- there was no denying this place was a prison

"I'll leave you to get acquainted with the locals! Your cell numbers are printed onto your vests, so you shouldn't get lost- your room mates are the main thing you should worry about! Ta-ta"
The doors were slammed, bolted, and shielded- welcome to life on the inside!


One thug seemed to take a particular interest in the new flesh, lumbering over like a bear of sorts. Double the height of all present, the beast could not help but look down on the crew
"Well, Well, Well! If it isnt old Peetie Quilt!" He tossed his head from side to side, looking around his all too familiar environment "I dont see no big scary tree men here to fight your battles for ya, kid! So what's going to stop me pum'ling you into glue right this second?"

Reed Richards, Misaka & Sebastian Shaw- Cell Block Ceta 7

River Tam, Cameron Goodkin and Longshot- Cell Block Alpha 2
Alien, Predator and Kyle Reese- Cell Block Theta 9
Shiatan, Battle and Sarah Connor- Cell Block Beta 12
Spike, Momoyo and Mikasi- Cell Block Sigma 6
Starlord, Bishop and Blue Thug- The Pit Cell
Last Order, Caesar and Count Vertigo- Cell Bock Omega 9

Cast List
Roster/Accepted Characters
The Maker/ Reed Richards- @Mighty Roman
Last Order- @Thuro 116 Pendragon
River Tam @CookieMonster
Peter Quill/ Starlord and Cameron Goodkin @LuckycoolHawk9
Kiande Thei-de and Shaitan @Ringmaster
Spike Spiegel and a Xenomorph @T.O.M
Mikoto Misaka and Misaki Shokuhou @Verite
Battler Ushiromiya @Gibbons
Momoyo Kawakami @Kaykay[/USER
[COLOR=#ffff00][S]Albert Wesker-[/S][COLOR=#ffffff] Murdered by Isabelle[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ffff00][S] Isabelle Rocheve[/S]- [COLOR=#ffffff]Murdered by Novas[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#ffff00][COLOR=#ffffff]All images belong to their respective owners (See links)[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ffff00][COLOR=#ffffff]Mobile Post[/COLOR][/COLOR]
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