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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Claire Miller | High School Student | Starlight Academy Dorms​
With the pain mostly gone, as much of it was going to be coming back later as they were inherent with pregnancy, Claire took a deep breath as she proceeded to let go of Maya's hand. Slowly, she proceeded to sit up as she cradled the swollen belly before smiling at the other woman. No doubt she was going to do very well in whatever field she planned to go into. Either way, Claire was overall happy and appreciated Maya's company. "Your magic touch was certainly a huge help. Honestly I wouldn't mind if you gave me a massage on a nightly basis. Or rubbing my belly for that matter." She said, smiling.

Given her facial expression, Claire could only wonder if Maya's ever felt a baby's kick at all, though her train of thought was quickly followed up. It wasn't often, but seems like Maya has felt a baby's kick before. Hmmmm, the previous unborn babies must've been more inactive compared to her own bundle of joy, who was very active. "Probably not often you encounter active babies. At least when they're in the womb. Mine's pretty active, so you'll probably hear me groaning out of annoyance on some nights, so I apologize in advance."

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
While in Doctor Star's Office, Brianna proceeded to relax as they went over a birth plan. Since she wasn't entirely dealing with any major pregnancy complications that required her to be on bedrest or even being monitored closely by healthcare providers, a natural birth was probably going to be in order. She then frowned as she thought about how she was going to be alone during the whole process. From the moment her water breaks, to enduring the pains of labor...to the delivery room where she'd just be with healthcare professionals. "I'd be more comfortable having a midwife in the delivery room with me. And for all the paperwork, you'll just be needing my signature, right?" She asked, resting her hand on the swollen belly. "Would it be possible for me to have a doula as well? Just so I'm not...alone in there?"

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor​
With a second vigilante showing up, Iron Sparrow felt more relieved then anything else. One of the surrounding thugs hit the ground moments after Sparrow had shot him with a Stick-N-Shock, an Archery equivalent to a taser. Followed by another as he was struck with the compound bow moments before Tank showed up. She had her fair share of trick arrows and wasn't afraid to use them. To her delight, it was a vigilante that she was familiar with having made his acquaintance a while back. While they weren't friends personally, they were kinda on the same team. But not partners, per say. "Growing another human being is a superpower on its own. Like everything else, it has its setbacks." She said before taking a deep breath as her belly began to tense up a little. "Like not being able to fit into my pants-"

Of course, before she could say much more, the fight began to escalate with the remaining thugs. Granted a few of them were unhappy with Tank's entrance to the scene. Of course, he was giving a swift response. Sparrow watched as he struck one man before grabbing another and throwing him at his friends. Sparrow drew an arrow with a mini boxing glove and fired it at one of them as they began backing away, striking him square in the face. Hearing a crack, chances were she struck him hard enough to probably break his nose.

Grabbing their injured friends, they proceeded to retreat, much to Sparrow's delight. "Thanks for you help. I was biting more then I can chew there. But...I'm looking for someone. A few days ago, a vigilante was kidnapped and after doing some digging, I traced her whereabouts to the docks." She pulled a photo out of her jacket pocket, showing a young Asian woman with Red Hair. "Goes by Sentinel."
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln had not known that Doctor Strange was a master of teleporting. "I didn't know that about him, but as far as I can tell, most of the magic users in this town are not exactly the trustworthy type, or for that matter known to me. I mean, not much has been going on. It's been really strange recently, like there's been this weird sort of quiet, almost like a calm before a storm sort of thing. No major crimes have been happening and even the hospital has been normal. I've only dealt with maybe three wounds in the last few months and most of those were accidents, I think Steve was checking out some fighting on the docks earlier. Honestly, with the stakeout being a bust, I was just going to head back to the hospital."

Matthew Harris/Twiggy

" If all the information that I gathered on her was right, then yeah, she was a rather loud and colorful person. It's a bit of a personal thing to deal with my father, but honestly, I'd rather not deal with him alone. He has this way of being so manipulative that I probably would start investigating other places. Yeah, this is home, but it's never been stable. Even before the portals, it always felt like this place was in just the right spot where craziness happens. I think you can be very useful to me, especially since my father wouldn't expect a new hero to help me with my plan at all,"
he admitted to her quite honestly.

@Michale CS

Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

Gabriel would have done a poor job of hiding the smirk and he didn't think much of the fact that the two detectives were looking at each other, it was practically police protocol to be suspicious of who was helping him. He would find that the design was rather old looking and Gothic in inspiration. " Well, I do see that somebody in the force does have some taste to notice that my establishment looks nice. It's inspired by Gothic architecture, a bit of home and a bit of Transylvania influence here and there, it's mostly to give people a sense that they entered a doorway into the past. A place where they could be able to be themselves and not be judged for their tastes and how they act. My clients are in a range that is often seen as less than in society and that is no secret. Plus, having a friendly image always help to bring some new people in. They often find themselves having a good time here."

Gabriel didn't need to take much effort to cover things up in his establishment. It was very obvious from even looking around the area, there was a ton of things that could lead to secret passageways or back rooms, though, it was only a matter of if you knew the way, especially when it was obvious as they followed him that there were corners that he didn't turned, hallways he didn't turn down and a ton of locked doors that they passed on the way to the office. So many different options to where he could be hiding things, as he would see that despite their being a security room, there was a giant lack of cameras in a lot of the place.

"Is this all the cameras that you have in your establishment? It seems a little minimum for the type of establishment that you run," he replied, going over to see the footage and pausing as he wouldn't be able to make it go further back enough to even see the incident. He would glance at Gabriel.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I must have forgotten. The footage was recently corrupted and while there are some back-ups saved to the cloud, those are still on the way here to be seen. They should be coming here soon, but you know, shipment delays and other stuff happens in this giant city after all," he replied.


Maya Brooke

Maya was relieved that her power had helped to relieve some of the pain that the other girl was feeling, even if she had to take it on herself. It was something that she had gotten used to though. Though she can heal, the pain had to go somewhere, but it had gotten less and less the more and more she used her powers which was a good thing for her as a nurse. It was nice to be able to have some company in the area, even if it was just a new girl who lived in her room. "I imagine that is something that I can arrange for a little bit, sometimes a little tender love and care is all that you need to feel better."

Maya had definitely felt the baby kick and it wasn't too surprising to her at all. It seemed that a lot of the babies that she took care of were very active around here, even if it was not something that you would expect. But, they generally weren't active for her, often tending to feel her inability to feel and not react. "I have definitely heard that our city has had active babies, even if it was not something I encountered until just this very moment. It's fine, you are someone who is having a baby, I would expect at least some groaning out of you."

Julia Star

Julia had been around enough mothers to know that having a birth plan was something that all of them certainly enjoyed, even if they wouldn't ever admit it aloud to the doctors. It was evident in the way that they would smile during the procedure or when they would help. It would take a moment to take a deep breath, knowing at least this woman would probably have a normal birth, probably the first one the hospital had seen in a long while. "We can certainly try to make sure that you have a person in the room with you, though, I can't promise that it will be a midwife trained in the field and not just a volunteer as we have had a storage of both of them, though, yes, it's just a signature. Thankfully, we do have a doula that can definitely be in the room with you as well. We also do have an program where we can have a volunteer to take you around town and be there for the birth."

Steven Lasket

Steven was relieved that he wasn't alone when it came to fighting these goons and even if it wasn't T-Rae there fighting alongside him, he was going to make sure that the vigilante that he knew was able to get herself out of this mess. Come to think of it, this was the most action he had seen in a long time too as he would wait to see if they would attack and not shockingly when it came to the thugs, they did exactly what he expected them to do. Charge at him like he was the problem and was in the wrong. It was funny to him as the ones who were often in the wrong, fought the hardest to make themselves bigger than what they were. It was weird to think that these were thugs working alone, scanning to see if there was anyone in the area who was giving them orders. It didn't seem to be the case.

It wasn't hard to fight these people and though he felt bad for sending them to the hospital, it wasn't like they wouldn't be covered for any damage he caused. For some reason, the main god of this city always made sure the medical bills of these goons were paid, and then strangely nine out of ten times, they would either go back and do it again or become someone who never committed another crime. It was only about ten percent of the time, they would die... and most of the time, it had nothing to do with the injuries that they sustained here.

Grabbing their injured friends, they proceeded to retreat, much to Sparrow's delight. "Thanks for you help. I was biting more then I can chew there. But...I'm looking for someone. A few days ago, a vigilante was kidnapped and after doing some digging, I traced her whereabouts to the docks." She pulled a photo out of her jacket pocket, showing a young Asian woman with Red Hair. "Goes by Sentinel."

"Well, helping you would be more than enough reason to beat them up, but if I'm guessing right, she's probably someone around here. No ships have left the docks recently, so it's pretty likely that she's just locked in one of these rooms. I imagine if we split up and look hard enough we might be able to find her in no time at all,"he replied back to her with an honest smile on his face.

@Blood Lightning
Claire Miller | High School Student | Starlight Academy Dorms​
Claire felt much more relaxed and comfortable by this point. However, she did feel a little bad considering that Maya eased the pain by taking it on herself given the superpower that she had. But now that the pain was gone for her, hopefully it wouldn't be long until Maya would be okay too. It was going to be a long five weeks, as it wasn't going to be long until her baby was due to arrive. However, she wasn't wrong, tender love and care can be all Claire needed to feel better. If that was the case, a massage and a belly rub was all she'll need at times. On minimum, just some emotional support as she was now in the later stages of pregnancy, not to mention the hormones and moodiness she'll experience. Slowly, she turned over to her left side, facing Maya. "Yeah, just tender love and care...and..." She paused, yawning. "A nap..."

As her eyelids began to feel a little heavy, she smiled at the Undine. "Just...don't wander off too far, okay? I feel a lot safer and protected with you here... Just wake me when it's...dinner time..." Those would be Claire's last words as she fell asleep.

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
As her birth plan was situated, Brianna felt a little more at ease. Overall, she was relieved to know that the hospital would help out in ensuring that she would not be alone during labor and delivery. Being alone while laboring did sound both scary and sad to Brianna, so she did hope for the best. No trained midwife readily available wasn't the worst thing in the world either, since there were people trained to deliver a newborn there and ready to go and it was just a preference. There may have been no guarantee, but the possibility was still there. As for the Doula, there was one readily available that can be there in the room with her during the labor and delivery. So Brianna was happy to hear that. "I see. Well, I'll sign on for the Doula ahead of time, so that I don't have to worry about anything on the big day. If there isn't a Midwife that's ready to go, as long as my baby can be delivered safely, that's what matters." She thought for a moment. "...Maybe you can deliver the baby?" Brianna suggusted.

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor​
Having dealt with the situation and the thugs all retreating, Sparrow was more then relieved. Now she could focus on finding Sentinel, the missing vigilante. Hopefully she wasn't in one of the shipping containers on one of the docked ships, because Sparrow certainly did not have the energy to go poking around at everything. Searching the warehouses nearby was already pushing it. At the thought of splitting up, Sparrow did feel uneasy. But Steven here wasn't wrong. It would be the faster way to find Sentinel. "Yeah, let's split up. We'll probably find her faster that way. If you find her first, we can meet back here and maybe get a ride back into town. And if she's hurt at all, maybe get her to the hospital."

Without another moment to waste, Sparrow would split up from her fellow vigilante to go search for Sentinel in one of the nearby warehouses, her bow at the ready.

Stephanie 'Tiffany' Hyun/Sentinel | College Student | Unknown Location - Somewhere in the Harbor​
Still suspended from the pipes and off the ground, Sentinel was starting to feel physically and mentally exhausted. Not only had she been tied up here for god knows how long, but the weight of her pregnant belly was killing her back. And without a way to change positions or go find a place that was comfortable, she was a sitting duck when it came to the pain. "Fuck this pain..." She groaned, hoping that someone would hear her and come by to cut her down...and go find her a bed.
Maya Brooke

Maya was relieved to see that the other woman was more relaxed and comfortable about that and that made her own pain worth it ten fold and she wouldn't have even considered that it was bad for her. It did take some time for the pain to pass through her system, but she had handled way worse in her life. It was one thing to feel physical pain, but there was a ton of emotional pain that she felt at the time she had found some of them. She took a deep breath, looking over at her and decided that she could always mask her own pain, it was the easiest thing in the world for her. She take a note of the fact that she hadn't seen the other woman sleep and she would nod that she could use a nap and didn't press her to take one now, she had a feeling that she would be falling asleep on her without much work to do,

"I got a ton of homework to work on and I have my laptop ready to be charged and pressed. I'm very good to make sure that you aren't alone at any point," she replied back to her, taking a deep breath and looked over at the ground. She would work until it was around dinner time. "Hey, it's dinner time."

Julia Star

Julia could see that the other woman was more at ease as she would explain that she wouldn't be alone during the labor and delivery. It was something that a lot of the woman worried about since there was a ton of heroes and villains in the city who would do things to make things worse for something so easy. It also helped that Julia would vet all of her staff and she didn't care what they did in their spare time, but they had to answer her calls and to come in when they were needed. It was a zero tolerance policy when it came to missing work more than twice and she had let go of some of her better staff who couldn't follow this simple rule. She often wondered why her husband didn't keep the same policy for the disappearing police force. "You can certainly have all of that signed on and I make sure that every patient here is brought in a better condition than they started in. I can certainly deliver your baby if you prefer that."

Steven Lasket/Tank

Steven had learned that goons didn't hire themselves, so he had to wonder who had gone through all of the trouble to target a pregnant vigilante and have a task force set up to deal with it. It was worrying that this seemed planned, but he wasn't about to say that bit of information a loud to the other woman. There was no need to cause undo panic and honestly, he couldn't tell what was causing this sudden surge in activity and that worried him greatly. " Splitting up is always a good plan when it comes to figuring out the best approach to deal with pests and other things in the area. I don't think we'll be dealing with a easy rescue if there are thugs guarding empty warehouses though."

Sparrow wouldn't find anything in a nearby warehouse except newer goons, almost as if someone was expecting the others to be looking in more than just the first warehouse.


"The pain will probably be less if you didn't move around and try to struggle out of the handcuffs every ten seconds like that would change anything. I would make you more comfortable, but I didn't know we had pregnant superheros fighting battles, not that I don't think they can, it's just unsual for this city in general," a voice replied from the shadows. It was obvious from this angle that he was wearing a red fedora and a mask to obscure his face. "I honestly thought you would be the assassin who tried and failed at killing me."

@Blood Lightning ( This is someone on the Occasional NPC list and shouldn't be hard to figure out)
Claire Miller | High School Student | Starlight Academy Dorms​
After a relatively long nap, Claire would be awakened by Maya, who informed her that it was dinner time. To this, the expectant young woman smiled and slowly sat up to stretch her arms and legs a bit. Slowly swinging her legs off the bed, Claire slowly stood up before straightening out her hair and her dress before gently patting the swollen belly. "Mmm, alright, let's go ahead and see what's for dinner now that I'm up." Her stomach growled in response. "Preferably sooner rather then later." She chuckled.

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
Brianna's fears of going through labor and delivery alone were mostly put to rest as she continued to speak with Doctor Star. Healthcare and Law Enforcement were often in for a rough time in this city, so Brianna knew that she couldn't see to every preference for her baby's upcoming delivery, but looks like she was in good hands. That was enough to keep her happy. As she rubbed her belly, Brianna took another deep breath before resuming eye-contact with Doctor Star. "Mmmmm, sure. I'd like to have you signed on to deliver the baby and if possible, take the place of the doula during labor. I know it's a lot to ask, but if it's possible, I'll take it." She said, smiling as she began cradling her belly.

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor​
Although she did have back up and was able to fend off a relatively large number of street thugs, Iron Sparrow did wonder about their motives. If they attacked a woman who was visibly pregnant, they'd probably attack just about anything that moves. Sure, Sparrow was an armed vigilante, but the thugs didn't exactly question their employer's motives either. It was a weird situation for sure. In all honesty, Sparrow should be at home resting or at a massage parlor. Maybe even in a hot tub, but no, she was really doing the impossible. Keeping a city safe even though she was literally about to pop any day now. Probably in another week if not two.

Then again, there was a reason why she'd put an emphasis on stealth. "Yeah, true. Maybe whoever is in charge is really desperate to protect their property if security is this heavy." She responded to Tank.

Momentarily, they'd split up to search the separate warehouses. Much to Sparrow's dismay, the warehouse she entered were crawling with armed thugs. Thankfully, most of them were just armed with pipes, 2x4s and knives. If there were gonna be guns involved anytime soon, she'd be in trouble for sure. To keep herself safe, Sparrow stuck to the shadows, but kept a watchful eye. If Tank were to come back and ambush these buffoons, she'd surely provide covering fire. After this ordeal was wrapped up, ice cream was definitely a must.

Stephanie 'Tiffany' Hyun/Sentinel | College Student | Unknown Location - Somewhere in the Harbor​
Upon hearing someone's voice, likely coming from behind her, Sentinel could only wonder who it was. She didn't entirely recognize the voice, yet it sounded so familiar. Vigilantes were plentiful here in Starlight City. She was also blindfolded, so...yeah, it was tough to get a visual. "I dunno about that, friend. Growing a human being is tougher then it looks." She responded in a relatively sassy tone. "Also, I'm hungry and gassy." She added.

"Whoever you are, please get me down." She said as she allowed herself to hang still. "And if we're gonna be fair here, I don't think being an assassin would work out very well for me. I'm like...super pregnant and I don't think I can waddle very fast."

Maya Brooke

Maya would nod over at her and would smile back at her. "Well, I definitely can tell you that it is a good thing that you are hungry, the dinning hall has so many options on what to eat and you will be surprised by what they have. The school Principal has food catered in there and there might be a bit of a line, so be prepared for that. Hopefully, it won't be too bad to wait, but if you need a snack, I got granola bars I keep for the time it takes toget the food," she replied, heading to the the dining hall and hoping dinner went well.

Julia Star

Julia was relieved that she could ease some of the girl's fear when it came to the labor and delivery process that the hospital engaged in. It was also good that there were procedures in place to keep all the patients safe. Unofficially, it had been dubbed as a safe zone where anyone could be treated and there would be no fighting. It didn't always work out the way, but it did sometimes and when it did, it was certainly worth it to say the least. "I can certainly adjust my schedule to make sure that I'm here to be both your doctor and doula when it comes to delivering the baby, i've done it before and something tells me that you will not be the last woman that I do this for," he replied back to her.

Steven Lasket/Tank

Steven would look over at her, taking a moment to look over at her. "Alternatively, this is someone that is afraid for their life and want to make sure that nobody would get to them," he replied back before heading off.

Steven would find himself in a warehouse that was surprisingly empty when he entered. He wasn't too sure how he felt about it though, but it seemed that the goons had managed to find a different place to be attacked. He was about to leave when he paused for a beat, turning back to see that there was still nothing there. He really did miss seeing Tamara in moments like this, mostly because she could use her x-ray vision to tell him if there was a threat, but it seemed that wasn't the case as he left the room. Maybe someone else had gotten to the goons before he could and was a friend. He would notice a third warehouse a bit off the beat path and started to head towards it.

Somehow, none of the goons had noticed that she was there and she would be able to overhear a bit of the conversation. " Do you think the boss? has gotten a little paranoid since the failed assassination attempt on his life? He seems more on edge than normal, almost like he is waiting for the other shoe to drop? It's even dumber when you consider that he is making us guard the outer warehouses while we are waiting for some killer to just show up. It's weird man," one of the goons would say. The other goons would nod in agreement.
???? and Lucas Star

"I swear that I need to hire better help for people who I capture, they were suppose to check every hour to make sure that you weren't too uncomfortable or hungry or anything else, but if you want something right, you have to do it yourself," he replied, moving his hand a soft breeze would take her blindfold off her face. He would take a moment to slid his mask and hat, staying in the shadows, moving towards the door, leaving her alone for a moment. There was a rustling of clothes being removed in the distance being heard.

It would take another moment, but a "different" man would enter the warehouse. She would immediately recognize this person as Lucas Star.


"Let's get you down from there, whoever did this to you escaped before I arrived in the room. I wonder what sort of brute would keep such a pregnant woman in such a bind," he replied back to her.

@Blood Lightning
Claire Miller - Currently Grabbing Dinner with Maya at the Academy's Dining Hall

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
With the revisions to her birth plan, Brianna felt much more secure and confident about the big day that was ahead of her. Knowing that she and her baby were going to be well taken care of, the expectant mother felt a sense of relief. Not to mention the hospital being a designated safe zone. Well, not officially, but there was almost no fighting within the hospital walls, so patients were safe as soon as they walked through the doors most of the time. "Alright. Let's go ahead and plan for that. I trust that you'll help me while I'm in labor and through the delivery. Thanks Doc." She smiled. "I think we got everything covered as far as I know, so I'll see you next week? After this, I plan on going home to rest."

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor​
As Sparrow quietly listened to the conversation that the thugs were all having, she got a little curious. From the sounds of it, their employer has gotten paranoid following a failed assassination attempt. And when they were even noting the conditions of their work, sounds like there was a consensus for unreasonable working conditions. Poorly armed, guarding a warehouse on the harbor. Sparrow didn't entirely blame them for pretty much having a conscience. Checking her arrows, Sparrow went for the Stick-N-Shock, almost feeling sorry for them. Maybe they could...talk things out? Keeping her bow at the ready though, she decided not to yank the arrow quite yet. "Good afternoon boys." She said, seemingly replying to the group of thugs. "Sounds like y'all aren't getting paid enough for this. Why don't we talk things out? No need for a fight."

Sparrow proceeded to step out of the shadows and into the light. Bow in one hand, the other placed on her back against the material of her dress underneath the leather jacket. She even adjusted her sunglasses and took a deep breath. "And I do agree, it is dumb that your boss is having you guys protect a warehouse and probably not saying why. And you're probably wondering if someone is gonna show up to either kill you or beat the crap out of you. Which sucks. Is it worth it? Getting beaten up semi-regularly and...racking up hospital bills? Does your Boss even have dental?"

Stephanie 'Tiffany' Hyun/Sentinel | College Student | Unknown Location - Somewhere in the Harbor​
"They didn't let me down to even go to the bathroom." She responded sheepishly.

Immediately following her response, her blindfold was removed and she found herself in an empty room, suspended from pipes. With how much pain she was currently in though, she'd take being handcuffed to a bed. At least that way she'd be able to rest, lay on her side over feeling the entire weight of her pregnant belly slow breaking her back. Or that's what it may as well be because of how far along she was in the pregnancy. Just as the pain in her back got stronger, another man entered the room. Though unlike the last guy, who kinda pulled the disappearing act after taking off her blindfold, this one she was more familiar with. Lucas... "Your guess is as good as mine. But they wouldn't give me a bed or let me go to the bathroom, so yeah...they're the worst. And my back is killing me."

As he got closer to help get her down from the pipes, Lucas' face got a little too close to Sentinel's very pregnant stomach, resulting in her unborn baby kicking him in the face. "Sorry about that! I got a very active baby!"
Julia Star-Starlight Hospital

Julia was happy that she had gotten Brianna to feel comfortable about her birth plans, so that she could have everything that she had. She knew that most people were actually happy that the hospital was a safe zone. It wasn't an official one, but that was more due to the paperwork that the process involved and if it was officially one, they wouldn't be able to help but the heroes and the villains with their injuries. She took a deep breath. "Yes, it is always helpful when we plan for these events and I'll definitely help you with the labor and delivery process," she replied back to her with a smile. " We can definitely work on meeting next week for your next experiment. I would recommend taking the route away from the harbor, something is always going on."

Steven Lasket and GM Reply- The Docks

Steven would take a deep breath, heading over to the third warehouse and paused for a beat, sensing that something was off. He didn't think he should leave Sparrow alone and would head back towards the other warehouse, taking his time as he didn't want to seem like he was hovering or that he didn't trusted her. He wouldn't notice that for the briefest moment, there had been a flash of light from the warehouse he had left behind.

The thugs would not expect anyone to come down and talk to them, not sure what to make of the current situation. Nobody had ever talked to them about their pay. " Yeah, we are definitely not getting paid off. We all know the boss is loaded, but he doesn't seem to do much with that wealth for her. He pays us minimum wage and it's just really bad and all of that. Problem is that the last post who-" One of the thugs jabbed the chatty thug before he finished his sentence.

One of the other thugs would look at her, uncertain what to make of the situation. " Yeah, that's what I have been telling Davey and Bobby for the past few hours, but nobody ever listens to Joey or myself. Yeah, no, it is definitely not worth getting beaten up. Oh yeah, the hospital bills definitely rack up. We DON'T have medical, dental or eyeglasses. Honestly, being a thug is one of the worst gigs in the city, but most dropouts or runaways can't find anything else to do. Plus- we can't even say the U word to get better pay because Larry tried and he was obliterated by the boss."

Lucas Star- Somewhere In The Harbor

"Wow, that must have been terrible, it also explains the smell in the warehouse. No offense," Lucas added to her.

He would look over at the area and would take a moment to consider how they had even gotten her handcuffed to the pipers, but he decided to not ask that questions as it seemed bad. He had to wonder if the villain had ordered for a bed and the help had gotten lazy when it comes. Lucas would take a deep breath. "Well, I will definitely make sure to report the people who tied you up if you can identify them. I am surprised that it took someone so long to find you, but this warehouse was very off of the beaten path of the harbor, kind of hidden away and looked even worse than the rest of them. I can definitely recommend one of the local spas to help with that back pain if you don't want to spend a lot of money on medications," he replied, taking a deep breath as he said that.

He would loose a laugh. "Oh, it happens a lot. The baby probably thought it was in danger with the type of luck you have been having," he replied, taking the kick from the baby in stride, finding it to not be a very big deal.

@Blood Lightning
Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital - Ending Scene
The appointment was now drawing to a close and Brianna was more then satisfied with how it went. With the promise of Dr. Star helping her through labor and delivery, Brianna felt more reassured that labor and delivery would go smoothly for her in the next four weeks. "Thanks for the advice, Doc. I'll be seeing you next week." She said before slowly getting on her feet and then waddling away, towards the door to open it and then out of the office and towards the next elevator so that she can go take the next bus back to her dorm.

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor
Slowly, Sparrow would just sheath her bow, letting it hang on her quiver, seeing that the men before her were willing to talk then attempt to attack her right off the get-go. Granted if they had tried, she had her Stick-N-Shock arrows at the absolute ready and they would have gone down after briefly being electrocuted before they had a chance to strike her or get remotely close to her. Really, Sparrow was confident in her marksmanship.

As she listened, Sparrow just began massaging her pregnant belly as she maintained eye-contact with them both. She frowned as they told her that they were indeed not getting paid enough, their employer was wealthy, they had the equivalent to the city's minimum wage. And they had no benefits. No Medical Care, Dental or Vision! And the last time someone said the 'U' Word got violently killed... "Wow. Minimum wage without benefits is definitely not worth getting a really bad beatdown for sure. But...well, I'm waaaay too pregnant to be fighting with you guys up close. So it's really not worth it. Maybe we can help each other out. You guys give me some information...and in return, you won't get electrocuted like your friends by the front door. Does that sound fair?" She asks, placing one hand on her back and the other over her belly, gently caressing it. "C'mon, help a super pregnant lady out."

Stephanie 'Tiffany' Hyun/Sentinel | College Student | Exact Unknown Location - Somewhere in the Harbor
Although she did mention that she wasn't let down to go use the restroom and Lucas connected that to the smell of the warehouse, Sentinel only rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Yeah, real funny. I've just been holding it this entire time. The smell is because I'm hungry and gassy." She said sheepishly.

As the conversation continued, Sentinel took a deep breath as she thought about the events leading up to her abduction. "Unfortunately, they did put a bag over my head and didn't say anything after zip-tying my hands behind my back and taking me away while I was out for a walk. Or well...waddle." She sighed. "Also passed out at some point because I'm like...super pregnant. So I get really tired really easily."

She relaxed a little after Lucas commented on the baby kicking his face after he got too close to the belly trying to release her. "And that sounds about right. Once you get me down from here and we get the hell out of the harbor, I'm gonna go use the restroom, grab a ribeye steak and then go find a hotel to stay in because I want to find a bed sooner rather then later. Maybe soothe the little one before I take a nice, long nap." She said casually. "Anyway, enough of the maternity talk, how'd you find me?"