The Angel Experiment

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Ariel nodded "Judy once told me after the lab took my blood for the first time to mach it to DNA that when you lose blood your suppose to drink something with sodium. Salt is suppose to help blood cells or something i think.." She said and looked over to Kalia "Can you wait till your stable at least you love birds.." Ariel said she watched Nicky comfort Kalia and smiled. She knew they were close and Ariel was always thankful for Kalia, she was like an older sister to Ariel and she knew she could trust the girl. She figured maybe Kay could help her figure out her feelings for Liam. Ariel shook her head. Later, she decided. Now was not the time for that.

Nicky smiled and placed a sticky kiss on the older girls face. "Sorry to inform you Paris, but she's already mine" He joked as he hugged Kay tighter.
Maddie ran off, tearing through the shelves will she came back with a bag of salt. She turned Paris's head a little and started pouring salt in his mouth, then added some if the rum to help him swallow and take away the pain. She repeated the process over and over. "Check his wound, see if it's closing."

Jessica stood speechless. At this point she she had no clue what to say, or how to say it. Slowly a grin spread across her face and she bursts in to laughter. "How would you even expect a date to work out?! First of all your stretching my only shirt, second it's kinda hard to take out a winged chick, and third every normal person thinks I'm blind!!" She laughed harder, only to wince in pain from the bullet in her shoulder. Whoever owned this jacket she was wearing she was ruining it with her blood.
Luna made it some 100 meters away from her bag before pausing, her gentler personality just couldn't let her leave.
She looked back towards the gas station, searing pain spreading through her body from her shoulder, she turns around and runs back, picking up her backpack with her left arm. She then runs as fast as possible around the gas station, taking care to avoid the violent girl. She walks towards the entrance, and once she gets here, she merely drops her backpack in front of the people inside, not particularly hiding herself before running back towards the woods. She never wanted to kill someone, the orders were just to get them back.
Running through the forest she finally slows down, the pain reaching a critical point. She drops to her knees and starts crying, bottled up emotions coming out, she finally collapses to her side, falling unconscious.
Raye shook his head. "Girl, it don't matter. I would move time and space. Not just time, not just space. But both of them. To be. With. You. Wait, what's your name? I don't even know it yet. But I'll need to so that I know what to write on the wedding invitations. You can wear a nice pretty dress and we'll just tell everyone you're an artist. And the wings are your artistic vision or some shit like that. And who needs eyesight to see that we are in love." Raye stuck out his lips and tried to kiss Jessica but he was way too far away and was doing nothing but making an ass out of himself.

Paris narrowed his eyes at Nicky. "If you want we can... fight for her...come on. Right now... bring it on." Suddenly a pile of salt and booze went into his mouth, muffling his noises.
Maddie's eyes widened at the sight of the girls injury. She left before Maddie could say anything. Quickly, opening the bag. Maddie looked at Ariel. "That girl needs help.. Can you take care of him from here?"

Jessica's face grew red hot. What the hell was this guys problem?! She took a hesitant step back. Maybe this was his plan. Throw her off guard. "Tch! Stop saying weird shit! Don't get me off topic!! Answer the question! Besides, I heard you don't even like birds!!"
Raye nodded. "You heard right, I can't stand birds. They're disgusting maggots with wings. But you, you aren't a birn. No, you are an angel. And I don't say that about all the girls, you know. You belong in a museum because you are art. Oh, also does it hurt? When heaven made you fall. And you crashed to the ground? I think that's how the line goes. SEX! That is what I wanted to do, but I. Ouldn't think of it earlier but now I did. So let's have sex."
Jessica's mouth fell open and she stared at him I'm shock. The balls on this dude to ask such a thing. "Who the hell do you think I am?!? I don't know who the hell you are!! You don't know who the hell I am!! I'm not a whore, you prick!!" She shook her head in annoyance.
Kalia laughed at the boy's quarreling over her. "Boys boys. I am both of yours. There's more than enough of me to share." She threw her arm around Nicky and pulled him close kissing the top of his head lightly and squeezed Paris's hand again. She giggled again at the sight of Paris being force fed alcohol and salt. But as long as it made him better, she wasn't gonna complain. "You should rest Paris. It'll do your body good. We need you to heal so we can get some actual help. We can't move you as far as the city without you helping us a little."
Raye shook his head. "No, no, no! My beloved, I never meant to imply such things. I thought that we were ready in our relationship to go to the next level, but if you feel we need more time then I will give you all the time you need! But not too much time. I do wanna post on Facbook later today about how I've lost my virginity and this time when people comment 'bullshit' they won't be telling the truth and I will win!"

Paris nodded. "Sure thing. I'll rest... but don't I get a kiss too?" He asked trying to seem innocent.
Jessica groans. She obviously wasn't getting her way with this guy. She shook her head, both her hands moving to her head and rubbing her eyes. What. Was. This. Guys. Problem?! "Listen, your virginity issues aren't my problem. Fricken wait here, I'll get someone else to talk to you." Jessica sighed and walked away, heading back to the front. She slams the door open and points to Kalia. "You! Come with me. Now."
Kalia opened her mouth to answer Paris when Jessica slammed open the door and pointed at her. She gave Paris a kiss on the cheek and Nicky one on the top of his head again and stood up, going to Jessica silently. "You're not about to trade me off are you? I'm not being like prostituted or sold into white slavery right? Cuz I really don't feel like doing that."
Jessica glares at Kalia, the word giving her bad memories. She just simply walked off heading to the back of the gas station, pointing to Rye. "Get answers out of him!!"
Raye stuggled against the restraints. "Wait up, my beautiful mistress. You haven't serenaded me with your love yet!"
Kalia followed her and looked down at the pitiful man who sat tied to a pipe. He had shot Paris and she would make him pay. She looked over at Jessica and gave her a devilish smile. "Oh. Don't you worry. By the time I'm done with him, he'll have spilled everything." She turned back to Raye and gave him a look of pure hatred with a smirk. "Hello Raye. I'm about to be your worst nightmare."
Ariel nodded at Maddie. "I got him from here." She watched Paris' wound heal up quite nicely and she sighed, relieved that he was going to be okay. She hopped that girl was okay, she might be different but who knew what horrors she had seen at the lab. Watching Kay walk over to Jessi she wondered what was going on but couldn't leave so she decided to ask Paris. "So If a girl carries you for miles when your on the verge of dying from the cold and rain and she tries everything to save you, does that mean she has feelings for you?" She asked Paris as she gave him more salt mixed with rum. Nick sat there silently watching and wandered off to find Kay.
She sighs, pushing her bangs back and looked down at Raye. She walks to him and crouched down beside him. She squinted at him, he was so odd. She lightly pokes him as if to see if he was human.

Maddie stood up, taking the first aid kit and ran out. She lifted off the ground and flew, looking around. She soon spotted the girl with the pipe, landing next to her.
Paris thought about it for a moment. "Well, I suppose... the very fact that you're asking me this... makes me think that you do... and Liam would have to be a fool or a queer to turn down you." Paris smiled at Ariel and closed his eyes. "Don't mind me... I'll just be heading towards this bright light."

Raye smiled. "Oh, God. You have no idea what it does to me when you poke me like that." Once Kalia spoke he smirked, his face changing emotions completely. "Go ahead and scurty on back to the kitchen, sweetie. Me and 'my worst nightmare' have some business to discuss."
Jessica blinked at him. She pinches him. "Don't talk to me like that I can't even cook!!" She frowns at him and stands up, looking towards Kalia, wondering what she would do to Raye.
Ariel lightens the pressure on Paris' wound. Her face flushed red "I-it's not about Liam" She said wishing she had just kept her mouth shut about her questions. Trying to switch the subject quickly. "No no no no no" She said lightly slapping his face. "No going towards the light mister!!" she said as she watched over the patient. "So you and Kay huh? Yeah i can see you two as a couple, kinda makes sense. You're both bitchy and uncontrollable" She teased. Watching the skies for a sign of Cyra or Lilth or even Mia. She hadn't even gotten to say goodbye and she felt like she had pushed Cyra and Lilth away.
Kalia snarled at the disgusting man in front of her. He had never worked on her personally but that didn't mean jack shit right now. He had shot one of the flock. And almost killed him. God for all she knew he was already dead. That made her even angrier. She darted to him and put the small razor she had used to cut open her tshirt up against his neck, pushing the edge into his skin just enough to dent it but not enough to draw blood. But that could change in an instance. "Let's start with some basics, shall we? And might I add that any answer I don't like will have dire consequences on that precious skin of yours. Particularly your foreskin? So tell me. Who the fuck are you."
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