The Angel Experiment

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Kalia looked up at Ariel as she came towards her and withdrew her razor from Raye. "Just seeing if I can't persuade him to give us something. So far nothing." She looked back at Liam as he approached as well and chuckled. "Oh I did threaten that. I should probably hold up my promise shouldn't I?" She looked over at Raye again. "What do you think Dr. Fuck You? Should we start with your balls or just go straight to it and cut it all of? God knows you're not gonna use it anytime soon." She brought the razor closer to him and slashed at his inner thigh careful not to cut the femoral artery that lay just under the surface. She couldn't kill him yet. Thinking to what Jessica had said, she reached into his pockets and fished around for anything that might be in there. "This is probably the most action you've ever gotten isn't it Dr. Fuck You?" She laughed and brought out a couple nickles and dimes and his wallet. She rifled through it and then threw it to Ariel. "There we go. Raye Fields. Asshole scientist and virgin extraordinaire. Not sure why he has a condom there but hey. I'm not judging. Wait. Yes I am. Check to see if he's got money." She turned around and punched him straight in the nose. She was strong and that was gonna leave a mark.
Raye's head jerked back and he twisted his neck back around taking in the blow. "Oh, my. You found out whay my name is. I'm so fucking scared. Hey, here's a little useful fact. T-shirts, they aren't used by the government to hold down prisoners during interrogations. And I can see why." Raye lifted his hands up and shoved Kalia as hard as he could. Raye leapt up and took off running into the deep of the woods.
Kalia fell backwards hard as Raye pushed her. "Mother-" She looked around bewildered! "Oh fuck me." She shook her head and got up, brushing herself off. "At least we got the wallet." She looked over at Ariel. "Anything in there we can use? Anything that tells us how he got all the way out here?" She looked out the door where Raye had fled. No use getting him now. He was wounded and clearly no help to any of them. They just needed to evacuate here before he healed and they should be fine. She hoped.
Jessica stiffened for a moment. Maddie was gone?! She ran at Ariel, grabbing her by her collar. "Where is she?! Where's Maddie!!" She didn't look pissed or even threatening. She looked terrified. Maddie was alone and there were two people out there hunting them down.

Maddie was soaring above the sky until she landed in the clearing. She couldn't find the girl with the pipe in her shoulder and she wasn't exactly sure where she was. She was a little scared and regretted leaving.
"J-Jessi..? Where is everyone..?"
Luna's eyes slowly opened, everything was blurry around her, but she was almost certain she didn't move. The biocomputers in her back kept notifying her about the damage done to her right shoulder, she knew she had to get that treated. She first gets on her knees and looks around, the gas station was still visible but a good deal of trees was above her, probably hiding her from any of the angles.
Finally climbing on her feet, she orientates herself towards the nearby town, the facility had an office there which she already used for several ops. She started walking slowly in that direction hoping nobody would notice her in this condition.
Maddie sat below a trees, hugging her knees to her chest. She was terrified and that caused her owl DNA to go haywire, making all the tiny sounds of rustling sound like screaming, her eyes detecting every little movement happening around her. Her breath quickened slightly and she drops her head into her arms. The ground is dangerous said some voice in her head. Every part if her body told her she should fly but she was frozen on the ground. She's never been alone outside before.
Scarlet held onto Paris. She tried to inch away from the fight that was going on. That crazy person was send by the scientist? how can he work for those monsters? she was sure they experimented on him the same way they did to her and the others. However he was not the same as them. The scientist were using other types of DNA on children. there were probably more children at the lab being tortured with different DNA.
Ariel caught the man's wallet and riffled though it and found 40 bucks cash and a couple cents. "Jackpot!" She said shoving the money into her pocket. " We should've tried to get his pin number.. We could blow these credit cards easy." She smiled mysteriously and looked over to Liam. "Ew don't be so graphic guys, let the poor virgin keep his baby maker. Though he shouldn't be recreating anyway.." She said staring at the man who cause them all so much pain as he fled into the woods like a coward. "Let's hurry and get out of here as soon as everyone is healed.. I don't feel safe here anymore." Her eyes darted around filled with panic. Suddenly realizing she ignored Jessi she panicked more. "SHIT Maddie went after that girl!"
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Cyra sat on one of the nearby chairs, with her hand pressed against the bullet wound. The world was spinning around her, her vision was almost completely black, and the pain was becoming a numb irritation as she closed her eyes. She was tired and she wanted to sleep, but the people were too loud and she felt like her head was about to explode and she wanted to slay their heads for not shutting up.

"Would you please shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep." She had her head rested on the wall behind her, a frown on her face. That was the closest to an emotion that she had showed in front of the others. Funny how she felt more like herself when dying, perhaps she should do this more often. You know, die.
Jessica glares at Ariel a little, obviously displeased that she ignored her. She backed away, her wings opening and she lifts of the ground. She had to find Maddie. She flew away from the group, her shoulder hurting like crazy every time she even thought of moving her wings. Jessica winces and locked her jaw, ignoring the pain best she could as her eyes searched the ground.
Raye ran farther into the woods until he came upon a small clearing. Raye walked to the very center and began digging, he soon had made a several foot deep hole, where he removed a box from the Earth. Raye ripped the lid off the box and pulled out a cell phone from the box, he quickly dialed HQ. "This is Dr. Raye Fields reporting, I have located the test subjects. By playing weak and stupid, I have discovered that there are currently eleven escapees in this large group. Two of them are small children and five of the others have been injured, making them weak and easy targets. Leaving only four real challenges. I believe it is time to send in the special forces we've hired from BlackGuard Industries. I am sending you my coordinates now, come soon. This could end up being quite the event." Raye smirked and hung up, placing his cell phone in his back pocket. Raye pulled two handguns, each with matching holsters, and strapped them to his belt. The last thing Raye pulled from the box was a needle full of a strange orange serum. Sighing, Raye injected himself with it. "There, let's see how those degenerates like me now."
Maddie watched Raye from behind a tree. She didn't dare move, completely terrified. I need to find Jessi. She'll know why to do.. She thought. She slowly backed away, then turned and darts deeper into the forest looking for a dark area to hide.

Jessica landed on a tree, her hand moving to her shoulder. She had lost a lot of blood and over exerting herself certainly wasn't helping. She leaned against the tree trunk. She tried of think if wear Maddie would go. If she was looking for Jessi she would've stayed by the others. Jessica climbed as high as she could in the tree.
"I'm going to look for Maddie, Kay watch out for the flock!" Ariel looked around and couldn't find Nicky. "Nicky?!" She started screaming for the little boy with no reply. "shit shit shit shit!" Ariel took off for the skies. Flapping hard and getting her blood pumping. Her mighty wings turning as her body did to maneuver though the skies looking for both the littlest of their little "family." "MADDIE?! NICKY?!" She screamed as the wind pushed against her. She had to find the them.

Nicky had gone after Maddie and was lost in the trees. "M-Maddie?" He called trying to be brave. "Maddie?" He said as he neared a somewhat open field. He saw the little girl and made his way over to her. Touching his hand lightly to her shoulder and whispering "Maddie it's me.." As he peeked over her shoulder and saw the scientist that had shot Paris. "Uh oh.." He said paralyzed in fear.
Name: #001
Nickname: Riu Daughter
Age: 13
Looks:Profile picture
Wings: Eagle DNA, Brown wings with white bottoms that stretch out abot 15 feet
Personality: Concealed, Violent, Smart, Timid, Mysterious, agile, strong
Bio: At the age of 5 She killed her parents framing her uncles and has never been caught. She lived on the street until the age of 7 when she was brought to the lab or school. She was beaten frequently due to bad behaviour. Until the day she got to be free, She has a power to read the minds of people and always covers 1 eye.
Maddie grabbed onto Nicky's hand, pulling him away. She looked at him. "Nicky we need to get away from him.. Now.." She whispered and quickly ran, pulling Nicky with her. She had no clue where she was going but she knew they needed to get as far away from that man as possible.
Riu flies through the sky gracefully watching the ground grow smaller as she rises above the clouds. Her frown does not change although in her mind she is screaming with joy. She notices scientists in the forests below and a winged boy with a girl , they looks as though They are in trouble. Riu Dives down without thinking grabbing the children and starts to run towards a nearby cliff and says with no emotion, "I have you".
Maddie squirms a little in fear at first but notices the girl seems to be helping. Maddie spreads her wings, flying just below the older girl so there wings don't collide.
The serum Raye had injected himself with was a special mix of DNA that he had invented himself. However, he only gave himself small doses of the serum on rare occasions so that it would only provide him a temporary effect. Allowing Raye to remain, technically, a human. The DNA that he had just used consisted of a mix of wolf for cunning, snake for venom, rabbit for speed, and panda for strength. Once Raye's transformation was complete he looked lees like a human than a rat. Raye gave off an intense scream as his body began doubling, no tripling in size in matter of seconds. With black fur growing all over his body. This transformation was always an incredibly painful one.
((A quick OOC Note PLEASSSSEE go vote in the poll on the actual OOC form so i can get a feel for how many people are interested in continuing this story line after this one is finished. Basically WHO WANTS A SEQUEL))

Nicky started nodding and following after Maddie when a girl swooped down out of no where. Nicky looked up at the older girl. "Who the hell are you?" He asked and pulled away from her only to stumble and fall off the cliff that seemed to randomly appear. "W-w-woah!" He said as he quickly extended his wings and pumped them up and down to gain height and turned complete directions heading back to the gas station before seeing Jessi below and dropping down and landing clumsily in front of her. He landed on his butt and looked up at her sheepishly. "I found Maddie.." He said.
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Jessica winced and leaned off the tree. She looked desperate at this point, hating herself for being separated from Maddie a second time. "Don't just sit there hurry up and take me to her!!"
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