The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 4 - Sky on Fire

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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Habitual avoidance of the gaze of anything that seemed of a ruling class Flynn didn't meet either of their eyes even as the man and woman stared at them. Flynn was busy looking at the crowd moving around to find exits or cold weapons shadowed against the fires of their bodies. Many seemed more likely to be weighed down by jewelry which the saurid had to resist an urge to laugh at the shiniest human women. The finery and frills were strange but Reachers knew the social habits of her race were a bit inverted from human norms. Though it was why her wife got her moniker Flynn thought Didi's small crest and strength were attractive but the spindly down-brained woman in front of her seemed more a mockery of males better and more attractive than her. She didn't seem to have cared to fill her male companion's head with anything but water either and it wasn't what a male deserved.

Flynn kept her voice down, as the two costumed void-for-brains blathered on, to whisper to Shirou and David in her fluted English, "If this place is anything like slosh-head and the ruling city ruins I've been to they have streets too wide to defend well. The blocks maybe if the alleys lead to inner courtyards. They actually put flammable plants and cloth everywhere." @The Wanderer @BobTheNinja

"Maybe I can get a view from the sky at night," she continued as she started to hear the drone that everyone else did and looked upward to the blimps and bright red paired stars of airplane engines and their pilots, "Or not."

Flynn's dagger squirted through the exposed palm of her cestus gloves then caught the handle to direct a query at David, "I'll keep my husked guns in reserve. You know these soldiers? I can't see that far in color, are there markings?" @The Wanderer
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  • Sweet
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The man's shrug registers as 'Dismissive'. Her inquiry is a thing he feels unworthy of his attention.

Had she been alone on this mission, Thea would have repeated the question with more menace and taken hold of his throat to force out the information she needed.

The woman's laugh registers as 'Amusing' which is preferable to Thea as it yields results.

A war in the South. An error in the Translation Matrix of the TARDIS which allows 'Chevaliers du Ciel' to not be translated; the closest she can translate is 'Sky Fighters' in French. Lord Picard was their leader, and it was apparent this woman was not pleased with the man in some manner. Thea would have inquired further if the pair had not been distracted. It was evident the cloaks and masks concealed their group except for the tallest of them, the one named David. The TARDIS also makes it exit at that time and enraptures the pair until it is gone, sound and all. They muse on the TARDIS again and depart. The pair are too easily bored to be of more use, as Thea determines from her analysis.

If a machine were capable of annoyance, they would have succeeded in teaching Thea.

Instead Thea takes up position at the back of the group as they move. Her mouth expresses awe, inquisition as she scans every detail to come within range of her sensors.

"Right. Eyes peeled." Thea says in reply to David informing them they need to know the area in case they need to utilize it. She had already been doing so, but it was best to acknowledge his contribution to the group.

The city was closest to the Renaissance of Earth's history, yet the sensors attached to her nose register trace amounts of the byproducts of factories in the air. Renaissance and Industrial Revolution files are accessed and cross-referenced as they move.

An auditory input is flagged. Thea looks up and around at the numerous sources that come into view in the sky. With magnification and references to her internal databases, Thea reaches the conclusion this city was now in the midst of the war in the South the woman had mentioned. The unique insignia on the dirigible registers as that of the National Socialist Party of Germany.

Or Nazis, as they were known colloquially.

"Yare yare." Thea says with the same tone of annoyance she has heard the man named Jotaro use on the ship. "Nazis."

Thea draws both Desert Eagles from their holsters beneath her cloak. She targets all of the paratroopers in her line of sight. Raises both and starts firing. One Eagle fires at the centers of mass of each soldier. The other fires at their parachutes to puncture them, bring them plummeting to the ground if their armor was augmented to withstand the high power rounds.

"Run for cover! They have machine guns! The tavern!" She yells to the others as she runs towards a nearby tavern seen and noted on her scan. Its function was to house many people, and the alcohol could prove a tactical asset if necessary. Tactically, the best temporary point to mount a defense.

She fires until both Eagles are depleted of rounds. Then she focuses on getting into the tavern to reload, but is ready to defend or dodge if necessary along the way.
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Flynn's face slackens hard from the worldly curiosity much like Theas such that the husk's face turns pallid with her concern at lexical filter translating that name. Some things and ideas left scars on the multiverse. Cancerous thought that metastasized into other dreamings such that it made worse things in the one belonging to Grandfather Teeth. The view of the all-eater on the worlds beyond the bulwark that it could not touch. Reachers had many things squirreled away in their haversack that they forget about them but for when they come apparent. Many reasons for that but the most prescient that they didn't want to remember what they'd seen. The haversacks of fallen Reachers at times blocked houses for years if left in a doorway until another finally came to get it.

A name poured forth to her mind from a small rectangular paper of one of many obstinate, ineffable, and indestructible evils described or folded away between journal pages. It was the phrase she'd memorized to survive one, 'Ich bin bei der Deutschen Reichsbahn.' That train and its conductor was her only way out once long ago though not one sane Reacher that could survive the iron mechanism ever wanted to. Dozens had died trying as dealing with a child of teeth for a transient moment was one thing but surviving for hours was another. That darkened threshold ended being forced to sit in front of a clamped steel door, perfectly silent, listening to a tiny burning scream on the other side as the conductor thumped past for hours. One detail that had cost her just as all the Reachers had something taken from them eventually: the ticket had only adult fares.

A hard face of survival as Thea started shooting as the group mobilizes with her husk that shows a storm of sorrow and anger, "Feasthall will do! We need to find whatever Far and Deep are here! This time these Spikers are the ones that burn."

The husk was armor in a military sense. A place to hide inside from damage but also an engine for destruction. It provided a denser power supply than her person for casting her spells by what she ate with it. Flynn's hands cupped at each other as the dagger lifted then knitted to patterns on her palms as the volume filled with slow-moving translucent orange fluid. A wavering target at a line of parachuting troopers with withering malice her melodic half-song of sustained casting while running erupts thaum shells from the tip of her floating dagger. They careen wildly into the air drawn like a comet of violence that seeks combustible life. Then the first of four erupts in a conflagration its envelope spent. The pale blue glow came first, then a shockwave that tore one's parachute lines from the pack. Bass noises arrive as slower sound does as a few with dislodged gas masks clutch at their throats mired in the distortions of superheated air. Though others hit the ground or a roof soaked in red a few wriggled like dead fish a single breath cooking the inside of their lungs. On her way into the Tavern her Husk's mouth and hands suffering bloody cracks from the effort stopped to drag with her a dying soldier by his helmet.

Flynn hauled them screaming onto a table the still purple-hot blade in her hand drips blue though it didn't seem to sear spouts a bile at him more than well-heated while stripping him of weapons, "I'm going to need fuel for the husk, meat."
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  • OMG
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Location: A forgotten street in a beautiful city and traveling to a bar

Trigger had honestly tuned out most of the conversation between the group and the two locals. They had this very floaty talk that made him lose focus that they could have actually been threats. His thoughts were instead drawn to the architecture of the area, seeing how the unique buildings blended with each other and created a seamless view. This place was evidently old, as some plants grew on the buildings and paint had chipped from years of surviving the elements.

When the two locals left Trigger returned to the situation at hand. "Man those two could have droned on for hours and I would have had no idea what they were saying…" Trigger mumbled. He seemed oddly calm for what was going through his mind. The fact they had talked for so long had annoyed him, but he didn't want to disturb the area.

Trigger's attempts to keep the calm didn't matter all that much though, as a gigantic balloon appeared in the sky. A large and menacing icon was plastered to its side. The sheer size of the flying machine was incredible, as most of the air transportation was banned where Trigger was from, and only was allowed for top officials in small jets. "Why the fuck are we always going places where a town or something is under attack?!" Trigger growled. He sounded less angry about the situation and more annoyed. Soldiers had begun to parachute down from the large balloon, firing down into the streets. Trigger could have tried to teleport up to one and take it down, but then he would be in the middle of several gun barrels. Thea shouted for the group to use the nearby tavern as cover, a good call.

Although Thea's aim was masterful with her desert eagles, they didn't seem like the best weapons to fire people out of the sky. "Hey Deagle lady, Take this!" Trigger shouted over to her while they ran, and went to toss his two-shot laser rifle at her. "It's break action and only needs the batteries cooled every once in a while, you better give it back later!" He finally said. The last into the bar was Flynn, dragging in a very injured soldier. He must have fallen or something, as his legs had been snapped and his bones were protruding through his skin. "Y'know what, I'm not gonna ask…" Trigger mumbled after watching her terrifying display. Trigger then went to take pot-shots at any soldiers that he could see through the tavern's door, before retreating inwards.
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Lavaetain hadn't come out immediately with the others. Mainly because the moment she saw what was needed she had stopped to focus on reshaping her clothes. Wielding the magic as best she could to build a fancy dress that, hopefully, wouldn't look too out of place:

Combined with a mask of matching pattern:

Then, right as she finished changing her clothes and conjuring the mask, she saw the blimp floating outside. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were not from this world. The technology gap and disharmony made that clear alone. Still, she had no idea at all who these guys were. Blimps were stupidly impractical as they required dangerously explosive gases or wind mages working full time to get them to fly at that scale and had been abandoned for almost a century and, for some crazy reason, these chuckleheads had put a good-luck emblem on their flag and surrounded it by red. She half expected it to be a shamrock if they were Irish. However her companions reactions told her all she needed to know. Whoever these guys were they were bad news.

She heard Thea's cry to get to cover and warning about the machine guns. That was a good idea. But she had another. She raised her hand skyward towards the Nazi's, aiming for their blimp specifically, and unloaded a fireball towards it. She wasn't sure exactly how far away it was or if it could reach or not, but even if it couldn't it would explode right at the limits of her range and hopefully incinerate some parachutes. With that done she rushed for cover before they could start firing back. Even with effectively three layers of bullet-proof armor getting shot suuuuuuuucked.

"Who are these guys? You called the Nazi's and I can tell that they're bad and probably evil, but do they have anything I need to be wary of? Summoning magic? Dragons? Little girl mages with disproportionate amounts of power? Plasma rifles? Anything like that?" she called out, hoping her more knowledgeable companions could fill her in there.
  • Nice Execution!
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Far above, the skies were filled with that gigantic blimp and its escorting wings of planes, several score in number, mostly transports with a dozen or so accompanying fighter planes to those in the know. And yet the mighty fleet with its air superiority seemed content to remain at range over this strange fantasy city...and instead rain parachutes down upon the city.

It's almost peaceful at first, although the screams of the crowds of people quickly put an end to that once the locals noticed the invasion force in the skies above them. Hundreds and hundreds of parachutes continue to deploy from planes, even from the great blimp, and the soldiers beneath them descended with machineguns and rifles of a curious make.

They didn't get within rifle range without a challenge, though.

Audibly, coughing booms rose from the city. The group from the Tardis was even close enough to see one of the sources of the booms; atop a roof rose a long barrel of wrought metal affixed to a primitive but completely functional artillery piece, for those who would even understand such a thing. A gunner crew operated the machine, ejecting an empty shell and loading in a full one. They lit a trailing fuse with a torch before lighting another much shorter fuse. One of the crew sighted upwards with a telescope and called out numbers while another spun a wheel to rotate the flak cannon. The small fuse finished and the whole mechanism shook as a shell blasted forth, sped into the sky by some kind of chemical propellent.

Fire rained upwards and downwards from the sky in the minute after, as the city's flak cannons detonated in great bursts. Some caught the parachuting troops, shredding many, while others rocked several of the lower flying airplanes, causing one to catch fire on a wing and fall from formation.

But the exchange went both ways; the fighter planes broke off from their escort and angled for flak cannon positions, lining up and launching rockets and machine gun fire. The blimp itself disgorged a spew of missiles that slashed down towards the city. Some of the cannon shells intercepted them but others struck home. The Tardis crew could see great gouts of smoke and ash thrown up into the sky.

None here, though. For this neighborhood was apparently the destination for a number of the parachuting troops. And it was here that the invaders met their first resistance.

Flynn's powers seemed beyond comprehension but her effects were unmistakable. Shells flew from the tip of that floating dagger and explosions rocked across the first wave of parachuters, catching parachutes and troops on fire alike. Soldiers were thrown askew and quickly the line of parachutes disintegrated from the orderly descent into a chaotic mass of chutes going every which way.

Some began to fire their rifles downwards towards the party; spec fire for the most part as their range was still poor. Still, bullets cracked into stone streets and Thea's demand they move to the tavern made splendidly good sense.

As the party began to move, Lavaetain conjured forth fire and launched it skyward. It flew right through the Nazi ranks, a brilliant bolt streaking firework-like into the sky in a remarkably attention-getting way. Far, far above, it exploded in a spectacular conflagaration of light and ash.

The blimp flew on, even higher evidently. But everyone in this city surely saw that eruption.

@Amber Franklin
Meanwhile, Thea had already identified the flak cannons as...well, flak cannons. They corresponded to no known manufactor and they were clearly machined using inferior technology. The evidence suggested someone else had come here with knowledge of how to make such things and put this city's infrastructure to work building these out. A reasonable defensive measure, although probability calculations suggested the fixed defense weapons would likely be destroyed in this exchange.

An analysis of the deployment pattern was also interesting. Plainly, the invaders were scattering troops all across the city, possibly to strike fear into the citizenry or possibly to hide their true objective. Approximately 75%, however, were being deployed to converge on a towering structure remarkably close to this neighborhood. Probably why these streets weren't being subjected to rocket attack and why so many soldiers were projected to land in this area. It's virtually certain, however, that their real goal is that towering stone structure she can spot in the sky line.

@Wiggin @Amber Franklin
The Desert Eagles have a conventional effective range of about 200 meters, particularly when fired into the sky. Computer targeting makes it possible to accurately hit well beyond that range but the distance traveled could rob the bullet of much of its power, wounding or failing to penetrate armor as the case may be.

And yes, magnified vision revealed the descending troopers were wearing armor. Shot fired knock the soldiers askew but don't appear to kill them at far range. Thankfully, they worked rather better for puncturing parachutes.

As did Trigger's offer of a laser rifle. The weapon has enough stopping power to kill individual soldiers, although there's only enough time to kill half a dozen or so before their descent comes close enough to make massed machinegun fire accurate enough to be a real danger.

Thankfully, that tavern near by provides easy access to a roof, which is sufficiently dense to provide protection from conventional hand-held weaponry...though not from those airplanes. In the meantime, it was now ideal conditions for the use of those Desert Eagles and they work to good effect, even against that dense body armor.

@The Wanderer @Wiggin
As for David and Trigger, there's time enough to get to that tavern, flip over some tables for cover and set up points of defense before the flying Nazis are close enough to be hit by a bow or a sidearm.

And descend they do. The crowds have already largely fled inside buildings or down the streets but the crackle of rifles mixed with screams out there suggest the Nazis are still finding prey. These Nazis don't look much like their historical depictions, though, wearing full body armor complete with helmets and masks to provide comprehensive protection.

A well placed arrow still puts several down, however. As do the various weapons employed by the Tardis crew.

Unfortunately, the success of their defense of this tavern was not lost on the swiftly mobilizing German forces out there. Dozens begin to converge on the building, the closest laying down suppressive fire to buy time for their companions to be close enough to engage as well.

This position is in danger of being overrun.

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  • Creative
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Streets of Val Royeaux.

Watching the chaos unfold as the Nazis dumped rockets and strafing runs for their parachuting troops to have an easier time on the civilians. But thankfully for their little area, Flynn and Lava's fire-blasts seemed to caused the tight formations to break up into disorganized chaos which caused them to space out a bit.

Random impacts telling that they were trying to fire back at a ineffective range, he wasted no time in climbing a roof, using one of the staircases and a frail wooden ladder to do so, waiting for for the perfect moment behind some architecture, at an somewhat awkward angle as the roof was angled with old clay tiles. He'd spring into action the second a shadow passed by with the sounds of a parachute being jostled, peeking out of cover as one unlucky bastard got closer to the ground, but more importantly he wasn't looking in his direction. The soldier was looking towards the tavern for potential combatants, a big mistake on his part.

For the second his was beginning to pass by the building's roof that David was on, David began to run up the tiles, leaping with all his might and a roar at the Nazi, who turned just in time to see David coming at him. Wrapping his arms around the soldier, the combined weight of David and the Nazi's gear pulled them off course, landing on the street roughly as the parachute caught on a balcony. David sprang up, dumping the bow quickly to deliver quick knee strike to the helmeted head of the Nazi before he could recover. The impact of metal against flesh was a distant sensation to David as he was more focused on other things, such as reaching over and pulling off the helmet of the Nazi before quickly decking the poor bastard right in the face as he got up with a right hook, then another with his left fist and another in quick succession. Knocking teeth loose and maybe cracking the jawbone.

David was about to kick the man's head when the Nazi lunged at him with a knife, cutting his shirt and chest. Blood trickling just slightly down abs as David grabbed the man's wrist to keep the knife at bay while his own right hand that had gone for his own knife was being kept at bay just barely by the soldier. Unfortunately, David's enhanced strength made quick work as the bones around the wrist of the hand that was holding the knife popped in sequence with screams from the Nazi as the dislocated wrist dropped the knife, which David now used his free hand to punch the soldier in the nose, breaking it and making the man fall backwards.

That was when David dropped onto him with his knife and sticking it in the side where the armor's front side met with the back, between the second and third row ribs.

Puncturing the lungs and the heart in one fell swoop, David barely had time to pull it out when he heard someone land next to him. Thinking on instinct, David grabbed the gun and turned to heft it at another soldier who at just landed, shouting something in German. Barely having time to bring his own weapon up in time as the one David threw impacted his helm, before David charged at the soldier while he was briefly stunned. Grabbing the gun as it came up, David moved it into the air and away from his body, using his own weight and inhuman strength to wretch it free from the soldiers hands while putting him off balance.

That was when David brought it up like a bat and strike the Nazi in the right way to knock the helmet off, exposing the face of the soldier as he fell back, and before he was bludgeoned to death by David in a couple of hits from the butt of the rifle.

After placing a shot in the skull of the soldier he had just basically played golf with to make sure he was gonna stay down, David grabbed any gear like ammo or grenades before going back to the first soldier he killed to get his bow and knife back. And any gear that Nazi had before retreating to the tavern with the weapons to throw the extra gear through the busted windows before he leapt in himself as gunfire ripped past him and into the wall, more coming for them. He only needed one rifle and enough ammo, as he put the bow back around his back as he shouldered the rifle of the first Nazi he killed to return fire back at any Nazis unfortunate enough to be out of cover when he did.

The extra rifle and grenades were available to the others for their own uses as David held down the left side with the same energy as he did all those years ago in Vietnam.

@Wade Von Doom @Epiphany. @littlekreen @Wiggin @Amber Franklin
  • Nice Execution!
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Far above, the skies were filled with that gigantic blimp and its escorting wings of planes, several score in number, mostly transports with a dozen or so accompanying fighter planes to those in the know. And yet the mighty fleet with its air superiority seemed content to remain at range over this strange fantasy city...and instead rain parachutes down upon the city.

It's almost peaceful at first, although the screams of the crowds of people quickly put an end to that once the locals noticed the invasion force in the skies above them. Hundreds and hundreds of parachutes continue to deploy from planes, even from the great blimp, and the soldiers beneath them descended with machineguns and rifles of a curious make.

They didn't get within rifle range without a challenge, though.

Audibly, coughing booms rose from the city. The group from the Tardis was even close enough to see one of the sources of the booms; atop a roof rose a long barrel of wrought metal affixed to a primitive but completely functional artillery piece, for those who would even understand such a thing. A gunner crew operated the machine, ejecting an empty shell and loading in a full one. They lit a trailing fuse with a torch before lighting another much shorter fuse. One of the crew sighted upwards with a telescope and called out numbers while another spun a wheel to rotate the flak cannon. The small fuse finished and the whole mechanism shook as a shell blasted forth, sped into the sky by some kind of chemical propellent.

Fire rained upwards and downwards from the sky in the minute after, as the city's flak cannons detonated in great bursts. Some caught the parachuting troops, shredding many, while others rocked several of the lower flying airplanes, causing one to catch fire on a wing and fall from formation.

But the exchange went both ways; the fighter planes broke off from their escort and angled for flak cannon positions, lining up and launching rockets and machine gun fire. The blimp itself disgorged a spew of missiles that slashed down towards the city. Some of the cannon shells intercepted them but others struck home. The Tardis crew could see great gouts of smoke and ash thrown up into the sky.

None here, though. For this neighborhood was apparently the destination for a number of the parachuting troops. And it was here that the invaders met their first resistance.

Flynn's powers seemed beyond comprehension but her effects were unmistakable. Shells flew from the tip of that floating dagger and explosions rocked across the first wave of parachuters, catching parachutes and troops on fire alike. Soldiers were thrown askew and quickly the line of parachutes disintegrated from the orderly descent into a chaotic mass of chutes going every which way.

Some began to fire their rifles downwards towards the party; spec fire for the most part as their range was still poor. Still, bullets cracked into stone streets and Thea's demand they move to the tavern made splendidly good sense.

As the party began to move, Lavaetain conjured forth fire and launched it skyward. It flew right through the Nazi ranks, a brilliant bolt streaking firework-like into the sky in a remarkably attention-getting way. Far, far above, it exploded in a spectacular conflagaration of light and ash.

The blimp flew on, even higher evidently. But everyone in this city surely saw that eruption.

@Amber Franklin
Meanwhile, Thea had already identified the flak cannons as...well, flak cannons. They corresponded to no known manufactor and they were clearly machined using inferior technology. The evidence suggested someone else had come here with knowledge of how to make such things and put this city's infrastructure to work building these out. A reasonable defensive measure, although probability calculations suggested the fixed defense weapons would likely be destroyed in this exchange.

An analysis of the deployment pattern was also interesting. Plainly, the invaders were scattering troops all across the city, possibly to strike fear into the citizenry or possibly to hide their true objective. Approximately 75%, however, were being deployed to converge on a towering structure remarkably close to this neighborhood. Probably why these streets weren't being subjected to rocket attack and why so many soldiers were projected to land in this area. It's virtually certain, however, that their real goal is that towering stone structure she can spot in the sky line.

@Wiggin @Amber Franklin
The Desert Eagles have a conventional effective range of about 200 meters, particularly when fired into the sky. Computer targeting makes it possible to accurately hit well beyond that range but the distance traveled could rob the bullet of much of its power, wounding or failing to penetrate armor as the case may be.

And yes, magnified vision revealed the descending troopers were wearing armor. Shot fired knock the soldiers askew but don't appear to kill them at far range. Thankfully, they worked rather better for puncturing parachutes.

As did Trigger's offer of a laser rifle. The weapon has enough stopping power to kill individual soldiers, although there's only enough time to kill half a dozen or so before their descent comes close enough to make massed machinegun fire accurate enough to be a real danger.

Thankfully, that tavern near by provides easy access to a roof, which is sufficiently dense to provide protection from conventional hand-held weaponry...though not from those airplanes. In the meantime, it was now ideal conditions for the use of those Desert Eagles and they work to good effect, even against that dense body armor.

@The Wanderer @Wiggin
As for David and Trigger, there's time enough to get to that tavern, flip over some tables for cover and set up points of defense before the flying Nazis are close enough to be hit by a bow or a sidearm.

And descend they do. The crowds have already largely fled inside buildings or down the streets but the crackle of rifles mixed with screams out there suggest the Nazis are still finding prey. These Nazis don't look much like their historical depictions, though, wearing full body armor complete with helmets and masks to provide comprehensive protection.

A well placed arrow still puts several down, however. As do the various weapons employed by the Tardis crew.

Unfortunately, the success of their defense of this tavern was not lost on the swiftly mobilizing German forces out there. Dozens begin to converge on the building, the closest laying down suppressive fire to buy time for their companions to be close enough to engage as well.

This position is in danger of being overrun.


Shirou is horrified that the Nazis have shown up again, and this time are invading in force. But he doesn't let that stop him from springing into action.

While the zeppelin was a large and attractive target, his first priority was on their escort fighters. As long as they were operational, they would be able to repeatedly attach the city's defenders at great speed and distance. This couldn't be allowed to continue.

"Someone cover me! I'm taking down those fighter jets!" He shouted to his teammates, before using the tavern access to make his way up onto the roof. He spotted a pair of Nazi paratroopers who had landed, and before they could move to shoot him, he projected four armor-piercing spears and fired them, shooting them both right through the chest. They dropped like puppets with their strings cut.

He then went up to the highest point of the roof and materialized Archer's longbow. He already knew the perfect weapon to use for what he had in mind, and visualized it in his minds eye.

"Hrunting," he spoke, and a strange, twisted and jagged sword materialized in his hand.


He then quickly readied the giant projectile, on his bow, activating its power as he lined up his aim on one of the enemy fighters, which was beginning to come around for another attack run. He used Reinforcement magic to boost his eye-sight, giving a magnified view of the enemy fighter.

He then pulled back on the bow and loosed.

A burst of light and ringing sound erupted as the projectile shot forth, its mystic properties giving it even greater acceleration...and an unerring lock on its intended target.

The sound barrier cracked as the Broken Phantasm screamed through the sky, reaching Mach 2, then Mach 5.

Before it could reach its maximum speed, it speared through the target fighter's fuselage, the kinetic impact alone creating a superheated shockwave that instantly ripped through the rest of the airframe, as well as setting the aircraft's fuel tanks alight.

An explosion bloomed in the sky as the fighter came apart in the air. As soon as the kill was confirmed, Shirou moved to line up his next shot. He had limited magic reserves, and so he intended to make every single shot count.
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  • OMG
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Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet
Location: On a tavern table with sturdy legs unlike the soldier who's slammed on it

As Flynn dragged the screaming man past Trigger she looked back at him with her mask running a thin blue bead down its bottom edge. Blue cracks along the olive skin of the husk's neck said of the strain she'd just put upon the weapon with its light resources. Turned away as the soldier and his blood loss beat with futility at her arms and legs. The husk's grip bulges cancerous voids of rust near its touch from metal components swelling from its frothing hunger. Some parts of the helmet flaked the paint under those growths to leak red flakes of dust as if open sores.

As Flynn slammed the man on the table the husk's arms screamed in pain by a bullet wound that shone a blue fibrous hole straight through the bicep. Several more in her back though they hadn't exited. Though they would as Flynn stared at the man screaming obscenities as she lifted the mask to show a face slowly knitting flesh back together as some burnished copper doll full of squirming blue threads. Flynn's rage stared back at him as horror took his voice when she spat three bullets against the ruined metal of his helmet. One smashing through the marred surface in a shower of red flakes as a boulder through thin ice. The voice coughed and hollered as a hand-shaped hole flaked away. Flynn sliced both straps holding his helmet on to tip it to the bar in a clatter of useless electronics and red shards.

Options shrank as the bullet noises increased and bottles started to explode. No time to eat and no time to dodge she could have time made to fulfill a pact. The still purple-hot dagger rammed below the soldier's hard chest plate as Flynn reached into his insides with both hands as the soldier weakly beat at her head shock fully robbing him of strength. Then he quieted and the eyes stared confused the face slackening as Flynn got elbow deep and a crimson-stained hand returned with the still-quivering meat of a human heart. A voice slightly a chorus of notes called out to the kind of things that always heard. The things that should not be. Ones of the churning bronze that the fool AI made a hole through which she could call them.

"Lurker among the paths, Predator of the unfit, Bateqos! I fulfill my pact with a heart of the Conductor's own. Answer me, where I am, for it is fit.", said the voice of a fell prayer which rang all too sharp and clear above showering glass, bullets, and gunshots.

The confused face twitched as the leather glove closed around a still heart that strains into feverish beats. The face still sallow pulls as clay to a different confused expression. One with profound glee at the new as the face stretched its meat just a bit too far to smile and the glazed eyes locked eyes on Flynn.
The eyes were hungry at first above the menace of a smile until brows slough upward with a muddy tone of recognition.

The voice is muddy moisture of the man that had been and even had its faint german tone, "Outside. Even somewhere outside of outside? I almost didn't recognize you! You found an actual human. All of them!"

A claylike fold of stiff meat looked down at the suit the dead man wore then looked up the man's heart hammering loud in the silence, "Well well! You know the rules so well. You know more of them than I. How can I judge a place as fit if I have never been? It shouldn't be. But there is! Then I judge this place fit, for now."

Flynn stayed quiet knowing it was not to speak until asked as he paused in the infinite moment, "Though you know I can't pay your price, not anymore. In this void of rules, I give you full latitude! What is the new fitness for your machine?"

The dagger held up then pointed at her person Flynn replies, "As bloodwrit my shelves are now empty but for the wills of my traveler. Fill them with the key to the unfit."

Cheeks of the soldier sunk further as the inner fire burns more meat-clay to make craters of cheekbones and stretched vellum skin. The soldier's glove pressed to the hilt of her dagger slamming it inward as husk's sternum cracks. Flynn struggles audibly at the pain as the creature digs into her flesh for her to grabs the slabs of her own chest to help open a fibrous hole. Glazed eyes fixate in a too-stretched face at the pale stone wheel inside floating in blue and bone flotsam where the core of the thaumaturgy shell and lexical filter lay attached to her soul in one of rings

The thumping heart bounces its beat as the soldier's voice says with rumbling need, "Your fitness exceeds! Ah, bloodwrit, a perfect foundation."

The gloved hand, growing loose by the moment, touches an empty spot on the segmented porcelain wheel in her splayed chest as Flynn shuddered with pain through the husk. Barely able to keep standing. A growl as runes and lines took over the segment with diaphanous worms chiseling away at the wheel to add a new spell to her frame. Another that would not fade.

As the riot of bullets and destruction resumed that single instant the soldier was up again but far too pale as the soul might shudder of Flynn's body opened to floating black ribs and fibrous blue. A single gesture of the soldier slips Flynn's fingers at the sides of her distended chest to a crack of false flesh to slap shut with a scream from Flynn that likely rattles not only her bones. Gloved hands tore apart the rotten chest armor like so much paper showing a bare chest melted down to ribs. An empty-eyed stretch grin stares at Flynn convulsing from the pain of being Opened.

The melted voice had nothing but a predator's hunger to yell at Flynn, "ACT! DO! RISE! The pact is well sated! Now show me these new paths, winnower. SHOW ME THEM ALL!"

db5fd8f1ee5a8f18b70e433f9b026595.jpgFlynn sobbed even as she willed herself to stand as knowing the injuries wouldn't mean her death did absolutely nothing for the pain they left behind. Hers was a strong mind and tears dripped from her chin under the mask as the ink lines throbbed a blue glow every so often. Flynn looked back behind her, knowing the work of what she'd asked, trying not to let her legs fall underneath her. Hunter's sight saw in the distance what she needed even if neither her nor her body wanted any part of it. A Nazi soldier shot a man trying to hide someone in an alley beyond the tavern windows. Past the new firing line as other paratroopers arrived. One death led to another as Flynn sang the spell carved into her body and her small dagger erupted into something a far larger feral red with all the curves of weedy shoals.

Red glassy length vanished into the gaunt soldier as Flynn saw yet another man emptied of the seat of his mind through the back of its container. A trained and forceful mind grit its teeth screaming in pain and anguish leaps forward to squeeze through the slice in that gaunt torso to vanish as one death led to another. The soldier did not fall, however, though somehow its primal predator had left something else burnt through. A dusty red fire burns through papery flesh from a corpse now... Despoiled.

The skeletal un-creature slides off the table intent to sprint forward uncaring of those in the tavern falling out a broken window on its way to effect slaughter of the unfit. If it looked at David at all it would just clamber to its feet sprinting toward its former fellows. The righteous rage of an unfamiliar man in its hollow voice. @The Wanderer

That male citizen past the firing line fell to his knees as the soldiers ran up behind the dying man seeing no further threat. Instead, as their steps passed that fading body it swelled and engorged as someone in the panic of a dead run was spared her pursuers by a dirge of two voices that exploded the body in a cry of anger and sorrow. A concussive bomb flung hunks of the slain citizen's organs and flesh like shrapnel. Some as edged crimson blades formed by the key to the unfit for a new body clad in leather and a lip-bound mask stood in the center of the charnel conflagration. Blood daggers in the walls soon would melt to puddles on the stone as the three soldiers added to it from the decoration of sharp white and red flowers that sprang from their twitching corpses. Flynn turned back toward the line soon forced to inspect its flank.

Being behind solid cover was good when one faced one side but as two sets of rushing footsteps met to defend their flank Flynn turned the corner to gunfire. The spray flung blue once and twice behind her just as the red sword went ahead of her. Lancing pain turns her mind to a dull hum drowning out logic and restraint as a predator pushes forward. A battlefield glanced for prey in a single moment for a lancing spear to draw her attention to a set of paratroopers. Another strained shout of her familiar fluted spellwork as one of the paratroopers shirou hit started to swell. Flynn's form erupted from the corpse with another hail of shrapnel sending a nearby survivor crawling for cover. Flynn picked the bleeding man up by the throat and gestured to a landing paratrooper in the distance she could see. @BobTheNinja
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Anachronism detected: Anti-aircraft ordinance.

Another piece of evidence their enemy has affected this world. Not only a Nazi invasion force, but an appropriate response from the city. She holsters the Desert Eagles and catches the laser rifle Trigger tosses to her.

"Thanks! Will get this back to you if we survive!" Thea runs into the tavern, shoving people in her way back in or away as the civilians had begun freezing in place in disbelief or running.

"Get down!" Thea yells to those still in the tavern on entering. The butt of the bulky laser rifle is used to create an opening in the glass for her to put the rifle through, and sight for targets. Priority was set to Proximity. So those soldiers unlucky enough to land close to the tavern found themselves in the sights of a literal killing machine.

Thea sights the rifle at the center of mass on the first target, and fires. The concentrated laser beams hit his chest and burn through the armor. It was not a quick death for him, or the next six soldiers to get too close. As told, Thea breaks open the weapon to allow its power cells to cool. In that first cooldown time, she ducks under an overturned table and loads her Desert Eagles. Trigger's rifle was very effective, but the rate of fire was insufficient for the current swarming scenario; it would be placed beside her on the floor and reserved for any targets her pistols could not terminate.

With the fire coming from both sides, all windows are no doubt shot out completely. Thea's Desert Eagles are fired at any Nazi to enter her long and sophiscated field of vision through the windows.
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Location: Inside the bar that is under gunfire

The inside of the bar quickly became a mess, as an exchange of gunfire destroyed the humble little building. Bottles behind the bar exploded into gigantic splashes of liquid, spraying the area and making everything smell vaguely of booze and gunpowder. Trigger had managed to kick a few tables onto their sides and propped them up against the doorway and next to the windows. He doubted as to whether they would hold up against the gunfire or not, but there was no other choice.

Others in the group chose to head up to the roof however, using the ladder that was next to the bar counter. "Who the hell are these guys!?" Trigger shouted aloud, taking cover next to Thea and taking over when she needed to reload. When the nazis finally did make it to the ground, Trigger took his chance to teleport out of the bar and take point-blank shots at the soldiers' faces every once in a while. It wouldn't have much effect in terms of actually hurting the enemy, but it would be a great way to confuse them and make them believe there were snipers of some sort.

Trigger couldn't really focus on the condition Flynn was in with her body somewhat full of holes as he was more concerned about the object that shot from the roof. Shirou had fired some sort of anti-aircraft round it looked like, and it seemed to have broken the sound barrier with a loud boom. The boom repeated about 5 times, until it eventually destroyed a plane flying overhead. Trigger saw a gigantic ball of fire fall from the sky and smash into a building down the street. It was then he noticed David wrestling with a nazi mid-air, eventually winning the exchange and bringing the soldier's gear into the tavern.

"Dude what the fuck are you-" Trigger began to ask, but then noticed the grenades that David had supplied. He didn't bother to finish his sentence, instead, picking up several grenades and throwing them towards the groups of soldiers in the streets.
Lavaetain hissed in frustration as she saw the blimp was well out of range. True, she had never tried to blast down a blimp, but all that explosive gas... all her fire.... Enemies... It was like a match made in heaven. Sure it might be filled with that non-flamable, lame, gas, but... It was worth the risk. She knew that was extremely unprofessional; to want to blow something up just because it would be a massive explosion, but the pyromancy... the fire...

That would have to wait as bullets started to rain down. Quickly Lava made her way to cover, wincing in pain as her barriers flared to life and a bullet hit her square in the backside causing her to stumble forwards as pain shot through her body. The bullet fell to the ground, flatted against her protective ward as it should be, but she knew there'd be a nasty welt there before long. She rushed for the buildings to get to cover and tried to hide under the archways of one of the buildings.

She needed to fight back. Quickly she focused her flames into the palm of her hand and started to form and shape them. It was a simple pyromantic trick to shape flame. Not even worth mentioning for most mages, but at this scale she had never attempted it before. She wanted to shoot a blast into the air that would resemble a phoenix. Make the men paracuting down fear that they might be facing, well, the power of myth itself. It took her a bit but then she stepped around the corner and fired the blast off, trying to send it up.

"I have no idea!" she shouted back as the question came from Trigger. "They sound like troops from Germania but that's about all I can guess. They're not speaking Latin either. I don't recognize their emblem. Some group from some other multiverse?"

An explosion a few floors above the tavern would rock the building, making parts of the ceiling collapse atop the group in heaps of debris. Approaching from around the corner of the streets were tanks, three in total, accompanied by two Supersoldatens and Raketensoldatens, (Rocket Troopers. You can guess what they do, along with dozens of more Nazi's soldiers who were quick to use the tanks as cover for suppressing fire on the tavern. The entire place would be shooting fish in a barrel, as all across the city, the Nazi invading forces increased in size exponentially. Hundreds of bullets flew through the broken windows, puncturing the walls with dozens of holes, or citizens still inside who were without cover.



"Hold fire!" A voice shouted out from the enemy line, as a German commander popped out from the middle tank. The gunfire stopped, but their weapons were still pointed at the tavern, fingers on the trigger to continue firing when the command was given again. They would take no chances with these subhuman vermin. "Citizens of Val Royeaux! A ring of steel surrounds your rotten city! We will crush all those who dare resist the will of the German Army! Abandon your posts... Abandon your homes... abandon all hope! Your kingdom, your lands, all of which you needlessly die for, will only continue to burn into ash the longer you continue to resistance the might of the Third Reich! Surrender yourselves, or forfeit your lives to the glorious German Empire!"

As the commander shouted over his megaphone, loud enough you could hear him several blocks away, high above the still standing buildings across the front and sides of the tavern were snipers secretly taking positions to fire upon the first sight of someone's head poking out of their cover, or try escaping out the back doors.​
Shirou gritted his teeth. He had managed to down half a dozen of their fighter jets using Hrunting Broken Phantasms, but even more Nazis were pouring in. And now this block was in danger of being overrun.

His blood ran hot with fury at the sounds of civilians screaming in pain and terror as the enemy troops shot through the tavern without mercy. His scowl only deepened upon hearing the arrogant declaration of the Nazi ground commander.

He had visited some of the World War II memorials in London during his time at the Clock Tower, including one of the Holocaust exhibits. He already knew all too well what kind of monstrosities could be birthed from the human heart. His time in the world of magecraft had engraved that lesson deeply. But learning about how an entire country, its industry, even its very culture, had been turned to the purpose of such wanton cruelty and was utterly horrifying.

Shirou had hoped that his first run-in with the Nazis had been a one-off. But now, this evil ghost of humanity's malice had returned in force, aiming to taint this world with their poison.

He wanted to save lives, not take them. It was something he had struggled with since he began this journey. But unlike with the soldiers of New Moscow, he knew that the likes of the Nazis could not be reasoned with. Their minds were made, set on their blood-stained path. He could not save them.

And so he accepted bitter reality, embracing his anger and righteous drive to defend the innocent, and resolved to deny their evil with lethal intent.

Another surge of magic energy coursed through him as Shirou lifted his left hand and projected the round, shimmering barrier of Rho Aias to defend against incoming fire, and then stood and lifted his right hand. With a flurry of magic particles and lightning, he materialized a cluster of six gigantic swords above himself, and then fired them right at the enemy force in rapid succession, aiming to cleave into their tanks and their troop formations.

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The rumble of tanks under her feet got Flynn's attention as Shirou didn't seem to notice her. At least the nazi's hadn't seen where she'd gone but the one in her hand gurgling might scream. Concerned he'd attract bullets as much as attention Flynn ducked between buildings her tight grip on the man's throat as his life grew dim. Running out of time to make use of him threw him at the pavement as he tried to crawl away. Dispersing the long form of her sword with a song the smaller blue anathema took shape but now sported a slowly ticking intricate circle of dripping red fluid.

Flynn twirled the knife in her hand to get a downward grip, "Well, Meat, it looks like you're being repurposed. I need reinforcements and no paths to follow myself."

An incendiary voice spat a refrain she'd heard on an ashen-coated train one too many times. In response, her hand shook from retaining a scream of anger at him from a good whelp she almost got home safe. This moment realizing the two human-descent whelps she cared for was something she now missed. This thing that the AI unleashed would destroy them without a second thought.

The knives stuck in him from the detonation vibrated as her will kept his life anchored like talons as the spattered husk's face contorts and judders unable to express her emotions on the matter, "You know what? I do have a use for you. My sword and battered shield need a hammer, cauldron."

As a tank rolled by his indignant voice tried weakly to call for support as Flynn set into him with an expert jab of the dagger to his voice box, "Quiet. raw metal doesn't talk. Now, time to work."

A whistle as she balanced the blue dagger on a finger it froze into place as the size swelled in blue threads smoking upward from her hand and smoothed from its sharp edge to a rounded cord. Flynn put her hand down as the new blue metal cord stayed in place to fluidly pivot parallel with the earth. The pointed ends open grow seams as both ends split for a four vaned beak of a worm creature. Faint candle flicks of white swirls hovering for eyes just above its shiny cobalt surface between each beak.

Gansteel blades were curious things forged of blood and ectoplasm by a bond to their Reacher. Parts slowly converting the metal objects they were added to. The native hairworm of which it arose creatures of the mind and had no real opinion of their master nor their matter. The commonalities lived inside their hive, Flynn, and with training transmuted flesh according to the blueprints of her own ritual ethermechanics. Thus the creature obeyed, divided into strands, then slipped through his pained flesh like cobalt wires. Flynn lay down her journal and flipped to the blueprints for a drawgate. As the man quivered and gurgled in pain as wires cut through him bright red gears sprouted from his chest like flowers. A fine clockwork engine split his sternum to accommodate a phase anchor. A name and the paths of the blood inscribed onto her wheel by the outer creature she'd paid would fit the connection. As the engineer worked and followed the schematic in her mind it drew on his soul and fixed him to the stone. His body erupts geegaws and axels with anemic red seeps as some clockwork virus replacing him as cobalt wires hollowed him out to form her desired machine.

The eyes quivered at her with terror as she chirps and the wires pour out of his skin to reform into metal worms than a dagger and she growls, "You won't die. Not from this. Just burn like the whelp your like-minded creature took from me. In the end, it will be Grandfather Teeth coming for you. I hope whatever deity you believe in follows down his gullet where all the other celestial and hell creatures went to die."

The blade of sharpening edges held aloft over where the emitter axis lay and called in her singsong native tongue, "I call to the lurker among the paths, bring me David, wielder of Waffles. I have paved the way."

@The Wanderer

Near David, along the wall underneath a table, sunlight emerges from the surface with the loud cracking of bone and the gurgling of a damaged windpipe. The machine spreading the abused body to make room as Flynn continued her focus to maintain the connection as her voice came across, "David, come here! Attack the flank with me! The building is surrounded!"

Flynn is seen above the thin channel as if she were above the table looking through the walls of a short tunnel composed of machines and charnel. One hand holding her dagger forward the other offering her hand for him to emerge. She trusted the artifice put its phase gate nearby.
Location: Inside the shot-up tavern

Trigger had been continuing to make pot-shots at the enemy soldiers still parachuting down, but then a sudden explosion rocked the area. The top floor of the tavern had been blown out, and now Trigger was covered in a thin layer of dust and wooden shards from the aftermath. A hail of bullets soon followed, tearing through the building and over trigger's head as he held close to the floor to not get shot. His ears were ringing from the sheer amount of action that was taking place, but it became more noticeable when the firing had stopped. A commander had brought three tanks with him, and was demanding that the group surrender.

There were a few moments of silence, that was, until the sound of Shirou's ability crackled to life. Several swords shot towards the tanks and exploded into dust, clouding the battlefield even more. While the soldiers took their positions and began firing again, Flynn was casting a strange spell on the soldier that she was holding captive. Clockwork gears protruded from the man's skin and wires began to form a rift from one place to another. Honestly, this was the most action that Trigger had seen in a while, and he was happy that the group was actually standing their ground and not fleeing for once. Trigger then let out a big "Fuck yeah!" and went back to firing at the enemy. Every now and then he teleported to a nearby rooftop to confuse the enemy as to the number of opponents and just where they were coming from.
David Ludlow
In the Tavern, bout to join Flynn on the flank

As David took potshots, sniper shots peppering his cover each time he leaned out to return fire. He barely had time to log where the shots were coming from when the explosion rattled the top floor, covering the man in dust and wood pieces as he got as low as he could. Which unfortunately could not be said for the civilians that were taking shelter with them, as bullets went through cover and decimated the poor souls that took shelter with them, it was sheer luck they weren't injured themselves or worse.

But the sight of innocent blood being spilled cause David's vision to go red as rage bubbled up, the sounds of battle becoming a mere background noise, the Commander's orders for them to surrender was drowned out by David's heartbeat. He was going to die. Either painfully at David's hands, or through one of his comrade's hands. Which would be mercy to what David had in store.

But David was pulled out of his angry planning when Flynn made her plan known to him as a portal opened up, looking like a mixture of gears and flesh, with Flynn's husk thing reaching for him. Without hesitation, David passed the grenade bag to Thea, so that she could rain hell upon the poor bastards, and his spare ammo so she could maintain a firing position in the tavern if she so desired, before he reached for the hand and pulled himself through, landing next to Flynn. The husk had some bullet holes in it and looked worse for wear.

"Stay low and follow me." He said to her as he stalked around the house Flynn had pulled him to. Just a few buildings down from a sniper nest with relatively good line of sight on the tavern and maybe on the other sniper nests, though that detail was a maybe at best as David was mostly guessing here. Quickly running through gardens and beautiful architecture now ruined by war, David climbed through a hole in a wall in the building being used as a sniper nest.

It was here that David slowed to a crawl as he stepped carefully through the house, listening as shots rang out from the roof. Checking corners and doorways for wire-traps that could either alert the sniper team or detonate an explosive or two. Disarming them when found, mere child's play as David had years of experience in this matter, both from Vietnam and subsequent missions after. Taking care in how he walked up the steps as he was large and steps could creak rather loudly if he stormed up them, the sounds of German words being exchanged as spotter no doubt pointed out positions of his allies or civilians.

Finally reaching the doorway to the sniper nest, pieces of door from a tank round laid around as David had to carefully avoid stepping on them, three Nazis in a room, one with a Sniper, one with radio equipment and one with a shotgun from looks of it. Taking aim with the rifle, hearing a click soon after caused the room to quickly erupt into chaos as the Nazis turned to attack.

Thinking quickly, David threw his empty rifle at the radio operator, knocking him on his ass, stunning him as David dove to avoid having his head splattered by buckshot, the Shotgunner's attempt to spray and pray was his downfall as David closed the distance, wrestling for the gun as David pulled the man around. The Sniper forced to take cover as now buckshot was being shot throughout the room, David pulled the shotgunner's weapon around to aim it at the radio operator so when the next shot came, brains were splattered all over the wooden walls of the Sniper's Nest. With that out of the way, David would attempt to quickly kill the man when his grip on the gun was now less burdened, a knife being thrust into his back, hitting a kidney which sent sparks of pain up David's back and hips. Pistol rounds hitting his side as his skin took the bullets, some barely going deep as they hit reinforced bone or his own muscle was too thick in some spots. It still hurt, which produced howls of pain from David. Anger now returning in full force, pulling out his machete, David would spin around with his weapon swinging. Taking the hand of the bastard who stabbed him, eliciting screams that quickly turned to gurgles as David thrusted the machete right into the neck region of the Shotgunner, using his other hand to leverage the blade so David damn near decapitated the bastard, the only thing keeping his head on was a piece of skin and his own spinal cord.

Which left the Sniper, who quickly realized he was now alone and was going to have to fight David. Whom closed the distance, throwing aside a table that separated the two, grabbing the Sniper's head as a round went through his shoulder. Originally intended for his head, but aim thrown off by the sudden grab, David used both of his thumbs to blind the Sniper, but not going beyond that. He had plans for this bastard. The Sniper now blind and screaming in German as his weapon was yanked away from him, David disarmed the man of any grenades or pistol, and knife. Taking the weapons for his own, before he began dragging the blind and screaming Nazi through the house and back to Flynn. Depositing the poor bastard in front of her. Handing her the sniper rifle and pistol if she wanted them while David kept the shotgun and machine gun. "Do your thing, repair your husk or maybe bring Thea through, that Tavern isn't going to hold forever." He said, leaving the next action up to Flynn as David got ready to repel any attackers that would come to attack.

@Amber Franklin @littlekreen @Wiggin @BobTheNinja

"Cover!" Thea yells the second she detects the large explosion from above that brings the roof down on the tavern. The warning is too late to save several civilians from being crushed. The follow-up gunfire downs several more.

Even Thea herself is not spared. A ceiling beam is split and one jagged edge falls and punctures the table she had flipped over herself to pin her at the shoulder to the floor. Not that it was needed, but the barrage of gunfire reduces said beam to a size Thea is able to lift off herself. Blood spurts from the large wound, but instead of exposing bone it exposes the metallic shine of her Coltan skeleton.

Cover: Compromised
Tissue Layer: 10% Damage
Infiltration: Disengaged
Counter-Attack: Engaged

Thea uses the temporary ceasefire and the commanders' proclamation to crawl under and around the debris and dead that now filled the destroyed tavern. The mask and cloak she had worn as a disguise are discarded, and the bag of grenades thrown to her by David is thrown over her undamaged shoulder. The counter-attacks of the others, mainly Shirou's, causes enough chaos and smoke to cover her emergence from the tavern.

The soldiers have broken their formations and scattered. Thea comes up from behind one that was firing back at Trigger above him, and terminates him with one round to the base of his skull; pries the machine gun from his dead hands; kicks the dead man into a nearby comrade who was about to shoot her; terminates that soldier and others around with a hail of bullets from the machine gun. She takes a few rounds in the process, but they only cause spurts of blood and do not stop her from moving on.

All the while Thea's expression is neutral and cold. Even a sniper round grazing her right temple does not cause her to flinch; she only moves faster onto the next loose formation of troops doing random fast spinning motions on her heels to best evade further sniper fire. The Desert Eagles are swapped for one stolen machine gun in each hand that are fired with machine precision in short but devastating bursts. These bursts are done simultaneously with the spins making Thea a rather graceful dancer of death.
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Flynn The Volatile - Character Sheet

The transitional zone of the portal was space quivering with energy that drowned out the bullets and wrath with ticking as David's head and body passed through it. The distance either longer or his person perhaps elongated in between until gravity finally reasserted as he took her hand and pulled to the other side. Flynn pulled the dagger back as the corpse gate closed behind him by the gurgling of the man's suffering and the sharp noises of reconfiguration in metal, flesh, and bone. A passing glare of contempt and a press of two fingers on his lips to shush the noise as only thing she left behind with David's abrupt march to war.

A gesture up the street Flynn's hunter's sight made clear the red of a hot body poking out of a building's torn hole every so often but couldn't afford to take too many more of that high caliber hole to take them on directly. David seemed to have an idea what she was getting at. The red colored creature that locked eyes with her then darted off when the second green just ran blindly seemed just as canny. Faint ticking from the shadows around her that said Grandfather teeth was duly engaged with something willful. Something it had accepted as its own.

A whisper after he ordered and they set off, "I set a death gear in motion and broke the first line but I think only the first revenant took. It ought to find us soon."

Bootless footsteps of Flynn's feet blurred into the dark just as much as the pulsing of her very different breathing blurred entirely away in the bursts of fire and explosions. Situational awareness easily kept a third eye on those that hadn't the predatory stealth of a soldier burned into them. While she was there not far behind, the mouth-stitched mask flit in and out of his intuition like a rat between the walls. A Reacher's stealth in a husk was as much an existential thing as the horrors as they needed to hide from. Up the stairs and through the halls his inconstant shadow follows for barely a quiet shuff as a few toes test stair for creaks.

A knife emerged with a meaty squip as he rounded the corner to begin his assault on the soldiers within. Low just around the floor corner Flynn took cover as the first shotgun blast put a hole in the wall above her. A practiced hand tossed her dagger through the air as a silent trajectory bent just as the dagger itself did. She tried to keep an eye on the others that had more pressing issues to look at while waving a hand to yank a shotgun barrel away from David's head. The faint blue dagger clung to the barrel as an aiming disease chewing at fingers with her will telling the bonded creature to drag this way and that. One of the prey finally went down as the shotgunner tired from the forces against him with a fatal loss of control. Her position didn't let her see the other behind them as he stabbed David but the Far and deep handled that with a much larger knife of his own. The sniper under control Flynn stood up and entered the room the cobalt blue mass streaking away from underneath the shotgun and around David. The dagger shaped into a handle and cobalt sharpness mid-flight on its way into Flynn's grip.

While David separated the sniper from his eyeballs and his weapons went to the headless radio operator instead and cut open under his ribcage. The inside was different than her own but she knew a human heart when she felt it. Quickly cut in quarters Flynn flipped her mask to the back of her head and started feeding herself still-warm quarters of heart. The husk repaired much like David's could but hers needed outside fuel. Already cutting at the bicep when David came over a bullet noisily clattered from her shoulder to the floor as tanned flesh underneath peeked out from the hole. Closer explosions of a different shape said of a rapport from the tavern so Flynn's mouth and neck was red from a necessary hurried gluttony. Amid stuffing her face bent up a bit to glance through the smoke to see a female run amok among the tanks with a gun.

The ticking in her head grew louder that she tilted an ear toward the door with a bloody smile, "I don't need a live one for the husk it just has to be fresh. I have a better idea for this one. I think our reinforcing Revenant is here to help."
A dessicated shape walked up the stairs but shows as barely human when it rounds the corner. Interior eviscerated by a deep orange and red substance pouring upward from torn holes as some slimy smoke evaporates from that inner fire.. A despoiled corpse wearing a Orlais guard helmet mismatched with the black armor of the nazis. Behind it, another stepped up to the landing as they both turned to glower a sharp curved smile at the screaming of the man behind Flynn and David.

"I see you found allies!", She gleefully regarded them then returned to David, "The amount of mindless death and rage the nazis have unleashed. What a shame if it caused revenants to destroy them with."

A faint melodic tone came as Flynn dropped out of her translation spell to speak German to the gibbering man staring at smiling skulls crouched at a dozen different places in his permanent blackness, "Möchten Sie sehen, wie Großvaterzähne eine Seele zur Detonation bringen? Nein? Schade."

Flynn stood up and motioned the two at the door to the screaming man whom nod at David then took places at each shoulder of their prisoner which did nothing for the volume of his fear. Flynn reached for the tethers at the side of her leather cloak to straighten one muscular leg and pull it up her thigh. Along the naked body twisted away a angular tattoo that moved of its own accord between blinks of the eye. A single finger pressed to one particular gear as the image updated out of view to frames along some path which at it end opens a bloodless seam in the skin. A hand reached in as Flynn extracted a AR-500 from inside. Extracted, the seam quickly closed as the clockwork reverse course. A quicker process for a different place along the tattooed clockwork pattern extracted two extended mags for the weapon.

Flynn let the cloak drop down and shimmied to settle it, "Here, use my reserve and I'll stow the captured one. Leave me two revenants and I'll send a screaming bomb to cover our tracks. I'll cover once I can."

One of the revenants stared at the shotgunner and extended a hand to press it on exposed skin. A humanoid shape the solidity of a heat mirage poured across the hole to the outside and pulled the mouth of the shotgunner open with its fingers. the neck wound cracked into place as the whole body quaked as yellow fluid slowly bled out of the huge gash at its neck then from the eyes. It looked around feverishly then to the helmeted one as some unspoken conversation came from a simple shake of its head. The newcomer Revenant makes a slow nod of its head then looks to Flynn.

Flynn softened but breathed heavily to reply to the gaze, "I can't say you can go on after this, now revenant, but the work for your people has to be done. When you meet grandfather teeth, ask to be sent to the Red Lady's children. David will guide you to war from here."
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Shirou's blades smashed against the tanks, clobbering the left and right ones as they slashed across its black metal frame, and cutting through the soldiers between them, while the center tank was impaled; the friction causing one of the tank shells inside to explode. The vehicle was engulfed in flames as the top shot off and landed onto the right tank barrel first. The commander was certainly dead, and it allowed those inside the tavern a few seconds to make an escape, as the soldiers inside the tanks were rattled by the swords, but the ones outside who avoided the blades quickly returned fire.

The battalion was still scattered though, as they were forced to focus between the teleporting Trigger, Flynn's revenants, and David's commando training surrounding them. Not to mention Thea's invincibility and staggering aim. When the men inside the tanks returned to aiming, they were quick to reverse down the alley they came from, one aiming directly at Thea, the other at Flynn's revenants, with the machine gunner inside taking aim at Flynn herself with a barrage of 8mm's.

Just before Thea would be blasted by the tank shell, someone suddenly rushed in front of her with a shield. He was quick to stand firm, shield in front of them both, and when the shell exploded upon impact, somehow, both of them would be safe. The shield was perfectly intact, and somehow, the man holding it only moved a few inches backwards, only because the impact pushed him. His body still remained firm. More Nazi's started coming forward from the streets, but fire erupted down from the sky, setting them ablaze.

Strings of light then shot across from the other side of the streets, exploding the ground near the Nazi's, or summing dozens of icicles up under their feet; impaling them and somehow freezing their bodies into ice. Finally, backup had arrived, as both Orlesian knights and mages rushed into battle to aid the group. The knights picked off whoever was still standing, while the mages pushed back the approaching soldiers. The one that protected Thea then turned around to face her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at the injuries along her body, but noticing the exoskeleton underneath. He was obviously not Orlesian. He was wearing red, white and blue.


Steve Rogers -- Captain America
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