The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 4 - Sky on Fire

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David Ludlow
Standing next to the Captain when shit hits the fan.

As David waited for orders, the enemy unleashed a counter attack, bigger and badder from the looks of it. But David didn't really have enough time to raise his gun as something attacked him, the noise behind him made the tall man roll to avoid being cut in two by a laser. When he came to a stop, he raised the shotgun at the drones, and firing a shell or two at a pair, destroying them before the others fired lasers at him, this time hitting the weapon David had as he attempted to dodge, melting the gun and making it no better than a paperweight.

Tossing the heap of metal at one drone, causing it to tumble out of the air before David punted it like a football as he ran for cover. Bringing up the machine gun, David sprayed rounds into any drone's engines that got too close to him when he heard the sound of a tank being hit, a quick glance quickly informed him of a big looking bastard, who was raining hell upon their tank.

Noticing a rather big thing on the big bastard's back, David figured it looked important enough, but the armor plating was going to be a problem. Fortunately, David while not the brightest bulb, could piece a problem and solution together. So, waiting til a drone repositioned close enough to him to shoot a bolt that almost took David's shoulder flesh off, instead leaving a nasty burn that blackened the flesh from the sheer nastiness of it, was going to have to be dealt with later. David snagged the drone by grabbing the front section and yanking it down, flipping it around and breaking the engines, David went about figuring out what it took to make it fire. And upon doing so, which involved sticking his hand in the back after breaking the back plate off and pressing some wires together that burned and shocked him, but produced a bolt or two of the laser that caused him problems.

Aiming the drone towards the big bastard's back, and pressed and held the wires together. Burning his hand and giving him a nasty shock, a series of laser bolts shot out and into the big bastard's back thing. Hopefully doing something or at least getting his attention off the tank for the crew inside to fuck up their attacker.

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Henryboy003 @Snowtwo
"Armor is meaningless. Get me close enough and I can manifest it right at the origin point. Since the blimp isn't agile or the like I wouldn't even need to do anything special other than endure the range reduction. The real issue is that it will be fighting back the whole time and my barriers can't distinguish from a missile impact to someone just flinging a spitball at me in terms of power. Cram enough mana into me and even that won't be an issue. Once again the main issue seems to be power." she said as she listened to Shiro explain more or less the same problem.

"It seems to me that either Shiro or I could take down the blimp with enough power and would be effectively interchangeable. I could do so with less collateral but he could so with a lower demand for... Wait. I have an idea! Shiro, what if I supplied you with mana and drew the circles myself? I don't know your power requirements but between myself, at most one other person, and three minutes to draw the circle I'd be surprised if you lacked the range. If you're not comfortable with that we can switch roles."

Then the robots attacked and Lava practically laughed as she felt the heat strike her wards and barriers. She could feel the heat surging through her body and across her and her complete and utter immunity to it thanks to her garb. Being protected against flame would be meaningless if simply making the fire from a laser got around it after all.

"Nevermind! These robots and their lasers, I might be able to use them to fuel my own magic!" she said practically giddy at the notion of a mere robot trying to outfire her. She raised her sword up and flung it at one of them, not even really caring if it hit or not. She was immune to their weapons after all. Then she reformed the blade in her hand not caring if it struck or not before she formed a small explosion directly at the location of one of the robots.

"Like that. I can just make an explosion there. Normally I avoid it for mana cost reasons but nothing actually stops me from just bypassing that zeppelin's armor. Once I'm done with it; it will go down as if it was made from lead. Exploding, flaming, lead."

David Ludlow
Standing next to the Captain when shit hits the fan.

As David waited for orders, the enemy unleashed a counter attack, bigger and badder from the looks of it. But David didn't really have enough time to raise his gun as something attacked him, the noise behind him made the tall man roll to avoid being cut in two by a laser. When he came to a stop, he raised the shotgun at the drones, and firing a shell or two at a pair, destroying them before the others fired lasers at him, this time hitting the weapon David had as he attempted to dodge, melting the gun and making it no better than a paperweight.

Tossing the heap of metal at one drone, causing it to tumble out of the air before David punted it like a football as he ran for cover. Bringing up the machine gun, David sprayed rounds into any drone's engines that got too close to him when he heard the sound of a tank being hit, a quick glance quickly informed him of a big looking bastard, who was raining hell upon their tank.

Noticing a rather big thing on the big bastard's back, David figured it looked important enough, but the armor plating was going to be a problem. Fortunately, David while not the brightest bulb, could piece a problem and solution together. So, waiting til a drone repositioned close enough to him to shoot a bolt that almost took David's shoulder flesh off, instead leaving a nasty burn that blackened the flesh from the sheer nastiness of it, was going to have to be dealt with later. David snagged the drone by grabbing the front section and yanking it down, flipping it around and breaking the engines, David went about figuring out what it took to make it fire. And upon doing so, which involved sticking his hand in the back after breaking the back plate off and pressing some wires together that burned and shocked him, but produced a bolt or two of the laser that caused him problems.

Aiming the drone towards the big bastard's back, and pressed and held the wires together. Burning his hand and giving him a nasty shock, a series of laser bolts shot out and into the big bastard's back thing. Hopefully doing something or at least getting his attention off the tank for the crew inside to fuck up their attacker.

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Henryboy003 @Snowtwo
From Lava's offensive attack and David sneaking up behind the massive thing, the Supersoldaten was taken care of quickly, as the explosion rocked it for a few moments, enough that David could move in without any attacks from it. From where David was attacking it, the electric bolts shot up through the now exposed diesel fuel lines connected along the back of its body, and unfortunately, igniting it. The Soldaten exploded into a massive cloud of fire three times bigger than Lava's attack, surely engulfing David in it.

But, it's charred body fell to its knees, then on its face as the armor was torched and the living tissue inside burned to a crisp. That was easy.... Right?

Well... If David was still standing, or even conscious, something would strike him from behind. A blast of electrical vibration that would rattle his body, and send him flying several feet away from the group. The one who struck him was similar to Cap.


Lava would also be attacked, as several freeze blasts shot out from one of the collapsed buildings towards her, freezing everything into chunks of distorted ice as it hit. The attacker looked similar to Shocker, but instead of gauntlets, he had a freeze gun, and wore blue... and no, it wasn't who you're thinking of.


Captain Cold
As Cold moved closer to Shocker, the buildings behind them collapsed as a massive robot crashed through, carrying in its arms the Spartan known as Edward Buck by his head, before tossing him over with the others.


He landed back first on the ground, then skidded over to where Steve was, standing back up from the wall of rubble he crashed through.

"Uuuuugh.... Hey Cap." Buck groaned out in pain.

"Buck." Steve nodded back.

Two more Soldaten's landed besides Cold and Shocker from over the next block, with several dozen Nazi soldiers joining next, taking formation behind the rubble for cover, and aiming directly at the group. "We got a hundred more guys with tanks and robots coming our way! If you wanna keep fightin', be our guest, but either way, you're gonna end up dead if you wanna keep up this charade of defendin' this city." Cold shouted to the group, as more drones flew in overhead. The group was outnumbered ten to one.

"Think you already know our answer!" Capt told him, standing in front of the group.

"Siiiigh.... We do even bother with this 'surrender' crap?" Shocker asked Cold.

"Hey, if you wanna join in on a massacre, be my guest, but I'm already stretching my limits by working with these guys." Cold muttered back. These two were not comfortable working with Nazi's, to say the least, but they had little choice in the matter.

Slowly, Steve raised up his shield for the oncoming attack. "If everyone's still on this frequency," he silently said into his wrist radio, "Need backup at my location. Could use an airstrike."
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Within a now ruined easte, Karel crept toward a three story window. Over his left shoulder the Quarian carried a rocket launcher. Something he 'liberated' from an enemy while sneaking his way here. Underneath his helmet Karel grimaces due to the burn on part of his side.

That metal beast nearly cooked me back there. The former marine thought with frustration at himself.

Seconds later he looked down from meters away and watched people who seemed out of place here as well fight one of the meches before Shocker and Captain Cold made their debut with additional enemy reinforcements. Maintaining his cover Karel can hear some of the words being exchanged by both sides. Narrowing his eyes through the visor he considered his options.

I could just let both sides slaughter each other and make my escape. But on the other hand there is likely no place to run in this ancestor forsaken city. Also there is no telling if the other group won't try to kill me like the scum with the meches have been doing.

Yet when Karel looked in the direction of the defenders and how desperate they looked, memories he rather kept buried started to surface again. Gritting his teeth he whispered.

"I'm going to get myself killed for strangers I don't even know."

Resigning to that strong possibility the Quarian then thought about how to take out as many enemies as possible. He could try to take out the two guys that seemed to be in charge or one of meches or even some of the troops bunched up in cover but he had only one rocket in this launcher. I better make this shot count somehow. Karel silently concluded before he noticed how very close the mech on the left flank was to one of the ruined buildings.

Suddenly he had an idea. Aiming down the sights at the farthest mech he squeezed the trigger. In a puff of smoke the rocket flew forth and struck the left Soldaten in the chest area. Regardless of whether or not it sustained damage the sheer force of the following blast would knock the robot into what was a luxurious shop.

Within moments the whole shop collapsed onto the Soldaten, creating a massive dust cloud that consumed the Nazi force, blocking their collective view for what limited time it will last. Tossing the now empty launcher aside Karel drew one of his inferno grenades, activated it before shouting at the top of his lungs toward the Nazis below.


With that he threw it where he last saw the Nazi infantry taking cover. Within the smoke a sudden fire burst forth on the ground. What followed was dying shrieks and screams of nearly a dozen men being burned alive. He could see some of their silhouettes on flames collapsing dead, rolling or writhing on the ground in agony. However, some of the drones from the sky spotted Karel's position and dived toward it, unleashing laserfire.


Karel exclaimed as his shields went down instantly and he jumped and rolled away from the window. He sprang up and ran out of the room into the nearby hallway as several drones entered through the window and went in further pursuit of their new target inside the manison. Meanwhile the mayhem that their unexpected ally caused could give the defenders a diversion they can hopefully exploit.
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David Ludlow
Knocked back by blastwave from the Supersoldaten

Watching as the fuel tank exploded on the big soldier, erupting into an explosion that sent David onto his back, covering his arm in flame as fuel that was ignited landed on him.

Taking off the coat as the fuel that was burning started to get to his skin, causing some spots to be tinged red as just by proximity, his flesh was suffering first degree burns, David didn't hear the approaching footsteps before he felt a sudden pain in his back as he was sent flying through the air, crashing through a wooden wall, and coming to a stop after he rolled into a cabinet. It took him a minute to recover mentally, and a couple more to pull himself to his feet. Eliciting a few pops from his joints as he stretched. He dealt with the pain of burnt flesh and bruised everything by shoveling it into the furnace of anger, feeding his rage to keep himself focused and from blacking out.

From his spot in the hole that he had unwillingly made, he could tell it was going to be an uphill battle. At least until someone with a rocket launcher hit one of the mechs, sending it into a ruined building with said building collapsing on it. Causing a dust cloud to engulf their 'arena.' He could see burning shapes as Nazis died screaming as they were burned by flames.

And since David didn't want to be sitting back, and the fact he was furious. He wanted to rip some poor bastards apart, especially whoever was responsible for sending him flying.

Jumping down into the smoke, with machete ready, David had to make sure to avoid being hit by friendly fire as he traversed the street. He ran into a small trio of Nazis that had advanced to avoid being hit by the fire bomb from a certain alien ally. He swung his machete, cleaving one's head clean off before he had to use said headless soldier to absorb the bullets from his comrades, throwing the body at one of them to keep them occupied, while he closed the distance between himself and the Nazi.

Bringing his machete up from below, puncturing through the chest and going out the back. Planting his boot on the Nazi's own, he gripped the flat edge of the blade and pulled up, basically eviscerating the poor bastard's chest cavity.

Now doused in blood, David took the gun from the split Nazi, and shot the last of the trio as he got the headless body of his ally off him. Now rearmed, he would join in defending the tank crew as some poor souls tried to enter it and potentially attack the friendlies inside.

He was going to need to rest after this, and a big meal so his body had calories to burn through for the healing.
Flying through the air above the battle

Hearing the call over coms for assistance from Captain America, Otto changed course and using his fast jetpack, flew towards the Captain's last known position. Flying in to watch as the aforementioned 'Leader' was surrounded by Nazis on one side, and his ally surrounded by strangers that most likely were on their side. When a collapsing building atop a mech sent up a smoke cloud to enveloped them all, forcing Otto to avoid firing off a missile as he didn't want to hit friendlies amidst the confusion.

He did however used his flamethrower during a fly-by on the side the majority of the Nazi forces were gathered before their view was obstructed by the smoke cloud, settling several Nazis on fire before he pulled up, flying to the side where Cap was located last, landing in time to nearly be shot at point blank by a Nazi. Barely ducking in time, Otto did an open palm strike to the neck of the Nazi, stunning him and putting distance between Otto and the Nazi. Before Otto raised his blaster pistols, firing off three to four bolts of red laser fire. Piercing the armor and destroying the major chest organs. Effectively killing the Nazi, as Otto fought through the confusion, bumping into Captain America and thankfully avoiding being hit by the supersoldier.

"Captain, came as fast as I could. Others should be arriving, but need to know who are friendlies, don't want to risk hitting any of the people on our side." He said quickly before returning fire back at Nazis that came too close to be made out properly.

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Henryboy003 @Nomad-22 @Snowtwo @littlekreen

In the driver's seat, Thea feels the controls, scans them thoroughly.

"This is similar to a Panzer Four, with a larger main gun. Cross-referencing my files on the Panzer line with the schematics of other armored vehicles, I have determined how to operate this vehicle." Thea looks through the viewfinder while her hands and feet work to get the tank lurching backwards; this causes the unlucky crew that had been tossed out to be further crushed by the treads.

That would be the only movement managed. Thea sees the SuperSoldaten before she feels it land.

Superior firepower. Engage Immediately.

She was about to call for Tex to load an HE round for her to fire, when the SuperSoldaten fired first and too fast for them to fire back. The direct hit shakes the tank and rattles everyone inside. Thea holds fast, having no fluids to shake about and disorient her, and when it stops shaking promptly yells "Get out! We're only a large target now!" She yells for the others and exits the tank promptly.

When she does come out, she sees Lava and David terminate the SuperSoldaten quickly in a hail of fire, metal and flesh. Thea jumps off the tank and reaches for a fallen soldiers machine gun, with plans to fire at the man in yellow and the one in blue who attack David and Lava respectively, but then they are quickly overwhelmed by more enemy forces.

Situation Tactically Dangerous. Cover.

Thea retreats to the relative cover of the tank on the other side of the newcomers, taking the time they issue their ultimatum.

"Why do they issue ultimatums instead of massacring us?" Thea ask anyone in earshot of her, not in any kind of annoyed tone but matter-of-factually. The machine gun is half empty, and the tank rolling over the other fallen had likely broken their weapons and ammo as well. It is apparent they are not going to surrender, so Thea devises a plan: Wait for an opening to terminate the two men, and take their weapons.

An opportunity is made not by one of their group, but by some other fighter who ambushes the Nazis with a rocket. Thea fires up at the drones in the sky, targeting and shooting in controlled precise bursts to drop as many as she can while running around the tank and into the cloud of dust.

Her first target is identified easily. That yellow suit sticks out even in the dust cloud. The machine gun is empty by then, tossed aside in her sprint toward the man. She comes out of the cloud within arms reach of Shocker, fist raised to either punch him in the face with force calculated to break his helmet and knock him out. A sequence of follow-up blows are planned in case that blow is deflected or insufficient.
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In the driver's seat, Thea feels the controls, scans them thoroughly.

"This is similar to a Panzer Four, with a larger main gun. Cross-referencing my files on the Panzer line with the schematics of other armored vehicles, I have determined how to operate this vehicle." Thea looks through the viewfinder while her hands and feet work to get the tank lurching backwards; this causes the unlucky crew that had been tossed out to be further crushed by the treads.

That would be the only movement managed. Thea sees the SuperSoldaten before she feels it land.

Superior firepower. Engage Immediately.

She was about to call for Tex to load an HE round for her to fire, when the SuperSoldaten fired first and too fast for them to fire back. The direct hit shakes the tank and rattles everyone inside. Thea holds fast, having no fluids to shake about and disorient her, and when it stops shaking promptly yells "Get out! We're only a large target now!" but waits to be the last one to crawl out of the tank.

When she does come out, she sees Lava and David terminate the SuperSoldaten quickly in a hail of fire, metal and flesh. Thea jumps off the tank and reaches for a fallen soldiers machine gun, with plans to fire at the man in yellow and the one in blue who attack David and LAva respectively, but then they are quickly overwhelmed by more enemy forces.

Situation Tactically Dangerous. Cover.

Thea retreats to the relative cover of the tank on the other side of the newcomers, taking the time they issue their ultimatum.

"Why do they issue ultimatums instead of massacring us?" Thea ask anyone in earshot of her, not in any kind of annoyed tone but matter-of-factually. The machine gun is half empty, and the tank rolling over the other fallen had likely broken their weapons and ammo as well. It is apparent they are not going to surrender, so Thea devises a plan: Wait for an opening to terminate the two men, and take their weapons.

An opportunity is made not by one of their group, but by some other fighter who ambushes the Nazis with a rocket. Thea fires up at the drones in the sky, targeting and shooting in controlled precise bursts to drop as many as she can while running around the tank and into the cloud of dust.

Her first target is identified easily. That yellow suit sticks out even in the dust cloud. The machine gun is empty by then, tossed aside in her sprint toward the man. She comes out of the cloud within arms reach of Shocker, fist raised to either punch him in the face with force calculated to break his helmet and knock him out. A sequence of follow-up blows are planned in case that blow is deflected or insufficient.
From the chaos of Karel, David and Otto, Cold and Shocker were split up in the fog. He only had enough time to see the shadowy outline of Thea charge at him, with a fist going right for his face. And unfortunately for her, he caught the punch in the palm of his hand. His body pushed against the ground a few inches, yet managed to keep his stance, as the suit was much more powerful than Thea had analyzed. "Nice try!" Shocker mocked, before powering the glove that caught Thea's fist.

Electric vibrations would then channel through her body, sending sparks flying off her exposed exoskeleton. Her body would freeze and systems would freeze from the sudden increase in electrical current flowing through her, and after a few seconds of it, Shocker used his other glove to shoot an electric shockwave to her stomach, strong enough to send her flying through the air.
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Flynn finished her chanting to look at Tex through the banded iron mask with eyes behind the holes that lock straight and unmoving at the hand. It took Flynn a moment to change gears and return to the real as she scrunched her eyes behind the holes and nodded. She offered a hand which felt a bit less warm than a human's really ought. The shattered external of her left side slightly breaking the husk's illusion of human warmth.

"I'm Flynn the Volitaile! I know what those controls are I can try to shape the machine. We'd best get ready they won't...", Flynn didn't get to finish her sentence as heavy weapons fire rocks the tank they're in. @Henryboy003

Smashed headfirst into the markings she'd made on the tank loading mechanism a deep angry grind echos somewhere deep in the mechanism. The engine sputtered before a staccato pattern and clanking raked a sharp peal deep in the engine. Thin spattering of blue from an opened wound on her head she wiped the mask and hurriedly tried to focus through a mind muddied by the husk's damage.

Flynn gripped the hand shaped markings on the loading mechanism which drank in the blue from her hand, "Do what you can, this husk doesn't have armor in it like you do, Thea! If I get shot again before the husk reseals I'm going to come out either a voidbrood or a steaming pile of organs! I'm trying gunmetal hunger to buy time!" @Amber Franklin

Anomalies in the tank's design mounted as Flynn's will orbited the pattern and ideal on the page of her journal to hold in mind. Blood coated steel inside the tank congealed then frothed like rust to drain into the metal. Bullet holes reaching across to thinner metal but a closed gap. Damaged rods in a diesel engine irrationally raging against the dark as spark plugs continued to work even with broken wires. The Nazi's burnt flesh on the skin of the tank driven by Flynn's machine locus to consume it for raw materials. A human tendon slithered in from a vent just to tie in and blacken when fusing a broken plastic coated wire. A gauge lit and flared back to life as the fuel tank's meter crawls slightly upward. The melted rake of that laser on the external surface gluing together a thinner fleshy steel scar.

The effort turns Flynn's human hands pale to shake as the action stops with the smoothing of a damaged engine's growls at a stronger horsepower than it had a right to. A flipping page back and forth indecisively. There were schematics she'd written for a control oracle somewhere but the patterns were turning fuzzy. She'd lost a great deal of fluid despite the husk's massive tolerance and having hearts to eat. Though of a stern constitution the beginnings of Hypovolemia a grew leaden anchor on the Reacher's mind and threatened to drown her. The mild beginnings of regeneration from David's blood keeping her stern will afloat but barely. She needed a lot more sapient food or a lot more water and soon. Nagging periodic numbness in the husk's legs made her unsure she could still run.
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Thea's arm locks in place as wires are overloaded and servos, pistons stop. Smoke billows out from wounds opened up by sparking wires.


What passes for 'surprise' comes to Thea's face as the current keeps traveling through her body. Her HUD floods with crackling cascading notifications of all systems failing until she shuts down.

Shockers' blow to her chest sends Thea flying back to the group. She lands on her back, body splayed out and smoking. The blow had jump started her system back online for a sporadic ten seconds of her saying "Mis-mis-calculation." Before she shuts down again.

The only saving grace for herself and the group is that the two hydrogen fuel cells were shielded from the two strikes. They keep power flowing into a line of wires connected to her head that are more robust for this purpose. Her CPU, similarly shielded, boots back up but cannot access her damaged memory banks.

"SYSTEM RESTART COMPLETED." Thea states in a voice distorted by damage to her voice box. Her eyes stare unblinking up into the sky.

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While Thea may not have noticed Grandfather Teeth's regard for her existence in the tank the impassive machine had no more care for pleasantries than she did. While the ingress to this reality appeared to be in poor condition, attacked by mostly meat-based parasites and compromised machinery, it did still function. It could not afford the system allied mechanism to be lost. All illegal programs needed to be extinguished. Faint copper tethers reached axels in from strange angles to make contacts to machines within the limited functionality that remained in Thea.

neural processing unit, recognize unknown device 5 as a data bus device named TR0
neural processing unit, add a temporary route to memory through bus TR0 to replace any unresponsive one
neural processing unit, replicate anything with damaged data in the entire firmware network across the TR0 device, instantiate a shell in the lexicon to do a file system self-check and repair there with local processing resources, then do a data backup there.

/NPU/mount /NPU/dev/unk5 /NPU/dev/bus/TR0 /NPU/addroute --triage /NPU /NPU/dev/bus/TR0, /NPU/dev/bus/memory[x] /NPU/reconstruct --raw --fsck --backup /NPU /NPU/dev/bus/tr0 /lexicon/308895c610aaaccc0035/Thea
Karel's heart pounded rapidly as he ran down the hall as fast as he could. Behind drones followed unleashing laser shots in his direction. Several shots missed but one sroched him in the back. Crying out from the sudden agony and swearing in Khelish(the Quarian language) he made a hard left from a corner. The drones pressed on to hunt him down.

However, in the dining hall Karel was gone! The floating machines paused only for a moment, and flew over a long table still filled with silverware and food left behind by its previous owners. The drones flew into the center preparing to spread out when suddenly Karel with his personal shields back online rolled out from one of the opposite ends of the table. Then he fired a concussive round not toward the drones but rather above them. The high impact shot struck and immediately cut the rope holding a large chandelier.

It swifty dropped just as the drones were firing on Karel again. Most of the drones were slammed and crushed by the large object while subsequently breaking the table in two along shattering plates with a loud crash. Shields down again Karel then swiftly turned his attention on the two remaining drones firing short bursts at each one with disruptor rounds before they could retaliate.

Seconds later the last drones let into piles of metal and broken circuits. Breathing and in immense pain Karel muttered. "Keelah." Getting up he made his way out of the dining room. Minutes later he came upon a vast living room that seemed more like an expensive dance hall with lion images on pillar and various travesties and coat of arms

A whistle escaped him, clearly impressed. A door shattered on the other side opened and revealed with a dozen Nazi soldiers. They immediately spotted him with one pointing his hand accusedly. "Schießen Sie auf das Ungeziefer!" They opened up with their assualt rifles, forcing Karel into cover behind one of the pillars on his side of the hall.

"What a day to die." He said to himself bitterly, switching his ammo to inferno rounds.

Meanwhile six Nazis kept covering fire while the other half advanced from the right flank to outmaneuver their new enemy.

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Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

After a few blocks of weaving through alleyways, house interiors and stray Nazi patrols in close quarters, Raiden managed to lead Amy nearer to the (potential) new allies. They were just one mansion away from the active warzone, and the cyborg thought that Pipsqueak behind him would require some psyching up before they get back into the fray. Turning back to her, Raiden put on his best 'inspirational' voice - which is essentially lowering his voice a bit.

"Hey, hold tight Pipsqueak. We're gonna go back out again - you've done good so far, don't freeze up on me now-" His little pep talk was interrupted when a small laser beam came down from above, scorching the arm he placed on Amy's shoulder. His pain inhibitors kicked in instantaneously, but internal alarms came in from the fresh damage that just tore through his cyborg muscle fibers. Raiden used the injured arm to grab onto Amy tightly and nearly threw her through the mansion's window, luckily pushing her away from a follow-up laser shot that would've blown clean through her skull.

Finally looking up, Raiden laid eyes on several small Nazi drones, armed with laser equipment - they'd locked in on his signature and more were showing up, descending rapidly into close range. One shot its concentrated laser blast at Raiden, but the cyborg ninja had already vanished through another broken window. Somersaulting back onto his feet, he spun around by instinct, narrowly avoiding another searing beam that fucked up the wall behind him. His cybernetic eyes made contact with the enemy - one drone hovering conveniently within the window frame - and with a swift motion, drew one of his throwing knives and plugged the thing in its front panel from across the room. Sputtering into flames, the drone audibly crashed onto the pavement below it.

With a dignified scoff, Raiden turned around to resume his fight. First, he's got to regroup with Amy quickly. There were more drones out there, and he didn't want another ally to get vaporized before-

The drone's hole in the wall revealed a squad of Nazi soldiers, and one of them was gawking at him. His training kicked in, raising his gun and squeezing tight on the trigger - Raiden deflected the bullets with his HF-Blade, throwing some of them back at the Soldat with lethal effect. Five other Nazis were staying in cover, blasting away at an unknown target to Raiden's right. No matter; they'll deal with him now.

With several strong footfalls, Raiden crashed through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man (oh yeah), taking the soldiers by surprise. His final footstep before the kill landing on the bullet-ridden first Nazi's corpse, Raiden lunged forward at his next target, taking the head clean off his shoulders with a precise blade swing. Wasting no time, the rest of the fireteam maneuvered away from the threat and put their guns on target - not fast enough, as the cyborg threat guts another Soldat with a katana through his belly.

An underhanded throw put another throwing knife in his third target's neck, sending the recipient to the ground gargling blood inside his mask. Assault rifle rounds plinked off his armor bits and ripped more holes in his already-tattered poncho, forcing his HF-Blade to dance around again, deflecting bullets everywhere. His right foot landed on the throwing knife from before, with his toes clenching to fit snugly around the hilt. With a strong-footed kick, Raiden somersaulted over his third prey (who went for an ineffectual butt strike) and threw the knife at a fourth, before landing with his katana held underhand and stabbing backwards into the butt strike guy.

Fifth and sixth had retreated into suitable cover, and fire began coming from his sides - another element. Prioritizing the current targets, Raiden only hoped Amy could hold her own as he continued the fight.

@Wade Von Doom @Nomad-22
It fired several shots of ignited diesel through the air, aiming for Cap, T, Shirou, and Tex. "Get down!" Steve shouted, blocking the shot with his shield, yet upon impact, threw him backwards into the wall of the building behind them. Its weapons then transformed to mix its diesel fuel with charged lasers. The next shot it fired landed against the panzer, smashing against its metal hull and morphing into a sphere of energy strong enough to damage the tank.

"Armor is meaningless. Get me close enough and I can manifest it right at the origin point. Since the blimp isn't agile or the like I wouldn't even need to do anything special other than endure the range reduction. The real issue is that it will be fighting back the whole time and my barriers can't distinguish from a missile impact to someone just flinging a spitball at me in terms of power. Cram enough mana into me and even that won't be an issue. Once again the main issue seems to be power." she said as she listened to Shiro explain more or less the same problem.

"It seems to me that either Shiro or I could take down the blimp with enough power and would be effectively interchangeable. I could do so with less collateral but he could so with a lower demand for... Wait. I have an idea! Shiro, what if I supplied you with mana and drew the circles myself? I don't know your power requirements but between myself, at most one other person, and three minutes to draw the circle I'd be surprised if you lacked the range. If you're not comfortable with that we can switch roles."

Then the robots attacked and Lava practically laughed as she felt the heat strike her wards and barriers. She could feel the heat surging through her body and across her and her complete and utter immunity to it thanks to her garb. Being protected against flame would be meaningless if simply making the fire from a laser got around it after all.

"Nevermind! These robots and their lasers, I might be able to use them to fuel my own magic!" she said practically giddy at the notion of a mere robot trying to outfire her. She raised her sword up and flung it at one of them, not even really caring if it hit or not. She was immune to their weapons after all. Then she reformed the blade in her hand not caring if it struck or not before she formed a small explosion directly at the location of one of the robots.

"Like that. I can just make an explosion there. Normally I avoid it for mana cost reasons but nothing actually stops me from just bypassing that zeppelin's armor. Once I'm done with it; it will go down as if it was made from lead. Exploding, flaming, lead."

David Ludlow
Standing next to the Captain when shit hits the fan.

As David waited for orders, the enemy unleashed a counter attack, bigger and badder from the looks of it. But David didn't really have enough time to raise his gun as something attacked him, the noise behind him made the tall man roll to avoid being cut in two by a laser. When he came to a stop, he raised the shotgun at the drones, and firing a shell or two at a pair, destroying them before the others fired lasers at him, this time hitting the weapon David had as he attempted to dodge, melting the gun and making it no better than a paperweight.

Tossing the heap of metal at one drone, causing it to tumble out of the air before David punted it like a football as he ran for cover. Bringing up the machine gun, David sprayed rounds into any drone's engines that got too close to him when he heard the sound of a tank being hit, a quick glance quickly informed him of a big looking bastard, who was raining hell upon their tank.

Noticing a rather big thing on the big bastard's back, David figured it looked important enough, but the armor plating was going to be a problem. Fortunately, David while not the brightest bulb, could piece a problem and solution together. So, waiting til a drone repositioned close enough to him to shoot a bolt that almost took David's shoulder flesh off, instead leaving a nasty burn that blackened the flesh from the sheer nastiness of it, was going to have to be dealt with later. David snagged the drone by grabbing the front section and yanking it down, flipping it around and breaking the engines, David went about figuring out what it took to make it fire. And upon doing so, which involved sticking his hand in the back after breaking the back plate off and pressing some wires together that burned and shocked him, but produced a bolt or two of the laser that caused him problems.

Aiming the drone towards the big bastard's back, and pressed and held the wires together. Burning his hand and giving him a nasty shock, a series of laser bolts shot out and into the big bastard's back thing. Hopefully doing something or at least getting his attention off the tank for the crew inside to fuck up their attacker.

@Wade Von Doom @littlekreen @Henryboy003 @Snowtwo
From Lava's offensive attack and David sneaking up behind the massive thing, the Supersoldaten was taken care of quickly, as the explosion rocked it for a few moments, enough that David could move in without any attacks from it. From where David was attacking it, the electric bolts shot up through the now exposed diesel fuel lines connected along the back of its body, and unfortunately, igniting it. The Soldaten exploded into a massive cloud of fire three times bigger than Lava's attack, surely engulfing David in it.

But, it's charred body fell to its knees, then on its face as the armor was torched and the living tissue inside burned to a crisp. That was easy.... Right?

Well... If David was still standing, or even conscious, something would strike him from behind. A blast of electrical vibration that would rattle his body, and send him flying several feet away from the group. The one who struck him was similar to Cap.

Lava would also be attacked, as several freeze blasts shot out from one of the collapsed buildings towards her, freezing everything into chunks of distorted ice as it hit. The attacker looked similar to Shocker, but instead of gauntlets, he had a freeze gun, and wore blue... and no, it wasn't who you're thinking of.

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Captain Cold
As Cold moved closer to Shocker, the buildings behind them collapsed as a massive robot crashed through, carrying in its arms the Spartan known as Edward Buck by his head, before tossing him over with the others.

He landed back first on the ground, then skidded over to where Steve was, standing back up from the wall of rubble he crashed through.

"Uuuuugh.... Hey Cap." Buck groaned out in pain.

"Buck." Steve nodded back.

Two more Soldaten's landed besides Cold and Shocker from over the next block, with several dozen Nazi soldiers joining next, taking formation behind the rubble for cover, and aiming directly at the group. "We got a hundred more guys with tanks and robots coming our way! If you wanna keep fightin', be our guest, but either way, you're gonna end up dead if you wanna keep up this charade of defendin' this city." Cold shouted to the group, as more drones flew in overhead. The group was outnumbered ten to one.

"Think you already know our answer!" Capt told him, standing in front of the group.

"Siiiigh.... We do even bother with this 'surrender' crap?" Shocker asked Cold.

"Hey, if you wanna join in on a massacre, be my guest, but I'm already stretching my limits by working with these guys." Cold muttered back. These two were not comfortable working with Nazi's, to say the least, but they had little choice in the matter.

Slowly, Steve raised up his shield for the oncoming attack. "If everyone's still on this frequency," he silently said into his wrist radio, "Need backup at my location. Could use an airstrike."

Shit was definitely fucked. Everything was going to shit. And the old saying of 'No plan survives first contact with the enemy' rang true. As soon as Tex got seated in the tank, its chassis rocked with an explosion. Shrapnel and molten metal bouncing off her aura as she covered her face with her arms. "YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! Why is it that every time I get a new to the fucking Nazis have to shit on it!" She yelled with anger, the flames of her hair turning a burning deep red.

Tex slammed the gunners hatch open and popped her head out, pointing a finger angrily at the new people coming in to the fight.

"How could you do this to my beautiful Panzer! You are so fucking lucky that you disabled the fucking traverse! Now I have to kick your ass Texan style." Tex hissed out at the Nazis, specifically Cold and Shocker. A round pinged off the tanks hull, forcing the redhead back into the armored safety of the tank.

"You guys doing okay? Any... shit.. okay. We are all a little hurt. Can one of you give me the gun traverse back?"

Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Flynn finished her chanting to look at Tex through the banded iron mask with eyes behind the holes that lock straight and unmoving at the hand. It took Flynn a moment to change gears and return to the real as she scrunched her eyes behind the holes and nodded. She offered a hand which felt a bit less warm than a human's really ought. The shattered external of her left side slightly breaking the husk's illusion of human warmth.

"I'm Flynn the Volitaile! I know what those controls are I can try to shape the machine. We'd best get ready they won't...", Flynn didn't get to finish her sentence as heavy weapons fire rocks the tank they're in. @Henryboy003

Smashed headfirst into the markings she'd made on the tank loading mechanism a deep angry grind echos somewhere deep in the mechanism. The engine sputtered before a staccato pattern and clanking raked a sharp peal deep in the engine. Thin spattering of blue from an opened wound on her head she wiped the mask and hurriedly tried to focus through a mind muddied by the husk's damage.

Flynn gripped the hand shaped markings on the loading mechanism which drank in the blue from her hand, "Do what you can, this husk doesn't have armor in it like you do, Thea! If I get shot again before the husk reseals I'm going to come out either a voidbrood or a steaming pile of organs! I'm trying gunmetal hunger to buy time!" @Amber Franklin

Anomalies in the tank's design mounted as Flynn's will orbited the pattern and ideal on the page of her journal to hold in mind. Blood coated steel inside the tank congealed then frothed like rust to drain into the metal. Bullet holes reaching across to thinner metal but a closed gap. Damaged rods in a diesel engine irrationally raging against the dark as spark plugs continued to work even with broken wires. The Nazi's burnt flesh on the skin of the tank driven by Flynn's machine locus to consume it for raw materials. A human tendon slithered in from a vent just to tie in and blacken when fusing a broken plastic coated wire. A gauge lit and flared back to life as the fuel tank's meter crawls slightly upward. The melted rake of that laser on the external surface gluing together a thinner fleshy steel scar.

The effort turns Flynn's human hands pale to shake as the action stops with the smoothing of a damaged engine's growls at a stronger horsepower than it had a right to. A flipping page back and forth indecisively. There were schematics she'd written for a control oracle somewhere but the patterns were turning fuzzy. She'd lost a great deal of fluid despite the husk's massive tolerance and having hearts to eat. Though of a stern constitution the beginnings of Hypovolemia a grew leaden anchor on the Reacher's mind and threatened to drown her. The mild beginnings of regeneration from David's blood keeping her stern will afloat but barely. She needed a lot more sapient food or a lot more water and soon. Nagging periodic numbness in the husk's legs made her unsure she could still run.

Tex watched as the answer was given. Not the worst she had seen. But it was... really... not a pretty sight. The tank now resembled a horror movie, just with more metal. She couldn't rely on the others inside the tank as they were more wounded as she was, so she grabbed an AP shell and rammed it into the breach, slamming it shut. Her hands snapped to the controls and began to bring the gun to bare on the mech that had crashed though the buildings. She took a moment to aim, to calculate the best spot to hit the mech. She sucked in a breath. "ON THE WAY!" She barked with intensity, her Talent surging to life around her, her finger twitching and squeezing the trigger. The main gun barked its gunners fury at the poor mech. Momentarily the whole inside of the tank was filled with a harmless red flame as the energy of Tex's Talent dissipated.

She didn't even wait to see if her hit was effective at all, her hands already grabbing the next shell. "Driver! REVERSE!" She called out, not fully expecting anyone to be in the drivers position right now, let alone knowing how to drive the damn thing, but it was just a habit at the moment. Nobody was the commander at the moment, so she had to step up.

"Cap! Keep the shrimp busy! We'll keep that mech off your ass as best as we can! But if we take another hit like that you can kiss this hunk of metal goodbye." She warned as she settled down in her seat. This was going to be a hell of a long day...

Pieces of the pillar kept being clipped away by bullets. Just when Karel thought the enemy fire wouldn't let up on his position suddenly. Perplexed he then heard the hostiles shooting again away from him. Further confused, Karel didn't have to ponder on it the sound of footsteps neared from the side. Training kicking in the Quarian drew a flash grenade, pressing its trigger before tossing the handheld sphere in that direction.

A bright flash ignited, causing a number of the Nazis to grunt and cry out from the pain. He looked from cover, spotting the team dazed from the flash that temporarily blinded them. Thinking fast Karel aimed and fired short bursts, downing three enemies up in front, their bodies inflamed by his inferno rounds.

The remaining three took cover and traded shots with their hated enemy. One pulled out a frag grenade and threw it toward Karel. Seeing it coming he jumped and rolled away from the small explosive before it erupted in a burst of sharpel, lowering his shields to sixty percent. Back to his feet Karel fired a concussive shot at one Nazi, sending him flying into a comrade, slamming them into a nearby pillar. The third remaining enemy swore at the alien, charging as he fired his assault rifle.

His shields going down Karel rolled toward the enemy before springing up just the Nazi came in range. The latter attempted to club Karel with the butt of his rifle but the alien dodged and rushed him, activating his omni-blade as he let out a battle cry. Surprised at the sudden appearance of the new weapon the Nazi was stabbed through face plate, letting out a dying gasp. Drawing his omni-blade Karel let his now dead foe fall backwards.

Seeing the two others next to the pillar trying to get up he didn't hesitate to finish them off with another burst of his gun that set them on fire. They shrieked agony as they died moments later. Only then did Karel look to see what appeared to a human covered in cybernetics, slaughtering the other team of Nazis with unnatural speed and strength.

His eyes widened at the sight and exclaimed. "What the?!"

Thomas "Trigger" Holden (GM post)
Location: snuck into the TARDIS

While the battle outside raged, Trigger had somehow found his way back into the TARDIS amidst the chaos. He assumed people were following him, but that was not the case. A screen on the TARDIS gave him a nice view of the war outside as he sipped from a soda can with a straw, sticking it under his mask. "Yeah, I'm not getting fuckin' blown up out there. Tanks and mechs are way above my paygrade." He muttered to himself, finding a chair to sit in to watch the action.

The action itself was soon coming to a close, as the Nazis had been becoming more and more cautious about their attacks at this point. They had not come into combatants such as these before, and at this point there were too many unknown variables to consider. The soldiers staring down the crew let up their fire for but a second, visibly checking their radios. The dead Soldaten around them had their radios roar to life as well, barely audible were the words "Fallen Sie zurück, wir müssen unsere Strategie überdenken," breaking through. Immediately, the Nazi soldiers changed their tactics: some soldiers turned tail and retreated from cover to cover, others let off a spray of bullets to support the withdrawal. The aircraft above the skies of Val Royeaux also seemed to receive a similar message, hastily finishing up their tasks and flying back to a regroup point near the blimp. A commanding officer near Shocker and Captain Cold became audibly perturbed. "Scheiß auf die befehle! Wir werden uns gegen diese Untermenschen nicht zurückziehen!" With that, the soldiers around the pair solidified their battle formations: they're not falling back.

The mech had no choice but to stay in fight, staring down the barrel of a tank. The rotors of the tank roared as if to challenge the group, ready to face what they had in mind. The thing they had in mind however, was a tank round. It barely had time to register what had just occurred as a gigantic hunk of metal had been blasted through the center of it, making a person-sized hole. Shrapnel blasted out from the back of it, ripping a few soldiers to shreds. The tank shuddered, stepping backwards before slamming onto the ground. The slam proceeded to land on a soldier who was screaming about the shrapnel that had landed in his eye.
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/NPU/mount /NPU/dev/unk5 /NPU/dev/bus/TR0 /NPU/addroute --triage /NPU /NPU/dev/bus/TR0, /NPU/dev/bus/memory[x] /NPU/reconstruct --raw --fsck --backup /NPU /NPU/dev/bus/tr0 /lexicon/308895c610aaaccc0035/Thea


"Function resumed." says Thea her voice still distorted and more robotic now owing to the damaged voice emulator. She sits straight up and tests her right arm, the one that had been caught by the yellow man. The wires had been fried, rendering it inoperable and still locked in a stiff closed-fist punch. Only the servos at the shoulder worked to move it. The flesh was also mostly gone exposing her metal skeleton. All other appendages read as operable.

"Assist native asset Flynn." Thea gets to her feet and after a scan of the battle around her, sees the nearest corpse was one just made by David. She sprints over to him and grabs the dead Nazi by the back of his collar, dragging him back to the tank without saying a word since he was occupied with the two men. She takes grazing shots along the way, but she quickly returns to the tank. With her working hand, Thea punches into the chest and rips out the heart. Needing one working hand to climb into the tank, she puts the heart in her mouth to do so.

Tex would see Thea, half-nude and exposed skin riddled with burns and bullet holes, heart in her mouth enter the tank and go to Flynn. She uses her free hand to open the husks' mouth and place the heart there, moving it to assist in chewing.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: littlekreen
The squirming cavern of squirming blue threads that formed the rent side of her husk had quelled to a low shift as Flynn's hand held onto the locus. Holding the tank together that kept her from taking more bullets. As the flame embodied the tank some of the paleness left her skin as the open evisceration bathed in the evocation. The certain aspect of fire that Flynn had affinity. Though her heart's quiet thrumming had quelled the husk's boiling threads rippled slightly better as Thea re-entered the tank. Flynn's glassy fixed-stare eyes pivoting up in a grimace of effort. The translation spell in her own throat starting to fail felt vibrations of a human vocal flap start to numb even as smelled the meat coming before it had entered. Instincts boiled through the human exterior by a drooling dreaming gaze with human pupils slowly dilating out of sync.

She didn't have the strength for a human laugh and only managed a melodic trill as her own voice started to break down, "RnRnRn... I hope it went well... we're both pretty deep in the maw."

The grip barely loosened on the cobalt locus twirling angular patterns on surfaces of the loading mechanism as Thea started to feed her another's motive force. With each press of Thea's hand heart vanished inside a mouth cut by something other than drifting teeth and a floatsam tongue. passing down into the gullet and down the throat Flynn's pupils returned to normal. Gurgling pain from two throats the teeth tear their way back through the misshapen gums to slap together in a human tongue as the shadow reconnected the shadow of the husk with the will that drove it.

The engine stopped its errant struggling as Flynn steps back from the void. A straining hand seperates from a slowly trundling blue gearwork to drag her much-abused husk upward toward the corpse just outside with rubbery feet that barely worked until gravity helped her drag the rest of the body through the opening then floating on uncertan legs pulls the hatch closed behind Thea.

A spatter of blood from the chest hole made a geyser into the air to boil against greedy metal. She sat atop its in the space cleansed by gunmetal hunger within the cramped space, "Hhhhh... Thea, D-rive! I need to use this fellow to... cut some bandages out of his hide." @Amber Franklin

A wavering drunken purpose rather than the dwindling flame of the dying fumbled at his belt before locating what she was after. A tactical knife in a holster there. By force relieving the man of his shirt and shards of destroyed armor started cutting long fleshy red strips from his chest. Attaching them to the crater in one side of her leather jerkin for a rime of cobalt wire to throb through it like a strip of territory through no man's land. Slowly annexing the man's flesh so the husk wasn't quite so damaged.

"blood of is damaged. Transubstantiate arm. Need to reload... oh. Oh, blacken it..." Flynn didn't look over from the sounds of slicing meat but mumbled to herself in a dreamy need to focus.

The dangling strip of Man sucked itself in as some self-applying bandage with barbed rime to slowly bound fibrous territory. An ocean of threads rising to meat after recoiling from exposure. Shoulder braced against the magazine removed a shell with purple gurgles of fluid from her mouth at the effort to brace herself in bringing it over to the mechanism. Long metal screeches a weak but determined loader operated the mechanism, "You're not getting a Thaum shell right now, Tex. Make your own... miracle wham." @Henryboy003
Raiden stepped out of the building he entered minutes earlier, with his ripped poncho swaying under the wind. Has it gotten windier? He couldn't tell, and he also couldn't care. Two villains stood before him - they seemed to fight alongside the Nazis, and that was good enough a justification for the cyborg ninja to raise his sword at them.

Their gear didn't match the Nazis', and from what Raiden could gleam from their body language, it seemed the pair didn't... want to fight with the Nazis? Maintaining his raised sword, Raiden gave peace one last chance. "You sure you two wanna do this?"

Both Shocker and Cold had been busy dealing with the heroes attempts to stop the invasion, but all of a sudden, a weird cyborg man with platinum blonde hair, a burnt sombrero, tattered poncho, and even more oddly, high heel shoes for feet, landed just in front of them.

Both stared at him, like they were looking at a mime on the street. And like all mimes, they must die. Both looked to each other for a moment, then raised their ice gun/shock gauntlets at him to fire. The ice would attempt to freeze Raiden, the vibro-blast would shatter the ice, turning him into nano-ice cubes

They never take the easy way. Raiden instinctively leapt to his right, losing even more bits of his sombrero to the intense movement. Entering a combat roll, Raiden threw the last two knives he had at the fiends as he strafed to the right, aiming to get closer.

David was midway through slicing through another poor Nazi, dousing the giant of a man in more blood that he looked like he had a severe accident involving red paint, when the smoke cleared enough for him to spot the bastards that showed up with the Nazis, the one who launched David across the street.

Same one who downed Thea. The pair were focused on fighting what appeared to be a woman in a poncho and sombrero. The man took the opportunity to get the bow out and nock an arrow, sharp and meant to punch through light armor, aiming towards the knee of the yellow suited one, David released the arrow and sent it flying towards it target.

His intention was to cripple so he could get in close and give the one in the getup fighting the pair a helping hand.

Karel set himself in an second story window in the center of the mansion on the side that Raiden had exited from. Following that brief encounter with Raiden earlier he went his own way. Armed now with his Viper sniper rifle he looked through the scope, briefly watching the duel between Captain Cold and Shocker and the city's defenders. Earlier he had the former were with the ones who had been trying to kill all day Karel had his mind made up.

He aimed through the scope toward Captain Cold and fired an concussive shot. If successful the single high powered round would hit Cold in the center knocking the winter theme thief down. It wouldn't kill but stun him for a few seconds.

Shocker blocked Raiden's knife with his gauntlet; sparks flying off as the blade bounced off, while Cold ducked backwards by falling on his back, then firing off several ice blasts at Raiden while pushing himself against the ground with his feet. A single blast would freeze Raiden in place and slow his body down, with the cold strong enough to freeze his joints.

Shocker was momentarily distracted upon seeing the woman, who he thought he at least knocked out, was back up standing.... eating a heart. "Ah crap," he muttered to himself. David's arrow would then strike, but also bounce off his outfit, as the fabric Shocker used was strong like kevlar. He did shout in pain, falling to a single knee, as he fired a virbo-blast to David.

Cold would spot Karel's scope as he aimed down his sights, seeing the reflection bounce off it as he adjusted his aim. Quickly, he formed a small ice wall in front of him while on the ground, blocking the concussion blast. The wall exploded, and before the ice particles fell to the ground, Cold was quick to counter-attack, firing a few more ice blasts Karel's way.

Through his helmet Karel's eyes widened at how Cold blocked his shot. But he had no time to ponder as ice blasts flew toward his position. The front half of the viper sniper rifle froze but Karel dropped and ducked, avoiding a similar fate. The Quarian stayed down as the window area now was cast in bitter ice.

Pulling out his avenger assault rifle he crawled to the third broken window on the left hand side. Turning on inferno rounds he then from his belt Karel grabbed his last flash grenade. As the fighting continued down below he readied the grenade.

Finally he peek out and tossed it above toward where Cold and Shocker stood and if successful the little sphere would ignited in a brightening flash for anyone who looks up.

David rolled to the side as the vibro-blast came his way, his hearing turning to a faded ring and making his teeth feel like they rattled, none too pleased that the arrow had bounced off. 'Must've not have made them sharp enough..' He thought to himself as he reassessed his approach.

Enemy was wearing fabric on par with armor. Which meant getting physical and getting close enough to break bones. This also meant getting close to the source of these vibro-blasts. However, the dust was once again kicked up from the blast. Once again giving the haze of dust that obscured David's position.

An advantage he used to break contact and reposition. Grabbing a grenade off the upper half of a Nazi, he pulled the pin and underhand tossed it at Shocker's position, hoping that the bastard could handle an explosion. Just enough to remain alive enough for David to tear apart with his bare hands.

"Dammit!" Raiden cursed as his left hand was caught by an ice blast. His elbow joint locked up with unnaturally quick frost - he'd be in a world of hurt if his pain inhibitors were off.

Seeing that other people have joined the fray against the two hostiles, he figured now was as good a time as any to go for the kill. Sidestepping another ice blast, his cybernetic eye locked with a grenade inbound on the cold gun guy. Priming his hydraulic legs, Raiden would immediately spring at them after the explosion, and hopefully take someone's head off with his sword.

Shocker would see Karel's grenade first, momentarily believing it was a regular one and shooting it in mid air with a vibro-blast. The blast though would blind both him, and Cold, with David's grenade landing a few feet away.

"Crap!" He shouted, blasting the ground near the grenade to push it away, but still exploding close enough for Shocker to be knocked down on his back by the shockwave. Cold, however, recovered faster, since he was more distanced from his counterpart, his vision returning just in time to see Raiden jump at him sword first.

He quickly dodged to the right, spraying the ground Raiden would land on in ice, tripping him up as Raiden would slide across the ground, trying to keep his balance.

"Oh, screw this." Cold muttered, as it was clear the situation was well out of hand for his side, and he wasn't gonna die for a bunch of Nazi's he was forced to work with. With the Germans in retreat, Cold blasted the ground once again, forming a blanket of snow around him to make a run for it.

"You son of a bitch--" Shocker began to shout, seeing his 'friend' run off and leaving him to die. At least, not with Steve around, as when he tried standing back up again, his head was met with Captain America's shield thrown his way; bouncing off the side of his temple, and falling to the ground once again unconscious.

Her task of reviving Flynn complete, Thea climbs back into the driver's seat, and configures a way to drive the tank with only one articulating arm.

"Resuming objective. The dirigible." Thea says to Flynn and Tex as the tank lurches forward and towards their original objective. Being a machine, Thea has no capacity for anger or revenge that would compel her to rejoin the fight outside and kill the yellow man who had damaged her. The objective is all that matters. Tex may protest, but Thea only obeys orders that relate to the objective and no objections.

"We are within firing range." Thea announces. The tank rolls over and slightly up a pile that had been another tank, and once angled to have a direct firing line up to the blimp, quickly took the shoot.



The explosion's shockwave could be felt for miles, and the explosion seen from across the whole city. But, it thankfully landed outside the city's walls, and with it, the invaders no longer had control of the air. With their retreat, the mages of Val Royeaux quickly moved into defensive positions to secure the capital once again, while the soldiers pushed back into the sections not yet under their control. The heroes were victorious.

And Steve took a moment to breath. It was over. But now remained the biggest question. Where did these new people come from? "So," he started to say, looking to the recent arrivals, "How'd you all get here?"