The Evrensel Conflict:Act 1--Chapter 2, Mission: Distress Call

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On her world (Vana'diel) Vaasha's race (the Mithra) are natural predators. Their native habitat is the hot jungles. They hunt for their meals, along with growing various plants and spices to go along with. But the Mithra aren't always in the position of apex predators. There are other creatures in that world that would make sport of any Mithra. The Yagudo are one example. They are one of the intelligent tribes of Vana'diel, large crow-like beastmen. And natural enemies of Mithra. So while the Mithra are pretty high on the food chain, they can still be victim to that same food chain. And so, a sense of fear and caution is sewn into their DNA. That feeling you get when walking through a forest and feel like something is watching you. Something is hunting you.
And that describes Vaasha at the moment she picks up the little bauble.
As she admires the pretty blue light she hears (and in smaller part feels) the loud thud from outside of the room. Her now widened eyes dart in the direction of the sound, towards the door. Immediately the fur along her spine and tail bristles, her ears laying flat against the top of her head and she darts towards the wall next to the door. She tucks the bracelet and Noisy Cricket into her side pouch, and she hugs her staff to herself now. The Mithra crouches, her back against the wall. Her heartrate jumps in tempo, fear rushes through her slim form to help her be moreso on guard.
She waits a few moments and then slides up the wall slooooooowly. Leaning to one side discretely and peeking out of the window… just in time to see the monster passing the little window. She has to fight to keep the frightened yelp in, and she immediately ducks back down. Crouching low as she hugs her staff tightly, her eyes closed tight. She repeats a prayer of safety to Altana, over and over and over. The thudding of those footfalls diminish, indicating the monstrosity is moving away. She waits a few more moments, and then she pushes herself to her feet once more to peek out the window. Nothing… for now… what kind of Hell is this place?! Stepping back from the door, she decides she can't stay in here. If she were to shimmy up into the vents again… well she knows it leads back to the other awful place she had just escaped from. No thank you. She wonders if she can destroy this door to get out… or maybe Titan can just tear it off. Or… she can pull that lever… her head tilts to one side as her ears perk up and she stares at the lever. Has that always been there? She moves carefully towards said lever and whacks it suddenly with her staff. As soon as it makes contact she scurries away from the door and slides under a table. The door opens slowly, and Vaasha stares at the opening with wide frightened eyes. Nothing more happens. She can't hesitate long, she may not have another chance. She rushes out of the door, keeping her body leaning forward as she goes into a jog.
She slows to look around herself. She has no clue what to do next. No floating words or hints, no indication of what is next in this twisted game. Her ears remain perked, listening to the heavy footfalls in the distance. When she moves, it will be to wherever those thuds remain distant. She has a plan in her head in case she finds herself unable to keep her distance. But for now… she moves forward, her staff held out in front of her with one hand.
Her jogging would make each of her footsteps clank against the metal floor, which echoed down the hallways. She would hear the undead beast stop in its tracks, and moan as it began moving towards her to see what was making the noise. In her running though, she would stumble across a massive bulkhead door. It was locked shut, with there being no power in this section of the ship, but besides her were two doors. One went to another bedroom like the one she left, but with a locker and the two bunk beds to hide in and under. The other was some sort of storage locker, filled with junk pieces of droids and spare parts, and plenty of shelves to hide behind.
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Vaasha's left ear flicks and then turns a little as she hears the monster in the distance stop. This absence of sound causes her to freeze in her tracks and she looks over her shoulder. She holds her staff in front of her with both hands, her wide eyes looking into the darkness. And she can hear it begin to move once more, and lurching towards her. The heavy footfalls get subtly louder to her sensitive ears. It was able to hear her running? Or is it more a scent based beast? In her natural habitat she is able to effectively evade predators, but this is far from anything she knows. All metal and foreign smells. Nothing familiar in the least.
Fortunately she has a history of fine improvisation.
Okay so think Vaasha think. Maybe she can fight this thing. She's not sure how many more places there are to avoid this hunter. It seems to strong for her to take on herself, and she knows she can't summon Ifrit again… or Shiva. So what's left in the tank? So to speak. The other Sleeping Gods? Ramuh would probably be suicide considering the fact she is essentially in a giant metal box. Leviathan? Maybe. Titan… maybe. But his movement would be limited in this confined space. The same for Garuda. The Terrestrial Avatars? Carbuncle could conceivably fight it, but not long enough to do any good. No… no it might have to be Fenrir.
Vaasha looks over her shoulders once more, her hands squeezing her staff as she frowns with thought. Time to fish or cut bait. Eyes close tightly as scenarios run through her head… as the monster draws closer. And then those eyes snap open, and she extends her staff before her. A blue and green electric like energy begins to flow along her arms and down the length of the staff she holds. On the floor in front of her, a softly glowing blue circle forms. It beings to spin, and designs begin to draw themselves within. Forming what one would mistake for an alchemical symbol. Vaasha draws her hands back, and then thrusts them forward again. The summoning circle flashes and out of it draws a serpent looking creature. It hisses loudly as it emerges from the circle, circling in the air once and then darting down the corridor behind Vaasha. It's nearly 13 feet long, about about 4 feet in width. It's coloring is of blues and purples. It is the God of Tides: Leviathan. It hisses loudly again as it streaks through the air as if it were swimming in the water. Another hiss and it's eyes flash, and the corridor around it is suddenly filled with water. The pocket of water is longer than Leviathan by almost 3 feet on either end of him. A moment more and that water rushes ahead of Leviathan, forming a miniature tidal wave. In every respect, it is as strong as the white waters crashing against a coast. And that energy is flowing right for the beast that hunts Vaasha. Leviathan would, while the beast is getting pummeled by the intensely powerful current, try to get behind it.
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"Affirmative" Thea replies to Garrus' plan when he is done, nodding and taking her position by Otto. She is crouched beside him and lower to the floor.

On 'One' Thea stays low to fire at the feet of the droids. The first volley of rounds hit to no effect as before. The overload charges from Ami and Garrus go off, and the blue electric charge cascades over the shields. The shields short out, fall, and the droids are torn apart by the heavy rounds fired from Brigid.

Brigid alerts them that there were supposed to be four, and Thea whips around the way they had come as the heavy gunner takes the other corridor.

She had been correct, and timely. From both directions come a droideka in their collapsed ball form, and the warning is enough for both to be hit and eliminated before they can stop rolling, unfold and raise their shields. Brigid destroys one with a single fifty-caliber round. Thea terminates the other with one quick and precise volley.

"Threats terminated." Thea announces. All four Droideka are now piles of metal and wires. All is quiet. Thea looks down the curving hallway, at the elevators, down the other.

"Recommending alternate plans. We have been ambushed twice. The first was improvised, this one planned. Proceeding directly to the command center leaves us open to more ambush opportunities." Thea states her assessment of the situation.
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Making a plan

As their comrade alerted the group to the incoming Droidekas, the group immediately turning to cut down the enemy droids before they could even deploy their shields. Otto using the plasma weapon to literally melt one into glowing green pool filled with bits of metal that was slowly cooling into an analogous pile of slag.

Looking over the ruined heaps of slag, Otto bent over to examine the remains closer, trying to see if there was anything to scavenge, or most importantly if there was one not too damaged that it could perhaps be worked on to replace Ami's destroyed turret. A proper payback, as he had heard tales of what these things were capable of, and now just experienced.

If worked properly, he was sure that she'd be able to work with the shield unit to cover herself. Anything would be better than the thin suit she was wearing. Unfortunately, the plasma, slug round and laser fire from the group had done too much damage.

He cursed quietly in Mando'a as he stood up to rejoin the others in making a plan. Listening to Thea, Otto would voice his thoughts on the matter. "I do not know much about old Separatist ships, but if they're able to know where we are enough to formulate ambushes, perhaps if we can find how they are tracking us and either jam it or mess with it cause their efforts to be in vain."

@Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Noble Scion
  • Useful
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Ami's dedication to staring at Thea's behind was fruitful in her attempt to focus on the mission and ignore Otto after their little 'fight', and it wasn't long until another distraction came along in the form of two more of those strange rolling robots.

Watching the two droids melt into a big pile of scraps and molten metal hurt her inner technomaniac, but it was necessary for them to progress, so with a sigh, she'd holster her gun yet again and return to their captain's flank, listening to their suggestion of an alternate path with a quirk of the head.

Thea chose her words strangely, but it was a question to be answered another time as she'd instead put finding a different way through to the front of her mind.

Stealth in grey corridors wasn't exactly ideal, and plans other than just forcing their way through certainly weren't forthcoming. It was easy to run into a dead end on a ship like this, so alternative paths were risky in their own right.

It would seem a map would be needed, and she had an idea of how to procure one.

Sighing, Ami would make her way over to Otto "examining" the slag of the robots, though she had doubts he even knew what the components he was staring at were.

Moving closer, she'd flick open her holographic display, grunting uncomfortably as she'd have to put her shield through some molten metal in search of some sort of communications or memory device. These things knew how to navigate this place, and that means she could navigate this place. How difficult that would be would depend on whether they were being controlled or fully automated, or somewhere in between and just following direction instructions as they came in.

Thankfully she'd find would looked to be some sort of memory storage, and after a small bit of fiddling with her own display in order to get it to function with the foreign tech, she'd get a few things of interest.

The first being the map she was looking for, and the second were some diagnostic results on the droids themselves, mainly detailing how it's energy was being distributed, as well on some leftover details on how they even functioned.

"Well I got a map, and these things appear to be basically blind from behind from what I'm reading. Not to mention their shields were designed with movement capabilities in mind, so slow moving things go through unimpeded." She'd finally answer back after a small while of sifting and tinkering, making a note to not look at the mandalorian beside her.

"There's a few ways we can go, I'll leave the choice up to you" Ami'd say, returning to Thea and holding up an orange display showing a layout of the floor they were on, as well as a few highlighted paths she'd helpfully put on the map, with a small glowing light indicating where they were, and a small red light showing the command center.

It felt nice to be useful as something other than a soldier.
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Thomas Trigger Holden
Location: Creating a plan with the group

The droidekas eventually fell after a couple of shots into their metallic bodies, the group somewhat coordinating to take them down. These things were getting quite annoying, what with their shields and blaster fire. It almost felt just like home if it weren't for the constant reminder that they were in space as Trigger took a glance out a nearby window. Everyone eventually gathered up, trying to think of a plan to avoid the various robots. Ami was of particular use with that holographic display of hers brimming to life in an orange glow, displaying a map of the ship. It would help them find their place to the control center, but as for everything else Trigger wasn't too sure. "You think you could hack some of the bots with that thing that are closeby, or does that gadget not work that way?" Trigger offered a question scratching his side as if this entire ordeal was a casual weekend activity. His eyes then lit up for a moment at a horrendously stupid idea. "...Or I have a better plan that could get us there quicker. We all have masks right? Why couldn't we just… y'know, blast a hole in a window and just float to the control center from there?" He then said with a shrug, attempting to twirl the shotgun in his hands and then fumbling with it and almost dropping it.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Your course of action is inadvisable. The cold of the vacuum could kill some of us despite our protective attire. Traversing the outer hull without proper equipment would be difficult. And lastly, re-entry into the ship would be more difficult, if the enemy does not deploy spacecraft to terminate us en route. In total, your plan could not work." Thea gives a point-by-point breakdown of Triggers' plan with her deadpan face and tone.

Thea looks at the map Ami manages to salvage from the droids, copying it to her own internal database.

"Tactical reassessment. Forward is our only option. Ami, is it possible to use the signals the units are sent to warn us on this map of any incoming on our position?"

Ami and one other member of the team would have time to respond to this question. Upon conclusion of the conversation, a voice would resonate through the hall from speakers in the ceiling.


"Whatever you are planning, it will fail!" the shrill mechanical voice exclaims.

"We have disabled your vessel.There is no escape" Another, deeper voice says menacingly.

"We are the Decepticons. I am Starscream. We have been stranded too long to lose you now. Your vessel is capable of traversing universes, and we will find out how." Starscream announces and explains.

"You held the original crew hostage." Thea states looking at the nearest ceiling speaker.

"Pitiful biologicals. A race of cowards unworthy of the might this vessel holds." says the deeper voice.

"Oh yes. This vessel will be a fine addition to the Decepticon forces upon our return. Megatron will be pleased. For now, you are of use to us, why we have not swarmed your position to kill you all or storm your ship." Starscream snickers. "Continue to be useful, and you will live."

There is the sound of doors opening down the corridor and rapid heavy footsteps.

"There was one other crew to land that put up the same resistance. Behold their remains." Starscream says with a grin evident in his voice.

Around the corner, came five armored forms.


"Their armor and skills were formidable. But under that wonderful metal, were mere humans. The commando models wear them far better." Starscream mocks and the group of five advance on them slowly.

"You are being detained. Do not resist. Lethal force is authorized." The lead droid warns in a monotone voice.

"Comply, and survive. Resist, and die. Simple choice." says Starscream.


The Pathfinder sits in peril. The crew has gotten it running again after the ion blast shut everything down, but their communications continue to be blocked. Those fighters aboard are hesitant to exit the ship while a portion of an enormous army has their guns trained on it. The droids on the hangar floor and those in the tanks sit ready for any action that could be hostile from the Pathfinder, but unknown to the crew, with orders to not destroy it.

It is tomb-at-midnight silent in the hangar.

A green light flashes beside the Pathfinder, bright enough in this enclosed space to temporarily overload the photoreceptors of the droids trained on the ship. The flash precedes another ship entering the hangar through a portal at the moderate flight speed it had when traversing the air before the teleporter drive activated.

Which is unfortunate for the droids on the floor. One side are mowed down by the ship and tossed back by the force of the impact, causing a great clattering of metal and mechanical wails from the droids that are apparently capable of expressing surprise and despair at being destroyed.


"Whoa! My bad folks! We hit something! A lot of things!" Vaudeville announces from the pilot seat of the ship over an intercom. She pulls back on the controls to make the ship come to a complete stop in the air then lands on hastily deployed landing gear.

"What the hell did we hit!? Nothing and no one we know I hope!" Abby yells from the seating area beside Alec, unbuckling herself from the seat and grabbing her helmet.

"Uhh hold on." Vaudeville looks out the window of the cockpit. An AAT and many droids take aim at the ship.

"You guys don't happen to have a huge ship and a robot army, do you?" asks Vaudeville as she flips a switch to activate the shields.

"Noooo…why?" Abby answers then inquires. She puts on her helmet, readies her Death Pod. "Look alive people! Trouble ain't over!"

"Yeah we dropped into some shit and we're about to be lit up! Clearing the landing zone!" Vaudeville flips another switch. The ship had been outfitted with a way to clear a landing zone in emergencies: ports on all sides launch flares to illuminate the area and disrupt the photoreceptors of the droids again, then guns near the two ramps lay down suppressing fire in wide arcs as they open.

The spectacular entrance of the once-lost crew wiped out a portion of the droids. The zone clearance measures had done it's job and gave them a wide area to disembark without immediate harassment.

But there was still most of an army advancing on the crew of the Pathfinder. The only saving grace they have is it is only the droids on foot they face. The heavy artillery remains still for now.


The hallway suddenly is filled with the blare of sirens and an automated voice.

"Unauthorized entry in Hangar Bay One. Hostile forces present."

"What!? But how?! They came right into the hangar?!" Starscream screeches.

The boarding crew would, at once, receive a communication from the Pathfinder flight crew in their ears.

"This is the Pathfinder! The cavalry has arrived! We can hold our own down here but you need to get control of this vessel!"

Thea is the first to act. She drops to her knees and bends back to avoid blaster shots from the commando droids, but also fires off arrows from her pod weapon. The arrows hit their targets in two of the droids' neck areas, detonating the explosive payload in their tips to pop their heads off.

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Otto Kadovah
Had a pleasant conversation, now is angry

After having the conversation with Ami, Otto was pleased to have settle things, the plan from Trigger got scorn from everyone, including Otto who just shook his head in Trigger's direction.

The sudden sound of speakers turning on before a shrill voice began to mock the team and mention that they wanted their ship. It was the reveal of the only other crew that put up a fight, and their remains being put on full display, in the form of a group of armor wearing droids. To anyone else, this would just be droids wearing durable armor, but to someone like Otto. It was beyond simple words to describe his anger at the sight, some disgusting abhorrent being made a mockery of what could have been honorable Mandalorians by having these automatons wear their armor, who knows how much history was tied to the armor.

Thea quickly destroyed two by aiming for the necks, and Otto took aim with his Plasma Rifle and using it as a melee weapon when one tried to flip over them, knocking the helm to the side and before it could recover, Otto stuck the Q-35 Matter Modulator into the neck and fire off several shots into the inside of the machine, melting it to slag, the head falling off with a splat as superheated metal and the slag from the plasma, the inside of the droid melting slightly but Otto didn't care, there were others to fight and he had to help the others, a notion he did by acting as low cover for Ami to fire or do whatever from behind, crouching so his weak spots would be protected by his leg armor and gauntlets, laying down suppressing fire to force any other droids into a certain spot for the others to readily deal with.

@Noble Scion @Amber Franklin @Wiggin @Wade Von Doom
  • Nice Execution!
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Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: in the hallway

"Well I don't fuckin' know how space works! My world is too busy trying to deal with interdimensional entities to deal with why the stars twinkle and shit,"
Trigger said, slightly annoyed by the sudden turnaround to shut down his idea. He groaned but then shrugged. "Who knows maybe space works differently in this part of the universe and- none of you are listening are you…" He stopped himself, realizing he was beginning to talk over the voice that had crackled to life over the intercom.

This felt like the typical mission to trigger, usually involving some sort of disabling of some sort of escape and then an ask for surrender. It never really ended with surrender, but in most of his cases someone either died or was mangled horribly which is why he typically worked alone. By the sounds of it the "people" on the other end were robots from what they said of "biologicals." Great… Trigger hated shooting robots. "Who the fuck names themselves starscream, it sounds like some sort of whiny supervillain that- ah shit," Trigger barely got a chance to mumble his insult before the sounds of metal feet were heard rapidly approaching. Armored droids by the looks of it, and their armor didn't look particularly nice or inviting. Trigger sighed, taking out his automatic laser shotgun and readying to fire before alarms began to blare loudly. That was new, Trigger never really got cavalry before. Either way, mission was still the same, and he was quick to teleport behind a section of the wall while the droids began to fire. From what that starscream guy said, the armor on these guys was tough, but hopefully a spray of lasers from his shotgun would be enough to hit any vital points just like Otto and Thea had done. "Does anyone have a grenade?!" Trigger shouted to the group, dipping his head in and out of cover to get a look to see if he got any of the droids or not.

Location: Dispatching from the newly arrived ship

Their arrival into this new part of the multiverse was a bumpy one, the ship rumbling as it tumbled through a portal before screeching onto a hard metal surface, ramming into several other metal surfaces on the outside of the ship as it did so. She was not in the cockpit with the more technologically skilled of their group, so Reta chose to stay in one of the main common rooms where the group had hastily fastened themselves to the chairs within. Her face scrunched up on impact, wincing at the sounds of the metal screeching along with the sounds of movement outside. There was suddenly the sounds of gunfire outside, and people were getting ready to storm out of the airlock.

Reta quickly unbuckled herself and set about all manner of magical abilities, all of the people watching though would conclude that it was some sort of ritual as she waved her hands over her now materialized spear along with her entire body being covered in various yellow and red particles that increased her defense, endurance, and speed. Her spear was now coated in both a red liquid and an electrical current swirling around it. When she was done, she looked around the group and noticed she was going to be the first one out. The new girl… Ebonae was it? Seemed perhaps apprehensive about leaving the safety of the shift, pick at the skin on her wrists for a few moments with her bandaged hands that now had black stains. Reta quickly patted her shoulder to get the girl's attention, before giving a thumbs up and rushing out the airlock with a chariot rush attack into a group of droids. Her spear soon turned into a kabob of metal and carnage before she did a magnificent spin to throw the droids off, before doing a final thrust that pushed dother robots back from a gust of wind. The others barely got a chance before she dematerialized into mist and dodged several blasts, appearing next to another droid and using it as a shield to block more laser fire. She had carved a decent chunk out of the crowd for those more melee oriented to charge at the center of the group. That was when Larger droids rolled in, spinning in their ball forms before moving right past Reta and aiming at the ship. Blue shields surrounded these ones.

Location: Dispatching from the newly arrived ship

Ebonae was very scared of the noises created by the ship while it careened through space, curling up in her seat as the sounds of metal could be heard outside. She moved her knees up on her seat to hug them to her chest when the sounds of gunfire soon followed. Everyone then started to get up and move to go out there. Why?! It sounded so dangerous out there, was there a reason they should be going out there?! Ebonae scratched at her wrists with nervousness. She barely knew any of the people here, or just people in general, why should she be helping them? Her face was that of almost panic for a few moments before she felt a touch on her shoulder.

The girl looked up to see the quiet one in the group who hadn't spoken a word. She was somewhat hard to read due to that fact, but was for some reason very… caring when it came to the group. Why was she so keen on keeping everyone safe? The girl then gave a thumbs up to Ebonae, before rushing out of the airlock. Well… if she was so confident why shouldn't ebonae be? Eboane nervously rose to her feet, following along and seeing several machines lying on the ground of a hangar of sorts and in the middle of them was that strange girl using one as a shield.

Ebonae didn't get much of a chance to admire the speed and agility of the girl before more droids arrived, these ones looking meaner than before. Ebonae didn't have any time to think, these things were aiming at her. Time slowed for a few moments and blades emerged from her wrists and into her arms, instincts kicking into overdrive as she sprinted to the side near where the girl was and put her arms up in a defensive stance like before with swords in hand.

There was little time to look at the intricacies of the blade as spears of white bone shot out from the skin in her arms, slamming into the large droids with the power of a tank round and creating a cloud of dust for the group to run through as a cover. The only problem now was that Ebonae had now made herself a target instead.​
Brigid Mahoney

"Hell yeah!" Brigid exclaims when she watches the Droideka she had intercepted explode and hears the other explode as well. "Good work team! Those robots didn't know what hit 'em!" She turns to the team and listens, watches as they start a brainstorm session as to what to do now. A map is helpful, and Brigid wishes she had kept her Pip-Boy on for its ability to make a local map, but with the omni-tools others have her Pip-Boy seems ancient(obsolete) tech not worth lugging around.

Her thoughts on Triggers plans are not kind. She keeps them to herself.

"I agree with Thea. The only way to go is forward so-" Brigid starts to agree and rally the others to keep going, but she is interrupted by their real enemy introducing themselves over the ship speakers.

"Makes me miss the Mechanist." Brigid says to herself inside the power armor. At least the Mechanist had bravado, some entertaining quality to the plan. These guys had none.

"Oh. Hi fellas." Brigid greets the squad of armored droids who arrive to detain them.

And the mission was going so well.

Thankfully, just when it appeared their luck was turning bad, it got better again.

What a rollercoaster of a mission.

Brigid decides, given the unwieldy nature of her machine gun in these close quarters, and the fact her laser rifle would be ineffectual at this range as well; the best action she could take was to use enhanced brute force. So she charges at one of the last two commandos, swinging the long barrel of the gun. The commando ducks, shoots her with scattered laser fire from its weapon. The bolts are deflected off her armor, and Brigid drops the gun to free her hands to grab it by the helmet with one hand to pull it off, and bring the other swinging to knock the droid's head clean off. The body falls to the floor with a loud thunk and clatter. Brigid drops the helmet on top, looks for where the head head rolled.

Pick that up for a souvenir later

That left one more commando droid.

Kassandra of Sparta

"Finally! To battle!" Kassandra says nearly ripping through the seat restraints with her brute strength. The short battle with the abomination in the lab had been somewhat unsatisfying, and Kassandra had resigned herself to return to the ship feeling unfulfilled. She thought maybe Brigid would be able to help her with that at least. One way, or another more fun way. The thought had eased her agitation, even made her smile in a certain manner that might have been picked up by others that she was having lurid thoughts as she sat waiting for the ship to stop moving.

Now however, there was a chance for glory again! They had landed right into what sounds like a war zone.

"To arms!" Kassandra raises her spear over her head and beats her armored chest with her other fist. The Spartan woman slings her bow onto her back, and runs after the others through the nearest door.

Kassandra runs out after Ebonae. Her reflexes were the first to be tested, as the blaster bolts miss her by a hair's width as she runs and rolls into the larger fray of automatons, where they stop firing to avoid crossfire and take to swinging at her with their weapons or hands. Her spear glows yellow as it slices off barrels and hands, stabs into chests. When a large droid aims at her, she is quick to put another between them when it opens fire with a hard pull. The thinner droids are easily felled with single strikes to the head or chest with her spear. The larger ones take more precise strikes at the joints of their arms and torso to be disarmed(literally) for others to deal with.

It is not the blood and guts of battle that Kassandra is used to, and the blows she does take hurt more than hits from flesh and blood opponents; but still Kassandra would be seen by others smiling while she yells in triumph.


The commando droids open fire when they receive the command signal to do so. Each of them take aim at a different target of the group. The one that shoots at Thea, and misses, is taken out along with the droid that had aimed at Amie. Garrus is targeted by the droid with the shotgun blaster; the first burst of blue energy neutralizes his shields; the second hits Garrus full in the face, and the soldier falls to the floor, stunned.

It takes aim at Thea who has sprung back up and grabs the barrel of the weapon and moves it to fire uselessly up into the ceiling. The droid responds to Thea's attempt at putting the barrel of her weapon to its neck by hitting it out of her hand into a wall; it then grab her hand and pulls her in to give Thea a headbutt. For an unarmored human, such a blow would be fatal. For Thea it causes only a wet noise at the force breaks her flesh covering and a clang as it hits her metal skull. Thea takes her hand off the shotgun to grab the droid by the neck and rip its head off.

"You are terminated." Thea drops the droid head onto its body. She bleeds from the wound in her forehead, where her metal skull shines through. She turns to check the crew, and goes to examine the fallen Garrus, turning him onto his back.

"I am unfamiliar with his species." Thea says feeling around his neck for a pulse, stopping when she detects movement of a vein. "If his cardiovascular system is similar to humans, he is alive, only stunned." She looks to Amie.

"Amie. You know him, and would know his species. Verify he is only stunned. Then we need to move on to the control center while the others afford us time and divert their forces."
Chum Teeth
Once a pirate, always…
Chum Teeth might not've discussed her origins much, but she was sure everyone around knew a pirate when they saw one. Heck, hadn't she brought up her raiding and ship boarding expertise during the planning for their quick raid on the 'Lab'?

In any case, Chum was something of an expert when it came to boarding actions for typical Spelljammer vessels. But these weren't typical Spelljammers and this was no normal boarding action.

For one, there were few Spelljammers known to the void sea that were large enough to dock other Spelljammers inside of, and most of them were more like cities and fortresses that could sail than a proper vessel. And for another, said fortress ships were likened as such for a reason: They were so well defended that any kind of assault on them was suicide. This particular fight wasn't near as hopeless, but crashing INTO its internal docks at ramming speed was every bit as crazy. As the hatch opened, the goblin's heart was as a frantic war drum: beating down faster than arrows raining down on armored hull.

As Chum exited the ship with the others, she saw that rather than arrows or the leaden balls of a giffy-bang, they were being hit with more firebolts than she'd ever seen at once. But rather than wizards or mages, she saw their foes were these… Metallic skeleton beasties? Maybe they were more like bugs? Chum just saw that the glowing projectiles she'd taken for magic spells were coming out of yet more advanced giffy bangs. Or, in the case of the weird rolly-poly ones, their arms. Those guys. They had shields (which she took for another common spell) and they were putting out four times the hurt. They were the threat.

There was a loud battle shriek from Chum as she swung up her flail, momentum building and building until it whistled… then she let out the chain and swung hard, magic flowing through the chain, and just before impact it went from 'moderately heavy' to 'about the weight of two or three anvils'. The droidekas that it slammed into would probably prefer to compare it to a speeder bike crash. The first was obliterated by the impact, and the second would feel the spiked head smash and lodge into its chassis, adding its mass to the less damaging collision with the third, which would hopefully still knock it off balance.

Chum wasn't going to let the last one off with a mere warning crash. Instead, with her flail stopped dead, she quickly drew the giffy-bang and pulled the trigger. She expected one big shot to the survivor. Instead, she held that trigger, and the weapon fired off a swarm of slightly smaller bullets that she couldn't keep good control over. At least a few hit her target (through the shield, she noticed. Was it anti magic only?) but the rest went wildly into the crowd of thinner machines, spreading the damage indiscriminately among them. Still, it was a good start. Now if she could get a hold of those new magic beam bang things…
Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Turning to Trigger, she'd give him a shrug to his first question and a shake of the head for the second. It really depended on how much time she had to poke and prod at the things, and how much cover there was, and with the ship being nothing but clear corridors, she didn't really see it as feasible. As for his suggestion, they didn't have thrusters to go about the outside of the ship, not to mention Ami's suit didn't have oxygen, it just filtered the stuff that came in.

Thea appeared to agree with her thinking, though her next request was something she wasn't entirely sure she could handle.

"I don't think so. Unless they're constantly communicating with someone it'd be impossible." She'd answer, before several screeching voices would start echoing through the halls, swiftly followed by footsteps, unfriendly ones.

Shifting away from the sudden burst of action, Ami would take what little cover she could behind Otto, who had helpfully placed himself between her and them, and begin focusing her efforts on contacting the pathfinder to let them know the situation.

A crackle later, she'd manage a connection and send through their coordinates, along with the layout of the ship should they want to come aboard somehow. "Ami here. we're working on getting to the command center, but we don't know how long it'll be!" She'd yell over the sound of gunfire before it was suddenly over, their enemies apparently defeated, though not without a cost.

Rushing over, she'd do her best to find the pulse of the fallen hero. Everyone had been made to take first aid classes since they were expected to fulfill any roles available on pilgrimage, and she'd been quite the devoted student to her studies, not that she was any replacement for a doctor.

"He's alive. Nothing fatal I think. Regrettably." She'd answer quietly with an awkward sigh after a moment of probing around underneath his suit, hefting up the unconscious turian a moment later and feeling more than a little uncomfortable carrying around the man that had crushed her hopes not long before.

"Whenever you're ready."