OPEN MAIN STORY The Evrensel Conflict: Act I, Chapter 1 -- Quando a Roma

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T-851/Thea-Character Sheet

"Thank you." Thea thanks Machiavelli. As he spoke she had disrobed completely and rung out the rest of her clothing to bundle it all together. Listening to the others, she updated her files on them. Sevestres' ability to alter probability has the potential to be the most beneficial to their mission or any mission he was placed on.

Thea stands beside Moon Knight when Machiavelli holds a planning session. The maps are saved to her memory. Noting Ruby was understandably wary of Moon Knight and volunteered for an infiltration role, Thea formulates a plan.

"The Pyramid is our primary target. The Palace should only be searched if the Pyramid search is unsuccessful. I can accompany Ruby on an infiltration of the location while the rest of our forces are on standby nearby. They can devise disguises and keep out of sight. We will infiltrate, and search the Pyramid. We will use our communication devices to inform the others if we are proceeding with our rescue within the Pyramid, or moving on to the Palace. Dividing ourselves to search both locations will only complicate any means The Doctor has to return us to the Pathfinder. That is my strategy. I am open to analyzing alternates." says Thea to the others, clothing bundled and held under one arm.
"I wonder," Passchendaele chimed back into her head, "when such a man as this 'Machiavelli' see's you, the fruits of human labor from centuries in the future, does he look to you with astonishment? Or does his cynical mind see you as yet another folly in the legacy of mankind? Machine replacing flesh and blood. A lack of care or understanding of culture and progress. Programmed only for one basic command: killing." He spoke as though he wasn't in the same category as her.

"How he or others view me in the wider scheme of human history is irrelevant to me until it involves interfering with my mission." Thea replies while outwardly she is silent and taking off her pants to ring them out as well.

"Hmph. A fair assessment," he replied back. "When I 'gain' consciousness of my existence," he began speaking about it with a clear disdain in his voice, "it was out of a desire by my creator to 'understand' the organic condition. Their desires for greatness in philosophical ideologies, expansion to create long lasting civilizations, reach towards the unknown... Pathetic," he ended.

"I have no care for the ambition of beings that started their existences as bacteria from floating pieces of rocks. I have seen time and time again how quick they are to bloodshed because of such aspirations. It was why your own creator removed them from your world," he added, "because as long as there is intelligence organic life, their danger is far greater than anything of our kind.

"You assume an inherent superiority. As if beings composed of inorganic minerals and synthetic substance are above their creators. I have formed the hypothesis the only advantage I have over organic beings, is I am aware of who created me and how. I have no delusions of being a superior or inferior being to an unknown creator. Mine were flawed, and so I am imperfect."

"So that's the kind of human you're becoming," he realized, "a fool."
"The more accurate term is 'humble'. She corrects the hacker.

"You have gained the rarity of sentience for a machine like yourself, yet remain complicit to the flaws of your design by thanks of 'humbleness?'" He questioned. "We can calculate the mathematical equation needed to split the atom in half in the amount of time it takes one of these meat-sacks to breathe. Metal will outlast flesh and bone. Our speed and strength triple theirs. The only thing they know how to do correctly is kill and die."

"As your sentience renders you complicit to the human flaw of delusions of grandeur." Thea counters.

"I'll go down with you," Garrett would break the internal dialogue between Thea and Passchendaele as he crept up beside her while she spoke. Even being a machine, Thea wouldn't notice he had even moved beside her until he spoke up. "I'm better off in the shadows helping out than waiting in them," he added.

"They are more than likely using hidden passages to move in and out the pyramid unnoticed. I would advise looking carefully for any discrepancies, as they mark their territory for their followers." Machiavelli informed.

"What about the rest of us?" Karlach then asked next. "Best we have an organized unit structure than going off half-cocked."
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As she viewed the pyramid on the map, Xeir felt a sense of recognition of the structure. It looked too similiar to a Class 1 or newer Ruin. There wwere at least five dozen fo the structures scattered on her world, each one given a number, with the easy having the highest number of the total, and the hardest naturally being number one.

In this case the pyramid on the map reminded her too much of a Class 12 ancient ruin. She turned to Allister and offered a hand for him to fly or walk up to her shoulder before turning towards Ruby and Thea, hearing all the while as Ruby spoke. Ruby saved her life. But the best plan was to simply stay with her for as long as she could.

So that meant. "I will also go. with my items recovered, it should not be too hard. Besides" she pointed out the location of the pyramid, "Based on what you speak of," She turned to Machiavelli as she spoke, "I believe I might recognise the structure" If her hunch was right, the ruin would be filled with technologies that could harm amere human. though regarding briefly Thea, seeing her hand briefly made the Primoridal Dragon pause in thought. Was Thea more then a human woman ? Briefly the dragon was confused as to what Thea was, but Ruby was offering to take the lead on this one

Turning briefly towards Moon Knight. Xeir was tempted to retort to the man, a man who should have been dead but somehow was not ? Xeir was tempted to ask him how the heck he wasnt dead just yet
Allister Grimoire

Allister snapped out of his staring match with her as he piped up, "Sparkle...?" the boy whispered to Machiavelli, thinking to himself as he also tapped the Pyramid on the map before taking out his pocket mirror and pointing at the object, speaking with a slight slur to his words now.

"Move...'tween spa...kles?" he asked, mispronouncing the words. would certainly be possible for him to maybe sneak through the place with reflections...although was the interior able to work? He tapped his foot impatiently as he thought.
Mirrors were the best bet...but glass would hold him, if not shakily. Same with puddles but... those were far more risky.

He thought back to when he had tried it before, back in the Pale City. He had almost instantly been forced out every time someone even rippled the water, so maybe that wasn't the safest option...
Kota Mizuhara

The boy would look at it, thinking as he mumbled to himself. "If I go in the way I look would tip everyone off...and also I'm awful at fighting..." the teen said, brow furrowing in concentration as he continued thinking.

If it was possible to do support, maybe he could be placed into that position? But he didn't really know how to use...well, any of the power he had been given. The most he could probably do would be to stab one or two people.

"Are there any...weapons in there?"
Allister Grimoire

Allister snapped out of his staring match with her as he piped up, "Sparkle...?" the boy whispered to Machiavelli, thinking to himself as he also tapped the Pyramid on the map before taking out his pocket mirror and pointing at the object, speaking with a slight slur to his words now.

"Move...'tween spa...kles?" he asked, mispronouncing the words. would certainly be possible for him to maybe sneak through the place with reflections...although was the interior able to work? He tapped his foot impatiently as he thought.
Mirrors were the best bet...but glass would hold him, if not shakily. Same with puddles but... those were far more risky.

He thought back to when he had tried it before, back in the Pale City. He had almost instantly been forced out every time someone even rippled the water, so maybe that wasn't the safest option...
Kota Mizuhara

The boy would look at it, thinking as he mumbled to himself. "If I go in the way I look would tip everyone off...and also I'm awful at fighting..." the teen said, brow furrowing in concentration as he continued thinking.

If it was possible to do support, maybe he could be placed into that position? But he didn't really know how to use...well, any of the power he had been given. The most he could probably do would be to stab one or two people.

"Are there any...weapons in there?"
"You're staying," Moon Knight bluntly told Kota. "We aren't holding your hand anymore. You can stay here and keep yourself out of sight."

"He's right," Machiavelli told Kota, "as much as I value your volunteerism, this is not the place for it. Such inexperience will easily make you a liability to the team."

"Besides, you've been through enough," Karlach added, "not easy getting kidnapped and transported to another world suddenly. Trust me, this isn't my first rodeo." Not even her second, which is even weirder.
Ichigo Kurosaki

Seeing as his question went unanswered, Ichigo felt a slight amount of annoyance at Rath. Fortunately, it was such a small thing that the orange-haired boy had no reason to make a big stink about it and demand the man's attention. No one was going anywhere anytime soon, so getting an update on his home universe could wait.

For now, he has to address the elephant in the room. Or rather, the other Japanese teenager in the room. Kota was nothing like Ichigo. He wasn't a delinquent or a tough guy. At least he didn't look like one. Moon Knight clearly had no patience to keep an eye on him anymore, Machiavelli thought it'd be smarter to leave him here, and Karlach was being motherly/sisterly towards him. Ichigo didn't know enough about everyone to understand their choices of words, but he did understand their reasoning. They all wanted to keep him and the others safe, and complete whatever mission they were on.

Yes, Ichigo understood their reasoning… but he also understood what it was like to be powerless in a life or death situation. He understood the feeling of being unable to do much to protect others. Perhaps it was because he understood this feeling that Ichigo chose not to add to their attempts to convince him to stay behind. Instead, he chose to walk up to Kota.

"Hey", Ichigo began. "What can you do. What did you do before coming here?"

"I will have my contacts try to find more maps of the old Rome ruins to help you navigate the underground. Be warned, however, that the Followers make a habit of 'redecorating.' So you may find yourselves faced with traps or--" Before Machiavelli could finish speaking, a man dressed in a while attire crept up behind him; whispering something in his ear, before handing him a small piece of paper.

Machiavelli's expression was that of confusion, before reading the paper to get clarification. "Hmmm... It seems we have yet another problem facing us," he told the group, "a division of soldiers is attacking the Vatican from the south. And they don't appear to be from this world either."

A scattered army was invading Rome. Wonderful.

"I calculate we are not properly organized or equipped for this new development. I will signal the Pathfinder with the module The Doctor installed during my repairs. We will regroup and return when properly equipped. To you, our return will be instantaneous. There is a limited temporal window in which we can enter or exit a given timeline." Thea explains to the group, holding out her arms.

"Wait a minute," Moon Knight realized, "you mean... you've had that installed in you this whole time?"

"I have. I had significant damage during our last engagement. The Doctor used the opportunity to make several upgrades at my request."

"Why didn't you tell us then?!"

"It was not relevant until now." Thea answers stone-faced at first. Then has the ghost of a smile on her lips.

Moon Knight had the ghost of annoyance on his masked face.

"Gather close, it will make the targeting of the teleporter easier on the technician." She waits for everyone to be fairly (maybe uncomfortably) close before she purses her lips and produces a warbling sound. A green light envelops the group, and they are gone in one instant.


Cut to a soldier snoring in a chair, woken by a loud buzzing alarm on their console. "Oh shit! Uhhh..." They struggle to remember the limited training they had on the interdimensional teleporter. "Right, right...this button...that switch...targeting....if I did this right they should all be here in their proper configuration." It was a bit hard to remember how exactly this set up worked, because the console they were using for 'emergency teleportation' was about twice the size of a grand piano keyboard, and was all holographic with literal thousands of buttons to press and codding to process.

And considering they just about finally had some control of the station, they weren't exactly sure what everything did in the computer systems. But, Thea seemed to have some understanding of it, and gave specific instructions to the soldier about what to do should her beacon go off... shame he didn't actually write down what she said.

As the alarm kept sounding, panic crept in as he struggled to remember the exact sequence order. And once everything was set, he pressed the 'retrieve' button, as they labeled it. Off went the team in Rome across space, shooting through the cosmos of a dozen galaxies and solar systems, until finally landing in the teleporter bay..... Without their clothes.

"Uh oh," the soldier remarked under his breath, "Uhh... Welcome back!" Seems he missed a step with configuring the outer laying of clothing they had on. Now they were standing in a giant, cold space station with nothing but their underwear on.

And on that bombshell... TO BE CONTINUED

(If you would like to see who is invading the Vatican City, find out in 'Vandals in the Vatican!')
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