CLOSED PARALOGUE The Evrensel Conflict: Paralogue 1 -- The Cyber-Hangover

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In living room

The Cadian would barely respond to Alec's outburst. He was having his lasgun aimed and ready as he advanced. Not even sparing Alec a glance as Artyom would move forward, a screaming civilian being put into the mental folder of sounds he was used to and thus tuned out. Experience told him that the smoke would clear, and that any poor bastard caught in the initial blast would be bleeding or dead. Silence indicated the latter but the likelihood of some survivors stifling the pain was too high to dismiss completely. This would lead him to go down the list of potential combatants. If the local Ganger were responsible, someone would have called out in expletives. Soldiers could stifle their pain or knew better than to group up.

Then again, his grenades were specially made to bounce around and leave lacerations.

So when he got close to David and Flynn, he would stifle his dislike of a potential xenos to speak. "Either combatants are dead or wounded. Possible military since we haven't heard screams or callouts. Stay low if we push out, experienced will aim high. If we don't see or encounter enemy combatants, grenades would have lacerated anyone so look for blood trails." Was all he said to David and Flynn as he continued to aim at the door from the cover of a wall.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @PolyesterH @littlekreen
Big Anri

Anri appreciated the help of the others as she wiggled and writhed in her attempt to escape. They pulled and pulled, and perhaps they were making progress but by but. Then one of them slathered her with something weird. Suddenly pulling her out became immensely easier. Of course the sudden ease of slipping out of the entrapment meant that she would pull her arms out and try to push herself out the rest of the way, completely disregarding the shushing motion Abby gave. With the grease helping her, the effort became too easy, with Anri ending up popping out and sliding forward with the grease on her front. When trying to stop her momentum, she ended up going from a slide to a roll that ended up having her stop into a sitting position on the floor.

Anri raised her arms up, knocking anything that might've been above her around, and yelled out in victory for getting out. She did not notice the gunfire that was happening around her as she tried to force herself out, nor any of the carnage that was currently surrounding her.
After a couple long seconds of silence, (after Alec had stopped yelling long enough to check if the door kicker was dead,) yet another surprise happened. ROCKETS! Dozens of them, whizzing through the gaping hole and into the suite. Alec was quick to grab Abby and throw themselves both to the ground before any hit them. They flew all throughout the place, exploding like mini-grenades upon impact and sending off crackling firework sparks. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!

It was brief, yet intense. And when they stopped flying through, the suite was even more of a wreck with debris all over the place. (Though amazingly, none of them hit Anri. Who, at her height, would be tickled by the shockwaves of the blast.) A voice then echoed through the blasted doorway. A very familiar one. "Chicago. ol' buddy! It's me, Bender!"

He's back, baybay.

"And unless you want more rockets blasted in your face again, I suggest you hand over the dang stash!" He was taking cover around the corner, keeping himself hidden in case anyone tried shooting again.
David Caddel, Chicago

Seeing the rockets, Chicago dived back onto the ground for the second time this minute. Shrapnel from dibre digs into his armor, making a popping sound as it absorbs the hit. The voice gave him the confidence to look up and assess the damages. Bender, admitably, sounded familiar in the vaguest sense possible. Namely due to his voice being particularly part to forget. This did not mean that he had any idea where the stash was, or even where it is. Was his bag heavier than it normally was? That's possible. He wasn't thinking about that when trying to move out. More concerning, and somehow less, his call sign got used instead of his real name. The people in the apartment probably knew he lied at this point. He'd have to explain that later. Getting onto his feet, Chicago takes in a deep breath and makes a stop hand sign with his other hand, raising his voice a bit to make sure Bender heard.

"Hey Bender. I have a hangover and can't remember anything from last night, so you're going to need to tell me what the stash was of. It's almost certainly in this hotel room though. I don't think I would have kept something that important far away from me. I don't want any trouble so I'll get it over to you. I'm going to check my bag right now"

When it came to gangsters, it paid to be clear and up front when possible. This was at least plausible, and left minimal space for misunderstanding. Chances were he had the stash in the hotel room. If not, he had better odds up close and personal where they couldn't send a barrage of rockets at him. He opens his bag, taking a look inside to see if there was anything in it that he didn't normally carry.

Stepping out of the restroom, Chika was greeted by a great many sights and events. The girl had grown exponentially, many had attempted to help her escape sone room with not space for her new girth, she eventually slid forward, a large amount of explosive projectiles whizzed on by, and then some familiar metal golem started talking about something hidden cache of presumably valuable items. There was a lot to process, to say the least. Chika didn't even have a weapon right now, so she would have to make do with her body. Of course, she would rather know what the hell she was about to get into before charging in.

"Situation…!", she exclaimed from the cover of the bathroom.

Besides a dirty magazine full of futas, nothing. David's bag was exactly how he left it. "Nice try, meatbag!" Bender said from around the corner, "but I ain't falling for the oldest trick in the book! Hey, other fleshy things! If you give me that two-timing, double-crossing bastard using you all as human shields, I promise not to give you another ass kickin' rocket style!... Maybe."

Suddenly, Alec was thinking that might be a good idea, considering 'David' was sounding a lot more like a thief than some contract merc. Certainly made more sense with the mask. Honestly, what kinda merc wears THAT for protecting people? Even in the multiverse, you'd think people would have a better idea for branding if they wanna seem like they wouldn't kill you the first chance they got. "Well look, we got a kid in here!" Alec tried to plead with Bender.

"... So?"

Alright, that wasn't gonna work. "Just... Give us a minute!"

"You got ten seconds! Then I'm putting this thing on nonsensical destruction mode!" Bender threatened.

Alec then grabbed David by the collar of his suit. "Here's the plan: I give him you, and in exchange while he's killing you, we dogpile the son of a bitch. Agreed? Good!" Didn't wait for David to respond, Alec just started shoving him towards the door.

While that was going on, in the bathroom with Chika was someone else. Having snuck past everyone while they were still unconscious, and keeping close to the corners of the bathroom itself while Chika hugged the toilet like a lover, a small man was putting something away inside a small, yellow briefcase. He was a Japanese fellow, dressed in baggy black pants and a black t-shirt. He was acting the calmest out of everyone, not even bothered by the destruction going on by the front door.

What gave him away was when he closed the case and locking noise it made. Chika was about seven feet away from him.
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Abigail Delano, Courier Six-Played by Amber Franklin

Abby yelps and struggles against Alec. Being caught off guard, and lacking leverage against the stronger Alec even with a different body type, this does little to get her back in the fight when the rockets stop. She glares up at Alec, then looks aside where her Death Pod had fallen out of her hands. Looking back up at Alec, she grumbles and concedes defeat for now. If only she had eaten before all this happened.

Alec moves off her to half-ass a plan, and she rolls over to grab her weapon. She curses again that the missile was used and she didnt have another. Missiles tended to be the best for a robot with attitude. Then she had an idea.

"Now listen here robot! I know where your stash is, and it's fixed with a pound of C-4. You come in unarmed, you get it and walk away, no harm no foul. If ya keep trying me, I'll blow it all to Hell. What say you to that?"
David Caddel, Chicago

Well, the stash could be the magazines. He certainly would never purchase or steal them, at least he hopes so. He would never pay for something like pornography. Although it wasn't likely to be the stash, it could explain why Bender wasn't so keen in talking about it. Reaching into the bag calmly, David grabs onto the magazines while Alec is pleading for bender. He discretely angles it so that nobody would see the contents or covers of the magazine. Then, Alec grabs him and makes his Spiel.

"Wait, I m-"

Before he could even complain or respond, he was shoved out. Already trying to hold his gun, the bag, and the magazine, he isn't able to put up much of a fair contest against Alec and gets shoved out the door directly in front of Bender. Not missing a beat he tries to hand Bender the Magazines, letting the bag mostly hang open and holing the shotgun with the other hand.

"Are these the stash? They weren't in the bag before. Just not or shake your head, nothing else is in the bag that isn't supposed to be there. You can check."

As he lets out a deep breath, a badge falls out of the bag face down on the floor. Discretely he puts his foot on it, but already it doesn't look good. That's his old police badge. Nobody was going to buy his story at this point. Hopefully the robot doesn't care.
Fifth Grade Fixer, Oliver

As Anri popped out of the doorway, Oliver found himself directly in the trajectory of her fall. Just as she began falling forwards, his eye flashed a brilliant orange, the world slowing all around him as he fell backward and tried to figure out how the hell he was supposed to dodge a giga-sized brat from his current position.
Ay, bud, didn't you say, 'we were fast enough to get out of this position without a problem'
So why aren't we getting out of this position?

Then what were you expecting? Regardless of grease, the girl flattening us was always going to be the end result of hanging off the front of her shirt.
Resigned to his fate, time resumed its normal pace, just in time for Anri to barrel into him, flattening him onto the floor. Good thing he was made of metal, elsewise that would have hurt. Standing up, he attempted to wipe the grease off his face, only to get lathered by more of it when one of Anri's arms slaps him upside the head. Ignoring the commotion happening at the front, he shakes his arms and wipes down the front part of his uniform with a mild groan. At least most of the grease ended up on his raincoat rather than on his suit, so that was a silver lining.
Still probably gonna have to wash that off though
A low priority. Do not forget, there have been days where this uniform has gone through far worse.
Shrugging to himself, he registers Chika's panicked request for an update on what she just missed.

"Oh shit, ay Chika buddy, the situation's, uhhhhh..." Looking back at the continuous developments happening at the front door, up until Chicago hands... porn mags(?) to a robot.

"Well two new guys from that party we were a part of earlier are in our group now and I think one of them stole a robot's porn or something leading to us getting shot at? I dunno. Alec and the rest are doing some negotiation defense type shit over there so I think they got things covered. Also, Alec's a lady now for some reason."
There's a lotta detail missing out of that but yeah pretty much.
With the situation explained and pretty much handled with the guys over at the front, Oliver walks on over to his trophy collection, and begins the process of figuring out what to keep and what to leave behind.
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When David was finally face to face with Bender, he was met with the strong stench of saltwater and several day old sewage. He was also covered in seaweed. And looked mighty pissed. Although that changed to disgust upon grabbing the dirty mag. "Ew!" Wasn't his cup of tea, and quickly threw it away behind him. Rather terrifyingly, he was also packing a death pod exactly like Abby's. "That ain't the stash, you dirty, double crossing weirdo! How dare you pull one over on me before I could do it to you!"

Abby's negotiating skills stopped Bender from pushing the death pod's barrel down David's throat. If David didn't know, Abigail certainly would. And she was definitely the type to blow up something like that. It was why she liked her, chaotic evil. Or at least the drunk her was. "... Fine! But I better keep my death pod after this! I already got it engrained with my signature!" It was just his face on the side.

He chucked the death pod first into the middle of the room. Then David. The heister would slide across the floor upside down until smacking into a wall. "So how'd the party go without me, chumps and chumpets?" He asked casually as he walked in like nothing happened. "... When'd you get an elephant in here?" He asked next upon seeing Anri.
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Crest raised high as Abby hauled David off with a porn magazine she was even more astonished that it worked. A death pod skittering along the floor as the weird looking construct sauntered in the room and her immediate impression was the magazine wasn't the problem for this dirtbag just the subject matter. Rifle lowered to the ground Flynn bent up to get center of balance with it as the crest flumped to her head. The death pod was just a flat blue to thermal vision but her ideas on what the signature was were not the least charitable to bender even if likely deserved. Especially as he chucked David across the room.

Erie's cheerful voice perked up as he threw his weapon away and she stood up from behind the glass carcass of unbridled alcoholism on the table in front of her, "Do I shoot it now, mom?"

Flynn's flat black eyes narrowed and sniffed loudly before a pump of her muzzle in David's direction, "Maybe later. Go help him."

More directly to bender she said acridly while rubbing her head with one hand as the headache made her rather less charitable, "You can be buried with the gun in the boatman's latrine you crawled out of if you'd like. We feel like you smell, bastard construct. At least the 'elephant' came out of the bathroom without souvenirs."

Bender's existence lost entirely, Erie headed to David and offered an the cheerful face and muscular arm to get up. A hand reached down to vanish a gun into a tattoo with a loss of depth like slipping a painting inside as she lilted, "Hi! Are you okay?"
David Caddel, Chicago

David had barely taken the opportunity from Bender chucking the pod to grab his badge when Bender grabbed him. He stood no chance, sliding along the floor in an almost comical fashion. Out of his bag falls assorted items. Handcuffs, handcuff keys, the other doctor bag, a spare magazine and some shell casings. Once more the armor makes its signature popping noises, and the audible crack far different from bone as he came to a stop by the wall. All things considered, he was surprisingly alright. There was a mess but nothing he couldn't fix, hopefully. Alec almost getting him killed sucked, so did Bender apparently being the double crosser he accused David of being. Though the exchange made sense. David knew he was going to get crossed, so he crossed first. Question was, where was the stash?

He rolled onto his back. The mask, slightly cracked as it was, looked up to look at Erie. Here, along with Abigail was a reliable ally. After getting stabbed in the back, and dealing with a traitor, the simple act of being offered a hand up was a relief. It seems there'd be a reliable group of four after all. He nods and grasps onto Erie's hand, using it to help him get up. He puts the badge away in an inner pocket in his waistcoat.

"I'm doing alright, thank you, I just need to clean up the mess real quick."

He takes a look at the scattered objects on the floor and sighs, grasping his temple. It was definitely best not to question Alec's decision making. though there was definitely a deep desire to give them a glare. As he looked around, the mask started to slowly mend itself together. The handcuffs would draw questions, everything else was explainable at least to some degree.

Absolutely nothing that came out of Oliver's mouth made any sense to Chika. Stolen porn? What was a robot? Who was a girl now? Clearly he had drunk too much, and was still inebriated even in the midst of the chaos. As Chika looked around to find something to at least throw at the ranged enemies, she found an unfamiliar person. Not wanting to trust unfamiliar people in this moment, she ran toward the small man to punt him into the wall.
Big Anri
Anri (who issued currently sitting on the floor after the shootout stopped)

There was a lot of fun things that happened after Anri slipped out. She accidentally hit someone, things were flying through the air near her, combat, yelling, the end of combat, sliding metal noises, and more talking- it was all a bit much for her to understand. All she knew was that everyone was here, and she missed out on the fun thing they just finished up with. So, wanting to see what was going on, she walked towards the sound of multiple voices, and stopped when an object was tossed out.

She didn't have the faintest idea of what it was, but there was a little drawing of some sort of face, so she assumed it was a toy. As such, she picked it up and shook it about. It… wasn't much fun, if Anri was honest. It didn't really do anything to her knowledge, and she didn't care enough about it to try and figure it out. So she decided to throw it away in a fun way to make up for the wasted time. She went towards a bathroom where three particular people were hiding, and tossed the item into a toilet. She then proceeded to walk around, humming. She was pleased with herself.

As Chika stormed towards the stranger, he didn't flinch at all. Instead, he let his mouth fill with saliva in the short time it took for Chika to close the distance. Unknown to her, he was letting it mix together with another liquid hiding between his teeth. When she was a foot away from clocking him, he sprayed it into her face as such:


The green mist would cover the woman's unprotected face; getting into her eyes, between her lips, up her nose. It stung like a bee sting around her skin, and felt like hot sauce was caught in her eyes. The smell of it only made it worse, a concoction of skunk spray and swampy mud. As she dealt with all of that, the mystery man made a run for it; quickly grabbing his briefcase and stowing it behind his back with magnets attached to his jacket, before quickly catching Anri's death pod she tossed across the room. As he squeezed past her, he managed to give he a little bow in appreciation for the 'gift.'

"Hey, HEY!" Alec realized what was happening and chased after the man. He was quick on his feet and ducked into the other bathroom Alec had been in earlier, but not before Alec put her foot in the doorway to stop it from closing. Her bare foot. "AHH!" Hurt a lot, to say the least, and quickly fell to her knees once she couldn't stand on it anymore. The stranger had made his way inside the hotel from the bathroom window, having cut a perfectly circular hole through it. Before he jumped through it, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo on the sink counter and sprayed the floor with its contents. As Alec stood back up to continue the chase, she didn't notice it in time, and with already unsteady footing, immediately lost balance. She staggered for a few moments, trying to stop herself from landing on her ass, but instead slipped back first into the bathtub.

For some reason, there was bathwater inside it. Along with rubber ducky's, and a strong smell of vodka and gin mixed in. The stranger jumped through the hole and landed on a suspended scaffolding platform used by window washers. He quickly pushed the down button, and slowly it made its way to the lower floors.

But the chaos was only starting. Because, while that was going on, the elevators in the lobby outside the suite opened. And out came several Advent soldiers, ready for a fight. "Mortan zeilaran!" One shouted to his men, approaching the gaping hole that once was the front door. Bender looked around the corner to see what was happening.

"Oh great, more guys with guns! Now I'm being upstaged in my own hostage situation!" Bender complained.


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David Caddel, Chicago.

Chicago, upon noticing Alec run off after the shorter man and yell in response to the shutting door, he was quick to follow directly behind her. There was definitely a desire to get the hell out of there on his mind, though the items the man was carrying seemed equally important. His footsteps were thunderous, mostly thanks to the sprint and everything that he was carrying. The general chaos going around the room was . He's force to stop dead in his tracks as Alec staggers, looking down to notice the shampoo sprayed on the floor that Alec had slipped on. Both hands occupied he's too slow to stop her from falling into the bathtub, but he does glance to make sure they're not dead. He is considerably more careful going over the shampoo, getting to the window by virtue of paying enough attention to how and where he was stepping.

He takes one look at the scaffolding, and the image of falling off them goes through his head. No, fuck that. Absolutely not. He chooses pragmatism. Taking the shotgun to his shoulder and standing near the window, spots the suspension cables. Its at this point he wishes he had a shorter weapon. Breaking the already weak window with the butt of the shotgun, he leans back to get enough room to aim for the cables. If he took even one of those out, it'd cripple the whole things ability to stay stable. If he got both, the man was almost certainly dead and the stuff he stole would be gone. He didn't know what was going on, but that seemed like a better idea than simply letting it go. He takes aim, barely getting a good angle without popping himself out of the window, and tries to take the shot.

The first blast of the shotgun warped the first metal strands of the cables, and by the second and third blasts, the wiring started to break apart. The scaffold buckled, but the mystery man was quick to aim back up and fire his death pod; a barrage of bullets right for where Chicago was firing to, at most, literally 'disarm' him. He then took aim at the windows of the lower floors to shoot out, before jumping over the scaffold railing and running back inside the building.

Meanwhile, the Advent soldiers took breaching positions by the front. Their commander took up the rear, while several lined up in single file against the wall. The one closest to the blown open hole to the suite grabbed a plasma grenade and chucked it inside. Bender, seeing it roll right into the living room, made a sudden "AH!" noise, then jumped behind another of the couches with a cowardly shriek.
Flynn The Volitale - Character Sheet

Erie turned about as Chicago stood up and ran off after the strange man with a tilt of her head. She did notice his things had fallen out and didn't want to leave them behind. Erie grabbed the handcuffs and inserted them into a storage aperture with a sucking noise, soon followed by the keys. The doctor's bag was small enough to fit through the shell casings she didn't need to keep, so she left them behind. There was a clinking noise as something hit her foot, and figuring the grenade was his, too, it went right into stasis with the rest. She picked up the bag with the magazines by the handle and headed over to Flynn and away from the shouting soldiers.

Flynn was looking from one side of Chicago as the solid wall turned out to be a window when he broke the surface. The area flushed different colors with the new air exchange as she peered around the corner below him. The man was getting away, though Flynn was glad Chicago was sane enough not to try and chance the drop. Well, she needed her wings then.

Erie pulled up behind her as Chicago as she got out her pistol, "I got your stuff! There are mad people at the door now!"

Flynn got a clear shot toward the door as the weapon platform whined and whirred as aethermechanics got up to speed. Weapons platform braced to hip-fire as Flynn chanted in a fluted speech to sustain the semi-automatic thumping of bright blue hydrogen explosions at the door to hold the bastards off. A glance to the floor as Flynn wondered where the damned grenade had gone off to though there were other concerns. Flynn let the bit of madness go. Not stopping to wait for it to cool down, she flipped the safety and tossed the weapon platform to Erie, who caught it ably enough, "Take this. Looks like I might need my wings."

She outstretched her hands as the black feathers on her arms uncoiled for primary spines to extend off the back. The black feathered wings unfurled like a coral with surprising volume as the spines forked, spread, and then forked again.

The flat black eyes of Flynn looked to Chicago, "If I carry you, I can only glide slowly down. You're too heavy. Either that or we go through the new lads." She needed time to get her wings out for the former and could do the latter with them partly folded back. Despite her headache, she was awake enough to plan for both.
After a couple long seconds of silence, (after Alec had stopped yelling long enough to check if the door kicker was dead,) yet another surprise happened. ROCKETS! Dozens of them, whizzing through the gaping hole and into the suite. Alec was quick to grab Abby and throw themselves both to the ground before any hit them. They flew all throughout the place, exploding like mini-grenades upon impact and sending off crackling firework sparks. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!

It was brief, yet intense. And when they stopped flying through, the suite was even more of a wreck with debris all over the place. (Though amazingly, none of them hit Anri. Who, at her height, would be tickled by the shockwaves of the blast.) A voice then echoed through the blasted doorway. A very familiar one. "Chicago. ol' buddy! It's me, Bender!"

He's back, baybay.

"And unless you want more rockets blasted in your face again, I suggest you hand over the dang stash!" He was taking cover around the corner, keeping himself hidden in case anyone tried shooting again.


As Chika stormed towards the stranger, he didn't flinch at all. Instead, he let his mouth fill with saliva in the short time it took for Chika to close the distance. Unknown to her, he was letting it mix together with another liquid hiding between his teeth. When she was a foot away from clocking him, he sprayed it into her face as such:


The green mist would cover the woman's unprotected face; getting into her eyes, between her lips, up her nose. It stung like a bee sting around her skin, and felt like hot sauce was caught in her eyes. The smell of it only made it worse, a concoction of skunk spray and swampy mud. As she dealt with all of that, the mystery man made a run for it; quickly grabbing his briefcase and stowing it behind his back with magnets attached to his jacket, before quickly catching Anri's death pod she tossed across the room. As he squeezed past her, he managed to give he a little bow in appreciation for the 'gift.'

"Hey, HEY!" Alec realized what was happening and chased after the man. He was quick on his feet and ducked into the other bathroom Alec had been in earlier, but not before Alec put her foot in the doorway to stop it from closing. Her bare foot. "AHH!" Hurt a lot, to say the least, and quickly fell to her knees once she couldn't stand on it anymore. The stranger had made his way inside the hotel from the bathroom window, having cut a perfectly circular hole through it. Before he jumped through it, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo on the sink counter and sprayed the floor with its contents. As Alec stood back up to continue the chase, she didn't notice it in time, and with already unsteady footing, immediately lost balance. She staggered for a few moments, trying to stop herself from landing on her ass, but instead slipped back first into the bathtub.

For some reason, there was bathwater inside it. Along with rubber ducky's, and a strong smell of vodka and gin mixed in. The stranger jumped through the hole and landed on a suspended scaffolding platform used by window washers. He quickly pushed the down button, and slowly it made its way to the lower floors.

But the chaos was only starting. Because, while that was going on, the elevators in the lobby outside the suite opened. And out came several Advent soldiers, ready for a fight. "Mortan zeilaran!" One shouted to his men, approaching the gaping hole that once was the front door. Bender looked around the corner to see what was happening.

"Oh great, more guys with guns! Now I'm being upstaged in my own hostage situation!" Bender complained.


The first blast of the shotgun warped the first metal strands of the cables, and by the second and third blasts, the wiring started to break apart. The scaffold buckled, but the mystery man was quick to aim back up and fire his death pod; a barrage of bullets right for where Chicago was firing to, at most, literally 'disarm' him. He then took aim at the windows of the lower floors to shoot out, before jumping over the scaffold railing and running back inside the building.

Meanwhile, the Advent soldiers took breaching positions by the front. Their commander took up the rear, while several lined up in single file against the wall. The one closest to the blown open hole to the suite grabbed a plasma grenade and chucked it inside. Bender, seeing it roll right into the living room, made a sudden "AH!" noise, then jumped behind another of the couches with a cowardly shriek.

After hearing the telltale sound of rockets being fired, Artyom would call out 'DOWN! DOWN!' as loud as he could before diving behind cover. The explosions rattling the apartment but thankfully no one had been hit with shrapnel. A fact that amazed Artyom as he cautiously poked his head out of cover. Hearing the person speak, he was personally amazed they weren't gushing blood nor in pieces from the grenades. But that amazement turned to mild irritation upon finding that the whole thing was over some stash. He still kept his hand on his lasgun in case this 'deal' went south. Metal man or not, he'd blast holes in Bender. But thankfully it'd seem the armored woman and Chicago somehow talked Bender down and smoothed things over.

Which is when someone burst from the bathroom, the oddly dressed woman having something spat into her face as the assailant ran for it. Instinct made Artyom aim just ahead of the target before firing his lasgun. Unfortunately at this present moment, he heard the elevator ding and armored boots run closer to their room. So his aim went off and rather than firing into the unknown assailant with the power of a lasgun, he instead put a hole in the cupboard.

Taking cover, he'd aim to lay down suppressing fire when he saw a grenade land. And just before he could call out, the strange airhead looking woman walk over, pick up the grenade and put it somewhere. Artyom waited for the blast and shower of gore but somehow nothing came. Another issue for later. Right now he needed to return fire. Aiming his lasgun he would wait until the one who threw the grenade in would check to see what had happened before the crack of a lasgun being fired followed swiftly by the meaty noise of a head being hit by the laser bolt. After securing a kill, he would fire intermittently in random areas through the hole that was the door. Hopefully suppressing the enemy combatants from throwing in more grenades or returning aimed fire his way. He'd practically roar at the enemy. "Cadia Stands!"

"We need an alternate route out of here!" He'd call out to the others as he'd pace his shots not to waste all of his ammo.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Girania the Knightess @PolyesterH @littlekreen @BazusoTheGrey @Otomos
David Caddel, Chicago

He gritted his teeth when the first shot didn't rip through the wires. They were way tougher than he expected. Subsequent shots were much more satisfying, but his smirk was quickly demolished by a hail of bullets, presumably fired at fuller auto, directly into his arm. The armor wasn't enough, it was too lightweight. It was meant to survive a firefight, it was never supposed to fight future weaponry with a rate of fire far above what standard small arms provided. It popped, the sheer force of the barrage forcing him onto the ground with a yelp. Looking at his arm, he saw that he was bleeding.

Rolling up his sleeve, he took a quick moment to assess the damage. It was not good. He reaches for his doctor bag before hearing Flynn call out, which takes his attention but not his gaze. He rolls up his sleeve and puts his hand on the counter, forcing himself onto his feet. "Alright, shit," he winces, pushing through the pain.

He glances outside. There was no way that scaffold was safe, after her ruined it. It was a lousy way out with the guards following behind him anyway. Turning to the sounds of fighting, he loads three shells into his shotgun. "Through the new guys. We'll catch 'em the ground floor," he said. With any luck they could take the elevator and beat the man whose probably trying to actively lose people to the ground floor. Or at least he could shoot the elevator wires and that'd take care of him.

Chicago would then get on his feet, looking at Alec. His instincts and movement were automatic. Truth be told, he hadn't even considered that just a moment ago Alec had sold him out. His mind is back in the thick of combat, and Alec had just chased after the guy with him. He grabs them by the wrist, yanking them up and raises his voice, just loud enough to be easily heard over the sounds of fighting, "On your feet, we have hostiles!"