The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 4: Long Road Ahead

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Three droids came around the corner, firing at Jason as he used the one he was punching with tasers as a shield. With Thor's help, the lightning bolt he fired shocked the droid in front easily, while the discharge shocked the other two into shutting down; the first's head exploding. When another came around the corner, its rifle aimed at Thor's head, his lightsaber strike took its head clean off; flying out the broken window like a kicked ball. The MacManus Brothers entered next, pistols in each hand, as they shot at two more droids coming around the corner.


Both fell dead to the ground. And like that, the room was cleared. But not for long. "WOOO!" Murphy shouted out, as adrenaline rushed his body. "Now that's how you act like a fuckin' badass!" He went to give Thor a massive high-five, while his brother Connor picked up one of the guards not yet unconscious like his buddy. "Where's the teleporter!?" He shouted, pushing the guard's back into the server, while gripping onto his outfit.

"Fuck you!" He shouted back, only for Connor to slug him right in the nose.

"You wanna get your head ou' yer arse and look around? If I don't break your face into pulp, my fuckin' big friend there'll make sure your bones are too!" He threatened, pointing to Thor.

"Or maybe we feed you to our pink blobby boy here, see how dumbfuck guards taste?" Murphy threatened as well, getting in the guards face.

"Ahhh, FUCK!" The guard shouted. "Down the hall and to the left of the lobby. But if you think you're gonna make it there, we build shit to kill you motherfuckers here, and I'm bettin' ones already made to kill pretty boy there!" The guard looked to Thor with that line.

"We'll see you at the poker table then." Connor simply said, before both brothers punched the guard at once to knock him out. As his body slid to the floor, Murphy turned to ask the Doctor, "Any chance you can do somethin' about this with these?" Meaning both the alarm, and the servers, as guards were surely on their way. Agam would sense that four had already taken up position at the closed door, ready to breach it with flashbang charges to blind them.


"Attention: Break in at the server room. All guards to the server room immediately. All droids activated, and are to fire on sight of intruders. Lockdown all elevators and emergency exits." A voice over the intercom shouted, as engineers outside the labs locked themselves in, while soldiers rushed to the server room armed to the teeth with droids double their size. From the front desk, one of the commanders used the camera system to keep watch in the server room, as there were four in total inside. "Any word on the lab?" He asked a soldier.

"Coms are getting interference, but Roddy's said the machine was about to enter its next test before the alarms went off. It's shutdown and waiting for the machine to slow down before they turn it off." A voice said over radio.

"Keep checking in, and make sure security is tight in all hallways leading to it. We cannot allow anyone near the machine." The commander told them. But, just as he finished, something very odd happened. There was a flash of green light over his desk.

In one second, you are in your home world, doing something of great importance, minding your own business, or relaxing in a place you find comfort in. Then, before you could blink, something flashed before your eyes. A bight neon green blinds you, like a camera flash suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, your body feels like it's falling. Gravity pulls your left, right and center, spinning you all around as the ground beneath your feet disappear, as if you jumped out a plane, and now gravity was sending you back down to the ground below, with the wind and speed of your falling hitting your face.

As quickly as it began, your feet hit the ground as if you simply jumped only a few inches off it, or perhaps you landed another way, on your face, back, you did feel like you were falling from a great height, so maybe you feel nauseous from such an experience, if you've never fallen like that before, with that blinding light still wavering as your eyes adjust. However, the scenery has changed drastically. There's blaring alarm sounds going off, red emergency lights flashing, and you've smashed through a lobby desk, with said commander looking down at you in confusion. You're in a lobby, with four guards looking at you from different places. Two above the stairs, and two near the locked down elevators.

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Agam Azuron

Interesting, so the puffball could understand thoughts, as it acknowledged Agam. But its own thoughts were... simplistic? Agam got that it was hungry and that it wanted to be followed. Maybe that last part was more body language? His questions were halted as everyone started jumping off while he floated along, his six spheres still behind him in a hexagonal formation. "Right, off you go!" he said as their jumps lead to a quick hover before being lowered in their next target, where they likely landed on their feet. One fo the brothers doubted the puffball's lead, but the other reassured him. Red Hood seemed to be hesitant at first, but made the jump. His reaction made Agam smile, and even laugh a little "That's the spirit, hehe" Next was the Doctor, who struggled a little with the levitation, but still managed to land on her feet, earning a congratulatory nod from Agam. Finally, there was Thea, who seemed nervous. "Worry not, I won't let..." Agam tried to convey some encouragement into Thea, but for some reason, it was like there was nothing to think towards. Strange, but it could wait for later. Agam simply voiced what he was trying to convey "Worry not, I won't" while smiling at her from a distance. Surely enough, she followed the group. The rest seemed to not need his help, so he carried on.
From then on Agam flew at a low speed with Kirby, as his magic guided a part of the group from building to building. Quickly enough, they reached the desired building. Agam saw intrigued as the puffball seemed to be gesturing towards the inside of the building. It took him a hot moment to realize it was trying to get the attention of two guards. They panicked upon noticing it and attacked, the puffball dodged, and as it did, it conveyed some thoughts to Agam. They were a bit confusing, as more than regular ideas morphed into words, they were some sort of concept or memory in the form of simple imagery."Huh, so it is a smart being after all..." Agam thought as he deciphered the message... roughly. "Throw me" is what Agam got, which confirmed itself when the puffball turned into a metal block. With a flick of his free wrist, Agam propelled the block towards the guards, shattering the window in the process, and incapacitating the guards. Reinforcements came, but his team was quick to act and cleaned house. Agam took the time to scan the vicinity as he slowly made his way into the building, putting his feet back on the ground. He headed over where he saw through the walls more people coming while he overheard their destination being beaten out of the not for long awake guard.
"We got more company." Agam pointed out towards the door with his staff. But he immediately added "Allow me..." just as he said that, a shockwave erupted from the tip of his staff, with enough strength to blow the door away and hit the guards like a truck before they could strike.

Marco Dekimotre

Marco felt a little out of his depth at the moment. Everyone else seemed to be ready to act, while he, he couldn't stop thinking about that dreading presence he was feeling "It's him... I'm sure it's him" By the time he overcame his crisis enough to look around, everyone was already on the move. He bashed himself internally while saying "I'll co-cover from above..." and followed the group with that purpose, spear at the ready. Once they arrived at the building, he just watched around to make sure no one caught them by surprise (despite Agam already being on that... Not that Marco would know) and then slowly came down to the improvised entrance and walked in, waiting for the group's next move, which surely wouldn't take long to come.
  • Sweet
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Constantine Nero

The higher ups, busy as they were, ignored Nero. Nero shrugged it off, though, because something got rid of his boredom. An earthquake revealed a giant worm, and an entourage of plenty of pretty big worms. Doom was back. And just like before, tensions were high, murder each other at any moment high. He wondered how this team even worked, all he could think of was overwhelming strength. None could kill others without going down or at least getting pretty hurt, or so it seemed. While Nero was trying to think of more theories on how this team managed to work, a group of strange soldiers arrived at camp, looking for help, but after a quick exchange of words among the two parties, they ended up needing to face Dio. Nero was tempted to stay and kill some time and people with Dio, but he seemed to want all the fun for himself. No matter, he'll get all the fun he wants at the wall.
This turned out to be true, as once the carnage started, there seemed to be plenty of targets to choose from. With a sadistic smile on his face, Nero made a huge leap and climbed on top of one of the drones. Using black matter, he took over it and started shooting soldiers with the drone's cannon under his control.

Rider & Ozwald Ahlgrim

Upon traversing the desert on their own for a while, the duo came across Doom. Finding an easier way to achieve his own plans by following him for now, Ozwald agreed to join, and so did Rider. Ozwald was pretty much his master, even if they didn't make a contract yet, he gave him the means to maintain himself and act of his own according without concerning much for mana. Both of them remained quiet during the trip, Ozwald meditating, and Rider trying to copy it in a futile effort. Neither Doom nor the man in black spoke to them, and they didn't find a reason to do so themselves. Eventually, they arrived at a military camp in a ruined city. The man in black, Kylo, jumped down to greet an acquaintance of sorts. Both Rider and Ozwald remained on the worm, and simply observed everything unfold with a judgmental gaze. Eventually, they headed off for their true destination, leaving only the one known as Dio to fight off some intruders. A rather pointless move, since they were leaving anyway, but he seemed to thirst for battle. Not that it mattered much, apparently. He was being left behind, after all.
When battle started Rider and Ozwald seemed to be pretty calm. They observed the onslaught unfold for a moment. Rider broke the silence "Are you testing him?" Ozwald set his sight on the white haired man riding a drone forcefully. Without much hesitation, Ozwald answered "Indeed" and aimed his left palm towards Nero "Go for a walk". The moment he finished that sentence, the man and the drone started shaking violently as dark matter enveloped Nero and hardened as his armor. He and the machine froze for a moment, only to then dash from one direction to another erratically, and quickly disappearing in the distance.
With the lab rat being tested, the couple supposed it was time to intervene too. "Would you mind lending me one of your horses?" Ozwald inquired, mere moments after, two majestic looking, white horses manifested behind them with a violent whirlwind following suit "Not at all... Ozwald" Rider affirmed, tripping on his words as if he was about to say something else there. Knowledge the Throne of Heroes gave him that he needed to adjust. In any case, the two men mounted, and as soon as they did, the horses started exuding an extremely powerful aura of wind. And without exchanging more words, the two horses blazed through the battlefield, destroying any mechs or soldiers in the way like twigs under an elephant. Looking like two white streaks, both horses got to the wall and started going up it in a flash.
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"Attention: Break in at the server room. All guards to the server room immediately. All droids activated, and are to fire on sight of intruders. Lockdown all elevators and emergency exits." A voice over the intercom shouted, as engineers outside the labs locked themselves in, while soldiers rushed to the server room armed to the teeth with droids double their size. From the front desk, one of the commanders used the camera system to keep watch in the server room, as there were four in total inside. "Any word on the lab?" He asked a soldier.

"Coms are getting interference, but Roddy's said the machine was about to enter its next test before the alarms went off. It's shutdown and waiting for the machine to slow down before they turn it off." A voice said over radio.

"Keep checking in, and make sure security is tight in all hallways leading to it. We cannot allow anyone near the machine." The commander told them. But, just as he finished, something very odd happened. There was a flash of green light over his desk.

In one second, you are in your home world, doing something of great importance, minding your own business, or relaxing in a place you find comfort in. Then, before you could blink, something flashed before your eyes. A bight neon green blinds you, like a camera flash suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, your body feels like it's falling. Gravity pulls your left, right and center, spinning you all around as the ground beneath your feet disappear, as if you jumped out a plane, and now gravity was sending you back down to the ground below, with the wind and speed of your falling hitting your face.

As quickly as it began, your feet hit the ground as if you simply jumped only a few inches off it, or perhaps you landed another way, on your face, back, you did feel like you were falling from a great height, so maybe you feel nauseous from such an experience, if you've never fallen like that before, with that blinding light still wavering as your eyes adjust. However, the scenery has changed drastically. There's blaring alarm sounds going off, red emergency lights flashing, and you've smashed through a lobby desk, with said commander looking down at you in confusion. You're in a lobby, with four guards looking at you from different places. Two above the stairs, and two near the locked down elevators.
Mr Bliss is wandering the halls of the Bohemian sanctuary, it's twisting corridors curling beneath the paved streets of Prague. Over the last few months, the Teleporters had been going missing. This wasn't particularly unusual - for all their rarity, Teleporters were a notoriously flightly bunch, and were better suited than anyone at vanishing. Letting a group of Clevers pass, Mr Bliss looked back down at the papers in his hand.

What was unusual was the number going missing. Almost all of them had dropped out of contact in the last three months, vanishing one by one. Ireland, as a cradle of magic, had more than their fair share of teleporters, but Mark Callahan was known for spending time in Prague, regularly meeting with some friends from the war. But, according to the notes on the paper, the Sanctuary hadn't seen him since 2005, and more to the point, their own native teleporter - Rudolf Ackerman - had vanished too. This was suggesting more than coincidence. This was looking like a manhunt.

Stopping outside the door to Elder Zoë's quarters, Mr Bliss knocked twice. He had less influence in Bohemia than he had in Eire or Britain, but his name carried enough weight from the War than only a fool would ignore him when he came knocking. Folding his papers back into their envelope, he turned slightly as he heard footsteps behind him. What was -

The green flash that covered his vision had him immediately in arms, legs spread as gravity vanished, before shifting - above, below, left, right, above again, a sensation that would disorientate any lesser man. Then he felt the ground beneath his feet again, and a thick line pressing into his spine. Spinning, he unleashed a straight, smashing straight through the weapon, before he disengaged, blinking twice as his vision finally cleared.

Five men were in sight, each with guns, and he'd apparently taken a desk as a weapon, the remains shattered against a far wall. Oh well.

"Who are you, and where have you taken me? I hope you are not fools enough to think you can hold me captive where Baron Vengous could not." He let the natural menace of his bass tone lay heavy on his words, slowly and directly looking into the eyes of each of the men as he spoke, a faint frown creasing his features.
  • Nice Execution!
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Dr. Morgan Yu

As the unconscious guard slumped to the ground, a curious quiver in the 13th Doctor's pocket preceded a sudden jet of purplish energy and mass that erupted from her coat. The bundle of cloudy blacklight pooled instantly into the shape of a woman in a matter of a single second.

The woman in question wore a red and black patterned suit that was equal parts uniform and environmental protection. Might even be space-worthy given a telltale helmet anchor along the neckline. She looked Asian, maybe with a little of something else, and she held what looked like a flat out 1950s sci-fi ray gun in one hand, currently pointed at the ground.

"The sirens are the least of our troubles," she said to the Mission 4 Team, to the Doctor and Thor, the MacManus Brothers, to the Red Hood and Agam and Kirby himself.

"I'm Morgan Yu, TranStar VP and Director of Research for Talos 1. I've been monitoring your progress for quite some time now, ever since I found myself in this reality. Like you, I want to go home. And like you, I'm in danger here."

"There's something out there," Morgan said, pointing out of the shattered server room window in the direction of the crumbled city wall so spectacularly glimpsed moments ago. "It interacts with the dimensions of this universe in unpredictable, unpleasant ways. And it's headed straight for us."

She gestured to the doorway leading to the lobby, with its door blown down atop several fallen security guards. "Normally, I'd suggest we hack the intranet for this facility, take control of its cameras, elevators and security measures. But they know we're here and something worse than anything in this building will arrive soon. We can't afford to give the security here enough time to get their heads together and initiate a lockdown, that may slow us down long enough for whatever's out there to catch us."

Morgan Yu kept her head facing the party to hear any brief comments or questions sent her way but her feet were already positioning her by the door out of the server room. She lifted her sci-fi ray gun at the sirens, pulled the trigger and within 2 seconds a torrent of lightning arched out of the gun, cascading through the local alarm sensor and overloading it in a shower of sparks.

"I know you don't know me," the woman in the TranStar Uniform said, pausing at the doorway with a smile meant to be reassuring. "You'll get the chance to. Saving people from monsters is who I am." Then she stepped out the door, heading to the lobby and the best path of their escape.

@Wade Von Doom @Valkan @Nero Kunivas @The Wanderer @Amber Franklin
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  • Nice Execution!
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The Crusher flew backwards, four feet off the ground, an unlikely comet with a trail of blood, until he smashed into a still-standing wall and demolished what's left of it with his body. He didn't appear again.

The hooded man, to his credit, took the slap like a champ. Blood trickled from his face, still hidden by the hood, but soon stopped. Turning around, one could see the bleeding had stopped, the wound replaced by pieces of sharp, jagged black crystals. His eyes burned with an unnatural fury. "I'm gonna wipe that fucking bullshit expression off your goddamn face."

Quick as lightning, he gripped his katana and, pulling them from Dio's grasp, sheathed it. But it was only temporary; clicking a button on the side of the scabbard, he activated a small cylinder attached to the side. It glowed red with energy, and the Avenger pulled the katana back out. It ignited, covering the surface of the steel blade in smokeless flames. His body seemed to grow, just by a tiny bit; small pieces of black crystals poked through his clothes at various points. His eyes, hidden beneath the hood, now glowed red like the cylinder on his sheath.

With inhuman speed, he stepped forward and slashed horizontally in a wide arc, leaving a half-disk-like afterimage of the sword behind as it went.


(On behalf of Wade, a post for the NPC enemies in the city as they gather their forces to retake the wall)

The defending force recovered fairly fast. Although the garrison force closest to the breach had been able to respond, they were a very small force compared to what the villains had been able to throw at them. The main forces were able to prepare and launch a counterattack - after the ones who had called for reinforcements had perished.

But late is still somewhat better than never.

A mere few minutes after the villains had breached into the area beyond the wall, the cavalry arrived. Slow to organize proper aerial forces, only a few dozen combat-ready drones were able to be launched, and served as the first wave directly before the arrival of a small armored detachment. The drones utilized under-mounted, lower caliber guns, while the armored detachment were made up of about a dozen of the tanks that the villains had seen before, in the ruined city. Behind them, a few platoons of soldiers - armed with weapons slightly higher caliber than those of the drones, and clad in protective body armor - rush to take cover and find good positions. All this, of course, was more or less invisible to the villains and their troops, so far back they were.

The drones would be the first to show up, flying up in groups of four to six, alternating between swooping dive-bombs and ranged potshots. If the villains took too long dealing with them, they might just start to make out the telltale sounds of tank engines...
  • Nice Execution!
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Red Hood/Jason

As the others spilled in to help Jason and Kirby out, another person joined them. Literally spilling out of the Doctor's coat pocket which just made Jason wonder 'Just how much of their stuff is able to do this?' And if this was just unique to this Doctor. Alarms still blaring and what was an attempt to breach a room turned south as Agam blasted their would-be attackers along with the wall and door away, crushing the opposition.

"Fucking hell, is this magic? If so, I want some of it.....What'd happen if my bullets had that effect?"

Ejecting the clips one at a time, Jason checked how much bullets he had left. Five more in the right hand, and six in the left hand. Not much but the bullets would be more than enough to destroy whatever got in the way.

"I'll stand watch til we figure out what to do next." Jason would post up near the hole in the wall with his pistols, picking up one of the discarded rifles that the former breachers were carrying.

@Wade Von Doom @Valkan @Amber Franklin @Epiphany. @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
  • Sweet
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Agam Azuron

Interesting, so the puffball could understand thoughts, as it acknowledged Agam. But its own thoughts were... simplistic? Agam got that it was hungry and that it wanted to be followed. Maybe that last part was more body language? His questions were halted as everyone started jumping off while he floated along, his six spheres still behind him in a hexagonal formation. "Right, off you go!" he said as their jumps lead to a quick hover before being lowered in their next target, where they likely landed on their feet. One fo the brothers doubted the puffball's lead, but the other reassured him. Red Hood seemed to be hesitant at first, but made the jump. His reaction made Agam smile, and even laugh a little "That's the spirit, hehe" Next was the Doctor, who struggled a little with the levitation, but still managed to land on her feet, earning a congratulatory nod from Agam. Finally, there was Thea, who seemed nervous. "Worry not, I won't let..." Agam tried to convey some encouragement into Thea, but for some reason, it was like there was nothing to think towards. Strange, but it could wait for later. Agam simply voiced what he was trying to convey "Worry not, I won't" while smiling at her from a distance. Surely enough, she followed the group. The rest seemed to not need his help, so he carried on.
From then on Agam flew at a low speed with Kirby, as his magic guided a part of the group from building to building. Quickly enough, they reached the desired building. Agam saw intrigued as the puffball seemed to be gesturing towards the inside of the building. It took him a hot moment to realize it was trying to get the attention of two guards. They panicked upon noticing it and attacked, the puffball dodged, and as it did, it conveyed some thoughts to Agam. They were a bit confusing, as more than regular ideas morphed into words, they were some sort of concept or memory in the form of simple imagery."Huh, so it is a smart being after all..." Agam thought as he deciphered the message... roughly. "Throw me" is what Agam got, which confirmed itself when the puffball turned into a metal block. With a flick of his free wrist, Agam propelled the block towards the guards, shattering the window in the process, and incapacitating the guards. Reinforcements came, but his team was quick to act and cleaned house. Agam took the time to scan the vicinity as he slowly made his way into the building, putting his feet back on the ground. He headed over where he saw through the walls more people coming while he overheard their destination being beaten out of the not for long awake guard.
"We got more company." Agam pointed out towards the door with his staff. But he immediately added "Allow me..." just as he said that, a shockwave erupted from the tip of his staff, with enough strength to blow the door away and hit the guards like a truck before they could strike.

Marco Dekimotre

Marco felt a little out of his depth at the moment. Everyone else seemed to be ready to act, while he, he couldn't stop thinking about that dreading presence he was feeling "It's him... I'm sure it's him" By the time he overcame his crisis enough to look around, everyone was already on the move. He bashed himself internally while saying "I'll co-cover from above..." and followed the group with that purpose, spear at the ready. Once they arrived at the building, he just watched around to make sure no one caught them by surprise (despite Agam already being on that... Not that Marco would know) and then slowly came down to the improvised entrance and walked in, waiting for the group's next move, which surely wouldn't take long to come.
Dr. Morgan Yu

As the unconscious guard slumped to the ground, a curious quiver in the 13th Doctor's pocket preceded a sudden jet of purplish energy and mass that erupted from her coat. The bundle of cloudy blacklight pooled instantly into the shape of a woman in a matter of a single second.

The woman in question wore a red and black patterned suit that was equal parts uniform and environmental protection. Might even be space-worthy given a telltale helmet anchor along the neckline. She looked Asian, maybe with a little of something else, and she held what looked like a flat out 1950s sci-fi ray gun in one hand, currently pointed at the ground.

"The sirens are the least of our troubles," she said to the Mission 4 Team, to the Doctor and Thor, the MacManus Brothers, to the Red Hood and Agam and Kirby himself.

"I'm Morgan Yu, TranStar VP and Director of Research for Talos 1. I've been monitoring your progress for quite some time now, ever since I found myself in this reality. Like you, I want to go home. And like you, I'm in danger here."

"There's something out there," Morgan said, pointing out of the shattered server room window in the direction of the crumbled city wall so spectacularly glimpsed moments ago. "It interacts with the dimensions of this universe in unpredictable, unpleasant ways. And it's headed straight for us."

She gestured to the doorway leading to the lobby, with its door blown down atop several fallen security guards. "Normally, I'd suggest we hack the intranet for this facility, take control of its cameras, elevators and security measures. But they know we're here and something worse than anything in this building will arrive soon. We can't afford to give the security here enough time to get their heads together and initiate a lockdown, that may slow us down long enough for whatever's out there to catch us."

Morgan Yu kept her head facing the party to hear any brief comments or questions sent her way but her feet were already positioning her by the door out of the server room. She lifted her sci-fi ray gun at the sirens, pulled the trigger and within 2 seconds a torrent of lightning arched out of the gun, cascading through the local alarm sensor and overloading it in a shower of sparks.

"I know you don't know me," the woman in the TranStar Uniform said, pausing at the doorway with a smile meant to be reassuring. "You'll get the chance to. Saving people from monsters is who I am." Then she stepped out the door, heading to the lobby and the best path of their escape.

@Wade Von Doom @Valkan @Nero Kunivas @The Wanderer @Amber Franklin

Agam's blast to the door blasted it off its hinges, sending it, and several soldiers flying down the hall or into the walls on both sides. Those not crushed by the flying door, or winded by the shockwave of the explosion, staggered on the ground with their ears ringing. Thor returned Murphy's high five with his own, grinning massively from the enthusiasm of both MacManus boys. "Here here!" Thor said back. "With your zeal, the Doctor's cunning, and my strength, we'll find that teleporter in no time.... Although you two did a fine job." He said to Red Hood and Kirby, while then looking to Agam, "You as well, young sorcerer!" He then looked to Oz. "You.... Stood proudly in the face of danger!" Oz did nothing, and awkwardly had to come up with some sort of praise. With the guards down and no droids, it gave the group a moment of time to think. And yet, from out of nowhere came a woman from the Doctor's pocket. Quickly, both brothers pulled their weapons on her, not taking any chances with how much freaky shit they've seen recently.

"I'm Morgan Yu, TranStar VP and Director of Research for Talos 1." She told them all.

"And that mean somethin' to us?" Connor replied. She spoke like it was to assure confidence in them, yet surprise surprise, the brothers didn't trust the freaky woman who just popped out of the blue, and was a moment before taking her current form, a weird black ball of gloop.

"It interacts with the dimensions of this universe in unpredictable, unpleasant ways. And it's headed straight for us."

"Oh, really?" Thor questioned. "What gave it away? The giant dust cloud?" Bit obvious to see from where they were standed. But, Murphy, walking closer to the window to see better down below, noticed what she actually meant.

"I think she meant that." Murphy told Thor, who joined him in looking down across the building to see the city's wall had been invaded by a giant worm. And while they couldn't see who was attacking, there were flashes of light, like electrical bolts and green mists of fire that were noticeable, even as high as they were from the action. "The hell is that?" The moment Murphy asked, they could slightly feel the ground lightly vibrate, as they noticed the worm beginning to slowly move under the ground again.

"Whatever it may be, we shouldn't be so high if it decides to attack the building." Thor pointed out, as it looked to be coming towards them. The building's size was as tall as the Burj Khalifa, and they were near the top floor. Imagine falling from that height if the building's structural support at the bottom gave way.

"Normally, I'd suggest we hack the intranet for this facility, take control of its cameras, elevators and security measures. But they know we're here and something worse than anything in this building will arrive soon. We can't afford to give the security here enough time to get their heads together and initiate a lockdown, that may slow us down long enough for whatever's out there to catch us." Morgan told them, but Thor wanted some questions answered.

"Hold on now!" He shouted. "You act like you've been with us for some time, and yet we're just now meeting you? How long have you been hiding inside the Doctor's pocket? And what exactly are you? You may take the form of human, but I tell just from your eyes that's entirely the case." He could see in her eyes, the pupils having odd colorization. Twinkles, like tiny crystals in a rock that flash light when under the sun.

"I know you don't know me," the woman in the TranStar Uniform said, pausing at the doorway with a smile meant to be reassuring. "You'll get the chance to. Saving people from monsters is who I am."

"And yet you found it smart to hide away?" Thor questioned. "You suddenly show up, and we are to trust your word without question?"

"Not to mention hesitation." Connor told her, keeping his finger on the trigger of his pistol.

As everyone spoke to her, Kirby noticed from down the hall more of those androids approaching. In greater numbers than the breach team, and no one was noticing they were taking aim at Morgan. "We may be in enemy territory, but don't consider us to follow your word randomly without some foundation of trust between us--" Kirby bounced into Morgan to push her out of the way before the droids fired. When they did, it was a hail of bullets raining through the doorway.


Thor and both Brothers quickly dodged out of the way as well, as they were standing in front of Morgan. Creating lightning in his hand, he blinded fired it into the hall; the electricity bouncing around the metal walls and into the droids. They stopped firing for a moment, but then began to fire again. They were unphased, wearing protection against electrical currents.

"Alright!.... We'll say this made some foundation!" Thor told Morgan.

"Attention: Break in at the server room. All guards to the server room immediately. All droids activated, and are to fire on sight of intruders. Lockdown all elevators and emergency exits." A voice over the intercom shouted, as engineers outside the labs locked themselves in, while soldiers rushed to the server room armed to the teeth with droids double their size. From the front desk, one of the commanders used the camera system to keep watch in the server room, as there were four in total inside. "Any word on the lab?" He asked a soldier.

"Coms are getting interference, but Roddy's said the machine was about to enter its next test before the alarms went off. It's shutdown and waiting for the machine to slow down before they turn it off." A voice said over radio.

"Keep checking in, and make sure security is tight in all hallways leading to it. We cannot allow anyone near the machine." The commander told them. But, just as he finished, something very odd happened. There was a flash of green light over his desk.

In one second, you are in your home world, doing something of great importance, minding your own business, or relaxing in a place you find comfort in. Then, before you could blink, something flashed before your eyes. A bight neon green blinds you, like a camera flash suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, your body feels like it's falling. Gravity pulls your left, right and center, spinning you all around as the ground beneath your feet disappear, as if you jumped out a plane, and now gravity was sending you back down to the ground below, with the wind and speed of your falling hitting your face.

As quickly as it began, your feet hit the ground as if you simply jumped only a few inches off it, or perhaps you landed another way, on your face, back, you did feel like you were falling from a great height, so maybe you feel nauseous from such an experience, if you've never fallen like that before, with that blinding light still wavering as your eyes adjust. However, the scenery has changed drastically. There's blaring alarm sounds going off, red emergency lights flashing, and you've smashed through a lobby desk, with said commander looking down at you in confusion. You're in a lobby, with four guards looking at you from different places. Two above the stairs, and two near the locked down elevators.
Mr Bliss is wandering the halls of the Bohemian sanctuary, it's twisting corridors curling beneath the paved streets of Prague. Over the last few months, the Teleporters had been going missing. This wasn't particularly unusual - for all their rarity, Teleporters were a notoriously flightly bunch, and were better suited than anyone at vanishing. Letting a group of Clevers pass, Mr Bliss looked back down at the papers in his hand.

What was unusual was the number going missing. Almost all of them had dropped out of contact in the last three months, vanishing one by one. Ireland, as a cradle of magic, had more than their fair share of teleporters, but Mark Callahan was known for spending time in Prague, regularly meeting with some friends from the war. But, according to the notes on the paper, the Sanctuary hadn't seen him since 2005, and more to the point, their own native teleporter - Rudolf Ackerman - had vanished too. This was suggesting more than coincidence. This was looking like a manhunt.

Stopping outside the door to Elder Zoë's quarters, Mr Bliss knocked twice. He had less influence in Bohemia than he had in Eire or Britain, but his name carried enough weight from the War than only a fool would ignore him when he came knocking. Folding his papers back into their envelope, he turned slightly as he heard footsteps behind him. What was -

The green flash that covered his vision had him immediately in arms, legs spread as gravity vanished, before shifting - above, below, left, right, above again, a sensation that would disorientate any lesser man. Then he felt the ground beneath his feet again, and a thick line pressing into his spine. Spinning, he unleashed a straight, smashing straight through the weapon, before he disengaged, blinking twice as his vision finally cleared.

Five men were in sight, each with guns, and he'd apparently taken a desk as a weapon, the remains shattered against a far wall. Oh well.

"Who are you, and where have you taken me? I hope you are not fools enough to think you can hold me captive where Baron Vengous could not." He let the natural menace of his bass tone lay heavy on his words, slowly and directly looking into the eyes of each of the men as he spoke, a faint frown creasing his features.

While Bliss spoke, the four soldiers quickly fired on him once the commander ducked to the ground. The two at the top of the stairs moved to take cover behind the small wall of the stair railings, while the two on the ground floor with him moved to the hallways of both elevators, which were lockdown and shut off as the building went into lockdown.

"SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING!" The commander shouted into his coms over the gunfire. "I REPEAT, SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING--"






On the same floor

In one of the labs locked down to avoid any intruders getting in.... Some intruders got in. Though, the same way Mr. Bliss did.

Green flashing light.



One of those flashing lights would fall into a pool of light blue liquid, which felt like swimming in actual glue. Thankfully, it was only dee enough that the liquid would reach their hips, but the scarier thing was what they came face to face with inside the goo.


"Intruders in genetics!" Some soldiers shouted out, quickly running into cover with weapons aimed at them. "Stand down and put your heads behind your heads!"
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Epiphany
Velvet wasn't sure what just happened. She and her team, her friends, were just about to confront Artorious and Immnomiat for the last time. She could finally get revenge on the man that ruined her life. They were making their way up those god-forsaken stairs, when suddenly, there was this bright green flash of light!

"Everyone, get baaaccccccckkkk-"

Oh, for fuck's sake. Of course they triggered some sort of trap that made them fall off the stairs. Blinded by the light, she threw her hands up to try and protect herself from whatever greeted her at the bottom of the stairs. Whatever this trap was, it was disorienting as hell. It wasn't like going through an earthpulse point, this was just uncomfortable. Eventually, she landed in...wherever she was at. Her anxiety was beginning to spike, but at least the blindness was going away. Slowly, she opened her eyes...and wished she hadn't.


What the hell was that thing she was looking at?! Instinctively, she released her Consuming Claw, wanting to just devour the thing and be done with it, but before she had any chance to move, attack, see if her team had made it with her, anything-

"Intruders in genetics! Stand down and put your hands behind your head!"

...son of a bitch.
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  • Sweet
Reactions: Epiphany
Max O'Reily

It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get in, and get out without anyone knowing that someone had stolen intel from them. But things just had to get weird. As one minute Max was crawling along the rooftop about to open a window to get into a facility in Europe, the next he's blinded by a green light and dropped somewhere else. Vision barely recovering in time for him to see his new surroundings, he was no longer in Europe on a rainy night. Instead he was surrounded by lab equipment and strange large tubes filled with blue liquid and something else in there.

And seemed others were with him, one being up to their hips in said tube. But Max would be quickly diving into cover as he saw armed guards take cover opposite of them.

An order was barked out for them to come out with their hands up. A move to get the more gullible to leave cover and into the open where they'd no doubt be shot. More than likely, they didn't want to damage these tubes, as otherwise they'd smoke them out or force them to leave cover by lobbing a grenade or two at them. Reaching a hand up to press a button on the goggles around his eyes, activating them to see how many they were dealing with. His vision would be turned a dark gray as the device sent out a pulse before the results showed up clearly through the walls.

Twenty of them, far too many for an upfront approach.

No vents for him to get into to flank around, or at least any within cover that won't expose him or be too discrete for even the most blind to see him pulling a vent grate free.

Which left a far riskier option. Using the cloak to sneak to a far more advantageous position. Said risk was the fact that he'd only have a couple of seconds before the cloak had to recharge, and the fact he'd be shining brighter to any infrared camera or scope due to how hot it makes the suit. But better than trying to outgun soldiers with rifles while at best he had a pistol and crossbow that could knock someone out with the shock bolts.

So he'd prep himself to begin his trek by taking up a position near the corner of the thing holding the tube near him as he pressed the button to activate the cloak, his form vanishing to a barely noticeable glimmer, fast walking to a large cabinet that was about halfway between the tube he was originally positioned behind, and the line of soldiers that had formed against them.

Taking cover as the cloak battery ran out and thus needed a recharge period.

He was closer and now hopefully he could get behind them, pick off one of them to pick up a rifle that he could then use to take down a decent bit of the soldiers.

But what happened next would entirely depend on what the others near the pods did next.

@The Captain @Henryboy003
  • Sweet
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One of those flashing lights would fall into a pool of light blue liquid, which felt like swimming in actual glue. Thankfully, it was only dee enough that the liquid would reach their hips, but the scarier thing was what they came face to face with inside the goo.

Tex had a minor panic attack at the sudden shift of hers. Had... Winter just popped her away? No... She wasn't throwing up at the moment. Last thing she remembered was the Tiger... Oh god... was she dead? Did... Did the Nazi's capture her body and... No no. The thing in the corner was... once human. And she still felt alive.

"Intruders in genetics! Stand down and put your hands behind your head!"

Oh. It was the Russians. Great. Just fucking great. She had been transported into one of their sick experiments to create Talents... Or... at least she hear rumors about it.

"I'm an American Talent. We're on the same side. Stand the fuck down and get me out of this... goop. I think some Nazi Talent really wanted me gone and threw me blind." Tex called out, flicking the safety of her weapon off. These were Russians after all. You could only just trust the conscripts. Anyone higher up, not a chance.
  • Sweet
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While Bliss spoke, the four soldiers quickly fired on him once the commander ducked to the ground. The two at the top of the stairs moved to take cover behind the small wall of the stair railings, while the two on the ground floor with him moved to the hallways of both elevators, which were lockdown and shut off as the building went into lockdown.

"SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING!" The commander shouted into his coms over the gunfire. "I REPEAT, SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING--"
The first shot missed Mr Bliss, as hastily as it was fired, although the second pinged off his temple as the guard wrestled with his gun. The rest, slightly slower, were all soon shooting at him, the noise of the full auto's deafening in such a confined space. But, for all that, Mr Bliss stood there, arms loosely crossed, as the gunfire rained across his skin. Soon - after only a few seconds - the sounds of the hammers hitting nothing rang across the room as the guard's magazines emptied themselves. Taking the opportunity offered by the silence, Mr Bliss walked over to where the desk had been, picking up one of the chairs that had fallen over in the wake of his mistake.

Dragging it across the lobby, the gunfire resuming in more controlled bursts as he did, he pushed it to the centre and sat down on it, hands folded in his lap. Scattered, hmm. Whoever they were, they clearly weren't prepared for him - the gunfire was proof of that alone - so his displacement was likely the result of someone using him as a weapon.

He disliked this.

As the bursts - each one now a few seconds apart, and aimed at various parts of his head - tapered off, Mr Bliss cleared his throat. "By now, I'm sure you've realised that you're having no effect." He drawled, a plodding method of speaking, draped in his boredom at the latest attempt on his life. "So, if you'd all calm down, stop shooting at me, and perhaps you can give me directions back to Eire."

He brushed at his lapel, collecting one of the bullets that had gathered in a fold, and shaped it into a sphere. Flicking it, he sent it spinning out towards one of the elevators, where it made a noticeable dent.

"Or you can continue this unpleasantness, and I will have the unenviable task of working out what the appropriate flowers for the funeral of someone you killed are."

He folded his hands in his lap again, pressing his thumbs together until they clicked with an audible crack.

"Your choice."
  • OMG
Reactions: Epiphany

Everything was going as planned so far, the soldiers had been holding off the invading goblin and orc forces in the north and southeast and the manufacturing plants were working as intended. All except for one thing, and unwanted disruption in the system. There was a sudden disconnection to one of Kilgren's many bodies, but it wasn't like death, instead, it felt more like an unwanted transportation. Interesting… Kilgren would need to watch as to how things would progress, as this might spark some new events into transpiring.

From the perspective of the version of Kilgren in question, she had been going about her normal duties. A new batch of armor for the combat in the north had been prepared and Kilgren herself was having a moment of relaxation as she awaited for any customers to enter her shop. Kilgren was then suddenly hit with a bright green light, along with a sudden disconnection to the Kilgren system. Her body went limp, and she felt weightless for several seconds before she met a hard metal floor. The feeling in Kilgren's limbs soon returned, and the connection had been reestablished, but just where was she?

She sat up, apparently she was in a lab of some sort. The room had several tanks hooked up with several hoses, and there was one large and open tub in the center of the room. A loud splash came out from behind her, and sounds of yelling. Guards without a psychic connection, so this wasn't one of her labs. These humans wouldn't dare strike out at their ally during the war, and they definitely would not attack the being that allowed them to progress technologically. Their accents also didn't come from any known area, and the people that were appearing certainly weren't from Kilgren's area. The information was enough to give Kilgren incentive that this was not her world. She was intrigued by the idea of appearing on another world, but that didn't matter at the moment, what mattered was that these soldiers were a threat to her and therefore needed to be dealt with. From behind one of the tubes a bright light could be seen. Kilgren summoned her sword and shield this body used when it was originally in combat. A familiar warmth filled Kilgren's body as the air was filled with heat from the flames. The people who would be hiding in the shadows would see the girl rush out with her blazing weapons in hand. She then slashed the sword through the air, creating a wave of flames that took out probably around five soldiers as it reached around their cover and engulfed them in flames. The round shield she was helding then turned into a tower shield, providing cover for the bullets that would soon be coming due to her attack. From the people that would be watching this, they would notice that she looked more nervous than heroic or valiant during her advance. It was up to everyone else in the room to continue the attack. "Greetings, We are Kilgren, It's nice to meet you! in case any of you were not aware, and we would not blame you, these people are a threat so it would be very much appreciated if you would assist me in this defense." She said, looking back with an innocent, yet slightly shaky smile.


The advance was going somewhat well amidst the chaos. The army the group had brought with them made quick work of the first wave of soldiers that were guarding the wall. The mechs that the soldiers had issued to help in the defense were also easily destroyed. It was all tedious and boring in Arc's opinion, all the blood and chaos was numb to him as he had seen it all before. There was no real strategy to this attack and he felt no real need to be excited in this city's destruction. Small orbs then floated up to the group atop the worm, cylinders filled with bullets aimed at them. Arc stopped the bullets that were aimed at him with his magnesis and reflected them back at the drones, taking down the three that had decided to aim at him. "How much longer will this take if you don't mind me asking? Your soldiers certainly can't hold out for this long without some sort of formation." He said to Doom, looking back over his soldier to where he was not sitting on the sand worm.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Epiphany
Dr. Morgan Yu

@The Wanderer
Morgan Yu tilts her head slightly at the Red Hood's comment about magic, before looking back at the blasted down door. She nods once, looking dutifully impressed. Turning back to the vigilante, her eyes narrow slightly as she watches him inspect his ammunition. With her Disrupter held in one hand, the black-haired woman reaches down to a wedge of metal anchored to her TranStar Uniform and plucks it off. The motion causes a pistol to assemble itself within a literal second. When she looks back to the man, he's already picked up a rifle and she smiles slightly as she waves it in his direction.

"If you run out of ammunition, let me know and you can borrow my pistol. At least until we find a Fabricator, or I have the chance to build one."

Unless he looked receptive to taking it, Morgan promptly touched the handgun to the anchor point on her hip and it refolded itself back down to a block of metal, latching to the red and black spacesuit once more.

@Wade Von Doom
The snarky remarks from Thor and the MacManus brothers passed without comment or even noticeable reaction, though her head bobbed sharply in a small nod at Murphy's gesturing in the direction of the giant worm.

Thor's explicit concern results in her impassive face warming a bit with what's probably meant to be a reassuring smile. Morgan's plainly not a naturally emotive woman, though, and it comes across a bit muted. "I've been with you all since the warehouse in that facility that flooded," Morgan answered him before glancing down at the muscular God's lightsaber. "Where you found that, I believe. I slipped into the Doctor's pocket in hopes of escape, like the rest of you. I'm aware of what's transpired around her but saw no reason to reveal myself until I noticed the extradimensional entity out there. Depending on the nature of their dimensional transcendence of this universe's base physics, none of you likely have any defense against it." That faint smile flickers once more as she added, "I don't want to see any of you die."

"As for what I am, that's complicated. Let's save that for when I have a whiteboard and you have ten minutes we won't be interrupted by gunfire."

"And as for trust, I don't expect any of you to trust me." She pauses and blinks once before adding, "My declarative memory tells me actions matter more than words. I showed myself to warn you. That's done. Now we all need to escape this facility via the teleporter. That's not done."

She opens her mouth to further reply to Thor's comment about a foundation of trust but that's when bullets interrupt everything. Kirby's nimble block saves her from being torn apart from behind, at least. She tumbles and rolls, coming up on her feet with the kind of thoughtless grace that comes from a lot of practice. Morgan Yu sees the lightning erupt from Thor's hand and leans enough forward to witness its lack of effect among the androids. Surprised, she reaches out with her hand...and nothing happens, though it's plain from the even greater look of surprise on her face that something should have happened.

The TranStar Director chuckles once at Thor's foundation remark. Then her face once more takes on a look of express concentration. With her one free hand, Morgan Yu spreads her fingers like a wizard about to conjure a fireball despite the obviously science-fiction trappings of her spacesuit uniform and retro-looking ray gun. No fire follows, though.

Instead, a purple beam of light flares to life from one of the dead soldiers' corpses flung down the hall. A moment later, the dead body levitates into the air as a torrent erupts of the same purplish-black energy that preceded Morgan's appearance.

And a second after that, a Thermal Phantom flames into existence in the midst of the androids. The first thing it does is invoke columns of superheated plasma around itself, intended to erupt if/when the attacking robots triggered them with motion.

Meanwhile, Morgan sprints to one side of the doorway. She presses her Disrupter against an anchor point, causing the ray-gun to dissemble itself into another block of metal, while she slaps at another block on her waist. It promptly unfolds into an S4 Tactical Combat Shotgun. Morgan Yu then proceedes to wait until (A) a robot got close enough to hit point-blank with her shotgun, (B) someone else in the group did something to react off of or (C) her Phantom Genesis power cools down so she could weaponize another body of the enemy against these antagonistic machines.

@Wade Von Doom @Valkan @Nero Kunivas @The Wanderer @Amber Franklin
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  • Sweet
Reactions: Valkan
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The Doctor falls in before Thea and Agam.

"Oi! I heard that! Language, boys!" She admonishes the MacManus Brothers. They go on as if they do not hear her, or care. She can't recall the last time she'd had to deal with such potty-mouths. At least the brothers are the only offensive ones.

When prompted about the security system, Thirteen nods.

"'Course I can! Not much my sonic can't do really." She goes for her sonic in her right pocket. But to her utmost surprise a purple energy erupts from that pocket.

"Ummm...this is not my sonic." The Doctor clarifies to the others in the second before said purple energy solidifies into a woman. A woman Thirteen has absolutely no idea about even after she's introduced herself, and used her nifty-looking gun to overload the alarm system before running off.

The others seem to only want to question this new arrival. Almost as if they were forgetting that she'd had every opportunity to attack them, to do any number of things to compromise their mission if she had been along for the ride in her pocket for some time. This Morgan Yu was just as lost as the rest of them, but was more into action than deliberation on the issue.

And it was that time the bullets started flying. Thirteen jumps away from the line of sight afforded from the doorway.

"Well then! Looks like we got another for our merry band!" Thirteen proclaims, whipping out her sonic screwdriver and doing just a little more than Morgan Yu had. The sonic hacks into the servers around them, goes for the security system, and attempts to change a couple things: targeting parameters from the scattered to the droids themselves; and locking out any further attempts to revert the parameters.

Down the hallway, several of the droids firing at them, turn their weapons on other droids and cut them down before they are also reduced to scrap metal.

Only the first is changed, the second is prevented by an unknown party, and that party corrects the change so the remaining droids resume targeting the scattered down the hall.

"Looks like the security systems' got a virtual intelligence running the show! Think I can, at most, make some of the drones shoot each other long enough for us to advance before the Virtural Intelligence can change the parameters back. Now, on three, one, tow, three!" Thirteen again activates her sonic, and there is briefly no enemy fire coming their way as the drones are firing on each other.


Thea drops into place right behind The Doctor, making an estimation that the others will be too distracted to note that she makes a more audible sound as her heavy frame falls. The others terminate the initial resistance before she can acquire a target, then fire off a round of her high-caliber machine gun. Her processing power is put to another stress test as many things happen, most abnormal of them all, a woman materializing out of a purple energy cloud. A file is opened immediately for this 'Morgan Yu' and video of her introduction recorded, then stored within it.

For the most part, Thea takes on the role of a silent soldier awaiting orders as the others argue. This Morgan Yu does not present any threatening behavior according to her database on human interaction. She assumes this one is some kind of human until presented with different data to state otherwise.

She takes cover away from the stream of gunfire that erupts from the doorway, holds her rifle with a steely, ready grip while next to the MacManus Brothers.

"The Doctor does not like your language. Myself, makes me feel better. Like I'm still in the trenches." She says aside to the brothers with a smirk. This is a ploy to garner some camaraderie with them that could with further building, prove advantageous to her. She hears the Doctor's instructions, and pretends to take a deep breath to calm her nerves as she sweats slightly to project the appearance of a normal stressed human.

On 'Go' Thea whips around her cover, and unloads on the drones down the hall. Her gun belches forth a stream of heavy bullets that shreds metal and punches through walls.
  • Sweet
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Red Hood

Looking at the pistol offered to him, Jason shook his head. "Sorry, sister. But always keep your side arm on you. Never know when shit will hit the-" Jason was interrupted as he dove backwards as he saw the flash of a muzzle in the corner of his vision. His instincts paying off as he narrowly dodged being made into swiss cheese. "-Fan." He continued to no one in particular.

Taking cover, he'd return fire at their assailants, hitting one in the chest. A killshot otherwise, but their enemy were unfortunately not flesh and blood. "Why is it always fucking robots?"

As Morgan Yu summoned what looked like a flaming ghost thing and Thea unleashed a storm of lead at the androids, Jason would once more whistle before running forward to the remains of the breachers, keeping low to avoid being hit by Thea's barrage. Rummaging for any explosives, finding a spare set of grenades that had no doubt the intention to be used to kill them should they had held a chokepoint. Without hesitating, he turned and swung the satchel at the flaming phantom and where Thea's shots were being hailed at, what would happen next if his aim and throwing arm was true, then one of Thea's shots and the flaming spirit ghost thing would cause the explosives to set off, hopefully doing considerable damage to their enemy or at least cause them to pushed back enough for their foothold to expand beyond the room they were taking cover in.

@Amber Franklin @Valkan @Epiphany. @Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas

"Useless! Useless!" Dio cried out as the swordsman retreated, sheathing his blade. "Planning to split me in twain? Didn't work too well for JoJo, and he cut me right down the middle! But even with Hamon, he couldn't defeat me. So you pitiful rat, dare think to touch I, Dio without even a smidge of Hamon, much less a Stand to rival my own?! Useless! I won't even have to use [The World]'s ability on you." He would taunt as he jumped forward, barely dodging the afterimage disc as it cut into his arm. Taking it clean off, which made Dio quite livid.

This insolent brat had injured Dio, daring to take his arm with the attack.

So with a mighty "Wrrrrry!" Dio sent his Stand forward, its fists flying with such speed it left after images of said fists so it looked like multiple fists flew at the swordsman with such speed that it'd be suicide to try and tank it. At least, that was how Dio saw it. He hoped he would back up so he could pull the wings off this particular fly, slowly and as painfully as possible.

  • Thank You
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While Bliss spoke, the four soldiers quickly fired on him once the commander ducked to the ground. The two at the top of the stairs moved to take cover behind the small wall of the stair railings, while the two on the ground floor with him moved to the hallways of both elevators, which were lockdown and shut off as the building went into lockdown.

"SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING!" The commander shouted into his coms over the gunfire. "I REPEAT, SCATTERED IN THE BUILDING--"
The first shot missed Mr Bliss, as hastily as it was fired, although the second pinged off his temple as the guard wrestled with his gun. The rest, slightly slower, were all soon shooting at him, the noise of the full auto's deafening in such a confined space. But, for all that, Mr Bliss stood there, arms loosely crossed, as the gunfire rained across his skin. Soon - after only a few seconds - the sounds of the hammers hitting nothing rang across the room as the guard's magazines emptied themselves. Taking the opportunity offered by the silence, Mr Bliss walked over to where the desk had been, picking up one of the chairs that had fallen over in the wake of his mistake.

Dragging it across the lobby, the gunfire resuming in more controlled bursts as he did, he pushed it to the centre and sat down on it, hands folded in his lap. Scattered, hmm. Whoever they were, they clearly weren't prepared for him - the gunfire was proof of that alone - so his displacement was likely the result of someone using him as a weapon.

He disliked this.

As the bursts - each one now a few seconds apart, and aimed at various parts of his head - tapered off, Mr Bliss cleared his throat. "By now, I'm sure you've realised that you're having no effect." He drawled, a plodding method of speaking, draped in his boredom at the latest attempt on his life. "So, if you'd all calm down, stop shooting at me, and perhaps you can give me directions back to Eire."

He brushed at his lapel, collecting one of the bullets that had gathered in a fold, and shaped it into a sphere. Flicking it, he sent it spinning out towards one of the elevators, where it made a noticeable dent.

"Or you can continue this unpleasantness, and I will have the unenviable task of working out what the appropriate flowers for the funeral of someone you killed are."

He folded his hands in his lap again, pressing his thumbs together until they clicked with an audible crack.

"Your choice."

"........ Ahhhhhh, shit." One soldier said, pretty much giving up. The two up the stairs ran off down the splitting hallways, with the commander running up to follow them. The other two below tried their luck with attacking him in CQC. One tried smashing his head open with the butt of his rifle, the other pulled out a knife from his boot and waited to see what his friend did, and whether it worked or not. Whatever happened, Bliss' situation got more strange, as the lights would go completely dark, and emergency red lights turned on. The placed went into lockdown, as over the speakers blaring sirens went off. "Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containmeeeeeeeeeeee..." The sirens died down along with the voice, until, bizarrely, music started playing.

Velvet wasn't sure what just happened. She and her team, her friends, were just about to confront Artorious and Immnomiat for the last time. She could finally get revenge on the man that ruined her life. They were making their way up those god-forsaken stairs, when suddenly, there was this bright green flash of light!

"Everyone, get baaaccccccckkkk-"

Oh, for fuck's sake. Of course they triggered some sort of trap that made them fall off the stairs. Blinded by the light, she threw her hands up to try and protect herself from whatever greeted her at the bottom of the stairs. Whatever this trap was, it was disorienting as hell. It wasn't like going through an earthpulse point, this was just uncomfortable. Eventually, she landed in...wherever she was at. Her anxiety was beginning to spike, but at least the blindness was going away. Slowly, she opened her eyes...and wished she hadn't.

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What the hell was that thing she was looking at?! Instinctively, she released her Consuming Claw, wanting to just devour the thing and be done with it, but before she had any chance to move, attack, see if her team had made it with her, anything-

"Intruders in genetics! Stand down and put your hands behind your head!"

...son of a bitch.
Max O'Reily

It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get in, and get out without anyone knowing that someone had stolen intel from them. But things just had to get weird. As one minute Max was crawling along the rooftop about to open a window to get into a facility in Europe, the next he's blinded by a green light and dropped somewhere else. Vision barely recovering in time for him to see his new surroundings, he was no longer in Europe on a rainy night. Instead he was surrounded by lab equipment and strange large tubes filled with blue liquid and something else in there.

And seemed others were with him, one being up to their hips in said tube. But Max would be quickly diving into cover as he saw armed guards take cover opposite of them.

An order was barked out for them to come out with their hands up. A move to get the more gullible to leave cover and into the open where they'd no doubt be shot. More than likely, they didn't want to damage these tubes, as otherwise they'd smoke them out or force them to leave cover by lobbing a grenade or two at them. Reaching a hand up to press a button on the goggles around his eyes, activating them to see how many they were dealing with. His vision would be turned a dark gray as the device sent out a pulse before the results showed up clearly through the walls.

Twenty of them, far too many for an upfront approach.

No vents for him to get into to flank around, or at least any within cover that won't expose him or be too discrete for even the most blind to see him pulling a vent grate free.

Which left a far riskier option. Using the cloak to sneak to a far more advantageous position. Said risk was the fact that he'd only have a couple of seconds before the cloak had to recharge, and the fact he'd be shining brighter to any infrared camera or scope due to how hot it makes the suit. But better than trying to outgun soldiers with rifles while at best he had a pistol and crossbow that could knock someone out with the shock bolts.

So he'd prep himself to begin his trek by taking up a position near the corner of the thing holding the tube near him as he pressed the button to activate the cloak, his form vanishing to a barely noticeable glimmer, fast walking to a large cabinet that was about halfway between the tube he was originally positioned behind, and the line of soldiers that had formed against them.

Taking cover as the cloak battery ran out and thus needed a recharge period.

He was closer and now hopefully he could get behind them, pick off one of them to pick up a rifle that he could then use to take down a decent bit of the soldiers.

But what happened next would entirely depend on what the others near the pods did next.

@The Captain @Henryboy003
One of those flashing lights would fall into a pool of light blue liquid, which felt like swimming in actual glue. Thankfully, it was only dee enough that the liquid would reach their hips, but the scarier thing was what they came face to face with inside the goo.

Tex had a minor panic attack at the sudden shift of hers. Had... Winter just popped her away? No... She wasn't throwing up at the moment. Last thing she remembered was the Tiger... Oh god... was she dead? Did... Did the Nazi's capture her body and... No no. The thing in the corner was... once human. And she still felt alive.

"Intruders in genetics! Stand down and put your hands behind your head!"

Oh. It was the Russians. Great. Just fucking great. She had been transported into one of their sick experiments to create Talents... Or... at least she hear rumors about it.

"I'm an American Talent. We're on the same side. Stand the fuck down and get me out of this... goop. I think some Nazi Talent really wanted me gone and threw me blind." Tex called out, flicking the safety of her weapon off. These were Russians after all. You could only just trust the conscripts. Anyone higher up, not a chance.

"Shut it!" One of the soldiers shouted to Tex. They were by no means allies, as she would soon see. "Stand down, and you will be--" Before he could finish speaking, another bright flash of green light appeared overhead on one of the balconies. Something would then fall out of it. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" A voice shouted, as a very big fish looking thing in red armor fell onto two of the soldiers on the balcony; crushing them. It looked very staggered and confused, along with being blinded by the bright light, and once it got its vision back, it noticed there were several humans looking very confused. In which he looked confused back at them. Lotta confusion happening.

But, then Kilgren attacked while everyone was distracted. Five of the soldiers began to burn, shouting out in pain, while the rest fired at either the group below, or at the being in the red armor. Thankfully, he was wearing shields today, so their bullets bounced off as he stood back up. Like a rhino, he immediately charged at the first guy closest to him. He smashed his forehead right into the soldier's face, then threw the other guy off the balcony to the floor teen feet below. As the engineers ran off, twelve more guards began to fire at everyone. Seven were on the ground floor, taking cover behind the other pools of goo similar to what Tex fell into, the rest staying on the high balconies, covering behind metal panels along the railings.

The alien in red then threw another soldier down to the floor, into one of the pools of goo. Pulling out a shotgun, it fired some sort of impact shot at two of the soldiers on the balcony, exploding them into bloody chunks. "Any of you wanna tell me where I am?!" He shouted to he group below.


Things would get more stressful, as like with Bliss, the lights within the lab went out, only for the emergency red lights to come on. Except, the massive tanks below to slowly move off the walls and lower to the platforms on the ground floor and balconies. Opening, the humanoid beings inside fell out onto their hands and knees. Like the being in the pool with Tex, they looked monstrous.


Except these then sprinted off their platforms, and began attacking the soldiers; using their hands to tear apart their flesh and limbs. They screeched and screamed inhumanely, as a soldier shouted, "THEY'RE LOOSE!"

"GET THE HELL OUT!" Another shouted back, signaling everyone to retreat. But the bulkhead doors closed as they tried running, sealing them in. The being in the pool with Tex then suddenly stood up, screaming out as it tried biting Tex's neck like it wanted a chunk of flesh off her.

And to make everything bizarre, 'Take Me Out' was also playing as this anarchy happened.

"So if you're lonely,

You know I'm here waiting for you,

I'm just a cross hair,

I'm just a shot away from you,

And if you leave here,

You leave me broken, shattered, I lie,

I'm just a cross hair,

I'm just a shot, then we can die.

IIIII knooooooow IIIII won't be leaving here.... wiiiiiiith yooooouuuu~"

The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The Doctor falls in before Thea and Agam.

"Oi! I heard that! Language, boys!" She admonishes the MacManus Brothers. They go on as if they do not hear her, or care. She can't recall the last time she'd had to deal with such potty-mouths. At least the brothers are the only offensive ones.

When prompted about the security system, Thirteen nods.

"'Course I can! Not much my sonic can't do really." She goes for her sonic in her right pocket. But to her utmost surprise a purple energy erupts from that pocket.

"Ummm...this is not my sonic." The Doctor clarifies to the others in the second before said purple energy solidifies into a woman. A woman Thirteen has absolutely no idea about even after she's introduced herself, and used her nifty-looking gun to overload the alarm system before running off.

The others seem to only want to question this new arrival. Almost as if they were forgetting that she'd had every opportunity to attack them, to do any number of things to compromise their mission if she had been along for the ride in her pocket for some time. This Morgan Yu was just as lost as the rest of them, but was more into action than deliberation on the issue.

And it was that time the bullets started flying. Thirteen jumps away from the line of sight afforded from the doorway.

"Well then! Looks like we got another for our merry band!" Thirteen proclaims, whipping out her sonic screwdriver and doing just a little more than Morgan Yu had. The sonic hacks into the servers around them, goes for the security system, and attempts to change a couple things: targeting parameters from the scattered to the droids themselves; and locking out any further attempts to revert the parameters.

Down the hallway, several of the droids firing at them, turn their weapons on other droids and cut them down before they are also reduced to scrap metal.

Only the first is changed, the second is prevented by an unknown party, and that party corrects the change so the remaining droids resume targeting the scattered down the hall.

"Looks like the security systems' got a virtual intelligence running the show! Think I can, at most, make some of the drones shoot each other long enough for us to advance before the Virtural Intelligence can change the parameters back. Now, on three, one, tow, three!" Thirteen again activates her sonic, and there is briefly no enemy fire coming their way as the drones are firing on each other.


Thea drops into place right behind The Doctor, making an estimation that the others will be too distracted to note that she makes a more audible sound as her heavy frame falls. The others terminate the initial resistance before she can acquire a target, then fire off a round of her high-caliber machine gun. Her processing power is put to another stress test as many things happen, most abnormal of them all, a woman materializing out of a purple energy cloud. A file is opened immediately for this 'Morgan Yu' and video of her introduction recorded, then stored within it.

For the most part, Thea takes on the role of a silent soldier awaiting orders as the others argue. This Morgan Yu does not present any threatening behavior according to her database on human interaction. She assumes this one is some kind of human until presented with different data to state otherwise.

She takes cover away from the stream of gunfire that erupts from the doorway, holds her rifle with a steely, ready grip while next to the MacManus Brothers.

"The Doctor does not like your language. Myself, makes me feel better. Like I'm still in the trenches." She says aside to the brothers with a smirk. This is a ploy to garner some camaraderie with them that could with further building, prove advantageous to her. She hears the Doctor's instructions, and pretends to take a deep breath to calm her nerves as she sweats slightly to project the appearance of a normal stressed human.

On 'Go' Thea whips around her cover, and unloads on the drones down the hall. Her gun belches forth a stream of heavy bullets that shreds metal and punches through walls.

The droids successfully began killing themselves thanks to The Doctor's meddling of their security protocols, and with attacks by Morgan Yu and Thea, the only few remaining didn't stand much of a chance against them. With Thea's comment, Murphy looked to her and said, "Fuckin' A sister." Before loading another clip into his pistol. "Let's go be badasses." Kirby delivered the final blow, managing to jump out from behind the wall towards them and slashing at them with a massive sword that came out of nowhere, cleaving through their metal bodies cleanly. As they fell to the floor in two, Kirby waved his little nub hands for them to follow; charging down the hallways. "Sorry, is he the leader now?" Murphy asked, before his brother said back, "Better to do something than nothin'." They then followed suit, following Kirby.

They wouldn't get far before they also ran into the same problems as the others. The power cutting down, emergency lighting, and the building now in lockdown. Their way back would be blocked off by a thick wall of glass that rose out of the floor; trapping them. The panels on the walls then folded outwards for more droids to march out. Nearly twenty began marching their way, with the only cover being some chairs and plants. Two of the droids stood taller than the rest, with their arms transforming into chainguns.


They began to fire, yet Kirby managed to jump off the walls fast enough to dodge their bullets. When he landed on the floor again, the pink fella opened his mouth, and within a second managed to create a vortex of wind around his lips like he was making a tornado; sucking one of the massive droids into his mouth. With a big 'gulp' a big star popped out of Kirby, who's face now resembled the mech he swallowed, and had his own chaingun hand. He began to fire at the other droids, as 'Take Me Out' began to play over the speakers.

The advance was going somewhat well amidst the chaos. The army the group had brought with them made quick work of the first wave of soldiers that were guarding the wall. The mechs that the soldiers had issued to help in the defense were also easily destroyed. It was all tedious and boring in Arc's opinion, all the blood and chaos was numb to him as he had seen it all before. There was no real strategy to this attack and he felt no real need to be excited in this city's destruction. Small orbs then floated up to the group atop the worm, cylinders filled with bullets aimed at them. Arc stopped the bullets that were aimed at him with his magnesis and reflected them back at the drones, taking down the three that had decided to aim at him. "How much longer will this take if you don't mind me asking? Your soldiers certainly can't hold out for this long without some sort of formation." He said to Doom, looking back over his soldier to where he was not sitting on the sand worm.

Doom didn't answer. All he did was point with both index fingers at the charging group of soldiers coming their way. With that simple order, the worm began to move quickly towards them, leaving behind a massive crater, as it swallowed the tanks, mechs, and other soldiers with its mouth, or simply crushed them. "Not long." He quipped, before jumping into the crater. "Come! Our escape from this world nears." Doom ordered the group, with Malgus, Wesker and Radec jumping in with them. The worm's destruction gave them an easy path to follow, leading them into the main city itself. While civilans screamed out in horror as the Graboids infested the streets, and the worm knocked down buildings with such ease, Doom pointed to the building off in the distance.


"There." Doom told them all, pointing directly at the building at the end of the road. "That's where we'll find our escape."

"What can we expect in the building?" Kahn asked, walking up slightly behind Doom.

"Minimal security. They'll be too busy with my pet to focus on us." Doom informed.

"Good." And like that, Doom's worth was useless. Kahn raised his hammer up to smash into Doom's head from behind, but Victor being the observant being, already knew this betrayal was coming from a mile away. Quickly turning, Doom blasted Kahn with green energy, sending him flying down the road. The other villains were quick to begin the attack on each other, with Malgus pulling out his lightsaber to attack Doom himself, while Baraka attacked Arc, trying to stab him with both of his blades from his arms.​
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Epiphany

It looked like there was another otherworlder coming to the party. Before Kilgren's attack there had apparently been another flash on the balcony above, along with the sounds of shouting. It didn't matter too much to Kilgren at the moment, as she was more concerned with the soldiers in front of her. Once her attack was over the soldiers were ready to fire back. There were more soldiers to come though, Kilgren counted seven more soldiers joining the fray. This was odd, usually there would be more knowing that they had a Kilgren body as an opponent, but this wasn't her world. She also wasn't going to leave the new ally on the balcony confused, so she put the tower shield, now morphed into a pavise shield, on her back and turned away from the soldiers currently firing at her. "Hello there!" she shouted to what seemed to be a red, turtle-like creature. She also gave a nice wave to the being. "We, er… I have reason to believe that everyone here is not from ou- My world!" Kilgren had trouble trying to not say we, but it would make things easier for others to understand her thoughts. "Are you two in good spirits?" She asked, referring to Tex and Velvet.

And then the lights went out, along with a very interesting song. For the moment the lights went out Kilgren's body froze. A sudden fear gripped her body and her face was that of terror. When the red lights came back on people would see her on her knees as if she collapsed. At least the music was helping. There was also the sudden arrival of alien creatures that had emerged from the various tanks. The creatures honestly reminded Kilgren of the undead the system had faced at the beginning stages of creating a civilization, but now wasn't the time to compare them to creatures they were not. The soldiers had also lessened their fire during the panic. Slowly, Kilgren stood back on her feet. She then noticed one of the creatures jumping out of the tank that the red head was in. If she tried to materialize a firearm she might miss and hit the girl, but she might also hit her with the flames in a slash. A firearm had a better chance of having less injuries, so she would go with that. The sword that Kilgren was holding quickly morphed into a revolver, which quickly took aim and fired a small ball of fire. It hit the monster in the shoulder, which might not bring it down but it would at least deter it.


Honestly, Arc was surprised with how easy the whole raid on the city was. The strange automatons that attacked them were nothing more than scrap metal, and any of the soldiers down below were mincemeat for the villainous forces. Things were going to plan, but there was still a tension in the air around the group. Doom's first mistake was stating that their goal was within reach without resistance, the other was to have Kahn believe he could stop him. Doom wasn't the only one to make mistakes though, as Kahn was apparently very obvious to Doom that this betrayal was to come. Arc had also expected it, but mainly on the fact that he knew that trusting those who believe they are above others was a mistake. It was his natural distrust towards the world that had gotten him this far, and he wasn't going to stop it just for a man in a green cloak.

Nor was he gonna stop it for this being that called itself Baraka. As the creature lunged at Arc, he quickly gripped the two short swords in his coat with his electricity. The sound of them magnetizing to Arc's hands was similar to that of Thor's mjolnir, except with a higher pitch. Due to the way Baraka was lunging at Arc, he was able to deflect the two blades in opposite directions away from his body. He also used the momentum to counter with a kick to Baraka's stomach and used it to distance himself from him. "To be honest, I don't blame all of you for betraying each other, you were both begging for it at this point," Arc said, readying himself into a battle stance.
- Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren -

So, not so long after Kylo Ren joins the merry band of ne'er-do-wells, they all begin turning on each other the moment things get easy, with the hammer-wielding titan trying to cave in the steel schemer's head and then all who were aligned with their respective leaders fighting each other for their own reasons. Some likely to curry favour with the survivor of the bout, others to enact their own plans and a few simply to survive.

Snoke's Apprentice had but one thing in mind: Show them the Dark Side. He held no loyalty to any of these knaves and only the vaguest of familiarity with Darth Malgus, a man who he'd be willing to grit his teeth and work with over either of these egocentric fools. Drawing his Lightsaber with its distinctive dark crackle, he seized the moment against Shao Kahn, who was already stunned from Doctor Doom's blow, to cut him down.

- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

While not admitting it aloud, Shao Kahn figured his betrayal was far too telegraphed, but it made no difference. Doctor Doom would die this day, for the runt in iron held no value to him anymore, not when they were so close to escape. To let him live was too much of a risk and to serve under him for longer than he needed to was too infuriating a thought to even entertain.

Though before the Kahn could begin to postulate, their new arrival, the dark warrior Kylo Ren, was rushing at him, crimson blade drawn and poised to cut him down. The nerve of the Knight of Ren sent Shao Kahn into a fury, as he would swing his Wrath Hammer to meet Kylo's Lightsaber in a clash. The clash was brief, with Kylo Ren dragging his saber across the handle of the hammer, scorching the Kahn's hand and then bring it up and around to slash at the stunned Kahn several times, wounding him and ending it with a Force Push.

Shao Kahn was sent several feet back, still standing and now pulsing with an emerald aura, flexing his arms outwards and roaring in rage at Kylo Ren, now dead set on killing this whelp.

- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

"Honestly, I trust that peculiar pink blob. He's my favourite." Thor chimed in regarding Murphy's question on Kirby's place in the group, before following suit with everyone else and taking off after Kirby for some time before being cut off by, who could've guessed? More robots! Kirby then reinforced Thor's favour in him by consuming one of the meaner looking bots and taking on its traits. Peculiar as it was, it wasn't the weirdest thing Thor had seen today...that would be the Thermal Phantom.

Though he had a feeling the other machines would be resistant to Lightning as well, he wasn't about to discount the option yet: His remaining eye aglow, Thor charged up a stronger blast of Lightning and unleashed it in the direction of the other massive, chaingun-bearing Droid, from his free hand.

@Wade Von Doom @Epiphany. @The Wanderer @Others I may have missed.
Agam Azuron

Agam stared at the results of his action, nodding in approval upon seeing all the soldiers incapacitated. Upon hearing Jason's comment he chuckled "Maybe I'll teach you later". As for Thor, he laughed at the 'young' part of Thor's flattery "Haha, why thank you". He then turned to the surge of energy coming from one of the downed soldiers, quickly pointing the tip of his staff at the newly formed woman. Upon allowing her to explain though, it seemed like she was in the same boat as them... Sort of. She was heading the same way as them, so he silently followed. He was aware of the situation as Thor and the MacManus put it, but they needed whatever help they could. He was busy pondering on if he should trust this Morgan Yu or not to notice the incoming hail of fire, he faced it and bullets starting crashing and compressing against his body, but not harming him. They simply fell to the ground. He slowly walked towards the source of the bullets. Pointing his staff towards their assailants... Or so he planned, but his mates got to it faster, in a combo of peculiar and straightforward abilities. Then, the blob took the lead. "You have a plan, friend? " he conveyed to Kirby as he quickly followed, his spheres still floating behind. But it was for naught, as they were trapped. Agam was as quick to think as Kirby though, his spheres dispersed and formed a slowly rotating circle big enough for the group at around waist height, other than Kirby and himself at the moment. He flew up, as the tip of his staff turned incandescent red, and with some help of his accelerated movement body, released a barrage of crimson, magic enhanced plasma crescents towards the heavy duty robot that remained, while also pulling him towards him by switching its gravity. Once it was near him, Agam would envelop the robot in a sphere of said plasma and compress with all his mighty gravity magic as he extended his free palm towards it if it survived the barrage. While at it he would say "You'll be covered from gunfire within that circle! Let me know if you need it to move!"
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