The Lost Soul

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He did the same, looking over the variety of mostly seafood options.
Raine ordered an iced tea when the waiter came by.
He took a bit longer to decide, eventually just getting water.
Raine continued to scan the menu, ordering a salmon dish when the waiter came back with their drinks.
He ended up ordering a blackened shrimp bowl. That sounded interesting.
Raine handed the waiter her menu and sipped from the iced tea.
He remained silent, mostly just to make things uncomfortable. He took the water in both hands but didn't pick it up.
Raine seemed unbothered for the most part, leaning back into her chair and pulling out her phone.
How inconvenient for him. He tapped his fingers on the glass for a while, trying to think of something to entertain himself with.
Raine tapped on her phone for a little while until the food was brought to them. She put her phone back into a pocket and leaned forward to eat.
He felt like it took them long enough. He took his own dish and examined it before scooping up a bite of just about everything within the bowl, and put it in his mouth. It was actually very good.
Raine ate a little slower, humming happily as she did.
He continued to eat, shoveling it in now. It was strange, but he started to feel a tickle in his throat. He shrugged it off, as he figured he just needed to cough or something. A rash began to spread along his biceps.
Raine glanced at him and quickly noticed the rash. Her eyes widened. "Hang on! You need to stop eating!"
He raised an eyebrow and began to ask why, quickly discovering that he could no longer talk. He tried to clear his throat and ask why again, but he was still unsuccessful. Fear lit up his eyes as his hand flew to his throat. The rash was quickly spreading. He drew a small, ragged breath, which sounded more like a wheeze.
Raine stood up and quickly shouted for help and an epipen. A couple of staff members rushed over while one of the other customers quickly got on their phone to call for an ambulance.
He could feel his throat closing farther now as he struggled to draw a breath in. He couldn't even wheeze anymore, and his rash really started to itch, which was slightly inconvenient as his body was preoccupied with much more pressing matters. Like trying to breathe. Fear turned into full-blown panic as he struggled to draw in a breath, his vision beginning to go dark on the edges. The more he panicked, the faster his heart beat, and the need to breathe grew. He couldn't even take a deep breath to calm himself.

He held his hand out to the golden-eyed girl. Witch. The golden-eyed witch. Every part of him was screaming not to tell her. "Nikolai," he said simply. She took his hand, stating her name. Once again, everything in him was telling him something was wrong.

He pressed his hand to his head, a headache starting to form, another inconvenience, as his vision quickly went entirely black.

Nikolai remembered the horrified look on the young witch's face, but he was younger. His father held her tongue out to him, along with needle and thread, ordering him to sew it back on. He knew she would never be able to speak the same ever again, if at all. It was cold. How long had he kept her tongue on ice?

Now only half conscious, he was fighting to stay on his feet. He couldn't.

The flames…such an old-fashioned way to deal with witches, but then again, his parents could be described as old-fashioned. And merciless.

He was out cold, his body still trying to draw in air.

Nik remembered the first day his dad had taken him out to train. He remembered his dad's face, the way he didn't seem to feel, the way it looked when he made him recite the oath. That, and his next words would embed themselves in his brain. "Never trust anyone."
Raine was visibly panicking as he struggled to breathe, falling to her knees and catching him as he passed out. "fuck!" Another customer came running to them.

"I have an EpiPen!" The woman took out the device and stabbed him in the thigh with it. It didn't work immediately. The ambulance sirens could be heard but Raine was too much in a panic to hear them.
Nik remembered his first hunt. There had been strange things happening in an extremely undeveloped village. No hint of technology could be found in or anywhere near the village. They survived on crops and livestock. When their cows started disappearing, and their usually bountiful crops began withering…well, they were confused. But when kids started to go missing, that was when they started talking about witchcraft. He wasn't alone at the village. His father had come with him, but he was determined that Nik would handle it independently, even as a child.
Even now, he could feel the way that he could feel someone was watching, someone that he couldn't see. He remembered seeing runes in stones in one of the fields that made him shudder. He wasn't sure what they meant and wasn't about to ask.
He could see the way their eyes looked. The village members. Their eyes were filled with desperation and fear. Some of them had even turned on each other. Even the atmosphere surrounding the village was heavy with judgment and fear.

Even unconscious, he could feel the EpiPen get injected and the medicine beginning to work.
The ambulance arrived and paramedics loaded him into it. Raine managed to convince them to ride along, though it was challenging.