A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (IC)

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Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
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  3. One post per day
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8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
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  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (Character Dump): Click Here
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (OOC): Click Here

The year is 2020, and Earth is on fire.

A group called the E.I. at the beginning of the year began secretly kidnapping and training people to help them take over the world. These people were regular members of society, teachers, students, criminals, if it looked like they could be swiped without any real retaliation, they were. The world was none the wiser.

Several such recruits were collected from the general population and chosen to be trained underneath the three founders of this mysterious group. A school gym teacher named Tyler Haak, a large viking looking mercenary named Otto White, a former U.S. military infantryman Maine, and Daisuke a giant pervert/former yakuza member. After three months of training under the First, Second, and Third founders, the secret facility in which they were being trained was attacked by factions within the E.I. They hit fast and hard, sending the whole facility into chaos. Leading the group of trained E.I. recruits out of the facility, the Third founder led the small group to North Korea, where the rest of the E.I. forces had gathered. In a stunning display of brute force, hundreds of E.I. VTOL troop transport gunships assaulted the capitol, took over it and the nearby military base, and then executed the dictator.

However, the group of recruits were repulsed by this actions, and Tyler, Daisuke lashed out at the Second, prompting him to kill Daisuke. Daisuke was only saved by a chance, as a passing E.I. infantryman assisted burying Daisuke, Daisuke's consciousness escaped into the man, making him a target of interest for the Second founder. The Second founder had Tyler, Adam (The E.I. infantryman), another man who was recruited by the E.I. who vaguely reminded everyone of a russian, and Alkura (the daughter of the third founder). In a display of defiance (facilitated only by the Third Founder's intervention), Otto White and Lazaro (A crazed murderer who was only assisting them for the pure off chance they might get to kill someone) led a daring rescue of the prisoners, escaping to Sryia with them on a jet.

After they landed, Otto talked them through the Airport, calling in a favor from the commanding officer of the troops stationed there. Otto took the group to his home, and coincidentally, the place he buried his family. The group rested there for a day, but unfortunately they were sold out by the very commanding officer that Otto had called a favor from. A team of E.I. troops trained to track deserters followed them, and then they attacked in the night. The battle was brief but bloody, and it was discovered the very next day, in a letter from the Third founder, that the troops were all cloned, an attempt from the E.I. to make soldiers loyal, easy to train, equip, and recruit.

The group fled in the VTOL jet provided by the Third, guided to some mysterious facility by a man they only know as "Deanta" supposedly a trusted ally and teacher of the Third founder. As they got off the VTOL jet, they were greeted by a huge cheering crowd. Thousands of people who had hidden from the E.I.'s secret influence in underground societies had gathered into a single united rebellion, and this group of rag tag E.I. rebels were their largest hope in defeating the group. As it turned out, while the E.I. had a righteous goal, the goal did not justify the means through which they planned to execute it. With much of the world under the control of the E.I. (Facilitated by the E.I. implanting trained members of the group into the governments of nations worldwide, and then using their influence to convince them to join the International Nations Union, or INU, with the newly formed nation of the E.I. at the head, and major military superpowers like Russia and the U.S. backing up the group with the full might of their military.

In a surprise move, the rebellion turned on this coalition, and moving out from facilities all over the world they attack the E.I., intent on freeing the world from this tyranny. The E.I. rebels themselves spearheaded an assault straight into the main E.I. base, an attack that was wiped out, but still managed to distract the E.I. long enough for the rebels to defeat the E.I. in other places around the world.

Feeling threatened by this, the E.I. detonated the world's supply of nuclear weapons, reducing the population from 7.4 billion to three million in minutes. Those people who survived were transported, as if by an act of some deity, to a new world. Some land in deserts, some in forests, some in plains, some alone, and some in groups, but all appear, alive and no worse then they were on Earth. Something is strange about this world though, while it looks like Earth, and the animals do as well, the air is tingling with an energy that was not prevalent in society before, and all over the world these people have begun to realize that they can now use something strange and previously impossible, magic. In the background secret forces seem to be manipulating the situation though, and somewhere the immortals that survived the nuclear blasts are still alive.

It is now up to humanity to rebuild.

Tyler rolled her eyes at Daisuke as he booed her like some teenager. Otto agreed with her and made plans for them to get a private room to have a discussion in, though she meant to wait until they had their rooms in the inn. They could have just held the meeting in one of the rooms. They were led to a backroom. When the innkeeper left them, Tyler watched him go and then finally turned back to the others when she was sure he was gone.

"I don't trust any of these people or the accommodations they make for us. Even less now than I did when we met the King. There's a mole somewhere that knew exactly when we arrived at that outpost. That mole could have come with us into the city and know where we are now. I recommend staying up in shifts at night while others sleep, at least."

She sighed and rubbed at her temples. "And who is this kid we're supposed to meet? If he's from Earth, he'll probably just be in more danger with us than he would be on his own. We don't need to have anything to do with him. Can't we just bail and let him live out his own life?"
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Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke begrudgingly followed his companions all while complaining like a teenager. "I don't wanna have a meeting. I wanna go to sleep, I wanna a massage, I want a drink, I want a cigarette, I want to cu..." He stopped talking when the inn keeper led them to the back room. "Alright eyes wide shut party."

They arrived to an empty beer hall. "Tsk, lame." He waited till they were alone. "Ok, let's get this over with I'm tired. Adam went all berserk and used a ton of energy." He yawned and stretched. "I'm sleepy." He heared Tyler's concern about the new kid. "That's kinda cold T. You wanna totally ignore this kid? We should at least set him up at the kingdom so he can be safe."
Otto White
Interaction: Tyler and Daisuke

He looked between Tyler and Daisuke, shaded of red bleeding off his eyes in the low light of the room as he thought. "I agree as far as not trusting anyone Tyler, even if the mole didn't follow us it is conceivable they have paid spies here as well as in the capitol if we haven't seen the person yet they are bound to have our descriptions and we three ain't hard to find in a crowd. Shifts seem like a good plan but if worst comes to worst and an assassin comes just as an example we are going to be handicapped due to the limited use of our powers in such a crowded place Tyler...that might of actually been their plan if they set this up." Otto paused briefly in thought at the implication of their being in such a area and letting loose with their powers, would look bad on the king if his hired help killed a bunch of civilians. "And we can't leave a kid who has a physical handicap here who is from our world, chances are he will get taken advantage of, as far as we know there are no protection built in for such a person in this world. I vote we at least see what this kid is about and help him if we can." Otto spoke as he threw his opinion in on the matter of the kid mentioned to them.

"It's not cold if you're trying to keep some disabled kid from being subjected to a psycho fucking group of radical rebels who are trying to KILL OUR GROUP, may I remind you. So yeah, I want to ignore him and actually give him a chance. Making him join us at this point would practically be reckless and abusive. We can talk to him, but I still disagree with forcing him to stay with us. Whatever. Let's just go talk to him. Give him a warning about Genie McDickhead and the rebels and then if he's stupid enough to stick to us, it's his own funeral."

Tyler turned on her heel and walked back out of the room. She hit up the innkeeper and asked for him to take her to the kid called Caleb. Not bothering to see if either of the other two followed her out, she walked with the innkeeper to Caleb's room. He left her there outside his door. "Let's just get this over with…" She sighed and knocked on the door, before immediately barging in without much other warning.

"Yo. Are you Caleb?" The blue-hued woman asked, staring the kid down.
Caleb Yung Lopez

As soon as the lady came barging in He turned to her. "Ever heard of a thing called privacy, I'm a minor, this could be considered assault" he said defiantly looking up at the woman who was staring down at him.

When she asked him if he was the one she was looking for. Caleb scoffed slightly backed off "yo, be more specific many people have the same name as me" he replied. Soon an idea popped in his head, he waited for the right time to set it in action.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke realized Tyler was right it wasn't fair to drag an innocent I to a war he had nothing to do with. Although it's not like they were asked before being turned into immortal monsters. Daisuke just shrugged signaling that he gave up as he started looking for something to drink. Tyler immpeaded him once more by going for the door. "Wha, already? We didn't even get a chance to sit down." He looked at Otto as Tyler left. "Is it me or is she getting more and more agro? I mean I kind of miss the meek, I'm totally scared of everything Tyler."

Daisuke filled a glass with some kind of alcohol and drank it in one go. He cringed and made a sour face. "Oh, smooth." He said as he jumped from behind the bar bringing the mystery liquid with him. "Otto, let's go before she decides that choking the kid out would be easier for him." He said as he darted out of the room past the inn keeper. He waved the bottle at him. "We're good right?" The inn keeper nodded as he continued working the front desk.

Daisuke followed behind Tyler hoping Otto was behind him. Tyler burst through the door demanding if he was Caleb. She was met with aggression by the kids harsh dodgy words. "Dude don't be a pick and answer the question." He said as he took another swig from the bottle. He gasped as he peeled it from his lips. "Shit, this is like cheap tequila mixed with rum and absenth." He grabbed at his chest. "It burns so good."
Otto White
Interaction: Caleb
Mention: Tyler and Daisuke

He didn't agree or disagree with Daisuke's words on Tyler, he kept those opinions to himself and would only voice them if they became a concern. He followed Daisuke who was following Tyler who was already questioning the young man, Otto pushed his way past Daisuke who was starting to get drunk already and Tyler who was more than likely getting pissed at the younger man's attitude.
"Look we ain't got time for small talk or bullshit, if you are Caleb then you probably have quite a few questions about what has happened and where we are right now. I'm Otto White and these two are my companions, now you can cooperate with us and talk or we leave you on your own in a place where you are unfamiliar and unknown with both the local customs and people. The choice is yours." Otto spoke as he waited for the teen to give a response.
[fieldbox="Corrupt Officials, red, solid"]

Location: Manor on the Outskirts of Town


The room was a large study, a stone fireplace cackling with a lit hearth and the walls lined with books and an intricately carved rosewood desk nearby. The floor, aside from that which covered the fireplace, was made of carpet, the fabric which woven by master carpet makers and hand crafted to fit the dimensions of the room. Aside from the fire, the room was lit by several brass oil lamps sticking out of the walls, each depicting an eagle midflight, the spread wings forming the glass of the lamp. In front of the fireplace sat two armchairs across from one another, sidetables placed next to each. On the sidetables were drinking glasses filled with brandy. In one chair sat a well dressed nobleman, and in the other sat a woman in an old earth suit, her jet black hair and raven eyes staring at the noble across from her. They were quietly conversing, speaking of matters that were most delicate and secretive in nature, until a servant entered, at which point they both fell silent. The servant hurried over to the man, then whispered in his ear. When the servant finished and stepped back, the nobleman gripped his glass with a shaky hand and brought it to his lips. In quick fashion he finished the brandy, then whipped up, turned around and threw it at the servant, who just barely avoided getting hit with the glass by ducking out of the way. The glass shatter against the wall and the noble began yelling, furious. "GET OUT, GET OUT NOW!" The servant rushed out of the room, shutting the door behind him in the process. The nobleman turned and faced the fire, clenching and un-clenching his fist. The woman in the chair stared at the man with amused eyes. The man then whipped around and pointed an accusing finger at the woman in the chair. "You told me the troops you got were professionals! They had mages with them! You didn't tell me that group of... OF UPSTARTS, WOULD BE ARRIVING THIS VERY DAY! The soldiers that joke of an Emperor provided were slaughtered! The attack was supposed to give that group of upstarts yet another reason to go hunting for my men, but now, now they've gone and killed nearly two-thirds of my forces! What's worse, they haven't even taken the bait. The men that died in that fort weren't even supposed to! You knew what the plan was, get the Northerners to believe that it was Algeon! NOW LOOK! Any fool will be able to recognize that the dead among that group are Southerners! This was not the smooth outcome you promised! Now that Southern Emperor will be forced to invade! As for me, I won't have a place to hide from the retribution of the North if they find out i'm the traitor! DAMN YOU MORDRED!!!"


Mordered laughed from her position in the chair. She knew this would happen, it was her engineering of the situation. Tomorrow, the foolish group of survivors from Earth that dared to resist her master would be approached by the commanding officer of the force. He would tell the group what she wanted the group to know, not because she forced him to, but because what he learned demanded it. First, she was certain he'd report the fact that the dead were southerners, maybe even give them a brief lecture about why Southerners on Northern soil was such a big deal. Second, she was also certain he'd report the fact that some of the weapons used in the attack were those made by this Nobleman's blacksmith. the family crest on the weapons would ensure the group came knocking, and took care of a loose end for Mordred in the process. Mordered laughed and stood, clapping and walking towards the man, who suddenly looked unsure and began walking backwards. "Wonderful, wonderful, you've figured it out have you? That the events of today will mean your downfall. Once news of this event reaches the Southern Emperor's ears, you are right, he will want you dead, and he will send his own army and navy North across the inland sea and here to launch an invasion. After all, he wanted a puppet to help him secure a port for his own invasion, and if he can't get that.... ah well, I imagine the trip here will only take a month at most. A great war is on the Horizon, and it will be most fascinating..." The nobleman hit the front of the corner of bookcases in the room. Mordred walked towards him, and then held her hand out to her side. Her spear appeared in her hand and Mordred pointed at the velux's throat. "Tonight, the city will be in chaos, it will burn. The remaining men that you have will attack the city, bolstered by your own personal forces of course, you have about one hundred on hand at all times yes? Well they will assault the city. A futile attempt of course, but they loose ends that must be tied up, and will serve to be the spark of this war, where the city will be the tinder. I won't leave this war to chance either, so the troops of the South will wear their battle equipment." Mordred gave the man an evil smile. "You of course, will be staying here. Tomorrow, when that group of "Upstarts" as you call them arrive to arrest you, you will surrender to them. Perhaps the king will show mercy on you and allow you to live life in prison? Either way, if you leave this mansion at all tonight or tomorrow, I will kill you myself. Don't worry, i'll communicate to your men what is to happen." With that, Mordred turned around and walked out the room, an evil laugh following her as she left.[/fieldbox]
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Tyler quirked an eyebrow at the kid who greeted her with attitude. Privacy? A minor? "Are you kidding me? Barging into a room isn't assault you piece of shit. And who gives and flyin' fu-" She was cut off by Daisuke who had indeed followed behind her and started drinking immediately. Otto joined immediately after and started in as well. Tyler was prepared to let him have at the kid however he wanted, but his introduction was weak and his explanation about their appearance was total shit.

She looked over at the burly man. "Yeah, great explanation, brah." She shook her head. "Let's try this: Hi!" She waved at Caleb, happily for a moment before then letting her look turn sour again showing that the previous expression was a show. "I'm Tyler and the other unnamed dude is Daisuke. We're from Earth, like I'm assuming you are. This here, is an entirely different planet and shit is weird here. Everyone and everything on Earth is dead and gone and a war is about to break loose here. My suggestion is to can the piss-poor attitude and hide yourself in a hole far away from us and this country." She gave a sparkling smile and then let her dreary expression return again. "There are very few people left alive from Earth, so don't be a dick-hole to some of the only ones left."
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke was feeling pretty faded and he was only a quarter into the bottle. He heared his name and looked up. "Yeah, listen to Tyler." He burped loudly. "She may be small but if she wanted to she can beat your ass." Daisuke's eyes lowered twords Tyler's butt, "yeah. Beat that ass." He said as he starred at Tyler's peach like butt. He realized what he was doing and looked away before Otto noticed. He groaned as he walked twords the end of the room plopping down on a chair. "I'm so horney." He said as he dropped his head in his lap.

Otto stepped in and told the kid what's what then Tyler went all stepford wives and told him to run and hid. Daisuke took another long drink from his mystery bottle. "Aaahhh! That's smooth." He decided he should add his 2 cents. "So kid there you have it." He said as he looked at the ground, and spoke into his bottle. "You're options are to run away and hide or join us and possibly die, or fucking lose your body and get stuck inside a 17 year old Virgin, or turn blue, or turn into a one eyed fire wizard or fucking get super freaking anemic, or collapse and be bed ridden for weeks, or be a douche nosel, or a crazy old man that smokes out of a pipe like popeye. Either way you're drunk. But what do I know, I'm fucked." He said as he slid into his chair. He looked at his bottle which was almost halfway gone. "This, is some good shit."
Caleb Yung Lopez

Caleb looked at the other man that named himself Otto White. Then he looked towards the man named Daisuke and the woman named Tyler. The teen rolled his eyes and sighed at the drunk man's words, and walked toward the oldest and most mature of the three. "You're damn right I have questions, I want to know who the hell are you people, and how do you know my name" he said, I can set my plan in motion now but, I have so many questions, it wouldn't hurt to ask, either way am doing this I just need to get the information I need he thought to himself then again is my plan even all that could I can only use one arm, so I could die, oh well I prefer a 1% chance of living and finding Nelson, then a 100% chance of living and never finding him. After all if I do put my plan in motion, and live, I have a fifty, fifty chance of finding him. "One more question before anything else, do you know of a guy my age named Nelson Grayson" he asked if these people didn't know anything about Nelson, he'll just wait until the perfect moment to set his plan in motion and get the hell out
Otto White
Interaction: Tyler, Daisuke and Caleb

"Oh jesus Christ." He spoke at Tyler's dismissal of his words as a bit of anger slipped through and the room got hotter and even hotter still when he saw Daisuke acting like a goddamn fool but that was not the end as this Caleb kids attitude made him even angrier as the ambient temperature in the room increased by about twenty degrees. "You know what...fuck it I'm done with this bullshit." He walked up to Daisuke and took the bottle from his hands and slammed the rest of the dark liquor himself before using his powers to melt the glass into a puddle which he let fall to the floor, cooling rapidly but still hot enough to make a thud before he looked at Caleb. "We know you because we were told about you by a officer in this cities militia. We are either your best chance of survival or your best chance at getting killed and finally as for this Nelson fellow well he's probably dead along with anyone you ever knew, maybe he isn't but if I was a betting man I would say your friend is long gone." He turned to the door and started to walk out before pausing for a brief moment to look at all three. "I'm going down stairs, to drink, to eat or to just sit there and try not to set stuff on fire because frankly speaking this shit is getting to me in the worst kinda way and I really don't want to incinerate the few hundred families and homes around here because I got pissed off." Otto finished before walking out of the room, the heat coming off of him stripped the paint and warping the wood as he walked past and to the stairs.

This kid's a moron…. Her second impression, right after snotty brat. Not only did he act all cocky, but he apparently wasn't listening and asked questions to which answers had already been given and pissed all three of them off. "Might be better if he just… you know… dies?" Tyler commented blandly as Otto stormed from the room. She would be the only one that the heat didn't affect, and in fact, she welcomed it. As Otto warmed the room, the woman's skin turned from blue back to it's original tan coloring. "With that attitude, he won't last long anyway." When Otto was gone from the room, and far enough that she could no longer be heard, Tyler leaned her hip against the door frame and locked eyes with Caleb.

"We already told you who we are and what happened to everyone you've ever known, and yet you asked the questions again. If you're mentally handicapped or something, that's something you should tell people right away. If you're just an idiot, I can't forgive you at all. I don't know what your problem is, and I really don't care. I'm not in the mood to take care of some shitty brat. You want to find your friend? Die. If there's an afterlife, you may find him there."

Tyler moved passed the door now, reaching down to grab Daisuke by the shirt and hauling his drunk ass up from the chair he'd taken root in. "Let's go find a brothel or something. I'm out of here, and you're too hammered to be left alone with this guy. The kid can do whatever he wants." With that, Tyler exited as well, dragging Daisuke behind her with her grip on his clothing.
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[fieldbox="TIMESKIP, red, solid"]

GM Post

As a few hours passed, night began to settle over the city. Each of the different E.I. members went their own way, Otto off to drink and be alone, Tyler and Daisuke off to find some stress relief, Cal and Lucien off to find the local library, and Alkura left in her room at the inn. The kid who they had invited to join them attempted to crawl out the window to "escape" the group for whatever reason, as if they were holding him hostage, and he died when he fell, hit the ground, and smacked his head hard against the brick road, spattering his brains all over it.

In the new darkness that settled over the city, the enemy came. Armed with swords and dressed in full battle armor, the troops hid in the shadows of the city, waiting for the signal. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the city, lighting the city up with colorful red flame that flew up in the air in a pillar. Citizens were thrown to the ground, horses reared in the street, carriages were overturned. Debris began raining down on the citizens, injuring many and killing a few. The entire central keep at the heart of the city had exploded, nothing was left of the structure, and everyone inside was dead, including many of the soldiers who belonged to the local garrison. While the citizens were in shock, the enemy soldiers in the alleys swarmed out, weapons in hand, and fell upon the shocked citizenry. In the first few minutes after the explosion, a wholesale slaughter of citizens began. Thankfully, the places that the E.I. chose to pass the time at were undisturbed by the raiders, but the explosion still rocked the buildings and they still sent people to the ground, and win the debris began raining down, shattered glass flew everywhere. The real attack had begun.[/fieldbox]
Otto White
Interaction: Raiders and Alkura
Mention: Tyler, Lucien, Cal and Daisuke

He wasn't a drinker normally, even before all this, even when he lost his wife and child he didn't drink but maybe that was because the feelings he had then were rage not this cold emptiness and disappointment that filled him now. The inn was stocked well enough with beers, ales, wines, bourbons, scotch, whiskey and spirits to keep him in liquor but it seemed that he was not affected as Daisuke had been. The fire he used and the healing factor of his combined to burn away the alcohol before it could do anything other then give him a light buzz but even that didn't go beyond just letting him numb the more pressing issues in his mind that never seemed to stay gone for more than one bottle at a time, the thought that the group was pulling itself apart was his chief concern at present, how it felt like when he came back nothing was the same and frankly he felt more alone then he ever had in a long time. The thought of wandering off into the nothing that was this world and just starting over but the thought was quickly banished as loyalty to both Tyler and Daisuke however misplaced that might be now would keep him tethered to this endeavor, darker thoughts entered into his mind as well, thoughts of conquest and war in a world so unstable that a slight breeze seemed to be enough to cast it into the abyss though with the threat that stood before this world in the form of Adler it seemed more like a hurricane rather than a breeze but the thought of carving out his own little fiefdom from the despotic nobles and kings appealed to Otto's nature, to his ancestry and again he cast the thought away...for now less he be brought into conflict with both Tyler and Daisuke.
Speaking of those two, he knew they went to a brothel or at least tried to find one for some
stress relief, he knew better then to think the way he was but the dark parts of his mind told him to mistrust the promise he and Daisuke made back on the airship. To look to him with suspicion in the matter concerning Tyler and her affections but those dark parts also told him that there was no point to following that particular path, that his very being was something that was an affront, that no one could care for someone like him, "Hopefully the liquor talking." He thought idly as he finished another bottle.
The explosions came then, shaking and rattling the people in the inn and breaking many bottles, tables moved while chairs were overturned as people scrambled for cover of some sort. He could smell the ash and burning flesh drifting on the air already as screams started to fill the air outside, the innkeeper looked to him in perplexion. "Best to take these people and hide, better to get out of the city." Otto spoke from his chair as he looked to his reflection in the empty bottle of bourbon he had finished before the blasts. The innkeeper seemed to heed his words as he started to usher the people in the inn to the back way out, it was not long after that when three fully armored troops burst through the doors, none looking like the city's guard or all that friendly.
"I'm guessing that blast was your forces doing? Good plan but if the screaming is any indication the wholesale slaughter is a poor follow through, they'll fight back soon, win or lose they'll fight back." The four troopers seemed confused as to why the large man in front of them hadn't tried to run and was also speaking to them. "Look boys, I ain't in a fighting mood. Leave and you live." All four of them stood there with their hands on their weapons unsure of what to do. "So be it." Otto spoke as he turned around and leveled his red gaze upon the four of them. "All at once, one at a time or double is fine with me." They seemed to pick doubles as the first two attacked him while the other two stayed back. He sidestepped the first attack while the trooper got his blade stuck in the bar and he booted the second one in the chest sending him back to his comrades who were all three about to attack until Otto grabbed their compatriot still next to him by the back of his helmet and slammed him face first into the bar, pinning him there with his hand which made the other three pause as the one Otto had struggled against his hand. Otto squeezed his hand crushing the metal helmet around the troopers head but not enough to seriously harm him, just enough to cause him a great deal of pain as his cries of anguish were testament to. "You boys need to understand." Otto started to heat up the steel of the helmet with his hand, while the man's cries grew louder as a result of the increasing heat. "You gotta understand that whatever notions of glory or honor you were instilled with about battle in your training ends right here, you gotta understand that it's violent, savage and brutal." The smell of burning hair and the sound of sizzling skin filled the air as the cries from the man Otto had pinned turned to screams of panic and agony as he started to claw at Otto's hand. "Gotta understand you'll face horrible things, see things that will give you nightmares until you die and you'll never be able to make anyone else understand what is it that terrifies you so but most of all..." The steel helmet was red hot now and the clawing and screams were replaced by slight twitching and the sound of popping like grease on a fire before Otto applied more pressure and crushed the man's head like a grape, splattering himself, his hand and the bar with gore and brain matter which he then held up and let drip off his hand. "Most of all you'll encounter monsters of unspeakable cruelty and violence." He spoke in a tone of finality as the last three stood there shaking, one even going as far as to soil himself before all three turned tail and screamed out of the inn like the devil himself was at their heels.
He burned off the gore from his body and clothes, making sure not to set them on fire by accident before flipping the body of the man he killed up and over the bar, he looked up at the ceiling and realized that Alkura was still here and far be it from him to even think of leaving her behind. He proceeded up the steps and called out to her. "Alkura where are you, we need to get out of here." He said as he went about knocking on every door since he didn't remember which one was her's.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke was about to throw the bottle at the little snot when it was taken from him by Otto. He downed the remainder of the mystery alcohol and left the room in a heated state. "fuck." he said as Otto left, Daisuke looked a little sad as he looked at the melted pile of glass. "I know I said i'd share but damn Otto." With that the whole group seemed to give up on the kid, he was obviously in a bad situation but his attitude and cockiness made him seem like a tool and the last thing this team needed was another tool in the group, that position was held by Lucien. Daisuke chuckled to himself and repeated the word, "Tool" he laughed a little harder when Tyler finished yelling at the kid and started to drag him away.

Daisuke called out to the kid as he was being dragged away. "do yourself a favor...um whatever your name was. Forget your boyfriend and find a place to hide. This whole life is fucked up, like when I was in Hong kong for a while I thought being a Gigalo was a dream job." He clicked his tongue "boy was I wrong." he said as he made a pained face and covered his chest. "well later, me and Tyler are gonna go get some." he waved goodbye as he was dragged out the room by the angry woman. "oh Tyler, I like it when your so forceful." he said and laughed at his own words. As Tyler dragged him he wondered if she was serious, he was about to reach up for her hand when they past the drinking hall. Daisuke caught a slight glimpse of the mountain man and in his head he knew he couldn't break his word with him. 'damnit, and here she probably would bang me out of frustration. but I can't double cross Otto, I wont.'

Suddenly they were infront of a building that smelt of fancy oils and perfume. "Tyler? did you find it? it's..." tears started forming in his eyes. "It's beautiful." he said as he fell to his knees bowing to the building. "i'm not worthy...i'm...not..wortthhhyyy" he faked cryed. He was going to reach for the door when he stopped again. "after you my lady." He said half joking. Inside the building was completely different from the outside. inside was brightly colored with an onslaught of pleasurable smells, fantastic views and bountiful women. Daisuke instantly sobered up just enough to realize what's going on. "woah, I don't know about you but it's been a while since I last." he made a gesture with his fist slamming it into his palm. "you know slammed the salmon." he said as several woman started to give their attention to the two. Daisuke was in a relaxed mood which meant his demonic features were hidden except for his yellow eyes and black tattoos and Tyler was all blue so they were drawing a crowd.

The head of the brothel approached them, a big burly man with a scar over his left eye and a large sword on his belt. "I am Cedric, I own everything here what business do you have with me?" Daisuke put his arm up infront of Tyler letting her know that he got this. he cleared his throat and spoke. "Oh mighty Cedric. Word has spread far and wide of your fantastic establishment. My companion and I wish to bed with as many of your beauty's these will buy us." He tossed two gold coins to Cedric. Cedric's eyes lit up then just as suddenly they were serious. He clapped his hands and the girls approached the pair excited and interested in their forms. "that's right ladies we are great warriors from a land far away. We have come here to fight a great darkness and save you all from the Demon lord." Daisuke shot a look to Tyler as if to say, we are so gonna get laid. The girls pulled them to a big room with beds and pillows everywhere. a few girls poured drinks, other girls brought food and others danced while Daisuke started telling stories.

"truth be told this isn't my body. It's the body of the young man I share it with. He is named Adam a soldier from my homeland, as a matter of fact." He pointed to a short blonde haired woman and had her sit next to him. "Would you like to meet him?" she nodded and Daisuke swapped places with Adam. Adam's face formed as he regained consciousness. "wha? Daisuke where did you." the ladies crowded around Adam. asking if he could change faces on demand? Adam seem to panic until the blonde grabbed his hand and placed it on a soft place. "uh I uh don't really um." Adam was bright red when the blonde took him by the hand and led him to one of the beds....Fade to black.

Adam was suddenly awoken by the sound of explosions in the air. he rolled out of bed and stood up straight as if by reflex. he realized what was happening when the 3 girls finally woke up. Adam yelled at them and he found his clothes. "quick we have to get out of here, go somewhere safe hurry." Adam got out to the hallway and started banging on the doors. "hurry up and find shelter there are explosions everywhere, get somewhere safe. Tyler? Tyler? where are you?" Adam made it to the entrance only to be met with a door being slammed open. a soldier walked in and started slobbering over the girls. Something in Adam snapped and he leapt on the attacker. "You prick. leave them alone." He delivered a haymaker the side of the attackers face as he grabbed the girls and led them to the back. He stood there as the attacker's fellow soldiers entered the room.

they looked at Adam as if he had ruined their fun. "you fool we would have spared the girls, but now." they all drew their weapons. "you all die." Adam charged in dodging a sword delivering a jab uppercut combo to the closest soldier. The others swung their weapons making it impossible to get closer. from behind Adam heard someone yell out, "Great hero, take this!" It was Cedric, he threw his sword in the air for Adam to use. He caught it and took a second to admire the workmanship it was truly and magnificent sword looked to be forged for a noble. Cedric called out, "be well good hero. I look forward to meeting you again." Cedric ushered the girls to a back room where they had an escape route for such an emergency. "good they're safe, now." Adam faced the 6 guards. "whose going down first?" his blood boiled as he recalled the last defeat, "i'm not losing again." Adam charged in not fearing the enemies weapons. he got cut on his leg by a flying ax, he teleported behind the one that threw it and ran his sword through his chest. The others swung down but Adam was already gone, their blades connected with the Ax thrower. Adam reappeared and sliced their throats before going after the rest. Adam swung madly not even trying to block any attack all he could think about was the humiliation of that day and how pitiful he looked.

Daisuke… was Daisuke. She expected no less. He had to get a story in before leaving the kid behind – a kid she hoped never to see again – and then went about talking his head off the moment they arrived at the brothel. What a moron. They were possibly being hunted; did he know nothing of discretion? Stepping into the brothel wasn't as pleasing for her as it was for him. The scent of perfume was overwhelming and the women were shameless. And that thought was coming from the woman who blatantly asked a soldier to bang.

Before long, the two were being dragged into a large room, which Tyler found odd. She didn't come here to party. Letting her skin heat up, the blue coloring faded into tanned skin and her body temperature would be closer to normal this way. The warm-up wasn't her scene, so while Daisuke was taking a seat, Tyler hooked two women by the arms and turned them right around. "Ladies, let me borrow you." The three women disappeared.


"Oh, come on!" Tyler growled at the cacophony of explosions going off outside the building. Only moments later, Adam's voice could be heard calling down the hallway. A banging on the door drew her attention that way, but it was gone instantly. "Fuck." The woman groaned and grabbed some clothes and her mace, hopping into them as she burst through the door into the hall. By the time she made it down the stairs, she was in nothing but underwear that wasn't even hers and some sort of slip top that women wore under dresses and went to about mid-thigh. Thinking about it, that wasn't hers either.

At that moment Adam had finished moving the girls away, all of which were coming in her direction. She ushered them back further and Cedric took care of the rest. Knowing that the bystanders were out of the way, Tyler twisted her head, her neck letting out a loud crack, before she moved forward. Adam had started his attack, but he was leaving his weak spots open. Tyler charged in behind him, as one man swung for Adam's exposed flank. "Moron, down!" She planted a foot on Adam's back and pushed him forward, out of the way of the soldier's swing. Then she laid waste to that attacker with a back spin and a lethal mace to face impact.

Seeing that Adam was so open, more men were starting to circle him for his weaknesses. Tyler backed herself right up to Adam's back. "Dude, you need to focus and think. You're leaving yourself open." She smashed another to the ground, then another. "Calm down. Take out these guys, then we need to find the team."
[fieldbox="Chaos in the Streets, red, solid"]


Alkura was ducked in a corner, shielding herself with her arms over her head. Just moments ago, the girl had been standing near the window, looking out on the city, just before the central keep exploded, and debris began raining down from the sky. When the explosion hit initially, Alkura was knocked off her feet. The entire building creaked and groaned under the shockwave sent out and the glass windows shattered, sneding shards everywhere. Thankfully Alkura's position on the ground meant that the glass was sent over her, and broke harmlessly against the wall. Then the debris started raining down, the window's positon facing the central keep meant that pieces were being thrown through the window. This lead Alkura to ducking down and away from the window. She heard sounds of a scuffle downstairs, and then she smelled a scent wafting up, accompanied by the voice of Otto, asking where she was. The smell was of burning human flesh, and Alkura knew who had created that smell. Alkura got up, opened the door, and stumbled into the hallway, walking out to where Otto was. Fear was in her eyes and voice as she spoke to him. "What's going on?" Alkura realized, that she still had no weapon, a precaution taken by Tyler, and briefly she considered getting one.[/fieldbox]
Otto White
Interaction: Alkura

He knelt down to eye level with the teen to account for the large height difference between the two of them, he could see the fear that danced in her eyes and in her voice as he brushed some debris off of her shoulders and hair. "It seems a attack is happening." His tone was soft as he spoke to the girl, some left over paternal instinct kicking in. "Daisuke and Tyler ain't here right now and neither are Lucien or Cal leaving just the two of us. I think it's best if we leave and head for your father and Cal, they were heading to the library if I remember right. This is not a good place to be since looters will more then likely be coming for the money and alcohol, what do you think Alkura?" He asked the teen as he stood back up and moved back to the stairs motioning for her to follow, he went back behind the bar and rummaged around the man he kicked for a blade which he found, a stiletto style knife and sheath which he then moved to give to Alkura. "Here, you're gonna need something."
Adam Kane

As Adam fought he felt the sharp pain of their weapons tearing and stabbing into his flesh. He used it as fuel for his attacks, the pain it was starting to affect him less and less. He charged in driving the blade into the sternum of his attacker. As he pushed the blade it, it got caught in the rib cage of his attacker leaving Adam's back wide open. Adam was more concerned for the blade as he tried to rip it from the corpse, suddenly he heard her voice, then felt her kick.

The force was more than enough to cast Adam to the ground, his sworn following after. He looked up to see Tyler saving him again. At first he wanted to yell at her for butting in, but he remembered Otto's words and his experiences with the raiders. He stood up sword in hand and went back to back with Tyler. "You're right, let's beat these guys then we can regroup." Adam took in a deep breath and started to focus, as he did the blood from his wounds stopped flowing and his cuts started to heal. The men started whispering to eachother, "he's healing? That kids not normal. He's, he's a demon." A light bulb went off.

Adam started laughing. "That's right I am a demon." His eyes glowed bright yellow, his fangs, horns and claws grew. His tail sprung from his pants as he drove the sword into the floor. He took an aggressive stance and roared ferociously. "And this Demon is starving for human souls!"

Adam winked at Tyler as if to say 'their confidence is shaken now is our chance.' Adam planned to charge forward leaving the rear to Tyler. He charged forward hands like Spears driving them into the belly's of the two closest attackers. He pulled them out quickly spraying their companions with blood. He looked up with blood all over his face. "Whose next?" He charged in dodging slashes from the enemy and delivering fatal attack after fatal attack.