Of Magic and Moonlight OOC

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Looking forward towards any attempts at their lives. :3 I'll try to post later today. I can't be online long due to injuring my eyes but I'm sure I can get something out~
Sorry to hear about your eyes, and I hope your injury heals soon.
@Canadian Cat, will you be responding soon? I believe you are talking with Izor.
Yeah im sorry the last couple of months have been a busy time of year for me. Ill get on that.
Ello there everyone, the skeleton just joined the party.
I've been waiting for a few others to post before I post with Claudia. Particularly those in the dining room who haven't responded yet, but some others haven't posted in a while as well.
Same pretty much. Don't wanna leave anyone behind but at the same time, we're just eating and chatting. o .o
Okay. So, I have to admit I'm kind of blanking on ideas for this rp right now. I'm going to keep thinking about what we can do to shake some things up for everyone, but in the mean time anyone have any ideas? Anything you all want to do?
Well, the group in the prison is waiting on @Tarieles. I'm inclined to move on without them. As for what else can happen, I have a lot planned for Carmine, but that's really all it's based around. There are a few key players in it, but they are mostly played by Icey
I'm still all for that~ Not going anywhere. x3

My light coven members ended up attracting more attention than I expected. Mainly because I don't expect much out of a rude kid and a glowstick.

Originally I was going to have Kai become a little creepy as he went along. Like if he gained an interest in someone he'd be stuck wondering if he was just interested in their blood or the person themselves. Which might lead him to that icky yandere route. Though melting his heart and changing his view of things would be nice too. Either way, to stay here, he's probably gonna have to get killed off or stop talking shit.

Ria was just supposed to be an easy target. o .o Perhaps accidentally offend people along the way. There's also a corruption route which is fine too. Along with the possibility of dying in the line of duty. It'd be sad but it's a risk all guard dogs take. >.>

Nothing is really set in stone though. Both of them have lots of room to grow so I'm pretty open to anything anyone would want to plan out.
Yeah I have been having little to no interest in roleplaying in general as of late, and I've been attempting to get a reply out but literally just can't bring myself to write anything. So I am probably gonna pull out temporarily and come back when I can actually write.
Sorry about being MIA for a few days everyone. I had some internet issues, but I am back now.

Yeah I have been having little to no interest in roleplaying in general as of late, and I've been attempting to get a reply out but literally just can't bring myself to write anything. So I am probably gonna pull out temporarily and come back when I can actually write.
I understand. You are completely free to come back whenever you want.
I was kind of out of it being away, but I think I'm in the right mind set now and am going to continue to think about what we can do with this rp.

Meanwhile, @DANAsaur, will you be posting for Valerie soon? I wanted to wait for a response from her since she's in the dinning room before I posted.
Also, @daird, are you still participating and will you be posting soon? Since Tarieles is out for now, you can just move your character to somewhere else without worrying about Dev.
Is Tarieles writing herself out? if not i can work my post in
I'm not really sure, but since it's temporary (at least for now) I was just going to have us skim over it.
@DANAsaur, will you be posting for Valerie soon? I wanted to wait for a response from her since she's in the dinning room before I posted.

I'm just waiting for a post from Tarieles before I make one since I kinda wanted to know their reaction.

But if needed, I can work on a post