Rads & Lady_Of_The_Storm

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Every arrow finds a home in some poor wolfs body. Be it there head, heart, or just a way to get them to stop moving. She's cold and calculated. Killing with no mercy and staying her ground even as the wind whips around her in anger. She is a storm in the tree, her powers corralling the beast with unrelenting gusts until she can kill them easily. As the first wave calms she can hear Liayla crying softly from her back and she frowns. "The sooner this is over, the better." She said. The she whispered a spell under her breath. The next arrow landed away from them, and from it a glowing silver light that twisted into a tornado. The glowing collum shattered and created a wall of wind that would hopefully drive the wolves back.
Just when one thought it was over a pack of the third wave come with a winteva dire wolf, it roars and it's so powerful it rips through several trees. Ziago blinks in shocked the says" Well this sucks this creature is wind immune and has very thick skin, they are meant to up north in the yudan mountains and places like that but I thought they were killed in the great demon war".

He pauses for a few moments then says" I hate using my demon form but this will take too long if I don't". " Also I remember you said you would accept my form, no matter what we'll he it goes". He starts to glow a deep purple and his skin starts to go a dark blue and green, and his tail and wings form. Four horns start to come through his skull and his eyes start to turn reptailian. Bones start to come out of his elbows. His skin starts to firm scales and his nails burst through his feet and his claws start to get longer.
He deeply sighs then says" darn I just brought these a month ago".
She's nearly flung from her spot in the tree and forced to hold on as the forest beneath her shook. Liayla crying louder at the harsh noise. She found herself the center for many of the wolves attention very suddenly and grit her death as she fired. "That thing is there alpha, we kill it they may flee." She said even as she kicked a wold who got to close to her branch.

Ziago transformed and while her heart sped up it was not in fear. She knew the beast he looked like was nothing like who he truly was. "Please, get us home." She said softly smiling in his direction "beast or man, I know who you are."
He gently laughs then says" your wish is good as done my soon to be queen". The other wolves charge him, several bite and try to hold him down but he's much stronger than them and throws them of like rag dolls.
He starts to heal as he picks up speed to run towards their alpha
The wolves continue to attack but as he's runing he is attacking as well, the sound of bones creaking and blood fills the air as he uses his tail and claws as naturally as breathing.
They get some more bites and claw attacks and even some magic attacks in. They sting him but he continues to run. " Get out of way weaklings". His uses his tail and claws and slices some of them to pieces.
The alpha howls in a way to call them back, the ones that have not suffered yet retreat. The alpha then says" we have lost this battle hr could of killed all of you and I wouldn't get off lightly eaither.

Ziago starts to revert to his human form and then says" you'd better have a good reason for attacking my people Selick and sorry for not remembering sooner it has been what ten long years".
Selick chuckles then says" that it has young defender, I'm sorry about the attack we were forced from our home in the mountains by white dragons".
Ziago deeply sighs then says" let me guess Qutiga dragon queen".
As things begin to calm down she moves to stand behind him. Moving the crying toddler from her back and into her arms and bouncing her softly even as she watched the wolf. The wind still spun around her. When it was clear there would be no more fighting for now she began healing those she could. He hands however where soon needed for the more hurt members so she set Liayla down. The little girl made a beeline for Ziago. The little girl hiding in his cape and leaning on his leg.
As things begin to calm down she moves to stand behind him. Moving the crying toddler from her back and into her arms and bouncing her softly even as she watched the wolf. The wind still spun around her. When it was clear there would be no more fighting for now she began healing those she could. He hands however where soon needed for the more hurt members so she set Liayla down. The little girl made a beeline for Ziago. The little girl hiding in his cape and leaning on his leg.
He gently laughs then says" it's ok liaya sorry about that". He gently ruffles her hair, he thinks for a few minutes then says" ugh now we have two new issues to deal with, give me three days and I'll build you a new place".
Selick smirks then says" very well there's just enough food for that time frame". He then vanishes into the mist along with his remaining pack.
He then remembers they need meat and such then says" sorry people you're going to have make do with vegetables and salted meats and such till this is sorted".
She heals the last man and they branch out to begin gathering, a few bringing particuqlly good berries or flower back for Liayla as they work. Kiri by her lip softly and moved to stand beside him. "Ziago? What rid you mean?" She asked softly and when looked up at him. "When you changed...what you said....what does that mean?"
She heals the last man and they branch out to begin gathering, a few bringing particuqlly good berries or flower back for Liayla as they work. Kiri by her lip softly and moved to stand beside him. "Ziago? What rid you mean?" She asked softly and when looked up at him. "When you changed...what you said....what does that mean?"
He deeply sighs then says" I means I might have kill the dragon queen". He pauses for a minute then says" that part of me is drawn to battle and blood plus all that follows with it, that's why I haven't used it in ages because of how I can be". " While I can be a kind and good man can I really keep being this good man you see I've never bothered to bond with most because of this fact".
She pulled him to the side a bit and frowned "I worry for that, I do not want to see you fighting such legendary beings alone, and I believe with all my heart you are a good man, but that's not what I was talking about." She squeezed softly at his arm. "You called me you soon to be wife. Why? Your highness I don't understand."
She pulled him to the side a bit and frowned "I worry for that, I do not want to see you fighting such legendary beings alone, and I believe with all my heart you are a good man, but that's not what I was talking about." She squeezed softly at his arm. "You called me you soon to be wife. Why? Your highness I don't understand."
He gently laughs ah that, well it was bound to come up sooner or later, given how the will and laws of this land". " I wasn't planing on mentioning it before because I figured I didn't deserve to be loved". " But with you by my side I will be able to fight my inner darkness". " I know it's kinda selfish but would you do me the honor".
she shook her head slowly and frowned in confusion. "What laws? What will? I have no idea what's going on and while I do love you, I won't be your wife if it's just because someone else commanded me to. Ziago I have a daughter that comes before me, or you, or even this kingdom. You need to explain what's going on." she glanced back at the little girl who was now helping a few guards pick berries. "Why me?" she asked softly
she shook her head slowly and frowned in confusion. "What laws? What will? I have no idea what's going on and while I do love you, I won't be your wife if it's just because someone else commanded me to. Ziago I have a daughter that comes before me, or you, or even this kingdom. You need to explain what's going on." she glanced back at the little girl who was now helping a few guards pick berries. "Why me?" she asked softly
He rubs the back of his head then says" in this country from way back each royal must have a queen, I wasn't supposed king but since I'm the only one left I was forced to take the crown". " I also never really liked how things came to be". " I've never experienced love but for some reason when I'm with you I feel I can start to feel love". " I also enjoy being with you, lastly the dragon spirit says" you will be a wise queen and you'll be good for me".
she hummed and shook her head. "You realize that it's not just me, right? You're asking me to be your wife and yes, yes I would love to, but you don't get just me. Liayla would be your daughter just as I'm your wife. there is no sending her away. no starting a family of your own because she is and will always be here. are you willing to be a father on top of being a king, and husband?" She wanted to run to him but she had to be sure first that he would accept Liayla as his own just as she had. "There is no me without her."
she hummed and shook her head. "You realize that it's not just me, right? You're asking me to be your wife and yes, yes I would love to, but you don't get just me. Liayla would be your daughter just as I'm your wife. there is no sending her away. no starting a family of your own because she is and will always be here. are you willing to be a father on top of being a king, and husband?" She wanted to run to him but she had to be sure first that he would accept Liayla as his own just as she had. "There is no me without her."
He laughs then says" oh i thought she was just a big fairy following you around and hitching a ride on you back ". " Jokes and all aside i there was never not on the cards, besides the other women here have family's so that would be a no go anyways". "It will be a new experience for me but i will do the best i can as her new dad that's a promise". " I had a friend a long time ago called tangerine and he came from a broken home so another reason i wouldn't do that to her". " I'll plan the wedding a few weeks from now that way everything will be sorted, speaking of which you'll need to talk to the jeweller in town to get your finger measured unless you know the exact size".
She nodded "good." She said before smiling at him. "Then I'd at least like a kiss from my fiancée." She stepped forward a bit and placed a hand on his chest. "I didn't know this morning that I would be betrothed."
She nodded "good." She said before smiling at him. "Then I'd at least like a kiss from my fiancée." She stepped forward a bit and placed a hand on his chest. "I didn't know this morning that I would be betrothed."
He leans in and kisses her ever so tenderly then lets it linger, he then softly smiles and then says" and i didn't think i'd find a wife so soon so it's worked out perfectly". " Oh the shop that sells dresses should till be open would you like to go in with some of the lady's before you head back to the castle"?
She laughed as a few men around them cheered cheekily. "I haven't worn a dress in a very long time. I think it would be a lovely idea to take a few ladies with me." She considered as she returned to foraging.
She laughed as a few men around them cheered cheekily. "I haven't worn a dress in a very long time. I think it would be a lovely idea to take a few ladies with me." She considered as she returned to foraging.
Sorry the delay feeling kinda mehish because of lack of sleep etc

He playfully smiles then says" I might have to beat off some of the men if you look too good". He pauses for a few moments then says" jokes and all aside we have about an thirty minutes before the sun sets given it's no longer summer".
She nodded and looked over where several men where playfully 'dieing' as Liayla 'shot' them with someone's not loaded crossbow. "Let's head back then. I have enough to make dinner tonight." She said softly
She nodded and looked over where several men where playfully 'dieing' as Liayla 'shot' them with someone's not loaded crossbow. "Let's head back then. I have enough to make dinner tonight." She said softly

He nods then says" oh are you going to help make something special"? "Also I'll take her back and look after her for a bit so you can have a bath and relax before dinner".
She hummed as she made her way over and let the soldiers put the giggling toddler into her spot on her back carefully. "Yes, I think a berry tart will go good with whatever is for dinner. Not to sweet but still delicious." She said even as they began to head back