[Samuel x Roman]

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Samuel smiled and nodded along as Roman described the exact thoughts he had had around age eleven. Until Roman quite randomly proposed the idea of going outdoors.

"Huh, really?" his face shone up even brighter for a moment and he sat up in the bed, ready to grab a soccerball and go outside within seconds before he remembered that Roman actually had a reason for avoiding the whole sports thing, at which he frowned instead, "Is that a good idea though?"

He really didn't know how bad Romans hemophilia was, or how often he had incidents like the one that happened when they first met, but if Roman was at risk of hurting himself by going out to play soccer he'd probably rather stay inside and chill, even if the weather was nice and casual kicking around a ball in the back yard with friends was one of his favourite pass times.
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"As long as you don't hit me in the face, I'll be fine," Roman assured Samuel, touching a hand to the other boy's waist for a moment before standing up and picking up the first soccerball he found on the ground. He passed it to Samuel carefully as he knew his own mother would kill him for throwing balls around inside.

He allowed Samuel to lead him out to the backyard. Standing in the shade firmly because he burned very easily in the sun, Roman faced Samuel.

"I have no idea what to do so I'm going to look like a gangly uncoordinated mess," he informed Samuel with a small chuckle.
While still a little hesitant Samuel was happy Roman didn't mind playing so he excitedly lead Roman through and out of the house and took his place in the sun while Roman seemed to be content in staying in the shade of the house.

"don't worry I'll go easy on ya" he gave Roman a small smirk and put the ball on the ground in front of him.

"I can't promise I won't laugh if you look too silly, though, sorry" He joked and winked at Roman before kicking the ball over to Roman over to where he stood in the shade, making sure not to pass it too hard and to aim around the general area of Romans feet so that he would be able to receive it.
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Roman flipped Samuel off and watched the ball as it gently sailed over to him. He kicked at it, and it went flying back to Samuel, though a little harder than he had intended. Roman might have been the size of a toothpick, but he had a fair amount of strength due to his height.

"Okay, this isn't so bad. I'll be playing professionally in no time," Roman joked. He knew that if he actually tried to play soccer properly, he would die within the first ten minutes and there was nothing he could do to prevent that.

They continued like that for a little while, with Roman slowly improving, until they heard a car pull up in the driveway. "I think your mother might be home," said Roman, forgetting that Mrs Ortega had walked the dog.
The smile that had been present on his face throughout the entire afternoon fading within seconds when he realized that it was the sound of his dad's car Roman was referring to. He stopped what he was doing right away, trying to come up with a way to not let his dad even see Roman. Maybe he could hide up in his room until his dad was too busy to notice him sneaking out, or maybe he could jump the fence to the neighbor's yard, or-

And at that point, it was already too late as his dad had already gone inside, spotted them through the window and was now on his way out.

Samuel and his dad looked a lot alike with the same dark hair and tan skin, but his dad's almost ever present scowl was contrasting enough to Samuels usual expressions that he was compared to his mother way more often. He was also a good bit shorter than Samuel, about the same height as his wife who was pretty tall compared to other women at around 5'7. Samuel always felt smaller than him, though, probably due to growing up with the stern man.

"You didn't tell you would have a friend over, Samuel" was the first thing his dad said, his accent still present although faded over the years.

"Mum knows" Samuel was trying to not sound as if he was doing something wrong, which he technically wasn't but it still really felt like he was, "she's out with Daisy, she should be home soon"

Then a deep breath before continuing.
"This is Roman, he's a classmate" he introduced his friend for him, trying to cut the conversation as short as possible and his dad turned to look over Roman properly, "Roman this is my dad, Manuel"

His father's face was completely blank, he didn't show any of the signs of distaste but Samuel knew at was there seeing as his dad usually would be pretty happy about his son being out practicing with his friends. He still seemed to have the decency to be polite, though, "Nice to meet Roman... Are you planning on staying over for dinner?"
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Roman licked his lips as Samuel's father came out into the yard. So this was the homophobe, the one Samuel was obviously afraid for Roman to meet. Roman gave the man a once-over glance, determining at once, with his talent of reading people, that Manuel Ortega disliked him already.

Still, Roman was polite. "It's nice to meet you too, sir," he lied smoothly. Really, all Roman wanted to do was punch this guy in the face for the way he oppressed his son, but he'd probably get arrested, which his dad would not like too much.

"Well, if you'll have me for dinner I'd like to stay," Roman said with a shrug. What he wouldn't do, however, was dial anything down for this asshole that did not and would not ever deserve the wonderful son he had.
Samuel nervously looked over at his father, almost expecting him to outright say no, but thankfully he just gave the boys a nod, told them he had work to do and went inside again without a look back.

"C'mon lets go back upstairs" Samuel mumbled, wanting to get behind the closed doors of his bedroom because for some reason he felt as if his dad would suspect something just by being able to give them a glance out the window.

He walked back into the house and to his room, casting a look back to make sure Roman followed him, while still keeping a distance between them just in case. He was probably acting overly cautious, but the thought of even planting the idea of him being anything else than straight really freaked him out.

"sorry I thought he wouldn't be home until later" Samuel said as he closed the door to his room behind him, finally able to relax somewhat again.
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"It's fine," Roman assured Samuel once they were back in the safety of the boy's room. Roman didn't care at all what Manuel Ortega thought of him -- he had faced persecution every day of his life so one more asshole's invalid opinion made no difference to Roman.

What he cared about was Samuel.

Roman pulled him onto the bed beside him like before, though they were sitting up straight this time, and rubbed his back reassuringly. He couldn't imagine how Samuel was feeling. He was gay, in the house of his homophobic father, with the boy who he had had sex with only five nights previously.

"You okay?" Roman asked softly.
Samuel wanted to lean into Romans touch and just sit there closely and quietly for a while but he forced himself not to, he just couldn't do that knowing his dad was home.

"Yeah... Sorry" he mumbled before putting on a smile again, trying to get back to the mood they had been in before, "Okay, so, movie while waiting for dinner?"

He didn't know if it was his unwillingness to talk about things that bothered him or him being paranoid about his father overhearing him saying something he shouldn't, even if he was downstairs, that made him suggest putting on a movie again. But was a kind of good distraction.

He jumped back out of the bed, grabbed his laptop and three movies from his cluttered desk.
"I'm giving you three options because these are the ones I have in my room," he said as he sat back down on the bed and placed the laptop between them.

"Soccer girls defying their parents" he put down Bend it like Beckham in front of Roman, "pre-breakdown Amanda Bynes pretending to be a boy while also playing soccer" the second movie he laid down being She's the man. A and then he threw down the last one and said "twilight". That one didn't need an explanation.
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"So, basically, my options are soccer, soccer and something I actually know shit about." Roman chuckled and picked up Twilight, passing it to Samuel and laying down on the bed with his chin propped up on his hand. "Don't get mad at me if I fangirl over Jasper."

Roman watched Samuel move, and realised that he was more graceful than he had thought. Roman guessed it was because he played sport, but still, it was somewhat surprising.

"I was ever Team Edward or Team Jacob. They were both whiny bitches and Bella has the personality of a wet piece of cardboard so she didn't deserve either of them. Jasper was the best."
Samuel just laughed at Romans unwillingness to watch the two, totally awesome if he said so himself, soccer movies. He put the DVD into his computer, started the movie and Kristen Stewarts voice started monologuing about death while forest scenery was being shown on screen.

"Really? I always thought he was slightly too... Edgy? Or, I dunno, forgettable? " he said, trying to recall what the character was like since it had been a while since he reread the books, "I used to be hardcore team Jacob, though, until I realized he was kind of an asshole who couldn't deal with just being Bellas friend, after that I went over to being team Bree and Diego exclusively. Did you read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?"

He added the question as soon as he mentioned the two rather unimportant characters seeing as not everyone had been as committed to the books the read the spin-offs. Samuel definitively had, though, and had also been gravely disappointed when Stephenie had discontinued Midnight Sun.
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"How dare you call Jasper Whitlock Hale forgettable," Roman said in a disgusted tone. He gave Samuel a deplorable look and gently shoved his shoulder with a chuckle. He wasn't actually offended, not many people liked Jasper, and certainly not to the extent that Roman did.

"Of course I read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. It was glorious. Diego was a babe." Roman chuckled again and tucked Samuel's hair behind his ear affectionately. "Did you relate to your Hispanic brethren? I'm pretty sure there's no half-Australian, quarter-New Zealand quarter-Swedish vampires for me to relate to."

Roman moved his green eyes to the screen, where Bella was now being a sulky bitch and moving to Forks. "I loved Jane, though. If Jane wasn't twelve or something she would be my wifey. Dakota Fanning is fucking gorgeous."
"I just thought they were cooler because they drank people blood if I'm being honest" he laughed, he had never really read that far into the character. He had also never really considered the fact that Roman wasn't completely Australian and honestly found it quite nice to learn new things about him.

Another thing that was nice was how Roman kept doing things like tucking away out of place strands of hair from Samuels' face. The other didn't even really seem to notice he was doing it, but he did and he even if he really know why he found it nice he didn't mind it at all nd just let it happen.

"You know, now I'm just gonna assume you're secretly into twelve-year-old Dakota Fanning, I didn't even realize she was that young when these movies came out, so good job" Samuel teased and laughed a little as the actors on screen helplessly tried to portrey what they seemed to think human interaction was supposed to look like.
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"No, she wasn't twelve when the movies came out, she was like sixteen but Jane was twelve when she was turned," Roman defended himself with a joking smile as he watched the exceptionally awkward characters engage in exceptionally awkward social interaction.

Roman discreetly took Samuel's hand and kissed the back of it, holding it as they continued to watch the film.

"It's really funny because everyone gives Kristen Stewart so much shit for her acting but this is how Bella is supposed to be."
Once again Samuel let Roman do the things he did, kissing his hand and holding it, but now that he had decided to keep his hand in his Samuel couldn't help but to occasionally throw nervous glances at the door. Roman was his friend, and Samuel liked the fact that he was so affectionate but he knew what it would look like to his parents of they for some reason decided to barge in.

"Yeah, she's just doing her best with what she was given, no one would be able to do it any better really" Although the feeling of being on edge kind of distracted him slightly from the movie Samuel still continued talking as nothing had changed, "It goes for a lot of the other actors as well, like Robert Pattinson went on to do some good stuff but people keep dismissing them as bad just because he was in Twilight"
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Roman didn't care at all if Samuel's parents caught them holding hands, kissing, fucking, whatever. He didn't understand why their son, Samuel, needed to hide his sexuality from them. It saddened Roman to think that anyone had to be so secretive around their parents and keep such a huge thing from them.

"Well, Anna Kendrick was in Twilight but she became super successful," Roman said with a shrug, rubbing the back of Samuel's hand with his thumb. "And Jamie Campbell Bower, he was in Harry Potter."

Roman turned and looked at Samuel. "So is there anything I should be worried about with your parents?" he inquired.
"just..." Samuel didn't want to tell him to act like someone he wasn't and he shouldn't even have to tell him that in the first place, "Just be kind of careful of what you say alright, they will probably not start anything when you're here, but..."
Implying that even if his dad wouldn't outright tell Roman to fuck off for saying something he didn't like but that Samuel might get in trouble for it later.

His dad had been weary of getting angry at Samuel when he had friends over ever since an incident when he was 13. Evan had been over and they hade been kicking around a soccer ball indoors and managed to break something that was too unimportant to remember. Still once Manuel found out he had slapped his son and then proceeded to yell at them about not playing soccer in the house for way longer than necessary.

Samuel had been so embarrassed abut his dad slapping him in front of his friend that he had threatened Evan to tell people he was into Ricky's older sister if he told anyone, the boy did tell his mum about being yelled at though and apparently, she got angry enough to call his dad and tell him she did not want him raising his voice at her kid.

Nowadays his dad tended to dial it down until his friends had left.

"I mean it shouldn't really be anything to worry about, though" he continued after a short pause, because really as long as Roman didn't outright spill the fact that Samuel was gay his father wouldn't technically have anything to be mad about "It's just dinner"
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Roman certainly didn't want to get Samuel in trouble with his father, and he would not do so deliberately. But, he wasn't going to change any part of his own personality to suit some asshole he didn't even like.

Roman graciously set the table when it was dinnertime and made sure to give Mrs Ortega lots of compliments on her cooking -- and he wasn't even putting it on, it was delicious. He also engaged in polite small talk with both of Samuel's parents and was naturally polite in everything he said.

But his mannerisms and the way he moved were probably setting Mr Ortega off. He looked kind of feminine, with the way he touched his hand to his chin as he smiled and the way he tucked his hair behind his ear. He also sat in a sort of feminine way, with one leg crossed over the other knee and with good posture. And he truly was not doing this deliberately.

"So what exactly do you do, Mr Ortega?" he asked politely, feigning interest. He didn't care what this asshole did, as long as he wasn't abusing his son.
Dinner went out with out any real troubles and after a while it got to a point where Samuel felt like there was way less to worry about that he had initial thought. Roman was still Roman, there was no getting past that. His dad had already decided he didn't like Roman when they first got introduced but his mother seemed to like him, and that counted for something at least.

Samuel zoned out a little when his dad started to talk about the totally not boring world of IT or whatever and after he had finished up his slightly too lengthy explanation of his work he got quiet for a moment before saying "Tell me, Roman, what Are your parents working with"

Samuel knew the reason his dad asked was to get to know what kind of people would allow their son to turn out like Roman, as if it there had to be a reason for him being him, probably not assuming to hear something that he would view as a traditional family. That was usually what he blamed people being different on.
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Roman was not a moron and he could tell that Manuel Ortega thought his parents were responsible for what he turned out to be. Roman thought that was hilarious. Manuel would definitely not be so quick to assume that parents shaped their kids if he knew that he had produced a homosexual son.

"My mother is a Year 2 teacher up at Maryborough Education Centre," Roman replied pleasantly as he fixed the glittery septum piercing in his nose. He was sort of deliberately highlighting all of the things that made him queer to Samuel's dad, such as the piercings, and the dark purple eyeliner in his waterline, and the bright pink wristbands on his dainty arms.

"And my father is the head of the Maryborough police department." Two highly respectable and important professions. And they were much more interesting, rewarding and important than whatever Manuel did in the exciting world of IT.

"Actually, my mother taught Samuel in Year 2," Roman said conversationally. "Ingrid Hemlock? She goes to you for her highlights," he added to Mrs Ortega.