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"Strangers are just friends you haven't met. The more the merrier!" Star clapped and grinned. She certainly looked excited about all of this.
For Eden, among her best skills is observation. For the adult female who seemed new here like she was, there were a few things that subtly were noticeable to the telepath. First, the woman's pupils were a tad larger than would be considered normal. Her body language seemed off. Only a small amount of emotions could be detected without trying, that of wariness and the feeling of being on the outside looking in. She was not however giving any kind of sign of unfriendliness or outright fear.

" You are absolutely right Miss ... " There was a pause there, meant to note in a subtle way that Eden still didn't know the woman's name.
" Lets just head over there and correct that " There was a sense of fearlessness about Eden, perhaps to her detriment.

The young telepath walked right over to the shadow man, stopping a few feet from where he was leaning against the table.

"Forgive me sir. My friends ( she gestures at the table where the other two are ) noticed you and this woman come into the cafeteria and thought it would be polite to invite you to sit with us! My name is Eden, I am a student here as of today. "
Nathan Stone and Jasper Knight

Nathan was so not used to people taking things at face value. Everyone who ever came to this city was always questioning things. He had a feeling that it didn't matter what he said, Eden was going to invite the woman over and strangely, he figured it was the best approach.

It was probably better to stick together. He had learned from a young age that being alone in this school was the worst thing. The students who were evil or had dark ambitions often came after you when you were alone. And that was the last thing that anyone needed in this city. It was strange to think that the school was the most neutral ground in the whole city, but it was. Adam was far too welcoming, and that was just the sad truth. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at the ground.

There was something interesting on how casual the girls could be to this information. But then again, he had never met a normal person in Starlight City. There was exactly one close to normal individual.

That individual had been the older child that Adam had adopted. He wondered what had happened to him, but it hardly seemed like a big deal. He was sure he was fine.... probably.

Jasper couldn't remember the last time he had stepped out of the shadows. That was never a good thing and he was sure that Adam would yell at him for living his life in the shadows. But he couldn't help. There was something wonderful about being unnoticed in the background and not having to deal with the rest of the world. He knew that it wasn't healthy to avoid people, but he was never one to be social in the first place. With a family as big as his, it was easy to be forgotten or unnoticed. Especially when the rest of the family was so loud and noticeable. A god of bad luck that gave an unmistakable aura, an ice god who loved his puns as much as he loved his looks and his luck as much of his kindness. A werewolf god. It also was easy to be the forgotten one amongst those. Nobody worshipped shadows, it wasn't a needed thing, so being invisible was the perfect cover as well.

That being said, being the shadow meant that the only companion he had was his own mind and his own words. So it was important to step out of the shadows, as much as it was to not step out of them. The longer he stayed in the shadows, the more he lost pieces of his sanity and each emergence becomes harder and harder to take in. It would probably help if people actually took his class or for that matter, talked to him, no matter how hard he made it, but nobody put in the effort."

That had always been his problem. He was an anti-social shy and awkward god of the shadows. It was hard to relate to things in the world of light when he dwelled in the shadows. Sure, food was easy to bring in, but other things had never been. Like phones and books or games. They would either stay where they had been started or would disappear and never to be seen in. He could drag people to talk too.... but the last person he had been able to do that with was the girl, the nice woman. But then he had lost her. He wasn't sure where. He knew portals could open in the shadow, but he still blamed himself. It was harder to lose people when you never interacted them. There was no pain in being invisible and alone.

He would look over at the girl as she stared at him. He expected that she would take pity on him and then he heard the words that she had asked the other one about him. She had asked if it was okay to extend the request to him. Jasper had never been invited to anything else in his life.... well outside of family gatherings amongst the gods, but that was family.

This was completely different though. This was being invited by students and other adults to join them for a meal. It was rare.... it was valuable.

This was a weird feeling to have. The feeling to be wanted and included in life. Was this what it felt like to be happy? Oh Gods, he couldn't remember the last time he had been happy as his life had been filled with avoiding interactions and being alone. Maybe he had been happy the day he had first slipped into the shower or perhaps the day they made him into the god of shadows from just being the son of two gods. Or maybe, he had never been happy. Maybe this was the first time he had ever been happy.

" You are absolutely right Miss ... " There was a pause there, meant to note in a subtle way that Eden still didn't know the woman's name.
" Lets just head over there and correct that " There was a sense of fearlessness about Eden, perhaps to her detriment. The young telepath walked right over to the shadow man, stopping a few feet from where he was leaning against the table.

It didn't matter though. It wasn't like the other girls would agree or the other boy. He wasn't a big part of the lives of his students and they often were talking about someone else. Perhaps he was getting his hopes up for nothing more than a pipe dream. Or maybe..... just maybe.... this time would be different as he watched the young woman approach him and ask her question. How did he answer though?

" There is no need for forgiveness. I would like to join you, Eden. I thought you were newish. I guess, I should eventually introduce myself. Jasper Knight," he replied, looking at her. " Lead the way to your friends," he added with a smile. God, it felt good to be happy.

@Gands @Zarko Straadi @Michale CS
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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"Strangers are just friends you haven't met. The more the merrier!" The young sorceress clapped and grinned. She seemed almost like a living firepowder show. Naunet's mind examined her words like one who had found an unusual gadget, wondering what it did and if it worked. It seemed like a pleasant philosophy to hold, and Naunet found herself wondering what kind of world the sorceress had come from.

"You are absolutely right Miss ... " Eden's words pulled her from her musings.

The young woman's reply seemed curiously tangential, since Naunet had not made a claim. Well, she had proposed a hypothesis, that the shadow-weaver was indigenous to this world, so perhaps that was what--it was then that Naunet noticed the girl's pause, a space meant, perhaps, for Naunet to enter her name. She was just about to open her mouth when her time ran out.

"Lets just head over there and correct that," Eden said, then started out boldly toward the man. Correct...what? Naunet wondered, but she took it in stride. Normally she was the one whose words didn't quite seem to fit the situation, judging by the reactions of others. Naunet followed Eden in silence, gliding smoothly almost as if she was floating or on roller skates.

The young man smiled in response to Eden's invitation. There were subtle nuances to his smile, almost as if he were new to the expression, and surprised to find that he was producing it. Naunet returned a da Vinci grin, keeping her eyes lowered, then followed the pair to the table where the other two teenagers awaited.

"Thank you all for inviting me to join you. Naunet Octavian. You may call me Naunet. I have enrolled as biology student here." If there was a Russia in this world, perhaps they would recognize her accent, though the subtly musical tones of her voice added a hint of origins more alien still.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @Michale CS

"So... you do dangerous stuff right? Since you work without a net? No-net? Get it?" Star clapped at her own joke and was happy to have a new friend.
She was sitting there with her food in front of her, a burrito of course. Star had learned that when she sugared them it kinda made her loopy so she stuck with it as is.

"I just got into town a little while ago. Aaand I'm just here to learn about this place, cuz I'm not from around here, I'm from another dimension! I'm a Mewman, from Mewni, which is a great place and all but my parents decided that I should learn about other places... buut I think they really sent me here because I might have been causing a little too much chaos at home and the whole school thing is a way of calming me down, sorta. Hey, at least it isn't St. Helgas!"

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Zarko Straadi
Eden Haller

After a pretty rough morning and unusual social challenge meeting Nathan and his father, things were turning up. Naunet has an unusual feel to her, like someone not quite here. Without intruding, it was evident she had a powerful mind. The Shadow-man, Mister Knight. He was polite, and not as scary up close as she might have imagined. He was a teacher after all. It was tempting to reach out mentally, but her biological father had warned her not to be overly curious. She had been taught to watch body language, feel what emotions leaked away from people. Naunet had been very wary at first, mostly directed at Mister Knight Eden thought. As before, nothing seemed to ever bother Star, taking everything in stride. For her part, Eden thought it better to make friends after meeting that horrible library girl. She went and sat down and started to introduce her new friends.

Naunet, Mister Knight, this is Nathan and Star, as I told Miss Naunet, I am Eden Haller. It is pleasant to make your acquaintance. !"
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Michale CS
Jasper Knight and Nathan Stone

There was something to be said about the fact that Jasper had never grown comfortable around people. He had lived for a long time ago, but that didn't mean that it made interacting with people easier. Actually, he was pretty sure that it was going to be easier, but he was proven wrong every time.

Jasper knew that he should have smiled more. He liked to smile, but in a world like this, there wasn't much to smile about. With the world constantly in flux, there was always something new to come home too. Sometimes the world would have new people, new students and new friends. Sometimes entire events would come undid.

When it came to accents, Jasper had taken the time to learn them. It was one of the many things that he preferred to do in his spare time. Biology wasn't the topic of choice for Starlight, though to be fair, many students said the subject they were getting their degree in relation to their powers. There wasn't actually a superhero or super villain degree.

Nathan was used to terrible jokes, he had been raised by a man in his thirties and for some reason, dad jokes were something that his adoptive father had picked as a hobby. Why he decided to do that was beyond his understanding and he wasn't sure what else to say about them. He really didn't have much to contribute.

Jasper should have known that Star had come through a portal, but recently, those things had started to become unpredictable. Sometimes one would open anywhere in the city and there was no predicting where it would be. So he barely noticed the portal until it appeared directly under Eden. "Motherfucker, those portals keep opening everywhere and too fast," he replied, closing the portal as fast as he could, but he wasn't sure it wasn't fast enough. He was right. It had been too slow. She was gone. Fuck. Fuck. Unknown to Jasper though, the portal returned her back home, exactly where she was supposed to be.

@Zarko Straadi @Michale CS

"Whoa! Talk about a quick exit!" Star giggled, then scrunched up her face.

"I can find out where she went! I've got a spell for that!" Star waved her wand and intoned, "Atlas Candyman Summon!"

miss atlas.jpg

"You're the atlas?" Star asked, blinking.

"Took over the job from my uncle Atlas. So I guess I'm the at Lass?" The girl who appeared replied.

The Mewman laughed at this and so did the @ Lass. "So, can you tell me where someone is at, Lass?"

"It is my job after all. If you mean the portal that just was here moments ago, that was a continuity portal. It takes people back to their world of origin. There's been a rash of them lately around Starlight City, about... ten or so in the last month?"

"Fwhew! At least that straightens things out. But now I need a new roommate. Oh, did her stuff go with her too?"

"No, but I can take it to her." She looked at the others present. "Don't mind me, just tidying up." And as she strode out, she caused two more portals to appear and suck random people away from Starlight back to their own worlds.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Zarko Straadi

"I do not like nets," Naunet replied. Her arm-minds were debating whether or not the cheerful sorceress' comment about her name was intended as insult or not, when a portal suddenly opened. In an instant, Naunet seemed to vanish as her chromatophores shifted to blend her seamlessly into her surroundings. It was not her the portal had come for though, but Eden. Could Solara have aimed at her and missed?

"Whoa! Talk about a quick exit!" Star said with a giggle. The sorceress was remarkably untroubled. "I can find out where she went! I've got a spell for that!" Naunet seemed to fade into existence as she settled her chromatophores back to the appearance of her human form. "Atlas Candyman summon!" Star said with a flourish of her wand.

In answer, another girl appeared. In listening to the conversation between Star and the "At Lass," it became apparent that the young sorceress' punmanship around names was not malicious, probably an element of Mewni culture. As the "At Lass" left, she conjured portals to suck a pair of random people back to their worlds of origin.

"Does she have...some basis for deciding whom to do that to?" Naunet asked Star. If she could be randomly sent back to Orth at any moment, that would place her at Solara's mercy. There was no guarantee that, should the Inheritor be able to seize her again, that Cosmic serendipity would place her here once more, instead of in Solara's chosen hunting ground. I must find a method of countering portal spells...
Jasper Knight and Nathan Stone

Nathan wasn't exactly going to correct Star about that being a quick exit.

He wasn't sure if he believed her when she said that she had a spell that tracked people, but it seemed that she did when a girl appeared.

Jasper considered what was being said, but it seemed mostly important to the others and had no bearing on anything that was happening to him at the moment. He took a moment to listen to what sort of portal that it was. .A continuity portal was something that Adam had mentioned often when it came to what was happening in the city, but he knew that there hadn't been a way to track how or why they were happening or for that matter what was causing them. There were times that he could swear that the city itself was alive and had it say in what was happening. He took a deep breath and considered if the girl would be safer in her world or if it was another mistake in a long line of them. He figured that the answer would never come and it seemed that the Atlas had caused some other people to return back to their home worlds as well.

Nathan was wondering what else could go wrong today, because he doubted that there was much else that could happen that haven't. There were people who could always make things worse than they originally were. He took a deep breath and remained silence as he mused this aloud. Of course as that thought passed his mind, he felt that something was off as he watched the entrance of the room and someone walked in. Jasper did as well.

Jasper knew that there were older students at the school who did their training, but he hadn't seen the person before, but yet, an air of familiar was around him, like he had met him before. He considered the possibility of the fact that something had happened in the city, but he wasn't sure how that was possible- there wasn't anyone who could.... or as far as he knew.

Screenshot 2021-04-06 9.52.04 PM.png

Nathan took a second to watch as the man passed a table, running his hand over it and it literally became old and broken down. "I am sure that you two are about to have a lovely conversation about how Star's portals work- but it seems we have ... what is the name.... again?"

The really long name would be a " Awakened super-powered individual with little control over said powers but we definitely can't physically fight, or an awakened no-touch for short."

@Michale CS @Zarko Straadi
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The doll hit the pavement with a soft thud, prone. He remained there, dazed and confused, but after a moment, he slowly stood, dusted himself off, looked around. He knew he wasn't at the mental hospital, but the human and nonhuman people passing by stunned him to his squishy core. Where on earth...or not on earth...was he?
He closed his plastic eyes and breathed in deep, gathering himself. The best thing to do was not panic and ask questions. His mind set, the doll started forward, patting down the warm sidewalk. The sun was shining, so that was a plus.

Orion had been taken some time to experience more of his youth. Sure, being an adult was fun, but he was twelve. He couldn't forget that either. So, he did what any twelve year with ice powers would do in a giant city. He had take to skate alone the sidewalk and sometimes along the side of a building. It disappeared once he passed, so why did it matter?

He hadn't been paying much attention and would freeze the sidewalk down and he noticed the doll standing there just a second too late. " I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you there, little guy," he replied back to him, leaning down to show he was indeed sorry having puppy dog eyes as he said this.

As the doll walked, he suddenly slipped and fell, landing on his knees. He attempted standing, only to end up back on his knees. The cement felt much colder and, he noticed, was a sheet of ice. It was strange, he thought. The sun was still shining, and it was still warm.
A young boy stood a short distance away, staring down at him with puppy does. He...he really did this? Nevertheless, he smiled and said, voice deep yet squeaky, "Uh...it's alright, buddy."
Dare walked out of a unfamiliar building on a street in starlight he had Detected an artifact that would make a good addition to the Warehouse!

Orion felt even worse when the doll would slip and fall on his knees. The more little thing must have been so confused about where the ice had come from. He hadn't intended to make anyone hit the concrete. Maybe this was what Ryan meant when he said he should be aware of his environment.

Relief would instantly wash over his face as he had said that it was alright. ' Oh, I've never been called buddy before. I'm Orion- no last name yet. What's your name?" He asked not at all surprised by a talking doll.


The Doctor

It had been a long time since the Doctor had felt a call to go back to the place she had left. But with everything going wrong in her life, an escape was necessary. The last time she had been with Donna Noble and had been a brunette man. Brushing her hair aside, the TARDIS would materlalize in the middle of the street. " Hopefully, I haven't been gone for too long."

@The Baron
"Oh, I don't have a name, and it's nice to meet you, Orion. Can you tell me where I am, please...and how that ice suddenly got here? It's very hot out," the doll replied.
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Dares observation of the sudden change and materialized callbox and a woman stepping out struck a cord records of a legendary elusive figure known by the by the Librarians throughout history

Excuse me dear lady you wouldn't happen to know if the doctor is in !
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"Oh that was all me, I can make ice with my powers. As for where you are, this is Starlight City," he replied, as if the second thing offered more answers than just the city name.


The Doctor

The Doctor hadn't been expected to be greeted by anyone except for the man who had been by the door. So, she was incredibly surprised when a man she didn't know commented on her sudden appearance.

" Well, that depends on who you ask. I do believe she might be in. Have we met before?" She asked.

@The Baron
"Starlight City?" the doll tilted his head. "So...it's just a random city? I mean, I saw this bright, swirling light in the mental hospital I'm at and got curious, so I walked toward it...and, well, here I am. And...you're basically a guy version of Elsa?"

" Well, no, it's a city on a continent smack dab between the Atlantic and Pacific and it used to be called Atlantis. I feel like that is an over simplification of my powers. Somewhat- or rather I used to be. Now I can do other things- like.... hmmm.."
He would manipulate the air around him. " Stuff like this."
