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Tiger Dragon

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
AEST : 10am-10pm
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Action, Adventure, Animal, Apocalyptic, Comedy, Dystopian, Fantasy, Furry, Game, R. Harem, Horror, Modern Fantasy, Parody, Romance, Supernatural Modern
OOCxDice RollsxCharacter Index X Roleplay Info x Sign-Ups X Roleplay Thread


Hi guyyyss.

So the site fixed some of the BCC code so I'm starting to clean some stuff up. So expect some changes and stuff to start.

What I'd like to see from you guys: I little more OOC interaction and planing with what you want to happen in the game. I'm going to post this weekend with a story moving action (23/09/18). It will be a small time skip, as I will change it to night as your group may arrive to the outskirts of our new area.

If you have any suggestions, I'm more then willing to hear them out!

Thank you everyone for all your suggests and stuff the last few days. You guys rock >.<!
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@Cabob7 @Moogle-Girl @Astroblaze @Lulunopia @jeshem

Alright guys, the "tutorial" is essentially finished. From here on out it is open world and survival. I'll try my best to provide for you anything and everything and if you have any questions never be afraid to ask. Nor if I've made mistakes, lets just be civil about it.

Now, on post two of this thread, in the Misc section, there is a picture and short of description of the gauntlet I've just given all of your characters.

I would like to confirm colors before I start updating everything: THESE COLORS ARE FOR THE GEMS IN THE GAUNTLET.

Cabob7: I have you down as Orange.

Moogle-Girl: I have you down as Red.

Astroblaze: I have you down as Blue.

Lulunopia: I have you down as Purple.

Jeshem: I have you down as Green.

Please give me your opinions!
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So do we just explore and find the other challenges on our own then? :?

Also yeah let's change it to red, why not. I'd feel weird having a different color from his speech, haha.
So do we just explore and find the other challenges on our own then? :?
So the other challenges will find you. Though Like Ione said, if he needs you guys to go somewhere, he'll lead you there. Right now, you guys are just trying to survive while Ione dishes out the challenges. There is a village not far you guys could go to, or if you vote to stay that is an option, or, if you vote to avoid villages and go to other ruins. That is ok too. It is set up for the "Majority Rules". There is forced group interactions since anyone will die if they try to move without the group.
Although I had high hopes of running a "sand box" RP. If you rather and stick down a direction, then I can.
I'll take Green
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Also wanted to update you guys that you don't really have a posting order except during challenges. So, you guys are more than welcome to post whenever. Just try not to post so much others get left behind.

I will try and keep in a weekly schedule for story moving posts.
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I could care less what color I get, I'm not picky. Whatever works for you. I don't wanna be difficult so whatever is easy for you.
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Kyllan might bite, but so long as he doesn't feel threatened, he's more likely just to bark lol
I'm working out a Kyllan post atm but I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish it. Just don't leave me behind, y'all :P
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I'll post when I feel I can make it decent. Really not feeling it right now. Just an off day. Maybe after work.
Really not feeling it right now. Just an off day.
I can relate to that :/ I've got a lot on my mind rn and I can't seem to remember how to write RP posts, which is annoying because I want to. I'm going to try anyway: I think I have sufficient information for a decent Kyllan post and in fact if I wait any longer the timing will be weird and the post will be obscenely long.
I've also been fiddling around with divbox codey things. It's fun :)
I'm ok if you guys post like... Just a paragraph. Like, Please, don't try and match my posts. I have to post enough information for you guys to work off up. like.. PLEASE, little posts will help me out more. Haha. I might loose my mind if it's always giant posts I have to make sure I don't get lost in.

I'm ok if you guys post like... Just a paragraph. Like, Please, don't try and match my posts. I have to post enough information for you guys to work off up. like.. PLEASE, little posts will help me out more. Haha. I might loose my mind if it's always giant posts I have to make sure I don't get lost in.
Sorry, I love to write so my posts tend to get a bit long ^^"
Side note: I put the cuff on Yer'on's hind leg since if it went on his forelimb, it would get in the way of him spreading that wing.
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Working on my post now. I've been having a busy day and only am now able to sit down and type
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Hey, you guys are awesome.

Also I got back from my trip and I'll be posting in two days. @jeshem You've been tagged thrice for interaction. I suggest posting soon.
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I could have sworn that I checked the thread on Sunday for any updates :/ I'll get started on my next post ASAP
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@Tiger Dragon Could you add Jeshem's character to the character index, please? :o
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